Tropical Heat (also known as Sweating Bullets) is a Canadian action television series created by Sam Egan and produced in cooperation with Mexico and Israel private investigator Nick Slaughter who - after arriving in the fictional resort town of Key Mariah, Florida and setting up a detective agency there - meets up with local tourist agent Silvie Girard to solve a variety of different cases.
The series aired in Canada from 8 April, 1991 to 18 October, 1993. There are 66 hour-long episodes in three seasons.
Tropical Heat aired in South Africa on SABC3 in the early 1990s. It was shot partly on location in Pretoria, South Africa.
This action-filled Canadian series saw ex-Canadian policeman, Nick Slaughter, run his private detective agency in the idyllic tropical paradise of Key Mariah.
Nick is super-confident to the point of arrogance and is quite the ladies man. But he always gets the criminals, in his own way with his own distinctive methods.
His secretary and partner is a former local travel agent, Sylvie Gerard. She provides the discipline and organisation and is the perfect counter to Nick.
Assisting the pair in their pursuits are Spider and Rollie. Spider is Nick's best friend and the owner of the local "Tropical Heat" bar while Rollie is the local mortician.