Khanyi suffers Meltdown

Written by BigMama from the blog Shuga Daddy on 14 Jul 2010
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BAD girl Khanyisile Mbau’s hectic lifestyle has finally caught up with her. Yesterday the queen of bling collapsed and was rushed to a private clinic after allegedly suffering a nervous breakdown.

Mbau, who has suffered a string of setbacks and embarrassing publicity recently, screamed and had a fit while having breakfast with her best friend, Mbali Maphumulo, according to a source.

Mbau has been living with Maphumulo since her former sugar daddy, Theunis Crous, dumped her and evicted her from their love nest in up-market Hyde Park and allegedly repossessed her BMW Z4.

According to a source close to Mbau her family is blaming Crous and the media for her nervous breakdown.

“Her mother feels Theunis and the media are responsible for what is happening. She blames him for taking everything from Khanyi,” the informant said.

“She seemed as if she was taking the recent bad publicity in her stride – until this happened. We were all surprised when we learnt that she had suffered a nervous breakdown. The things that were said about her were very hectic.”

Last week Crous accused Mbau of practising witchcraft. He posed for our sister publication Sunday World with what he claimed were Mbau’s muthi.

The source said Mbau, who kept a dignified silence after that story, was considering suing Crous, but Crous dismissed the whole thing as a publicity stunt.

The source said: “What was she thinking when she dated a married man? This woman is crazy. She might be trying to get attention. She is fine.

“Khanyi can never have a nervous breakdown but she can cause one for somebody. It is impossible that she is sick. She was partying up a storm with Ghanaian players not so long ago.”

Mbau’s manager, Linda Mokoetsi, confirmed that Mbau was admitted to a private clinic and that she was doing fine, but later on was not responding to the medication the doctor gave her. It now seems like, it is worse than we thought.

“The doctor said she had mild depression due to anxiety.

“Khanyi told me she was stressing from all the bad things Theunis said. She doesn’t understand why a man who said he loved her is saying all these things.”

Will you be praying for Khanyi mabloggers or you are all saying you reap what you sow!!!


sexy d
14 Jul 2010 14:33


14 Jul 2010 14:37

l really do not feel sorry for her. l hope she will come out a changed and well behaved young lady, and stay away from old papas. May she get well shem. l wonder why Primrose is still standing, she should be the one in hospital, l think she suffered more humiliation compared to Khanyi.

14 Jul 2010 14:37

LOL!! Hayi, i know we shouldnt wish bad on people kodwa ke , this is when we say, things catch up with you.

14 Jul 2010 14:42

to answer your question: she reaped what she sowed, and maybe finally we will see less of her so-called 'glamorous' life from these newspapers.

sexy d
14 Jul 2010 14:42


14 Jul 2010 14:45

Eish, l wish l could see Primrose's face right now. Yah, its true if you plant good you will reap good. Will l be correct if l say Prim's prayers were answered in some way... 

14 Jul 2010 14:45

usetyenzwa ngalamayeza akhe...ayaphambanisa ngoku . She'll learn to stay the heck away from other people's husbands nobugqwirha.

14 Jul 2010 14:48

U REAP WHAT U SOW KHANYI..........Primrose's tears did not fall down, but on a bucket with your name on it......KARMA IS A B**CH

14 Jul 2010 14:48

@Pooky....kwa kwa kwa, come on now stop hating and start praying for the poor lost soul.

14 Jul 2010 14:55

Iv prayed for her muti infested soul already BigMama ...

14 Jul 2010 15:00

it is easy to get to the top, but to stay up there, is another story. Remember there is a force of gravity, it respects no man and Khanyi Mbau is no exception. Sorry gal, rise up, dust yourself and go look for a job

14 Jul 2010 15:05

Lets hope its depression only, and no other sickness...Divas never die, Khanyi will be back with more fire.

14 Jul 2010 15:10

I blame the media, She's like everyone else it's not like she was the only girl who fell in love with older men just that media followed each and every step of Khanyi. She pretended like nothing has happened all these years, and i know after this media will do as always and again she will brag even more.  


14 Jul 2010 15:14

“Khanyi told me she was stressing from all the bad things Theunis said. She doesn’t understand why a man who said he loved her is saying all these things.” 

This is to emotionally blackmail Crous to take her back! 

Mbau’s manager, Linda Mokoetsi, confirmed that Mbau was admitted to a private clinic and that she was doing fine, but later on was not responding to the medication the doctor gave her. It now seems like, it is worse than we thought.

Publicity stunt! revealing too much info seeking sympathy

even if she is really sick, I don't think it is that bad!

14 Jul 2010 15:16

Haai no JR, Khanyi invited the media, she loves being the talk of the town, and all her madalas' get hooked up with the media like her, remember l knew nothing about the Crous until Khanyi started sharing her bed with Mr Crous, she made her own bed let her lie on it...

14 Jul 2010 15:21

@poshspice....Checkout this

Publicity stunt! revealing too much info seeking sympathy, l believe you there.

14 Jul 2010 15:26

 So many ladies are dating married men out there and the only thing that differs ka Khanyi is that she's always on the spotlight. She may be reaping what she sow or not but who am I to judge her??

14 Jul 2010 15:37

So many ladies are dating married men out there
Well said. Not that I condone it but it is nothing new.

14 Jul 2010 15:44

khanyi my love be strong.they said it before about Marriam.

Do we find  men hanging on a berry Tree?khanyi didnt call anyone,atleast she didnt date a chewing gum boy,

symphathy.......hell no, she need to walk tall like a lady.we all have problems.

14 Jul 2010 15:45

@Firstchoice and realist, true that, but most of those women do respect the first lady/the wife. Khanyi, was suppose to be Primrose's friend, but she stubbed her in the back...

14 Jul 2010 15:51

but most of those women do respect the first lady/the wife.
What difference does it make? You are still dating a married man. So from what you are saying the people around you must still respect you because you are respecting the wife?

14 Jul 2010 16:06

@realist, no l am not saying that, l mean, one does not have to brag and say it to your face that she is sleeping with your man, like what Khanyi was doing to Prim.

14 Jul 2010 16:09


14 Jul 2010 16:12

prayer is not something to play with u guys...........

14 Jul 2010 16:21

@Akia, what you saying is that Khanyi, does not deserve our prayes?

14 Jul 2010 16:27

I wouldnt pray for Khanyi not even if they payed me.

14 Jul 2010 16:27

Khanyi who?

14 Jul 2010 16:36

mxcmm, ohho!!!

14 Jul 2010 16:52

@Bigmama , that's true that as a lady she should respect herself so she can also be respected. As for dating married men I won't entertain than.

14 Jul 2010 17:14

can someone STEAL the CROUS DRUM article and post it here or email to some of us...

15 Jul 2010 00:00

ag shame!i still love her hope she bounces back and finds a real job ke manje@Bigma she had tried 2 hide this one (the whole jimmy story)but the media and their snitches dug it out and being the attentionseeker that she is she got all excited like a teen flaunting it.

15 Jul 2010 00:29

i dont wana see a down and out khanyi pls,she might just kill herself should she go poor!Theunis think again mkhulu she made u a celeb and groomed you into a finer older can end the affair but not the cash ngeke.

15 Jul 2010 07:24

no one dugs out information about Khanyi, she is friends with Shashwi, Kuli Roberts and more trail of media, anything said about her is what she want you and me to know so stop this MEDIA this and that plzzz.
So overrarated is the word judge, Khanyi invted the whole of Mzantsi to her life, in good times and in bad so as u know she is famous we have as much right to say how we feel about her Firstchoice no matter what you think. Dating a married man is a waste of time and energy i dnt care wht you make of it, except he is Zuma he will marry you as 4th and 5th wife. you have a right to live your life to teh best of your ability but what is wrong is wrong, that is not judging it is giving advice and wakreup call to all the mistresses out there.

sexy d
15 Jul 2010 08:09

well said pele well said..

15 Jul 2010 08:21

Can someone tell if that was a real fox in LAST Sunday papers or was it fake? I thought foxes were endangered species?

15 Jul 2010 08:37

I agree dating a married is a waste of time, but they gets to a time when all man that ask you out are either married or in serious relationship.

15 Jul 2010 08:56

Follow up from Sowetan...When Sowetan called Crous yesterday he said he was fed-up with hearing about Mbau.

“I am sick and tired of this woman’s stories. I am a married man. I have a family. Why must I be bothered about a crazy woman who does not know what she wants. I tried to help her but she does not want help.”

What did Primrose do to Mr Crous, can prayer alone change some one this much....hmmmmm

Savanah Dry
15 Jul 2010 09:01

I must say i was feeling sorry for Mbau till i saw her Tweet


Yhoo, "Nervous Breakdown"?... WHAT! 35 minutes ago via mobile web

so well i guess it was another publicity stunt

15 Jul 2010 09:25

@Savanah Dry i suspected dat, i jst couldn't blv it. Even her manager's tweets when i read them yesterday were kinda dodgy, i find it very difficult to take anything said about her seriously.............

15 Jul 2010 09:27

Morning Bloggers,
@Pele I am a married woman myself and I knw how painful it is to share a husby with a mistress especially if she doesn't have morals. A diva or not we have to pray for her to wake up and smell the coffee. WELL IT IS WRONG TO TAKE SOMEONE ELSE'S HUBBY.

15 Jul 2010 09:31

Who ever said dating a married man is waste of time please explain why you are saying so? Let me see you rationale please.

15 Jul 2010 09:36

firstchoice,what abt husbands leaving you wives at home to harass single women and students to be their mistress? Husbands are not stolen, bakhohlakele nabo!

15 Jul 2010 09:44

@ BigMama "What did Primrose do to Mr Crous, can prayer alone change some one this much....hmmmmm"

i was also asking myself that question

15 Jul 2010 09:46

heh heh the way wives waste their energy fighting mistresses,some men enjoy cheating,it's a game to them! So chill! Rather deal with him at home,he is the one who has the real power to start or end the relationship,even with the mistress,if hubby says its over to the mistress ,it is over!

15 Jul 2010 09:51

Hey u guyz ,are whatever u saying  abt my gal doesn't changed that dat she's talented.......don't she'll come back en she's do wat she's famous abt...........I can't wait to see her getting beter so she can rock.damn i love her

Savanah Dry
15 Jul 2010 09:51

@ Posh i couldn't agree with you more, Husbands are not stolen !!!

I don't think anyone goes out there looking  for a married man but they are the ones that look for women to cheat with !!!

I know of guys that stand in front of the church saying i love my wife and wht wht next hour they are busy texting you am not happy i want to leave her

15 Jul 2010 09:52

Nervous breakdown of nee the girl is broke,stayin with a frend n drivin a palio. Shem this Linda guy,uyozudele bhuti ask Malcom.

15 Jul 2010 09:56

And when he texts u u knw he's lyn he just wants ur nunu n u go give it 2him hopin he will leave his wife n he neva.

15 Jul 2010 09:56

Hayi kabi JadaPinkett...maar can you take the oxford dictionary and search for the meaning of TALENT, Or you can try google since you have the internet, then come and back and tell me what Khanyi's talents are...
She is your gal, we will never take that from you, or let alone try to change her, ngoba change comes from within, maar Talent and Khanyi???????

15 Jul 2010 09:57

Realist i have one simple example of my dear cousin; 
she was  a varsity studentin PE, well known and a snazzy dresser, she had everything from everyone at home but too greedy to see that. 
she dated this married madala for cash to buy expensive clothes and have expensive weaves in her head, she drove a Citi goplf know one knew who bought her (she will lie and said it's not hers). 
This happened for two years until she got pregnant, the madala told her to abort and gave her money. 
she went for abortion, unfortunately she bleeded to much, she went to to hospital and got admitted there for 5days, she kept begging people to call the madala9calling him my boyfriend), but when madala was called to come to the hospital to see her, he denied even knowing her. 
Her varsity friends repeatedly tried to call the madal but he vanished and my beautiful 18year old cousin DIED, and the so called boyfriend she dated for 2 and half years did'nt even pitch for her funeral. Her friend told my aunt tht the madala is dating another girl from the same varsity as if nothing happened...

And also Khanyi's up and down  story with Crous should be example enough for you..

15 Jul 2010 10:00

Please beautiful people can you check, before posting your comment if the other person will be able to read it or understand it. Please don't take out the little english i have.

15 Jul 2010 10:04

15 Jul 2010 10:08

Lol @BM,mna i just assumed she's talkin about the vjj and muti talent cause apart from that i cant think of any other talent that she may have.

15 Jul 2010 10:13

@Lela, thank you for shading light hey, l can add one as well, she has talent on spotting the rich old stray dogs (Those are Khanyi's words).

It also suprises me why Khanyi's mum says that Crous is not fair by taking everything from Khanyi... Why didn't she say the same when Khanyi left Mandla with nothing after all that man paid lobola for her daughter...Some mums.

15 Jul 2010 10:16

JuneRose forgive our cheap English as we are busy at work, we have no time to check as long as the intended understands. someone must teach me this mxit lingo plzzz writting long sentences is boring...

15 Jul 2010 10:28

i really dont think Mbau can get a nervous breakdown because of Crous, maybe she didnt get enough numbers from the rich daddy's who were here for the World Cup. Who knows maybe she did, next month we will read she is leaving Mzantsi to marry a prince in a island we dont klnow.

15 Jul 2010 10:29

Who ever said dating a married man is waste of time please explain why you are saying so? Let me see you rationale please.

I think its not a waste of time but painfull thing coz you spend most of your time alone waiting for him to make time to be with you, while he is living his life with his family you cant call him when you miss him, the relationship has rules

15 Jul 2010 10:45

Dating a married man is a waste of time for me and painful l think. Chances of him leaving his wife for me are very slim, and being second best id not ayoba at all, as he will have a timetable to see him, l can't surprise him nje at his place. We have to meet at private places and he will introduce me as some relative or work mate... hayi its too much mina l can't handle it...
There is this gal who used to present kids news on SABC she got pregnant and was told to abort but she refused... The man who is a well known politician, just denied even knowing her.

15 Jul 2010 10:45

So Tracy you dont think it is a waste of time waiting for this madala, while he is living his life. you could be going out there having fun (most girls dating these old men are nnot allowed to party without the madala - it's a fact). If you watched Noleen yesterday ths topic was about this, 2day they are talking about Shuga mama's, i can't wait.

15 Jul 2010 10:47

Pele, My condolences to your cousin so sad. Like I keep on saying; there is no such a thing called true love but only self interest. Your cousin was fulfilling a self interest to this madala and not love. The mistake she made was falling pregnant and as you know some married person will definitely run away from this responsibility. Had she not decided to abort she could have milked this madala for what is worth.

The problem with most women and I don’t know why they think the same is that they have this hope of thinking that the married man will leave his wife for a mistress. If there is such a man who will do such a thing then that man is an idiot finish and klaar.

Like those who have already said: Husbands are not stolen, bakhohlakele nabo!
Could not agree more. Remember I'm also one of them and boy it is hell to be in that position.

15 Jul 2010 10:52

They not all Madalas and you also get some hanky panky, and besides when you date a married men you doing this by choice, unless you allow this man to run your life then you wont go partying

15 Jul 2010 10:55

which position Realist

15 Jul 2010 11:02

I think its not a waste of time but painfull thing coz you spend most of your time alone waiting for him to make time to be with you,.... the relationship has rules
Tracy, well put. If the partner accepts the terms and conditions of the relationship then it should run smoothly.

Dating a married man is a waste of time for me and painful l think. Chances of him leaving his wife for me are very slim
Big mama, like I said there is no such a thing called true love. You see you yourself you want something out of that relationship even if you know that nothing will come out of it.. 

and being second best id not ayoba at all
So you don’t want to be a mistress then.

as he will have a timetable to see him, l can't surprise him nje at his place.

We have to meet at private places
Boy oh boy it is an expensive exercise. This is the part I hate the most. It cost one hell of a lot of money

15 Jul 2010 11:04

Realist the only good thing that came out of her life, is a lot of girls from my township (Mdantsane) opened an awareness club, most of them are so aware of dangers of dating these vultures. 
The thing is most of these girls from this club aspired to be like her beacuse she was so beautiful, intelligent and so glamorous no one knew she lived another life in PE. My aunt is so proud of the club , it is the only thing that heals her broken heart, and it is doing so well it is part of Love Life now.

 I jst wish young beautiful girls (they are targets) will know that the are no short cuts in life, and life is not about weaves and glamorous life. I also hope Khnayi makes something of her life maan.

15 Jul 2010 11:09

which position Realist
Cheating. Nowadays I prefer abo tjatjarig. They are full of crap and it is easy to get rid of. The one on my level want commitment and there is just no way of going that route.

15 Jul 2010 11:10

Sies you should see things that this MAdala write on FB, he is immature, hasnt moved on and shem i am beggining to think he actually loves Khanyi but dont like her and her lifestyle!

15 Jul 2010 11:12

They not all Madalas and you also get some hanky panky, and besides when you date a married men you doing this by choice, unless you allow this.

i am sure the topic is talking about Madala's not young boys. Choice, it is but it seems as if they brainwash young girls so much tht they live by their rules and standards.

15 Jul 2010 11:12

poor thing

15 Jul 2010 11:19

Cande Crous is in middle life crisis. Realist commitment heheheh she must be mad.

i have many married friends we laugh about these girls, how they will demand money thinking it falls from trees. My married friends play these lil girls like fools, they even manage to date their friends, especailly the poor married man they will borrow cars, houses just to act as if they have it all hehheh.

For me it will take me time to marry anyone let me have this freedom as much as i can tjoooo.

15 Jul 2010 11:25

Realist Jeez abo tjatjarig, you must be serial cheater then and you seem to have all the expirience now what I dont agree with you is that they is no such thing as True Love, why would you think that.

15 Jul 2010 11:26

U guys can tok well rather not attack me on this one I have my body guards BigMama and Maud well my input on this issue is firstly i am not gonna say a word regarding Khanyi but on my behalf....There are too many ppl who r dating the so called shugga daddy or married men well we won't know them since they aren't as famous as Khanyi most ppl who are dating the above has been through a lot in life there4 they believe older ppl are matured enough to understand how the feel not everyone is after their money but they need something like a companion sumone whos gonna be there only when they need them it doesn't bother them at all whether old or young married or not plz understand them ppl

15 Jul 2010 11:27

For me it will take me time to marry anyone let me have this freedom as much as i can 
Believe me it is worth it. Enjoy.

15 Jul 2010 11:32

Realist maybe you got married at a young age

15 Jul 2010 11:37

The real MissK (twitter): yay! i am free to leave, thank u to all the docter and nurses and biig thanx to sister portia u r de bess! hope to not c ya'll soon,

heheh.. why now see the docters soon?? are we planning on staging another breakdown?? heheh SMH

15 Jul 2010 11:38

Yho i will Realist, but i dont understnd you keep saying theis no True Love, why are you married then?

yes tracy we call them abo tjatjarig, goldiggers, aboliwa libhek; umoya etc...

Ntoko it's not about us to understand tu, i think now you are referring to the minority when you say they dnt want money. few woman date a guy not expecting money married or not and the is nothing wrong with tht we so used to it by now.
 if you not going to talk about Khanyi you will be side tracked from the topic, as it started by stating her dillemma dont you think?

15 Jul 2010 11:39

@Pele, Well you have to get married sooner or later................... you can't be happy forever!!

15 Jul 2010 11:41

Realist maybe you got married at a young age
No, she was with me for 8 years before she got the contract.

15 Jul 2010 11:43

someone must teach me this mxit lingo plzzz writting long sentences is boring...noo no no no mxit lingo. i personally love your comments long or short..moenie worry nie...

Bigmama and lela....shem she isnt a bad actor hle bathong. i dont remember her stint on scandal but wa zama...thats talent... view: this whole drama is too sad and irritating....all of it, i wish i didnt have o read/know about such things, but ka gore mahlo ke diala here i am. Trying to put the drama into perspective in one's mind is too exhausting, the easy thing is to is what it is, so many sad situations going arround anyways bla bla bla.
Iv been thinking a lot about the xenophobic threads though. . This is a problem i wish we could get to the bottom off. Very sad that the central methodist priest was threatened..

15 Jul 2010 11:44

Nowadays women seem to prefer men that are already in relationships...i guess they figure he cant be that bad if there's someone who can stand him...this is fact. I've been to parties alone and i dont get as much attention from ladies as i do when i have my partner around. I think it's becos women secretly hate each other...and this plays right into the hands of guys who wanna just hit that.

15 Jul 2010 11:49

but i dont understnd you keep saying theis no True Love, why are you married then? 

There comes a point when one has to slow down and settle.

Now Pele, in your own thinking is there such a thing called true love? If there is please explain it to me. Tracy you invited to explain as well please.

15 Jul 2010 11:53

@Realistic There is no such thing called true love. Correct me if am wrong and if am right correct the condition for office romance. I thank you..

15 Jul 2010 12:06

playing catch up..
pele-realist. Dating old men is a waste of time.

moving on...

Is there such thing called true love? the answer must be followed by a rationale...he hee....? im too young to try, but i wanna know...

15 Jul 2010 12:07

Pele I just remembered one thing. Why is it that so many women believe that there is such a thing called true love when they sign the contract? Have you ever heard I am happily married and not happily in love? Why the difference?

15 Jul 2010 12:10

pele-realist. Dating old men is a waste of time.
How do you know?

15 Jul 2010 12:14

In my own thinking i think there is True Love, when you meet someone that makes your heart jump with joy everytime, u phone each other constantly meaning you can't live without each other, every time you need to separate it feels like hell, every morning feels like heaven when she is next you.. 
Note these are trais of true love, a lady when i met i will be happy to introduce to my family, love to have children with her, loving each other in sickness and in health, through hardships and pains. i will never take that oath with someone simply because i need to settle down , not trying to critisize you at all. 
If all those mentioned above dont exist then i will die single.

15 Jul 2010 12:18

man i should be asking you i am single, and dating. i have no clue about marriage or woman excpet every friend i have who is married make marriage as if it's a death sentence, and it scares me i wont lie..

15 Jul 2010 12:25

How do you know?
hau realist...i thought you guys had disected this as best as possible. But here's my deal:  Whether the young ladies get something from the arrangement or not (material-wise), the reality is that women always get emotionally attached and invested. And that is a WASTE, if not of time, of emotional investment. When it all falls down, its not just the material staff that is taken away, a piece of a person goes down with that. And thats how the world is full of people walking arround broken with emotional scars that lead to other dysfunctions etc etc....and a broken society. 
Zooming back in...a WASTE OF TIME because, inspite of the initial arrangements, this women because of their tendency to be emotionally attached, tend to expect the men to leave their families for them. Which rarely happens. Materially it may not reflect when things fall down, but the "waiting for these men to come for  them" a waste of time.

If not time, something or another is wasted and thats a sad thing.

(PS: im NOT commenting from experience but saddening observation...:-)....)

15 Jul 2010 12:33

I believe in true love
Agape love..between God and man
Eros love between man and woman
Phileo love..brotherly love
I'll get my head together and put it all together as i understand. Wont be rationalise.

but before that:
when you meet someone that makes your heart jump with joy everytime, u phone each other constantly meaning you can't live without each other, every time you need to separate it feels like hell, every morning feels like heaven when she is next you.. pele..this sounds like infatuation to me. It happens early in the relationship...and perhaps with time in the relationship when the two people's love has stood tests that come with relationships..etc. Correct me if im wrong
To say this is true love is to say that in those NOT SO "roses and daisies" days which im yet to hear any couple saying they dont experience....then there is no love in the relationships?

15 Jul 2010 12:35

when you meet someone that makes your heart jump with joy everytime, u phone each other constantly meaning you can't live without each other, every time you need to separate it feels like hell, every morning feels like heaven when she is next you.. 

That is not true love that is feelings for each other. Wait till you have a fight and you will see all of the above will slowly but surely start to diminish. Have you ever heard the saying: when a man opens the door for his wife/girlfriend it is either the wife/girlfriend is new or the car is. I think that is exactly what you described above.

Well said.

15 Jul 2010 12:42

when a man opens the door for his wife/girlfriend it is either the wife/girlfriend is new or the car is. I think that is exactly what you described above.....LOL..good one. But this is a lovely gesture...:-)...pulling out the chair...and other small things, if any man is serious abnout making their partner happy, making an effort to do such things would a long way. Ofcourse efforts must be reciprocated, im sure there are small things that women can do....i.e...prepare a meal and let him watch the sport in peace...:-)...

15 Jul 2010 12:43

when a man opens the door for his wife/girlfriend it is either the wife/girlfriend is new or the car is. I think that is exactly what you described above.....LOL..good one. But this is a lovely gesture...:-)...pulling out the chair...and other small things, if any man is serious about making their partner happy, making an effort to do such things would go a long way. Ofcourse efforts must be reciprocated, im sure there are small things that women can do....i.e...prepare a meal and let him watch the sport in peace...:-)...

15 Jul 2010 12:46

True love does exist, it's just that people get married for the wrong reasons and truely don't know the person they are marrying...we don't get to see them in real life situations like how does he deal with pressure, money and how does he react when is angry?  What does he do when he is broke to get his feet up and how does he act in the company of children and your family.  It's the little things that make marriages difficult and i believe that true love does exist, it's just that when you are married you see the things that you did not see in your patner whilst dating and start questioning if love is for real.

15 Jul 2010 12:48

these are trais of true love, a lady when i met i will be happy to introduce to my family, love to have children with her, loving each other in sickness and in health, through hardships and pains.  how come you dont reply about this one also i ahev inluded this, and i really dont think it's infuctaution at all GA.

Teu love is there no matter what tyou guys call these traits,.

15 Jul 2010 12:51

The gal needs attention, i was shocked to see her partying just after giving birth.
She must just change otherwise she will die...

Is she really driving a palio guys?

15 Jul 2010 12:51

Re and Pele mara why?some of us are still praying for the contract to come our way and now all this ill talk bout it?.Pele sorry bout yo cuz wayemncinci and naive shem.why are married still pursuing women even on dating sites?

15 Jul 2010 13:04

pele...i agree that there is true love. I just dont agree with your description...i dont think individuals can ever agree because at some level, it becomes subjective, so its alright.

But here is the essense of true love for all contexts of love that remains unchanged as fars as im concerned.:
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails....

I know we all know this. True love is when you give and get love like all contexts of love.

15 Jul 2010 13:12

ok i get you GA and mhh Bible sana.

Raelist, i have heard from my friends tht woman change completely from the girl you dated, is this true/ what is your experince so far? did she(your wife) turned into a monster after wearing the bling-bling on her finger?

15 Jul 2010 13:22

and mhh Bible pele. Whether from the bible or koran or Aristotle's phylosophy manuscripts...its a wise principle,u gotta admit that...

15 Jul 2010 13:24

a lady when i met i will be happy to introduce to my family,
What if they tell you that you could have done better when you introduce her to your family? Will you still be interested? Be careful about that statement. 

 love to have children with her, loving each other in sickness and in health, through hardships and pains. 
That is if she agrees also to have your children. Here you are talking as if is a one way street. It takes two to tango.

Guys, whether you like it or not, if you have no self interest in the relationship believe me that relationship will never last. What you need to do is maintain that self interest. Btw, it goes both ways.

Problem with women is that when they get the contract they tend to relax and lose sight of the self interest hence you see men cheating. When a man cheats (not having an affair) is because the lady has started to relax on the same self interest she had before she got the contract.

Now you know there is no such a thing called true love but self interest. Anyone who thinks got married because they are truly in love is day dreaming. You got married because you satisfied a need and that need is self interest. 

So sorry bout this but it is reality.

15 Jul 2010 13:25

GA,when i left the man i love dearly so as to punish him 4 his wrongs,he sent me that verse n i came back with a changed heart and now im the happiest woman eva,eish all i can say is that now i know what true love is.

15 Jul 2010 13:32

Raelist, i have heard from my friends tht woman change completely from the girl you dated, is this true/ what is your experince so far? did she(your wife) turned into a monster after wearing the bling-bling on her finger?
Believe me it is true and you will be shocked. 

Have you heard this saying: Women marry because they believe he will change one day and men marry because they believe she will never change? You know what they are both mistaken and believe it, it is true.

15 Jul 2010 13:34

Realist my family is one of the best it will never even try to choose for me, besides i am a grown man who i chooswe to be with is not about nayone lese excpet myself.

I am not going to enterntain some of yout what if's nots' as i know i will marry someone that i communicate with no matter what.

Realist dont coem with excuses her eman cheat just fro the selfish reasons of it not beacuse the is something wrong with theri partners.

So teh love expalined by the Bilble you say it's not there it is just self interest, my friend i feel for you wife.

15 Jul 2010 13:42

Lela, thats awesum sisi...i belive we should give nothing less than that kind of love, and we should Expect nothing less. 

@ Realist: Self interest as opposed to true love? 
I guess we cant argue with you if thats what your marriege and others are based on.."satisfying your needs". But Some marrieges are based on something other than that, and whatver that is, its sustained by true love, which has an element of selflessness in it.
So its an either or situation ge..lets say. 
Youy get married for self interest...and i get married because based on the fact that i love Clark Kent, i know we can walk on the marriage route together to achieve a common interest(?).

15 Jul 2010 13:51

When I say self interest I’m not referring to sex as most think I am.
Pele, don’t feel for sorry my wife she is perfectly happy so far. She would have left me long time ago if she is not.

You see I’m talking from experience and not wishful thinking so until you sign the contract you are talking from wishful thinking.

15 Jul 2010 13:51

Have you heard this saying: Women marry because they believe he will change one day and men marry because they believe she will never change?..amusing, but sadly true. 
But knowledge is power hey. Thats why teachings are important...yeah and some of this seminars that bring such things to light..etc. Some people are enlightened. not dismay, you may be fortunate. 
Oh and if there was no pre marriage "enlightenment" , generally people learn that this is not right as they go along in marriage, and they CAN fix therir mentalities and move on in a better light.

15 Jul 2010 13:58

Biut she's hotttttttttttttt en stylish shame

15 Jul 2010 14:01

When I say self interest I’m not referring to sex as most think I am....i never thought that Re.....i actually know of cases were people got married to satisfy certain needs about them. Im Wary of making examples, but it certainly is deeper than just sex, it happens.  
A  non contractual example, i have a friend who "dated" this guy with prior intentions to get pregnasnt by him, because she had a cevical conditions which threatened her chances of getting pregnant in future...she did not love the guy one bit....and she is cooperating with his family regarding the traditional things, for the child's sake...she could do a lot for the child, even marrying the guy, but she admittedly doesnt love him....

15 Jul 2010 14:02

my friend the day i marry i will make sure i will nevr talk like that about marrige tu, you make it sound like hell. anyway i know talk is cheap you could be saying these things just to keep the deabte going, and i know you very stubborn to admit the is true love. I know she is a happy wife, you evn wash her feet, lick her cheeks when she has tomato sauce on them hahahahha. i dont wish men, i am going to get married at the right time with the right person, and i will make sure it is before winter to keep me warm (self interst). lol.

15 Jul 2010 14:08

That is one example of self interest. Now why is she doing this since she does not love him? Self interest that’s why. Now can somebody please explain to me what true love is and if it exists?

There is a reason when you sign the contract when getting married. Can anybody explain why there is need to sign the contract if indeed true love exists?

Savanah Dry
15 Jul 2010 14:12

Sadly but most of what Realist is saying is true,

Women tend to let go of themselves when they get married and most people get married for different reasons, i know girls who dated old madalas coz they could provide for them ..

Truely speaking guys would you date a guy who does not work just because you love him???
And guys would you get married to a girl if you know she cant read or write and u are some big exec somewhere at the end of the end who choose parteners that we know we are happy with not because we are truely in love ...

Okay am not married but I am sure i would marry coz i am happy with what i have ....

15 Jul 2010 14:13

and i know you very stubborn to admit the is true love

But honestly you know I’m being logical and it makes sense what I’m saying.

15 Jul 2010 14:14

Great debate, pele, realist and  GA.

True love, hmmm, l don't even know what love is, but from reading all these replies l think l have an idea.

15 Jul 2010 14:16

Sadly but most of what Realist is saying is true,
Halleluya and at last!!!! Someone agrees with me.

15 Jul 2010 14:18

Haybo ppl pray for her today's newspaper say she's not responding to medication. Hayi at first I thought she just wants Crous's attention.  But you'll never trust uKhanyi it might happen uzithulele nje usacabanga iqhinga to bring Crous back.

15 Jul 2010 14:19

cnglmother dont even mention dating sites,wives would be shocked if they visit these sites to find their husbands marketing themselves with photos!! Saying they are single or its complicated.....

15 Jul 2010 14:23

Realist what you say  does make sense but i fail to admit the is no true love only self interest exists...that's wher we differ man.

thank u big mama, i must say i enjoy debating with Realist and GA  they are very intersting individualls indeed, staright the point no side tracking of any kind...

15 Jul 2010 14:25

But honestly you know I’m being logical and it makes sense what I’m saying..true, but there is also logic on the other extreme. The real deal is somewhere in between. Thats how i concede.

There is a reason when you sign the contract when getting married. Can anybody explain why there is need to sign the contract if indeed true love exists? ....i am of the strong view that even during dating, it is a marriage of souls, it only misses the marriage of families. So a break up to me is like a divorce. The contract i can actually live without, its just needed for legal purposes etc.....its the world we live in. Furthermore, i can live without the wedding ceremonies for ,any reasons. But i am my mother's child, she will gave none of ill defs do it and emnjoy it, but ots not a big deal to me.
More than "self interest", id sigh a contract because it will make getting arround convenient for the me and Clark this world that we live in.

Cutie Pie
15 Jul 2010 14:26

@Realist, i have heard from my friends tht woman change completely from the girl you dated, is this true/ what is your experince so far? did she(your wife) turned into a monster after wearing the bling-bling on her finger?
Believe me it is true and you will be shocked. 

What about men Realist? Are they not changing? Don't you think that if a man would help around the house, leave whatever he was doing in proper order, stop relying on his wife for everything (THE CHORES), that you will be a happy husband.

Whe you are dating, you all want to show your best side. When married, that's when someone sees your true colours. When dating, a man would assist with cooking, cleaning and go to movies with you etc...but once you get married, they suddenly change. It takes two to tango, women are not crazy creatures. You have to learn to listen. Same goes for women

15 Jul 2010 14:29

But honestly you know I’m being logical and it makes sense what I’m saying..true, but there is also logic on the other extreme. The real deal is somewhere in between. Thats how i concede.

There is a reason when you sign the contract when getting married. Can anybody explain why there is need to sign the contract if indeed true love exists? ....i am of the strong view that even during dating, it is a marriage of souls, it only misses the marriage of families. So a break up to me is like a divorce. The contract i can actually live without, its just needed for legal purposes etc.....its the world we live in. Furthermore, i can live without the wedding ceremonies for ,any reasons. But i am my mother's child, she will have none of ill defs do it and enjoy it, but its not a big deal to me.
For More than "self interest", id sigh a contract because it will make getting arround convenient for the me and Clark this world that we live in.

15 Jul 2010 14:34


15 Jul 2010 14:38

Savdry eish for women it is complicated stru,Primrose takes care of herself crous is still cheating,Khanyi Dhlomo's ex used cheat on her, sheryl cole is sexy and tiger wood's wife,sandra bullock all have been cheated, my point is cheating of men has little to do with a wife! Its for fun,its a game,its greed,selfishnes etc on the man's part..

15 Jul 2010 14:42

besides the point Cutie Pie, you signed a contract that had an oath that states in heartaches and pains, etc so you have to accept the change from your partner no matter what, if you claim you love them. 
If some of you watched  'why i got married'', the is a guy there who resents or should i say embarrased of his wife because of her weight, i really think this is not on, go with your wife to the gym if this bothers u that much. 
Sadly wives will never leave husbands when they have beer bellies, the same man wants the woman back once gonewe , sometimes we MEN dont know what want.

'tjo i am exiting this topic, i said my share...let me give others a chance.

15 Jul 2010 14:42

Cuttie pie
You miss the point. Pele was asking me a question and I responded to that question.

Before i answer your question, are you married?

Also read this and see if you notice any difference in what pele asked.
Women marry because they believe he will change one day and men marry because they believe she will never change

15 Jul 2010 14:43

GA and pele
I think we differ on terminology of what true love is but on the whole we sort of agree.

15 Jul 2010 14:44 that all you can say, just wondering???

15 Jul 2010 14:55

Thats all I can say BM. I think I have said quite a lot about relationships, true love and marriage on other blogs. So it's time I read what others have to say and take it all in.

15 Jul 2010 14:58

Hayi Realist---Self is an individual, I not we vs True love is between two feeling hence we all dont agree. Self interest go as  far, tht a person becomes obsessed of someone when the feeling is not mutual..

15 Jul 2010 15:03

Clearly Khanyi still has it. Even those who claim 2 hate her still pay attention 2 what she does. Job Khanyi, you always find a way 2 keep your name in the media even when your career failed. Good for girl!

15 Jul 2010 15:05

Ok Pele I don’t think we will agree on this since you are also as stubborn and sticking to your point like glue.

15 Jul 2010 15:09

ha e..Realist...i think those two situations are opposite extremes. Or maybe the terms in question misrepresnt the point you and us are making so that we are indeed talking about the same thing. But As i said earlier, as far as the two terms are concerned, i think the "truth"  or reality is in the middle. 
True love, its essense as described by the Bible (for me) is an ideal i wanna live for or towards.

15 Jul 2010 15:13

as far as the two terms are concerned, i think the "truth" or reality is in the middle.

Fully concur. In essence some day there is true love and some day there is self interest. Do we agree?

15 Jul 2010 15:16


15 Jul 2010 15:28

Meltdown or Stroke or Bayam'loya or  what what

......... "who cares!!!!!!" 

15 Jul 2010 15:31

Sadly but most of what Realist is saying is true,
Halleluya and at last!!!! Someone agrees with me

I agreed with you from the start realist what you say is true except the true love part

Women marry because they believe he will change one day and men marry because they believe she will never change

That is so true!!!!

15 Jul 2010 15:31

In essence some day there is true love and some day there is self interest. Do we agree? you know thats not what i mean... the pursuit to truly love, there will be in a big or small way, individual tendencies to pursue self interests. 
The two phenomenon find themsleves in the same room more often than not. But self interests SHOULDNT trump true love..but it happens, in big or small ways, it happens. 

15 Jul 2010 15:39

Aowa GA aowa, you have to agree. Like you are saying in the pursuit to truly love, there will be in a big or small way, individual tendencies to pursue self interests.
And that GA is the bottom line. Do you still not agree?

15 Jul 2010 15:43

I have to admit; you can type nhe. 

Nice clean debate guys. Keep up the good work! I always like topic like this one where u agree or disagree. No name calling.

I enjoy reading your replies

15 Jul 2010 15:44

Thank you Cheesa and thank you Bigmama.

15 Jul 2010 15:54

....alright alright then realist..perhaps we do converge somewhere...i agree...with reservation...:-)...

*trying very hard not to say BUT*...

15 Jul 2010 16:15

I used to date someone like Realist. We never agree with anything and i always gaveup coz he'll never leave me. Sometimes he made me feel like an idiot coz we will disagree up until i have no back-ups and i will force myself by saying uright noma uwrongo.

Guys you must have the best evening. Goodnight.

16 Jul 2010 18:51

oh my you must read this...i cant stop laughing:


To MIS Support:
Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs & launches during system initialisation, where it monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Drunken Boys Night 2.5 and Saturday Football 5.0 no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected. I can not seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run some of my other favourite applications. I am thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0, but un-install does not work on this program. Can you help me, please!!! Thanks, Joe. 

REPLY: Dear Joe : 

This is a very common problem men complain about but is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a "UTILITIES & ENTERTAINMENT" program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and designed by its creator to run everything. It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and still convert back to Girlfriend 7.0. Hidden operating files within your system would cause Girlfriend 7.0 to emulate Wife 1.0 so nothing is gained. It is impossible to un-install, delete, or purge the program files from the system, once installed. You can not go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this. Some have tried to install Girlfriend 8.0 or Wife 2.0, but end up with more problems than the original system. Look in you manual under "Warnings-Alimony / Child Support". 

I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and just deal with the situation. Having Wife 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPF's). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur, regardless of their cause. 

The best course of action will be to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE. In any case, avoid excessive use of the "Esc" key because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the operating system will return to normal. The system will run smooth as long as you take the blame for all the GPF's. Wife 1.0 is a great program, but requires very high maintenance. Consider buying additional software to improve the performance to Wife 1.0. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Chocolates 5.0. Do not, under any circumstances, install Secretary with mini Skirt 3.3.
This is not a supported application for Wife 1.0 and is likely to cause irreversible damage to the operating system. 

Best of luck.
Technical Support 

Source: one of them irrittating chain emails..why i read this one,im not sure, but im glad i did.

16 Jul 2010 19:00

Great work!!...great advice by the technical support.!
still cant stop laughing....

17 Jul 2010 01:29

GA mara?lol!

17 Jul 2010 09:14

Enjoyed reading a clean debate,kéep up the good work guys thats why l love tvsa although lm silent blogging most of the time

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