Todays Men...Smart or Style Strangers?

Written by Tazteeq from the blog Opinion Ramp on 26 Mar 2012
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In a world where looking and smelling good, suffering for beauty and self-expression through fashion has over the years been labelled a “woman thing”, men are now taking care of how they look and the traditional opinion on beauty and looks is now in the contrary. For style-loving and trend-setting men it has always been an ongoing strive to find comfortable and perfectly fitting attires. Unless you are someone who has an approved book that states that men aren’t supposed to look good then you may continue to read. 

Below is list of the type of men whom I’ve seen shockingly breaking to smallest pieces every rule in the book as far as looking presentable is concerned. 

“I don’t care” brother type 

These guys usually wear poorly-fitting clothes, it’s like they put on the first clean-looking item they get when they open their closets. You’d usually see this brother walking side by side to a hot well-dressed sister, embarrassing her with a huge old shirt his grandma once bought for him. These brothers consider shopping a sinful exercise and believe that any man seen buying clothes should be executed – nigga can’t even attempt to look good on an anniversary dinner date with his girl. They always ignore well-dressed guys. Usually these types of guys get dumped after 3 months, their women even fake orgasms ‘cause he can’t do no job right

Hairstyle Homeboy 

A man’s hairstyle is very personal, but some brothers miss the point completely. A comb is a foreign concept to them and messy hair means they got serious swag, their world. Most of their hairstyles scream ’I’m unemployed!’. Dreadlocks and Afro can be rocked nicely without looking like a serial killer; and they find the smell of deodorant irritating, sickening and patronizing. These are the types who dump their girlfriends in public, like Twitter or facebook! Careful ladies! 

Pit-digging Dim-Wit 

Some brothers’ nails look like they dig roots or vegetables with their bare hands. Even infants yell helplessly when they pick them up. They call guys who carry lip balms nasty names and their role model is probably Robert Mugabe. These guys would spend 3 days wearing one pair of shorts. Not that they don’t have moolah to buy better clothes but they feel like it’s a boring and endless chore to do. The only cream they know is the shaving one. It’s in men’s nature to do hard labour and those hefty mining job types, but it’s no sin to cut nails...these are the type of men who are obsessed with feeding women custard and other sweets with their fingers....yuck!!! 

Anti-Cologne Chap 

First thing some women notice on a guy is his scent. The scent says a lot about a guy’s comfortability in his own skin, it gives one confidence and you feel invincible if you applied it well. Some guys are of the idea that ‘A man must have a little bad odour’, you are named cheeseboy if you smell good. This is the type of a guy who’d want to get down and dirty with his woman right after a heavy and vigorous gym session. These are also the type that eats and chews with the mouth wide open while busy telling people about last week’ soccer match. aarrrghhh!

Sporty Man 

These types of guys at least try their best to look good, but being spotted wearing track pants and a sweater forever will never win you a trophy. Of course comfort is key with every outfit but don’t take your girlfriend to movies in track pants, NO! Some of these guys would go as far as wearing soccer shorts to a shopping mall. This is the type of a man who would enforce getting married in a Kaizer Chiefs gear. Watch out ladies. Anyone can wear a sporty outfit and still look good. Check pic above.... 

I am very sure that bloggers have seen the worst. Please share! 

                                                             Pictures courtesy of google and other unnamed sites


26 Mar 2012 12:21

Lol... am not sure what to call those guys that are illiterate and come from the rural areas to work in big cities (like JHB, CPT) and when they return home they think they are better than everyone else they left home years ago. They are usually seen in those fake shiny "All star" track suites... you find that if hos home language was Xhosa then when he returns home from JHB or DBN he now speaks Zulu and doesn't quite understand isiXhosa... if he is from CPT or KMBLY he speaks broken Afrikaans... Hayi nxxxx

26 Mar 2012 12:29

Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol skeem saam, you article is so on point. Indeed these men do exist. I do not think I fit in any of these guys in terms of my personal style. You are very correct skeem, style is a very personal thing yazi.

For me, looking presentable is most crucial and I try all that I can to do justice to myself. I think I am more like those guys 3 guys in the first pic because I have my lean tie, the men's bag from Markham and all teh works...

26 Mar 2012 13:18

Ja nhe...........I so wish my ex-husband could read this.

Last week he came to our son parents meeting/interview at school wearing the free t-shirt you get from promotional events...................I was sooo embarrassed as if we were stil married.

26 Mar 2012 13:39

Lmao! This is good Anyway I have seen worse too! The type of man who would appear at yo workplace rocking those pants called Brentwood,shiny pointy ugly shoes,a walking stick n a hat, a shaved pointy beard that looks like Mpendulo's from Jika majika! I mean really now,we not leaving in the 80's,that is soo Miriam aMakeba kinda men!! The only thing u can smell is the Blue seal that is applied to his lips!! Yuck!!! Men should learn to luv themselves nje! I luv ma man all smart,smellin good, I love soccer but don't get to comfortable to even wear those track pants at the mall!! Jeans is the way to go!! Lol

26 Mar 2012 14:05

The fashion sense of most men in this country is almost non existent. I have given up on my country men.

26 Mar 2012 15:48

Mmm, good smell is vital. I'm glad that above all else my bestest halve smells goodo!. Dress sense, he is okay, I wish he can leave the tie home sometimesnyana when going to church, o phela a ikgamile, and I tell him sometimes the shirt is fine, but joh, he will hear nothing. My brothers are okay, the other one, I PRAY he gets over this hip hop clothing soon, he is 22 hle bathong:(, colourful jerseys and pants below realy makes me sad.

26 Mar 2012 16:33

The fashion sense of most men in this country is almost non existent

yhoooo Mbulela, its a disgrace and its

26 Mar 2012 17:11

Some people simply don't know how to wear or match clothes. I live in a mining area and I see all kinds of different wears, from Sotho's rocking their three quarter brentwoods, Xhosa's from the Eastern Cape like those sandals..I just forget what the name of those hideous things are. Oh men from the mines like wearing sports wear and takkies are the order of the day. How can I forget the Mozambicans with their lack of style and bright colors...yellow, red, purple are their favourites. There is an irritating perfume they also like wearing...CC Cologne...very sweet, you would vomit. I don't care about's about hygiene, I sometimes ask what kind of a wife that lets her husband leave their house smelling like a ram.

26 Mar 2012 23:14

Ja nhe ,,,, my worst was at a concert - I was getting a drink at the bar and almost went into a coma when a guy pushed in next to me to order. He lifted his sweaty arm to call the barman, I got stuck under his pit and he refused to put his arm down - it was beyond a nightmare. The only way to survive was to leave the que. Afterwards I was extra shocked when I noticed how many guys were doing the same thing to chicks everywhere - at the bar, in the stadium while dancing etc. It was the first time I'd properly noticed how many guys refuse to wear deodorant.

27 Mar 2012 14:43

Shame Tashi hahahahaha askis.

Taz i love the first outfits. Those David Beckham kinda style. Ag shweeet man! BTW you can look good in those outfits.

LOL guys you killing me softly hihihihihi. Well i think im dating a clean freak. Sometimes he makes me ashamed coz he refused sharing  INGUDU (i think its a QUART) with anyone even with his brother/bestfriend. Yho he brushes his teeth after every meal. When he polishes his shoes he put each of them inside a plastic and pack accordingly. Don't get me wrong i love a mannered man but sometimes undenza ndingcole yazi. I've never liked taking the 2nd bath but hey ive changed. Even the bill says it all.

28 Mar 2012 08:56

LOL myname you should be happy ntwazana you dont have to block your nose or hold your breath everytime. That is sure a good man hehehe. Mina I love me some clean men shem. I like a man that you can see from far that he is clean and smells fresh before you even get close to him. Those brothers do it for coz nje I cannot stand ivumba (odour) noba lelani or lekabani! Sorry shem ivumba just kills me. 

I know of those men who dont want anything to do with iroll-on thle bathong yoh! And the odour that comes out of those armpits ne!!! Sometimes I wonder, like dont those guys smell the bad odour that comes out of themselves??? 

I mean how do you even get comfortable around people when you know very well that you didnt bath or put on a roll-on. Shem it is always a pain for people like moi who use public transport. Damn the way I do not want a man to sit next to me! I mean a men's smelly feet can really suffocate a person. 

Have you ever smell an odour of a men who is just passing next to you and smells like a rubbish bin has been thrown your way!! Yoh shem sometimes I just dont breathe when I am passing a men that I can see ukuthi lo uyanuka shem. 

Hayi bethuna really these men need to change its the 21th century. Everyone should take care of themselves thoroughly! There is nothing gay about being clean and smelling fresh at all times. 

Hehehe as for the fashion yhu hayi some of them men make me LOLs yazi nje. You find some brothers wearing very tight clothes and I always wonder, like how can he thle bathong? Tight pants, tight shirt and those point white shoes I would be like wow like really? 

And recently on Sunday I saw another man wearing navy track-pants those pants for gym. We used to call them umashwabane and he was wearing it with training shoes/ takkies and a white shirt and a pink tie going to church. I was like OMG where is he from????? Tjo!!!

28 Mar 2012 10:50

lmao u guys are killing me, so much truth hahahahah

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