Come Dine With Me South Africa 7: Episode 12 recipes

Written by TVSA Team from the blog BBC Lifestyle on 17 Mar 2022
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Come Dine With Me SA Season finale!

That's it folks. The final episode of Season 7 aired on Wednesday 16 March and its was awks affair filled with antagonism between contestants, sparked by Lando who seemed intent on having a go at everyone, with Robin at the centre of her firing line.

Thankfully the episode was won by Zen-lovin' yogi Kgothatso who scored an impressive 24 points.

Your cookbook of everyone's recipes:

Joshua Kadish

NAME OF DISH Home-made Butternut Panzerotti
(with burnt butter and sage sauce)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  300g Flour
  Pinch Salt
  3 Jumbo Eggs
  300g Butternut
  1 tsp Honey
  To taste Salt and pepper
  1 cup Milk
  100g Butter
  Handful of Leaves Sage
  Handfull Bread Crumbs
  To Taste Chili Salt
  1. In the food processor, blitz flour and salt together.
  2. Add eggs and slowly blitz the eggs and flour together until it forms a dough.
  3. Take the dough out of the food processor and wrap in glad wrap.
  4. The dough must set in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  5. While the dough is in the fridge, start preparing the filling.
  6. Put butternut in the microwave until soft.
  7. Once butternut is cool, mash it up with a touch of honey (to taste).
  8. Add salt if needed.
  9. Allow butternut to cool.
  10. Prepare counter surface for the pasta (generously sprinkle flour over counter top).
  11. Roll pasta in pasta roller. Roll to about number 5 or 6 in thickness.
  12. Cut pasta circles out with cookie cutter. Make sure the pasta and cookie cutter both have flour on the surfaces.
  13. Fill the circles with butternut filling. (about 1 spoon)
  14. Lightly tap the edges of the pasta circles with water. (do not drown in water)
  15. Close pasta circles very tightly and squish out any air bubbles.
  16. Make sure the pasta surface is covered with a very thin layer of flour.
  17. Cover a baking tray with a tea towel and carefully place the pasta on the tea towel.
  18. Cover with another tea towel and leave until ready to cook.
  19. Boil a pot of water with salt.
  20. Once the water is boiling, place the pasta in the boiling water for about 10 minutes or until el dente.
  21. When the pasta is cooked, strain the water off in a strainer.
  22. Place butter in a pan.
  23. Allow to simmer on a medium heat.
  24. Add sage and cook until crispy.
  25. In a separate pan, heat a touch of oil.
  26. Once oil is hot, add bread crumbs.
  27. Watch very carefully as the crumbs burn quickly.
  28. Allow bread crumbs to brown.
  29. Pour butter and sage mixture on top of pasta and mix in.
  30. Top with crispy bread crumbs.
NAME OF DISH Honey Dijon Mustard-Crusted Lamb Chops and Harissa Potatoes
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
LAMB RACK 2 TBS Dijon Mustard
  2 TBS Fresh or dried rosemary (crushed)
  2 TBS Fresh or dried mint flakes
  4 tsp Honey
  ½ TSP Coarsely Ground black pepper
  2 kge Lean Lamb Rack
POTATOES 5 – 8 Potatoes
  1 Cup Salt
  ½ Cup Cooking Oil
  ½ Cup Harissa Spice
  1. Heat air fryer to 180.
  2. In a large pot, boil potatoes with salt.
  3. Once the potatoes are soft, strain them off.
  4. Place the soft potatoes in a bowl.
  5. Drizzle generously with oil.
  6. Sprinkle harissa spice on top of the potatoes.
  7. Place potatoes in the air fryer.
  8. Turn the potatoes every 15 minutes.
  9. Basic green salad to accompany mains (mix ingredients and add light dressing).
NAME OF DISH Chocolate Fondant and Homemade Vanilla Ice-Cream
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
FONDANT Handful Cocoa powder for dusting
  200g Dark Baking Chocolate
  200g Dark Chocolate
  4 Eggs
  4 Egg Yolks
  200g Castor Sugar
  180g Flour
  250g Butter
ICE CREAM 1 Egg Yolk
  1 Egg
  3 cup Sugar
  1 cup Milk
  1 cup Cream
  2 tsp Vanilla
  1 Can Caramel
  1. Prepare moulds with butter and cocoa powder.
  2. Melt butter and chocolate until smooth and runny. Do not let the chocolate burn.
  3. Let the chocolate cool.
  4. Whisk egg yolks and sugar together until it forms stiff ribbons. The eggs should turn to a light yellow colour.
  5. Sift in flour to the egg and sugar mixture and fold until well combined .
  6. Slowly fold the chocolate into the egg mixture.
  7. Do not over mix.
  8. Carefully pour the mixture into prepared moulds.
  9. Let fondants set in the fridge for as long as possible.
  10. Preheat the oven to 200 . No fan.
  11. Place fondants in the oven for about 12 minutes.
  12. The tops must form a light crust.
  13. Take fondants out of the oven and let cool for a few minutes.
  14. Carefully take the fondants out of the moulds. Make sure the moulds aren’t too hot, else they will break when taken out of the moulds.
1.        Make sure the ice-cream churner is frozen.
2.        Whisk egg, egg yolks and sugar until light and fluffy.
3.        Heat milk and cream together on a low heat in a pot. Wait until the milk is slightly bubbling.
4.        Take milk and cream off the heat and slowly whisk the milk mixture into the egg mixture.
5.        Whisk until smooth.
6.        Put the mixture back in the pot on a low heat and allow to thicken.
7.        Watch the mixture carefully so that it doesn’t burn.
8.        Add vanilla and mix.
9.        Put the mixture in a bowl and allow the mixture to cool.
10.      Once cooled, pour into the churner.
11.      Add caramel.
12.      Allow the mixture to churn for about an hour.
13.      Once it has started to harden, pour mixture into your mould.
14.      Cover the moulds with glad wrap or Tupperware cover.
15.      Put mould in the freezer until ready to serve.

Kgothatso Meka

NAME OF DISH Prawn and Spicy Chorizo with Crusty Bread
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 5
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  100g Chorizo
  ½ Large onion finely diced
  Half a bag Prawns / shrimp
  ¾ cup White wine
  ¾ cup Chicken stock
  2 Red chillies
  ½ cup / bunch Coriander & parsley
1tsp Paprika
  To taste Salt and pepper
  6 Slices Sourdough bread
100g Butter
10g Chives
  1. Pour olive oil in a pan and render the chorizo on low heat for a few minutes. One ready then pour out into a separate dish. Leave a bit of oil on the pan.
  2. In the same pan, fry the onion, garlic, paprika, chilli. When ready pour into same dish as the chorizo.
  3. Using same pan again, fry the prawns. Add some white wine and reduce for a minute or so. Add chicken stock.
  4. Then add the chorizo & onion mixture.
  5. Simmer for 1 – 2 minutes
  1. While this is on to simmer, make your garlic butter for sourdough. Mix the garlic purée with the butter and chives and spread onto sourdough.
  2. Grill the bread until toasted.
NAME OF DISH Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb with Fondant Potatoes and Root Veggies
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  2 racks lamb
  1 cup Panko bread crumbs
  6 cloves Garlic
  Few sprigs Rosemary
  4 Anchovy fillets
  1 cup Dijon Mustard
Salt & pepper To taste
  2 tbsp Olive oil
  Red wine jus
  1/4  cup Red onion / shallots
  2 tbps Butter
1 tsp Chopped garlic
4 tbsp Thick gif balsamic vinegar
  1 tbps Chopped basil
  ¼ cup Marsala Wine
  1 cup Beef stock
  1 tbsp Cornstarch dissolved in tbsp water
  Fondant Potatoes
  3 Large potatoes
  2 tbsp Butter
  2 tbsp Olive oil
  1 cup Chicken stock
  1 Bunch Thyme
  Carrots with a twist
  2 bunches  Mixed carrots
  1 can Tinned litchees
  1 packet Parsley
  2 tbps Corn flour mixed with water
  50g Butter
  Salt and pepper to taste  
  1. Blend panko breadcrumbs, rosemary, garlic, anchovies, salt & pepper in a blender. Pour mix into a pan with olive oil and brown the mixture. Pour mixture into separate dish.
  2. Put salt & pepper on lamb. Then sear in heated pan with olive oil. Remove from pan a rest for 5 mins.
  3. Spread Dijon mustard all over the lamb. Then cover lamb with bread crumb mixture.
  4. Roast lamb in oven for +-30mins (until lamb is about 60 degrees inside)
  Fondant Potatoes:
  1. Peel potatoes and cut into thick cylinders.
  2. In a large pan, add the oil and heat it for a few seconds over high heat, but without burning it. Cook potatoes until golden on the bottom, about 5 minutes.
  3. When the bottom of the potatoes has turned golden, turn them gently and add the butter, garlic and rosemary. Cook potatoes for another 5 minutes, until the other side of the potatoes is also golden.
  4. Now add the hot chicken broth to the pan and place the pan in the oven.
  5. Cook the potatoes until tender: about 25-30 minutes. Once cooked, cover them with chopped rosemary 
  Red wine jus:
  1. In a saucepan, heat the olive oil and add the shallots.  
  2. When they are a light golden brown, add the garlic, balsamic and the red wine, the basil and let it reduce until about ¾ - 1 cup remains. Keep tasting the sauce until you are happy.
  3. Add the stock and let it cook for a few more minutes.  
  4. Add cornstarch mixture and stir until smooth. (ONLY if needed it).  
  5. Strain the sauce. Add butter off the heat and adjust the salt and pepper to your liking.
  Carrots with a twist
  1. Boil carrots in seasoned water for 15mins. Drain off water and add the litchees with their syrup and then bring to gentle simmer.  
  2. Mix cornflour with ¼ cup water and add to the carrots. Once sauce starts to thicken then lower heat.
  3. Add butter and parsley right before serving.
NAME OF DISH Saffron Poached Pear with Chocolate Sauce and Creme Anglaise
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  Poached pear  
  3 cups Sugar
  3 cups Water
  30g Saffron
  5 cloves Star anise
  2 Cinnamon sticks
  1 Large lemon
  4 Firm pears
  Chocolate sauce  
  90g Dark chocolate
  2 tbsp Sugar
2 tbsp Corn syrup
  2 tbsp Milk
  3 tbsp Unsalted Butter
  ¼ cup Whipping cream
  1/3 cup Sliced almonds
  Crème Anglaise  
  1 cup Milk
1 cup Cream
1 tsp Vanilla extract
4 Large egg yolks
3 tsp Sugar
METHOD Poached pears:
  1. Peel the pears (leaving the stem on,) and scoop out the core from the bottom of the pear.
  2. Bring the sugar and water to a simmer in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.
  3. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice into the pot and add the lemon halves as well.
  4. Add the pears to the liquid, ensure a gentle simmer is reached and then cover the surface of the liquid with a pieces of parchment cut to fit inside the pot, and top this with a small plate or lid, to keep the pears under the surface of the liquid.
  5. Poach the pears for about 20 minutes, until they are tender when pierced with a fork or skewer.
  6. Remove the pot from the heat to cool, and then transfer the pears and the liquid to a bowl to chill until ready to serve.
  Crème Anglaise:
  1. Heat the cream & milk in a small saucepan over medium heat, along with the vanilla extrct until it just begins to come to a simmer.
  2. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a small bowl.
  3. Slowly pour the hot cream into the egg mixture while whisking constantly, and add this back to the pot.
  4. Stir the cream (still over medium heat) until it coats the back of the spoon, about 4 minutes.
  5. Pour the crème anglaise through a strainer and cover the surface of it directly with plastic wrap.
  6. Cool to room temperature and then chill completely.
  Chocolate sauce
  1. Stir the cream, chocolate, butter, milk, brown sugar, corn syrup and salt together in a saucepot over medium-low heat until melted and smooth.
  2. Remove the sauce from the heat and serve warm or chill for later use.
  3. The sauce can be reheated to make it more pourable.
  Sliced almonds
Toast almonds on a medium heat for a few minutes until brown.

Landa Willie

NAME OF DISH Gnocchi and Tomato Sauce Topped with Parmesan Cheese and Fresh Herbs
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6 - 8
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  3 tbsp 1 tablespoon olive oil
  1 1 tablespoon butter
  2 3 cloves garlic minced
  ½ cup / bunch Coriander
  2 tbsp 2 tablespoons tomato paste
1tsp Ginger & garlic paste
  To taste Salt and pepper
  1 1 chicken stock
4 tbsp 1 Italian seasoning
4 4 potato
1 cup 1 grated mozzarella
  1 cup 1 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
  Handful Small handful fresh basil sliced thin
  1 cup Flour
  4 Tomatoes
  1. Prepare gnocchi dough and cut up in little block. Freeze for a few hours
  1. Start making the tomato sauce
  1. Add the oil and butter to a deep skillet over medium heat. Once it's hot, add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds.
  1. Bring tomatoes to boil, peel and blend until smooth
  1. Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, chicken broth, and Italian seasoning to the pan. Give it a stir.
  1. Stir in the gnocchi. Let it cook, stirring fairly often so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan, until it's cooked through (about 5-7 minutes).
  1. Add fresh rosemary and basil
  1. Stir in the mozzarella, parmesan, and basil until the cheeses melt.
  1. Season with salt & pepper as needed and serve immediately. Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese on top and serve
NAME OF DISH Slow Roasted Salmon on Top of Stuffed Potato Cakes Served with Fresh Salsa Salad and Balsamic Drizzle
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6  
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient  
  3 3 large plum tomatoes, coarsely chopped
  1 tbsp 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon  
  3 3 shallots, coarsely chopped  
  1 tbsp 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil  
  1 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives  
  1                           1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice  
2 tbsp 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar  
  1tsp Salt  
  3 tbsp 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil  
  4 4 salmon fillets  
3 tbsp Freshly ground black pepper  
2 Tomatoes, diced  
  4 Potatoes  
  1 tsbp Fresh coriander  
  1 cup Flour  
  500ml Sunflower oil  
  1 tsbp Fresh garlic    
  1 tbsp Tarragon  
METHOD Blanch the tomatoes, then peel, core and dice
Then put them into ice water for 1 minute. Drain the tomatoes and peel off and discard the skin.
  Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove the core and seeds, and dice the flesh.
Combine tomatoes, herbs, olive oil, salt
Whisk together lemon juice, vinegar, onions
  Boil potatoes and make a dough. Add rosemary and season to the potato dough and shape it into circles.  
  Fry potato cakes for 10 min.  
  Arrange salmon fillets on an oiled baking tray. Drizzle with olive oil and season lightly with salt.  
  Make garlic butter sauce and brush the salmon with the garlic butter sauce.
Season the salmon with pepper and salt and bake
Serve salmon on top of potato cakes with salsa, pineapple chunks and reduced citrus balsamic
  • Serve salmon on top of potato cakes with salsa, pineapple chunks and reduced citrus balsamic
NAME OF DISH Chocolate Cigars with Homemade Ice Cream
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  8 Sheets of phyllo pastry
  3 Egg whites
  2 Chocolate slabs
  1 bottle Chocolate sauce
  4 tbsp Icing sugar
  500ml Sunflower Oil
  For ice cream  
  1 tsp 1 litre milk
1/2 cup 1/2 tablespoon corn flour
  2 1 cup fresh cream
  1 tsp 1 cup sugar
  1/4 2 teaspoon vanilla essence
  4 Egg whites, room temperature
¼ cup Fine sugar
1 tsp Cream of tartar
1 jar Lemon curd
METHOD  Boil the milk and keep stirring. take a small bowl and add 1 teaspoon cornflour into the milk mixture, stir it into a smooth paste.
  Add sugar to the blend
  Add the fresh cream and vanilla essence and mix well. Pour the mixture into a container. Cover the container with an aluminium foil and freeze
   Freeze & serve with chocolate cigars

Robin Dunlop

NAME OF DISH Creamy Garlic Chicken Livers
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  250 g Chicken Livers
  1 cup Milk
  50 - 100g Chorizo
  1Tb Tomato Paste
  1Tb Garlic
  2Tb Olive Oil
  ¼ cup Butter
  1Tb Lemon Juice
½ cup White wine (optional)
  To taste Italian herbs, paprika
  To taste Salt and pepper
  ¼ cup Cream
1 loaf Bread of choice for toast
  1. Clean livers by slicing off sinewy parts. Soak in milk for approx. and hour to reduce bitterness
  1. Rinse livers in water, sear in olive oil and garlic
  1. Add in white wine and let cook off, add chorizo and brown. Then add butter, lemon juice, tomato paste, herbs and paprika. Salt and Pepper to taste. Reduce heat and simmer.
  1. Slice bread and toast, butter toast is optional.
  1. Add cream just before finishing cooking and stir in. Prevents the cream from separating.
  1. Serve with toast
  • Fresh livers. If frozen livers, defrost before cooking.
  • Add chili to taste if preferred.
  • Use portuguese chicken spice or peri peri sauce for added heat
NAME OF DISH Steak and Mushroom Sauce
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  4 x 250g Beef steak
  4Tb Olive Oil
  2 tsp Crushed Garlic
  2 tsp Italian herbs
  1 tsp Paprika
  To taste Salt and Pepper
  100g Mushrooms
½ cup Butter
  1Tb Flour (possibly more)
  ¼ cup Milk
  ½ cup Cheese (cheddar/mozzerella)
  4 Potatoes
  1 Onion
  1 Egg
  Extra Flour, herbs and paprika for frying
  1L Frying Oil
METHOD Mix in a small bowl, Olive oil, 1 tsp garlic, 1 tsp italian herbs, 1 tsp paprika, salt and pepper. Rub mixture over steaks and let marinade.
  Simmer mushrooms, 1 tsp garlic and butter in a pan.
  Add flour over mushrooms and stir, mix in milk until a creamy sauce forms. Add the rest of the italian herbs and the cheese.
  Heat a pan with a dash of olive oil, sear steaks for a minute on each side. Cook to preference.
  Slice Potatoes into chips and Onions into rings. Heat oil in a pot.
  Mix extra flour, italian herbs and paprika. Salt and Pepper to taste in a small bowl. (Cayenne pepper optional).
  Whisk egg in a separate bowl.
Fry chips until golden brown and remove from oil.
  Dip onion ring into egg mixture then flour mixture and place in oil. Fry until golden brown.
  • Serve with a side salad as desired.
  • Let meat rest for 10 minutes before serving.
NAME OF DISH The Tonight Show Dessert
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6 - 8
PREPARATION TIME 4 hours (overnight for ice cream)
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  150 g Butter
  1½ cup Sugar
  ¾ cup Cocoa powder
  ¼  tsp Salt
  1 tsp Vanilla extract
  2 Eggs
  ½ cup Flour
  ? cup Pecans/ nuts/ choc chips (optional)
  Cookie Dough  
  ½ cup Brown Sugar
  4 Tb Butter
¼ tsp Salt
  21/4 tsp Vanilla
  2 Tb Milk
  10 Tb Flour
  4 Tb Choc Chips
  Salted Caramel Ice Cream  
  1 ¼ cup Sugar
2 ¼ cup Cream
½ tsp Salt
1 cup Milk
  3 Large Eggs
METHOD Ice cream: Melt 1 cup of sugar in a pan until dark amber
  Add 1 ¼ cup cream to caramel and stir until all caramel has dissolved. Careful as caramel will splatter and boil when cream added. Pour into bowl and add salt. Allow to cool.
  In a sauce pan bring milk, sugar, vanilla and remaining cup of cream just to a boil. Remove from heat.
  Whisk eggs in a separate bowl. Slowly, in a stream, add hot milk mixture to eggs, constantly stirring.
  Slowly return egg/milk mixture to sauce pan on low heat. Constantly stirring, allow mixture to thicken so it coats the back of the spoon when removing.Do not boil!
Pour custard into a large bowl through a fine sieve. Stir through cooled caramel. Allow to cool for approx. 4 hours.
Place cooled mixture into Ice Cream machine as per manufacturer’s instructions. Freeze overnight.
Brownie: Line a baking dish and preheat oven to 165 degrees C.
Simmer water in a pot. In a heat safe bowl, place butter, sugar, cocoa powder and salt, mix over pot until butter melts and mixture is warm.
Allow mixture to cool so it’s not hot. Add vanilla amd eggs, stirring vigorously after each egg ensuring they do not scramble.
When batter is thick and shiny, add flour. Stir until fully incorporated. Pour into prepared pan and spread evenly.
  Bake for 30-35 mins, checking that crust is well cooked and still fudgy in the middle. Use a toothpick to test, if toothpick has some moist crumbs the brownie is ready.
  Cookie Dough: Mix all ingredients except for flour and choc chips.
  Toast flour for 5 min at 165 degrees C to ensure no health risk. Add flour one Tb at a time until you have cookie dough texture.
  Incorporate choc chips. Wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  Slice the brownie into blocks once cooled. Using a brownie as the base, place a scoop of cookie dough and a scoop of ice cream on top.
  • Can incorporate nuts/ raisins/ sprinkles into cookie dough
  • Each component is delicious on it’s own.

Shows in this post: Come Dine With Me South Africa

Channels in this post: BBC Lifestyle


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