3rd Degree Casts Spotlight on Witchcraft

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 03 Aug 2011
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Opinions expressed here do not reflect that of TVSA but solely of the writer of this piece.

I am not the one who condones violence and I firmly believe violence of any kind is wrong. However, I am allowed to express my opinions on violence happening in different contexts.

3rd Degree

Last night, 3rd Degree was exploring the issue of witchcraft and how communities butcher those who believe have bewitched them. 

There were people inteviewed who went on camera to speak about how their comminuties turned against them since it is believed they are witches. For the purpose of this article, they shall be called alleged witches. There were alleged witches from KZN and Limpopo including "exile" witches, so to use the show's term. Those in exile are from Venda and Giyani, if I remember correctly.

According to, witchcraft is the power of a person to do harm or influence nature through occult means.

The issue of witchcraft is sensitive as the law of our country believes witchcraft doesn't exist. The show took to the streets to ask Black and White people to explain what witchcraft is and whether they believe in the existence of witchcraft. 100% of the interviewed Blacks and Whites gave their description of what witchcraft is and each agreed that indeed, witchcraft does exist.


The problem I had with the show is that it was only one-sided and seemed to be siding with the alleged witches whereas a journalist should not take any sides and needs to let facts do the talking. 

As a journalist, I had expected Debora Patta, as the show's executive producer, former editor-in-chief of the the E News Channel and the channel's chief news anchor, to really probe the matter further as opposed to having one expert on anthropology and alleged witches giving their version of events. Last night's show of 3rd Degree failed to serve its purpose and was just a silly documentary of victims who are accused of witchcraft because of the following reasons:

1. The show only interviewed one expert specialising in anthropology;
2. The show only spoke to those accused of witchcraft;
3. The show should have spoken to sangomas aka traditional healers, priests, prophets, politicians and law makers etc etc to dwelve deeper into matter;
4. The show did not ask probing and tough questions that it is famous i.e The alleged witches were not asked to state in full detail what they are accused of and they were not asked if they indeed did betwitch those people;
5. The show did not speak to those who have been on the devastating receiving end of witchcraft.

Ms Patta

Ok, those are just some ideas for Debora Patta on what makes a current affairs show, let alone "more investigative journalism". Just so Debora Patta knows, the show is fast losing its lustre. Kante vele what happened to 3rd Degree Extra?

Moving right along, there was a lady who was interviewed and we were never shown her face and she comes from the village of Bokgaga where I come from. Currently she is no longer in the village.

That woman gave her side of  the story and failed to mention a whole lot of critical things that ended in her parents being killed with an axe and her house set alight and how the police arrested every male figure in the village.

It is my opinion that witches are the worst killers compared to thugs and bank robbers. Why, yo ask? Because they can kill over a 100 people and they will walk freely as if they haven't done anything wrong. You go and kill someone, you will be arrested and jailed faster than you can say a witch.


Back to the woman, it is alleged that after a particular family in the village suffered a number of deaths within a short period of time, they decided to consult with a powerful Venda sangoma, who allegedly showed the family on a mirror of some sort who killed the memebers of their family. The family was also allegedly shown where their siblings and parents are allegedly being kept and to say who the culprit is, you should have watched 3rd Degree last night as I don't want to name people without evidence. But of course, these allegations by the community were convinniently not mentioned on the show last night.

House burnt

Upon hearing the news, an uproar ensued on the village and people accused of witchcraft were killed and the woman's house was burnt; police helicopters were all over the village 24/7 for a period of approximately one month. I never wanted to go home that month.

White witches

Growing up as young boy, there was a very old man of  over 100 years who was still herding his flock of cattles and could run like no other person. The man is question was nicknamed Phuurrrr Tshwahla which is a sociolect meaning Fly and Appear.

A whole lot of stories were told about him ranging from allegations that he uses the energy of the people he allegedly kills to stay strong.

The mdala had a very big farm of mangoes. During summer school holidays, as young boys, we would always go to his garden to steal mangoes and he would always find us and cough. He had this funny cough that was his signature style.

Cooking witches

When we saw him on the village's shopping centre, we would quickly run to his farm to steal mangoes but as soon as we were on the mango trees, we would hear his signature cough, jump from the trees and run away and he would throw his walking stick (he never used the walking stick to walk, he only used it to put it on his shoulders lol)  at us. One day, the stick got the head of my friend and 'till this day, the part of my friend's head where he received the gig of the old man stick, doesn't have any hair.

Also on the village, there was a man working in Polokwane and this one day, he allegdly slept with a Zimbabwean makgosha (no pun intended to my Zimbabwean friends who read my blog and also no offence to our brothers and sisters who blog from Zim) and refused to pay her. He slept with the makgosha lady on a Friday. 

Debora Patta

After he refused to pay, she allegedly told him he will market her until he finds her and pay her. The following day, the man went home. Come good night and his wife o batla ntho tse monate and ntho tse monate is not there. In fact, we were told on the place of his manhood, it was just plain.

Brotherman and his wife marketed the makgosha lady and followed all the leads until he found her in Mokopane, paid her and apologised. As soon as he left the makgosha lady's yard, his things returned and he happily told his wife how "ntho tse monate" is back.

Soon after the advent of democracy in South Africa, a commisision of enquiry was formed to investigate the issue of whitcraft. I couldn't find anything on the net about the commission but I was able to establish that:

1. Since witchcraft is more of a belief and you cannot point it out to show someone, the law decided it doesn't exist;
2. Anyone could accuse any person they don't like of witchcraft and kill the person even though the person isn't a witch. It is also worth mentioning that a lot of innocent people have been killed after being falsely accused of the practice;
3. The country would just be in disrepute and ungovernable if the law acknowledged the existence of witchcraft.

The law

According to the Bible and African as well as Western cultures, witchcraft does exist.

I must say I commend the law for taking a tougher stance on the matter and choosing to conclude that witchcraft does not exist.


03 Aug 2011 11:03

I wanted to watch but culdnt, when is the repeat?

U cannot believe the car i was driving was hit by a truck at a parking lot 

03 Aug 2011 11:25

Makisto u reminding me of when i was a child, we used to passby this magogo's yard when going to church and we heard she is witch, when u pass there u hav to cover ur mouth or else she will read ur teeth and the number she has read will fall..........ijoo imagine doing that on our way to church bathong

03 Aug 2011 11:42

we used to passby this magogo's yard when going to church and we heard she is witch, when u pass there u hav to cover ur mouth or else she will read ur teeth and the number she has read will fall
Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa Vandimerwe, this is a classic lol

U cannot believe the car i was driving was hit by a truck at a parking lot 
So Mokema you believe there is someone jealous of you and they bewitches you and your car? *Just asking lol*

03 Aug 2011 11:51

So Mokema you believe there is someone jealous of you and they bewitches you and your car? *Just asking lol*

No Makisto i was looking 4ward 2 watching but the way i was feeling i culdnt

03 Aug 2011 11:53

I believe tht witchcraft exists. I remember when i was 10 my dad was on a hit and run accident. he was hospitalised for mo than 2 months in ICU bt what amazed my mom and extended family is the doctors and nurses @ hozi told them that when they the family is not there he becomes concious bt when they arrive, he goes back 2 coma.

One aunt new a prophet frm the other parts of our province and they went there to seek "guidance", the prophet told them he had this dream that my dad was not in a very critical condition bt witches( witches' shadows) frm awa village would walk with my family when they go to hospital & when they arrive, the shadows would enter the room 1st and make him unconcious everytime the go and visit. 

My father was discharged but couldnt talk, the prophet came 2 our home and prayed prior his arrival. Guess what he spoke but he had an amnisia (memory loss) bt his memory can back slowly for 2 yrs. he is late though and my family decided not to do follow ups though because he is gone and cant come back..

IAll I can say Makisto God is bigger than any of us, witches or not he knows everything and come judgement day, evertone will account for their doings.

03 Aug 2011 11:54

It was just an accident( and it was in your home town)

03 Aug 2011 11:58

Esih Zvee, that's a sad situation, and here we have Debora Patta siding with alleged witches. 

It was just an accident( and it was in your home town)
I'm sorry about about the acci Mokema, lol you were in my home town, kana you are from Ga-Sekororo neh?

03 Aug 2011 11:59

I agree with you Maki, there is always 2 sides to the story, they should have brought neighbours of these suspect wiches. Even a criminal caught committing the crime will say, they say i did this.

I also dont condone violence but believe that witchcraft does exist even if in other cases its just pure hatred.

I always hear stories about husbands be-witching their wives not to give ntho tse monate to other women and vice-versa. Not sure how true this is.

I have heard pple admitting to doing horrible stuff to others in revenge.

Lol @ your friends' hair never growing back, You think mkhulu's stick had muthi on it.

03 Aug 2011 12:11

boloi bo teng bathong, don't know how many times ppl have tried 2 bwitch me and never succeded and trust me I don't use muti or consult prophets/ ancestors I just live and not think that much about witches, I pray and trusts God for protection and it works 4 me

03 Aug 2011 12:23

Hi all,
@maddie, I agree with you. I also believe the it exists but I just choose to live my life in such a way that I believe what ever happens its because it was meant to and God allowed it to happen - so I feel witchcraft has no control over me but if someone is doing it to me and succeded it's because it had to happen. I refuse to blame everything that goes wrong in my life on witchcraft!!!!

03 Aug 2011 12:41

Witchcraft does exist people. Talking from experience. 

To cut a long story short:
I met this lady and a few months later we had an altercation of some sort over money she was trying to con me out of. Anywho she told me that from that day onwards I'm doomed by the spirit of lust and a whole lot of other gibberish. And since then I'm just always horny. And when I say always I mean A-L-W-A-Y-S. 

03 Aug 2011 12:55

Kwaaaaaaaaaa @Pammie

03 Aug 2011 13:08

I also do believe that boloi boteng & people who bewitch you are relatives & so called friends.

03 Aug 2011 13:21

LOL Pammie...ltltltl.....dont know whether to say sorry or not. But askies...

One day, the stick got the head of my friend and 'till this day, the part of my friend's head where he received the gig of the old man stick, doesn't have any hair. LMLO......aksies to your friend.

Growing up gae janefurse lenna there were several such creepy people we were told "byte". Dont remember the stories grand grand.... one old man (bling old man) had a guava tree (rare) in the neighbourhood and for some creepy reason we were told, we could never pick at those succulent guavas even though we could reach them.

And then there was that family that terrorised the neighbourhood, my family included ka boloi. And a lot of people in that family just went "mad"/prycho...seems generational...5 members i know so far and my mom tells me that even their grandparents suffered the same psycho fate.

03 Aug 2011 13:43

I watched the show and i empathised with those poor people accused, murderd and banished. Thats why when i say ur updates makisto i waqs quite taken aback because i thought everybody watching would feel sorry for those people. Mine is defs the reaction that the show meant to bring out of viewers. So i got got by debra and the team! But i suspect even if the show had both sides of the story i still wouldve leaned towards empathising with the accused and banished.
BECAUSE.....i just dont believe in this mystical staff. I dont. Unless we limit the definition of witchfraft to poisinous concoctions (tangible substances) in which case witches can be found anywhere...from the laboratories, to the fecobook head office to the rural area. But that a person can in his own space...have a bone and blow into it and wish me bad...i just dont believe that.

And i guess the operating word here is "believe".

But just to be safe...this is what i tell God. That He is the supernatural God and He deals with those supernatural staff on my behalve. I will not worry my self with the mystical staff. He doesnt slumber nor sleep after all.

03 Aug 2011 13:55

I'm sorry about about the acci Mokema, lol you were in my home town, kana you are from Ga-Sekororo neh?


03 Aug 2011 13:56

eish Limpopo boloi ba teng bo so advanced bathong.

my grandmother(rakgadi wa my mother) -  rumours r doing the rounds gore wa loya, imagine 1 of ur relative bn accused of such, embarassment.

my sister is also convinced gore hai she is a witch ngempela, she's distanced herself frm her and she told me to do the same.

they say she buys 80kg ya mielie meal but she stays alone, ppl suspect o feeda ditlotlwane eish mara

this is someone i used to go ko yena ka diholidays ko dikitchening, i think she got bored after pension and started practicing and now she seems 2 b addicted

03 Aug 2011 14:04

@maddie thats hectic mos

Off topic

I was shocked 2 learn that Bennie Mccarthy is playing 4 orlando pirates(SA) and he wants to play 4 Bafana Bafana(SA)

03 Aug 2011 14:08

nna bathong i dont beleive gore boloi bo teng, i need to be convinced........... or see something.................

03 Aug 2011 14:15

Green.arrow don't laugh hle!!! Even my man can't keep up no more.

03 Aug 2011 14:25

this is someone i used to go ko yena ka diholidays ko dikitchening, i think she got bored after pension and started practicing and now she seems 2 b addicted
Kwakwakwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Maddie

eish Limpopo boloi ba teng bo so advanced bathong.
This is not true and I knew someone would say this. Boloi bo advanced everywhere more especially in KZN and Eastern Cape. Growing up in Limpopo, I was warned about Zulu and Xhosa women hence I have never dated any of them and I don't think I ever will

And since then I'm just always horny. And when I say always I mean A-L-W-A-Y-S. 
Askies my outie, I think you should seek help man that your manhood returns to how it should be. Because it sounds like even if you can get ntho tse monate, you will still want more. I am careful of what I wish but hey, I would want to be you for one day and experience how I can sustain the standing mainswitch (I don't mean to ridicule you and my apologies in advance if you may take it that way). Just out of curiosity, what do you do to. Do you have a girlfriend/wife and what does she say?

Eish GA, I had to post those statuses, I have been on the receiving of the practicing also I currently am in the receiving end of it.

people who bewitch you are relatives & so called friends.
Very true and I am agreeing with this because I have experience of being stabbed in this regard by friends and family

03 Aug 2011 14:29

LOL @pammie25

It is not easy to believe that witchcraft does exist until it hits closer to home. There are things that can happen to you that will make you want to consult with a prophet or sangoma whoever you are comfortable with.

@Maddie, i know what you are talkin about. That is why i swore that i will never date someone from the same village, coz you hear hateful stuff from the other's family.

03 Aug 2011 14:44

My cousin was left after the guy paid lobola for her because of this witchcraft thing, they accussed my aunt of practising and having killed neighbours' kids. At first the guy ignored the warnings and i think its just became too much for him and he left and moved far away. 

My friend told me that she has a problem with men, when she gets married its all nice and lovery dovey but when she starts getting comfortable after 2 or 3 yrs, the man just packs and leaves her. 3 man have done this to her and you think something is wrong with her. She told me that it comes from her father's family they dont want her to be successful of which i think it may be true. 

Its always there, if it doesnt get to you, then good for you. But guys especially ladies, once you grow old and become wrinkled, sham you will stand accussed...

03 Aug 2011 14:51

I'm a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

03 Aug 2011 15:40

Maybe your cousin must see a psycologist so that before she accuses people she knows to a reasonable degree what her prespective is....  She must Read the bible and find out about virtous woman and how they dealt with challanges and find comfort in their testimonies. And very important, i hope she is living her life purpose and because while she is LIVING a man who will compliment her journey will come into her life OR NOT, but either way she will continue living.
Point being, before throwing in the towel based on this mystcal activities and "generational curses" explanation for events in her life...she explore other pracmatic options.

makisto...i hear you pjvv says, one cant comprehend some things unless theyve come face to face with those things.

03 Aug 2011 15:46

this is someone i used to go ko yena ka diholidays ko dikitchening, i think she got bored after pension and started practicing and now she seems 2 b addicted 


03 Aug 2011 15:50

@ Maki - I was warned about Zulu and Xhosa women hence I have never dated any of them and I don't think I ever will  - I am Xhosa and my family is definately not involved in those things. (((((( a bit hurt ))))))) I know I'm not. Maybe it is more prevalent in the Eastern Cape. I am in Cape Town.

I wonder how many other people feel the way you do.

03 Aug 2011 16:00

I wonder how many other people feel the way you do.
Anol@, I didn't mean to offend you yazi sheim. I just said it in reply to the blogger who said boloi in Limpopo is prevelant. 

By saying that, I was trying to show that other provinces believe that other provinces are worse when it comes to boloi so all provinces have an equal number of worst witches lol. I am sure you have also been told that KZN or Mpumalanga people are bewitching. I was just trying to show a social misconception. Nothing personal, it's just that based on what I have been taught, I don wanna date Zulus or Xhosas, it's just a personal preference, not sinister. I'm sorry for offending you.

Aowa GA, with all the stories stated, you still refuse to believe go re her poor cousin was bewitched? Oh lol, I don wanna convert you into believing th epractice exists (((((((hides)))))

03 Aug 2011 16:07

@ Anol..As humans we are entitled to our own opinions it doesnt mean it is all true. I have heard stories about Pedi & Venda but it never stopped me from going out with a Pedi and believe me, we didnt marry each other becoz nje, and khange andicondobele ndilele or his family for that matter and i think they loved me. 

There are many characteristics of witch craft, we see witchcraft differently depending on what happenned and ho wit affected you or your loved ones.

03 Aug 2011 16:08

Makisto I understand what you mean but never say never  who knows what the future holds might find yourself waking up in the arms of a moloi zulu gal one day  

03 Aug 2011 16:15

lol @ Moola, true hey

03 Aug 2011 16:35

you might find yourself waking up in the arms of a moloi zulu gal one day 
I refuse to allow this to happen to me in Jesus name. However, I allow to some day maybe wake up next to a Zulu woman but not a wozarding one lol

03 Aug 2011 17:03

@ Maki - I didn't mean to offend you yazi sheim. I just said it in reply to the blogger who said boloi in Limpopo is prevelant. - I know you did not mean to offend, don't worry. 

Just don't restrict yourself hey, you never know what you could be missing. 

@ pjvv  - True.

Great Article though Makisto, I did npt watch 3rd Degree last night because I feel it has lost it's "oomph" Hope I spelt it correctly. I no longer find it interesting.

04 Aug 2011 10:18

wow guys!!!!!!!!! listening to ur stories cudnt stop bt die, js woken up a few minutes ago n ma work is piling up. great article  makisto, love it, tackling the most sensitive issue. ddn knw ur from bokgaga, any way i dn no the village  bt i beliv its sekororo side m 4m ga- kgapane. b bac

04 Aug 2011 10:32

great article makisto
Thank you Caro Molobedu wa heso. Hapene hoono nkhe ngwala, ke nyaka hore batho ba ke kedhe ka go bala khedhori khewe

side m 4m ga- kgapane.
From Mmidinyene or Home 2000 lol?

Bokgaga is about 30 to 40 minutes drive from Tzaneen so it aint that far. So nice meeting someone from home. And all this time I was under the impression that you are either from North West or Free State lol

04 Aug 2011 11:33

I believe that where there is good there must be evil to accompany it. There cant possibly be one without the other. But I guess evil manifests itself in different ways in different peoples eyes. For some its satanism, for others its witchcraft, others just a bad energy or spirit. But whichever way you cut it, it exists!

3rd Degree has long lost its integrity. It is as if Patta is more interested in being a celeb of sorts and in high ratings despite the quality of the content of the show. Patta (and her journalists) tend to show a high level of bias with their stories and it is usually the side which will scandalize and sensationalise the story. Its actually boring the way they carry on!  

04 Aug 2011 12:19

Its actually boring the way they carry on! 
Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Fran123, that's so true hey. Ms Patta knows she is a celeb now and she is pushing for her celeb status lol

04 Aug 2011 12:34

thanx maki , bt hey them language! kwaaaaaaaa! o opile kgomo lenaka " home 2000" lol

guys there was these woman in ma neighbourhood her name was " wethu" atleast thats how she was popularly known, she used to live in this weird house wth the husband only, u wil never c a visiter,.... thats if anyone knew any of them until she died. on the house subject, it had very thick walls, guys i dn know how to put this but 4m wat i hav gathered they say those walls were too thick with sum bit of holes n cn accomodate few people  in btween,  oh ma god m getin scared.

n if u go there by her house u wud feel ther were people inside though she was living with the husband only n most of the time he wud b away.
on the name subject she was up to date with watever was happenin as she wud wait by d fence to ask for the latest mgosi, she wud keep saying "wethu" s a  sign that u nid to say sumthing to confirm watever it is. apparently she was frm the cape, js dn no whether zulu or xhosa n was married in limpopo no offence to ma fellow zulu n xhosa bloggers, js making a point that witchcraft exists in all walks of life, whethr black or white etc.... 


05 Aug 2011 08:34

This is not true and I knew someone would say this. Boloi bo advanced everywhere more especially in KZN and Eastern Cape. Growing up in Limpopo, I was warned about Zulu and Xhosa women hence I have never dated any of them and I don't think I ever will 
@ makisto

am in KZN & they say umuti we basotho o powerful, and I leave 'em 2 bliv that cos that means they wont even try 2 bwitch me(well @ least that's what i wld like 2 bliv) and I threaten em in a funny way though ukuthi balinge bathi bayangiloya ngizoya eLimpopo and they'll curse the day they tried to do funny stuff 2 me, shem u shld c the look on their faces priceless

makisto i know u r trying 2 b politically correct mara some myths nna i refuse 2 b responsible 4 ppl's ignorance

and ther's this 1 ya gore Sotho gals ba monate in bed yhoo de Zulu boys want a taste of my cookie some even come with offers i jst laugh it off ke ba tlogele le ignorance ya bona

there r so many myths out there

05 Aug 2011 09:06

am in KZN & they say umuti we basotho o powerful, and I leave 'em 2 bliv that cos that means they wont even try 2 bwitch me
You see what I am talking about now Maddie, We as Pedis, we think the worst of Zulus, Xhosas, Tsongas and Vendas and alas Zulus and other natives think the worst of other natives. I think you are correct to conclude that we all have myth about other natives and their cultures. Kwaaaaaaaaaaaa @ You threatening them by going to Limpopo, that's a classic lol.

i know u r trying 2 b politically correct
Eish wena, I didn't wanna be like Debora Patta who lacks objectivity so I needed to write this in such a way that it looks at the matter from all angles and I still say butchered witches deserve what they get and I still commend the law for choosing to say the practice doesn't exist. 

and ther's this 1 ya gore Sotho gals ba monate in bed yhoo de Zulu boys want a taste of my cookie
Kwaaaaaaaaaaaa lol, nna I have always heard that Xhosa girls are the best

05 Aug 2011 09:08

@ maddie -and ther's this 1 ya gore Sotho gals ba monate in bed yhoo de Zulu boys want a taste of my cookie some even come with offers i jst laugh it off ke ba tlogele le ignorance ya bona.  

I am dedo( in nigerian tone) o sele maddie. kuku ya basotho gals !!!!!!!! kwaaakakakakakakakaka. hai makisto le wena ka article ya gago, neva thot it cud cum this far.

05 Aug 2011 10:43

@Makisto where i am working our immediate supervisor is a Venda guy, he is friendly and a good manager sheim. We r Xhosa & we like to tease him by asking that is it thru that eVenda you can go to a street vendor and ask for a shopping bag full of lighting, and if there is someone whom you dont like you can strike that person with one lighting from the shopping bag... He would laugh and say its not true.

05 Aug 2011 11:16

Honestly,I dont blv that witchcraft exists but there are instances where somethings happen and I go WTF! I've been told stories and all,but I need something concrete to blv it. Next door to my grandmother's house stays a skinny dark lady and people told us she's a witch,her garden was always in pristine condition,but we never saw anyone tending to it during the day,so the story was that dithokolosi did the garden at night. We were told never to eat her food coz it could contain poison and to this day I've never eaten at her house (even when there was a funeral for her grandson).

this is someone i used to go ko yena ka diholidays ko dikitchening, i think she got bored after pension and started practicing and now she seems 2 b addicted maddie,you killed me with this,LOL!

05 Aug 2011 11:19

"threaten em in a funny way though ukuthi balinge bathi bayangiloya ngizoya eLimpopo and they'll curse the day they tried to do funny stuff 2 me"

@maddie I also dont trust ppl from Limpompo - u knw the stuff we read about in "the Sun' about how someone body parts were stole and all the crazy, hectic, scary stuff ezenziwa eLimpompo! bayathakatha mani!lol

05 Aug 2011 11:31

When I was in Secondary, the was a story of a boy who woke up on the roof top every morning- with a bed nogal. This story was all over & when I came to pta people used to tell me gore ke ko tswang ba a loya.

05 Aug 2011 11:40

He would laugh and say its not true.
There are a lot of baseless myths

hectic, scary stuff ezenziwa eLimpompo! bayathakatha mani!lol
lol Bezu I am from Limpopo and I can say God is my witness that I am no witch lol. Abantu ba thakatha ku yo yonke le ndao

05 Aug 2011 11:48

mara truth be told i know makisto might be angry @ this 


I grew up in PTA but my parents r frm there, so i always tell ppl that ke tswa Limpopo and u shld c the look on their faces and they'l tell me ba loya ko Limpopo I jst laugh nje and not take it personally

used  2 go there ka diholidays yhoo bosigo u'll hear things ke a go bolella

my friend ws telling me gore ko Attredgeville go na le dis grandmother we share the same surname a re yhoo o ya loya, I laughed My Ass Off

how do these sangomas draw the line btw healing people and loyaring 'em

05 Aug 2011 11:52

mara truth be told i know makisto might be angry @ this 
lol I am not angry. We are all entitled to our opinions and as an advocate of freedom of expression, I cannot expect you not to say the myths you have heard about Limpopo people

05 Aug 2011 12:01

@makisto u r rite abantu bathakatha everywhere...! my hubby and I went there once while on holiday and guess what my mom in-law said when we told her that our tour for the next day was Limpompo.she said oh zingane zami engabe siyophinde sinibone nje!!! (I wonder if I'll ever see you again) that place is a bad plc they slaughter ppl!! I was also scared.but hey I'm alive!!!lol

05 Aug 2011 12:10

KZN yona e tletse ka digateledi (don't know the english word for it)

almost every person i know who came 2 KZN for the first tym complained about the same thing

05 Aug 2011 12:13

this goat thing they wear on their wrists what is it called konje yhoo it smells bethuna

05 Aug 2011 12:15

@maddie  isikhumba!

05 Aug 2011 12:19

ALL the people I have met from Limpopo believe in boloyi and ALL claim to have witnessed it in person ...
Consesus is that Limpopo is rife with witchcraft!!

05 Aug 2011 12:25

@ bezu

do u hv 2 wear until when, how abt those arnd u

05 Aug 2011 12:30

Consesus is that Limpopo is rife with witchcraft!!
General public perception is that Limpopo is rife with witchcraft!!

05 Aug 2011 12:56

@maddie, it is common with the zulu's.. but it has nothing to do with buloyi...u dont take it off, it falls off on its own....yah it does smell!u need to avoid using wtr with it on coz dats wat makes it smell.

05 Aug 2011 13:00

LMLO! Hahahaha @maddie lol, thanx to you now as a person from limpopo I defs have more amo against anyone who messes with me. Gods' still got me though..,number 1 amo. Lol and u know my friend once told me gore his brother uses that trick. Apparently he'd say ' wena mfana ke tlo go loya and you'll be sorry' and he'd have hus way, kwaaakwaaakwaa, lol. Huuuh, aneva! @Lex... ge o re 'thokolosi' you remind me of home home, jane furse. Only people from ga sekhukhuni say it that way. @ Vusi, hoold up a minute,lol, I'm from Limpopo and I don't believe in witchcraft. Huuh , hae maddie you killed me today.

06 Aug 2011 09:57

@maddie  isikhumba!

Akusona isikhumba .... Isiphandla !!!

@Makie & G.A. ... I repeat ...
ALL the people I have met .... from Limpopo ... believe in, and claim to have witnessed withccraft ....

I also don't think it is consesus ... I am simply playing on the statistical probability that I have met 100% believers and 100% wintesses to witchcraft ... given those two realities ... what are the odds or probability that witchcraft does not exist, or is not practiced in Limpopo ... (0%?!?) ... which then creates consensus by default ...


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