
Goodbye Trevor & Hello To....??

Written by Brown Shuga from the blog SHUGAS BLOGIWOOD on 16 Apr 2008
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The RGB is officially coming back to our screens in a couple of months and as previously reported, Trevor Noah, who was the best thing to ever happen to Season 1, has decided not to make a comeback. 

Now, I can only imagine what a headache it is for whoever's concerned to try and find a suitable do you replace such a man?? *sigh*
So being the nice person that I am, I've got a few suggestions to throw around....

One of the reasons why Trevor says he's not coming back is because Khwezi will no longer be producing the show as she's now moved on to greener pastures after she was appointed Editor of Seventeen Magazine.

Word's not out on who Khwezi's replacement is but that's not a problem, the problem is in front of the camera coz it would be such a travesty for a man like *sigh* Trevor to be replaced by some dude we can't "look" at.....
There's now a standard that has to be maintained bathong and yes, it's Trevor so it will be difficult so whatever the guy lacks when it comes to looks, he has to make up for with other things....

Like a cute nose....

The Good: I fell in lurve with Rude Boy Paul when I first saw him on Jam Alley years ago. Everytime I saw him doing Lilizela on SABC 2, I felt like he was lost. His kind belongs on Mzansi Fo Sho man, plus his Zulu is out of this world. 
He's got energy in abundance and is not afraid to make fun of celebrities especially laba abanaMANGA....
I think he has quite a following too so all those YFM listeners who are sad about his departure, tell your boy to knock on Urban Brew's door. 

The Bad:  He's not Trevor Noah

So, as you can see, the good outweighs the bad so Viva Paulos!

Option 2:

Yes, I'm serious. Come on now, let the man make a come back on all fronts. 

The Good: He was damn good on Television and his middle name is Controversy so if that's what RGB's about then Phat Joe is your man!
Please look at the above picture again and tell me he's not funny...?? The man is Good. 
He is such a free spirit too and I love that about him so Phat Joe sthandwa, woz'ekhaya to Fo Sho. 
He's good looking, he's loud, he's crazy, he's creative, bold eish, he's perfect hle bathong! He even sings too heheheh

The Bad: All that time he's spending with Stevie B. maan!!!

If any of that "ukudika" kwala Stevie rubs off then we are in deep sh!t. 
I would love to listen to your show more than I do babe but haikhona....some of your co-hosts tjo! The traffic report yona sounds like a Lingerie Ad. 

Does Phat Joe speak any Zulu? I so hope he does....

Option 3:

Okay, I know this is a bit far fetched coz Thapelo doesn't seem the least bit concerned about gossip & things but I'm running out of "he can hold his own against Trevor" material. 
I never saw how he did on Fear Factor so I know more about him as an actor than a presenter BUT what I know FO SHO is that when Thapelo Mokoena is on my screen, I couldn't care less what he's saying.  I could stare into those eyes the whole night....

Option 4:

If YFM has Bra Obs as the traffic police, why can't RGB have Lupi as the fashion police? Hehehehe

(Speaking of Bra Obs, just wanna tell Chilli M ukuthi that whole thing about you guys reading an email from some gal who said her mother met Bra Obs and Bra Obs said this and that was so so so so dumb! P.S. I wasn't really listening to Y, I was passing through lol)

Back to Lupi....

Whenever I think Lupi, I think Uncle on YLENS (awesome job that was) so that's what I have in mind. 
If the fashion police thingy is gonna be a permanent feature on the show then who better to do it honestly than Lupsta?

Okay, those are all the options I could think of. There is nothing wrong with also getting fresh unknown talented though so if it's hot, we're cool.

If, however, the show has to start and they still haven't found their man then I have another suggestion for a Guest Presenter...

Oops, sorry Chief Azwi, wrong picture. 
Here's the most welcome Guest Presenter.....


And you know what? He ain't even gotta say a word!

Trevor who??? lol

You've heard my piece so do you have any suggestions? Not Sizwe Dhlomo (he's the face of MTV-kinda) & Not Stevovo (he's too nice)


Oh, and what's this I'm hearing about LIVE???


15 Apr 2008 23:42

I think David Kau should replace Trevor....

Oh, and what's this I'm hearing about LIVE???

Woza nazo BS

15 Apr 2008 23:43

On second thought Lupi could do...

15 Apr 2008 23:53

eish   how can  you  do  this  to  Chief   Azwindini  ,really   i won't   think  he'll  make it  as  guest  presenter  .  He'sto  serious .

Lady D
16 Apr 2008 00:02

I woud Lupi love to see Lupi doing his thing on RGB,

16 Apr 2008 00:10

Oops, sorry Chief Azwi, wrong picture

Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa. Iyho hay' usile si

16 Apr 2008 00:34

ha ha ha, BS u made me laugh......

On a serious note: i think Bafuwi can actually do it!!!!!!

I love Thapelo but i don't think he can break it at RGB, he looks very serious. FF was his thing.

Phat Joe - he is funny and loud but not for RGB, Rude boy as well isn't the type i wanna watch present *ossip... 

RGB must start looking outside of the box, give us new presenters...... If Trevor is not coming back then don't give us someone we associated with something else.

NB: maybe they must look at Kagiso Lediga!!!!!!! or that Dr yebo guy, whats his name again????

16 Apr 2008 00:38

eish ppl,dis is da tough one,no1 will be like Trevor,but RUDEEEEEEEEEEEEE is hot he can do a great job,Thapelo is also not that bad but he doesn't have dat umfuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..................on Azwindini i rest my case........usile wena BS.Oops, sorry Chief Azwi, wrong picture..................KWA KWA KWA.ungenzani ekuseni kanje.

16 Apr 2008 00:39

I sooo wouldnt mind seeing Thapelo taking over Trevor -  I could stare into those eyes the whole night.... this line made me go back to his pic and take a look at those eyes - yummmy. Yena uPhat Wet Lips Joe shame, haha andimfuni thank you.

16 Apr 2008 00:42

If any of that "ukudika" kwala Stevie rubs off then we are in deep sh!t. 

LMAO!!!!! Whoooo weeeee, BESTEST line in the article....i thought i was the only one that couldn't STAND Stevie.......he speaks like he has a lump in his throat..come to think of it, almost everyone on Kaya does-eish!

Thapelo??? Thapelo??????THAPELO????????You gotta be kidding me! That boy had no personality on FF whatsoever-he MUST JUST remain wherever he is-away from my screen!

Oops, sorry Chief Azwi, wrong picture

16 Apr 2008 00:50

pls fill me in why wld Trevor quit da show just bcoz Kwezi wont be producing.are they  dating?

16 Apr 2008 00:51

@Cande wat abt LIVE ? pls fill us in.Azwindini.....???

16 Apr 2008 01:06

about Live, I heard that Andile is leaving soon, so Shuga u'll have to start looking for a replacement for him also....

16 Apr 2008 01:25

Thapelo??? Thapelo??????THAPELO????????You gotta be kidding me! That boy had no personality on FF whatsoever-he MUST JUST remain wherever he is-away from my screen! 

I agree with you there!! Cute or not cute.....

BS...pls dont keep us in suspense bout LIVE!!!

16 Apr 2008 01:35

get Lupsta anyday......he also did a great job with KCi on umhlobo wenene as Godayva!!!!

16 Apr 2008 01:40

Good choices or suggestions BS. But Zwindini? No wae!!!  I think Lupi would do it the right way bt m not 100% sure.

16 Apr 2008 01:45


16 Apr 2008 02:01

Hayi BS umshiyelani uBra Golide i hunk yomhlaba from Muvhango lol!!

16 Apr 2008 02:23

How about u Lungsta Lungile Radu from Rythm City i kinda like the dude but i'm not sure what do u guyz think or maybe uLuckeez frm uMhlobo wenene or whoever coz i think he likes gossip.

16 Apr 2008 02:23

Where does that picture of Chief comes from?I think his wives and villagers of Thathe will be angry to see the chief topless.I don't think the guy has energy to gossip bathong, you better count him out of the wanna be presenters of the shows.

16 Apr 2008 02:26

@ bulie ...i full agree with you,dat guy is hot,but wont they have a problem since he also work for channel o

16 Apr 2008 02:27

@ bulie ...i full agree with you,dat guy is hot,but wont they have a problem since he also work for channel o

16 Apr 2008 02:28

okay technology dat all i can say.sori about dat.

16 Apr 2008 02:42

Oh Bathong RGB its coming.....we have been missing Hlanyisto aka Dineo. So shugs will be seeing you quite soon on our telly. Oh shame I will get to see those nice legs of yours.

Iyo...Utrevore u serious kanti....I wont mind to see Phat Joe and Lupi. Think they will give us real goss. Thapelo will make my wet dreams come its good if I don't get to see him on my telly. It was really a torture to see him kissing Karabo on generations. So wrong wrong wrong!!!!

Baby Joe Good to see you gal...been missing your comments!

16 Apr 2008 02:44

How about u Lungsta Lungile Radu from Rythm City i like him only kuRhythm City but dont want him replacing Trevor...dont know but he's too much of a college boy..if you know what i mean. Luckeez woMhlobo - isnt he the noisy one but still no no....(putting my thinking hat on for a suitable person) are they looking for a male presenter Shugs

16 Apr 2008 02:48

 i also don't understand why u Trevor is leaving coz u Khwezi will no longer be producing....i mean whats up wit dat. STROH, they're not dating (i think) i've seen Trevor's chick, Unothando or something 
i also think that they should get somebody new, i'm tired of the richer getting richer....give some new comer a break already

16 Apr 2008 02:51

is Trevor Noah dating Geraldine Moleketsi's daughter???

That Nothando is a cute thing and they look happy together.

16 Apr 2008 02:53

phat joe has my vote because for once King K won't complain about me watching the show and defending RGB as "the horrid show that doesn't have a concept but Trevor is on it" because Joe can pazzazzz any show up... he has talent!

16 Apr 2008 03:01

Kakapana........thankx luv,

16 Apr 2008 03:06

16 Apr 2008 05:26

David Kau should take over Trevor's reins, guys.... He fits there so perfectly.

Its just that, we all know he laughs at his own jokes, right?

16 Apr 2008 05:28

Aowa, David Kau is BOring shame!!!!

Bra Bizza
16 Apr 2008 05:41

Phat Joe can hold it down nicely cause aka bayi i skelm....others are too soft for that position...

16 Apr 2008 08:33

Thapelo has Zero personality...and he strikes me as the serious type...Asikhulume maybe...LOL.

Azwindini....LOL...... well I guess Lupi would satisfy y'all's BestGayFriend needs  coz he has that Somizi thing going on about him....and he's nasty sometimes  and RGB is about that angithi...BTW..Does Phat Joe speak any  venecular language at all...(I've neva listened to i'm not familiar with his "radio speak"...but nje I've neva heared him say even sawubona...hi hi hi..otherwise he'd make a good RGB presenter

16 Apr 2008 11:28

Yes, Majority wants either Phat Joe or Lupi. Please pass the message to the employers Shugs!

16 Apr 2008 12:40

Shugs, tsk, tsk, unhealthy obsession with soccer players!  

I have a suggestion...: His name Paulo and he is a martial arts expert; Mr May in Cosmo's calendar...  ALSO,  Cosmo, obediently (someone read and remembered my article!!!!!) give us another glimpse of this fine specimen in her latest edition... best part: NO SHIRT!  'siggghhhh' Fairy Bitch Goddess is so good!

16 Apr 2008 12:40

Shugs, tsk, tsk, unhealthy obsession with soccer players!  

I have a suggestion...: His name Paulo and he is a martial arts expert; Mr May in Cosmo's calendar...  ALSO,  Cosmo, obediently (someone read and remembered my article!!!!!) gives us another glimpse of this fine specimen in her latest edition... best part: NO SHIRT!  'siggghhhh' Fairy Bitch Goddess is so good!

16 Apr 2008 13:34

16 Apr 2008 13:42

everyone is responding to Shuga's idea's but anyone have someone else to add to the mix?

17 Apr 2008 05:05

its either Lupi or Phat Joe..........

17 Apr 2008 05:35

i think KAIZER JNR could do it.he is sooooooooo sexy,it`s not even funny.LOVE HIM TO BITS

Cutie Pie
17 Apr 2008 06:42

Eish Kaizer Junior is cute, but i'm not sure of the personality.

I think uKCI of Umnhobo wenene would have fitted, but he's not cute. He's got the personality though.

18 Apr 2008 01:38

I think Rude boy, are you still on ?

Oh, and what's this I'm hearing about LIVE???

BS , are you talking about tonite beeing andile's last eps of LIVE ? 

18 Apr 2008 02:33

Phat joe would be perfect and we have seen him do it before

18 Apr 2008 03:10

I,m with you Monchooza Fat lips would be good for the part but a perfect person would have to be Tumisho Masha or kanjani bafethu??

Brown Shuga
20 Apr 2008 12:06

<<Oh shame I will get to see those nice legs of yours.>> Can we stop with the sarcasm Noks???? My legs are anything BUT nice! I've gained a whole lotta weight!

<<are you still on ?>> LOL, I don't know...

<<but a perfect person would have to be Tumisho Masha or kanjani bafethu??>> Absolutely NOT!!!

I've been listening to a lot of Phat Joe's Morning Show & I'm more convinced now than ever...Phat Joe is the right guy for this.

Brown Shuga
20 Apr 2008 12:13

<<<pls fill me in why wld Trevor quit da show just bcoz Kwezi wont be producing.are they dating?>> I said it was ONE OF the reasons. Maybe he respected her way of doing things and didn't think it would be quite the same with all the changes taking place.

20 Apr 2008 12:29

I am not being sarcastics Shugs...nawe uyazi mos!

20 Apr 2008 13:05

I heard about LIVE

Brown Shuga
20 Apr 2008 13:38

I know Noks! 
Cande, how did graduation go? Sent you an sms on one of your numbers...

24 Apr 2008 08:29

i thimk that Lupi can do it.How about we take kci of Umhlobo Wenene,i'm sure i would grab the job with everything he has!

24 Apr 2008 08:38

Hayibo, yazi im so behind ddnt see this blog!

The traffic report yona sounds like a Lingerie Ad.> ROFL, hayi nami i've got an issue with this seriously, lol!! Eish uTrevor naye? yazi maybe Phat Joe angayishaya this thing, i used to love that phat joe show, they must seriously consider. Shuga grand grand ibuya nini iRGB, unamadates mhlawumbe.

Brown Shuga
29 Apr 2008 14:23

End of June/Beginning of July, somewhere lapho mngani...

Miss L
21 May 2008 00:26


Lupi would be the perfect person for the replacement

23 May 2008 04:14

what do you folks think of Chilli M?

Brown Shuga
26 May 2008 12:59

They can put him on if they want to start a war, I guess.

27 May 2008 00:20

Please BS not Phat Joe, not him. David Cow

17 Feb 2009 12:03

David Kawu has dat sense of humour which everyone (maybe not every one) wil luv...what about Sbu frm frnds lyk these? he once did it as Mzekezeke behind the mask on yfm, he's not afraid to say it like it is....

17 Feb 2009 12:30

@Jozi- its Kau not Kawu, duhhhhhhhhhh

17 Feb 2009 12:43

@andi - its Jozzi not Jozi, duhhhhh lol

Hey my nigga - how're you holdin up?

17 Feb 2009 12:53

@Zolx- am cool man, just got little upset, wen a nigger be messin up, my niggers name. arawise, no stress, did dat on purpose so dat he knows how it feels when some nigger be trippin wit ur name, how u

17 Feb 2009 13:09

Ma apologese, didint know it Such a sin to mis -spell, anyway I'm used 2 celfone Lingo,"I apologise for any inconvinence that may have been caused to you sir"

David Kau
Did I say it ryt this tym?

17 Feb 2009 13:18

LMAO..niggers (Zolx&Andi) , y'all need to stop trippin on the new kid on the blok, y'all hear me,,lol

17 Feb 2009 13:25

I say yes to Phat joe. He is definitely better than Bad Boy on radio so he will be good on TV. He is not afraid to speak his mind-

YaY for Phat joe

17 Feb 2009 14:41

@Awe- Halla my nigger from de wes side, how u holdin up babe, u cool nigger, u cool, aiyth, we just pulllin de lil-J's leg, we aint for real, nigga please now, don chaa act like ya dont know how we doin it up here, aiyth nigger.
@Jozzi- ey, chill baby, me and my nigga been trippin witsh ya, aiyth playa.

02 Mar 2011 14:56

I love rude boy paul's voice,smile,eye.Yoh! muhle

02 Mar 2011 14:58

I love rude boy paul's voice,smile,eye.Yoh! muhle ungishaya ngaphakathi

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