Come Dine With Me South Africa 8: Episode 6 recipes

Written by TVSA Team from the blog BBC Lifestyle on 17 Nov 2022
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Another week and another smorgasborg of personalities stirred with hit and miss food ideas.

Wednesday's episode of Come Dine with Me South Africa was set in Cape Town and started in Woodstock with Richard who loves entertaining his friends on his roll-on grass. 

Next up was classy Ntombi, followed by fine-dining obsessed Nina and roller girl Sarah.

Nina's fetish paid off and won her enough money for half a meal at one of her favourite fancy restaurants.

These are their recipes:

Richard Harper

NAME OF DISH   Classic Ceviche
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
  400g  Fish e.g. Sea Bass sashimi grade
   ¼  red onion finely sliced
   2 tsp  jalapeño
   8  cherry tomatoes, halved
  1/4 tsp  black pepper
1/3 cup  lime juice
  1/4 cup  coriander
  2 tbsp  Extra virgin oil
METHOD   1. Cut fish: Cut fish into 1.25cm cubes
  2. Toss in lime, leave 5 minutes: Place in a bowl with onion, jalapeño, tomato, pepper and lime juice. Gently toss, then set aside for 5 minutes, mixing gently once
  3. Sprinkle over salt, then add coriander and olive oil. Gently stir, then serve immediately after cooking
NOTES  Super fresh white fish (sashimi grade)

NAME OF DISH   Lamb Ragu and homemade gnocchi
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
 Main - Gnocchi
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   250g  ricotta
   3/4 cup  freshly grated parmesan cheese
   3/4 to 1 cup  plain flower
   1 egg  
   1 egg yolk  
  1. Combine the gnocchi ingredients in a bowl except the flour.
  1. Use a rubber spatula to mix until the egg is partially mixed into the ricotta. Then add 3/4 cup of flour and mix until just combined so it is a sticky incredibly soft dough, but not like batter. Use the remaining flour, 1 tbsp at a time to get the dough consistency right.
  1. Turn it out on a work surface lightly dusted with flour, sprinkle a tiny bit of flour on top then pat it down to a disc about 2.5cm thick. Cut it into eight pieces
  1. Roll a piece into a log about 1.5 cm in diameter and about 25cm long. Repeat with remaining dough.
  1. Line 4 logs up, then cut them into 1.5cm pieces. Repeat with remaining 4 logs.
  1. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Tumble the gnocchi in and cook for around 2 1/2 minutes, or until the gnocchi is floating on the surface for around 30 seconds.
NAME OF DISH   Lamb Ragu and homemade gnocchi
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
 Main - Lamb Ragu
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   1.2kg  boned lamb shoulder
   2 tbsp  olive oil 
   150g  pancetta slices, coarsely chopped
   2    carrots, peeled, coarsely chopped 
   2  celery, peeled, coarsely chopped
   1  brown onion, coarsely chopped 
   2  garlic cloves, crushed 
   125ml (1/2 cup)  red wine 
   625ml (2 1/2 cups)  beef style liquid stock 
   400g  can chopped tomatoes 
 fresh bay leaves 
 2  sprigs fresh rosemary, plus extra, to serve 
METHOD   1. Preheat oven to 170C/150C fan forced. Remove any string or netting from the lamb, if rolled. Open the lamb out flat on a chopping board and remove any excess fat. Set aside. 
  2. Brown the lamb on all sides in a pan
  3. Heat the oil in a flameproof roasting pan over medium-high heat. Add the pancetta, carrot, and onion.
Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until the onion is soft. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute or until aromatic.
  4. Add the red wine and stir for 2-3 minutes or until the wine reduces by half. Add stock and tomato and bring to the boil. Add the bay leaves and rosemary. Remove from heat. Season
  5. Add the lamb and submerge in the tomato mixture. Cover the pan with foil and bake for 4 hours or until the lamb falls apart when assessed with a fork. Remove from oven. 
  6. Use tongs to transfer the lamb to a chopping board. Use two forks to shred the meat then return the lamb to the tomato mixture. Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes or until heated through.
NOTES  Optional separate sauce and blend smooth (decide on night) 

NAME OF DISH   Salted caramel pecan nut tart
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
  Pie crust (pre making it)
  1¼ cups  plain white flour (all-purpose flour)
   ¼ tsp  salt
   2 tsp  white sugar
  115 g  unsalted butter, cold, cut into 1cm cubes
   2.5 - 3 tbsp   ice cold water
   1 1/4 cups  pecans, enough to decorate top
   1 1/ 4 cup  pecans rostered (for filling)
   3  eggs
   1 cup / 200g  brown sugar, packed
   60 g / 4 tbsp  unsalted butter, melted
   3/4 cup / 185 ml  syrup golden
   1 tsp  vanilla extract
   1/4 tsp  salt
   3 tbsp  rum
  1. Place flour, salt, and sugar in a food processor. Pulse twice.
  1. Scatter over butter. Pulse five times or until the largest pieces are the size of peas.
  1. Turn food processor on low and add 2.5 tbsp water, keep blitzing for 7 to 10 seconds until it forms crumbly clumps. Pinch with your fingers - it should come together - if not, add 1/2 tbsp water until it does. Do not blitz longer than 20 seconds.
  1. Turn out crumbs onto work surface, use hands to bring together into a ball then pat into a 1.5cm thick disc. Wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  1. Dust work surface with flour.
  1. Place dough on work surface, dust top with flour. Roll out into 25cm circle, patching up cracks as required. Remember: the crumblier the dough, the flakier your pastry which is GOOD!
  1. Roll the pastry onto your rolling pin, then roll it out onto a 22cm pie tin. Press in, then trim edges with scissors with a 1cm / 0.3" overhang.
  1. Turn the edges under and press down neatly. Crimp if desired
  1. Place two large pieces of baking paper over the pie crust then fill with pie weights or dried beans or rice. Weight is essential to avoid shrinking pastry.
  1. Bake 20 minutes, then remove pie weights and let the pastry cool for 5 minutes before filling.
  1. Preheat oven to 180C (standard) / 160C (fan / convection).
  1. Scatter 1 1/4 cups pecans on baking tray and bake for 3 to 5 minutes or until you smell them.
  1. Remove from oven and chop. Set aside.
  1. Remaining 1 1/4 cups do not need toasting - they are for the top.
  1. Whisk eggs in a large bowl. Add remaining Filling ingredients and whisk until smooth.
  1. Stir through chopped pecans.
  1. Pour into crust - it should fill it about 1 cm from the top (you may have excess if your pastry shrank).
  1. Top with whole pecans in desired pattern.
  1. Place pie in oven. Bake for 50 minutes, checking at 40 minutes, until it does not jiggle much when you shake it, but the center is still soft when you touch it (see video).
  1. It will be puffed, and cracks will look extreme, but it will deflate as it cools. If your pastry / pecans are browning too quickly, cover with foil.
  1. Cool completely before serving, to allow the custard to set - 2 - 4 hours

Ntombi Mathonsi

NAME OF DISH   Pan seared prawns served with fresh avo salad & quinoa base
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   20  Prawns
   1  Coriander/ rocket
   2  Fresh lemons/Lime
   3  Red onion
   2  Jalapeno
 4  Avo/ Spring Onion
   4  Tomatoes
     Salt / Pepper
METHOD   1. Take prawns that are deveined. Marinate with Salt and pepper. Add Lemon juice & Drizzle Olive oil
  2. Mix together while heating pans separately with Olive oil
  3. Add prawn mixture and swap turn after 2 min till golden brown. Add butter, leave for 5 min and remove on a dish
  4. chop finely red onion
  5. Chop Avo into squares as well as tomato into dice
  6. Grate Lemon zest over salad then squeeze some juice
  7. Finely chop Coriander and add to mix as well as Jalapeno
  8. add spring onion finely chopped and drizzle olive oil
  9. Squeeze fresh lemon juice and add Salt and pepper for taste
Pan fry in olive oil some red pepper sliced in strips (2)

Use moulder add cooked quinoa as base.

Add red pepper that has been briefly fried in olive oil

Add the salad mixture

Top with prawns and décor with coriander & basil / salad dressing

NAME OF DISH   Honey Glazed chicken served with potato bake and side of greens  
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5  
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient    
   5 Skinless chicken breasts  
   pinch Pepper flakes  
    Olive oil  
   1 spoon Garlic  
    Salt pepper  
   1 Teaspoon Vinegar  
 2 tablespoons Soy & oyster Sauce  
   2 tablespoons Butter  
METHOD   1. Thinly slice the breasts into half  
  2. Drizzle olive oil and run with hands  
  3. Add salt and pepper on both sides  
  4. Dredge chicken in light coat of flour both sides  
  5. add butter in pan and melt whilst adding chicken for 5 min. don’t overcook it Remove set aside  
  6. Use same pan add butter again and garlic  
  7. add pepper flakes & mix then add some hornet  
  8. Add Honey and oyster sauce  
  9. Add vinegar and soy sauce & mix  
  10. Add some chicken stock 2- 3 min to simmer, then add chicken  
Garnish with fresh parsley and all ready.

For the potato bake.

Peel some potatoes - about 10

Thinly slice

Then drizzle some olive oil in the baking dish

Add the dine slices to cover the area flat of dish

Add some bacon (pre-cooked) and diced. Spread on dish

Add thinly sliced onions (sliced as rings) and cover the bacon

Add potato bake sachet and drizzle over
Repeat steps

Then top layer covered in potatoes. Add fresh cream (500G) and cover in foil.
Bake for about 1,5 hrs

Once potatoes are soft, add grated cheese on top

All done
Greens will be asparagus, boiled 2 min then sautéed in some butter with olive oil 2min. Add salt and pepper for taste

NAME OF DISH   Crème Brulee
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   6 Egg yolk
   ½ cup Sugar
   1,5 teaspoons  Vanilla extract
   500 g  Whipping cream
   2 tablespoons  
METHOD   1. Combine egg yolk, vanilla extract and sugar and whisk till thick and creamy
  2. Heat the whipping cream until edges begin to boil
  3. Add cream, little at a time stirring continuously
  4. Decant into the ramekins
  5. Pour hot water till halfway on ramekins and bake 30 -35 min at 150 degrees
  6. Remove and let it cool & refrigerate for 2hrs
  7. Add teaspoon sugar after cooled, before serving
  8. Use blowtorch to crystalise the sugar
NOTES  Decorate with blueberry and strawberry and Amarula shot  

Nina Nel

NAME OF DISH   Beetroot and whipped feta
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   100g  Danish feta
   2 tbsp  EVOO
     Salt and pepper to taste
     Lemon to taste
   Twelve small, red, yelow  Beetroots
     Olive oil
 1/2  Pear
   2  Radish
     Balsamic Glaze
   12  Roasted Walnuts
   1  Egg
   30g  Plain flour
   30g  Breadcrumbs
   3 tbsp  White wine vinegar
   1tsp  Sugar
METHOD   1. Heat oven to 180C. Mix beetroot in EVOO and salt thoroughly and place in oven for 30-40min.
  2. Whisk feta, EVOO, salt, pepper, and lemon together, and sift the mixture until it is a smooth consistency.
  3. Roll whipped feta mixture into balls and place in freezer for 20min.
  4. Mix egg in a separate bowl. Roll feta balls in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs. Spray with cooking spray and in air fryer at 180C for 10-12min.
  5. Slice radish in thin disks, pickle in vinegar and sugar.
  6. Slice Pair into disks. Crumble walnuts. Arrange all the items on a plate and finish off with balsamic Glaze.

NAME OF DISH   Chicken Ruby
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
PREPERATION TIME   7-27 hours (including the marinade time)
Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   35g  Garlic
   175ml  Canola Oil
   20g  Fresh Ginger
   2  Bay leaves
   6  Green cardamom pods
 2  Black cardamom pods
 1 tbsp  Honey
 1 tsp  Ground cumin
 1 tsp  Dried fenugreek (powder)
 ½ tsp  Fresh dill
 80ml  Cream
 2  Cinnamon sticks
 2 tsp  Salt
 30g  Butter
 1 tsp  Chili powder
 20g Sugar
 800g  Tinned tomatoes (blitzed)
 1 tsp Garam masala
1. Place the saucepan containing the oil back over a
medium-high heat and add the bay leaves, green
and black cardamom pods and the cinnamon sticks.
Let then crackle for 1 minute, stirring regularly.
2. Turn the heat down. Grate the garlic and the ginger to a fine paste add. Cook for 5 minutes, allowing the paste to brown but
not burn.
3. Add the tomatoes, salt and chilli powder to the pan.
Bring to a rapid simmer and cook until reduced by half,
stirring regularly so that it doesn't catch.
4. Add the butter and simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add the garam masala, sugar, honey, cumin, crispy
garlic, dried fenugreek and fresh dill fronds and cook
for a further 15 minutes.
6. Add the cream and simmer gently for 5 minutes.
 700g Skinless, boneless
chicken thighs
 20g  Unsalted butter
 50ml  Cream
 10g  Fresh ginger
 20g  Chopped garlic
 5g  Salt
 1 tsp  Chilli powder
 1 1/2  Ground cumin
 ½ tsp  Garam masala
 2 tsp  Lime juice
 2 tsp  Canola oil
 75g  Greek yoghurt
For Grilling
 50ml  Cream
 20g  Unsalted butter
METHOD: 1. For the marinade, blitz the ingredients together in a blender to a smooth paste.
  2. Cut the chicken into chunks, add to the marinade and turn to coat. Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for 24 hours.
  3. Heat the grill to medium-high. Place the marinated chicken on a rack in the grill pan, brush with the melted butter and grill for 8-10 minutes, until cooked.
  4. Warm a large saucepan over a medium-low heat. Add the sauce, cream and grilled chicken and simmer very gently for 10 minutes.
  5. Serve with Basmati rice mixed with pomegranates

NAME OF DISH   Chocolate Fondant
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS: Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
 Fondant  30g Melted butter (brushing mould)
  2 tsp Cocoa (dusting mould)
   100g  Dark Chocolate (chopped)
   100g  Butter (chopped)
   100g  Caster sugar
 2 + 2  Eggs + Yolks
   100g  Plain flower
Berry Coulis
100g Mixed berries
50g Caster sugar
METHOD   1. Brush melted butter all over the inside of the pudding mold. Place the mold in the fridge or freezer. Brush more melted butter over the chilled butter, then add a good spoonful of cocoa powder into the mold. Tip the mold so the powder completely coats the butter.
  2. Place a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, then slowly melt dark chocolate and butter together. Remove the bowl from the heat, leave to cool for about 10 mins.
  3. Whisk eggs and egg yolks together with golden caster sugar until thick and pale. Sift flour into the eggs, then beat together.
  4. Pour the melted chocolate into the egg mixture in thirds, beating well between each addition, until all the chocolate is added, and the mixture is completely combined.
  5. Tip the fondant batter into a jug, then evenly divide between the molds.
  6. Heat oven to 200C. Place the fondants on a baking tray, then cook for 10-12 mins until the tops have formed a crust and they are starting to come away from the sides of their molds.
  7. For the sauce, heat mixed berries and sugar together in a saucepan while crushing berries into a pulp.

Sarah Cullen

NAME OF DISH   A seafood trio
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   500g  Peeled large prawns
  1 tub  Minced garlic
   100g  Unsalted butter
  1 bunch  Dill
   4 tbsp  Sesame oil
  2 tbsp  Soya sauce
 1tbsp  Honey
  2 tbsp   Black sesame seeds
   3  Garlic cloves
500g  Half shell mussels
1  Lemon
1 cup  Dry white wine
1tbsp  Maizena
1 cup  Double cream
1  Onion
1 bunch  Parsley
200g  Trout
150g  Cream cheese
1 whole  Cucumber
3 per canape  Capers
1tsp  Chilli flakes
     Salt and pepper
METHOD   1. Combine the salmon / trout, lemon juice, dill, cream cheese and some salt and pepper in a blender.

Blend until completely smooth. Store in a piping bag and chill until serving.

To serve, slice cucumber into 3cm rounds, pipe salmon mouse on, add capers and a sprig of dill.
  2. Heat butter to a medium heat in a frying pan. Add the prawns and begin to cook. In a bowl, combine sesame oil, soya sauce, honey, and garlic.

Allow the prawns to cook through and then pour over the sauce and ensure all prawns are coated.

Before serving, sprinkle black sesame seeds over prawns and add a lemon wedge.
  3. Melt butter in a frying pan and add the onion. Add the white wine and garlic and allow to reduce.

Add the cream and paprika and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Add the half shell mussels. In a separate bowl, combine maizena and lukewarm water. Add to the frying pan.

Cover and allow to cook for approximately 10 minutes. To serve add parsley.

NAME OF DISH   Pork tenderloin with potato tower
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   1.5kg Pork tenderloin
   300g Pork crackling
   800g Tender stem broccoli
   200g Raw flaked almonds
   40g Brown onion soup
   1 tbsp Paprika
   3 cubes Chicken stock
   2tsp Marzena
   1 tbsp White sugar
   1kg Potatoes
   4 cups Double thick cream
   1 tub Aromat
   400g Cheddar cheese
   300g Gruyere / Emmental cheese
   200g Bacon bits
 3tbsp Chutney
   1 cup Sunflower oil
   2 Brown onion 
2 Red onion
3 Granny smith apples
4 cups Red and green cabbage
3 Carrot
2 Lemon
1 cup White vinegar
1 cup Olive oil
1 cup Mayonnaise
METHOD   1. Add the pork tenderloin, an onion, the brown onion soup powder, chutney, paprika, maizena, enough water to cover everything, and 2 stock cubes to a slow cooker. Cook on high for 4 hours.
  2. Slice potatoes and red onion. Fry bacon bits. Layer potato, onion, bacon and sprinkle Aromat on each layer. Pour over heavy cream.

Cover the top with multiple cheese. Bake at 180 Celsius for 1 hour and 15 minutes. To serve, use a mould to slice out rounds.
  3. Slice apple and cabbages thinly. Cut red onion and carrot into thin sticks.

Create the dressing by combining mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar, and lemon juice.

Pour the dressing over the other ingredients then chill until serving.
  4. Heat a frying pan with no oil or butter to a medium heat. Add flaked almonds and toast for around 5 minutes or until golden brown.

To be served with tender stem broccoli. To cook broccoli, heat a pot of water.

Put a colander on top of the pot but ensure that no water reaches the colander. Add the broccoli and steam for approximately 5 minutes.
  5. Rub a generous amount of oil onto the pork crackling. Ensure that the top is covered with oil and ground salt.

Put the cracking onto a baking tray and cook at a high heat until the crackling is crisp.

NAME OF DISH   A South African Charcuterie - cheese board
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   4 Red onion
  1 cup Balsamic vinegar
   500g  Butter
   4tbsp  Brown sugar
   4tbsp Olive oil
 1 cup Dry red wine
 1tbsp Wholegrain mustard
 200g Green olives
 200g Kalamata olives
 500g Preserved figs
 2 cups All-purpose flour
 3tsp Baking powder
 3 cups Sugar White
 2tbsp Sunflower oil
 300g Biltong
 300g Droewors
 1 Pineapple
 400g Salami
 500g Dried peaches
 400g Almonds
 21 cups Caster sugar
 400g Strawberries
 100g Camembert
 100g Fairview blue rock
 100g Fairview white rock with cranberries
 100g Chevin Black Pepper
& Paprika
 3 tbsp Honey
METHOD   1. To make the brittle heat butter, sugar and water in a frying pan on a low heat.

Once all the sugar has dissolved, turn the heat up and wait for it to boil, allow it to continue boiling until a syrup form.

Add the nuts and then pour onto a lined baking try and allow to cool.
  2. Combine flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add butter and ensure well combined. Slowly add in water.

Once all combined wrap in Clingwrap and let it rest for approximately 15 minutes.

When ready, roll out the dough, cut out crackers, place on a baking tray, and then use a toothpick to prick holes in each cracker.

Bake for approximately 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.
  3. Thinly slice dried peaches. Add peaches, water, sugar, and gelatine to the pot.

Bring to a boil and cook but only for about 2 minutes. Add lemon juice / salt to taste. Immediately chill.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan. Add onion, balsamic, and honey and caramelize.

Stir in red wine and allow to simmer until the desired thickness. Add wholegrain mustard and allow to cool.
  5. Brew approximately 2 cups of water with 4 rooibos tea bags. Remove the tea bags and transfer the tea mixture to a small pot.

Bring to the boil, add in honey. Remove from the heat then whisk in gelatine. Add to mould refrigerate.
  6. To serve plate up one board each containing cheeses, olives, jam, strawberries, brittle, chutney, crackers, figs, salami, pineapple, and jelly.

Shows in this post: Come Dine With Me South Africa

Channels in this post: BBC Lifestyle


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