White Privilege

Written by tha - bang from the blog blah blah on 09 Jun 2011
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Wikipedia says “white privilege is a way of conceptualizing racial inequalities that focuses as much on the alleged advantages that white people accrue from society as on the alleged disadvantages that people of color experience”. Now if one is to take our history from colonization throughout to the apartheid system you would see that racial inequalities were guaranteed to the advantage of the white man and his family at the disadvantage of the black African.

For me , as a child born in the 80’s who grew up to see the political structure of apartheid crumble. I remember associating white privilege with the good life as seen on tv, the surburbs, the private schools, the malls around your corner, the freedom to be who want to be without restriction. That was my concept of white privilege in 80’s and early 90’s .How was this communicated to me , through television, through the movies and more importantly through geo – graphical spaces one occupied. From Naledi to Jane First from Jane First to Jourberton to Mafikeng (Mafikeng which was slightly different from the other areas) it was never said but one could see it.”WE” had our “lives” and “they” had “their lives”. Advertising and TV re-emphasized this, the more expensive and “better products” were always targeted at white ,we had “our black products” . Black programming on tv hardly reflected the township or even rural lives of our people. Whilst programs like Die Swart kart and co showed a suburban world where everything was perfect and no black people existed, if they did they were at the peripheral.

Now post 94’ in the Madiba years and after, with the birth of the rainbow nation one would think that would change. That perception of superiority that PW Botha would preach from parliament would finally crumble down to reveal that underneath the skin we are all human. That advertising would start reflecting the South Africa we live in better. That waiters would smile at you as they used to smile at the old missies and the baas happy that our fellow Africans can now afford to be patrons in the restaurants. But yet the more things change the more they stay the same.

 The privileges from the apartheid era have continued with little to no change. Due to the economic history of our country , advertising and business is still controlled by white interests and reflects white Check out television today and see in a country with about 44 million black African how much of the prime time ads reflect that? From the Lories, to the Independent Producers Organization the scales are tipped to the white man.See how advertising and TV is still trying to perpetuate apartheid stereotypes of trying to figure programming and products around race.Mnet will try to claim that its market is mainly white while theres thousand more black people who own DSTV than white folks then SABC ! would try to perpetuate the myth that SABC 1 is a Zulu channel whilst its very popular with a lot of different language groups and espicially young black folks who don’t have DSTV.

The shamefull part is when Africans perpetuate this privilege by giving preferential treatment to the white lady at the aisle or the restaurant. Then you are treated as if they are doing you a favour when you are all spending the same money. Another shameful aspect of this collaboration of perpetuating white privilege is seen when Africans buy into “white marketing” and those who gain means do not open up doors for others to move on up. What do I mean by white marketing, if you look at popular culture at the present one could speak of a white and black one; from slang to trends. Then we see Africans merely adopting white slang ,hang out spots and denigrate anything that comes espicially out of the black working class or tainted with blackness irrespective of its merit.Yet we see n push coming from the white market to do the same.

Case in point Chicken Licken. Chicken Licen is very big in theblack communities but if one was to look at their campaings for the past three years , they have abounded their marketing towards the black folks and solely target the white market.Whilst Chicken Licken coremarket is black and was build on black money. The failure of black business to support young black entrepreneurs continues to foster white privilege in the sense that white money supports white money look at Gavin Hood. Theres nothing wrong with white participation in the arts and business but if 16 years into our democratic state and black business still has not created its own Barry Ronge’s, Gavin Hood’s and mark Shuttleworth it empowers the idea of white is better and progressive and black can’t achieve much which is not true. For most young black folks especially within the arts are struggling with finance, and I doubt if Big white business sees it in their interest to help entrepreneurs to grow, which is a pity.

Up to this day, since the time of Jan van Reebeck landed at the cape with his three ships, the black man has been forced to learn the white man language. Whilst the man ,even if he is a 7th or 8th generation South African is okay without being able to speak one black African language nor to be able to pronounce his fellow African name. Yet the man can speak fluent French or Spanish that they learned from a book and not even speak the tongue of the nanny who helped to raise him/her.

Yet the truth remains there’s more black Africans in this country and continent than white, Indian or so called ‘coloured” goups. So it’s in the interest of the continent and the country to have these black Africans playing a meaningful role in the economy, sport, politics, religion and art. For it is the majority that will either propel us forward as a country or bring us down. Yet if the minority still holds onto their ivory towers and look down on the majority and not think of ways of redress, in a meaningful way,of generations of state sanctioned marginalization and inferiority complex fostering ,where does it leave us? Where does it leave none – racialism and the rainbow nation? Those chicken will come to roost in a way that is very destructive to the disadvantage of all.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t see the white man as the answer to our problems as a country but I believe we all need to play a meaningful part in creating a South Africa that our children can build on. Yet how can we have a rainbow nation when theres no redress? Where there is no change from not just legal implications of apartheid but its psychological and economic implications? Where the language of the indigenous is looked down on? Where advertising still propagates apartheid mentality of creating strictly mini Aryan communities of bliss? What does it say about us a country when we see nothing wrong with the status quo? What does it say when we see apartheid legacies continue without being questioned or challenged?


10 Jun 2011 10:25

Yho Thabang this is beautifully written and balanced, and with time I believe this will slowly change for the better but it takes a lot of courage and fighting spirit. On other days, one just gives up.

Simple example, I play netball at the Sandton Sports Arena and the number of teams there vary from being pure black teams, mixed teams and pure white teams. I play for two teams, one pure black and one mixed. Teams are very competitive, but the 15th woman sometimes messes it up by messing up scores and fauvoring sides when a pure black team is paired with a white team. We complain each week about this but nothing gets done, and there is only one black ref who is super fair. So it doesnt do any black team favours when she is umpiring because she is fair. How I wish the other refs could learn from her. I recently looked at the post they had fro the arena manager, it reqired someone fluent in Afrikaans and English and I asked myself why Afrikaans, why cant it be just English as we have came to an understanding that we can all communicate in it. 

Thought I would challenge this by being an umpire, but seeing how unfulfilling it is to umpire than to play, and how un-encouraging the compensation is for referees I decided to just take it like a woman and stop complaining about the racism there. Play a better game and hope Karma will sort them out.

That being said, blacks grew up wanting what white people have and never looked at what it take to get those luxuries, how much hard work and effort, risk taking and sacrifice it takes to build wealth. Our generation (twenties to thirties) is all about showing off that we have achieved the white status that we have always wanted. Live in suburbs, drive the most expensive cars, have the most expensive furniture and gadgets you can think of, all on credit. The salary and profit takings from business all goes back to funding debt and maintaining the lifestyle. leaving nothing for the future, not bordering to grow or expand the little we have. 

We are all familiar with black debt, having to take care of our paents and siblings, but we dont have to carry on the legacy and being burdens to our children. If anything we should be striving to create wealth, and leave some inheritance when we die. I am not talking about a burial / funeral policy. Thats not enough, cos once you are buried thats where it all ends. 

Give your children a head start, make sure when they start university they dont rely on loans, to further their studies........when they start work they have a big deposit for the townhouse that mom/dad helped with and they will be inspired to do better. 

We are the biggest spenders, and we buy to show off but forget that buying power, being a consumer wont give you the power of being in charge of the economy. We will constantly be whining and complaining that we buy at Spurs of this world, yet we dont know how much profit the owner takes home and when we get mistreated we are quick to say I have the money and I will show you by buying at Steers, forgetting that they could both be owned by the same person.

We cant all be enterpreneurs, stock traders, and and but we can starts saving for retirement, for our children and stop chashing the dream of being seen as rich but be self sufficient and have the spirit of growing others. In that way more people will be exposed to this white life we dream of when we grow up, and they will know it comes with responsibilty too. 

I am the first to admit that we are aware of what happens to celebrities, but we can see that there is no change in behaviour! Until behaviour changes, there is not much that we can do and we will forever be stuck in one place. 

We know that AIDS kills, govt has done a lot to educate and the virus has less of a stigma that it did when I first learnt about it, but as long as people are unfaithful and dont use condoms, the rate of infections will continue rising. The same applies to the white privilege mentality, its like AIDS we know that the whites are not smarter or better, but as long as we undermine each other and give the white man superior status, flash our consumer status and the look at what I can buy, we will never see Africa grow and Africans prosper.

tha - bang
10 Jun 2011 10:40

well thanks for your contribution nice. we do face a challenge that is both internal and external.I think the more we are frank with the challenges we face the more we can start coming up with solutions.burying our heads in the sand and pretending that we have no problem and everything is peachy wont help.

consumerism is killing us,espicially in the black community and i think it feeds off some of our inferiority complexes.but i think trhe more we talk the more we can start looking at ways to change and implement.

again i appreciate your feedback alot

10 Jun 2011 11:02

Well wow.
This brings up more questions than i personally have answers.
One hopes that as a nation we can handle this problem collectively, but im not holding my breath. Majority/minority bissues aside, not that this issue is one that will resonate with all black people in the world but specifically america since they went through racial segergation issues very similar to apartheid, over 40 years later they still have the same issues to contend with.
I lean more on the being effective one person at a time and putting the spotlight on those who are trying in this regard, black and white. And this calls for the media (what else) to do that.
Or maybe...i am reading capitalist nigga and i cant think of better justice. Working our way into the system that be as ruthlessly and unapologetically as our counterparts because crying fowl isnt influencing any cyhange ion the sad status quo.

consumerism is killing us,espicially in the black community and i think it feeds off some of our inferiority complexes
We can either spent time trying to unpack the causes of ourt inferiority complexes and seeking and fighting for redress. Or realiuse that "consumerism is killing us" and stop falling prey to the condition. Maybe the dialogue should be on the latter issue.

On the general....white people do not have the same ubuntu thing that we have, that my neighbour's kids are my kids, my neighbour's sproblems are my problem. That is why, even though many saw wrong with the aparteheid system/ seggergation system and even discussed it during their breakfast family time, those that were the slight bit convicted that is, they saw no pressing need to go out and picket as they would agiants gay marriages and abortion and other things their convictions deem atrocious. Not then, not now, not in future must we xepect a mass move from the white community to contribute to any kind of redress. As long as what we deem as injustice isnt in the 10 commandments that wrong is limited to in their opinion..they will not make an effort. So we gonna have to stop crying and unapologetically go for the things we want, using their tactics if we must because their system (monetary system...theyu designed it) rusn the world. it is what it is.

tha - bang
10 Jun 2011 11:10

my issue is that the new dispensation aint helping much when it comes to help young black folks into position of real power.yes we can either complain or take it by any means necessary .so im hoping by raisig th question of white privilege we,as individuals wont contine to sustain it in our own circles,rather challenge it and whenpossible demystify it 

10 Jun 2011 11:14

For the most part. Thank you for the article Thabang and the comment nice. The conversation is helping me in my near decisions about work and further studies...purpose/vision and jazzes like that.
And at the very least I HOPE that a conv4rsation like this especially from nice's comment could concentise those who hear/read it to participate wisely in the social and economic aspects of the country. One person at a time i say atleast.

10 Jun 2011 11:15

so im hoping by raisig th question of white privilege we,as individuals wont contine to sustain it in our own circles,rather challenge it and whenpossible demystify it on board.

tha - bang
10 Jun 2011 11:19

so im hoping by raisig th question of white privilege we,as individuals wont contine to sustain it in our own circles,rather challenge it and whenpossible demystify it on board


10 Jun 2011 14:14

ya, one person at a time. Better than facing down and making it someone's problem.

When I die, I am def not leaving behind a bonded house, unsettled car and a funeral policy. I hope to have made a bigger difference in a few people's lives.

Capitalist nigger ne, that book evokes emotion big time GA. Its worth a read though

10 Jun 2011 16:01

Been think abouit all that the whole day @nice....legacy legacy legacy....

Capitalist nigger and "i write what i like"....those have to be my  coming off age books. Not taking them as gospel, but they have informed my convictions moving forward adding to the word of God ofcourse.

tha - bang
10 Jun 2011 16:20

Will do myself a favour and read capitalist nigger

10 Jun 2011 18:34

This one is a little too heady for me ... Will pass ...

10 Jun 2011 19:36

I can say a lot on this article .. and a lot of its merit and demerit issues ...

I won't ...

I'm tired ...

Essentially, Tha Bang ... Tell us what your opinion truly is ...

If it is that white privilege is perpetuated by us black people ... You are correct ... White privilege exists purely on the back of black spending ... And every black person who complains about white arrogance can only blame they way hey spend their money ...

I don't really regard Capitalist Nigger as reading for anyone to consider seriously ... I actually find it rather shallow because it actually does not teach the reader anything constructive ...

I am yet to meet anyone who has read the book and then gone out and made a life altering decision regarding their spending patterns ...

most still admire the images, and buy the brands, and still give their hard earned earnings to barmen i the name of pleasure & entertainment ...

I am trying to understand better, the three points of the journey your missive wishes me to look ... viz ... origin ... purpose & intent ... and I may have two of the three, there is a third missing ...

the  "OK ... I get you brother" part ...

I seem to be missing that ...

Help a brother out!All I get is still an economic argument seeking equilibrium, without suggestion or proposal for / and / or a solution

I'd like to engage you  ... but the argument is incomplete ...

so I cannot!

10 Jun 2011 19:38

@Tha Bang ... Don't bother with Capitalist Nigger ... there is no benefit in it for a thinking person ... It was sensational only because a black man wrote it criticizing black people ... and it was only so because it had some truths in in and whites loved another negro having a go at negros ...

10 Jun 2011 20:58

an example for you to consider ...

If HSBC had bought Nedbank ...

It would cost them 90b to buy 100% of the shares ... plus perhaps another 10b - 20b in re-capitalization and re-adjustment costs, including a 1b re-branding cost ... all of which (except the cost of shares ... could be written down over 10 - 20 years ... The bank would probably increase profitability by 220% through streamlining over a very short period ...

If I bought the same bank, same price, I would need approx 50 - 100b recap expenditures, plus the others due to white capital flight ... and remain with what would essentially be a pseudo merchant bank & an investment bank ... retail and other businesses would simply evaporate and die because there would be no influx of new money to supplement the flight .... Principally because black money would sing all kinds of praises but not migrate  to me ... the black bank ...

I could accomplish the exact same variables in a start-up pure investment bank total cost 25b ... perhaps purchasing Coronation wholesale in the process at launch ...

now tell me ... why would I want to risk & guaranteed waste and burn 125b to accomplish the same result because the only support I am not guaranteed is black money ...

We create white privilege ... why complain about the result ...

it is after all ... our work, our money, our effort that creates white privilege ...

We should be extremely proud of white privilege and white arrogance!!!

10 Jun 2011 21:02

Further ... within the 25b start up capital, I could simply buy-out other excellent funds and half of investec and end up with a greater pool of investments under management, plus at least 300% uptake in profit without lifting a finger ... Whites are not smarter than we are ... It is us who are deliberate in our perpetuation of ourselves as less than equitable ... to whites ...

10 Jun 2011 21:26

Hold up a sec Vuss... You read the book. Made ur conclussions about it. Let Thabang read and make his conclussions. Before he reads them white people's reviews, unncesesary as that exersize will be,he 'd have derived his own opinion. A thinking person wil read agree or disagree at the end grow from that engagement. Even better, come up with counter arguments so we all grow. If it starts at the CN book, at this article that Thabang wrote with more questions than answers...its all good. As i continue reading ur views, thank Gaad u went ahead and commentd,was almost sad when u said ul pass, august is nigh and ul disappear and ur views wil be missed!

10 Jun 2011 22:59

Yah G.A. Tha Bang should read ... It is my opinion that the book is of little value to a thinker ....

my supposition is always that the book only speaks of what any thinking black person already, and should know ...

Simple ... (or perhaps to me) ... If one is not single minded in one's approach to one's purpose through life ... then one almost automatically defers to be controlled by another ... in one form or another ...

Everything else becomes irrelevant, wither one is in control ... or one is controlled ... there is very little space in the middle ...

the reason those in control are fewer in number than those controlled, is a simple process of selective modulation ... either one is allowed to be a controller (1st, 2nd, or 3rd party) ... or one is not ...

It is for similar reasons that I elected to build my business outside of this environment ...

The day I realized that what could be considered a strength .. was in my reality going to be my greatest liability ... viz ... the immense power of the black consumer ... consequently, I went after a consumer that considered my heritage irrelevant and only seeks quality and value as a determinant of value ...

risky? ... most definitely ... reliable ... absolutely!!

I consider it laudable for anyone to criticise the great imbalances that exist between white and black strength and power ... however ... the absolute truth of it all is that there i no white power, no white privilege, and no white arrogance without the absolute and complete support of black money ...

If you starve the beast ... it cannot stomp you on the neck ...

Sadly.. this tragic reality escapes almost all black consumers ...

in the 80s ... the white rand spent at least 20 days in the white neighborhood ... the Indian rand ... 25 in its neighborhood ... black rand ... approx 7 -days ... colored rand 3 days ...

in the new millennium ... white rand 25 days ... Indian ... 25 days ... black ... 2 days ... even the colored rand now gets to spend 5 days in its neighborhood ..

This is an abstract statistic ... the eighties stats are true ... the millennial are adjusted ...

We find ourselves in regression because we do not implement solutions ... we are quick to point out problems ... but we never reach the cohesiveness we require to implement solutions ...

An industrialist once said to me that we as black people deserve domination because we encourage domination ...

What abouth them statistics ...

tha - bang
11 Jun 2011 00:03

Hence I was highlighting the privilige so that in our positions and circLes we don't continue it

11 Jun 2011 00:12

Vuss,regarding the CP book...i hear u. I agree, u need to have the underlying convictions presented by the book for u to 'get it'. Yes essentialy it adds nothing new if u are 'the thinker ' type person, but there is nothing wrong with having ur convictions be strengthened. For me its also about finding my convictions were they are better articulated than i could,im still young, so it matters. PS: It makes sense why ur views are somewhat similar (not entirely) to Chika's. PSS: there may be other methods, and/but CONSTRUCTIVE critism of blacks by a black person sounds about okay to me. I must add that i strongly believe besides edifying 'thinkers', CP and many like, like thabang's article, like the dialogue CAN INSPIRE new thinkers. RE: The subject.... Cant add any more than you have added Vuss. Great staff as usual. Stats? ....waiting...or rather il search.

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