Day 58 - 23 July 2013

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother: The Chase Live Blog on 23 Jul 2013
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Big Brother: The Chase updates: Day 58.

Add your comments and updates about today's live Big Brother action. For more about each of the housemates, see: Who's who in the Big Brother Chase


23 Jul 2013 00:51

Numero Uno!!

23 Jul 2013 00:54

Oh no @Carago...I thot i'll be the first godammit

23 Jul 2013 02:10

Good morning Africa. Good morning @Carago and Bukhoza. Thank you all wonderful bloggers for your updates. The game is on!

23 Jul 2013 02:40

Good Day pals@Carago and Bukhoza and Nakso Can somebody tell me what Nando is trying to do? He says this and does that Infections galore or wat?

23 Jul 2013 03:10

STOLEN ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::: Bev says she has proper Channel O info on BBA Apparently, during final Babylon, last year's winner(Keagan's) mother CHASED Talia outta his hotel room! This this happen people?

23 Jul 2013 03:11

23 Jul 2013 03:12

STOLEN____________________________________ Apparently Motamma and Betty had a fight The slowest fight in history lol

23 Jul 2013 08:33

Bev says she has proper Channel O info on BBA Apparently, during final Babylon, last year's winner(Keagan's) mother CHASED Talia outta his hotel room! This this happen people?
Haaaaa @ Nonwe. i dont believe it jus bcoz its coming from the bevist mouth. If it was coming from someone else i wld blieve it.

I hate this week`s nominations mxem. Gudluck to Amaboobs and Eli.

23 Jul 2013 08:33

Good Morning...I hope sulu leave on Sunday but i have a strong feeling it mite be Elikem...This week i will b voting Elikem

23 Jul 2013 08:44

Lol .... just a couple more tweets from Skirmishes folks:


Milkshakes? LOL.


There you go team Elikem. I don't know if you should be glad or scared ... maybe a sign Kenya will fall behind your boy?

23 Jul 2013 08:48

Eli and Amaboobs are safe shem...SULU OUT!! I doubt this Sulu "has fans" thing..come Sunday all will be revealed,that having fans is something that doesn't exist.

23 Jul 2013 08:49

*him having fans

23 Jul 2013 08:57

Why are people assuming only one will be evicted? 

23 Jul 2013 08:59

@boogy ... I think Sulu does have a lot of fans, just going by his character ... it's just that he's never been tested.

23 Jul 2013 09:02

Didn't Seydumb tweet pics of a crying Talia in his room on finale night?

23 Jul 2013 09:03

I'm returning the favour to Zambia, voting Sulu international and Elikem this week

23 Jul 2013 09:06

@nst....I remember those pics, we still don't know what happened. He was claiming that Talia was asking for forgiveness and trying to get back with him blah blah but we don't know for sure what happened.

Mrs Chix
23 Jul 2013 09:08

Strategically thinking SA & Botswana should not vote for Sulu, the moment that guys gets into the top 5 then he is the winner or Melvin. An personally I wouldnt vote for Sulu

23 Jul 2013 09:12

Good Morning beautiful bloggers...I'm TeamElikem this week.

23 Jul 2013 09:23

As much as I like Sulu's sense of humor n his character but I'm still hurt for what he did to Angelo n I will not vote for him shem. TeamElikem 

23 Jul 2013 09:23

@boggy on BBA website it has been mentioned that only 1 housemate will be leaving this week.SA will have 2 return the favour 2 Zambia no matter what Sulu did 2 Angelo its now water under the bridge & Sulu needs more than 3 country votes now lets see if he'll survive.

Mrs Chix
23 Jul 2013 09:31

@CoffeeColour it depend how you see it. Giving Angelo a better chance st winning is to not vote for Sulu. But if you are voting because Zambia voted for us cool. But on the long run its very unstrategic

Mrs Chix
23 Jul 2013 09:32

@CoffeeColour it depend how you see it. Giving Angelo a better chance st winning is to not vote for Sulu. But if you are voting because Zambia voted for us cool. But on the long run its very unstrategic

Mrs Chix
23 Jul 2013 09:32

#Team Elikem

23 Jul 2013 09:35

@CoffeeColour we wouldn't be returning any favor if Sulu hadn't swop Angelo n I was going to vote for him until he showed his ruthless side.But in any case let's hope he survive on Sunday.

23 Jul 2013 09:38

@CoffeeColour the only time i will return favour its when Cleo is up,i wont be voting Sulu,he didnt even show any remorse to hs frnd Angelo or Ask for Forgivenss he could have replace with Oneal but he choose hes frnd..mxm..I wont be votin for Judas Sulu lol

23 Jul 2013 09:39

If it's only 1 housemate leaving, then I'm in luck.  I'm a supporter of all 3 especially considering they're hated to varying degrees by fellow housemates.  If two survive, they'll be able execute revenge better.  Elikem will continue to challenge the Owl; Annabel will go for Bev and Sulu will show no mercy to the Blimp.

23 Jul 2013 09:43

That's true Mrs Chix but in this case the SA have 2 understand that Zambians voted 4 Angelo even thou they were insulted by our fellow South Africans now its tym 2 repay them strategic or not, who knows we might them need in future and there r no guarantees that Sulu will survive as he needs abt 5 country votes and have never been tested b4.Voting 4 Elikem or Annabel is a NO NO as we all know that those ppl will never vote 4 our rep.

23 Jul 2013 09:46

" I'm returning the favour to Zambia, voting Sulu international" me too Vesa

23 Jul 2013 09:47

Vote for Sulu Mzansi!!!

23 Jul 2013 09:49

@Ankonisaho I will for Cleo or any other housemates for that matter (maybe not Oneil for his arrogance which is too much for me). I will even vote for BLIMP *hides under the table*.

23 Jul 2013 09:50

@Ankonisaho & bukhonza12 believe me guys I feel the same as u do but am glad that Sulu showed Angelo that no friendships r guaranteed in that house as he was too trusting 4 my liking.

23 Jul 2013 09:50

Whistles...Let the housemates play the game You viewers seat down and enjoy ..then vote vote for the villager Sulu...keep calm while doing it.

Mrs Chix
23 Jul 2013 09:53

Uhdikts has anyone here ever won anything for voting? I have been voting for the past 4 season but IK never mentions my name ***Sad face***

23 Jul 2013 09:56

@Abby is your boss on your neck today??Anyone for updates

23 Jul 2013 09:56

@ Mrs Chix lol sorry...

23 Jul 2013 09:58

I cant be returning the favour to Zambia by voting for Sulu, hadn't Sulu swapped his "best friend" Angelo, Angelo wudnt have been on the chopping board #teamElikem

23 Jul 2013 10:01

Uhdikts has anyone here ever won anything for voting? I have been voting for the past 4 season but IK never mentions my name ***Sad face***

Lol, I've also wondered about this hey! I haven't won anything for all the BBA seasons I've watched. Incl BBNaija back in the day

Mrs Chix
23 Jul 2013 10:03

@Vesa to think I have 4 account that vote in my name. Shouldnt that increase my chance lol

23 Jul 2013 10:03

Lol udhikts are funny though! We always say that the housemates must know that this is a game, and not take being nominated/ swopped personal. But we are taking this Sulu vs Angelo thing personal

23 Jul 2013 10:04

It seems annabel is slowly turning into another Natasha, last night she was complaining to cleo about the people who she believes keep nominating her, bev, mel and bimp if I remember correctly. Then bev, as she usually does, interrupted their convo and they had to start talking about something else. The girl even complained to Nando about it, and he adviced her to confront them, which she promised to do. Drama galore in store from our milkshake, Morning uhdikts!!!

23 Jul 2013 10:07

I am voting for Elikem this week, i am sorry but i still cant forgive Sulu.

23 Jul 2013 10:12

Ooh Thank you Vesa agrees with u 150%...lets leave Angelo & Sulu's issue aside sooner/later Sulu will feel the heat.

23 Jul 2013 10:15

Was there a Mozambican in BBA this season #TeamElikem I have a soft spot for Ghana #Azonto

23 Jul 2013 10:19

@Abby.that beeshes comment. I was actually sticking my tongue out when writing that..thinking bout you! Was at an event and did not read all the updates. Vote Sulu my friend cos Ben10 is going time thisweek to ride on pOki's Lambo...hehehehehehe

23 Jul 2013 10:27

Think Melvin will end up secnd in the chase....good personality for that...wouldnt mind ammaboobs ,delish or elikem to be the winners

23 Jul 2013 10:32

Boobs needs to go home. Too jealous and bitter for the show. We don't want to wake up one morning and realise she has killed all the housemates in her jealous rage.

23 Jul 2013 10:32

Death by Busi in high heels and tight dress! The hairdresser who did Delish and Bevist lace weaves did a bad job! I liked. Delish in her old weave worn by Busi now

23 Jul 2013 10:46

The Emeralds are having their own sideshow drama gossiping about Eveva's selfishness and attention seeking.

23 Jul 2013 10:49

Jazz complaining one of the Emeralds (Eveva?  Busi?) isn't talking to her now.

23 Jul 2013 10:54

@Nonwe she might straggle Bev or Angelo in their sleep. Hehehehe.

23 Jul 2013 10:56

@boggy on BBA website it has been mentioned that only 1 housemate will be leaving this week....and that my friend is Sulu. You can't call me your friend and then later on betray me. I am sorry its just not water under the bridge to me,whats worse he hasn't shown any remorse or maybe apologise instead his pretending like nothing happened. Ya Zambia voted for the Oom and that to me shows that they didn't agree with what he did meaning he must face the consequences of his dubious decision by being voted off.....Flip floppers are a NO NO to me,therefore Sulu must go and drag his five dreads with him. I am splitting my vote between Amabelle and Elikem,people who are playing their game without compromising their friendships and dignity.

23 Jul 2013 10:59

I'm so pleased to see #TeamElikem gain traction.  I'll support him all the way to the finals if he survives. 

23 Jul 2013 11:03

@Tsoka exactly. We want clean entertainment and not murder

23 Jul 2013 11:03

It seems annabel is slowly turning into another Natasha, last night she was complaining to cleo about the people who she believes keep nominating her, bev, mel and bimp if I remember correctly. Then bev, as she usually does, interrupted their convo and they had to start talking about something else. The girl even complained to Nando about it, and he adviced her to confront them, which she promised to do. Drama galore in store from our milkshake, Morning uhdikts!!!

@Khadjos ... Our Mikshake better bring all the ghosts to the yard.  I can't wait for the confrontation.  I realise we haven't had a good old all out BBA fight this season.

23 Jul 2013 11:07

Far be it for me to be the superficial kind, the Blimp is one ugly, hyena-looking mofcker.  That on top of the smarmy ass kissing, puts him on a par with Bev on my hate list.  I'll start going skirmishes on this guy soon.

23 Jul 2013 11:11

To me yep its personal. Regardless of the fact that I aint getting a cent.

23 Jul 2013 11:14

My next holiday destination is Ghana. it was Kenya but I find it a bit pricey!

23 Jul 2013 11:18

Scanning the blogs,  I'm seeing Elikem's popularity on the rise and suspect Annabel may pick up a few countries outside her voting bloc.  Sulu will always remain a popular character, so it will be interesting to see who goes.

23 Jul 2013 11:30

@Boogy. MY friend you are still alive? *Sticks tongue out* hehehehehe..Voting Sulu and his 5 blonde dreads!

23 Jul 2013 11:31

yes Just saw on facebook knw that Ethiopia has decided to vote for Elikem , so far Elikem will have ghana,zimbabwe and Ethiopia vote and most probably Nigeria because of West Africa band.

23 Jul 2013 11:33

Alusa is Kenyan replica of Sulu.

23 Jul 2013 11:35

I don't know why Ethiopia decided to break with East Africa, but at least we can rest assured the Blimp won't pull a Wendull because they'll be ostracised by EA.

23 Jul 2013 11:36

My next holiday destination is Ghana...same here. Hopefully I will not run into Keitta or else I would book the next flight back.

23 Jul 2013 11:38

Seriously, I'm the only one who sees this?  Sulu and Alusa could have been raised in the same village.

23 Jul 2013 11:42

to me it is personal bcoz Sulu's game depends on Oneal he is the one who influenced him about the last time's winner and they have this strategy of pushing him (Angelo) out and pretend they are fine with Angelo but Sulu's has this rough character he can't pretend.........

23 Jul 2013 11:43

@Tsoka,YESSSS am still alive my chom-chom!! eISHH!! why am I not surprised that you voting for Sulu the peanut heh???  Thought as much. hahhahahaaa!! Phela your voting decisions are always FROG(ED)...tehehehe...

23 Jul 2013 11:45

Flip floppers are a NO NO to me,therefore Sulu must go and drag his five dreads with him. I am splitting my vote between Amabelle and Elikem,people who are playing their game without compromising their friendships and dignity.

Couldn't have said it any better @boogy. As much as it is about the money but guys the game itself is not meant to create any enemies but friendships (or rather I would love to be about chasing money n make friends).

23 Jul 2013 11:51

Apparently Bev was running her mouth again last night:

IK is always dancing in clubs...sorry IK
I see him and think, 'this guy is *bleep!* married"
IK will hate!!!!


23 Jul 2013 11:51

There is no way i will vote for Sulu m a Pokie fan n Sulu hated Pokie so he should go, as much as m not TeamAngelo fan i gese he was very smart in playing the game he noticed that if u rub shoulders with Nigerians who usually have most votes u'll on the safe side, gese dats y he made a move on Bev he is juss using Bev as a ladder to step up, n Nigerians are crazy over Angelo becoz they say hez making their sister hapi......dat was a cleva move Angelo.....5 country votes boy...Smh!!!

23 Jul 2013 11:56

@nst.....Bev has a big mouth neh.....Smh.... this gal!!!

23 Jul 2013 12:02

I thought Bev and Angie's hook was the most unexpected, even upate on this blog had no signs of the two hooking up! So I don't think its a strategy for Angie, does he even strategise?

23 Jul 2013 12:03

Hey Uhdikts.....da mood in my office is too sad. We lost  colleague last weekend so i'm down. Coupled wit da fact dat Oneaza isn't on da chopping block n Elikem might be evicted over dat funny asshole Judas of man Sulu, i've no motivation to watch da show dis week......will try n update on da DS but like i said no motivation!!!!!

23 Jul 2013 12:04

@Bukhonza,this backstabbing and then later saying nah its a game just rubs me the wrong way especially kule case ka Angelo nalomdlwembe u Sulu. Maybe I would get this 'its just a game' thing if it was between some housemates who were not close..Angelo was genuine with this fool...nxaaa!!

23 Jul 2013 12:05

@nst kwaaaa you're so mean...but seriously the is something similar abt them LOL..

23 Jul 2013 12:05

@temptineyes but Nigerians did not vote 4 Angelo...

23 Jul 2013 12:08

Awww!!!askies (sorry) Abby..

23 Jul 2013 12:09

Sorry to hear that @abby! My condolences to you and your colleagues

23 Jul 2013 12:11

Bev could be with Angelo 4 all I care but she'll never get my vote I'd rather vote 4 Eveva..Lol@boggy kuthwa bathande bonke kodwa ungathembi namnye kubo ibesisifundo ke eso kwelichwama linguAngelo wayeye noSulu kakade yena kulandlu.

23 Jul 2013 12:13

@Coffee they might have contributed to Rest of Africa

23 Jul 2013 12:13

@Abby condolences 2 u & ur colleagues stay strong...

23 Jul 2013 12:14

Eveva is too much....the show is not about her, she truly want all the attention.... the emerals should do a more supporting role than being all over the place

23 Jul 2013 12:31

kuthwa bathande bonke kodwa ungathembi namnye kubo ibesisifundo ke eso kwelichwama linguAngelo wayeye noSulu kakade yena kulandlu.....LOL@CoffeeColour....Spot on,uwatye onke. Becinga ntoni ukuthemba uno teksi yena...hahahahahhahahhaaaaaaa.....yageza.

23 Jul 2013 12:33

@ Vesa that cud be true but hey it doesn't mean anything 2 me..No votes 4 Bev qha ke.

23 Jul 2013 12:34

Hey uhdikts!  Today, I'm at an ostrich farm for lunch and all I can think about is Mr NET.

Fabulous Marve
23 Jul 2013 12:36

Hi Bloggers!!!! I'm impressed with the daily updates, when i can't watch BBA i know where to go for the updates..Lol!!!!

23 Jul 2013 12:38

@boggy kwaye uNotaxi uyakuhlala enguteksi sana noba sele ekwiBBA he(Angelo) shud just forget that Sulu is the type who shows remorse after he has done u wrong its not in his blood.

23 Jul 2013 12:38

STOLEN------The Task: Ghandour supplied a range of items that had to be used as props in the Ghandour Big Brother Movie Festival. Each group had to conceptualise, script, rehearse, direct and film the Ghandour movie. One group would be filming an Action Romance and the other a Tragic Love Story. All Housemates had to take part in the Task in order for the House to win its Wager. The Housemates had to create a Hero prop which would feature in each of the movies and it had to be one of the Ghandour products provided.

There was also an information document that was provided which Housemates had to use as reference material on how to incorporate the main editorial elements in each movie. All Housemates had to be actors except two Housemates who are required to double up either as the director or the camera operator. The winning group would win a further reward in the form of a takeout meal from a chain of their choice from a list provided.

The whole House has decided to Wager 100% of their shopping allowance this week because they are confident they’ll win the Ghandour Movie Festival Task because after all they are stars in the making. We can’t wait to see what ideas they come up with and hopefully they’ve learned their lesson on laziness when it comes to Tasks. Biggie gave them a stern warning last week, this week he might not be so lenient.

What sort of stupid task is this???? Biggie, u r off dis season!

23 Jul 2013 12:39

@abby ...So sorry for you and your colleagues loss.  Condolences.

23 Jul 2013 12:40

@CoffeeColour n @Boogy SHUTUP bantwana ndini, ndakunibetha ubonanje LOL...Angelo has a good heart shem

23 Jul 2013 12:41

Thanks guys 4 ur kind means a lot to me!!!!

23 Jul 2013 12:45

Gudmrnin bloggerz team elikem al d way nd as much as i lyk my zambian mr ibu i stil wish 4 him 2 bounce,and bloggerz dn't blive bev she iz a chronic bevist @abby my deppest condolencez 2 u nd ur colleagues.

23 Jul 2013 12:45

Sorry@Abby my darling

23 Jul 2013 12:48

@CoffeeColour nqo..@Bukhoza LOL!! Hay basibuyeleni kwi English before kucingwe siyahleba.

23 Jul 2013 12:52

Melvin's DS...he's fine n good.
He was surprised of da hsmates whose names came up n he's happy his name didn't come up. U never know however wit da save n replace.
He didn't expect to hear Cleo's name but for elikem, he kept sayin he was sure his name will come up so no surprise there n same wit Annabel.
He can't be sure who Bimp will save or replace or even if he'd do what he did(put himself up); he doubts Bimp will take dat risk n will most likely save n swap.

He thinks Bimp took bassey's exit quite well n Bassey also told them to tell Bimp dat he has no hard feelings so dat Bimp can feel better.
He thinks Bimp is an emotional person like him n no one is making him feel bad so he shd be doing okay.
He sees Bimp as an intelligent guy n is cool wit him being HOH though they lost their wager last week cuz they all didn't put in much effort.
He likes da task cuz its aba his career(acting) n he loves it n is impressed.

23 Jul 2013 13:01

Annabel's DS....she was emotional yestee cuz she was up again.
She was not shocked dat her name came up but what got to her was dat they were jux 3 n if 2 will leave, she doesn't know.
She thinks she was nominated cuz her name has come up a lot so pple jux keep nominating her cux they think she'll survive or pple r getting close to each other so would nominate those who they r not close to like Bimp n Bev who might not nominate each other cux they r friends but might choose her cu she isn't close to them.
She doesn't want to go but she's prepared herself mentally in case she leaves.
Biggie said at least 1 hsmate will leave so y is dhe sayin 2 pple......Annab says they r 18 left n jux a few weeks to go so it's likely dat they might be 2 pple who leave.
She's sure Bimp saved cleo but pple r not sure who he'll replace wit . It's btn Sulu n Oneal. She thinks Bimp plays wit emotions more dan da game n dat's predictable.
She thinks pple r being to comfortable n becux they r many, pple may relax in da task. Wit dis task, pple r focusing n active cuz it's some pple's passion(acting) so she's confident dat they'll win da wager.
Her role is da lover's best friend who she ends up betraying n she hopes to put in her 100%.

Fabulous Marve
23 Jul 2013 13:02

TeamMellish..I failed to understand why Keagen won. Some1 like Nando can win over some1 like Bimp or Melvin... Bolt was trying to pull a Keagen on Africa mara he failed...Kwakwakwakwa Eli'and Sulu i'm not a fan so my vote will have to vote for Annab. Don't like Oneal with this Africa division story.nxaaa

23 Jul 2013 13:02

@Abby,my condolences to u n yo collegues.stay strong dear...

23 Jul 2013 13:12

Bimp's DS.....he's doing great n he loves da task cuz its competitive n good.
He says da task has brought out pple's passion n every1 is involved n they r creating a movie.
He believes every1 will work 2geda n win da wager. The aim of da task is to show dem da fact dat they r stars n so they'll ensure they win da wager.
He thinks Eveva might give them a little trouble but noone else is giving problems.
He's going to ensure dat everyone puts in their effort n push them to do right.
There was no tot process aba da save n swap cux it happened so fast.
He saved cleo cuz he had nominated annab n elikem n savin 1 of dem would' be going against himself.
It was not easy to replace Sulu n he hopes he doesn't leave. He said it's Africa's choice but he feels bad aba da person leaving.

Missed da

23 Jul 2013 13:12

What a kissass.

23 Jul 2013 13:23

Dillish's DS.....she's recounting her issue wit nando yestee where he told every1 she touched his private part when they were all jux kidding wit da court case.
She says he apologised but she'll be careful wit him now.
She saw tension wit Eveva cuz she hid her bottle n da guys were dissing her but she tot she was jux kidding but Alusa was blowing it out of proportion
She likes melvin cuz he's matured n playful but pple r reading too much into it like they r in love  but they r jux friends n playful dat's all.

She thinks Elikem is getting paranoid dat he might not win n all dat n Sulu also said da game is up n he's not sure anymore what will happen.
She feels bad 4 Annab cuz she's a nice girl n doesn't know if she's disliked or competiton but she likes her n finds her intelligent.
As 4 Elikem, it was obvious he'll be up but Cleo was a shocker 4 her.
She doesn't know who bimp replaced wit but thinks he saved Cleo.
She likes da task n is sure they r putting in their all to win their wager.

23 Jul 2013 13:30

people on twitter pointing out stunner has unfollowed pokello lol its rough viva elikem viva

23 Jul 2013 13:33

Sulu has zero sense of loyalty.....he nominated Natasha n she got evicted....he said no more brother/sister.
He also swapped Angelo n showed no remorse 4 betrayin their friendship.
He may be funny n lovely but i hate backstabbers n disloyal pple n so i can't support him 4 da 300k anymore. He n his goldilocks hairstyle will end up in Zambia soooner dan later!!!!!!!

23 Jul 2013 13:34

STOLEN------Oneal, Busi, Ann, Sophie, Jazz, Eveva, Alusa, Feza, Elikem are acting out the action romance.

Sulu, Dellish, Nando, Bev, Bimp, JJ, Cleo, Mel and Angelo are acting out the tragic romance.

23 Jul 2013 13:37

lol @ Stunner unfollowing Poke. Bitter much?

23 Jul 2013 13:48

I like Miss Jazzy!

23 Jul 2013 13:55

@Tsoka Sulu all the way.

23 Jul 2013 13:56

He n his goldilocks hairstyle will end up in Zambia soooner dan later!!!!!!! LOL!!

23 Jul 2013 13:58

@nst, our banana milkshake might bring drama indeed, but past experience tells us she has to be drunk 1st, nd forget that angelo exists, before she brings it::::::::::Lawd have mercy, #teammellish still exists?:::::::::::btw, I love anabanana's analysis on why people nominate each other or not, esp about bev and the Blimp

23 Jul 2013 14:08

Lol @ putting dellish's description of mellish in bold, as for stunner unfollowing poke, I feel bad for the "actor in that dubious movie" (btw, can we have our daily dose of Mr Net's craziness, pls and thnk you @nst, that skiberish character is a bit too much for me. At least Mr Net is nice about his insults). Back to the issue, stunner supported pokello throughout her stay in the house shame, poor him. Damn that nigga elikem (as I continue to vote for him)

23 Jul 2013 14:11

@Abby,can you please give me links of other bba forums/blogs that you know??

Fabulous Marve
23 Jul 2013 14:22

@Abby i don't like Sulu but it's a game some1 must be swapped for some1 unfortunately Angelo was available to be swapped Lol!!! the is no time for brother/sister they all want da 300k. He may be funny n lovely but i hate backstabbers n disloyal pple n so i can't support him 4 da 300k anymore

Mrs Chix
23 Jul 2013 14:24

awwww askies @abby, this week started on a bad note

23 Jul 2013 14:30

Lol@boogy-babe, da only other blog i rely on is ""
It's quite reliable n their forums r good too!!!

Lol@fabulous marve.....goldilocks is no longer a fav n whether he leaves or not, i'm over's a game but a lil remorse can help even if its fake. Even Bimp showed some remorse 4 Bassey's eveiction n they weren't so close, how much more sulu?!!

23 Jul 2013 14:34 is sooo short. hmmm....trying to update on da DS but i feel so numb n unmotivated. It's not easy oooo, let's jux live da best way we can.

STOLEN-----I want to disgree that Bimp is nice, infact we can't compare Melvin to Bimp
Bimp goes out of his way to gossip
Bimp is as fake as you can get.
Bimp is a big pretender, just because he is focused on getting the money he will remain wearing that Mr Nice musk.
Bimp calls people evil, he holds grudges, that shows he thinks evil about people.
He is aware of the cameras around him so he will continue giving us this Mr Nice imagine
He is not Mr Nice, he only has a nice voice which he knows it could be mistaken to a nice character.
He is not smart, if his was he wouldnt allow to be influenced to hate on people he should use his own mind to get to know people around him and form his own conclusions.
I would compare him to Feza and would also say he is playing the game smarter than Feza.

Kwaaaaa@dillish.. pls STOP playing with nando's penis. did you forget that he got STD?

23 Jul 2013 14:46

ok Abby.

23 Jul 2013 15:16

I'm curious to know what the Namimbian minister thinks of Dillish allowing Nando to touch her delicate areas and also at the same time, her touching his. Has anyone heard of Dillish's Steve btw, his twitter account maybe, facebook, instagram, anything. Is he supporting his boo like stunner has been with our poke?

23 Jul 2013 15:21

Mxm this Delish girl..

23 Jul 2013 15:28

During his diary session Sulu said he has a feeling he's been swapped, almost certain. It's the way Bimp reacted towards him after coming out from the diary room, different from the he was to him before. He is fine with it and its now up to Africa

23 Jul 2013 15:31

@Abby condolences to you and your colleagues dear *cyber hugs*
Thanx for the DS updates as usual.
The Bevist is going to be in deep trouble (soon).  
Stunner unfollowing my Poki??? haaa phela i dont blame him, my Poki said it that 'shes feeling Eli and wil b waiting for him'' so am sure those words ddnt sit well with stunner. I see Poki likes them tall, dark and masculine haaaa

23 Jul 2013 15:33

Sulu to Feza "I hope Annabelle is out of the toilet, this girl, I don't know what she eats, she's always in the toilet". Lol

23 Jul 2013 15:35

Annabel, you eat Tuskys hotdogs?  Nasty.

23 Jul 2013 15:43

I'm starting to fear for Sulu.  Seems people either have beef or are bent on country revenge.

23 Jul 2013 15:44

@nst what's wrong with them?

23 Jul 2013 15:45

How old do you think Angelo's dreads are?

23 Jul 2013 15:47

Hahahaha @Rowz, gotcha. Even you?  Have you seen the amount fat that goes into all their food? You don't eat Tuskys if you want to lose weight.

23 Jul 2013 15:48

I'll say one thing for Angelo, he doesn't seem like a malicious guy.

23 Jul 2013 15:50

Even Jazz and Sophie told her about those hotdogs.

23 Jul 2013 15:52

Hahahha  Feza says she finds acting difficult hahahaha.

23 Jul 2013 15:53

If Elikem and Annabel survive this, I'll be backing them for the money.

23 Jul 2013 15:53

hahaha... @nst no comment..

23 Jul 2013 15:55

STOLEN: Angelo's Diary Session

How he's doing today: He's doing very well
How he's finding this week's task: Pple are losing it in terms of concentration but there is commitment
Wat they are going to do differently this week to win their wager: They are putting in a lot. if there is still divisions among housemates basing on houses: Definitely, housemates are excluding themselves according to the houses but he thinks they shd stop this .
Which Housemates in particular: Feza and Oneal have separated from others, they have changed and spend most of the time in bedroom sleeping

If he feels the ability to adopt is an advantage or disadvantage: It's an advantage coz it makes you exposed and involved in so many activities and if someone doesnt adopt, they will become miserable

How he feel the emeralds have adopted with the Rubies and Diamonds: They have adopted very well and some pple are doing it great, he talks abt Annabel who is associating with the emeralds the most

His thouts abt Biggie revealing nominees last night: He expected a lot of pple like 5 coz they are still many and those who showed up were surprising and he doesnt knw who was swapped.

23 Jul 2013 15:56

W@Abby. Condolences for the loss of your colleague. We are with you in prayer. Stay strong.

23 Jul 2013 15:56

Feza gets along with Alusa and Jazz because she went to school in Kenya; thinks Sophie and Busi are divas.

23 Jul 2013 15:58

didn't get that convo... but once in a wyl wun't do drastic changes to the weight... I see anabelle as a good contender but she seems like a ticking tym bomb waiting to go #boom

23 Jul 2013 16:00

What on earth is that 'yellow thing' in Eveva's head!! She looks like a some psychic, who read hands or some fortune teller

23 Jul 2013 16:02

Lol @Sulu saying he suspect that sumthing is fishy like he's been swapped he cud feel it..all I can say 2 u Sulu rite now "Its Chase baba" #in Sulu's voice"

23 Jul 2013 16:02

Feza says the Owl has trust issues?  Girl, anyone allowing YOU into their lives is going to have trust issues.

23 Jul 2013 16:04

15 mins talking aba Oneal.....yeesus, what an insecure moron!!!!!!!!!!!
She finds some of da emeralds to be divas....insecure much????
Will steal da updates of her DS for u guys....i don't like typing out stupidity!!!!

23 Jul 2013 16:08

STOLEN-----Feza ' I love Oneal very much and have built a life outside this house,...he's been single longer than me...he has trust issues but I'm really to stick my neck and find out...never expected to find such a person in the house...

Which Housemates in particular: Feza and Oneal have separated from others, they have changed and spend most of the time in bedroom sleeping......

23 Jul 2013 16:09

This fringey hairstyle really suits  Anna Banana.

23 Jul 2013 16:16

Tjo Feza fell in love with the wrong kinda man, poor girl is confused but she is smart to have realised it. She says she's noticed she hasn't spoken to people in a while, she can't be wild and carefree like before. She's been wanting to talk to Bimp about her concerns! She is fine with being submissive although her friends warn her about loosing herself in relationships but she believes one person has to be submissive. She thanked her sister and team that produced her video, her sister is like her second mom.. The sister bailed her out of jail after her own mother threw her to jail.*she did say drama follows her even outside*

23 Jul 2013 16:17

I wish Oneaza/Hacleo/Polikem/Lketso the best. Just becuase they are on TV & we c their weaknesses it dsnt mean they can't have a good r/ship. Nobody is perfect & we all in r/ships that are not perfect. OneLove!!!

23 Jul 2013 16:22

doing it every hour for TeamElikem

23 Jul 2013 16:24

Oneal's DS..........he thinks da task ws well tot out by Biggie n der's a lot of excitement aba da task. He thinks pple r being too excited n dragging things taking so many breaks which are unncessary.
He sure they'll put up a good presentation n win da wager.
He mostly saw excitement abt da task as opposed to learnin their lesson 4 da loss last week. Pple still have da group mentality working so he doesn't see much change 4rm last week's loss.
He thinks Bimp is too soft n comes across as a push over but he has  a lot of respect n so might be listened to though he's not forceful.
He's givin Bimp n chance n hopes he comes around.
He says if an HOH does not pull his weight or get da hs 2geda, they lose their wager cuz an HOH shd step in n make decisions dat help da hs in all.
He thinks hsmates wagered correctly cuz its smthg they do(acting) so they won't have to work so hard.

He was not surprised wit da nominations yestee....he thinks cleo was running away 4rm da DH n he thinks she had made wrong moves in da DH so run to da RH cu sulu was HOH. She was safe 4 a week but da DH may have nominated her like b4. Elikem n Annabel was no surprise since they've been up 4 da last week.
He tot he would be up cuz he normally falls to da background n a crowd n becomes easy target so tot so but its a good thing he's not up.

He thinks he n feza r doing well da best way they can. They do fight but
She's a lot more submissive than before n it's his nature too. He thinks she changes so much of herself to accommodate him but he reminds her not to change herself. He doesn't want her to lose her comfort zone n jux be herself.

Anytime he displays selflessness, she gets surprised n thinks he's analytical n good wit words so doesn't trust him. She gets uncomfortable when he's selfless cuz he never displays dat emotion in da hs.

He n Feza made a vow dat it's opportune enuf to have made it dis far so they shouldn't analyze n strategize so much.

He's come to realise dat, u don't always have to lift a finger, u jux have to stand still n play ur game n see things play out.
Feza agreed wit him n they don't connive they jux wake up together n do things they've to do like tasks n stuff.

23 Jul 2013 16:25

OMG Eveva says she is falling in love with Bimp.

23 Jul 2013 16:25

Eveva says she's fallen in love wit Bimp.....kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

23 Jul 2013 16:26

@Poshspice so feza was a jailbird? iyoh

23 Jul 2013 16:27

Eveva says she's falling in love with Bimp. He is a gentleman and she like such man!

23 Jul 2013 16:28

Feza reminds me of those petty mean girls in high school who always had a lil issue with you if you were better than them at something. Which in this case is the dress code of Pokello and Busisiwe. Girl, just chill and sit down you just have no chance. Your game is faaaaaar off. Just enjoy the game and stop it.

23 Jul 2013 16:32

The sister bailed her out of jail after her own mother threw her to jail.
Mafezfez in jail???ijoooo

I wish Oneaza/Hacleo/Polikem/Lketso the best
@Jennifer i read somewhere that Lketso r having the time of their life. apparently LK4 is in SA at the moment visiting the beautiful Koki. They shld give Oneza tips on how to hav fun and play and enjoy each other. Mafezfez shld be glowing, instead of being in bed apologising week in week out!

23 Jul 2013 16:33

let's hope by time Eilikem leaves house it will work for him and Pokello.. there will be plenty chicks waiting for him in Ghana and May be also Fatima Da Des @ stunnerzim 3h @IamMunaa and I will have u know, for the first time I'm touring England as a single man. #itsmurder

23 Jul 2013 16:40

Feza reminds me of those petty mean girls in high school who always had a lil issue with you if you were better than them at something. Which in this case is the dress code of Pokello and Busisiwe. Girl, just chill and sit down you just have no chance. Your game is faaaaaar off. Just enjoy the game and stop it.
kwaaaaaaaaaa.. sit down u just hav no chance @Boogy. I was checking out Poki`s pics on twitter and hey...Poki is on a league of her own. That gal has swag for days.

23 Jul 2013 16:45

@khadjo if she's been to jail she'll survive the Owl!

23 Jul 2013 16:48

@NST I like Angelo's dreads, they must be over a decade old however coloured generally have lots of her, they might be less than that..

23 Jul 2013 16:50

Cleo's DS.....she's playing an emotional role in da play but its challenging since she's not an actress. She's playing a writer wit a hrt problem n needs a hrt transplant. She  has a short time to live n a bro who's a druggie. She goes to a coffe shop n meets a guy.
She hopesthey don't slack dis week n stick to da brief.
She thinks Bimp's fine as HOH but isn't loud n has his own way of doing things.
She's not feeling as down as she was last week. She's starting to speak out n iron out the issues. Alos wit da merger, there r more pple to hang out wit n her bible strenghtens her.
She won't be in their face n they won't be in hers. She knows God does things 4 a reason so will deal wit her issues wit God. She feels better alone in da hs dan being in a rel'ship in da hs cuz it makes things shaky.
Which couple has highlighted to her dat a rel'ship can be a drag....she says Oneal and Feza.

23 Jul 2013 16:50

@Mmabotswana...yeah, LK4 is back here. He went back home did the formal interviews and PR biggie arranges for them and came back immediately after! I wish them well

23 Jul 2013 16:53

STOLEN-----Someone has to act a fool for a relationship to work.

My friends tell me when I am in a relationship I become overly submissive and a wuss.
I love Oneal very much but there is a side of me that thinks he is too hard on me, has trust issues and has built a wall around himself. Sometimes I just want to burst out and be wild but I just can't.
Pros are he'll never nominate me and I have someone to vent to.
Cons are not being able to ignore him as we are in this house 24/7 together.

Yes biggie, the relationship with Oneal is kinda stifling my other relationships in the house but I intend to change it as I noticed this yesterday. Example is Bimp.

My dear Feza, these are not good foundations for a happy relationship. Your partner should complement you not change who you are as a person. IMO.

Biggie advices her that she should not feel the need to bow down to anybody. Advices her that the independent and strong Fesa is what got her to this position.

23 Jul 2013 17:01

I like Biggy`s advice to Mafezfez.

23 Jul 2013 17:02

@jennifer, lk4 and koketso seem to be doing well, they meet most housemates that are evicted at their hotel etc and they seem to be inlove. as for polikem, the love and support that pokello has been giving elikem on twitter is on another level, she's a ride or die type of chick that one, my kinda person. i hope that idziot appreciates it and reciprocates the love

@Poshspice oneaza isnt healthy to me, and oneal even said that he recognizes that she is submissive, she also said that she's been submissive in the relationship, so they obviously have been discussing it. who knows, those two might just be playing us

as for eveva falling in love with the Blimp, can biggie get rid of the emeralds pronto, smh, we cant have such

23 Jul 2013 17:04

STOLEN: Feza and bimp were chatting on her marital bed. As soon as biggie called sulu to the diary room (meaning owlneal had finished his DS), she quickly whispered to bimp: oneal is coming back. Bye"
Bimp laughed and said something I didn't hear well. Before he finished speaking, owlneal appeared. 

23 Jul 2013 17:08

STOLEN-------------Feza's Diary Session

Good day and welcome to your Diary Session: Good day Biggie.
How she's doing today and how she's finding the task: She says she's fine but she finds the task so challenging because she's not a good actor.

Biggie asks her what she finds challenging about the task: She says that particularly acting, getting into the character is hard and that people even discourage her before she even begins acting her part and almost every one wants to be the director.
About them winning the wager: She says they'll do what it takes to win the wager.

Biggie asks her how she finds the Emeralds: She says that they are the most difficult people she has met.

Biggie asks her who among the Emeralds she relates with: she says Alusa because she went to primary schools in Kenya, she also says she gets along with Jazz, JJ is a cool person, she's not so close to Eveva and that Sophie behaves like a diva.

About hr relationship with Oneal:She say they're getting more serious, less arguments and generally cool. She also tells Biggie that he listens and watches everything so he shouldn't ask her so much.
How she really feels about her relationship with Oneal: She says she really loves him so much, that she can trust him and that they could even be together for so long outside.

Biggie asks her what she thinks are the pros and cons of her relationship with Oneal: She says he can't nominate her, that she also has a person to always talk to. Cons: It really gets hard to talk to other housemates especially when she and Oneal have had an argument.

If her relationship with Oneal has kind of affected the way she relates with other housemates: She says yes because there're housemates she has taken long without talking to yet she was close to them before.
Biggie consoles her and tells her that she can always talk about it with her fellow housemates: She says that she will definately talk to someone especially Bimp but she won't tell him everything because he's just 23.

She also asks Biggie to send shout outs, she sends shout outs to her sister and the producer of her video. She also says that she loves her sister so much because she raised her, she bailed her "Feza" out of jail when their mum put her in.

We'll end your session: Thanks Biggie.

23 Jul 2013 17:20

@Khodjos Oneal is a bit psycho for me, like you said it's either they've discussed this or he is the real river of wisdom cause his spot on analysi was weird nje! I avoid guys like him, they drive you mad with their mind games

23 Jul 2013 17:33

@ nst, Angelo said he's had d dreads for 14 years now

23 Jul 2013 17:35

@mmabotswana, not everything bev says is a lie. Most of the times she says d truth. She has a loud mouth and stories for dayzzzzzz, that's why people think she's a liar. Try confirming some things she says and see. 80% of the time is d truth

23 Jul 2013 17:47

STOLEN-----Oh, pleasantly surprised. The tragic romance actors are actually flowing quite well. Their acting does not seem stilted at all. Watching a scene where Sulu is the jealous husband of Dellish. Oh wow! I am impressed...

Even the directing by Nando and Angelo sounds so real. And all the actors wait on the directors to hash out the semantics and moods of the scene in silence.

23 Jul 2013 17:49

STOLEN---------For now, I can only tell that Dillish loves her husband Sulu a lot but does not trust him as he is aggresive and abusive. Not yet determined the roles of the others. At a secret party organised for her husband, the husband finds her being hugged and consolled by JJ and goes ballistic hitting her even with the guests there. The guests feel they can't interfere and thus slink away from the scene.

23 Jul 2013 17:50

STOLEN---------Lol, Sulu is good at being the abusive husband man. He just found JJ helping his wife to make a dinner for their wedding anniversary and has lost it again. The flow of the conversation is so realistic. Starts with asking the Dillish why a female is helping her instead of JJ. Flows into reasoning with her that this is why he always gets mad with her and she then keeps complaining that he beats her.

At this time JJ comes out to explain that he is only helping and Sulu flips. Starts swearing and walks out JJ, Ekene (Mel) and Cleo who were guests at the dinner. Then he starts dishing out loud slaps to the dellishious Dellish.

23 Jul 2013 17:51

STOLEN-------Eish, am brushing. Ekene (Mel) and Maria (Cleo) playing Michael Jackson and that girl taking a walk in thriller.

He liked her when he met her in the coffee shop. She was writing a book on a girl with a heart condition. She will tell him about it at a later date. They sit in a special spot that that only she knows. There is so much chemistry. He tells her about his work as a banker. She then jumps up and indicates that she needs to go.

Director Nando likes the acting a lot and is asking for a bit more subtle flirting - like compliments, giving her his jacket and not taking it back.

23 Jul 2013 18:10

The story by Nando, bimp, melvin,angelo,bev,cleo,sulu,jj n co is very captivating.
Nando's a good director same as Jazz in da other group.
Sulu as Dillish's abusive n jealous husband is very funny n JJ da concerned n lovin friend is also good to watch.
Cleo wit da hrt problem n Melvin da guy dat falls in love wit her in spite of dat is so
 It reminds me of one of my fav movies of all time,"a walk to remember"

23 Jul 2013 18:10

The story by Nando, bimp, melvin,angelo,bev,cleo,sulu,jj n co is very captivating.
Nando's a good director same as Jazz in da other group.
Sulu as Dillish's abusive n jealous husband is very funny n JJ da concerned n lovin friend is also good to watch.
Cleo wit da hrt problem n Melvin da guy dat falls in love wit her in spite of dat is so
 It reminds me of one of my fav movies of all time,"a walk to remember"

23 Jul 2013 18:17

Oh my poor Nando shem atleast he has something he's good at Ncooo...

23 Jul 2013 18:23

Jux had a convo wit sm1 n i told her dat ,"u'll like it, even if u don't like it, u'll like it cuz it is nice"......jux pulled a bassey on her(oh how i miss his energy)
Y'all shd have seen da look on her face, she doesn't watch!!!

Irony of da two plays.......
Feza saying she can't ironic like what has she been doing in da hs all this while?!!!
Nando playing cleo's druggie bro in da play......isn't it ironic dat he looks like a druggie in real life.
Sulu playing an abusive dat isn't soooo questionable in real life.

will give u more once i get their roles well.........

23 Jul 2013 18:35

Feza, Oneal,Elikem,jazz,alusa,eveva,sophie,busi,annabel n co's play.

Jazz n Alusa own n run a brothel n Elikem n Oneal  r undercover cops to get some evidence 4rm them so they can get arrested.
Eveva,Annabel,sophie n busi r some of da brothel's sluts. Feza is da newbie slut who doesn't quite like da business.
While undercover, Oneal ends up falling in love wit Feza n so compromises his work(like a dilemma).....
They r now at da end where Elikem have gotten da evidence n jux as Oneal is telling feza to trust him n go wit him cuz he'll protect her; Alusa comes in wit a gun n tells them to drop their!!!!

Their play is also nice but there r too many directors....Jazz is da official director but Elikem n Oneal keeps butting him so too many opinions.

I like both plays but both not original......Sulu's cracking me up n druggie nando's funny too. I'll choose their play over da brothel crew for now.

23 Jul 2013 18:40

Alusa, Elikem n Oneal r sooooo opinionated, they keep shutting down Jazz's opinions n yet she's da director.

I like dis task though i find it ridiculous....they seem to be enjoying it n r having fun!!!!

23 Jul 2013 18:48

Okay work is over parting analysis, whether u like it or not, u'll like!!!

Elikem is a very good actor, hope he scores more acting deals after da show.
Melvin's a very good actor too but his character in da play isn't captivating enuf 4 me.
Sulu embraced da role of da abusive husbee well too n love how he acts it out.
Nando n Jazz(i love dat girl) r good directors.
Dillish keeps giggling like she likes getting beaten(lol) .

Also,  Alusa, Elikem n Oneal have to understand dat, all 3 of dem can't lead........ gosh their disagreements is annoying n is making me drawn to Nando's Directive skills, the others can give opinions but he's da DIRECTOR; Jazz shd take tips n shut up those 3 power hungry men.!!!

23 Jul 2013 19:05

One group would be filming an Action Romance and the other a Tragic Love Story.
BTW, for those not watching, da cast of da Action Romance movie are Oneal,Elikem, feza, alusa, annabel,eveva,jazz, sophie n busi.....their story is da brothel activities on one hand n da undercover cops wit one cop falling 4 a brothel slut.

The cast for the tragic love story  are cleo, nando, dillish, sulu ,angelo, melvin bimp,bev n  jj...their story is abt da abusive rel'ship on one side n da girl wit da hrt disease n a man falling in love wit her on anada hand.

23 Jul 2013 19:08

So sorry for your loss Abby *warm cyber hugs*. 3 of my favs are on the chopping block, but imma be teamElikem this week.

23 Jul 2013 19:19

I wish Feza chose the other team to get a breather from Oneil, they are in the same team! They are suffocating each other..

23 Jul 2013 19:25

Thanx Abby for them updates. Really appreciated considering that some of us are still at work pretending to be listening/paying attention in a meeting. This Jazz should have been a 'real' housemate shem,she seems adorable. Eish! The frog,always tryna grab the steering wheel. Jazz must just put him in his place in a way that would keep him quiet up until his eviction next week. Tjo! Angelo,those dreads are 14 years?? Kudos to him,the man is patient. I'll give him that.

23 Jul 2013 20:05

23 Jul 2013 20:08

twitter is the devil

23 Jul 2013 20:10

23 Jul 2013 20:22

@abby nobody can touch u with the DS updates gal,u the boss.u flip on us teamoneal sometimes bt u good with this blogging thing,even when u not have the greatest day

23 Jul 2013 20:25

Elikem is a very good actor, hope he scores more acting deals after da show.
@abby check elikem doing his thing here, is this a nollywood production? excuse my ignorance, or whats the equivalent in ghana

23 Jul 2013 20:54

Thanks 4 ur best wishes guys r jux great. Being on da blog today was distracting n therapeutic 4 me so thanx a lot!!!!

23 Jul 2013 21:58

Caught a snippet of Feza's convo with Sulu and concluded that she wanted Pokello to act poor or feel ashamed of the fact that she has nice clothes or a good life. She said biggy asked her of Pokis depature and said she replied as saying 'it was about time' something along those lines and that she was acting snobish 'this is Africa'. I feel like that is soo unfair. She judged Pokello by her clothes and thought she was snobish because she felt small and thought she was bragging hence the hate. Must pokello be ashamed of her gOod life and beautiful clothes?? Must she act poor coz she's in Africa??Why must we act poor because we in Africa?? Must we now act as such (poor)coz the west expects us to do so? What is this crap?? IMO Feza is pathetic period. That is why it will take time for Africa to grow like the west coz we judge and destroy each other. Soo disgusted. She must get evicted sooner than later and take that spounge jacket she's wearing with her. Its not Pokello's fault that she can't afford them clothes and Poki never judged her for that...nxAaaaaa!! She's not my fav anyomore. Tsoka you on your own with this sister in law of yours. Sies.

23 Jul 2013 22:03


23 Jul 2013 22:12

alusa is a bit of an irritant

23 Jul 2013 22:20

Trieng to catch this conversation between alusa nad busi...just heard busi saying she wants them to finish this task and leave...think she's falling for someone..@boogy-babe all this weeks I've been invested in trieng to hate feza but all I can do is smh and feel sorry for her....

23 Jul 2013 22:25

@MissNoko - she is feeling Sulu and Sulu doesn't care! Lol!

23 Jul 2013 22:26

@cassius2 ...  I told you, he's Sulu 2.0

23 Jul 2013 22:28

Busi's fallen for Sulu?  LOL.

23 Jul 2013 22:31

I'm kinda missing "a cousin form Yorkshire"...

23 Jul 2013 22:31

Erh Maah Gaard!! Sulu of all people *dies from laughter* shoo I thought it would be elikem or one of this young looking ones..not that there's something wrong with sulu..but yhu

23 Jul 2013 22:34

The Emeralds are having their own issues.

23 Jul 2013 22:37

Busi loves attention, busy prancing around in her skimpy clothes she comes across desperate to be noticed

23 Jul 2013 22:37

@MissNoko ... You're such a hater LOL.  Sulu says he's handosme in his own way, and he's right dammit!

23 Jul 2013 22:38

So Sophie and Jazz are gossiping about Nando being jealous of Dillish and Melvin? 

23 Jul 2013 22:41

Busi has fallen for Melvin not Sulu. Jazz was teasing her earlier about it and so was Alusa. Sophie and Jazz were discussing it but.Sophie seems to think Melvin is not that into.her and is attracted to Dellish.

23 Jul 2013 22:42

Cleo's an awesome rapper.

23 Jul 2013 22:43

lmao @busi feeling sulu..u guys are wrong though haaaaahaaaaaaa i think its either melvin or elikem but i suspect melvin..she said she likes him and he's attractive,she cant wait to finish with the task and leave! this busi though..ka phatla e tonna mxim..and she says she's a stylist??to who??high school kids maybe!!!i didnt like pokello but i woudve paid her thousands oof rands to be my stylist,lady has got swag for days,now my dear busi dnt come to bba house with foot foot stylist nonsense!!can ask duckface for lessons on swag first!

23 Jul 2013 22:46

Annabel venting her frustrations to Eveva of all people.

23 Jul 2013 22:47

Annabel about Elikem:  I misunderstood him but he's such a nice person.

23 Jul 2013 22:50

So 1st Evea's in love wit Bimp, JJ likes Dillish n now Busi likes Sulu? Next we hear, Jazz will like Oneal n i'll like! These emeralds better stick 1 da script n stop 'falling' in love. Their emtions will influence their opinions n make them bias. No wonder Sulu's so hyped by dem....... Wit regards 2 Feza,@boogy-babe, when da cat is away, da mouse will play. Class, confidence n swag can't be bought. It's an attitude n lifestyle n no matter how rich she becomes, her insecurities n classless attitude will always make feel inadequate. Feza can never hold a candle next to Poke in this age, never. No offence 2 TeamFeza fans but da truth must be told......Gud9t Uhdikts!!!

23 Jul 2013 22:54

Well I guess busi thinks she's a stylist,I know her from varsity,its been two years since I graduated and I'm wondering why she's still in varsity..UJ and as big as the university was I saw her nearly everyday she used to wear the most daring/hideous clothes and I remember once she had swimming costume thing and stockings on and an alice band with the devils ears..believe me she thinks she's stylish,was one of the people I first saw with a lace weave before it was perfected ofcourse..had a conversation once with her and I must say she's chilled on BBA compared to the way she was in varsity,her clothes did all the shouting,she's actually dressed in a decent way on here..

23 Jul 2013 22:58

Annabel talks about her education too much, that's part of why she's always up.  When someone like Bimp asks you about your thesis, you explain it in detail then he promptly nominates, it's because you've made them feel just that bit more inadequate.

23 Jul 2013 23:01

@MissNoko ...  so that's why she was so keen on Elikem's tailor stuff?

23 Jul 2013 23:08

Yes @NST she's always said she was a fashionista and hence she said she would outshine pokello cos she has style..I'm just glad she's not exposing africa to the way she dressed in varsity,it was way too overboard..I'm actually suprised she's been dressing in a decent way especially the colour black since she was miss bright..

23 Jul 2013 23:13

Lol@NST, i really like Annab but she shd chill. She's gettin paranoid n all da convos i hrd her in today she was talkin aba da nominations n it's gettin tirin n old. She's one of ur best reps ever n i still satnd by dat(except when it comes to Lol@missnoko, seriously? I'm not surprised, Busi tries too hard to stand out in terms of fashion. Polikem make fashion look effortless. Even in her regular clothes, Poke beat all dem girls to shame n i've over 50 BBA days as!!!

23 Jul 2013 23:14


Bev: I have slept with guys for money.... poor child she seems to have had it hard

Well, she said it ....

23 Jul 2013 23:17


Bev telling Angelo "I wanna tell you a secret". He answers " Dont tell me now, someone might listen" meaning the cameras.


Considering how much she has said about friends and family, this must be huge...... glad he stopped her.


23 Jul 2013 23:24

@abby ... Milkshake will land on her own two feet no matter what happens.  She's like a couple of years shy of a PHD from a solid school.  But to realise people hate you so much to put you up so many times consecutively must hurt for a person used to being loud and cheerful.

23 Jul 2013 23:33

Lol @ abby funny enough I feel like she is so laid back on tv the way I remember her she would have worn some hidous yellow pants with some hidous blouse and boots and would be making noise all over the took me a day to realise that that's her..I guess they play for the camera or she's just grown..

23 Jul 2013 23:42

24 Jul 2013 00:06

I keep flippin channels trying to avoid Bev.

24 Jul 2013 00:15

Think busi likes elikem...she's even trying to act like her dance moves etc...sitting on her spot in the living room...her eyes always following elikem.....

24 Jul 2013 00:20

Meaning trying to act like poki

24 Jul 2013 06:44

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New on TV today: Sunday 9 June 2024

Wedding reality show A Big Day For 25k begins on SABC2 as S3 revels in our Frozen Planet.

A Big Day for 25K Teasers - Season 1

The backstories of the 13 couples who want to marry with time and moolah constraints.

New on TV today: Saturday 8 June 2024

Microplastics documentary X Trillion airs on Discovery and You Have My Heart begins on Star Life.

Top Shows on TV: May 2024's new Kelders van Geheime attracted 83% more viewers than SABC2's 7de Laan in the 18h00 timeslot.

New! You Have My Heart Teasers - June 2024

Love must destroy prejudice in Star Life's new 21h30. Deepa's stepmother belittles her for her skin colour.

Generations Teasers - July 2024

Fikile finds that revenge tastes oh so sweet. And Sphe doesn’t notice someone swiping her office keys…

New on TV today: Friday 7 June 2024

Becoming Karl Lagerfeld drops on Disney+ and two reality shows return to Neflix.

Official trailer: James Cameron's OceanXplorers

South African ocean researcher Zoleka Filander is one of the four stars on the Titanic directors deep dive.

New! The People's Doctor Teasers - July 2024

Telemundo's latest, inspired a real life folk hero who's on his way to being a saint, a century after his death.

Come Back To Me Teasers - July 2024

Series finale! Braulio makes Nuria a Sophie's Choice offer she can’t refuse.


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