Day 52 - 17 July 2013

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother: The Chase Live Blog on 17 Jul 2013
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Big Brother: The Chase updates: Day 52.

Add your comments and updates about today's live Big Brother action. For more about each of the housemates, see: Who's who in the Big Brother Chase


17 Jul 2013 00:39

breaks my heart when i see sulu and angelo get along swiftly, knowing that sulu swapped him

17 Jul 2013 00:43

Hello guys! What's up? I heard selly's suing nando. Don't know how true that is, but I pray it is. Lol
@drama im guessing she finally saw/heard everything that nando said about her, her lovestruck puppy act was getting tired. but all of this can only play out once nando is out of the house, and only then will we get a full picture of the situation. btw, where's everyone?

17 Jul 2013 01:02

Sulu inter says a woman 's place s n d kitchen
and Cleo, oh Cleo, was just sitting there smiling at every word he said, smh. when angelo tried to put in a word he said "shh", and now he says he's inlove with Dellish, that scatterbrain will bring him down to earth

17 Jul 2013 06:03

I hope Ts true that Nando is being sued that boy should ask for a voluntary exit since he is sick or Biggie should send him home since his STD is now making him insomniac as well I won't miss him on my screen he does nothing for me entertainment wise, #just woke up to vote team pokello#

17 Jul 2013 06:05

No one claimed the first position hey am first #hides behind Oneal#

17 Jul 2013 07:26

Yho! Reading yesterday's guys really hate Oneal and its likeyiur hate will keep Pokello in the house or rather the money. You are forgetting how Elikiem came into the RH with his game well planned even agreed with Fez and Fatima to nominate RH originals . Who will forget him leading Feza to the diary room for nominations telling her "don't forget whatwe discussed " and she wentand nominated different people. That week his black ass was up. Let the Housemates playtheir game as they see it inside the house ...people need to stop watching BB from facebook and blogs...subscribe beeshes. Oneal is in that house till first week of August beeshes..thatsall that matters.. Dealwith it. With Feza on his lap all day..if you can't deal watch disney channels..ok. Le ska re tena kwa. And for the record Angelo is staying with his nipple in place! You sent him to go so that you can rig SA vote for Pokello?

17 Jul 2013 07:35

Sorry tsoka, but O'neal and nando suffer from first degree paranoia!

17 Jul 2013 08:16

Hey @Drama..mara how do you discuss one housemate all day long. And wait for Abby when she gets time off from her duties..she will diss Oneal so fast. I don't know where I can get her boss number so that he gives her more work to keep her off this blog.

17 Jul 2013 08:17

Morning Uhdiks....Just watchin the video chat of Annabel n Busi..i doubt if those guys will pull it off..Gud luck to them!!!

17 Jul 2013 08:21

And Why should Selly sue Nando? He did not rape her, she offered herself. All she needs to do is go to the clinic and get help then keep her panties on. It is that simple.

17 Jul 2013 08:25

@tsoka i dont think a lot of people mind strategy - but its one thing to say nominate the ruby housemates and another thing to say I am nominating someone because he is from West Africa - and then go on this hateful monoloogue aabout tthatt region. the diary sessiions are online - you can confirm. His reasons were not strategic, and there was something dislikable aabout his tone. No matter how you look at it and no matter how long he stays in the house this is not a good look. This is beyond big brother @tsoka... ##jus'sayin'

17 Jul 2013 08:44

"I don't know where I can get her boss number so that he gives her more work to keep her off this blog" LOL! @Tsoka, I don't think its intentional. Many of the things written were culled from other sites. And as for your point on Elikem, maybe he did have a strategy (like everyone else even if they all deny it) but I think Oneal's plotting rubs people off the wrongest way because of it seeming to be based on hate for the specific people. Also it doesn't help that he is very arrogant, condesending towards people and has Feza's terrible influence (no apologies here) to fuel his fire. Honestly, in my years of BB watching, I've never seen so much arrogance and delusion exude from a human being lol. Like Cassius (or someone else) mentioned on yesterday's thread, he forgets that BB should be viewed as a selling platform, first, before a being seen as a jackpot - afterall, its always a 1/28 chance every participant has in winning the prize when entering the game. So except he sees East and South Africa as the only place he expects to sell his skills/brand forever and ever without setting foot in West Africa, then he can go on with his hate WA strategy. BUT I will make a contentious statement that most African's already perceive. To really break into the entertainment industry (music, acting, etc) in Africa exploring countries like Nigeria (or even Ghana) "in West Africa" are key. So any smart entertainer should know where his bread is buttered :)

17 Jul 2013 09:01

@tsoka the day I read that people should be quarantined for having an std/sti (I mean really now) is the day I knew that this blogs has diversity ka nnete. So take certain things with a pinch of salt and move on or else your bp will be worse than natasha's.

17 Jul 2013 09:17

I agree with you @Tsoka. This blog has turned into Oneil/Feza Hate Blog, it is Pokello Fan Page now. How I miss updates from Nomwe. Been reading her updates last year & I enjoyed everything, she was objective & not hateful towards housemates.  

17 Jul 2013 09:18

This blog is now becoming boring. Every time its about neal said this, Oneal did that. Really??? there are 14 housemates in that house and no one does not matter??? Why is Pokello being staged as the best one? we are all watching and we know what Oneal and Pokello are capable of. To me they are not different, they all hate the West Africa thingy we all heard and saw it. Stop making excusses for her. I am not a fan of both but this Oneal being the bad one and Pokello the best is just too much and boring. I used to vote for Pokello but now I would rather vote for Angello though I dont really like him

17 Jul 2013 09:25

Lol@tsoka, i'll be here till day 91 baby. I update on what i see,hear or read here n other reliable blogs. It's not my fault ur fav is an ass who has an issue wit W/A reps who don't even think he exists. Don't get too emotional aba my posts or u'll get chest pains 4 nothing. Nando,feza,pokello n bimp all dissed W/A at a point but Oneal is da only 1 still talkin aba gettin them out even yestee in his DS. Who does he think he is 2 get any1 evicted? If u can, give updates too but if u only come 2 criticis) pple's updates dat u don't agree wit, it's not worth it. Oneal can win but at what cost? Good mornin Uhdickts!!!

17 Jul 2013 09:29

@KhuB.....honestly I agree with you and Tsoka! We don't even get updates anymore. It's all about Oneal this and that and it's really boring. I think that what pissess people off about Oneal is that his comments are spot on about many things except for his hate of West Africa and him thinking he can take anyone out of the game. But many of the things he says, most people know that he's telling the truth that's why he's hated this much.

And what's laughable is that, Pokello, who in my eyes is the same as Oneal, is regarded as outspoken and speaking her mind without being influenced by anyone....and she is hailed for that even though she's doing exactly what Oneal does. But I guess we can't fault our favourites!

17 Jul 2013 09:37

If pokello gets evicted, life goes on, if she winsgood 4 her. Either way, i benefit 4rm nothin. I like her jux 4 who she is n has nothin 2 do wit da 300k.....u keep sayin dis blog is borin but how many of u give updates on regular basis. Some of us risk our jobs jux 2 update Uhdikts on diary sessions n others when we can n instead of u 2 do same, all u r concerned wit is pple sayin stuff aba ur favs dat they actually SAID. Luckily 4 me, i don't care what pple say so i'll still update when i can n steal updates 4rm, wherever i can. If u can't deal, jux keep doin what u do too. I won't be moved @ all....dis is da last time i'll address this ''oneal'' issue; he's not worth it!!!

17 Jul 2013 09:39

If pokello gets evicted, life goes on, if she winsgood 4 her. Either way, i benefit 4rm nothin. I like her jux 4 who she is n has nothin 2 do wit da 300k.....u keep sayin dis blog is borin but how many of u give updates on regular basis. Some of us risk our jobs jux 2 update Uhdikts on diary sessions n others when we can n instead of u 2 do same, all u r concerned wit is pple sayin stuff aba ur favs dat they actually SAID. Luckily 4 me, i don't care what pple say so i'll still update when i can n steal updates 4rm, wherever i can. If u can't deal, jux keep doin what u do too. I won't be moved @ all....dis is da last time i'll address this ''oneal'' issue; he's not worth it!!!

17 Jul 2013 09:41

@Abby please DON'T stop your updates oh! I'm far away and I need this opium!! lol

17 Jul 2013 09:45 one is forced to give daily updates, whoever can do so will do so willingly. Most of us can't give updates because we are at work and not in environments that don't allow us (well I'm speaking for myself here) to even bring our walka's to the office. 

And we are always appreciative of those who can give us updates, hence the daily thank you's.

17 Jul 2013 09:48

I’d like to proffer my opinion in support of Dellish, I know entertainment is relative but I do not understand why people insist that she is boring and dull when I’ve had some of my most enjoyable moments watching BBA courtesy of her, who can forget the funny impersonations she did of the other housemates? Whenever I watch she is always dancing, in conversation etc Perhaps it’s because she hasn’t yet bowed to any sexual pressure and chose to stay true to her bf, so she doesn’t offer any entertainment value in terms of romantic liaisons but that’s a big part of why I like her (it’s not like she didn’t have her fair share of interested guys’), also this whole dumb thing – I think she is just being stereotyped because she is somewhat of a looker therefor everything she says may be tainted with a ‘pretty but vapid’ vibe (thank goodness lost her white babyness bcos if she was a white blonde it would’ve been much worse ;) I myself have said some pretty stupid things (especially when drunk) and if intelligence is measured by academic standards I’ve always been a straight A+ student right through to University level(not pulling an O’neil on you just validating a point) anyway my 2 cents for a girl who I actually find very sweet and nice (although Melvin will always be my ultimate fav)

17 Jul 2013 10:01

my prev post on dillish was to appease those who wanted to talk about some else other than o'neil :)...... ABBY don't you dare stop blogging, i for one love your posts, even if i don't agree with some of them (e.g i'm no where not such a HUGE fan of Poke as you are), and i'm very grateful to everyone for the updates for us who cannot watch...

Savanah Dry
17 Jul 2013 10:09

Guys can we all agree to be different ...let people who say negative about your fav housemate do what they want you can also say negative about whomever you want ! Bottom line DONT TAKE IT PERSONAL YOU ARE NOT ONEAL AND YOU ARE NOT POKELLO!!!!!!  prob is bloggers are taking it person do we have to talk about the same *bleep!* everyday ???? read and pass by ! if people were talking about something the previous day leave it there today is a new day why everyday we have to here you complaining TSOKA ... i am not on ABBYS side but i have figured her to be fun and just loves instigating and dont take her serious !

17 Jul 2013 10:12

Team pokello are not hateful we are just blunt like our fav we didnt mean to offend any other housemates but also we are not going anywhere and our numbers keep rising

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 10:14

Is this now Pokello vs Oneal?? Oneal has been doing things worth talking about than any other housemates for the past 2 days, as long as its worth mentioning then there is no harm. If Cleo or Nando do anything thats worth talking about we will talk. Havving something bad to say about Oneal has nothing to do with Pokello and it does not mean she has turned into an angel. IT means she is not doing anything worth talking about

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 10:14

Is this now Pokello vs Oneal?? Oneal has been doing things worth talking about than any other housemates for the past 2 days, as long as its worth mentioning then there is no harm. If Cleo or Nando do anything thats worth talking about we will talk. Havving something bad to say about Oneal has nothing to do with Pokello and it does not mean she has turned into an angel. IT means she is not doing anything worth talking about

17 Jul 2013 10:15

Totally agree with @nogaza's last post, we might not agree with everyone but we are apreciative of the UPDATES.  As for uhdikts' opinions on certain housemates, its just that, opinions. take it or leave it thats on you, but people do and will always have opinions, and those opinions will be shared. this has been said so often its tiring, but if you dont agree with someone's opinion, its fine, move on because it means they probably dont agree with yours. like i said before, this is blog available to a wide range of people, so we dont necessarily see things the same. be open about your faves, because no one is perfect

17 Jul 2013 10:15

@nongaza, I like your points on Dillish but you know what I think? People find her boring because she is still very guarded and they haven't seen another side of her...perhaps a side that closeness with the opposite sex would bring. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't need to date the person, have sex with or be perversive, I guess just watching how she would react to sexual overtures may increase viewers fascination/ interest in her. Now I wish Denzel didn't have to leave early as he would have done the trick ;)

17 Jul 2013 10:25

@Abby...Please dont stop.. Everyone has a right to their opinion..nobody should be criticized for it. Hate whoever u want,Like whoever u want. It's ur Frigging Right!

17 Jul 2013 10:25

moving along,  now can we get an update on the diary sessions, please and thank you

17 Jul 2013 10:25

@nongaza, i won't stop blogging jux 2 please Team Oneal...hell 2 da no!!!

@mrs.chix, u r right. They jux don't see it dat way. There's nothing like bad publicity esp if u like some1. Also, da archives of dis blog is my witness, if Pokello does or says anything wrong, i say it here same as i do 4 all da hsmates.

We've 2 go thru dis everyday, it's getting really annoying.
Every season on dis blog(used 2 silent blog), pple disagree on favs but they agree 2 disagree but dis season, emotions r all over da place n i wonder y.

Back 2,dillish n melvin) havin randoms convo's aba rent in their countries n cars n all!
Dillish says she doesn't get along wit her mom. Her mom is in Angola n she doesn't like her lifestyle n her mom parties a lot n she doesn't like dat.

They don't hate each other but she jux doesn't like her choices. She didn't tell her she was going 4 BBA but she's really her mom when they r 2geda by cooking 4 her n stuff. SHe really took care of her as a child but couldn't anymore so her grandpa took care of her growing up.

17 Jul 2013 10:38

@ Abby..Keep them updates coming love. Its not your fault or team Poki's fault that the particular JUNKtured nerve pain is hated in every blog. Keep updating what you want. Nothing is stopping people here to update or steal bad updates about Pokello. Every one has a right to update anything about any housemate here. Keep doing what you doing coz some of us enjoy them updates. Eishh! Told myself I'll never address this pathetic issue again..nxaaa!! PS: Nizoba strong.

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 10:39

@abby I saw Delish's mom on twitter, she is hot to have a grown baby like Dellish. You would swear they are sisters.

17 Jul 2013 10:41

@abbylicious  I love your updates....doing a great job!!

17 Jul 2013 10:46

Bassey said in S/L, pple see celebs n walk away but he n his sis n friends saw Zainab in town n he went 2 greet her n told her he's a fan n introduced his sis(fredricka) 2 her n he said Zainab was so nice to them n danced n took pictures wit them.

He said Zainab drives a pink Hammer in S/L n she's da only one wit a pink car so when she's driving by, every1 knows it's her.

17 Jul 2013 10:49 wonder she parties! Dillish said she's turnin 40 n yet still parties like der's no tomorrow.

Crush wall session in da RH...will update my boss is MIA so i'm on fire today!!

17 Jul 2013 10:55

@Kolla ja neh, no use crying over spilt milk but Denzil still in the chase would've changed the dynamics so much (in a good way I think), can only imagine how he would get along with Pokello, O'neil n other strong characters once they merged *ok crying over spilt milk now...

17 Jul 2013 10:59

Angelo crushes on Bev twice

Oneal crushes on Annabel twice

Sulu crushes on Bev n Annabel

Pokello crushed on an emerald guy twice when Angelo begged her 2 crush on annabel n bev.

Elikem is next n Poke whispered smthg 2 him be he went in....he crushed on Bev n Eveva n starts laughing. He took aba 5 mins 2 choose Eveva.

Cleo crushes on Bev n Annabel

Earlier da  Fish talked to Bimp in the DH. Fish complains that other housemates are scared of it. Bimp assures it that he is not scared of the fish and fish should feel free to talk to him anytime fish wants to. The fish  of course describes a package at the back of the house for Bimp to go pick up....see Bimp kissin da fish's ass....4get it dude, da fish don't!

17 Jul 2013 10:59

@abby w.r.t dillish' mom, i've noticed it happens sometimes when women give birth @ a young age, they are forced to grow up fast and then goes in eternal search for that 'lost' youth, by partying excessively etc...

17 Jul 2013 11:00

Anyone have any new news on Selorme?

17 Jul 2013 11:03

tsoka i agree with u....all bloggers do in this blog they diss onneile le feza....kore nje they hv nothing good to say about them...i dnt like pokello bt i dnt carry that much hatred to an extent that i point out le every little thing she says....its becoming so annoying...yena pokello ooo spoke about the west african thing bt noooo it wasnt much of a big deal to them because it was pokello n they took it lightly...n now when oneal speaks about ntsha their claws...... saying meanest things ive eva heard in my life......we see you..we see yo youll's pokello's to diss one housemate like that is really upon me...sometimes ur hatred is really blinding u.....mara a gona taba Modimo o phala baloi..

17 Jul 2013 11:03

tsoka i agree with u....all bloggers do in this blog they diss onneile le feza....kore nje they hv nothing good to say about them...i dnt like pokello bt i dnt carry that much hatred to an extent that i point out le every little thing she says....its becoming so annoying...yena pokello ooo spoke about the west african thing bt noooo it wasnt much of a big deal to them because it was pokello n they took it lightly...n now when oneal speaks about ntsha their claws...... saying meanest things ive eva heard in my life......we see you..we see yo youll's pokello's to diss one housemate like that is really upon me...sometimes ur hatred is really blinding u.....mara a gona taba Modimo o phala baloi..

17 Jul 2013 11:04

It looks like Bev won da RR session 4rm da RH....cuz da tie breaker Elikem voted 4 Bev but did not vote 4 Annabel(choose Eveva)...Poke choose emerald's Jazz(if i got his name right) twice, not Alusa(annb's friend) but da other guy!

17 Jul 2013 11:04

I said it before, I'm saying it again...its just a show. Take nothing personal. Say what u feel abt any housemate, and do not attack anyone for saying what they feel. I'm not a pokello fan, and I'm not an o'neal fan, but if he came up against miss duckmouth(pokello); I'll gladly vote her over him(o'neal). Reason? She had her moment of madness against west africa(nigeria), and moved on, but o'neal publicly declared a war against west africa. He even thinks he can vote the west africans out. Now tell me, you "super o'neal fans", isn't that arrogance of the highest order? And can you blame abby for hating him? She's west african. Wouldn't you do the same if you were west african? It is only normal people; now allow people express themselves. You either read or not...@abby please keep updating. You're one of the few who are regular with real BBA updates. And have you read other blogs? Comments from there? Is it just coincidence o'neal's criticized everywhere? Lololol

17 Jul 2013 11:09

True@nongaza, true, i jux wish maybe she talks n bonds wit her so they can establish a stronger rel'ship. Melvin n Bassey told her 2 try n mend da rel'ship wit her.

BTW, earlier I heard Bev say aba her friend, i think da name is Damiola, that she has vaginal odour......naija uhdikts, do u know who she is???

17 Jul 2013 11:10

Lol @abby. Bimp scared of getting nominated by the fish

17 Jul 2013 11:15

DH crush wall session

Melvin crushed on two diff emerald ladies( da one wit da Afro 4rm da party n anada one besides da fat 1 n eveva).....he went out n told dem all aba da emeralds bein included n Bev said, oh no but i'll still crush on Angelo.

Bimp crushed on da same 2 emerald ladies melvin choose.

Dillish crushed on Angelo n da Afro emerald lady....da names r not underneath da pics so i can't tell their names except Eveva,Alusa n Busi cuz they caught my eye.

Bassey crushed on Angelo twice.

17 Jul 2013 11:16

Yhoo so much drama in this blog! @Abby we appreciate your updates sister. Keep them coming. Some of us get a chance to watch BBA after work. We must remember that we are not going to get a share of that 300k! No need to get emotional at all! All is entitled to his/her opinion! If you don't like a post just ignore it and move on. Shoo!!

17 Jul 2013 11:20

Nando crushed on Emerald Afro girl n Angelo

Bev crushed on Angelo twice

Annabel crushed on Alusa( da emerald kenyan guy) twice.

17 Jul 2013 11:20

Lol @zainab being the only one with a pink car in SL, is the country that small for bassey to be so sure??????why would angelo request both bev and annabelle? This dude is confused

17 Jul 2013 11:24

nooooooooooo bev why would u talk about someone else's 'vaginal odors' on continental tv... i have a soft spot for this girl but sometimes i can understand why the likes of @nst dislike her sooo much

17 Jul 2013 11:25

Why is biggie allowing this emerald people on the crush wall? I imagine in the randz what what room (which is not a controlled environment) they might crack and unintentionally reveal their true identity.

17 Jul 2013 11:27

Da Afro girl's name is Sophie n da other one is on my stealing!....Alusa is da kenyan guy dat Annab talks abt n Eveva is da belly dancer wit da heavy wig.....yet 2 know da big girl's name n i read on dat blog dat da guy Pokello choose's name is Jazz....having 2 learn new names again like it's day 1.

Nando laughin @ Eveva n askin dem y no1 crushed on!

17 Jul 2013 11:27

i sitll hav my reservations on these fake emeralds, if you judge on al that went down in the real houses thus far, i don't know how these fakes r gonna keep their stories straight (esp if you have shrewd ones like ana banana and mel)...

17 Jul 2013 11:29

I was listening to Oneal gister ....yesses i dont hate him but i was pissed. The thing is he thinks he is the king of the chase....according to him he initially wanted Elikem in the house but now he s going to kick him out who the hell does he think he is

17 Jul 2013 11:29

Bev has confidence to complain about someone's vaginal odours on live television, considering she's not the cleanest looking of the pack, I won't even mention the hair. Now imagine walking into and bengelo house with all that hair (although I have to give props to angelo, at least his hair looks clean):::::::speaking of Angy, I just saw this on twitter "vote for Angelo and stand a chance to win one of his dreadlocks", so #voteangelo and of cos #votepokello

17 Jul 2013 11:32

*walking into bengelo's house

17 Jul 2013 11:33

Hahahahhaahaaaa!!! Bev the dumbo,WTF!!! Why would she mention her name,bathong!!! @ Nongaza.LOL after reading this, I just remembered when NST said she has a hissing voice...kwaaaaaaaa!!!!

17 Jul 2013 11:33

lol @khadjos, shem me i wouldn't want one of those dreads for 300k! lol

17 Jul 2013 11:35

come on people, remmeber bloggers dissed melvin, natasha, ffatima and bev , also dissed elikem, sellly. the rants are not random,, they are based on recent occurrences. If someone does something you dont agree with, you call him/her out and move on, if they repeatedly do things you find disagreeable then chances are that they will be ""called out" more often than the others... my two cents

17 Jul 2013 11:37

@abby: Please dont stop your updates and just ignore the emotional fans. Believe me I know how they can get because I updated regularly during previous seasons and the over-attached fans can get personal if you dont update the way they want. Ignore it. I got to a point where I am simply ignoring replies from certain bloggers.

17 Jul 2013 11:37

@khadjos, i think cuz AnnaB wants 2 experience da RR they decided 2 to vote 4 both of them. Oneal mistakenly choos e AnnaB twice so Angelo corrected da error n chose Bev twice. Pokelim went da route of da emeralds but Elikem chose Bev n an emerald so Bev won over AnnaB ..looks like Angelo won in da DH.

TASK...materials are in da garden n hsmates must design pics 4 Advertising boards 4 their circus. Each pic must display da hsmates' character to be advertised in da circus. Housemates must make posts 4 their circus n advertise them cuz a circus wit no advert isn't one.
Task shd start immediately n be done by da end of da day.

17 Jul 2013 11:40

hehe @boogy, that girl just makes it harder and harder for me to defend her - my neighbour almost choked on her tea yesterday when i said that i still think Bev is a gorgeous girl, she's just (very) rough around the edges - she went as far as e-mailing me links this morning to various optometrists in our area lol

17 Jul 2013 11:43

oooh that looks like a lovely task, love these creative tasks - suddenly got a flashback of how in awe I was @ O'neil painting, oh how the mighty has fallen in my eyes...

17 Jul 2013 11:43

"Task should start immediately and be done by the end of the day", I'm guessing Diamond hm are probably chilling and not even bothered, while ruby has probs started with their conference. @abby, nice of ruby to want to give annabelle a chance I suppose, I was just scared she would take it the wrong way and assume that angelo still wants her. We know how unstable she get where angelo is concerned

17 Jul 2013 11:45

My bad, I said "assume that angelo STILL wants her", what a blunder, we all know how Angy feels about anna banana (as she's so fondly called by some uhdikts)

17 Jul 2013 11:46

So Bev will be in the RR again? Poor Annabel

17 Jul 2013 11:46

@MataZzzz modimo o phala baloi ngwanaesho... @Abby Much love babe..keep those updates coming and until I get your boss number ease on that Oneal hate. @everybody You can join Pokello pages ob FB and praise her there..ah hey! We tire oo. And we know every body is ob that West or East Africa hate as long as their reps are there you know your faces don't stand a chance. Kegans won cos Biggie bribed Ola to fake that ill ness. Team Oneal and makoti Feza all day..ok. We don't insult..we are team O'Love babes..

17 Jul 2013 11:51

oooh did anayone hear that story Bassey told yesterday about sleeping with his brother's best friend's gf, think i will now accept he is not gay, just effeminate...

17 Jul 2013 11:53

theey will beat bev whhenn she gets to lagos. elikem crushed on eveva, while pokello crushed on another guy from emeralds, the one with the cap

17 Jul 2013 11:54

@nongaza those locks will be worth more than 300k when the show's done, don't be shy now, come on

17 Jul 2013 11:56

Let me vote for Angelo then,phela I also want my dreads to be that long.

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 11:58

These Emeralds, are they really necessary for the game. I dont see the point really. They should donate that food they want to give them to charity,

17 Jul 2013 11:59

Not BEV and ANGELo again in Rendervuu...Eish.

17 Jul 2013 12:00

@nongaza about bassey, believe you me, sleeping with girls means nothing. But like I've said before, bassey has never said he's gay, so to me, he's not, regardless of what he acts like

17 Jul 2013 12:11

@khadjos i suppose your right, i've heard of gay guys who had relationships with girls before coming out, think its bcos it was an undercover thing (no-one knew till now) - if you're in the closet wouldn't your secret sexcapades be with guys, anyhoo doesn't really matter... by the way this is my first BBA that i'm folliowing so dilligently, were there ever homosexual hms?

17 Jul 2013 12:13

@mrschix I agree about the emerald people, biggie is taking it a bit too far, these people are useless in the end, but maybe they're secretly auditioning for next season, that's why ba phapha

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 12:13

@nongaza, they was Shiela she was bi-sexual.

17 Jul 2013 12:18

@nogaza I didn't follow Revolution (it bored me), but I would say maybe Shirley (from both revolution and all stars), I'd say she was bi cos I remember her and meryl doing something, but she also had a thing for uti. Any other season I don't really remember anyone being out or anyone acting homo, I could be wrong so other uhdikts would have to chip in

17 Jul 2013 12:20


Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 12:21

I log ijn to the BBA webside. IS anyone else having the same problem

17 Jul 2013 12:27

I wonder what ever happened to her,Shiela that is.

17 Jul 2013 12:29

Same here @boogy am voting none stop so that I cud also extend mine..Lol

17 Jul 2013 12:42

Lol so apparently Dellish said that anabelle has surprising eyes and she took it as an insult???

17 Jul 2013 12:51

So i went to the bba site now to vote, first time since monday (for dillish) and it gave me an option to vote for either Kenya (anna) or S/L (bassey) within the same hour as well but none of the other nominees, any one else experience this, is biggie doing his own version of rigging now??

17 Jul 2013 12:55

Melivin's Ds....he's fine n is optimistic aba completing da task 4 da day.
Aba da crush wall, he was surpised 2 see da Emerald hsmates wit da RH. He voted 4 two emeralds n will see what happens. He thinks Angelo, da Ugandan Emerald girl n Faith also an emerald lady. He thinks it'll be btn these 3 dat is if da Emerald hs exists since they r not fully convinced.

He said Annabel chatted wit da emerald girl but wasn't convinced cuz da lady was ds only 1 askin her questions n avoidin AnnaB's questions.

He's sure they'll win their wager he's putting some tricks 2geda 4 presentation.
He said it's difficult 4 hsmates since most of them have never been 2 a circus but they r trying 2 do a better task 2 win their wager.
He said they've taken Biggie's warning seriously n r all fully participating in da task.
If he's granted 3 wishes, he'd wish for wisdom, riches and making it 2 heaven!!

17 Jul 2013 12:59

aaaaaaw melvin, adorable!

17 Jul 2013 13:03

I can't wait to hear oneaza's ds, feza seems to be in a bad mood today

17 Jul 2013 13:03

Bev's DS....she's good n da task is fun n they r doind da boards.
Aba da crush wall session, she saw both EH n RH but she choose Angelo cuz she doesn't know da emeralds but she doesn't know who da hsmates chose.

Aba da video chat, anna said da time was limited n couldn't ask some questions.
She didn't come 2 BBA wit a game plan n has been her herself. She only came wit her BIBLE, GOD n BIGGIE n no scripts.

She thinks Bimp is doing well as HOH n all hsmates r cooperating wit him n r doing well so will win their wager.
She doesn't think ther r gender stereotypes when it comes to d chores in da hs, both da guys n girls clean da hs.
Any 3 wishes will be da 300k, have a lot of opportunities n know her man(angelo) better  n 2 live happily ever after.

17 Jul 2013 13:07

Does bev still sleep with Bimp in the same bed if she now considers Angelo her man? Lol @melvin wanting to make it to heaven, 1st time in my life I ever hear someone wish for that. Talk about thinking about the future

17 Jul 2013 13:11

lol @ khadjos "Talk about thinking about the future" i thought it was adorable,  my mind goes mushy where he's concerned :)

17 Jul 2013 13:13

Bassey's DS......missed da start of his ds.
His 3 wishes.....1st wish is to win da 300k cuz he needs da money da most cux he needs 2 buy a hs 4 family, 2nd wish is protection 4 his family by God n 3rd wish is 4 God 2 protect him n have him live long.
He thinks there r no stereotypes in da BBA house...he does almost everything in da hs. he cooks, scrubs bathtub, sweeps n cleans n so does everybody else whether male or female.

17 Jul 2013 13:17

Bassey told biggie he stole ANnaB's yoghurt n she blamed Nando 4 it n got mad when he stole it but he later put it back. he asks biggie if he shd confess n biggie said it's entirely up 2 him.
He leaves da diary room n confesses 2 Anna dat he was da one who stole da yoghurt b4 all da hsmates.....nando's teasin Annab 4 thinking he stole it!

17 Jul 2013 13:23

khadjos....she is down shame...she needs oneal..they had a misunderstanding this morning....n brother oneal keeps on ignoring her...shame maan oneal lyena can be too much at times....#bt im stil teamoneza

17 Jul 2013 13:26

AnnaB's Ds...she's okay, a lil tired but she shd be fine.
She thinks maybe da task is not motivating enuf dat's y they r bored  but they r working hard n will win da wager esp after Biggie's wedding.
Her 3 wishes.....1st wish is to know what pple think aba her 2 advance her strategy.....2nd wish is to reverse time n make some changes.....3rd wish is to win da 300k.
She's optimistic dat da wishes will come true.

She thinks da hsmates would wish 4 more encouragement n motivation. She thinks working 2geda n motivating each other will help esp now dat they r jux 7.
Da DH r close naturally so she hopes it remains so till da end.

She wishes bigggie would bring an animal into da hs like dogs.....biggie reminds her dat there's fish in da hs.
She says bassey jux confirmed dat he stole his yoghurt n she feels good n thinks it's cute dat he fessed 2 da theft.

She might be believin in da emerald hs 4rm da crush wall session n hopes they can be merged wit them so they can know each other n make it more real.

17 Jul 2013 13:27

17 Jul 2013 13:36

isnt sheila still dating or married to Uti now?

17 Jul 2013 13:38

LOL@Khadjos, so far only Melvin's 3 wishes makes so much sense....da Holy Spirit is touched n since he seeked wisdom 1st, da 300k will be added unto him lol.
Bev's such a dreamer, happily ever after seriously??? Is she Cinderella or is it cuz her man is Rapunzel...SMH!!!!

17 Jul 2013 13:40 bassey thinks cleaning and invading people's privacy will win him the cash..WooW!! Can this ballerina leave already...

17 Jul 2013 13:44

Hehheeee Amabelle,girl you stll wanna know what people think of you after being up for eviction every week??? Hay maan,I thought u were smarter than that,come on.

17 Jul 2013 13:46

Nando's DS....he was able 2 sleep a lil yestee due 2 alcohol so biggie shd give him more.
Most of dem haven't been 2 circus so it's hard but they r trying so hard.
Aba da crush wall session, he thinks biggie's smart. He wants biggie 2 merge da 3 hses if eH exists but until then, he's goin wit da flow.

He doesn't think dat there r any cleaning stereotypes.

His 3 wishes...1st wish is 2 fulfill  his family's wishes first cuz he's are very big...2nd wish is 2 be very successful, bigger dan even Biggie.
Biggie asks what he means by success,he thinks success is 2 excel n help others smile too.......3rd wish is to answer all da questions he has in his mind aba his family, eg, his dad family or his personal life,etc, like y is he like dis?
He thinks if he becomes successful, he can start answer some of da whether his dead is truly dead n where he was buried.

17 Jul 2013 13:46

Peace and Love guys. Peace and Love. Ok, I want to start by apologising for "hating" any housemate. Let's all update, give a couple of opinions and not fight. Yes, some housemates can be annoying but let's try to keep it objective. (I need to remind myself of that too).

17 Jul 2013 13:55

Bimp's DS....he likes being HOH n da only person giving him problem is Bassey. He thinks Bassey's convinced he swapped him n makes remarks n comments dat show dat bassey's angry n upset aba it but it hurts him too.

An example is dat Bassey told him dat he's da worst HOH n he snaps at him 4 very little thing. he thinks bassey n his rel'ship has changed since da swap. he won't approach him aba it cuz he might be forced 2 admit dat he did swap him n get in trouble wit Biggie.

Every1 is pulling their weight except Nando yestee who was sad n sick but he's better now n ever1 is cooperating. He's sure they'll win da wager.

His 3 wishes...1st wish is to live a happy life.....2nd wish is to be extremely wealthy to take care of those he loves....3rd wish is to win da 300k.

17 Jul 2013 13:57

@Abby i love you girl,don't stop doing what you do best,i can see we both like Melvin and i'm team oneal and you are team Pokelo i still love you girl. 

17 Jul 2013 14:01

lol @ khadjos "Talk about thinking about the future" i thought it was adorable, my mind goes mushy where he's concerned :)
@nongaza, to me melvin is gullible, no other way to describe it

khadjos....she is down shame...she needs oneal..they had a misunderstanding this morning....n brother oneal keeps on ignoring her...shame maan oneal lyena can be too much at times....#bt im stil teamoneza

@matzzz, oneal has gotten so good at ignoring Feza whenever a problem arises in their ship (case in point when she was swapped and the dude didnt even say bye). its sad to look at because he wont even give her a chance to explain (though i have no idea what the problem is this time). im not a fan of oneaza, even less so feza, but i feel bad for her

LOL@Khadjos, so far only Melvin's 3 wishes makes so much sense....da Holy Spirit is touched n since he seeked wisdom 1st, da 300k will be added unto him lol.
Bev's such a dreamer, happily ever after seriously??? Is she Cinderella or is it cuz her man is Rapunzel...SMH!!!

@abby, i have to imagine that melvin was bullied in school, hes toooo sweet for his own good. thats if he's like this even outside the bba house. as four bev, she did say when she falls inlove, she falls hard and looses herself, no wonder she cant see beyond angelo's "hornyness"

isnt sheila still dating or married to Uti now
@cande, uti was another one, like melvin, who never wanted to commit to a girl. i even heard some gay rumours surrounding him (though i doubt he is) so id be in shock if they ended up toghether, the nigerians and kenyans will have to comfirm that

17 Jul 2013 14:07

so glad Nando didnt make a big deal out of the annabelle yoghurt issue and that bassey fessed up, such adults

17 Jul 2013 14:09

Dillish's DS....she's fine n can't wait 4 presentation moro.
They r workin on da posters now n they r all pulling their weight n giving ides so she can say it's going well n will win their wager.
She thinks dat HOH Bimp is a good HOH though easily influenced but he's still one of da best hOH's since da beginning.
She thinks Nando can make Bimp change his mind like da swap on friday will be influenced by him though bimp can also make up his mind.
Aba da crush wall session, she thinks it was nice 2 see da emeralds pix wit da RH n thinks Faith n Angelo might win da RR.

She connected wit all da Emeralds n talked n danced wit them but she liked Eveva da most cuz she liked seeing her dance.
She thinks Bassey works really hard even though he's a male so there's no gender stereotypes in da hs.

She asks if she's da only dumb outcast as she's da only Diamond hsmate dat believes dat da emerald exists...biggie asks y...she thinks after all da tipsshe believes it exists...biggie tells her she's on da right path.
She requests 4 a Namibian songs since she hasn't hrd even 1 Namibian song in 8 weeks...bigggie said he'll work on it.

17 Jul 2013 14:12

so Bimp is still complaining about Bassey even today? can the guy just comfront him, he should know that bassey wont bite him. smh, kids that wont face their problems upfront, knowing him, he might swap bassy to ruby on friday so that he can gossip about him to other housemates freely. bassey's bestie bev will probably join in too, since its clear from her nominating him that their "friendship" is as real as lk4's accent

17 Jul 2013 14:12

@Nonwe thanks girl peace and love is what we need.

17 Jul 2013 14:20

She asks if she's da only dumb outcast as she's da only Diamond hsmate dat believes dat da emerald exists...
@abby iron of her to ask that lol

17 Jul 2013 14:21


17 Jul 2013 14:21

This isn't Sunday school so we're not here to kumbaya.  I will snark on whichever inmate annoys me ....  This is the second time a housemate has had it in for others based on the region they're from.  Remember "Diamond Boy" Munya and his strategy of voting for countries furthest from him?  He ended up alienating half the participating countries, therefore losing to Uti in the final.  Now we get the Owl and his inexplicable hatred for all things and people West African.  What's his damage?

17 Jul 2013 14:22

bassey's bestie bev will probably join in too, since its clear from her nominating him that their "friendship" is as real as lk4's've killed me ooo....kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

As 4 Melvin, i thinks he's real...gullible yes but genuine too. To answer a question like dat on da spot means it's smthg u believe in personally else u'll start talking aba happily ever afters wit a guy u haven't dated even 4 two freaking weeks....his wishes n nando's felt more real n personal to me, IMO!!!!!!

17 Jul 2013 14:23

she asks if she's da only dumb outcast as she's da only Diamond hsmate dat believes dat da emerald exists...

Surely this girl must be doing this purpose?  Nobody can be as dumb as she.

17 Jul 2013 14:25

17 Jul 2013 14:26

Bimp though kwaaaaaaa.

17 Jul 2013 14:27

STOLEN>>>>>>>>>>>Coming back to my hypothesis, it is not Angelo who used the finger on Beverly. Its actually South Africa which has fingered and sub-raped Nigeria. Since both housemates are representatives of their countries, Angelo’s act should be seen for its symbolism rather than its entertainment value. SA is the biggest economy in Africa, according to financial analysts. Nigeria is the fastest growing economy in Africa. There’s been a struggle for continental domination by both countries over the years. To underscore their importance in Africa, South African companies have been investing heavily in Nigeria; finding huge profits in the porous economy of Nigeria. Nigerians welcome all these investments with open arms. Just as Beverly opened her arms and *cough, cough* for Angelo. So, when Angelo carried out his act, he might have been telling us Nigerians who cared to watch, ‘F**k you, all! You Nigerians ain’t shit’. And that is how I see it.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not xenophobic in anyway. I’m being very realistic. Beverly represents a whoring Nigeria which seem to get nothing right but just allows itself to be screwed both by internal and external interests. Its as simple as that.

But all this grammar and analogy I’m giving here will not change something. When this same Beverly comes back from the BBA house, she would have turned into the next big celebrity with possible companies falling over themselves to sign her for endorsements. Its just what pointing fingers can do to one.
[Charles Novia] 

if you want to read more go to

17 Jul 2013 14:33

Wow @Ankonisaho ... that's taking it a tad far, don't you think? 

17 Jul 2013 14:34

@Khadjos I mean really,is Blimp going to bore us about this Bassey story everyday. Gosh,some of us don't give a flip,he can go fly a kite. He made that decision,he must deal with it asseblief..nxaaa.

17 Jul 2013 14:34

@ankonisaho i heard about that article on twitter in the morning. the way people always want to sound intelligent, they put oneal to shame. what does horny madala angelo have to do with economies? bathong, really now. that situation was simple, bev and angelo (not SA and Nigeria) were horny and they helped each other out. next thing some tweleb will be writing an open letter to both, hay man people are bored.

17 Jul 2013 14:34

It's not like Bassey's wrong and he wasn't swapped.

17 Jul 2013 14:42

i went to that link, that man must have escaped weskoppies for real, 10 paragraphs on this. im telling you, at this pint, even the king of abathembu dalindyebo is looking better and normal (non SA uhdikts who dont know the story, that king smokes weed and openly called our prez a "zulu boy", eish though where zuma is concerned one might say such really)
@boogy, its really annoying now. as much as bassey's antics (constant shout outs) are annoying, his "divaness" can be excused, whats bimp's excuse since hes not dealing with the issue up front? smh

17 Jul 2013 14:42

@Khadjos i agree with you some people r just attention seeker i just feel sorry for Bev when she come out of that house

17 Jul 2013 14:43

Da way Sulu says "circus" is so funny...kindda like "seykus"! Yestee was "kirkus" but he got corrected. Sulu's a clown in da task too, how ironic!!!!

LOL@nst, da end will justify da means. Let's jux wait n see how they all end in da game!! Melvin will be reason 4 our cease!! At least we have one mutual fav cuz i jux can't meet u half way wit ur other fav... i can'!!!!

17 Jul 2013 14:45

where is @ABBYLICOUS ,m waiting for the rubies dairy session

17 Jul 2013 14:49

Errr,what is SA and Nigeria's economy got to do with Angelo and Bev's sexual desires na?? This Charles and Dailndyebo are surely sharing a nyoope joint.. Making their problems ours. So annoying.

17 Jul 2013 14:50

Oneal's DS....he's da ring master in da task so his role is 2 control da other acts in da task so as to make dem all cooperate.
Da role is jux like his persona in real life as he's a leader n da hsmates look up to him in terms of tasks.
He thinks there's so much tension in da hs. When two pple r upstairs, it's obvious dat they r upstairs n is very awkward unlike when they were many.

He thinks they r divided in da hs n rarely do all of them sit at a place to chat.n Pokilem r being ganged up against cuz they alienate themselves in da hs.

He thinks pple r tryin 2 outplace n outdo each other n it's messing pple's games. It's become predictable as to how pple will nominate n behave in da hs.
He's observin pple play their game n will act 4rm there.

His 1st wish is dat biggie will accelerate him 2 top 5...2nd wish is 2 never leave da ruby hs 2 da emerald or diamond hs.....3rd wish is 2 be given da chance  place a phone call to his son.

17 Jul 2013 14:50

@ Ankonisaho: that article is what we'll call bure kabisa in Kiswahili. Now, more than ever I see why this show has to get away from this country shida

To my future wife WSG, just want to let you know that I'm so honored that you said YES. I cannot wait for us to spend the rest of our lives together.

In the language of my heart - WSG, nakupenda sana.

17 Jul 2013 14:51


17 Jul 2013 14:52

@ankonisaho i feel really bad for bev shame, she has little to no support from her people.   dont like/dislike her but i do feel bad for her shame. i hope she and angelo will behave themselves at the randz what what, who knows to what level they'll take this. at least they will most likely be sober

17 Jul 2013 14:53

@Ankonisaho Ahh that was from Charles Novia, normal stuff. That guy likes to hear himself bleat most of the time. He used to be a movie director....don't know what happened to him. Just vanished for a while and then resurface early on this year only to be a "critic".

17 Jul 2013 14:57

@jemedari and @WSG, if you wont make me a bridesmade at your wedding at least dont let the invitation get lost in the mail
this whole bengelo issue rubbing that madala Charles the wrong just reminded me of a vid i saw on youtube called "eat da poo poo", i swear its hard to make people understand that if our opinions differ, its okay, just dont impose. tjo

17 Jul 2013 14:58

Cleo's DS....her 1st wish is a video msg 4rm her family including Hakid n her manager...2nd wish is 4 biggie to merge da hses....3rd wish is dat Biggie grants her immunity 2 da end.

She thinks feza's a bit quiet but she doesn't know why, Polikem r doing their thing on da side.
She thinks Oneal's opinions r regarded highly in dat's how it is in da RH.
She disagreed wit da poster n so did Poke but since Oneal did it, there's no room 4 any1 else to disagree wit him. Even if u object, ur opinion is ignored.

She won't object anymore 2 Oneal's work anymore cuz she voiced her opinion earlier but no1 minded her only Poke agreed dat da poster wasn't nice so they shd choose anada one but since Oneal said it's good, she n Poke were ignored.
She thinks Sulu's excited aba da HOH n he's doing good so far n he's trying hard n they'll win their wager.

17 Jul 2013 14:59

And writing a lot of articles that make most people cringe.

17 Jul 2013 14:59


17 Jul 2013 15:00

17 Jul 2013 15:00

@Anko....people are taking world issues and to a simple fun show like BBA.

17 Jul 2013 15:00

@Anko....people are taking world issues to a simple fun show like BBA.

17 Jul 2013 15:02

@nonwe "critics" are suppose to be objective though
@abby so oneal didnt mention him and feza and their "disagreement"?

17 Jul 2013 15:03

.see Bimp kissin da fish's ass....4get it dude, da fish don't! @Abby you killing me with laughter

17 Jul 2013 15:04

she asks if she's da only dumb outcast as she's da only Diamond hsmate dat believes dat da emerald exists...

Surely this girl must be doing this purpose? Nobody can be as dumb as she

nst its funny how because i'm a fan of hers i actually thought what she says shows she is able to have a little fun in self derision, definitely not that it was sooooo incredibly dumb to the point that nobody can be as dumb, but to each his own

17 Jul 2013 15:06

She disagreed wit da poster n so did Poke but since Oneal did it, there's no room 4 any1 else to disagree wit him. Even if u object, ur opinion is ignored. 

Lol, that's sad!

17 Jul 2013 15:06

@Abbylicous thanx for the updates...your really are the choosen

17 Jul 2013 15:07

Sulu's Ds....he's fine but now dat da hs is smaller, he misses certain evicted hsmates cuz pple r sleeping n couples r always 2geda so it's not like b4.

Da crush wall session was unexpected wit regards 2 da Emerald hs but he believes Biggie now dat da emerald hs exists.

He hopes da hses r merged so they can meet these emeralds n know if they r also fighting 4 da 300k.
He thinks da evictions deal wit da hsmates cuz they r now smaller n wit da couplings in da hs, it limits da general convos n bonds in da hs.
If they continue working hard, he's sure they'll win da wager.
He thinks cuz he's HOH, some pple r relaxing n leavin things 4 him 2 do but he's still sure they'll win da wager.

His 3 wishes...1st wish is to get da 30k....2nd wish is to build a house for his mom n 3rd wish is to fulfill his destiny(do what he was brought to do on earth or

17 Jul 2013 15:10

other blogs say the oneaza's issue is about "nothing" since oneal asked for an explanation from feza about "nothing" and poor feza had to apologise for something she didnt know, lol. i really think that oneal suppresses a lot in this relationship and expects feza to "just know" what the issue is.

17 Jul 2013 15:12

yor this o'neil just doesn't let up with his 'i'm the ruler of all' nonsense, i wonder how he would've fared in the diamond house, that is if everyone would've just accepted his word as law
@khadjos chances are they will prob have sex, or get very close to it, and this time there'll be no bassey to interrupt procedings, shame bev strikes me as such a lost little soul just looking for love in all the wrong places using all the wrong methods

17 Jul 2013 15:16

Elikem's DS....He does not think there's any tensions in da hs.

Aba da crush wall session, he thinks Bev n Pokello might win 4rm da DH n EH(cuz da emeralds were askin aba her at d party). He said Poke wanted 2 meet da Zimbabwean counterpart so crushed on him. He said Alusa said da hs exists so he'd rather believe it does dan otherwise.
He's beginning to think der'll be 2 prices in da end n wit da Emerald hs bein involved makes his theory a possibility.

He doesn't think there are any gender stereotypes in da hs cuz any1 can do any chore regardless of da gender.
He thinks Sulu is trying as an HOH n he's doing a great job.

His 3 wishes...1st wish is to have a video chat wit someone on da outside(gloria)...2nd wish is 2 have a 2 or 3 day vac 4rm da hs(go 2 da mall in SA n jux hang out n).....3rd wish is to be HOH next week.

17 Jul 2013 15:24

Bev is just tjatjarag. She can't be this desparate for love at age 21?? If anything, she should be focused in her studies or whatever it is that she's doing and stop these Jezabel tendencies.

17 Jul 2013 15:25

LOL@khadjos, he did not speak aba Feza...he was busy likenin his task character of da Ring master controlling da circus to him being in control n da leader in da RH.....b4 pple say i'm dissing him, it's Oneal's words not mine.
Even cleo has noticed it n spent half her DS complainin 2 biggie abt it.

Lol@Ankonisaho n Tee78...jux watchin bimp talking 2 da fish was jux too funny..."u can call me anytime fish n i'll talk to you....i will be your friend" kiss ass Bimp!

17 Jul 2013 15:29

these emeralds have their stories jumbled up, so feza is talking to this guy from Zimbabwe that said the guy in emeralds house from Tanzania voluntarily walked out because he was opposed to the fact that rubies and diamonds get to interact

17 Jul 2013 15:32

Feza havin a video chat wot da Zimbabwean emerald guy Jay Jay now......da guy tells her da TZ rep jonny asked 4 a voluntary exit cuz he was upset they weren't mixin wit da other hses so he left.
He asks aba dellish n dat she's hot n will like to meet her cuz da girls in his hse r not all dat.
he said they were 14 in da beginnin but r now 6.
Feza asks aba da arena games n y they don't see them there n he said they've arena games too but wit each other.
Feza asking dat she was told at da party zone dat they r 10 n da guy's sayin they were 14 when Biggie ends da chat......Biggie go n do ur homework !!!

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 15:34

LOL Elikem wants to go to the mall. Feza I really feel for her, she can not be herself when she is around the Owl. She all quiet and reserved. The diamond house did her justice shem poor girl

17 Jul 2013 15:34

Feza is very skeptical about the emeralds story, elikem and sulu are convinced that they exist. Pokello asks if he (JJ the emeralds chap) asked about her AND BIG BROTHER SWITCHES SCREENS BEFORE I CAN HEAR FEZA TELL HER THAT HE WAS ONLY INTERESTED IN DELISH AND HER (FEZA) DAMN!!!!!

17 Jul 2013 15:35

its the sign of true leadership and being a role model.  Let's be objective towards Oneal, not all dictators are bad.

17 Jul 2013 15:36

Jay-Jay is cute but he is not a convincing actor

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 15:37

LOL The Emeralds do not have the same script

17 Jul 2013 15:40

Ok I take that back...he sold the story considerably well to bimp. I think DH has bought the story. He comes out to brief housemates and relays the information that there was a housemate from Nigeria called John (who has left) and Melvin responds... "What a lie"

17 Jul 2013 15:41

Bimp havin a video chat wit da Zimbabwean JayJay guy too....bimp asks aba da emerald hs n he says da TZ guy jux walked out of da hs(voluntary house) n dat they watched them on da TV 4rm da y 1.
He asks aba dillish n Bimp says she's taken already n has been datin him for 4 years. Da guy asks him 2 cut him some slack n tell dillish he says whassap. He said there was a Naija guy Chris but he was an ass n got evicted. He said there was no Ethiopia rep in their house.
Bimp was smart 2 ask him aba da countries but da guy jux outsmarted him by mentionin da Naija guy's name n jux talkin aba jux dat guy like dat.

Now i'm loosing 4ward 2 seeing Eveva n Jay Jay on my screens. They better not disappoint.

17 Jul 2013 15:47

he was upset that they didnt merge so he quit?? dumbest reason ever and i hope feza saw through that. pokello and her obsession with zims, the zim emerald guy, just like hakeem, do not care for her shame (an hour is is over, let me go and vote for her)
@nongaza for bev's sake i hope they dont, at this point the nijas are making a bigger deal of this than ethiopia did with their lawsuit, bev is def getting no love while angelo is just cruising along
@abby, that cleo is not so dumb after all
@thadiva "not all dictators are bad", what a statement mchana
@mrschix, the emeralds will be caught out sooner or later, some of their stories are just not plausable

17 Jul 2013 15:50

Angelo n da big girl havin a chat....she asked Angelo if he's half-cast n he said he's mixed.
Their arena games r played against each other n da losing team washes da winning team's laundry.
She says they were 14 in da beginning.
Angelo asked of they have crush wall session n she says no n asked him if she got any crushes cuz she finds dem cute.
She says they party in da garden n watch them on TV.
She asks aba him n bev cuz bev was gyrating  n Angelo said yeah bev's his woman.
Angelo asks her aba nominations n she said becuz da Jonny asked 4 a voluntary exit so evictions were cancelled.

This lady is convincing cuz Angelo bought it.

17 Jul 2013 15:54

If only Bev knew that Angelo is from the Cape and the chances of the relationship surviving from the outside r slim 2 none. I can imagine what Angelo's family thinks of her ugliness and not 2 mention the tone of her skin.

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 15:55

haaaaaah @khadjos, please dont remind of Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, That day I was embarrassed shem I had to cover my self while watching news... I didnt want to hear the rest of rubbish he had to say about the Prseident..Some pple just talk without thinking

17 Jul 2013 15:57

its the sign of true leadership and being a role model. Let's be objective towards Oneal, not all dictators are bad.

@thadiva.....lmao, I know. But good leaders allow other people's perspectives as well especially if you are working in a team. That's why he's got the idea that he can take out other people

17 Jul 2013 15:57

17 Jul 2013 16:00

But the Emeralds' stories aren't gonna fly! They'll be caught out in the first day cause I think they will give conflicting accounts of what's been happening in that house

17 Jul 2013 16:05

@mrschix i was just laughing hey, the things he says, i just assumed he's high
@coffeecolour you are so right, angelo's family is probably besides themselves shame lol, i can just imagine

17 Jul 2013 16:15

Feza's DS.....her 3 wishes,...1st wish will be a video chat wit her son...2nd wish will be to win da 300k cuz it'd be a life changing experience 4 her.....3rd wish is for all da hses to be merged(diamond, emerald n ruby hses).
She's still in denial aba da EH but after da video chat, she's still in shock but it was a good chat.

B4 she wanted 2 meet da EH to confirm if it was not true but after today she believes dat they exist though it makes da 300k seem further.
With regards to nominations,If da hses r merged, they'll get to know each other but it'll make nominations easier since they don't know them dat well!!!

She's looking 4ward 2 see da magician's act n they r doing well wit da task.
She asks 4 pain killers n a doc 2 check her back pain.
She likes Sulu as HOH but she thinks da pressure is getting 2 him n He relies on Oneal's expertise more. Sulu's leadership skills r a bit shaky.

She thinks some hsmates r rated higher dan da others n specifically Oneal. His opinions r highly regarded in da hs n even if some1 has an idea n Oneal disagrees, his opinion is then taken. She thinks he's relied on mostly durin da tasks.
She's spoken to Oneal aba it n she's told him but she doesn't think he sees dat. She said cleo also disgrees wit him n voices it out so she n cleo r individually minded but da rest jux follow along.

17 Jul 2013 16:21

Angelo's DS...he believes da EH exists but doesn't want 2 be swapped der.
It was nice 2 speak 2 da EH lady n dat she's nice to talk to.
He'll rada be swapped 2 da DH cuz he misses Bev a lot.
He feels da task is going along but things r slow n hopes they pull it 2geda n make them win their wager. He's confident they'll win their wager.

He thinks Sulu's tryin his best to be a good HOH but pple don't really listen 2 him cuz he's Sulu. Sulu's stressing aba da task.
He thinks Sulu sees da HOH position as a boss n da rest his employees  n dat won't sit right wit some pple. he's trying his best da way he can.

His 3 wishes...1st wish is to make it to da Top 5.....2nd wish is to travel Africa n teach kids n make a diff in pple's lives....3rd wish is dat he wishes 2  marry da woman of his dreams n have his mum see his grandkids.

17 Jul 2013 16:25

Oneal is the BB's Robert yall should chill and watch ...hehehehe.. Why should Feza be reserved and not happy around Oneal? She came alone to play the game and should tell Oneal to eff off and do her thing. I Sony understand sometimes how women let themselves be in such relationships ...anyway in the BB world all are concerned about country votes that they think by pleasing certain housemates they are buying their county votes..

17 Jul 2013 16:28

its amusing to hear Sulu referred to as Angelo's best friend - Sunday will be interesting

17 Jul 2013 16:36

Poke's DS.....she's da holahoop girl wit Cleo. Their dance routine is still being perfected but da hoola hoop is not goin round their waist da way they want it to.
She thinks they seem relaxed wit dis tasks since it's not taking so much of their energy like da other task.
She's still confident dat they'll win their wager.
She thinks there r gender stereotypes currently cuz though Angelo n ELikem clean n wash dishes but Oneal n Sulu do not like to do chores....she sees it more like pple not putting in effort cuz they know others will do da work.
She said Oneaza cooked yestee 4 over 4 hours but pple did not eat most of da food so some of it got wasted. They intend to add it to today's food. SHe'll try 2 cook more often now dat tasha out.

She doesn't think der's tension but think pple r jux pretending. She has pple she gravitates towards n da others she jux speaks to them all but has limits wit them. She's not intimidated by any1 n will jux be herself n if Africa still saves her fine otherwise, she has no regrets.

She gave biggie a scenario abt how da hs in now.... dat Sulu's HOH, cleo's his sister, Oneal's his bf n Feza he owes a favour to cuz she saved him b4 n Angelo's a friend so she doesn't know where she n elikem stand.

She gravitated towards elikem more cuz they both have presence n compliment each other.

Biggie asks aba LK4 n koke up against each other, if she nervous aba dat wit her n elikem.......She's not nervous aba being up wit Elikem cuz one of dem have been swapped but she leaves da fate to BBA.

Her 3 wishes....1st wish is dat she could spend a day wit her son Nathan n a cousin in da hs.....2nd wish is clearance face wash in da hs cuz der's none in da hs n she needs it....3rd wish is dat Africa believes in her enough to support her to da Top 5.

17 Jul 2013 16:40

Pokello diary sessions always on nothing but love for you babe..........#singing

17 Jul 2013 16:44

Hehehehehem..claps hands and moves away..

17 Jul 2013 16:44

What a beautiful day today in this blog..i didnt see many hateful brutal comments..i like it..itssss niceeee#will visit more *smiling*

17 Jul 2013 16:45

3rd wish is dat he wishes 2 marry da woman of his dreams n have his mum see his grandkids.

Wonder if the womanof his dreams is 'the beautiful Bev"' .
@Abby thanx for the updates as usual *blowing kisses*.

17 Jul 2013 16:47

i could listen to pokello in diary room for an hour

17 Jul 2013 16:50

Stolen................. Church Service :Venue Rubie House Date: Friday, 19July 2013 Host Pastor : Oneal Invited Guest : Diamonds and Fake Emaralds People are going to be born again come this Friday, or maybe the pastor will be confussed. Lets wait and see, and wish the so called his alliance play him or beat him on his game.

17 Jul 2013 16:57

TEE78 do not forget Bimp and Nando are already again. They are waiting to be baptised ...Question is where will Feza be on Friday and Pokello will be nominated again on Monday. Pokello is Lady May of this top 5 and not smell that money. Praying Bassey survives this weekend.

17 Jul 2013 17:05

@thadiva, a good dictaor isn't called a dictator in da 1st place.

LOL@mmabots, i'm guessin bev's da woman. Biggie didn't ask who cuz he was scared of da!!!!!!!!!

LOL@matazzzz...Oneal hasn't said anything worth talking abt today, if he does, i'll do what i do best n convey da msg 2 fans n others 2 form their own opinions lol.

True@cassius, Angelo will be crushed cuz he sees Sulu as a friend. To be fair, sulu's closer to him dan 2 Oneaza but it's a game so it's good. Hope he gets saved wit Poke dis sunday somehow!!!

17 Jul 2013 17:05

@CoffeeColour..hehheheehe If only she knew indeed. Am sure his family is beyond livid for making them such a laughing stock of thE community. Surely die braz van die flats spit and curse at the sight of them kissing,incuding our very own reigning idiot,Keegan.

17 Jul 2013 17:06

@Tsoka you know Pokello`s name in on everybody`s lips so come Monday she will be up if she is not evicted on Sunday...even the Diamonds don`t like Pokello

17 Jul 2013 17:21

Tee78 even the fake emeralds will nominate her. There is somethingthat she lacks that housemates are seeing..hehehehe. Atleast Lady May was just weird..sleeping in the garden and all.

17 Jul 2013 17:25

Who can ever forget that song "I am gonna be Lady May" hahahahahaha. GIrl wanted to bring the house down and never got the opportunity . Hahahaha.

17 Jul 2013 17:32

Bev has won the power of No in the Diamond house

17 Jul 2013 17:40

I would strongly advice ( " IF I COULD" )the diamond house not to vote Pokello because for now it would be diamond vs ruby meaning the diamonds will vote the rubies, so to keep the balance the ruby house will need to stAND TOGETHER, TRUST EACH OTHER and rather vote the diamonds instead of any of the ruby house....OTHERWISE THEY WILL BE IN TROUBLE AND VOTED OUT.....diamond house will stand together

17 Jul 2013 17:46

LOL @thadiva's dictatorship comment.All dictators are bad.

17 Jul 2013 17:48

The power of NO in Ruby house goes to Cleo

17 Jul 2013 17:51

Angelo and Bev in the same house come friday....sparks will fly. What will happen to the ass licker Bimp as Abby calls him now? Can`t really wait

17 Jul 2013 17:53

LOL@nadatheados...da RH does not understand da meaning of loyalty as much as da DH.....u r right,  da diamonds will stand together even if they nominate each other but da tension in da RH is jux too much; divisions n cliques all over.
Can't wait 4 da merger n i hope dat da Diamonds do not succumb to any1's self proclaimed leadership but have a voice n stand by it. Then we'd have a great game n da best game player would win!!!

17 Jul 2013 17:55

lol@tee78, he'll be busy bondin wit his new friend da fish, complainin 2 it how Bev has left his side n his!!!

17 Jul 2013 18:02

STOLEN INFO------------------------------------------
Oi? Diamonds practising kindergarten songs for the circus act? "If you are happy and you know it blah blah blah"? Come on guys! If it is a joke stop it.

Sulu is losing his "power" like a tyre with a slow puncture. This HOH position has made him look weak and vulnerable.
I was really disgusted by the statement he made (only read it on the forum) that women should be submissive and let a man, or men, love them!!!
What would he think of this statement.....A man like him should ACT like a real man and accept that a woman is the owner of her own body and has the POWER to choose who she would allow to "love" her.

I really think that africa has enough of Pokello by now .... The woman is so extremely selfish ..... All her wishes are for her own satisfaction ...... really no altruism or empathy whatsoever can be heard from this woman ......
she wants her son to come by, but not not her husband .... how come !????
This request for a face wash is really not sufficient .... to get all these layers of make up of we need intense scrubbing ... probably with heavy drilling machinery ...KWAAAAAAAAAAAA
And then finally .... I can assure you that africa will not bring pokello to the finals .... as a matter of fact she should have been evicted last week already...... LOL!

Bloggers r really funny....da bold update killed. Still laughin so hard!!!

17 Jul 2013 18:21

Re power of no:  Safely predict Feza and Annabel won't compete.

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 18:28

Aaaahhh @abby since when does Poki have a husband

17 Jul 2013 18:32

I wonder oooo@Mrs.chix, da blogger who said dis is a massive Dillish fan n hates Poke 2 da core. He still cracks me up n i jux couldn't help laughing. She's not married n we know dat oooo!!!

17 Jul 2013 18:32

She said Oneaza cooked yestee 4 over 4 hours but pple did not eat most of da food so some of it got wasted.....Ahhh!! Poki,this the nice way of saying the food sucked shem...In other words,4 hours of fuckery.

17 Jul 2013 18:33

Lawd have mercy:  I clicked on that "fingering" article and the first reader comment (Nigerian, I assume) was this:

She talks too much, she makes me change. Channel anytime I listen to her talk.
I'm like " dis one no just get swaggs at all"
Also, she has dis "razz" intonation. Not the dialect. Just dat razz way of talking
And she also can't say 2 english sentences without that her "razz" pidgin intonation.I think i saw the girl admiting those dirty facts. The girl was too dirty and filthy, she is even a chain smoker. Such a young girl with innocent face but yet full of shi.t

So relieved: I was beginning to fear my hatred for this girl was because of my own faults and that a cultural divide was responsible for my failure to notice her charm.  This comment, from her own compatriot, is validation:  my hatred for Bev doesn't come from regional/cultural prejudice like the Owl;  it  is pure because comes from a mere prejudice against skanks.  Yipeee!

17 Jul 2013 18:35

Just for the record:  the "fingering" article is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read ... EVER!

17 Jul 2013 18:39

@ abbylicious can u give clarity on her relationship status some say she has a boyfriend some say they broke up but she speaks abt him to elikem *confused*

17 Jul 2013 18:39

@ abbylicious can u give clarity on her relationship status some say she has a boyfriend some say they broke up but she speaks abt him to elikem *confused*

Mrs Chix
17 Jul 2013 18:47

@abby are you talking about the perv on that other bb web. The one who is also posting pics of Dillish? The big guy in a cream suit i think

17 Jul 2013 18:50

If Poki gets evicted, she'll only have herself to blame for that anti-West African rant. Uhdikts ... is this hatred common in these countries?  Now, I'm afraid to visit.  I recently discovered South Sudanese don't like Kenyans even though there are tons and tons of them living here as refugees.

17 Jul 2013 18:50

YES@Mrs.Chix...i think he's Mr.Net or smthg like dat. He's Dillish's number 1 fan Last season, he did same with lady may till da end. Dude is cuckoo crazy!!!

17 Jul 2013 18:57

@gunnerts, i think she has somebody on da outside. Don't know his name though but she spoke 2 Elikem aba him n her exes too. Don't know how serious it is though or even if it's marriage deep or initial stage rel'ship!
All i know is, her life is an open book 2 Elikem n vice versa so noone is leading any1 on. She admitted she likes him but they r not in a rel'ship @ da fake Sulu- Natasha i jux like Polikem in da BBA, after da game, it's their life n biz.

17 Jul 2013 19:00

@nst what she was saying is she isnt close to elikem for the w/a votes she doesnt need them with reference to elikem

17 Jul 2013 19:01

@Mrs Chix & @abby ...  What's that guy's deal?  Is it a real persona or is he a troll?  Whatever it is, I think his schtick is hillarious.

This is his wiki page, btw:

17 Jul 2013 19:02

 "he girl was too dirty and filthy, she is even a chain smoker. Such a young girl with innocent face but yet full of shi.t"....
lol@NST, dis is serious oooo. I fear 4 Bev ooo, wit da merger of da hses n da RR sessions, i hope she doesn't give it up 2 Angelo else she's in deep sh*t!!!!

17 Jul 2013 19:06

@abby ... Seems Naija and Ethiopia have something in common re: sexual acts in the BBA house.  Looks like she'll be raked through the coals.

17 Jul 2013 19:10

OMG @nst, a Minister of Justice in Namibia n he's acting like dat on a blog???
Now i've seen it all!!!
I'm hoping his been impersonated otherwise, he's jux a crazy old man tryna regain his youth thru supportin ONLY his country's reps on BBA. Still shocked.

@gunnerts, if Poke leaves, she leaves wit no regrets. She's been up 4 over 5x already. I'm proud of her nn matter what n i 4give her 4 dissing W/A cuz she's closest 2 my rep Elikem n i've grown fond of him jux by association to her.

Where's @brennie, @carago, @G.A, @Nonwe n co....?????

17 Jul 2013 19:16

@nongaza, I CANNOT get over those awesome paintings Oneal did. I just can't. Just too amazing. I'm suprised he doesn't push that skill coz I find it more credible than DJ'ing. Unless he is chasing money which is cool...but..those...paintings.

17 Jul 2013 19:16

@nongaza, I CANNOT get over those awesome paintings Oneal did. I just can't. Just too amazing. I'm suprised he doesn't push that skill coz I find it more credible than DJ'ing. Unless he is chasing money which is cool...but..those...paintings.

17 Jul 2013 19:19

@abby ... that's why I was asking if it's a parody persona, because if it is, it's Stephen Colbert level brilliant.  If it isn't, even funnier.

17 Jul 2013 19:19

"vote for Angelo and stand a chance to win one of his dreadlocks" ......:D:D:D:D Best comment of the day lol

17 Jul 2013 19:21

Blimp is the most plastic inmate in BBA history.

17 Jul 2013 19:27

Stolen..... just found this on someone`s wall BBA celebrity lookalike Pokello...Kim Kardashian Feza.......Ciara Cleo........Beyonce Beverly....Wesley Snipes

17 Jul 2013 19:43

Oh dear I simply fail to catch up on daily updates :(. Anyhow my one wish from biggie is that @Jemedari and @WSG will have a moment everyday on the blog...:D too sweet man ncawww

17 Jul 2013 19:50

The Owl's exit interview will be one for the books.  I can't imagine him not being asked about his beef with WA.

17 Jul 2013 19:53

Heey @abby, I just arrived on the BB couch, catching up...and I must say, I thank you for ur updates ngwano. I love that before you comment on the event eg. diary sessions, you update the given DS as it was said, then comment later, then what I do is I just ignore your Oneal analysis tltltltl :D:D:D (I kid, I actualy do read to help balance my views). You just rock for us girl, thanx a million times for the updates. And @nonwe I thank you for sprinkling some peace and love during the helps:).

17 Jul 2013 20:07

This is what I have taken to be Oneal's 'beef' with West Africa. 1. That the sarterday parties play West African music mostly (emphasis on mostly not solely) 2. West African housemates especially Nigerian housemates do not get nominated, the housemates seem to be scared to nominate them. And I figured when he wagered war he meant that 1. He is going to boycott W/A music and ask for other genres or countries music AND 2. He is going to nominate west african housemates to show that he isn't scared of them nor W/A viewers/voters and he will not be intimidated from voting for them. ALL this within the context and confines of the game. If what I gather is right, I see where Oneal is coming from, although I disagree with how he is going about it , there IS always a calmer objective way to address gripes and wagering war isn't the way. observation thus far is that housemates are scared to nominate W/A Hms , and there has been so much W/A music played at the parties that I'm hooke (not complaning), I even asked the barber at my salon to give me some because I've fallen in love with W/A music due to BBA the chase, thank God I love it coz if I didn't I probably would be wagering war with Oneal lol, we need Zouk music as well and ill be in heaven!

17 Jul 2013 20:09

Hiya @ Abby. I right here. Miss me already??

17 Jul 2013 20:10

Any developments on the Selly front?  I really want to know how she'll react.

17 Jul 2013 20:10


17 Jul 2013 20:12

Elikem and Alusa look very alike.

17 Jul 2013 20:16

Guys, just an observation... has anyone ever seen the men's shower hour footage? I just noticed that only the ladies' were being circulated online and I'm wondering if there aren't footages on bbvip or there are just no female pervs lol

17 Jul 2013 20:22

@kolla ... I bet the camerapervs are all men LOL.

17 Jul 2013 20:24

Pokello and Oneal are very similar lol. And it is interesting that one (Pokello) is hated by most housemates and the other (Oneal) is hated on most blogs. They both need to check themselves.

17 Jul 2013 20:26

@Jeme: Dear husband to be, I am writing to inform you that my father and uncles are ecpecting to hear from your family's representatives soon to discuss lobolla. You dont have to worry, I only have eight children so I can still give you an heir. I am very fertile and have strong hips.

17 Jul 2013 20:27

I think Sulu is the most real.  That "woman's place is in the kitchen" speech is hilarious.  I can't stay mad at him for long.

17 Jul 2013 20:32

I'm watching the highlight show where Bev said something like only light-skinned guys are handsome/attractive.  Said she only noticed Angelo, Nando and Bimp (with the body). LOL .  Add "colour-struck to the reasons this girl makes me want to hurl.

17 Jul 2013 20:33

why does Uti feel the need to defend Beverly like he has been, are they friends in real life or is he just doing it because she's a naija? though i have to say, this fingering business of hers seems to have been criticised mostly by nigerians

17 Jul 2013 20:36

halala @wsg and @jeme halala, some good news on this blog at last.

17 Jul 2013 20:39

@khadjos, I was watching the Bevangelo scene and I obviously don't remember any fingering coz it was under duvets. How do people know that there was any fingering? Bev sounded wet and hot ya, made sounds but they did not have sex. Did either Bev or Angelo fess up about the fingering thing? I'm lost help.

17 Jul 2013 20:43

@khadjos ... What is he saying?  And yes, it is true the fingering business is being criticised by mostly Nigerians.  Even I, who can't stand Bev, finds it a non-issue.  But then again, I remeber the BBA censorship started after Richard fingered Ofunneka.  There was a storm and even accusations of rape which, frankly, were ludicrous.

17 Jul 2013 20:49

happy to have u back G.A.always a fresh breath of air with ur objective analysis.hugs n kisses @tsoka

17 Jul 2013 20:54

Mwah mwah!@TGee and @khadjos what's Uti's twitter handle...need the fillers.

17 Jul 2013 20:56

@khadjos: Of course, you are welcome to be one of the 16 bridemaids. You will just have to provide your own goat, and use the skin to make your own San traditional wear since the theme will be authentic bush life.

17 Jul 2013 20:59

Yeah@ carago, u've been MIA of late. Hope u r gud???.......LOL@G.A, i'm not buyin what u r selling. He dissed W/A plain n simple. So did Poke, Nando n's up 2 W/A 2 decide whether 2 4give dem or not. As a DJ, u shd like good music n not hate on some music cuz u don't like it....hope u r doin good too?......... @nst, selly's not in Ghana yet, or i haven't hrd it but i'll post links on her interviews as soon as it happens n @carago too will be on da watch. I want 2 see how she deals wit da STD thing!!

17 Jul 2013 20:59

@GA i actually wasnt watching, nut i saw the pics on twitter, so im guessing people with that vip thingy saw it. someone even posted the pics on this blog and you could clearly see his hand, here's a link

@nst read this, or just search on his twitter account @siruti, link is

17 Jul 2013 21:02

"if  you are a sexually active person and u like sex, 3 months is not easy" amongst others

17 Jul 2013 21:03

@Abby the best way Selly should deal with that is go to see a Dr.

17 Jul 2013 21:05

yeslik, using a goat to make my own San  traditional wear? but for you, anything, as long as that goat feeds me and all, but what is the going rate for goats nowadays? . i love it when a plan comes together

17 Jul 2013 21:09

@abby, I haven't heard those incidents were he dissed W/A plain and simple...even with Poke and co, what I heard was re: nominations and voting...then saturday music. I'll keep listening. But eitherway, it wasn't aired out right by all who did. Oryt. Re: nada, all I heard from my brother who was at the post eviction whatwhat in randburg, is that Selly is very tiny, and Natasha is at most a size 34, camera adds so lotsa pounds. I wonder now how thin Bassey is then...him of all, not sure why.

17 Jul 2013 21:14

uti: no need to attack  mel for notlooking out,in that game you cant have eyes everywhere na. did she tell him she was going to
uti: (ansering a tweep), nope, i was prayerful and very disciplined. na God help me. i ran away from all green light! E no easy
uti: (answering once more,  im guessing to whether he had sex in the house) na God oo. i swear na God
uti: people have different upbringing. things you go through in your life while growing up determine how you would eventually function
uti: hold up, yall need to go easy on takes a lot of discipline and grace from God to fight KOnji (what is that?) in that house after 2 months. Norvex (what is that?)

17 Jul 2013 21:15

Dankie @mKhadjos !

17 Jul 2013 21:16

@GA natasha is a size 34? that is average mos, but then again this is from your brother mos. unless theyre a bassey or an elikem, men are usually clueless when it comes to women sizes (no offense)

17 Jul 2013 21:18

@GA but then again tashi does not have big hips, net a mokhaba maybe so your bro might be right

17 Jul 2013 21:20

There's a food semi argument in the RH..Hehehe..

17 Jul 2013 21:21

lol @GA wa ntlatsa ka mKhadjos

17 Jul 2013 21:30

lol so sulu internationa earlier complained about oneaze taking 4 hours to cook (oven baked chicken, spaghetti with a side of tomato sauce as someone here put it). earlier he made what looked like vetkoeks/mgwinya/mabaku, i wonder how they tasted, phela sulu thinks its easy being in the kitchen. speaking of which, he does know that dellish rarely ever cooks right?

17 Jul 2013 21:30

Lol@camera adds 10 pounds 2 Tasha's weight. My question is, so how many cameras were on her?????, i'm sure she's already @ Dr.HelpMe's office. Da media will still ask her n da humiliation her celeb BF is goin thru in Ghana is not cool @, let's wait n hear/see.....@boogy-babe, what happened? I'm out oooo!!

17 Jul 2013 21:37

I can sort of understand that dome Nigerians are up in arms over the alleged Bev/Angelo fingergate incident. They are simply not use to their housemates featuring on youtube porno videos. As far as I can remember none of the previous Nigerian housemates, except for the Ofu and Richard finger incident, did not get involved in unholy horizontal entanglements. Karen stalked Zeus but nothing happened.

17 Jul 2013 21:50

@khadjos Konji means to be horny and norvex/no vex means don't be angry

17 Jul 2013 21:53

I have a feeling that BBA mighty ones are going to further censor the hell out of this show, what is left of the show, because of this 2nd 9ja related finger incident.

17 Jul 2013 21:57

@khadjos KONJI means being HORNY and NOR VEX means DON'T BE MAD(angry). About the bev issue...nigerians aren't used to things like "having sexual moments" on live TV, Its seen as indecency. Nigeria is a very moralistic country, hence the criticisms on bev/angelo sexual scene at the saturday party. And that's all it is...criticisms. Nobody is gonna sue beverly or kill her; as much as nigerians do not support some of the things she does, she has free-will and can do as she pleases.

17 Jul 2013 21:59

Lol @mKhadjos ;), you right can't trust my lil bro, lil bugger tells me I'm thin all the time and its a lie lol . But seriously, the pic he took of Selly, she is so so so so tiny, I can believe that Tashi is also slimmer in real life and also short.

17 Jul 2013 21:59

thanks nonwe and drama

17 Jul 2013 22:01

@WSG Nobody really cares about Bev being fingered. She's a video vixen and she never gave any "wholesome" image prior to the "fingering". It's just Charles Novia who has been forgotten and looking for a way to get noticed that used the "fingering" as an excuse for cheap fame.

17 Jul 2013 22:03

@Abby,Oneaza(whatever the f they are called)were cooking while the others were chiling in the jacuzzi. So Sulu came in asking when will the food be ready/when are they going to eat,something along those lines maan.. Feza answered that nahh she's cooking for herself and that,the others have eaten already,and that Cleo just had her mince sandwich.She (Feza) knows that Elikem is the one who asked him to come ask when will dinner be ready which is funny coz he has eaten more than her coz he had lunch and she didn't..blah blah...They dished up  their five grilled chicken pieces,2 for Feza,2 for the frog and gave one piece to Sulu...Angelo went and scrabbled something to eat in the kitchen while Elikem,Poki and Cleo where outside in the jacuzzi.

17 Jul 2013 22:03

@abby lol yes let's..., and when I've heard the 'general' attack/hate ill come report and sies sies sies and some more sieses on the HM in question. But generally, the 'war path' approach is silly and a terrible look I agree.

17 Jul 2013 22:05

so biggie made Busi choose Dillish for the randz what what because she seems trust this whole emerald thing, no questions  asked. i hope the session wont be boring and that dillish will kee her on her toes. @GA if tashi really is slimmer then there is absolutely no excuse for the way she dresse 90% of the time, i know she's trying to dress for her body type but she can try and show her age in her dress sense too

17 Jul 2013 22:05

@abby, are you verifying that Selly does have a fiance/ Bf back home? I thought she was using that to turn away Sulu sulu.

17 Jul 2013 22:07

If Natasha is slimer than what we saw on TV then Maria and Huddah must be all skin and bones. Now I know why Melvin and Elikem always tried to force food down Maria's throat.

17 Jul 2013 22:08

but one pice for sulu, hay man, how is he supposed to maintain his figure with such? smh

17 Jul 2013 22:08

17 Jul 2013 22:09

@khadjos the idea is to loose his figure.

17 Jul 2013 22:10

The story that @boogy told, re: Oneaza cooking and etc...I'm cringing, that is just messed up. One piece for Sulu? :(, that's even worse than those who got nothing and made their own food :(. Mcim.

17 Jul 2013 22:10

@nst LOL at camerapervs. Jeme and sg you both are hilarious. Did anyone watch Angelo's video session with the big kenyan girl? She seemed all friendly towards him while he seemed to be giving off a "please don't try to like me too" vibe lol! He quickly claimed Bev as his woman and side stepped all personal questions she directed at him ha ha ha.

17 Jul 2013 22:10

Just seen Bimp's and JJ's video chat and it was all I could do to stop from puking.  These Americanos need to be banned.

17 Jul 2013 22:11

nonwe dont even mention maria since she was insecure about her body size, she's probably a size 28 that one

17 Jul 2013 22:12

Hhhhahahahaha @Khadjos, maintaining his figure :D:D. @nonwe, it also means Sulu is average size with a very big bum and belly...yuh!

17 Jul 2013 22:14

re Dillish's crazy fan. Tjiriange is a former Min of Justice and I regard him as a national disaster and embaressment so I wont be surprised if he is making a fool of himself on facebook and/or twitter. Though, I have not seen the picture to confirm hid id.

17 Jul 2013 22:14

i thought so too nonwe, but since he told natasha "im sexy too" when she told him that selly liked nando because he's sexy, im convinced our sulu is simply doing this weight loss thing to appease elikem and oneal, who seemed to bully (for lack of a better word) him the most about his size, esp elikem

17 Jul 2013 22:15

@khadjos, I bet if not smaller. @GA that means Sulu is as "sexy" and "handsome" as he says he is (I don't see it but I believe it).

17 Jul 2013 22:16

lol @national disaster and embaressment, we all have our share of those eish

17 Jul 2013 22:22

What's with Feza's different accents in the house and in the diary room? Doesn't matter, but the difference is very distinct.

17 Jul 2013 22:25

Had to laugh at Sulu caughing coz of the Stoney sting (kwetsa ne?) LOOOL its gets me all the time too, but I love it!

17 Jul 2013 22:28

Oneal needs to get out of the house, for his own good, and come play with his mates...DJ Fresh and them, THEN he'll snap back to reality, its painful to watch him fall and get lost :(.

17 Jul 2013 22:29

Oneal needs to get out of the house, for his own good, and come play with his mates...DJ Fresh and them, THEN he'll snap back to reality, its painful to watch him fall and get lost :(. He needs a dose of humility.

17 Jul 2013 22:32

Lol@boogy-babe,''2 meat for Feza, 2 for Froggy n 1 for Sulu'', now y am i not surprised???....yes@G.A, selly has(or had lol) a bf who's a celeb in Ghana. Da guy(praye tietia) is a member of Praye; they r artists n known in Ghana n maybe Naija(@nonwe, do u know them) wit hits like Angelina n New dance(go check it out on youtube as Don't know if he'll take her back cuz he's bein mocked on fan pages n local blogs n stuff!!!

17 Jul 2013 22:41

Thanx @abby, I googled Praye and I'm filling myself up with the goss on him and Selly. I realy do not understand what the deal with Selly is. Unless she and Praye agreed she can date in the house.

17 Jul 2013 22:43

Y r pokello n eikem always wispering in da jacuzzi? it's so annoyin i can't hear a thing......i think sulu is right, it's now polikem on 1 side, oneaza on anada n da rest of them jux on their own. Da RH don't gel 2geda n have random convos 2geda like da diamonds....... In DH now, bassey givin bev a back massage on da bed wit melvin,annab n dellish in da room. They r da only ones i've seen so far. Boring evenin in da BB hs.

17 Jul 2013 22:48

lol abby, i read that bassey farted while on top of annabelle humping and giving her a massage

17 Jul 2013 22:52

Dillish says she thinks Bolt is attractive n AnnaB agrees but adds dat his character is a nono. Bev(dirty snake wit green nails) said Bolt is not attractive at! Nando then said beauty lies in da eyes of da beholder.....bassey teasin dillish dat he does not like her n dat she's da opposite of his type but had mercy on her. He said JayJay(4rm da video chat) is her type but not him cuz she's short n has belle; all da hsmates start laughin!!!

17 Jul 2013 22:53

DHs are talking about who they are attracted to: Delish is attracted to Tall and dark, she found Bolt sexy . Annabelle likes them cute, cute comes first, he thinks Bolt has a cute face. Bev says she doesn't care about complexion.

17 Jul 2013 22:56

Bassey is funny! . Bassey says he found Maria and Huddah hot, they had banging bodies. Nando found Maria and Motamma sexy/hot. Nando says Annabelle has the best smile.

17 Jul 2013 22:58

Oh Nando and sex. He says he found Annabel hot (?). Because of her boobs. Oh dear.

17 Jul 2013 22:58

Come Friday please,these housemtes are to the max shame.

17 Jul 2013 22:58

Come Friday please,these housemtes are to the max shame.

17 Jul 2013 22:59


17 Jul 2013 22:59

Bev done with massage from Bassey, tucked in Bimb's bed.

17 Jul 2013 23:02

Nando asks dem 2 say whom they tot was hot on day 1....bassey said Maria was hot, melvin said koketso n maria n nando said maria n motamma...... AnnaB told bev then we are da ugly! In da whole BBA history who is da hotest? AnnaB said Weza, Nando said Abby, Bassey said Zainab n bev said weza/sheila, da rest said not sure.... Bassey saw Dillish's bf's piz n said OMG, dis is beauty n da!!!

17 Jul 2013 23:05

Aaahhahah when Sulu speaks hle. I honestly also get lost. Tumi in the hot room tried to decode what he says but the sentences break in the middle to gibberish and he continues talking like that gibberish is supposed to have made sense , haai damn man. Too funny.

17 Jul 2013 23:06

Agrees with Dellish,I also thought Bolt was HOT until I discovered his Bulling tendencies. Theeen it was wrap for me. Couldn't dzeal.

17 Jul 2013 23:12

AnnaB n dillish recountin da Meryl/Sheila 'act' n Nando says, i was supposed 2 be in dat seaon goddamit. Not dis season, dat season was 4 me.....he says all da girls in dis season have bfs; he's now askin aba sheila now. He said he needs sheila in his life....bassey said she smokes n nando says he doesn't like girls dat smoke but Nando said i don't want 2 marry her i jux want her 4 da good times.

17 Jul 2013 23:19

Aah! Yes,I also thought the frog was cute once upon a time until i got sober. Thats when I vowed never to blog tipsy ever again,phela vodka can turn a frog into a prince. Bathong.

17 Jul 2013 23:26

Hehehe Nando.

17 Jul 2013 23:29 Just googled and is tht Selly's fianc/boyfriend

17 Jul 2013 23:31

Nando doesn't like girls who smoke?  Isn't he a walking chimney, himself? 

The Meryl/Sheila act will NEVER be topped.  Unbeknowst to them, they were putting on a show for the barnmates watching on that clunky old-school tv box and the reactions were almost as interesting as the scene. Especially when they thought it was Mwisho and then Sheila's head popped out from the duvet.  They almost died. LOL.  And Mwisho  knew about those two and would give them space ... now they'd censor the hell out of it.

17 Jul 2013 23:42

:::::::Updates from YOU KNOW WHO::::::: ***pokello to elikem: "do you think you'll make a good BF material?" one make better material than a tailor ***the way sulu's arrogance has tripled...HOH is more intoxicating than savannah ***sulu: "opening a girl's legs is the cheapest thing I've ever seen"...betty switches to diamonds ***sulu: "I've dropped a woman's panties that thought she was big"...hmmm. He also operates cargo delivery ***nando talks about fine video vixens with natural hair...beverly immediately stops scratching her weave ***beverly: "I've used toys, electric vibrators"...angelo's fingers ***nando says he'll be grabbing condoms after BBA...hmmm. Chlamydia is the best teacher ***angelo's white vest and beverly's black bra had better not make it to their matrimonial home. ***beverly accompanies the magician to case the trick didn't work, she can lie it did ***oh angelo is the magician?...beverly can testify those fingers work magic ***magician melvin: "I'm gonna make diamonds' house disappear"...nahhh. Diamonds are forever ***one minute bassey is shakespeare, next minute, he sounds like conficius...I think his role is to confuse us ***sulu: "I'm a profit making entity"...true! No city runs out of passengers ***the way sulu digs his might think there are rubies in there ***sulu to o'neal: "I'm not trying to gossip..." It come naturally ***however long pokello stays in the jacuzzi, she stays colorful...her make-up is water resistant ***o'neal: "this fish looks like beverly"...not sure if he's looking at the aquarium or the mirror ***dear Big Brother, please help me ask HOH sulu if its time for me to go to bed. ***its been a while :D***

17 Jul 2013 23:43

That was a classic act,indeed.

17 Jul 2013 23:45

Lol@nst, i'm even shocked dat he da chief smoker does not like women who, Nando can be funny smtimes when he's not bein an ass. Da way he described Abby 4rm head 2 toe, she better run if sh sees him cuz he'll stalk her till he gets his own n da way he was askin aba sheila was jux sooo funny!!....... Lol@G.A, sulu's very funny too. When he was reading da task brief today, i laughes soooo hard. He can be very funny when he's in his element but recent dev'ts made me mad @ him though he still cracks me up. GUD9T UHDIKTS!!!

17 Jul 2013 23:50

LOL!! Drama. Just when I was bout to logout ((((BOOM))))) you just woke me up. Now I wanna be first in tomorrow's trend to wish MAdiba a HBD.

17 Jul 2013 23:55

nyt nyt Abbs,me am on a mission will sleep when I accomplish it.

18 Jul 2013 00:05

@ boogy....bring it on!

18 Jul 2013 00:09

hehehe,no rigging neh..asseblief.

18 Jul 2013 00:10

nando and his thing for casual flings though, and then he complains when he gets an std

18 Jul 2013 00:16

Carago you can go to bed,the trend will be up at 6am.

18 Jul 2013 00:18

Lol @ Boogy. Nice try.

18 Jul 2013 00:24


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