Come Dine With Me South Africa 7: Episode 1 recipes

Written by TVSA Team from the blog BBC Lifestyle on 12 Nov 2021
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Come Dine With Me South Africa returned to BBC Lifestyle on Wednesday (10 November) for a Season 7 cook-off in Randburg, spiced with Dave Lamb's signature irreverent toppings.

The contestants' dishes included asparagus parcels and a Thai prawn star, which was served by the winning home chef Kholofelo Mokolo.

Today we're taking the concept of "Do not try this at home," to a whole new level by saying: "Yes! try this at home."

These are the recipes by the foursome on the episode... tuck in: 


NAME OF DISH Masala Steak Gatsby
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 people, but depending on how hungry you are, could be for 1!

Quantity & unit Ingredient 
500g Tenderized Steak
1 Large onion finely diced
1 Green chilli
4 Gloves of Garlic
1 tsp Ginger
1tsp  Tumeric power
Large fresh loaf / ciabatta 
Mixture 2tbs Masala
Cardimin seeds
Jeera powder
2 Large potatoes
1 cup Cheese of your choice (cheddar, goats, mozzarella)
1. In a medium pan fry onions until golden brown for approximately 10min with oil, add masala, turmeric, garlic, chilli to get the flavours combined.
2. Add tenderized steak and allow to bruise for 30min – add small portions of warm water to avoid burning 
3. Fry potatoes (slap chips) on medium heat and close the lid to avoid crisping of potatoes.  
4. Butter fresh loaf / ciabatta bread
5. Add lettuce and sliced tomato
6. Add tenderized steak, cheese and slap chips
7. Wrap Gatsby in foil and allow to rest for 5min – cut and enjoy
NOTES Once potatoes are fried, do not strain oil, add salt and vinegar – this is slap chips!
  Serve with a milkshake for the full experience
NAME OF DISH Lamb Cabbage Bredie 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
Quantity & unit Ingredient 
Green pepper
4-6 Potatoes
Combine  Garlic cloves, Salt, Black Pepper, 
2 tsp  Turmeric
  1                            Head of Cabbage
3 tsp Tomato paste
Cinnamon sticks
4/5  Pepper corns
2  tbsp Ginger-garlic paste
  1 tsp Garam masala 

1. In a large pot caramelize onions and green pepper alongside all spices and cinnamon sticks for 5-10min
2. Add lamb and cook until brown
3. Add 2/3 cups of water and leave to cook/simmer for 20/30 min. Add salt as necessary 
4. Cut head of cabbage and pour 1 kettle of boiling water over it 
5. Cut up potatoes into cubes, add alongside more salt for taste
6. Add cabbage and pepper corns and leave to simmer for 20 min
  7. Pumpkin:  Used diced pumpkin – sprinkle with olive oil, salt, pepper and cinnamon – bake for 45 min
NOTES Add dash of jam and sugar for flavor
  Add 2 tsp vinegar when cooking lamb for tang sweet / sour taste
NAME OF DISH Marshmellow Tart
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6 to 8
PREPERATION TIME 30min mix – refrigerate for 2hours before serving
INGREDIENTS  Quantity & unit Ingredient 
         Biscuit Base  
1 packet Tennis Biscuits
½ cup Melted butter
1 Bottle of Olywhip
1 cup Cremora
1 tin Condense Milk
½ cup  Lemon Juice
1 cup Small Marshmellows
1. Using a blender crumb the biscuits finely. Add to large mixing bowl and add melted butter and mix into a course, sand texture
2. Press the mixture into the base of your induvial tins or serving dish
3. Beat Olywhip, Cremora, Lemon Juice and Condense Milk 
4. Add marshmellows 
  5. Place in fridge to set for at least 2 hours
 NAME OF DISH Amarula Malva Pudding
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6 to 8
PREPERATION TIME 10min mix, 30-40 min bake
INGREDIENTS  Quantity & unit Ingredient 
  First Mixture:  
3 tbs Butter
1/3 cup  Sugar
2 Eggs
Pinch Salt
2 tbs Apricot Jam or Golden Syryp
1 cup Cake Flour
Second Mixture:  
½ cup  Milk
2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
1 tbs  Vinegar
Mix First & Second Mixture all together
100g Butter
½ cup  Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
1 cup Boiling water
½  cup Ideal Milk (Evaporated milk)
1 cup Amarula liqueur 
1. Beat butter, eggs, sugar, salt, flour, jam / syryp
2. Mix in a cup separately milk, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar
3. Mix all above together
4. Pour into oven dish and back for 30 – 40min
  5. 25 Min into the bake – start boiling syrup in a sauce pan – add milk, butter, vanilla essence, evaporated milk, boiling water and amarula for 5-8min
  6. Once pudding comes from the oven, poke with holes.  Immediately pour syrup mixture over pudding.  Serve with warm custard, ice cream or fresh cream
NAME OF DISH Carrot Cake
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 8 - 12
PREPERATION TIME 30min mix, 40 min bake
INGREDIENTS  Quantity & unit Ingredient 
  2 cups  Cake Flour
2 tsp Salt
2 tsp Cinnamon
4 Eggs
2 cups Sugar
2 tsp  Bicarbonate of Soda
1 cup  Oil
3 cups Grated carrots
1 hand full  Nuts

1. Add all dry ingredients and oil to a bowl and mix
2. Add in eggs one at a time. Stir in grated carrots and nuts. Separate in two oven pans
3. Bake at 160degrees for +/-40min
4. Frosting: 3 cups of icing sugar
225g cream cheese (room temperature)
¼ cup of butter (room temperature)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 / 2 tsp lemon juice



NAME OF DISH Portuguese Prawn Rissoles
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 15
PREPERATION TIME 2 hours + overnight freezing
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  50g butter
  600ml water
  300g plain flour
  60G butter
  1 onion, finely chopped
  1 tbsp tomato paste
  ½ cup milk
  600g prawns, shelled, deveined and chopped
  1 tsp smoked paprika
  ½ tsp Nutmeg
70g plain flour
  300ml chicken or fish stock
  2 eggs whisked with a little milk
  2 cups fine breadcrumbs
  Vegetable oil, for frying
  Salt a nd white pepper
  1. Place the butter, a good pinch of salt and water into a pot and bring to a simmer. Sprinkle in the flour and using a whisk incorporate. Switch to a wooden spoon. Mix the dough over medium heat so it forms a ball of dough. Transfer the dough to a floured surface and cool for 15 minutes or until cool enough to work with.
  1. Now for the filling: melt butter and onions on medium heat in another pot and cook until the onions are softened. Add the tomato paste and cook for a minute before adding the flour. Whisk to form a roux then gradually add the beef stock followed by the milk, continually whisking to avoid lumps. Once thick, remove from the heat and add the prepared chopped prawns, salt, pepper, paprika and nutmeg and fold through. This must be made the day before.
  1. Pull apart golf ball-sized pieces of dough. With a rolling pin roll to form 12cm circles. Place a heaped teaspoon of the cooled prawn mixture onto one side of the circle. Fold over and press to seal. Using a knife, trim the edges to form a perfect half-moon. Continue the process and cover with a damp cloth to ensure the rissoles don’t dry.
  1. Heat oil to 180°C in a pot. Layout your breading station; dip each rissole in egg, then the breadcrumbs. Then freeze overnight. Your prep is done!
  1. On the day of serving, re-crumb and freeze again (a couple of hours).
  1. Cook 4-5 at a time for about 3-4 minutes or until golden brown. Drain on a paper towel before serving.
NOTES Fry from frozen (very important!!!)
NAME OF DISH Ricotta cream cheese & chives Ravioli on a bed of bolognaise ragu
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 servings
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  2 eggs (beaten)
  ½ tsp Salt
  2 cups all-purpose flour
  3 tbsp water as needed
  1. In a medium-sized bowl, combine flour and salt. Make a well in the flour, add the slightly beaten egg, and mix. The mixture should form a stiff dough. If needed, stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons of water.
  1. On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough for about 3 to 4 minutes. With a pasta machine or by hand roll the dough out to desired thinness. Roll out into sheets.
NOTES Keep aside while preparing the filling
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  100g cream cheese, room temperature
  ¼ cup grated cheese (of your choice)
  ½ cup chopped chives or spring onion
  1 tsp minced garlic
  ¼ cup finely chopped spinach
    salt & pepper to taste
  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl - you can use a standard mixer, but it’s just as easy with a spatula or spoon!
  1. to fill the ravioli, you’ll use the pasta sheets made earlier. Two dough sheets of the same size.
  1. Lay one dough sheet flat and lightly indent with a pastry cutter/roller the squares you plan to cut. put a small scoop of filling in the centre of each square, and then lay your second dough sheet on top of the filled layer. press down around the edges of each square to marry the dough sheets together, and then cut out the squares using a pastry roller or knife.
  1. Once the ragu is made and ready for serving, boil the ravioli for around 6-8 minutes, or longer depending on how soft you like your ravioli.
  1. Keep aside while preparing the ragu
NOTES Dust and set aside while making the ragu
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  500g beef mince
  2 onions finely chopped
  5 cloves garlic chopped
  12 tomato ripe and chopped
  2 carrots grated
  2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  100g tomato paste
  500ml red wine
  500ml beef stock
  3 tbsp italian herb
    water as needed
    Salt & pepper to taste
    Parmesan (or your chosen cheese) for serving
  1. Fry onions, garlic & carrots until tender.
  1. Add beef mince and Italian herbs to the same pot and fry until brown
  1. Add Worcestershire sauce and tomato paste, cook for additional 3-5 mins.
  1. Add tomatoes, cook for 10-15 mins
  1. Add wine + beef stock
  1. Add water if needed and simmer on low heat for 2 hrs. Taste + add salt & pepper accordingly
NOTES Once the ragu is ready to serve, spoon cooked ravioli into a serving plate. Place cooked ravioli on top. Spoon additional bolognaise on top of ravioli. Sprinkle parmesan or grated cheese of your preference.
NAME OF DISH Adult peppermint tart
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 8-12
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  Biscuit Base  
  600g Tennis Biscuits
  500g butter
  150g Nestle peppermint crisp chocolate slab
  1l Fresh cream
2X 360g Nestle caramel treat
  100ml Cape velvet
METHOD Crush biscuits into a crumble
  Melt butter and add to crushed biscuits
  Press butter biscuit mix into the base of the greased dessert tray
  Whip cream into stiff peaks
  Crush two slabs of chocolate into crumbles
whip crushed chocolate, cape velvet and caramel treat into cream mixture
Place whipped mixture onto the crumbed biscuit base
Sprinkle remaining crushed slab of chocolate on top
Refrigerate for two hours
Serve with a tot of cape velvet


NAME OF DISH Asparagus parcels
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4-6 people
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  400g puff pastry thawed
  100g asparagus spears (4-5 spears per parcel)
  6 slices 6 slices prosciutto
  6 slices 6 slices Brie cheese
  1 1 egg beaten
100 ml Honey to glaze the prosciutto
  1 Red Union
  100 ml Balsamic Vinegar
  • Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC/350ºC
  • If necessary, roll the puff pastry out into a thin rectangle. Cut the pastry into 6 even squares.
  • Place a slice of prosciutto onto each pastry square then top with a few Asparagus spears and a slice of brie. Fold and pinch two corners together to form a bundle. Place the bundles onto the
  • Brush the Prosciutto with honey
  • Brush with beaten egg and place in the oven.
  • Allow to bake for 15-20 minutes until the asparagus is cooked and the pastry is golden brown and puffed.
  • Top off with caramelised red unions and drizzle some balsamic vinegar
NAME OF DISH Thai Prawn Curry (Thai Prawn Star)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4 - 6
PREPERATION TIME 25-30 minutes
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  1 1 small red pepper
  1 cup 1 sugar snap peas
  2 cups 2 cup tiger prawns (shell in, head off)
  600ml Coconut milk
  1 tsp Sugar
  20 ml                   Lemon Juice
 1 tsp Salt
  1 tbsp Soy Sauce
   Red curry paste
10 red chilies
2 tbps chopped lemon grass
  1 tbsp cumin
  1 tbsp Coriander leaves
  3 Shallots
  2 tbsp Garlic
  2 tbsp Ginger
  ½ tbsp Salt
    Thai Basil leaves
  3 tbsp Thai yellow curry paste
  • In a bowl add red chilies, lemon grass, garlic, shallots, Thai red chilies, coriander, Thai basil, lemon and little bit of water, stir well and mix properly also add little salt.
  •              Add the stirred ingredients in the mixer and grind it into a thin paste
  • Add 3 tablespoons of the blended paste in pan and fry in prawns with olive oil, add the red pepper, salt, sugar, soya sauce, salt, Thai red chilies, along with the coconut cream, finish off with some fresh Thai basil and now turn on the flame, simmer for 10-12 minutes
NOTES Serve with  basmati rice
NAME OF DISH Baklava and cheesecake cups (The Nutty Professor)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 6
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  1 stick cinnamon stick
  3 tbsp lemon juice or orange juice
  1 tbsp vanilla extract
  ½ cup water
  1 cup sugar
  1 tbsp honey
  Cream cheese Filling  
  1 cup Mascarpone
  ½ cup Sour Cream
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
  2 Eggs
  ¼ cup Condense Milk
  1 tbsp Corn Flour
  Baklava Sheets  
  9 Sheets phyllo pastry sheets, thawed and at room temperature
  1 cup Unsalted butter
2 tbsp Cinnamon
1 tbsp salt
2 cups Pistachios and Almonds
METHOD Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
  • Combine the sugar, honey, juice, water and cinnamon stick in a small saucepan. Stir together and bring to a boil. Remove from heat as soon as the sugar is dissolved. Add the vanilla extract and set aside to cool.
  • Make the Nut Mixture: Place all the whole nuts in the blender and briefly blend the nuts, do not over process the mixture it should be a granule consistency and not a powder form.
Cream Cheese Filling
•              Combine the cream cheese, vanilla extract and condense milk as well as the corn flour in the bowl of a tabletop mixer fitted with the beater attachment. Mix on low speed until smooth. Add the sour cream and eggs. Mix on low speed until combined and smooth. Set aside
Phyllo Sheets
•              Brush each phyllo pastry sheet with melted butter and sprinkle some of the nut filling on top. Divide the filling equally (1-2 tablespoons per layer) between the 5 layers. The final (6th) layer will not have any nut filling on top
•              Cut the phyllo layers into 12 equal (4- inch) squares
  •              Nestle each square into the muffin tin to form phyllo cups. Press the center down
  •              Brush each phyllo cup with any remaining melted butter
  • Bake in the center rack of the oven for minutes. Reduce the oven’s temperature to 325 °F, 160 °C.
  •              Place 2 tablespoons of the cheesecake filling in the center of each cup. Bake until the filling is set, and the phyllo is golden. About 25 minutes
  •              As soon as they come out of the oven pour the honey mixture evenly over the cups
  •              Allow the baklava cheesecakes to sit in the muffin tin for 15-20 minutes to cool and to absorb the syrup. Refrigerate until chilled
  Serve with pistachios and fresh berries


RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  0.5 kg Chicken
  1 tin Coconut cream
  1 litre milk
  1 packet pasta
  200g cheese
1 bunch brocolli
  To taste Salt and pepper
  200g Bread crumbs
100g Butter
various spices
  Raddish and apple, pistachio coleslaw
  1. First will marinate chicken, and par cook, boil pasta, make white sauce
  1. Add coconut cream to white sauce, add all ingredints together in ramicons, top with cheese and bread crumbs
  1. Add to pizza fire oven for 15 -20 mins
  1. Make Coleslaw
NOTES Start burning wood at around 12
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  1 kg Fillet Medallions
  5 Sweet potatoes
  1 bag Baby carrots
  4 cut pieces Marrow bone
  250g Smoked mozzrella
  100g                    jalapeno
1 tray mushrooms
  1 tin Cream
  Salt and pepper  
  50g honey
100g cinnamon
100ml brandy
  100g butter
METHOD Boil and mash yams, add butter, milk, cinnamon, sugar and cream
  Boil Carrots, put buter, honey and roast
  Cook mushrooms in garlic, onion, butter, salt, pepper until soft, add cream and liquidise
  For the one marrow, add salt and pepper and roast in over for 15 mins
  Fillet make sure cut into medallions, marinate with spices
  Heat pan and add butter, fry on high and then add brandy to try and create some flames on hugh heat
  Let steak rest for 2 minutes before serving

Dip cut jalepenos in flour and egg and deep fry
NOTES Add cheese and jalapenos
NAME OF DISH Seville Swiss Fromage
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
  Biscuit Base  
  Bake shortbread - homemade 60 mins to prep and bake
  Maizena, sugar, flour, butter  
  2 x medium fat cream cheese  
  60 ml double cream plain yoghurt  
Orange juice of 0.5 orange and orange essence  
  1 egg  
  1 tbl vanilla essence  
  2.5 tblspons maizena  
  Use lindt orange dark chocolate about 1 slab  
  Using silicone moulds  
METHOD Preheat oven to 170 degrees, spray silicone mould
  Crush the homemade shortbread
  Add butter and use this as base in the silicone mould
  Beat all wet ingredients until smmooth
  Add cornflour  while beating
Add orange rind after beating
Bake for 30 mins, then add to fridge until serving


Shows in this post: Come Dine With Me South Africa

Channels in this post: BBC Lifestyle


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