Monday World ... All vulgarities Shut!

Written by Tazteeq from the blog Opinion Ramp on 05 Mar 2012
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At the top of the stairs on this week’s Monday goss is the story that had everyone dumbfounded after the secretly-kept and newly revealed sexy RGB presenter model Pearl Thusi publicly disclosed a piece of salacious hearsay about DJ Fistaz Mixwell having a steamy affair with one of the Mzansi Top rapper’s wife. happier days...Amu and wife Sisi

This would have almost became Pearl’s first and last show on RGB as it caused a heavy stir, but its reported that she might have to apologise for passing such hearsay week’s episode, so reports Sunday Sun. Her big mouth should be Shut! 

On the other hand, the not-so-enlivening Sunday World reports that Pearl Thusi (Who’s picture wasn’t even correct on the print article) is the one who was fraternizing and feather-ruffling with Amu, kanti grand grand which is the marriage-wrecker Pearl, Pear Thusi (Walter Mokoeana baby mama) or Pearl Modiadie etv ? We at MW are very confused, sifuni’ukwazi (sp) 

Blabber-mouth Pearl Shut!

On other Shut! news, Zar also Shut! down…in style! MW readers who’ve never heard of Zar should know that it WAS an exclusive club in the heart of Sandton, where the who’s who of Jozi would meet to phuza and watch Kenny Kunene indulge on sushi laid on half-naked women. 

During the ZAR Days, Kunene partying hard!

A celebrity-escape house where scandals and unprintable happenings transpired, ZAR was one of Sandton’s best clubs since its inception. Later in 2011 there were speculations that the club would close but Kenny Kunene would later swipe those rumours off saying “they want to take advantage of new Frontiers, expand and upgrade…”, we just wonder what went wrong in that “expansion”…

The intestines of ZAR... 

As tension mounts thicker and thicker in the atmosphere about Usher’s much anticipated concert this Saturday in Orlando Stadium. We’ve learned that Motlatsi Mafatshe’s band Mo & The Dark Nights have been scheduled to open for the US R&B star Usher, and I hear Motlatsi vocal abilities are quite excellent for someone who portrays such a ghetto-macho character with a streetboy attitude on Isidingo. For those who bought tickets tickets to the concert, MW says GENIET! Scream your lungs out ‘til you lose your voices! 

On Soapies, Sunday Sun reports that Phumeza (who’s acting skills I still question) will be joining Generations as a gospel singer mmhh mmhh *ClearsThroat*, watching the direction Generations is taking now, I am worried how she will fit into the whole story. Last week it was reported that Zama Ngcobo (former SABC 1 Presenter) is also busy filming for the soapie, can she even act? 

…and Pam Andrews is expecting a baby boy. We just hope that sexy body of hers still looks good when the bun leaves the oven…

Sexy Pam Andrews will pop a bun in May...

Continuing with good news, Bongani Fassie finally won his car and late mom’s house back. It’s reported that he’s been back in the house for a few weeks now. Ehuah! Apparently he’s been living like a street kid, skwatted with friends, would sleep in studio and and and, we are just glad he’s sorted, now bring us the good sounds boy! 

Not a Street anymore...

Oh, there’s been silence in the land lately, guess what, Juju was Shut! *I will stop here*, MW has given Juju too much attention off past, let’s give other kids a chance.... 

Shut! Juju

Still in politics and Shut! news, Cosatu will be heading to the streets this Wednesday with the national strike against e-tolling systems and Labour Brokers. On the latter, Cosatu things that Labour Broking is slavery and therefore should be banned and they are appealing to the government to put that to an end and about e-tolling, Cosatu says that it’s a total rip-off to South Africans *nods*. From the 2012 budget speech small cars drivers are expected to fork out 30c/km and 20c/km for bikes, taxis and other public transport operators aren’t even paying, mxm! 

I think this is just a license for taxi drivers to slaughter us on the roads, it’s ridiculous and doesn’t make sense that a certain set of people don’t have to pay while we suffer. Do these people know that taxi drivers will drive like maniacs even more? Also, do they know how much money the taxi business generates? If anything, they should be the ones forking out more cash…we at MW think this is crazy and VIVA comrade VAVi! We are behind you with the strike… 

Fighting for whats right...Zwelinzima vavi

Monday Word would like to wish all its readers a fruitful week ahead... 

                                                       Pictures courtesy of Google and other unnamed sites...


05 Mar 2012 12:04

05 Mar 2012 12:11

Thanks missed Trevor Noah's family drama that was featured on page 3 of City Press.  Eish Malema neh...let me shut up.  

E-tolling...our government think that they have excluded the people who really matter i.e. those using taxis, so they will not get a backlash from the masses.  But who says those in private cars have money to pay for those tolls, aren't these roads our national assets *side know who* .  We already paying how much on fuel??  I don't understand this government, who did they consult??  What made them think this was a viable solution and now with Gautrain drivers?? Dont ask me how it is connected but e-tolling and Gautrain are connected.  Jimmy Manyi said e-tolls are not a bad dream and we should accept.  I guess freedom came with a hefty price for some of us.

Mrs Chix
05 Mar 2012 12:11

OMG MW on a Monday, thanx Taz..... Let me read

05 Mar 2012 12:14

I wanted to party at zar just once,two pearls and amu then the dj im still comfused..congrats to bongani being homeless is no joke i this week mondayworld

05 Mar 2012 12:15

Uuuh der r no pictures... Anyway the reason government decided to exclude taxi driver is the fact that had abo mageza still be involved kaos was going to rain in gauteng coz wen taxi drivers strike they reali strike and government knows they will not win if taxi drivers are involved.. So wat dey did is eliminate them and left us private drivers fork out all the cash n guess what some clever people have already registered had no one registered then dis money making skeem system woudnt pass.. If no one had registered they wudnt be able to fine every motorist in da country and the system wud fail.. I'm goin to park my car on the M1 wednsday.. Its just unfortunate that sum cheese boys n gals dnt mind payin coz dey can afford but in actual fact this is a rip off.. They wana pay for roads that were fixed for 2010 n people didn't even benefit from the world cup.. When they have settled their debt will dey stop NO.. They will continue.. Unfortunately this thing will pass as illuminati is involved it is happenin in other counntries and will happen here in S.A

05 Mar 2012 12:25

The law says you cannot build a toll on an existing road.. All the roads with this tolling system are not new roads .. We were so exited when we got our freedom but it looks like we are being oppressed more and more.. Government thinks jozi people have money nxah there is so much I can say about this but it just makes me angry

05 Mar 2012 12:33

Pearl ke home wrecker

05 Mar 2012 12:38

mina ngithi Viva strike on wednesday Viva. God knows i need that day drink my weekend left overs

Mrs Black
05 Mar 2012 12:40

Have to comment on this toll issue. As long as we have an ANC goverment in power, we will forever be milked. How many times must we pay, Tax, Fuel levy, Toll gates, and now this new E tolling system. 
Our govt comes with strategies to enrich themselves everyday, everyone use the opportunity while in power, they do not care about serving the people.
 They create all these nonsenses so that someone who is connected to so n so will get the multimillion rands Tender, and that someone will get a kickback worth millions! 

05 Mar 2012 13:16

We pay for motor license disc yearly and by doing so we are actuali paying to use the F'd up roads that damage our cars ..Metro police hide like idiots to make us pay for fines(illegally) .. All national routes have expensives tollgates..

05 Mar 2012 13:19

@Mathaz pls share Trevor Noah's family drama. @Monchooza is Wednesday a public

05 Mar 2012 13:24

Is it just me or picture ya Pearl and Phumeza look alike.............more confused?

05 Mar 2012 13:34

ha ha ha the timing ya e-tolling, le sa tlilo nya (excuse my french) ke ANC, ga ba so fetse ka lena, we'r goin 2 b left with nothing 2 feed our families cos all our money will b goin 2 the guavament, u know if the money was used appropriately i wld understand.

come 2 think of it we're paying 4 services we shld get for free from government cos we pay taxes:

private schooling
private health care
private security
private transport 

the list is endless

05 Mar 2012 13:36

@ agree different people, different pics dey kinda look alike nje

05 Mar 2012 13:40

so happy for deBongs!

05 Mar 2012 13:42

are taxis participating on the strike?

Mrs Chix
05 Mar 2012 13:57

Tjo I shld join a Union so that i can also go strike

Mash 2010
05 Mar 2012 14:09

As a public servant I think this e-tolling is bullsh*t! Goverment, led by ANC is milking individuals of this beautiful country and yet were getting nothing out of it. This is just a way of increasing "tenderpreneurs wallet" so that the richer will be more rich and the poor will be more poor....bare tlwaela gampe batho ba tjerrrr...Cosutu i'll be supporting you this wednesday!!!!!!!

05 Mar 2012 14:27


IM Happy for Bongani Fassie.


05 Mar 2012 14:54

Great read Taz...thank you.

Tjo @the RGB lady shame yazi. As for usher, i still do not understand what the noise about him is all about. To me, he is just another american coming to our shores. this is the not so glamorous me but those who are going to the show, please do enjoy akere guys.

#Deathby Mrs Chix liking MW on "Monday", kwaaaaaaaaaaaa lol!

O_O Gopel singer on Generations. Tjo. And also, Zama on Genewhatwhat, SABC1 is just trying very hard to look out for the "stars" it made sheim.

The whole Juju noise has bocome boring now yazi.

Mina I fully spupport the Cosatu mass demonstration yazi

05 Mar 2012 14:55

Apparently Trevor Noah's former stepfather attempted to kill his mother and threatened to kill him.  The shooting almost became fatal with her not being able to speak properly after she was shot.  She was in an abusive relationship and Trevor tried to intervene but she just could not leave the guy.  

I like Trevor thus i am into his business.

05 Mar 2012 14:59

I wish Cosatu made Wednesday a public Holiday so that i can join the march too...i hope the march doesnt end in a bloodpool though...knowing Mzansi and these political shenanigans...

cant some of these Izinyoka's go and disconnect those detectors which are going to scan our cars on these e-tolls?

05 Mar 2012 15:31

Shoohhh,more controversy with the SAFTAS and now its Etv,apparently they are pulling out all their shows and soapies that were nominated coz they say they might not win coz the jugding panel includes mostly SABC ppl even though their shows are doing well

05 Mar 2012 15:33

Is that Mandla Mbau next to Kenny Thingamabob? .... In the red pants?

05 Mar 2012 15:50

Lol @ Kenny Thingabob Vuss, awunandaba ngempela lol. Fraid I can't help. On MW...uhm....yeah, shame on those who bought the etags. Would be impactfull if all motorists went on strike. I hope the strike makes a difference...........but I'm not holding my breath, the mafia has spoken, it will be so. Unless....

05 Mar 2012 16:36

I agree with you Swazzy. I feel the taxi drivers were excluded because it was pretty obvious that the govt can't touch abomdraiseni.

Those tolls would be gone by now. 

I'm supporting the Cosatu march. We are boycotting this e-toll system. I wanna attend the march if possible.

Argh... this RGB story ne... Mxm

05 Mar 2012 16:37

I have an initiative tantamount to a substantial revolution regarding how the people of this country can not only address the eToll debacle, but also shake the ANC to its foundations. However, I am negotiating with those whose money I will need to enable me to make the bold statement whose size is necessary to grab the attention of the nation and shake them awake to say "ANC ... Your days are not only numbered (because of their antics) ... you're actually dead to us" .... But the negotiations are lethargic. Wednesday would have presented an excellent opportunity to launch it .... shem!

05 Mar 2012 16:39

Yes @Agree ... the redbones look the same ... besides, most redbones look the same to me. ... lol, It's true GA ... anginandaba nalabantu ... bangenzelani?

05 Mar 2012 18:11

I am praying for your initiative @Vuss, its the least I can do, till there is an opportunity to participate. I've had enough, it hurts, its hard not to care.

06 Mar 2012 09:09


i fully support that.

i work in a political environment and the things i'v suffered at the hands of these politicians all because i refuse 2 b politically affiliated.

am a professional and do what i've been hired to do no manga manga business but these politicians refuse to c that.

i really feel sorry for the masses seriously

06 Mar 2012 12:21 happier days...Amu and wife Sisi

tltltltltlt reminded me of those Drum stories

Of all the pics, Juju is the only one who shines! >SMH< vaseline tendencies

06 Mar 2012 15:39

Why is everyone booing Pearl Thusi for telling gossip on a GOSSIP show? Isn't that what she's supposed to do kanti? ...And she only mentioned Dj Fistaz and not the other guy. The public put 2 and 2 together. Really these celebrities-they do things that know they shouldn't be doing and then they blame abo Pearl for letting the public know. REALLY! As for Juju- he can go fly a kite

07 Mar 2012 10:37

Pearl Thusi did right, I mean isn't that what we want from RGB? Akere we tired of hearing shows like RGB telling us about things that we have already read about? 

So me I dont get why people are in Pearl's case. Maybe ke her friends should be since she revealed stuff about them that is maybe supposed to be kept secret. 

Thina as ordinary folks who watch the GOSSIP show RGB shouldn't be complaining really. I read that article on sundayworld about the whole thing. I gathered that this Sisi girl is the one lying about Pearl. 

Now that the affair is out in the open and known by everyone she decides to turn the table to the one who broke the secret saying she is the one who is the marriage wrecker?? Hayi wethu we aren't children here we weren't born yesterday. 

I wonder what is Amu mother saying now that this has happened coz apparently she didnt approve of this marriage. Aha Amu....

Good for yena uBongani!

I am so intrigued by the whole Juju thing yazi mna shem. Every programme that has Juju I tune in hehehe. I listened to Metro FM when he was talking there with Sakina on Monday and watched 3rd Degree izolo. 

I make sure I dont miss the news too. Hhaaa I will def suffer from withdrawals when Juju has finally been silenced and journos not interested in him anymore *sigh*

08 Mar 2012 00:35

Cheesa is a Juju Groupie ..... On the other hand, the contents of the article seriously reinforce why I still would never date anyone in / has been / want to be in showbiz .... Natterige mense ... kompleit vuilpoppe die hele lot !!! Ga! Sies spoeg-poppe !!!

08 Mar 2012 00:37

Almal is mos almas se oorskot .... nie baie lekker nie ! or as my cousins will say ... "Hulle is mos vuil ! "

08 Mar 2012 08:32

hahahahahahahaha.....tltltltltltltltltltltl @ Vusi
In Afrikaans nogal!!!!

08 Mar 2012 09:24

I can go African in many languages Mafresh, I just happen to love how my cousins speak when something disgusted, the communicate unmitigated clarity regarding where they stand in relation to a situation ... I can only appreciate that

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