Die Vreemdeling Teasers
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Die Vreemdeling Teasers - November 2019

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Die Vreemdeling Teasers on 10 Oct 2019
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Coming up on Die Vreemdeling in November 2019:

Friday 1 November 2019
Episode 80

Cesur and Rifat are after the last man Adalet called. Suhan sees Kemal following her. Suhan meets Riza for dinner. Cahide wants the recordings Hulya has. Cesur still searches for Hikmet, the guy Rifat told him about. Hikmet sees Cesur following him and runs away.

Monday 4 November 2019
Episode 81

Hulya wants money from Bulent. She will give the records to whoever pays the most. Cesur finally finds Hikmet but he manages to run away. Cesur takes a look in Hikmet’s bag and finds the video of Tahsin killing Salih. Bulent gets the video from Hulya.

Cesur makes a copy of the video of Tahsin killing Salih and goes to the police station. Cesur gives the CD to Suhan and tells her it’s her decision. Suhan writes a letter to Sirin and gives it to her in person. She doesn’t have the heart to tell Sirin that her father killed Sirin’s father so she writes it instead.

Tuesday 5 November 2019
Episode 82

Riza’s plan is to make Tahsin suffer by giving him the hope he’ll see Adalet one day. The CD is in the envelope of Suhan’s letter. Sirin sees her father’s death when she watches it. Suhan and Cesur have a talk. Cesur wants to marry her right away.  Suhan wants Cesur and her to forget about the past.

Sirin gets a call and finds out her mother is at the hospital. Suhan takes her stuff and leaves the farm to live together with Cesur. Tahsin says he'll take revenge of Cesur for taking Suhan away from him but Suhan says he lost his daughter on his own.

Sirin guesses that it might be Necla who took the CD away. She even speaks to Necla about it but she denies that she did it. Riza wants to own Tahsin's farm because he helped him getting back the CD.
Cesur tells Korhan he's going to be a dad.

Wednesday 6 November 2019
Episode 83

Mihriban speaks to Banu because she knows Bulent proposed to her and Banu is unsure because of her son. Riza still sends Tahsin messages in the name of Adalet to play around with him. Cahide finds out it's Tahsin who killed Salih.

The police manager speaks to Tahsin because he notices there are things missing. Tahsin doesn't give any important information that could be useful. Suhan and Cesur visit the doctor; the baby is fine. Riza goes to Cesur's place on purpose. Riza is jealous because he finds out Suhan is pregnant. 

Thursday 7 November 2019
Episode 84

Cahide gives Cesur the records as she planned it. Cesur lets Banu listen to it on the day she's going to accept Bulent's proposal. Cesur gets an important call and leaves without telling Suhan where he'll be. 
Bulent freaks out after finding out Cahide gave the records to Cesur.

Mihriban begs Banu not to give the records to the police. Tete tells Korhan about what happened between Cahide and Korhan. Korhan finds out that Cahide knew Bulent started the fire from the first day. Tahsin calls Cesur. He wants to meet him.

The letter proves that Riza planned the death of Cesur's mother and gave Salih the orders. They compare Riza's old letter and his handwriting. Tahsin burns it. Tahsin tells Riza to run away; he says Cesur will kill him if he doesn't.

Friday 8 November 2019
Episode 85

Although Suhan says Cesur won't be able to see her and their child again if he leaves; Cesur leaves the house to take revenge. Cesur is looking for Riza and he's hiding. Suhan thinks that she must leave, she thinks it's the best for her baby to grow up away from Cesur.

Cahide tells Tete the secret everyone is hiding from her; the real murderer of her husband; Tahsin Korludag. Tete stabs Tahsin Korludag after finding out he killed her husband. Cesur can't shoot Riza because he remembers what Suhan said; either he'll be a murderer or a father. 

Hulya finds Tahsin lying on the ground and brings him to the hospital. Korhan guesses Cahide told Tete about the murderer of Salih and Cahide admits it. Tahsin gets operated and Cesur donates blood for him.
Riza finds out that Tahsin made the hotel manager tell Cesur where he's hiding.

Monday 11 November 2019
Episode 86

Tahsin opens his eyes but he can't remember anything. He even can't recognize Riza. Korhan thinks Tahsin is playing a game and is acting like he lost his memory. Tahsin really doesn't remember the last five years. He doesn't even remember Cesur. Cesur tells him that he's the husband of Suhan.

Cesur is still obsessed with Riza; he decides he'll get him into prison legally and without harming him. Korhan decides to get divorced from Cahide and leaves the house. Cesur and Suhan get Tahsin's phone from the hospital staff. They see Adalet's messages; without knowing they're sent by Riza.

The whole family move back to Tahsin's farm. They'll act like nothing happened, at least for a while. Hulya tells Tahsin that Adalet left because she and Tahsin are lovers. The policemen find the signals of Adalet's phone; it's from Riza's hotel. Riza admits he was sending messages to Tahsin in the name of Adalet.

Tuesday 12 November 2019
Episode 87

Cesur announces to the whole town that Riza is the murderer of his mother. Bulent wants to cooperate with Cahide and take revenge of Hulya. If not he'll make Tahsin remember what Cahide did in the past. The police manager tries to trick Riza; he tells Cesur might have harmed Adalet to get information from Riza.

Riza calls Suhan and says he wants to meet to talk about Cesur. She agrees and cooperates with the police. Riza will also try to make the police manager believe Cesur killed Adalet. Korhan tells his father he retired.

Cahide takes Hulya's baby and gives him to Bulent. Bulent will kidnap the baby to get the money back from Hulya that he paid for the video records. The police manager puts cameras into Suhan's house where she'll meet Riza. Riza puts medicine into Suhan's water. 

Wednesday 13 November 2019
Episode 88

Suhan received a message from the police and changed the water glasses. Riza wakes up at the hospital and is arrested because his DNA gets found on Adalet's neck. Suhan and Cesur dream about their wedding. Cesur thinks Riza might harm them from inside the prison too.

Hulya understands that Bulent kidnapped her son and Cahide helped him. Hulya goes to Bulent's place to get her son. Riza shoots the policemen who are carrying him into the prison and runs away. 

Cesur and Suhan get extra protection now that Riza is out there. The police manager suspects he might come back to take revenge of Cesur.

Thursday 14 November 2019
Episode 89

Suhan wants to continue living and planning their wedding. Tahsin leaves the house without letting anybody know and goes to his company. Korhan takes him inside. Hulya asks for Turhan's help to save their baby.

Suhan and Cesur officially set the date for their wedding. Tahsin Korludag will not be invited. Tahsin checks the records of the company and sees there isn't any profit. Korhan tells him that he is the owner of the company. Turhan threatens Bulent but Bulent acts like he doesn't know anything about the baby.

Suhan and Cesur buy Suhan's wedding dress. Hulya brings Bulent the money he wants to get her baby back. Tahsin joins Cesur and Suhan for dinner. He asks many questions about Adalet.

Friday 15 November 2019
Episode 90

Tahsin is curious why Korhan owns the company now. Riza calls Cesur and says they'll play a game together. Cesur will get the first hint the next morning, he says. The first message is hidden in the newspaper Cesur is reading. Tahsin wants Cahide to help him find out where Adalet is.

Cesur finds a note on which it says "The house where Suhan's mother lived when she was a child". Suhan tells Cesur about the place Riza talks about only if Cesur agrees to act together with her. The police manager thinks Cesur should go alone to meet Riza. 

Monday 18 November 2019
Episode 91

Riza organizes his new game. Hulya and Cahide get kidnapped by his men. It's Suhan's wedding day. Tahsin arrives unexpectedly. He knows everything about Cesur now. He doesn't allow Suhan to marry Cesur but she says she's pregnant. 

The wedding starts; Suhan suddenly has cramps in her belly. Riza made Cahide, Hulya and Bulent kill Suhan's baby. Suhan is at the hospital, both Suhan and the baby are OK. Sirin tells Cesur that Tahsin arrived before the wedding and annoyed Suhan.

Tahsin wants Hulya to tell him everything she knows about his past. Cesur goes to Tahsin's place and tells him that he's a murderer and his children hate him. Tahsin can't even react.

Tuesday 19 November 2019
Episode 92

Suhan wakes up at the hospital after she got poisoned and almost lost her baby. She blames herself for what happened. The police checks the car Riza is in while he's about to flee abroad. Riza acts like a Russian and pretends that he can’t speak Turkish.

Suhan turns back home, she needs to be very careful and take her of herself. Korhan notices that Tahsin isn't home. Hulya tells Korhan what she knows. She only knows that Cesur came and Tahsin just walked away after Cesur left. Riza is at the port, he's ready to leave the country.

Korhan can’t find his father and tells Cesur that Tahsin is lost. A stranger whose face can’t be seen leaves the medicine in a room at the Korludag farm. Riza gets a call and finds out Suhan's baby didn't die just as the ship is leaving the port.

Wednesday 20 November 2019
Episode 93

The police identify the ship Riza used to flee abroad. Cesur searches for Tahsin after Korhan told him that Tahsin got lost. Cesur finally finds Tahsin sitting alone at the cliff. Cesur saves Tahsin and takes him with himself. The doctors suggest that Tahsin should see a psychiatrist.

Suhan forgives Cesur because he found and saved her father. She was angry because he argued with her father which led Tahsin to get into a shock state. The ship Riza is in goes down. It seems that Riza died. 
Cesur wants to investigate the death of Riza on his own because he can't be sure that Riza really died.

The whole family votes for Mihriban to be a mayor and she is chosen as the mayor of Korludag. Suhan gets the blood results that she had after she got poisoned at the wedding. Cesur beats up Bulent upon hearing Bulent tried to harm Suhan and their baby. 

Thursday 21 November 2019
Episode 94

Cesur helps the police catch the guy, Hikmet, who captured Bulent and who prepared the fake passport for Riza. The police want Hikmet to tell what Riza wanted from him. Hulya admits that she was kidnapped. Riza wanted Hulya to poison Suhan but she threw the medicine away, she says.

The police thinks Turhan knows more about the issue. Tahsin had a hard time with the psychiatrist. Turhan tells the police she was the third person who got captured. The police finds the toxin in Cahide's room.  Cahide is taken into custody.

Tahsin finds his and Adalet's family registry. He remembers some things and visits the pharmacy. Necla tells him that Adalet is dead and was killed by his brother. Cesur organizes a surprise wedding and marries Suhan.

Friday 22 November 2019
Episode 95

Riza left the boat before the accident happened and is alive. Suhan and Cesur officially get married this time. Tahsin visits Adalet's grave. Hulya visits Cahide in jail and she attacks Hulya. Suhan and Cesur hear from Korhan that Tahsin might have seen Riza, they get very anxious.

Tahsin wants Hulya to leave the farm now that he remembers Adalet. Hulya told her that she and Tahsin were lovers after Tahsin had lost his memory. Tahsin now knows she lied to him. Cahide tells the police that Hulya had killed her doctor a long time ago.

Riza kidnaps Banu's son, he has other plans with her. The police interrogate Hulya. Unaware what she is blamed for at first; she tells them it was Turhan who kidnapped their own baby.

Monday 25 November 2019
Episode 96

Cahide also gets interrogated by the police after telling them that Hulya murdered her doctor. Hulya will be kept under custody because the police suspect that she really might have killed Cahide’s doctor, Nedim. 
Banu brings some cookies for Suhan to poison her. Cesur tells Suhan that Riza didn't actually die.

Cesur finds out that Riza used Banu to harm Suhan and himself. Cesur and Suhan make Banu confess this and the plans Riza made for him. Bulent also confesses that he was a part of Riza’s plan and gets taken into custody.

Tahsin tells Korhan that he didn’t want to marry his deceased wife. Cesur and Suhan will trick Riza. They allow Banu to place a camera in their house as Riza wants her to do and tell what they want Riza to hear.
Cesur thinks he manages to find Riza, but he and the policemen get one of Riza's men.

Tuesday 26 November 2019
Episode 97

Banu tells the police that it was her who poisoned Suhan. Cesur and Suhan “act” in their living room. They talk about Riza knowing that he is listening to them. Hulya gets placed in the same cell as Cahide and they keep on fighting inside.

Cesur finds the place where Riza has been hiding Banu’s son and saves him. The man who helped Riza gets captured. Suhan shares with Korhan that it was not Cahide who poisoned her at her wedding but Banu.

Riza is still unaware that Cesur saved the child. Tahsin unexpectedly visits Suhan and Cesur. He wants to make peace with Cesur for the sake of his grandchild. Tahsin talks openly about his past with them both.

Wednesday 27 November 2019
Episode 98

Cahide gives birth. Banu is reunited with her son after he is saved from Riza. Riza wants Banu to tell Cesur that he kidnapped Banu’s son. He still doesn’t know that Cesur actually saved Banu’s son. Riza wants Cesur to come to the address he mentions.

Cesur goes to the meeting place, but Riza doesn't show up. Riza goes to Suhan's house instead, sees Suhan and Korhan talking and shoots Korhan. He abducts Suhan and calls Cesur to say he'll never see her again.mKorhan dies after he gets shot by Riza. Cesur blames himself for falling into Riza's trap.

Suhan tells Riza that she wants to kill him. He gives her a gun to make her shoot him, but it's empty.
Riza keeps Suhan tied up in a house and she doesn't eat or drink anything. Riza obsessively thinks it's the first day of the rest of their lives together.

Thursday 28 November 2019
Episode 99

Cahide is at the hospital with her newborn baby, unaware that her husband Korhan died. Cesur appears on TV and asks people for help to find Suhan. A woman calls Cesur because she was in the same taxi as Riza. 

Riza kills the taxi driver, because the police start to look for his car thinking they might find Suhan this way.
Suhan breaks the glass of the room she's being kept in and a man outside hears her voice. She calls Cesur to let him know about the location from this guy's phone.  

Friday 29 November 2019
Episode 100

Suhan manages to call Cesur from the place where Riza kept her. The phone owner gives Cesur the address. Cesur promises he’ll find her. Riza sees the guy standing in front Suhan’s window and notices that Suhan got help. When he gets back to Suhan's room, she stabs him with a piece of a broken glass.

Cesur, Tahsin and the policemen find Suhan. She gets taken to the hospital - she's in a coma, but the baby is fine.  The doctors say she might never wake up again. Riza is captured. Hulya calls Cahide, she wants her to look after her baby because she might be in prison for 20-30 years. Cahide agrees to help her.

Suhan's doctor says they might need to end Suhan's pregnancy to save her own life, but Cesur thinks that keeping the baby alive will save her. But unfortunately, there is no progress in Suhan’s condition. She is still in coma after 4 months. 

Premiere episodes of Die Vreemdeling air on from Mondays to Fridays at 17h30 and on eExtra at 19h50.

Channels in this post: eExtra


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