Written by sisan from the blog Friends CHOMZA on 23 Feb 2009
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People have you ever had a friend who is too good to be true, i once had this bestfriend, who was so nice too me, always there for me, did almost everything to make me happy, only to find out that on the other hand, she was busy gossiping about me, saying wrong stuff  about me, and even badmouthed me to my boyfriend, and when people warned me about i could not believe it coz she was so nice to me, and i only realised now that all along she has been jealous of me from the start, wanted to have everything that i had, almost competing with me.

so blogger tell me what do you do in such a situation?


23 Feb 2009 13:22

How do u know she's badmouthing you or talking about you behind your back?

Side issue:group all your articles under one BLOG so people can read your past articles easily.

23 Feb 2009 13:28

and this article isnt it supposed to be together with the agree/disagree one?

Sana Lwam
23 Feb 2009 13:30

<<<so blogger tell me what do you do in such a situation?>>>


23 Feb 2009 13:37

Cut her out of your life- i used to have a friend like that-

your articles are almost the same adn should have been grouped together, It would have made better reading this afternoon

23 Feb 2009 13:48

<<<so blogger tell me what do you do in such a situation?>>>

hayi noko ungazicingela ke le

23 Feb 2009 20:59

He he he.... Sounds like Kelly Khumalo on Motswako.

24 Feb 2009 12:13

divorce her

24 Feb 2009 12:16

Leave the b**** on the spot.

24 Feb 2009 12:21

I believe that I can't meet a friend now at my age who can be a real friend. The people I call my friends are all from childhood. They are not perfect but I know they love me and sometimes they make mistakes just like I do. The people I meet now are aquintances and they will remain that way. I will never trust them as friends but I will love and give them support when they need it.

Stop calling people friends when they are just aquintances.

24 Feb 2009 12:38

Before you jump to conclusions, you should really consider all the positives that this friend brought into this friendship. If the negateives outweigh the positives kick her to the curve, if its vice versa, talk to her and tell her your problems, and when you do, remember no one is perfect.

Also I am concerned that, she did all the “good” stuff for you and to you, that you know for certain. And all the “bad” stuff, she reportedly did behind your back. How certain are you that she did all that she is accused of doing. Also shudnt friendship be between the 2 of you. Where do the 3rd parties come in. I am scared that the same people who have appeared, u seem to think they care a lot for you, than someone you once knew that she does care for you. All in all, just take your time and don’t rush ur decision, you might be loosing a best friend, someone that just needed you to realize and aknowledge that none is perfect.

24 Feb 2009 12:39

there are really friends,mina i have this wonderful friend and i wldn't trade her for anything,she's been there for me baby Pum ,i love you thanks for everything

24 Feb 2009 12:42

who was so nice too me, always there for me, did almost everything to make me happy- isnt that what a friend is supposed to be. 
People have you ever had a friend who is too good to be true,- we are surrounded by too much evil, that we have bcom to paranoid and distrusting that goodness and blessings do still exist. 

And while she was doing all this, being kind to you, then turning and being jelouse of you, what were you doing. I think the friend maybe did bcom a bit annoyed and started acting weird, simple bcoz she was tired of not getting as much as she gives.

24 Feb 2009 12:48

Hayi mna I don't do friends period. Just people I know, love and hook up with at times....maybe I have just been ulucky in that minute you think you're good friends...there next she wants the friendship to be 'maintained' through e-mails and phone calls...the next she's all up in your business. ...the next she goes around gossiping about you. If I have something girlie and personal to share...i'd much rather talk my cousins.

24 Feb 2009 12:50

Shame girl(Sisan), mina i have a cousin like that, she doesn't have anyone to support her but she do have an aunt but her aunt doesn't give a damn about so I try all by means to support her with small thing like wear, sumtym  i buy clothes for her baby but just go to my best frnd and tell her that since i'm working i think i'm better... i still don't have a answer why she's doing it coz even her boyfrnd doesn't support her.... he have many babies with different mothers.

24 Feb 2009 12:56

i dig you girl....i had a friend like that, she was so distructive i  did not see this, i took her like my sister.when i read this it makes me wanna cry all over again!

24 Feb 2009 12:57

he have many babies with different mothers- and den??????

24 Feb 2009 13:02

@Andi01..........he's not giving my cousin's daughter enough love not even my cousin.

24 Feb 2009 13:08

Ohhhh, verstaan nou ek, so jou cousin se man is nog a casanova, en sy het nie tyd of geld vir jou cousin se baba nie. Juslky, what some of these broetjies put us through,

24 Feb 2009 13:19

Sisan you got a bad habbit of just give us a topic and disappear, be with us dammit.

24 Feb 2009 13:22

u got it right Andi10

24 Feb 2009 13:23

Sisan you got a bad habbit of just give us a topic and disappear, be with us dammit.- I am 100% sure, she is writin another article.

24 Feb 2009 13:24

even though i didn't catch all what u were saying...LOL!!!!!!!
Phela i-afrikaanse ayaziwa only those understandable words@ ANDI01

24 Feb 2009 13:26

I am 100% sure, she is writin another article.

Triple lol!! kwa kwa kwa!! you guessed it Andi!! ROTF!!!!

24 Feb 2009 13:27

JadaP-Askies tog meisie kind, didnt mean to make you feel, I just got one of those Kaapstad moments, after all, ek is a Kaap meisie

24 Feb 2009 13:31

i know what you talking bout Andile, i had mine gister...oko ndipraata

24 Feb 2009 13:36


24 Feb 2009 13:37


24 Feb 2009 13:37

Sisan, om

24 Feb 2009 13:37

Sisan, om so

24 Feb 2009 13:37

Sisan, om so baie

24 Feb 2009 19:17

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