Come Dine With Me South Africa 7: Episode 11 recipes

Written by TVSA Team from the blog BBC Lifestyle on 10 Mar 2022
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The cooking aromas of Come Dine With Me South Africa reached East of Johannesburg this Wednesday in a showdown between these four culinary fans: family man Prin, divorce attorney Bianca, fun loving Caty and ex-boxing champ Alex.

The winner: Caty, with a total of 22 points. 

These are their recipes:

Alex Staniland

NAME OF DISH Wagyu Carpaccio  
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4  
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient  
  1kg Wagyu Surloin  
  2 Lemons cut  
  150g Parmesan cheese  
  drizzle Reduced balsamic oil  
  drizzle Extra virgin olive oil  
8 Rocket Leaves  
  To taste Salt and pepper  
  1. Slice wagyu into thin strips abd refrigarate
  1. Plate and Garish with rocket and drizzle olive oil and balsamic and place shave parmesan cheese and loemon on side
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  400g Flour
  1 tbsp Olive Oil + water
  400g Ham or gammon
  800g Portabelini mushrooms
  4 Eggs
  500ml                  Fresh cream
500gms Parmsan cheese
  Dough Bought bread dough
  100g Sundried tomatoes
  1  tbsp Italian spice
100ml Water
METHOD Add flour, eggs, water and olive oil into pasta maker and make pasta
  Extrude pasta and hang to dry
  Quarter and fry mushrooms
  Slice and fry ham/gammon
  Cook pasta in water and olive oil for 8 minutes until cooked. Drain water. Add cooked mushrooms, ham/gammon, cream and creese and season to taste. Heat up to allow all cheese to met and serve
  Please bought dough scattering sundried tomatoes on top and Italian herbs. Place into oven and cook for 30, 1 hour before serving mains. Slice up just before meal and serve.
  • Serve with home baked bread
NAME OF DISH Italian Kisses
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  500ml fresh cream Tennis Biscuits
  1 tin Condensed milk
  1 tsp Vanilla Essence
  300g Turkish delight
  Few drops Food colouring
  300g Lindt Milk Chocolate
    Peppermint crisp
  Instant pudding
METHOD Whip up cream and fold in condensed milk, vanilla essence and chopped turkish delight
  Place in Ice-Cream make for 30 to 45 minutes and place in freezer
  Melt chocolate in bowl over boiling water and spoon into silicon moulds and freeze. Take some melt ed chocolate and make disks to close up top parts of chocolate moulds once the Ince-Cream has been placed in them.
  After ice-cream is semi frozen, scoop out and place into chocolate moulds.
  Slightly heat up chocolate disks and fuse with top of Italian kisses to seal.

Bianca Correia

NAME OF DISH Bem Vindo Em Minha Mesa (Caldo Verde)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6 - 8
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  ¼ cup Olive Oil
  1 Large onion
  1 Chouriço
  4 Garlic cloves
  6 Potatoes, peeled and chopped
8 cups Cold water
  1/2 packet Kale, stems removed and leaves shredded
    Seasoning – salt and pepper
  1. In a large pot over medium heat, warm the oil. Add the chouriço and cook until lightly browned on both sides, 3 to 5 minutes
  1. Using a slotted spoon remove the sausage to a plate. Try to let the sausage drain well into the pot; its fat will flavour the soup.
  1. Dump the onions into the pot. Sprinkle with salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened and translucent. Add the garlic and cook for 2 minutes more.
  2. Stir in the potatoes, add the water or combination and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat so the soup gently simmers. Cook until the potatoes are almost tender, 10 to 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and let the soup cool slightly.
  1. When the caldo verde has cooled a little, purée it using an immersion blender. (Tradition states that one slice and only one slice of chouriço is added to each bowl although some chefs like to add half the sausage to the soup before puréeing. It’s your choice.)
  1. Add the kale to the soup, bring everything back to a boil, and then reduce the heat and simmer until tender, 2 to 5 minutes. Season with more salt, if needed, and pepper.
  1. Ladle the caldo verde into bowls and garnish with the remaining slices of chouriço
NAME OF DISH Feiojoada
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  2 cans White kidney beans
  1 Portuguese chouriço
  450g Smoked pork ribs
  500g Pork belly/rusher
  3 Garlic cloves
  2                           Carrots chopped
4 Large leeks chopped
  3 Tbs Tomato Paste
    Olive oil +wwv
  4 Bay leaves
handful Chopped parsley + tyme
500ml water
    Salt, pepper, paprika
METHOD In a medium sized pot add water, bay leaves, garlic and pork belly. Bring to the boil and allow to boil for 15mins
  Remove from the heat and cut the pork belly into bite size cubes
  In a separate pot add olive oil and fry sliced chouriço, garlic cloves, carrots, bay leaves and leeks until tender
  Add in the smoked pork ribs and pork belly. Cover with water, add paprika , salt and pepper bring to the boil and then reduce heat
  Once cooked add in the beans and stir through.
  Add parsley and serve
  • Serve with garlic rice and a fresh green salad
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 8
PREPERATION TIME 5 hours (including chill time)
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  250g Flour
  2 Tbs Sugar
  250g Butter
  pinch Salt
  500g Full fat cream cheese, softened
  1 tsp Vanilla extract
2 Tbs Plain flour
  3 eggs
  1 ½ cups Caster sugar
  Lemon curd  
    Lemon juice
    Egg yolks
METHOD Combine all the ingredients for the pastry and rub in the cold butter. Combine to make a pastry and set aside to rest in the fridge.
  Beat the cream cheese until smooth, add floour and beat until just combined.
  Add vanilla, sour cream, sugar and lemon zest. Beat until combined.
  Add eggs one at a time, beat until just combined. Place mix in freezer to harden.
  Roll out pastry on floured surface and cut into squares.
Place cheesecake filling in center and fold over edges to make a parcel
Bake at 160 degrees until cheese filling is set.
Serve with fresh lemon curd and meringue

Cathlyn Marshall

NAME OF DISH Maldivian Poke Bowl 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6 - 8
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  250 g Brown rice
  1small Purple cabbage chopped
  40g Edamame beans
  40g Broccoli
  1 Avo sliced
1tsp Ginger crushed
  To taste Salt and pepper
  1 portion Pickled cucumber
100g Radishes pickled
1oog Carrots
  1 tsp Lemon juice
  2 tsp Sesame seeds
METHOD 1. For the salad dressing combine:

• 1 tbsp tamari

• 1 tsp rice or apple cider vinegar

• 1⁄2–1 tsp sesame oil

• 1⁄4–1⁄2 tsp honey (optional)

• 1⁄4 tsp grated fresh ginger

• 2 tbsp sesame seeds

2. For the marinated 200g portobello mushrooms:

• 3 tbsp rice vinegar

• 1 tbsp extra virgin olive, sesame or coconut oil

• 2 tsp apple cider vinegar

• 4 tbsp water

• 2 tbsp sugar

• 2 tbsp tamari

• 1⁄2 tsp grated fresh ginger

• 1 tbsp fresh coriander leaves

• 2 tbsp sesame oil

• Pinch of sea salt

• 1 tbsp sesame seeds

• Pickled radish - see below 

• Pineapple cubes 

• Smoked Salmon Strips or seared salmon 
• Spring onions 


1. Fill a saucepan with water and bring to the boil. Add the edamame beans and cook for 10–15 minutes, then drain (reserving the water), transfer to a small bowl, and set aside.

2. Return the reserved cooking liquid to the pan and bring to the boil again.

3. Add the broccoli or other greens and cook for 5–8 minutes until the leaves are wilted or the broccoli begins to soften but still has some bite.

4. Slice the avocado in half, remove the stone and then score the flesh either into cubes or thin slices, lengthways.

Scoop the flesh into a small serving bowl, sprinkle with salt, drizzle with lemon juice and then place in the fridge until ready to serve.
5. For the salad dressing, whisk together the remaining ingredients in a small bowl. then coat with the dressing and top with sesame seeds. Place in the fridge until ready to serve.

6. For the marinated mushrooms, place all the mushroom ingredients in a small saucepan, bring to the boil and then simmer for 10–20 minutes, until the mushrooms soften and the sauce thickens. Transfer to a bowl and place in the fridge until ready to serve.

7. When all your components are ready, divide the cooked rice or grain among four bowls. Tuck the edamame beans into one corner of each bowl.

Do the same with the grated vegetables, greens, avocado, marinated mushrooms and Quickled Cucumber, and finally arrange the seaweed salad in the centre of the bowl.

8. Serve the Pickled Ginger on the side and either serve the nori crisps on the side or tuck 1 or 2 into each bowl. Add smoked salmon strips.

 Add fresh mint leaves on top with sesame seeds.
NAME OF DISH Puerto Rican Chili Prawns with Coconut Rice and Garlic Naan 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  • 2 dried whole Kashmiri chillies

• 35g Oil or butter

• 1 Kg King prawns, peeled and cleaned

• juice ½ lemon

• 1 tsp red chilli powder

• 1 tsp turmeric powder

• 1 ½ tbsp coriander seeds

• 3 tsp cumin seeds

• 2 tsp fennel seeds 

• 1 ½ tsp black peppercorns

• ½ tsp cloves

• 1 tsp mustard seeds

• 3 cloves garlic, peeled

• ¼ cup tamarind puree

• 2 teaspoons 

• ghee

• 2-3 tbsp water

• 250g yoghurt, whisked until smooth not a full cup 

• 1 tsp brown sugar 

• juice ½ lime

• 1 sprig curry leaves

• 3 spoons chilli powder or to taste 

• 1/2 tsp jeera 

• Garum masala 
Balance as needed 

• Chopped onions 

• Puréed tomatoes 

• Toasted Coconut Rice

• 1 cup basmati rice

• Oil or butter

• ¼ cup shredded coconut

• 1 ¼ tsp mustard seeds

• 2 sprigs curry leaves

• 1 red chilli
2 cups of flour
Baking powder
Butter+ oil

• For the Prawns, soak the dried chillies in hot water for 10 minutes. Marinate the prawns in salt, lemon juice, chilli powder and turmeric powder and set aside in the fridge.

• Place the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, black peppercorns and cloves into a fry pan and toast until fragrant, about 2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat.

• Place the garlic, (fry garlic paste first then add water) toasted spices, softened chillies, tamarind puree and a little water from the soaked chillies and blend into a fine paste.

• Place 35g oil or butter into a saucepan over medium heat. Fry onions Add the garlic paste and cook until lightly golden and fragrant, adding a little water if required. Add the yoghurt, mix well and season with salt, sugar and lime juice.

• Once the sauce is cooked and balanced in flavour, about 10 minutes, remove from the heat. Add tomatoes and re balance sauce.

• When almost ready to serve, return the sauce to the boil and when sauce is hot, add the prawns.

Simmer for 2 minutes then remove from the heat and allow prawns to finish cooking in the sauce. In hot oil, fry and Stir curry leaves through and season to taste.

• For the Toasted Coconut Rice, bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil. Meanwhile, rinse the rice and set aside.

• Once the water is boiling add the rice and cook according to package directions.

Pour the rice into a colander and rinse with cold water. Add some melted butter and toss it through to prevent the rice from sticking together.

• Place the coconut into a wok over medium heat. Stir regularly to ensure coconut is evenly toasted and brown. Transfer to a small bowl.

• Wipe out wok and place over medium heat. Add oil and butter, mustard seeds, curry leaves and chillies.

• Add cooked rice and coconut. Add salt and toss to coat for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and cover to keep warm.

• For the Carrot Salad, combine ingredients in a bowl and mix gently. Set aside in the fridge. Mix well before serving.

  • Serve with garlic naan, and basmati rice
NAME OF DISH Alaskan Apple Pie with Home Made Ice Cream 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
3 Tablespoons soft butter
1 cup sugar
3 eggs 
1 tin apples or homemade version below
¼ cup milk
1 cup flour
Pinch of salt 
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 can Condensed milk
Brown sugar
Nutmeg + cinnamon
  Ingredients Homemade ice cream:
• 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, almond extract, mint extract, or other flavoring (optional)

• 2 cups cold heavy cream

• Vanilla essence

• Measuring cups and spoon

• Spatula

• 2 large bowls

• Hand mixer, stand mixer, or immersion blender

• 8-inch loaf pan, 8x8-inch pan, pint container, or other freezer container

• Wax paper
Kt’s tip: 

Mine baked for abt 29/30-35 mins. Watch closely.
I also only use a 3/4 cup sugar.

Cream butter and sugar, Add beaten eggs and milk.

Sift dry ingredients and add to mixture.

Pour into a greased pie dish.

Spoon in apples.
Bake in oven 190C for 30 minutes.

Pour condensed milk. And sprinkle cinnamon over spoon over pie. 

Sprinkle cinnamon over apples and condensed milk while still hot. 
Make your own tin can apples recipe.
About 5 mini apples.
• 4 ½ cups white sugar 2 cups 1 cup

• 1 cup cornstarch 1/2 cup 1/4 cup 

• 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1tsp 

• ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg 

• 2 teaspoons salt 1 tsp 

• 10 cups water 5 cups 2 1/2 

• 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 1/2 1 tsp

• 6 pounds apples 3 pounds 1 1/2 
Instructions Checklist

• Step 1 in a large pan, mix sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add salt and water and mix well. Bring to a boil and cook until thick and bubbly. Remove from heat and add lemon juice
Home Made Vanilla Ice Cream 

1. Pour the sweetened condensed milk into a large bowl.

2.       Mix the vanilla extract, or other flavoring extract, into the condensed milk, if using. 

3.       Whip the heavy cream. Pour the heavy cream into a mixing bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer. Use a hand mixer, stand mixer, or immersion blender to whip the cream until it holds stiff, billowy peaks, about 3 minutes.

4.       Lighten the condensed milk. Gently mix a scoop of the whipped cream into the condensed milk. This lightens the condensed milk and makes it easier to fold into the rest of the whipped cream.

5.       Fold the whipped cream into the condensed milk. Transfer the rest of the whipped cream to the bowl with the condensed milk.

Gently begin folding the whipped cream into the condensed milk. At first, it will look very lumpy.

As you continue to fold, the mixture will smooth out and become soft and silky.

Stop when you see just a few small lumps here and there - be careful not to deflate the mixture too much or over-mix. 

6.       Transfer the ice cream base to a freezer container. Use a spatula to scrape all the ice cream base into your freezer container, then press a piece of wax paper directly onto the surface to prevent ice crystals from forming.

7.       Freeze for at least six hours, or up to 2 weeks. Freeze for at least 6 hours. The ice cream will become more firm the longer you let it freeze. 

Prin Naidoo

NAME OF DISH Prawn Trifector (Prawn 3 ways)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
PREPERATION TIME 50 min (including cooking)
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  Prawns 1kg (with heads and shells just deveined)
  loaf Bread
   ¼ cup Fresh dill
  1 tspn Black pepper
1 tbsp Fresh garlic
  1 cup butter
  2 tbsp Chilli powder
1 cup
1 red bell pepper
all-purpose flour
1 onion
1 cup Coriander
1 cup olive oil
METHOD Rizzoles (to be prepared in advance and just fried just before service)


Heat some olive oil in a small pan and sautee finely chopped onions and garlic until golden brown.

Then add 1 cup prawns (deshelled and heads off), while frying season with salt , pepper and fresh garlic.

Once the prawns are cooked(3 minutes) add the finely chopped red bell pepper and dill.

Stir for a minute and then add a tsp of flour with about 50ml water in order to get the mixture thick. It should have a lump texture and should not be too runny.

Filling is ready. Wait for it to cool.
While this is being, done place 8 slices of bread in the oven to toast or grill to a medium brown.

Once done place into a food processor along with some dill and blitz until fine crumbs.
Assembly : Arrange a bowl of flour, beaten egg, the crumbs and a small bowl of flour paste ( to be used as glue )
We require 8 rizzoles so take 8 slices of bread and cut the crusts off and roll the bread flat.
Making a pocket with the bread, fill the prawn mixture and seal off edges using the flour paste. Do this for all 8.
Then dip in eggs >>>flour>>> eggs again >>>>>then crumbs. Do this for all 8.
  Refrigerate until ready to fry.
  Grilled Prawns (to be prepared in advance and just grilled before serving)
Butterfly and marinate 8 prawns, season with salt, pepper and melted butter and add garlic, dill and paprika. When ready for grilling. Place in oven.

3. Prawn curry (during the day and reheat during service)
In a saucepan on medium heat sautee finely chopped onions in olive oil, fry until golden brown.

Then add curry powder, stir for a minute until a paste forms. Then add the 3 finely chopped tomatoes and braise for about 15 minutes.

Then add in the prawns (deshelled and heads off) along with some finely chopped coriander. Braise until prawns are cooked.
  • Cook from frozen
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
Select lamb (knuckles & leg)
  1 can
Tomato puree
  1 cup
Peas & carrots
  1 Pack
Baby marrows and pepper dews
Large onion
  ½ cup
1 sachet
Smoked paprika
  1 x 500ml
Dark beer. ( Guinness)
Whole garlic
  Handful Fresh thyme
LAMB STEW (to be prepared and kept warm for service )
In a deep pot on high heat, add some olive oil. Dust the meat in a light coating of flour and the seal until brown, remove and set aside.

Then add chopped onions, carrots, thyme and peas to the same pot and fry for about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and whole garlic.
Then add the 500ml beer and turn the heat down to medium/low. Add the meat back in and slow braise for 2 hours. Keep checking on the levels of the liquid. After one hour. Add the sachet of smoke paprika and continue to slow braise until tender.
5 minutes before its done add 250ml water mixed with flour to thicken.
Slice the baby marrows and grill with just olive oil, serve this on top of the stew after it is plated.
  • Serve with garlic roll
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  Soji (Can be made in advance and heated before serving )
250 grams
  1 cup Taystee Wheat
  1l Milk
  1 Egg
  1 tin Condensed milk
  1tspn Cardamom powder
  1 Cinnamon stick
  1 tspn Food coloring (yellow)
  1 tin
Dessert cream
  ¼ cup Shaved almonds
METHOD Melt the butter in a medium sized pot.
  Add the cinnamon sticks into the pot. 
  Once the butter has completely melted, slowly start adding the taystee wheat, stirring constantly.
  Mix the milk and egg in a separate bowl and keep aside.
  Slowly add the egg and milk mixture, stirring constantly.
Add the condensed milk into the pot. Then add the yellow food colouring and elachi.
Allow this to thicken on the stove. Place the pot into an oven and cook at 180 degrees for 15 mins.
Decorate with dessert cream and coloured. almonds

Shows in this post: Come Dine With Me South Africa

Channels in this post: BBC Lifestyle


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