Exit Kenny, What Next?

Written by Snonoza from the blog Unruffled on 06 Jan 2009
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Generations' Kenneth Mashaba is about to leave Generations, or so Sunday World claims, apparently to focus on his gospel music career (funny ne, he doesn't look like a gospel singer to me, even Lundi can still fool a few).

Well, he's obviously not the first talented actor to leave Generations; think back to bo Ntsiki, Glen Majozi, Jack Mabaso, Cleo, Julia Motene, Anne de Villiers, Tau, Sphiwe, Lumka etc.

Well, I must admit, Ntsiki's exodus left a void that so many actresses have failed to fill. Not even Julia came close to replacing her, let alone Anne, the spoilt brat that was  Bridgette or his equally insane sister Belinda.

So, one may wonder why am making such a fuss of Kenneth leaving. After all, he isn't the first actor to leave soapie land.

Well, it seems to me television is losing so many good actors these days. Okay, let me rephrase that....there aren't so many good actors left on television these days. In fact, what we are seeing are the same faces over and over again.

I'm probably the only one who doesn't understand what the hype about Jerusalem is about...because I've been seeing the same faces that are in Tsotsi, Hijack Stories, Drum and the rest of the Mzansi ganster movies. Worse still, I've heard Rapulana say "this is my torri-torri (territory)" a lot of times already.

Perhaps someone can explain why good actors are leaving mainstream acting to focus on other things. Isn't acting paying enough? Because that could explain why talented actors are exchanging soapies like baby nappies....they are probably still chasing greener pastures, or greener patches, it would seem. Just think Sello Maake kaNcube...from Generations to Scandal (a soapie that long lost its spark if you ask me), Siyabonga Twala...from Scandal to Generations (at least you can call that an upgrade), Luthuli Dlamini...from Scandal to Isidingo, Mmabatho Montsho (from Generations to Rhythm City, and now nowhere), the list goes on and on.

On a lighter note though, who will take care of Dinny now? Could it be Paul? Or maybe Ntombi will lose Ngamla to Dinny after all....she's been in a stable relationship for far too long. Or perhaps Khaphela will finally find love. Who knows?

Well, i hope am not the only one who is going to miss Kenny's acting. Because he sure was a good actor (well, at least according to my definition of good acting). I hope they won't kill his character on that he can come back when his music career fails to take, tl, tl.


06 Jan 2009 19:08

Go ahead bloggers, have your say. Am I the odd one out by thinking TV is losing the cream of the crop?

Just in case you wonder, i still think there are a lot of talented actors out there but they just need grooming. Maybe producers should start unveiling new talent to replace bomkhulu Rapulana and Zola on gangster movies...that's just my feeling, no offence.

06 Jan 2009 20:00

Snono, havent finished reading, but had to just say that Jerusalem is too nice, i love it, i dont get the hype about Tsotsi, Jerusalem is another thing.

06 Jan 2009 20:04

<<<<<<<<On a lighter note though, who will take care of Dinny now?..>>>do need to ask this Q Sno, Rantebeng Makapan

I missed Kenny's concert in Standerton last year, but why perfoming outside gauteng?

Quote from Sundayworld "He says the deal he got from Jabu Stone is lucrative and he could not resist it" Come on kenny do you really believe Jabu, the last time i heard of him he was specialising in dreadlocks not Music Promotions, lets hope it took of for else more child support summons will be thrown in your face.

06 Jan 2009 20:07

Jerusalem is a good movie but I hate the narration, or maybe is Tau's voice I'm against.

06 Jan 2009 20:12

Sorry for OFF_TOPIC................i was watching Backstage and it's nice seeing all the actors back in the days, i mean Frank Zavier, Tino Martins etc.

06 Jan 2009 20:13

Sorry for OFF_TOPIC................i was watching Backstage and it's nice seeing all those actors how they looked back in the days, i mean Frank Zavier, Tino Martins etc.

06 Jan 2009 21:24

@Floh....Jerusalem is a good movie but I hate the narration, or maybe is Tau's voice I'm against
Same here. It certainly is a good movie, by any standards but i also think it is overated, just like Tsotsi. And the fact that we keep seeing the same faces on these gangster movies, i don't think that's doing justice to the movie industry.
Where's the creativity guys?

Lady D
06 Jan 2009 21:36

Tjo Belz o wrongo,the make the author of the blog to be off topic on his/her own blog,kwakwakwakwakwa

06 Jan 2009 21:47

Snono, i think the reason why we keep on seeing the same faces is some people are jsut good man, Rapulana rocks the gangsta ish!!! i can not imagine anyone who could have played that role better than him, but then again this is just my opinion.

06 Jan 2009 21:56

I've heard Rapulana say "this is my torri-torri (territory)" a lot of times already

Hilarious tl tl tl. Yeah,u seen Tsotsi u seen them all but since crime is prevalent in this country, it's little wonder that the only good movies we can make are gangsta movies. A child got flattened by a bus a few days ago coz a 'tsotsi' was trying to steal a phone from the mother.

06 Jan 2009 22:31

Am I the odd one out by thinking TV is losing the cream of the crop? get DSTV Sno......

Jabu Stone? Which Jab Stone? The one who sells BLACK LIKE ME? Yes i know Black Like me....I used to have the best S-curl in town......LOL

07 Jan 2009 07:50

Mmabatho Montsho (from Generations to Rhythm City, and now nowhere), now in the directing team of Rythim City as a multi-cam director and acting on jacob's cross on MNET .

07 Jan 2009 07:53

kenneth was on SHIFT the other day singin his morena nkuke song, i literally LMAO! His backing singers do more singin that him is all i'ma say.

I'm sad to see him leave Gen cause he really was my fav actor. However, i'm happy to see him go cause i hated seeing Dinny acting the wifey part and her lines just seemed to not go anywhere.

Katlego in Backstage was a far better actress than Dineo in Gen!

07 Jan 2009 07:57

Rapulana... is a very good actor and potrays that role of Lucky brilliantly. I love Tsotsi and Jerusalema, at least they are showing us something that we do relate to, something that we know  or heard of and is happening in our surroundings .... maybe the fact that i know the places that they used when shooting those movies and the language that they use is familiar to me, excites me or im just pure proudly south african.

07 Jan 2009 07:59

Katlego in Backstage was a far better actress than Dineo in Gen!

Very true Tox.... kenny is a good actor but i was so tired of him getting away with anything.

07 Jan 2009 08:04

Am I the odd one out by thinking TV is losing the cream of the crop? get DSTV Sno......LOL @ mjj ure so nasty! dont worry wena sno i also dont have i setalite dish!!!

Jabu stone en Black like me---cha mjj ure like me is owned by a mashaba person,jabu stone is for jabu stone dreadlocks products!!

07 Jan 2009 08:10

at least they are showing us something that we do relate to>>> Amen!!! im tired of these American movies where people leave their cars and houses unlocked and go to town, its not real, Mzansi movies are real, too real.

kenneth was on SHIFT the other day singin his morena nkuke song,>>> yho, kante he really is a singer, i think people were just talking umbhedo nje, i must get a copy of his cd.

07 Jan 2009 08:30

Tell you what Snonoza, nna i'm just impressed by your writing skills. If I manage to read it all through to the end, its well written.

We all know how artists are, and as a jouno, I happen to come across all sorts of artists. My take is these people are so creative and talented in so many ways that they dont want to be stuck on one thing.

Most artists can sing, dance and act at the same time. Check KB for instance, she even choreographs her own styles, and her performances rock all the time, and she's not doing such a bad job on Rhythm City either. So they wanna explore all forms of art that they can do.

Artists get bored too quickly and they are always looking for something to push them further. I think the reason we see the same faces over and over is because most of these directors have worked with a certain actor before on a certain story and they know how good the actor is and so they wanna use the same actor again. Gape, the producers may feel they want someone with vast experience thats why its a bit hard for new faces to embrace TV these days. These are just my ways of thinking, they can be disputed anytime.

07 Jan 2009 08:56

kenneth was on SHIFT the other day singin his morena nkuke song

OMW i thought this was a joke!!!! hi hi hi, i cant wait to see this one!!!

07 Jan 2009 09:01

I think the reason we see the same faces over and over is because most of these directors have worked with a certain actor before on a certain story and they know how good the actor is and so they wanna use the same actor again. Gape, the producers may feel they want someone with vast experience thats why its a bit hard for new faces to embrace TV these days.

this makes a lot of sense Feza and it is true

07 Jan 2009 09:02

kenneth was on SHIFT the other day singin his morena nkuke song,

tl tl tl...i haven't heard any of Kenny's songs...morena nkuke? kwa kwa kwa thats a funny title

07 Jan 2009 11:00

I'm not sure if people are going to buy his CD because he is a good musician or because they saw him on Generations, but I'm sure he has fans already.  Well, good luck Kakapa! Morena Mukuke tlhe (Lord lift him)! 

let baby
07 Jan 2009 11:01

generation wont b the same without kenny anyway its life

07 Jan 2009 16:08

Well, he's obviously not the first talented actor to leave Generations; think back to bo Ntsiki, Glen Majozi, Jack Mabaso, Cleo, Julia Motene, Anne de Villiers, Tau, Sphiwe, Lumka ,VIVIAN,KGOMOTSO,NOAH....MMMNN AND KHENSANI


07 Jan 2009 16:11

Well, good luck Kakapa! Morena Mukuke tlhe (Lord lift him)! 

Kwa kwa kwa !!!! triple lol

07 Jan 2009 16:15

Your information is incorrect. Kenneth is not leaving Generations. So cheer up.

DJ Why why
07 Jan 2009 16:34

Do reveal your source @ do you know? Are you one of em soapie writerz?

08 Jan 2009 13:19

Kenny Mash! A gospel singer?

Fluffy Head
08 Jan 2009 14:44

Well, I must admit, Ntsiki's exodus left a void that so many actresses have failed to fill I concurre actress in SA can match her standards - she was good.

there aren't so many good actors left on television these days. In fact, what we are seeing are the same faces over and over again. Snoo - those who are leaving want stable jobs with regular income. Something you don't easily get in acting. These people have families that need to be fed. Those faces you see over and over again are just people tryign to make a leaving. To them it's not really entertainment for you - it's a the end of the day they need to get paid... And you don't make a lot of money being a has been - you need to work

I'm probably the only one who doesn't understand what the hype about Jerusalem is about.. Atleast you understand Tsotsi...I never got what the hype was about even with Tsotsi - so yah Jerusalema????

Mmabatho Montsho (from Generations to Rhythm City, and now nowhere), she has a lead role in a leading drama on mnet - Jacob's she is somewhere.

People change channels and soapies cause they are human beings. If etv bays better than sabc why would'nt they leave?

ada flo
08 Jan 2009 18:01

they should not just kill his character, he could come back some day.  he is one of SA's few good actors including Tau Mogale - I love that guy to pieces.

Brown Shuga
08 Jan 2009 18:19

Thank you Fluffy Head for that, I wish the rest of SA could read that and stop with the "same faces" ish. 

08 Jan 2009 22:54

Yes mense stop with it, Brown Shuga has been offered a role on Generations, so don;t be surprised if she moves to Sewedelaan when her contract expires......

Mjj has also been cast to replace Rebecca on Gospel Times......Ribs is joining Generations as well for a 6 months contract......LOL

09 Jan 2009 09:38

Mmabatho Montsho (from Generations to Rhythm City, and now nowhere), she has a lead role in a leading drama on mnet - Jacob's she is somewhere.
Mmabatho is not longer on JC, she took a job in america (on the story) and is no longer appearing.

09 Jan 2009 10:49

Tsotsi only won bcoz ther wer only 2 movies nominated,meaning the other 1 sucked worse than Tsotsi.Jerusalema on the other hand is entertaining but had a lot of faults if u'r looking at it with the eye of a critic!i have a gr8 script that can blow the minds of south africans n d rest of africans away,just need to speak to the ryt people n do more developments on the script.any1 with xperience interested?

09 Jan 2009 11:27

Oh on! Kenny is/was an intertainer and if he leaves, Gen will be a bore. All those ppl have serious life(Sam,Karabo,Kethiwe) we need a comedian. Hope they'll come up with some good replacement. I wish they will be a nice /fresh angel that will come out from that Dairy Senzo is reading.

I'll like Mmabatho wish she'll come back to SABC or EtV - I like her clothing,hair styles in her roles.

What happen to Vivian & Julia? would also love to see them.

In Isidingo they are killing Barker that jail story has drugging to far now it lost the sense - I dont know what to watch there anymore there's no life. I think they need another anchor Actor to spice up things.

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