Black and proud

Written by Blac African from the blog The Diary of a Blac woman on 27 May 2009
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Blac African
27 May 2009 15:09

I am a DIVA!!!

27 May 2009 15:22


27 May 2009 15:24


27 May 2009 15:26

Sure BA!

27 May 2009 15:28

Hhi hi hi hi !

27 May 2009 15:29

I wonder where is H24 when u need him???? Uko kae ngwana?

27 May 2009 15:30

Are you crying out for help or just informing us, i wanna respond accordingly.

27 May 2009 15:30


27 May 2009 15:31

27 May 2009 15:32

thats the spirit gal but problem is what is your story?

Sana Lwam
27 May 2009 15:33

en noe????????

27 May 2009 15:34

its a short , very short poem zozoe

Sana Lwam
27 May 2009 15:34

kaniyi twezeni bahlali

27 May 2009 15:36

LOL SanaL this twezeka name sounds so funny man, no wonder Maud is dead!!!

R u still alive Maud?

27 May 2009 15:38

Sjura uthi gqi phi kanti?

27 May 2009 15:40

hariri where u @? sjura stop stalking the poor child! 

Sana Lwam
27 May 2009 15:40

LOL myname I got this name from you, 
OK yithi ndiyi nwebe

Sana Lwam
27 May 2009 15:42

uthini na Pookzet .....this is an Ode kwa kwa kwa

27 May 2009 15:42

Hayibo,ayingomhlola llho

27 May 2009 15:44

Hey sana kudala ndizama ayinwebeki or shuld i say ayitwezeki.....

Where is Cande? Come here ngwana, itlo tweza article

27 May 2009 15:46

Are you crying out for help or just informing us, i wanna respond accordingly


27 May 2009 15:46

LOL, Pooky....its a short , very short poem tl tl tl tl

OK yithi ndiyi nwebe.......hayi, Sana Lwam

27 May 2009 15:48

khaniphindeni futhi, niyitweze kancinci

LOL 2 the TWEZA, uyiskhokho, whoever u r

27 May 2009 15:48

inayo ne sktretch marks le poem

27 May 2009 15:49

SL you r bad dear. Im ROTLOL

27 May 2009 15:53

Haaibo who stretched the article?

Sana Lwam
27 May 2009 15:54

Ndim Cande

27 May 2009 15:55

isigezo esilapha, i'm sure uAnna gal ukwi therapy as we speak she bruises easily especially makwenzeka ezizinto....qina mzalwane

27 May 2009 15:58

kanjani?? i need to know coz i cant see anything..So that next time when i stretch i do it your way and no one can know that it was me.

27 May 2009 16:01

On a serious note Blac African, you made such a grand entrance to TVSA and i was really impressed but after this 3 lines am disappointed.

27 May 2009 16:09

"i hate who i have became....a diva"  i dnt think uve became a diva,u should hate urself more coz uve became a joke.

27 May 2009 16:12


27 May 2009 16:14


28 May 2009 08:31


28 May 2009 08:34

Then bring ur eating to order Blac i mean really, eating disorders should be limited to teenagers who are stil trying to find themselves and please others, i assume u're a grown woman, wat u need to please others for??? are they pleasing you??? 
U told me i'm trying to change wat God gave me by using certain facial moisturisers on my chin and yet you trying to change wat God gave you by stuffing/starving urself silly, stay true to ur word please. 

Thats ma word and ma word is bond.

Blac African
28 May 2009 08:35

"i hate who i have became....a diva" i dnt think uve became a diva,u should hate urself more coz uve became a joke.

Who are u Fefee??? Who died and made you god of TVSA??????????that name is a joke....anyhow laugh all you want its a free country...just be sure that when someone asks what you laughing @ you point to yourself........

Well you of all people should know, this entertainment industry calls for you to change who you are and what you are just to get paid....thats why I developed an eating sell an "image"! Now that I got born again recently I am caught between a rock and hard place..........I hate being a diva and hate the image I potrayed coz thats not who I was...if you r disappointed??? so am I

28 May 2009 08:36

hi to twezelisation.

@myname - i am still alive bendisa twezekile- what made me laugh is the way she put it, i pictured her in my mind,  i still go back to read that article.

28 May 2009 08:40

Me of all people?? hahahha

Blac African
28 May 2009 08:44

Thanks mine below....I hate who I I am trying to correct it and I cant...thats y I told u not to start on those things coz i personally know the damage it can do to a woman - and eating disorders know no age! all this models you see strutting their stuff can tell you its not easy to maintain size 00 without starving most of the time

Blac African
28 May 2009 08:47

Cande r u not involved in the entertainment industry? Afraid to look a "fool" coz you may have an understanding of what I mean? did you not write an article on the samas? My apologies if I assumed you to be in the entertainment inudstry. I retract my statement

28 May 2009 08:49

Tl tl tl...that somehow says Cande is in te industry LOl LOL... Been wondering who Mzekezeke is..Cade you are caught manje.

28 May 2009 08:52

hhahahha, eish!! No Blac African i am not in the entertainment industry and i feel sorry for you that you have to be forced to change who you are just to get paid.. The IT industry accepts me the way i am. But if you have to do what you did just to get paid i suggest you continue doing it if you are happy there otherwise try something else that will let you be yourself.

28 May 2009 08:52

Thing is Blac there's a healthier, less expensive & safer alternative to everything, theres no need to binge & purge to maintain an image, matter of fact, people who do those things can only hide that with make up cos it takes a toll on ur skin, ur hair, nails, bones and general well being. And thats why it probably works best with models because the minute they rock that ramp they wearing another face not their own. plastered in make up, wearing fake hair, long nails, so the consequences of the ill eating don't show, but they feel them inside. You can never be healthy in that manner.

Eat right, exercise, maintain good relationships, be good to urself.

Good that you on ur right path..

28 May 2009 08:53

28 May 2009 08:54

28 May 2009 08:54

28 May 2009 08:54

28 May 2009 08:55

.........still speechless........

Blac African
28 May 2009 09:05

Thanks Felfel...I am trying to get myself together and need all the support I need. I made myself this way and now that I have found Christ I want to so badly change my image but once you get used to throwing up and going without proper food you suffer to digest....I just wish there was a medium out there that helped people in my situation like AA

28 May 2009 09:06

i can c that Awisto, Good morning though....


Hello Black African, so uyi modela? (eish incase you dont understand my lingo). Are you a model?

28 May 2009 09:07

If  the industry forced you to become skinny or obese it's your fault because you allowed the industry to dictate who or what you should be. Who are you anyway??? This is not Hollywood where you have to conform to the norms of the industry. Dont make your problems ours. Writing such stuff and expecting us to feel sorry for you...

I agree with Felfel eating disorder should be limited to teenagers who are still trying to find themselves. If you consider yourself and adult you should be able to know whats right and wrong. You chose to become the person you are, the industry didnt choose for you.

28 May 2009 09:17


28 May 2009 09:19

You are not a diva you have a problem and you not proud if you proud of who you are you wouldnt be crying out for help

28 May 2009 09:22

BA yekela, i went 2 ur profile.

LOL GML, do u have 2 b straight like dear?????

Guys let me work......i will just pop in when im taking breaks.

28 May 2009 09:23

Meant 2 say
LOL GML, do u have 2 b straight like that dear?????

Blac African
28 May 2009 09:24

GML - thanks but as long people live people - disorders whether emotional, physical or otherwise will exist whether in SA, USA, Congo or UK. Individuals differ - you may not have an eating disorder you may suffer with something else that I or your neighbour doesnt.

as long as Television exists - adverts exist, as long as products exist - adverts exist.....models r needed -

28 May 2009 09:26

yhu myname i came running here seeing BA, eish acronomies mnxm

28 May 2009 09:34

so what about those hotwings that u like blac? cum over to my place en we can have as much as we like, togethernessssssssssssssss!

28 May 2009 09:34

The fact of the matter is you have become someone you are not. You're not a Diva- you are ill. It's not about TV or ads or models. It's about you thinking that you're a diva when you're not. 

We have beautiful bootylicious women in SA who are very successful in the industry. They never allowed themselves to be forced into something that they are not. If you really are a diva you would have your identity know because that's what diva's do.-Problems or no problems.
You are blaming/ shadowing the illness you have with this DIVA thing. Dont hide behind it just confront it sisi.

28 May 2009 09:37


28 May 2009 10:03

If you have to starve yourself and not eat to be a model then you are not meant to be one. The problem is when you do things that are not meant for you. Uyafosta sisi go be a presenter or something at least there they don't care how skinny you look as long as you look fabulous.

28 May 2009 10:16

Sorry to judge, but the person who wrote this needs help....ASAP.............let me read the replies

28 May 2009 10:22

These days i just don;t pray for anyone (blame it on the recession)......can i ask who is Blac what-what? I mean her/his real name? Shim please PM me your real identity, cause i'm in no mood to pray for stranger........

28 May 2009 10:26

cause i'm in no mood to pray for stranger........ 

Hawu Mjj I came running here for prayer.

28 May 2009 10:28

It's a good thing you found Christ. Forget the person you've become. God wants to help the real you. Let the "fake" die, don't sustain it. God will deal with what is left "the real you".

Blac African
28 May 2009 10:33

thanks mhiza...mjj are you mocking me or being serious? did Jesus not pray for strangers? I dont think he knew all those he healed, cast out demons out of or raised from the dead personally....your statement about praying for strangers is even more sad than my issue coz here you mock the very thing Jesus died for...

28 May 2009 10:40

GML wa chesa this morning,yong!

28 May 2009 10:44

Keep praying.

28 May 2009 10:49

AMEN Bazwalwane

28 May 2009 10:58

I say you starved yourself to this, now you have to eat yourself back to normal.

It's so funny how you keep deviating from the actual problem- It's not about MJJ's prayer- it's about you. If MJJ decides to pray for it it's his choice. You shouldnt grill him for it. Instead you should be saying
"MJJ I would really appreciate all prayers right now" Not taking him to task about it.

your statement about praying for strangers is even more
sad than my issue coz here you mock the very thing Jesus died for...

What's sad is that you were not expecting these kind of responses. Were you expecting bloggers to say shame and all that? Prayer becomes more meaningful if you know who you're praying for. You need to pray and ask God to give you the willingness to eat yourself back to normal.

I am not trying to be mean but I feel like shadowing the actual problem is not gonna help you in any way

28 May 2009 11:03

♫I'm a, I'm a, a Diva (hey)

Now diva a female version of a hustla
Of a hustla
Of a, of a hustla

Blac African
28 May 2009 11:06

What's sad is that you were not expecting these kind of responses. Were you expecting bloggers to say shame and all that?

actuallly no - I was expecting someone to help by giving me support group numbers or numbers of good counsellors or recommend a church support group...[i noticed that there were many "christian" articles..... not mockery.....
Prayer becomes more meaningful if you know who you're praying for. really? I didn know that please give me scripture to go with that, I am learning the whole reading the bible + prayer thing and want to get some clarity on that so when I pray I get more "meaning"

I realised I had a problem thats why I wrote "3 lines" to get some help not sympathy and mockery....

Blac African
28 May 2009 11:09

mhiza - do you have any scriptures I can relate to?

28 May 2009 11:14

bloggers can be so mean some time, anyway let me google support groups that can help you BA

28 May 2009 11:15

Okay Blac you should have just said exactly wat u asking for in ur article and not be vague, thats why my first reply was "Are you crying out for help or just informing us, i wanna respond accordingly." 
It helps to just be specific in ur article when you want something. Don't just write, "I suffer with a serious eating disorder " and then claim "I am a DIVA!!!" those two statements contradict each other, there's nothing divalicious about an eating disorder, thats just a sad tired case.

Otherwise nothing beats googling wat u looking for, most of the times when i reply to an article i google the info. first and anyone can do that.

Happy googling : ))

28 May 2009 11:19

But your article doesnt say that. If you want help just say it.


Bloogers, I have a problem and I need help or suggestions. I am working in the i\entertainment industry and have gotten myself in a predicament. I have an eating disorder as a result of y job. I'm a model by profession and i need to maintain a certain size, this lead to me starving myself to the point where it's become a serious problem. I have become a DIVA and have allowed myself to become someone/something I am not. I suffer from Anorexia. I'm a born again Christian and this makes it difficult for me to do my job etc etc etc.

Anything along these lines would have done good. We would know that you need help and would have suggested churches and counsellors. I think you wanted to point out that you're a self proclaimed DIVA, adn that you did.

Now that DIVA has actually said what it is that she wants lets all help her out.

So come Bloggers any suggestions of support groups, churches, or counsellors please. Or AA (Anorexic Anonymous). if anyone has the number or  website address
We should also please put DIVA in our prayers tonight.

28 May 2009 11:23


28 May 2009 11:37


28 May 2009 11:37

Ok, here are a few scriptures that you can read:- Matthew 11:28-30, psalm 56:4, psalm 145 :18, Isaiah 58:9, Isaiah 40:29,

28 May 2009 11:39

blac why r u frends with one en only? i think u have been spending too much time with shim/him/her... soon u will be suicidal so stay away from one en only!

28 May 2009 11:41

@Cleve: What?????
Had I not said all those things we wouldnt have known what it is she really wanted. I helped her..... I think,>>>>>>>>>lol

Sana Lwam
28 May 2009 11:42

Blac African aka DIVA you are in my prayers........ 

As requested by GML please see below contact details for a support group: 

Anorexia and Bulimia Family Support Group
Tel: 011 887 9966 (even if you are not in JHB visit their website to find a group closer to you)

Good luck and please write a follow up blog and tell us about your progress. 

Hallelujah we love you ***in Dr Rib’s voice*** <<<mabloggers shay’zandla>>>

28 May 2009 11:50

clap clap clap!

28 May 2009 11:54

GML, I was just tlutling(sp) you. Giving you a standing ovation for telling it like it is.

28 May 2009 11:54

clap clap clap clap clap

28 May 2009 13:26


28 May 2009 13:35

yhu myname i came running here seeing BA, eish acronomies mnxm
Askis sana, ok I will call Black African (Ms Black, or Blackie, Blacky). So u wont get confused nhe....

GML, You r on fire babes! 

28 May 2009 13:44


28 May 2009 13:44

LOL myname

28 May 2009 13:44

****Clap clap clap clap******, I missed this place

28 May 2009 13:49

Once again,GML is on a roll today! Blackie,hope o nna sharp.

28 May 2009 13:50

Cleve - u no stranger and I'll pray for you any day my sister............sisikade ke esi........................ GML - stop being friendly depressing me.............. Clearly someone out there is going around saying TVSA is a better version of Sis Dolly.......................

28 May 2009 14:05

Got to give it to you GML, straight to the point, and you Blac African for not taking it personal what GML said to you. Is what I call healthy debate. Nothing personal but difference of opinions.

28 May 2009 14:40

@GML clap ..................clap..................clap

28 May 2009 14:54

Clearly someone out there is going around saying TVSA is a better version of Sis Dolly.......................

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 May 2009 15:27

"Ama ama a diva ama ama a Diva..." looks soo wrong LOL

28 May 2009 23:22

lol @ ur'll responses tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl

28 May 2009 23:29

HAIBO.....really now..Hariri is here and just about to rip.....myname le dali...i think its time i open a hotline..just like that when such things can be reported...LOL...

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