KATUNG: HE'S THE ULTIMATE & the reason why people Gather!

Written by Brown Shuga from the blog Big Brother Nigeria on 24 Jul 2006
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K Frown

Getting to chat to King Katung was no mean feat. It wasn’t really about me but I went through so many emotions just in trying to get the interview. At one point I was ready to announce defeat, but the thought of spending uninterrupted-quality-time-on-the-phone with Katung was enough to remind me that pride has no place in a writer’s life.
Confused huh? I do that to myself too sometimes...

The interview did not take place on the date we initially agreed on due to reasons beyond Kay’s control…let’s just say I felt like Baba K had “stood me up” and I DO NOT need to explain what that feels like, girls, you understand!!
Anyway, I managed to gather enough strength to call the King again to set up the interview and the sound of my name on his lips when he answered was enough to mend whatever wrong I thought he had done….

We agreed to chat the next day and half an hour before the scheduled time I send the King a text message to remind him about our appointment. A minute later I get an SMS and my screen reads KATUNG, my heart skips a beat – the groupie in me is excited that I got an SMS from him but then the professional in me is hoping that it is not a cancellation….after much debating, I read the SMS only to find out that Kay just wanted me to give him an extra 30 minutes as he was stuck in traffic on the way home. The word RELIEF is an understatement.

Half an hour later, I accidentally tune in to Channel O and there was Katung doing his thing on: STARS BEST 10! The hour long program had just started and I was supposed to call him in 30 minutes. I decided right there and then to throw professionalism out the window and so I sent him ANOTHER text message, this time telling him that I would call him after the program had ended. It was important for me to see that program….RESEARCH! RESEARCH! RESEARCH! (Now class, I can’t emphasize that enough)

The good news is I finally spoke to Katung Aduwak: BBN 2006 Winner and the most WANTED man in AFRICA!! Wanted: in every sense of the word.
Here’s how the interview went down…

Brown Shuga: Damn Katung!! On Saturday you were on Channel O - Crush: King Katung! I was like, oh my goodness, this guy is huge!!!! What am I going to ask him that he hasn’t been asked before?!!
A few minutes ago, I was watching you on Channel O Stars’ Best 10, again for another hour?

Katung: Yes I got calls from people telling me I was on but I wasn’t watching.

BS: How does it feel to have all this attention?

Katung: Oh! It’s been really good!! Better than not being known. It’s been really great, definitely better than not being known at all.

BS: Your top 10 was awesome by the way!!!! Did you intentionally choose African artists?
Katung: Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m really feeling African music at this stage so that’s why I chose local songs.

BS: And you had to make sure your friends, Styl Plus appear more than once on the top ten?
Katung: Yeah, they’re my boys plus they’re very good.

BS: Did you guys become friends before of after you made their song famous???
Katung: No, we’ve actually been friends for over 3 years now. 

(Katung is featured on the Styl Plus video for " Call my name")

BS: Katung, I have read a lot about your dreams for the future i.e. starting a clothing line, fish farming, continuing with your broadcasting career, Ify, and your parents with the church issue so I will try not to dwell on those if it’s ok with you.
Katung: Yes, that’s fine.

BS: Man! Have you Google-d your name lately to see how many matches come up?
Katung: Yes, you can’t imagine! It’s crazy! I actually thought I must dedicate a whole day just to go through everything. I can’t believe, little me who was unknown a few months ago, it’s really been crazy man!

BS: I wrote an article a few weeks ago and in it I was practically begging Channel O to give you a job, any chance of that happening?
Katung: I hope they saw that!! There hasn’t been anything concrete really, I just put out a word of mouth that I have that desire. I really want to use this time of the hype to get something really good. 

BS: Watching you present your Top 10 was actually like watching you audition.
Katung:Mh… I guess you could say so. 


BS: How has the fame changed you?
Katung: So much.. The fame has been getting me a whole lot of favours and opening doors for me. It’s a great time and I’m embracing it.

BS: Before joining BB you were a broadcaster, what does that mean? Did you have your own radio show?
Katung: Basically I was in production, assisting with liners etc and also a trainee broadcaster. I would also get a chance to play music sometimes and be on air every now and again.

BS: Did you have to resign from your job when you went to the house?
Katung: I asked for leave and when I got out of the house I asked for extended leave and they agreed so it’d be something for me to fall back on if things don’t work out.

BS: The first time I saw you in the diary room, just before you entered the main house, I thought, oh my goodness, here’s somebody who thinks they are God’s gift to earth.
Katung: Oh no!! 
K Diary

BS: Honestly! Do you get a lot of people who think that about you?
Katung: Yeah a couple of people did say that I was too confident but others said I was charismatic…

BS: My opinion of you did change though…
Katung: At what point exactly?

BS: I’m not sure at what point exactly but it changed so much that during your Friday night fights with Ify, I’d go: “Ify if you don’t want him, please throw him my way?” (Groupie Alert! Groupie Alert!)
(At this point I do a bit of off the record flirting with the King. Doesn’t work so we move on with the interview...)

BS:How do you handle groupies whom I’m sure, throw themselves at you?
Katung: (Laughs) Ah that has been the craziest aspect! Some just call you up and say they wanna meet you and some just say straight up that they love you and I mean it’s very difficult. You can’t please everybody but I remain level headed and keep focused.

BS: I’m sure a lot of girls out there would like to know, what qualities do you look for in a woman?
Katung: First of all she has to be pretty, I love pretty things. There must never be a dull moment with her and she must be able to hold a conversation, an intelligent conversation. She must be somebody who’s progressive, has her own dreams and is focussed. Not somebody who will always be on some “I love this guy” tip. She must also be working on something so that even the little time that we spend together is worth it. She must have a fulfilling life somehow.

BS: You’ve just eliminated half the continent’s women so I guess the opposite of that turns you off a girl?
Katung: Yes, I don’t want a woman who’s just waiting for a man to love her and not working towards making something of herself.

BS: I heard a rumour that there are two housemates that are having a secret relationship. Do you know anything about that?
Katung: Who?

BS: I don’t know Katung, that’s why I’m asking you whether you know anything about it.
Katung: No I don’t know anything about that?

BS: I was also told that they are two people we’d least expect to be having a relationship so the only conclusion I could come to was you and Francisca.
Katung: You sound very sure of that.

BS: I am just asking Katung!!
Katung: No, definitely not. She’s a good friend and I’ve been giving her advice on managing her talents etc and if that’s having a relationship then everybody on this planet is having a relationship. 

(For the record: I have decided to let this issue rest because whoever is in a secret relationship deserves some privacy and I sure won't want anyone poking in my biz...mmmhhhh, all those skeletons...let's keep it locked to E! for more goss)

BS: Ok, so answer this one then, are you seeing anyone?
Katung: No, not at the moment. I had someone but we broke up even before I went to the house.

BS: Whoa! That’s definitely gonna keep them groupies coming!!!
Katung (Laughs) Oh no!!

BS: I ready one interview that you did, they asked you a question about Ify and you told the person “to leave your private life out of the interview”. Why did you say that?
Katung: He was asking me stupid questions and about details of things that happened in the house.
I think he just wanted to get on my nerves, get me to lose my cool so that he could have a story to write. I just remained calm and asked him to leave my private life out of it and then he went on to say I cannot tell him it’s private because I was in the house, in people’s faces I have to answer…and I mean I choose what I will or won’t answer.

sexy dance

BS: Yes, you can’t be forced to answer things you don’t want to answer. (Boy! Was I sucking up!)

Katung: Exactly. It’s my choice. Ify’s got her boyfriend, they’re happily in love, we still remain good friends but our friendship is platonic, that’s all.

(According to my list of questions, I am now supposed to ask him whether he and Mudi had a man to man chat when they met, but I decide, ain’t no way I’m spoiling the tone of this interview, and that Q is shelved for now)

BS: Having been to South Africa, what do you think of it?
Katung: Ohhhhhh I had a ball!! I want to come back!!! I was amazed at how people recognized and worshipped us; I thought it was only in Nigeria. We’d be walking in the streets and people would shout “Katung, I love you”. Oh it was awesome.
South Africa is really beautiful. There’s nothing like it in the whole of Africa. I think CNN & those people should really focus on places like SA to promote Africa instead of always showing the bad things, war, poverty etc. SA is beautiful and I’m sure more beautiful than Europe in some parts.

BS: Anything else about SA that you want to mention before we move on, seeing you so taken with it and all?
Katung: The women in SA are BEAUTIFUL…You’d be looking at one and saying “Oh, she’s fly” but before you finish that sentence, another one pops up…wow man!

BS: So you will be marrying in SA?
Katung: (Laughs)Well I can’t exactly say that now…

BS: How was Ghana?
Katung: I still prefer SA. Ghana is really cool though and the people there were great.

BS: Are you in contact with Gaetano? You two seemed to hit it off when he came to the House.
BS: Not too much but he’s one guy that I will definitely be doing some stuff with. He is somebody I look up to because he knows how to make use of available opportunities, squeeze them till the end, you know. He had come out tops and is one of the few BB housemates that are still relevant today.

BS: I hear you were hosted at the Nigerian Presidency & the British Council? How was that experience?
Katung: Oh yeah, it’s been crazy and it’s all very wow! Even now I’m surrounded with governors who are waiting in line to host me as soon as my schedule allows it.

BS: Do you have an agent now who’s handling all these bookings for you?
Katung: STORM has been handling things for me and I am really grateful to them, they are doing a great job. They know how to handle these things and know what they are doing.

BS: I also hear that you brought an entourage to the British Council do?
Katung: Just a couple of friends who were with me when I got the call. I make sure that everywhere I go I take one or two of my old friends with me. At one point I’d take one and next time take another one, you never know when an opportunity might be presented to them as a result.

BS: (I melt) Aahhhh!! You have a heart of gold too???
Katung: I just don’t want my friends to say I’ve changed now that things have worked out for me.

BS: Do you get ex-girlfriends now wanting to come back all of a sudden?
Katung: No, my ex girlfriend is not even impressed. She doesn’t change her mind once her mind’s made up about something.

BS: What project are you busy with currently, besides the travelling?
Katung: I’ve been meeting with some big name companies about endorsement deals, obviously I can’t divulge their names at this stage but we’re still negotiating.

BS: Wow, sounds great, will keep my fingers crossed that something good comes out of those talks.
Katung: Thanks I hope so too!

BS: Maureen & Chinedu acted in a movie once they left the house and Ebuka said he turned down movie a role, have you thought about acting?
Katung: I’m not really interested in acting

BS: Oh well maybe you’ll come act in SA?
Katung: Who knows, if something good comes up I might.

BS: What’s in your CD player right this minute?
Katung: (He starts singing) 

♫ And I’m so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing
You were still here♫

BS: Oh my word!!!!!!!!!!! You’re into Neyo too?? I am feeling this one:
(Not to be outdone, I also start singing) 

♫ Sexy love girl the things you do
(Oh baby baby) keep me sprung,
Keep me running back to you♫

Katung: I like that one too…yeah man I’m chilling with that dude Ne-Yo. I also don’t go anywhere without a Styl Plus CD, it’s always in my car. 


BS: I have been looking all over for a Styl Plus CD (Hint Hint)
Katung: Really? Well, just find out how can I send it to you and I will

BS: You would? Oh! You’re so sweet Katung, thank you. (Damn, I’m flirting again)

BS: So what movies have you watched lately?
Katung: I haven’t really watched much TV but the other day I dragged myself to the cinema to watch Superman Returns and it was not what I expected. It was more dramatic, I mean Lois has a baby now but otherwise it was good.

BS: So Katung, what car does a N14 million rich Big Brother Winner drive?
Katung: I’ve remained very modest, my car is nothing flashy. I just drive a Peugeot.

BS: If you were to be stuck in a lift with one person, who would you want that to be?

Katung: Grace from Channel O, try use your imagination about what would happen in there.
BS: Oh! I love Grace (needless to say, I'm lying through my teeth…I may not know when I started liking Katung but I know exactly when I started HATING Grace….) 


(My heart is broken but this is work, so I carry on with the interview).

BS: What is the first thing you’d say to her? (I don’t really wanna know but I ask anyway)
Katung: (Laughing) you can’t rehearse for such things; you wait for that moment and use your surroundings to get where you want to.

BS: What advice would you give to anyone who’s about to go for their Big Brother auditions anywhere in the world? And please, none of that “Be you” story?
Katung: I would tell a person to loosen up a little more. They worst they can do is call you crazy and that craziness might just be what makes you go through. Look where it got me!

BS: Is there a website where your fans can find out what you’re up to or get in touch with you?
Katung: At the moment it’s still on the BBN website forum but I am working on something and you’ll be the first to find out when it comes out.

BS: Is there anything else that you want to tell us about Katung that we don’t already know?
Katung: (Laughs) Ha ha ha I love to sleep naked!

BS: How come we didn’t see any of that in the house?
Katung: I couldn’t have exactly done that in the house now…

BS: But we sure would have loved to see it. Let me stop drooling and say thank you for talking to me, I look forward to seeing more of you in the near future.

Katung: Yeah, you’re welcome. Take care.

The King hangs up and I am left with my eyes closed and a huge grin on my face…my moment of enjoyment was spoilt by a feeling that I was being watched….I opened my eyes and there was mini-brown-shuga with his cute smile:.......


Must have been thinking “what a crazy mother I got”….
Yeah well, he won’t be thinking I'm crazy when he gets a 14m rich step dad!!!

Kudos King Katung!!! You deserve the best! 

K Serious

Katung’s Best 10 Songs on Channel O: 

10. Brickz – Sweety My baby
9. Lagbaja – Konko Below
8. Styl Plus – Call my name
7. Skwatta Kamp – Clap Song
6. Dare - Fuji
5. Mandoza - Nkalakatha
4. 2Face Idibia – African Queen
3. Maye featuring DJ Waxxy- Gbedu
2. Akon – Pot of Gold
1. Styl Plus – Olufumni!!


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Ify sexy

Mau Mau



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