Fixing my eyes unto God

Written by Cody from the blog Jehova-Nisi: TVSA Home Cell/Bible Study Group on 14 Oct 2009
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Fixing my eyes unto God, beyond mountains that im seeing with Hope

Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him.Romans 4:18

Hope has been on my mind a lot lately. Especially the hope it talks about in Romans 4:18. Against all hope. One translation says, when there was no hope at all left, Abraham hoped anyway. I like that. I have also come to like a quote I found that says ‘If you don’t trust God in difficult times, you don’t trust Him at all.’
I have found this to be true. I have also found that in order to find out if you really trust God, you may have to go through some difficult times. The Bible says
‘many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all.’

But what has been most amazing to me as I am walking through the most difficult time in my life is this; in the past three weeks or so, I have had numerous friends and associates comment and say ‘you seem so happy’ or ‘you appear to be walking in a deep peace.’ This amazes me because of how I was feeling on the inside. You see in my emotions I have had turmoil. But the thing I have noticed about myself as I began to think about what friends were saying is that they are right, I have a deep peace. On the surface, the waters are troubled, I wish I could calm them, but I haven’t been able to. But on the inside, deep within, there is calmness about me that I have never known. It’s like a deep river. On the surface the waters are choppy and unpredictable but near the bottom of the river, the waters are calm and sure. Therefore I have found, the deeper you dig or the deeper you hid in God, the calmer the waters. I have further found that it apparently shows to those around me.

I did not find this calmness in easy times; I found it in difficult times. I found it in turmoil; things were so troubled on the surface that I had no choice but to go deeper to find peace. I think this is one thing missing in the body of Christ. The Bible talks about it in Luke 8. The Bible says that there are those who hear the word of the Lord and when temptation or cares come they fall away. I know many believers who have begun to believe God and then fell away when things got tough, or began to compromise what God had said and bore no fruit. Which takes me back to the Old Testament. I began to wonder, where are the Daniel’s. Where are the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s? Where are those who will refuse to bow to the enemy no matter what?

The difference I see in these men is that they refuse to bow even when it appears that God has not delivered them. And that is where I found this deep calmness in my spirit. It did not come when God was showing Himself strong on my behalf. It did not come when I was walking in the blessings of God. No, it came, without me even being aware that it was coming, it came when it appeared that God was not delivering me. You see, I came to a place that I began to think, ‘ok, what are you going to do if it doesn’t go the way you want it to go?’ I had to become really honest with myself and find out if I would believe God if He didn’t deliver me. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said ‘even if our God doesn’t deliver us, we will not bow to any other god but God. Now, in my natural thinking that would have been the perfect time for Jehovah to step in and say ‘Okay, enough said, don’t touch my boys.’ But He didn’t. He allowed them to walk into a fire that was seven times hotter than any fire before. I am not sure, but I imagine that these boys emotions were in turmoil don’t you? I am almost certain that they didn’t say ‘yeah, we get to go in a fire and burn to death.’ Yet, they walked on. They did not bow. Even when it looked to the whole world that their God had forsaken them and was going to let them die. They walked on. I don’t know what kind of situation you are in. I know what I am in. And this I know:
Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food, though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls – yet – I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord is my strength and He will make my feet like deer’s feet and he will make me walk on my high heels. Hab. 3:17-19

You see, it’s true, if you don’t believe God when things are tough – you don’t believe God at all. Let your roots go deep. Press into God, go deeper. As you go deeper in God the waters will calm. I didn’t say the storm would cease…but the waters will calm. In many bad storms, on the bed of the ocean, the waters are calm. Let your heart be calm. As I was studying hope, I found so many scriptures on hope in the Psalms and I discovered that David was a man of hope. It seemed that he was in more battles than the normal person, yet his hope was always in God. Keep your hope in God. Hope in God will never disappoint you. Never.

As I said earlier, I don’t know what your situation is but I do know that there is one way through it. And I am assured that if God doesn’t deliver you from it, He will walk through it with you. You see, Jesus became forsaken by God and cried out ‘My God, My God why have you forsaken me?’ He did that for you and me. He became forsaken by God so that we would never be. God will never leave you nor forsake, never. You have His word on it. Don’t give up. Don’t stop hoping. Even when things don’t go the way you want them to . Even when God doesn’t show up when you think He should. Even when you are well past your deadline. Even then, God is still faithful. And He is still God.

I have learned more in this season than any previous season of my life. I don’t like my situation but I am thankful for it. It has done something in me that could have happened no other way. I can now say, as did Daniel and Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego, I trust God, no matter what. I will continue to serve Him and worship Him, no matter what. He is now, has always been, and will always be my God. He remains faithful. He remains true. And He will not leave me, forsake me, or fail me. And He will do the same for you. Trust Him – refuse to bow to any other. It will be just as it was with Abraham, you will find yourself where and who God said you would be.


14 Oct 2009 10:39

God will not forsake you for he made a promise in his name. If he forsakes you he forsakes himself.

Thank you BA. God knows the turmoil I'm facing these days. I have found such great peace in knowing that he knows what i'm going through and he will fix things when the time is right.

Even when I feel like I need to do something to calm the waves building up inside me I always go back and remind myself that I have put everything in his hands. He does not need help. I try to help myself but it gets me frustrated even more. But as soon as I remember that I told God that I was handing everything over to him I feel at peace.

I have learned to make sacrifices- I chose to give up mu plans and allow his plans to prevail over mine. His plans are greater than mine. Once we realise that our plans don't override the plans he has for us the easier it is to go on and calm the seas because you know that something will come from the turmoil you're feeling.

I fond myself singing songs of praise and worship even songs of prayer because those comfort me in a way only he knows how. it seems there is a song for every emotion I feel- because the song would just come to me and I would sing the song and feel better- My way of calming the waves of the sea inside me.

If you know yourself in god he will make for you a solution that is best suited for you. If you try to do what others have done you will not come right because those solutions were not specially made for you by God. Trust in the Lord your God so that you may find peace in your life.

14 Oct 2009 10:55

Thanks you guys, this came at the right time, its as if you knew what I am going through and therefore decided to jst give me courage to go on in eternal peacefulnes...

14 Oct 2009 11:04

thank you team for a the word of encouragement

i think one can find peace(shalom) the minute they stop listening to all the voices 
these voices can distract you and you will focus on them
i always try my best to be quite in the mist of confusion because i've learnt that it is then that i can find peace with a torm and eventually make a right decision

you see with bo shadrac; they did not deviate their focus from God
if we do that; we will have shalom (God's peace). the peace that says "yes, i dont know how to get out of this. but i will make my request known to God with thanks giving".
 that way you will be calm and see Modimo a go lwanela.

Amen, ke a leboga

nice read indeed

14 Oct 2009 11:05

BA What wonderful words, thank you sisi. You know i also get the "you look so happy" comments a lot, especially married and all. Most of my friends come to me for advise on a lot of things coz they think i have everything under control and they don't know that it's the peace deep within that keeps me going. 

The joy of knowing that someone else can hold your bargage for you and that He will never leave you is the most satisfying feeling ever.

14 Oct 2009 11:10

Thanks Codzzz ... eish you real did pblish this ... i wrote this a while back, itwas around March if im not mistaken, because of what i was going through then But today when im reading it again im also suprised that i wrote it because im going through something again and unfortunately this time im not seeing or finding peace i was seeing back then ..eish LIFE!

14 Oct 2009 11:34

This morning i got on my knees and prayed before my morning jog, its been a long while since i've prayed before sleeping or in the morning. As much as I am putting in effort in my morning and evening jogs i want to commit to the same effort in my daily prayer. I don't have a reason for ommitting this spiritual process, lazyness i guess, or pure ignorance to God's presence in my life. Either way, here's to my commitment in the quest to strengthening my relationship with God by opening up all communication channels. Amen....

14 Oct 2009 11:51

Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

Thank you, it really does help when all things are turning sour and you face the situation with the knowledge that God will get you through, and God can never throw a situation my way that he did not think I was capable of handling with his guidance and love. 

The story of those three men, always amazes me really. Till the last end they faced the situation of fire, they saw it being made seven times more and yet they never turned their back on God. They became like a child who foolishly believes without a doubt, and they faced the reality that the Lord may not deliver them but yet refused to turn against him.

To share a personal story with you, my mother has gone insane and with pressure from family and sisters, we took her to some women who promised us that she will make her better and who ever is bewitching my mom will be defeated. At first I did not like this idea, but when things were getting worse I thought to myself, what's the worst that could happen, and maybe this is another way for God to help me. Needless to say, my mom is still sick and some days are better than others but it is not all well, but I have put my foot down and said to myself, she is physically fine and she does not need a medical doctor with God's help she will be okay, she will pull through and she will be normal again. No more witchdoctors, no more I am just tired.

I listen to her pray, and always wonder why is God not answering our prayers but I know he will do so when the time is right, and in his own way. What I fear most is that if she had to pass away the way she is, I may have a fading memory of what it was like to have my sane mom, and what conversations did we have that mattered most. I do my bit to call her as often as I can and get excited when she speaks some sense as I hang on to that last good conversation. Nonetheless I have hope that she will be fine, and will enjoy seeing her children do well. The insecurity that people want her children will go away and she will find inner peace. Everytime when I talk to her or my sister who is looking after her, I always hope that she is now fine, and sane. I miss my "real" mom a lot.

Through all this though I have faced the fact that she has had a lot to deal with, and it is taking the toll on her yet I trust in the Lord that this too shall pass.

Sorry for writing such a long post, I just need to cry out loud to people that wont pity me, but that will give me words of encouragement.

14 Oct 2009 12:01

Nice, I know where you are coming from.

My 2nd mother (neighbour) was also sick and went insane. My mother prayed so hard for her, she took her to church with us on Sunday adn I cannot tell you what happened but she became well again. It was a relief knowing that she was herself again. After the whole thing she was the best person one could ask for, she helped everyone she possibly could. It was a pleasure knowing her and living around her despite the problems

I guess things happen for a reason.

14 Oct 2009 12:05

What I fear most is that if she had to pass away the way she is, I may have a fading memory of what it was like to have my sane mom, and what conversations did we have that mattered most. I do my bit to call her as often as I can and get excited when she speaks some sense as I hang on to that last good conversation.

Oh Nice, this just got to me, this must be really hard hey, but true i doubt a sangoma can heal someone's mental state of mind. Ur mum needs to be in a church and be surrounded by people who pray to the same merciful God.
Keep strong gal she will be fine, she doesn't need some international surgeon to come perform miracles on her, she just needs prayer and all will be well in time.

14 Oct 2009 12:16

Thanks guys...this could not have come at a better time for me. I am trusting in God for something...and it has been a while....however I refuse to lose hope...I am keeping my faith for I known he has answered many of my prayers before. Tough as it is...I know in good time he will grant me the desires of my heart. God ALWAYS answers might not be at the time you desperately want him to...but in his own time he prevails! He has grand plans for all of us for we are all his children, he has put us on this earth for a purpose...and yes trials and tribulations will come...which I believe are meant to show us how true and faithful God is to us...otherwise we would have never gotten to know now would we. Thank you once again. Stay blessed

14 Oct 2009 12:50

Nice - i can never even begin to imagine what you are going through but what i like is, you have so much faith in God ... i'd tell you to be honest with God, when you pray to him, Give Him all your worries, tell Him about your fears and be Prayerful andd trust that He will provide. 

Philippians 4:6 says: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (NIV). 

So dear Dont put time limits to God, just wait on Him in prayer with no anxiety ... i know this is better said than done, im the proof of that 

God says you can pray about everything. Nothing is too great for God’s power. Nothing is too insignificant for his care. Anything worth worrying about is worth praying about. If we prayed as much as we worried, we’d have a lot less to worry about! Give God your worries.

When you talk to God about your needs, you need to be specific and do it with thanksgiving.  tell Him exactly what you need from Him and how much you trust Him with that ... He is our God, He'll never leave us!

14 Oct 2009 13:21

This is encouraging...thanks BA

As I said earlier, I don’t know what your situation is but I do know that there is one way through it. And I am assured that if God doesn’t deliver you from it, He will walk through it with you. ..................................AMEN!!!

14 Oct 2009 13:32

Hi saints. eish this came at the right time for me as well. I dont know what to say anymore to a friend of mine who is going through a horrible phase. not that horrible but the way she is taking it makes it seem horrible.

she wants to settle down and have children,she is basically tired of going through fruitless relationships and has been praying to God for a mate for two years now. While in waiting she took it upon herself to build a strong relationship with God, finding her purpose on earth. 

Now everytime it seems like she is meeting the man God brought for her something will just happen then the relationship will be over.She will pray and fast about the whole thing and get a positive feedback, but down the line it turns out that the relationship is not it

so this person is basically loosing hope in God, that God will give her, her heart desires. i dont know what to say to her anymore. Guys help

14 Oct 2009 13:45

ah Nice, that is a sad thing you are going through and to imagine hore rona as people we fret over simple things whereas there are people around us that are having more difficult struggles. 

Your mother will be well she needs to be at church, churches like those of Pastor Kobus Van Rensburg,i have seen miracles happening,if a miracle didnt happen to me, i would be saying something else, and now i believe in miracles. You know before i went there, i was so skeptical about the whole church, thinking that these people that get healed are bought or something, mind you i didnt even go there because of the problem i had, i just went there with a friend, kanthi God will show me who exactly is God. 

that is why today, no one can tell me about power of sangomas (not to offend those that go there, it is a personal choice) I know the power of God, and I know how powerful he is. I have seen it with my own eyes. 

i will really keep your mother in my prayers as well.  But with your attitude, God will answer your prayers sooner than you think.

(ps: i am not advertising Pastor Kobus' church, i only mention it because i got healed there)

14 Oct 2009 19:57

It is hard, but I always console myself that she is still alive and have that to be thankful for. On other days, I try to pray and end up in tears. 

you must do that for 30 days, and the ritual will be set after that and you will be as committed to setting time aside with him effortlessly.

Thank you gals for all your encouragement, and prayers. Even to the silent bloggers, I know that you are helping me to pray for my mom.

Cody, you know when we are in love any sign of positivity or good things with the new lover, we take it as confirmation from God and say that it is my answer and God approves of this man. i have done it many times. Your friend though must not lose hope, she must continue to ask God but as BA said there is nothing that beats being specific to God about her requests and when someone comes along that seems to be an answer, she must still confirm with God and dont let the new love cloud her judgement. 

As children of God we know subconsciously that he will answer our prayers, but what we dont know is the time. It is the waiting and being patient that messes us up, and as much as we know, one forgets this during the period of waiting upon him.

15 Oct 2009 10:40

What I fear most is that if she had to pass away the way she is, I may have a fading memory of what it was like to have my sane mom, and what conversations did we have that mattered most. I do my bit to call her as often as I can and get excited when she speaks some sense as I hang on to that last good conversation.

nice your mom will be well. we pray to a God who hears and the God who always know whats best for us. He will restore your mom, in time.
but i've heard that leshata la lethabo(being surrounded by people who are happy- church) can help one alot

however do not loose hope
she can helped by God through your faith and prayers
so after having to stand in the gap for her (by praying and believing- hope) ; just stand girl. you will see a breakthrough

15 Oct 2009 11:05

thank you so much BA

I am happy to have an understanding Father.  He is God and He will always be God.  Yes, it is true, sometimes there are things that are happening in our lives and we start to doubt if God will see us through.  I have so many of those moments.  

As I said earlier, I don’t know what your situation is but I do know that there is one way through it. And I am assured that if God doesn’t deliver you from it, He will walk through it with you.

And when I am in turmoil, I remember Romans 8:35-39 

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 

As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The story of Daniel, Meshack, Shadrack and Abednego is very close to my heart.  I lifts me up.  It teaches me that no matter what happens, God will see me through.  I just have to trust in Him.  There is a saying that I like, it goes like:


He says in one of the scriptures - Those who wait uppon the Lord their strength will be renewed.  I want my strength to be renewed.  Please Lord, renew my strenght to carry through.

15 Oct 2009 11:11

This is very eye opening BA enkosi sisi...
I read it yesterday,i was so encouraged i could not sit down. But today did not start very well and i read again and i have hope in the rest of the day at least.

nice sisi....i personally cannot even begin to imagine what you and your family are going through, but my prayers are with you. Just you never ceaze to bring the situation unto God. He will come through and when He does it will be more than you had envisaged, He is God and His answers r yes and amen....hold on sisi and remain not let the devil have the last laugh in anyway whatsoever.

15 Oct 2009 11:16

oh FK, couldnt have said it better.all i know is his promises will never ever let go of us. we must just fix our eyes upon the cross...

15 Oct 2009 11:19

@ Nice, God sees your pain and He cares.  There is a song that I sing, Read the lyrics and you will find the answer there

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth or song,
As the burdens press, and the cares distress
And the way grows weary and long?


Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.

Does Jesus care when my way is dark
With a nameless dread and fear?
As the daylight fades into deep night shades,
Does He care enough to be near?


Does Jesus care when I’ve tried and failed
To resist some temptation strong;
When for my deep grief there is no relief,
Though my tears flow all the night long?


15 Oct 2009 11:35

im running with this one too ......ima search 4 the song,it reads beautifull,....

The thing im getting from BA's article is tht,what separates us from the people who go thru the same situations but dont know God is tht we have hope, in the midst of everything,we know tht its gonna be okay in whatever direction "okay" will be. And so we clam down,wer dont give up,we dont feel or take defeated,we r able to keep moving while we await God to come thru...howver long the breakthru will take.

15 Oct 2009 11:51

Amen GA, you know, i bless the day i became a christian hle! 

the other day, i was going through something rather dissapointing, i prayed about it and asked God to take the heaviness away from my heart, to my surprise i was amazed to feel better in the morning, it was so unbelievable, i thought maybe the feeling will return but it hasn't returned, i always wondered what the peace that passes all understanding feels like, and i got to experience it first hand and my oh my, it feels beautiful. the heaviness did fade away.

Oh guys this is beautiful.God Bless this homecell...

15 Oct 2009 11:57

You got it all right GA .. there is nothing that beats having peace when everyone around seems to be worked out about your situation

15 Oct 2009 13:54

Hi Guyz thanks a lot, all of you have gave me hope, courage and strength to face everything I'm going through rite now. For this past weeks all I wanted was to God to speak his words again to me, I feel like reading all your post it was God speaking to me. 
I'm going through some staff rite now that I dnt even knw how to handle them, I know that God is there to help me but I just feel like the more I stay and wait on him and do nothing the more things go wrong. But you guyz have reminded me why I always call myself a friend of God. And you know what the devil will be sorry that he is messing up with me and my family. 

Nice if ur faith cn uplift me imagine want it going to do when it comes to someone close to u, ur mom.

15 Oct 2009 14:12

@FrndofGod, Be strong, God will never give us something that we can't handle.
all that stuff that u going through right now, its his will darling and as the bible says "The Will of God will never take us where the Grace of God will never protect us" he's always there with u all the way and u'll see his Grace at the end of the path that u going through right now. He's a loving God, no matter how Strong or Weak u r , he'll always test and check your believing and closiness in him. 

Sometimes we 4get to thank God for everything he's done for us.
when things are good we forget about him, but when things r bad we remember him. sometimes we want him to respond to our prayers emediately, God is love. He knows what good for us and he respond at the good time.

Be blessed and remember Unkulunkulu uluthando (God is love)

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