
Written by Centrepiece from the blog is it your choice on 10 Oct 2008
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I am fortunate enough to have to stay with family my siblings (unfortunately no mother and father, just Granma and Uncle). As all of you might have notice from the blog You and Chores by Libra on 08/09/08, I don't like to stay in a dirty house with dirty anything. 

Now my sisters don't do anything around the house and amanuku (somebody help with an English word please), my Granma always say they are just lazy, and there is nothing i can do to change them. 

Now LAZYNESS, does one choose to be lazy? Is it a desease we don't know about? What can we do to help the lazy person to be a little energetic? Lazyness comes with ubunuku (damn!!  there is this word again) am i right? Why can't we all be lazy?

This was inspired by how dirty my home was yesterday afternoon and to top it all there were two girls in the house sitting watching movies in a dirty sitting room *my gawd what's happening to abafazi bakusasa* 
And ofcourse by the blog YOU AND YOUR CHORES


10 Oct 2008 05:56

Let's hear it? I can't not stand a dirty house and that is why i had to write this, to hear your views.

10 Oct 2008 05:58

Being Lazy is a curse!!!!!!! I don't think I want to be lazy but I am. I clean when I am forced to clean, that's why I won't survive without help.

10 Oct 2008 06:01

But cleve, how can one realy have to sit in a dirty lounge and watch movies? Is it healthy at all? How about hygien? 

10 Oct 2008 06:09

eish mina i am not lazy but then again i am not somebody who cleans after himself that well, dont get me wrong i love me and i love my home..but when it comes to my room I am the king, so whether people think its dirty or untidy..i just dont care ngoba i love my room the way it is...untidy.

and i cant call myself ivila because of that....damnit i clean the whole house (my mom says i clean like i was once a sboshwa, because i do it very well, better than her even)

10 Oct 2008 06:10

I'm not lazy, i just don't like working.

10 Oct 2008 06:14

@ Tox............ you mean it's your choice?

10 Oct 2008 06:18

I think its ok to be lazy centrepiece, eish nakhona kudala omama bethu besebenza, we have to chill a bit. im not saying we should be untidy but i think it msut be acceptable to a certain extent. you, centrepiece must also be careful, maybe your siblings are not lazy, maybe wena you are just neatness freak and you think bona bangcolile.

10 Oct 2008 06:19

no cntrP, i mean work isn't fun to do and i can't find it in me to do it so yeah, i'll sit in the dirt until i absolutely have to do something about it.

10 Oct 2008 06:21

u c living in an untidy house is scary well for me it is, when i get home nje i make sure that i tidy up, in the morning no matta how late i am for varsity i will tidy up after my little girl my mom and dad so that i wont feel dirty as well. but i feel that i have a phobia for untidiness coz everywhere i go i cant help myself it has to be clean there coz it realy feels like my own body is dirty somehow and anyway think about all the bacteria lying around your house gathering on your tables  etc. ubunku and ubuvila abudingeki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Oct 2008 06:23


10 Oct 2008 06:28

no I will not sit in a dirty place. That's why I say I will do it because I am forced to. i don't want to do it but I HAVE to.

10 Oct 2008 06:53

I am obsessive where it comes to my living environment,...  It must be clean,.. but I don't like cleaning myself,...  but I would rather just do it because it would bother me and distracts me from doing anything else.

My environment must not only look clean, it must also smells clean.  My kitchen must smell like coffee, my bathroom must be a haven of citrus smells,... And yes, I don't do good with sharing my space.  I share my space only with the person that shares my bed!

10 Oct 2008 07:09

Ohhhh.... lazy lazy, lazy... my mother used to say, if carino can see that the house is untidy, then you should know, it's really dirty....

Guys, i was actually looking at my flat this morning and i thought, naahh.. i need to do serious spring cleaning tomoro.... but chances are, im still just going to spend the day on that couch... i never clean untill the house screams  "clean me please!"   

But apparently creative people are untidy and messed up, so, i suppose its all natural, and im not complaining... I'm not lazy, im creative..

10 Oct 2008 08:01

10 Oct 2008 08:10

But apparently creative people are untidy and messed up, so, i suppose its all natural, and im not complaining... I'm not lazy, im creative.. @ Carino .........Funny my teacher from Grade 3 used to say the exact  words. LOL

what aka mathata
10 Oct 2008 08:23

granny must tell  the rules 6 0clock is time to wake n clean,all of you,even uncle,

gran must say,if you dont clean or wash D dishes,DONT TOUCH MY FOOD N REMOTE,

finish n klaar.

10 Oct 2008 08:28

I cannot classify myself as lazy, but I don't want to be forced to do anything, I have a flatmate who masses up the kitchen and I used to clean after him, but nawaday I just tidy up and put his dishes in the sink.

WHen it comes to my room, there's always something on my bed cause when I'm looking for something to wear I just put everything else on it. I have two beds in my room, and I use the other one as my study desk, so all my books are on top of it, so that even if I wake up in the middle of the night and want to study something, there are my books where I can easily access them.

My friends they like moving my staff, and whenever they come over, I always have to leave them behind, and I know when I come back I'll have to call them trying to relocate my things.

10 Oct 2008 09:09

The cleanliness of the place you live in says a lot about you. Laziness, a lifestyle for some. So every morning before I leave for work, I make sure that I clean up. 

sleeping too much = unproductive

To All Your Lazy Sisters

"You lazy fool, look at an ant.
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two.
Nobody has to tell it what to do.
All summer it stores up food; at harvest it stockpiles provisions.
So how long are you going to laze around doing nothing?
How long before you get out of bed?
A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there,
sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next?
Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life,
poverty your permanent houseguest!" (Proverbs 6:6-11) 

Its what the Bible says not me.

10 Oct 2008 09:15

I'm one lazy cow. i can cook and wash d dishes mara DO NOT TEL MI TO MAKE THE BED OR SWEEP THE FLOOR, that i cannot do

10 Oct 2008 09:28

I am lazy and proud of it..My mother has tried everything on me but they all failed.
That is who i am & she must accept it, as much as i have accepted her gore ke tshobolo(dont know the English term)

10 Oct 2008 09:45

 "A clean house is a sign of a misspent life" - thats what the sticker on my fridge reads...

10 Oct 2008 10:12

Mina I'm a neatness freak.I'm the kind that will even put the dishes in the oven if I'm too lazy to wash them. I just hate ubunuku.  There are chores that I don't like eg, dishes and laundry, so when I can afford it I get someone to do the laundry and clean my place once in a while. That means most times I have to do those chores myself. I don't think ndikhuthele(eng) but I just love cleanliness,it gives me a peace of mind. I clean my house even if i'm sick.

10 Oct 2008 10:39

i've just logged on, but ke mina endabeni yobunuku i simply think nje yinto engathandazelwanga shem.

loyo muntu uzizwa kanjani evuka nje sekahlezi phezukwezinsila.

i blame it all on the parents. i'm sorry guys, but how will we know ukuthi kuya clean-wa if it is not taught/instilled in us from a young age.

DJ Why why
10 Oct 2008 11:32

Laziness = my best friend (30) and my lil sis (22) and am no neat freak but labo bayi2 they take GOLD  medals and the CUP!!!!

Worse they are currently hating each other coz my best friend sent my lil sister to get a glass of juice and later a banana in the kitchen... while they both just lied there doing nothing...

Me at that time was busy preparing lunch alone, phofu i was already late for the airport.....All the damn dishes they used were still lying in the sink 3 days later when i returned...they ate all the food ke phofu......i was so mad ....I had to clear up first...

12 Oct 2008 03:50

LOL Dimags!!!!!

04 Nov 2008 10:21

blame it all on the parents. i'm sorry guys, but how will we know ukuthi kuya clean-wa if it is not taught/instilled in us from a young age.
Have you not heard of making choices in life...thats what people do when they grow up...choose to live by their parents rules or make up their own...i think we must leave parents out of this 1.

04 Nov 2008 10:25

besides mina my mother really tried shame, but she did not suceed..cant really blame her

04 Nov 2008 10:29

True that Dimags, our parents can or cannot teach us things but it is our choices to do or not to do them, like being clean it is your choice, i don't think a parent can instill in your brain that you need to bath yourself every day and not instill cleanliness. Leave parents out of this they did their job raising you now it is up to you!!

04 Nov 2008 10:41

My mom and sister are neat freaks, am the lazy one at home. I am the last to wake up, and the first thing I do is get cereal and sit in front of the tv. I sleep with half the wardrobe. And you just don't popin to my place, you le me know early so that i can make my bed and remove bags from chairs.

Am happy with my life.

04 Nov 2008 10:47

I don't think I am a lazy person,but I just don't like cleaning!Don't know if that makes sense,I always have the energy to do other things,but house chores,eish!!

04 Nov 2008 14:25

I am not lazy nor am I untidy.

I clean once and i make sure that when I'm done with everything I put it away. In that way when I do clean I dont have a lot to do.

Eat and wash my plate.
change clothes put them in the washing busket.
Make tea and put the sugar back.
Wake up and make my bed. Rather do it now than later to avoid being humiliated later.

My man reads newspapers like he's mad. and he wont put them away, he gets mad if I throw them out. So I leave them there for 2 days, if he doesnt touch them in 2 days they go straight to the bin.

Can you imagine 2 newspapers a day. That's 10 a week

04 Nov 2008 10:21

blame it all on the parents. i'm sorry guys, but how will we know ukuthi kuya clean-wa if it is not taught/instilled in us from a young age.
Have you not heard of making choices in life...thats what people do when they grow up...choose to live by their parents rules or make up their own...i think we must leave parents out of this 1.

04 Nov 2008 10:25

besides mina my mother really tried shame, but she did not suceed..cant really blame her

04 Nov 2008 10:29

True that Dimags, our parents can or cannot teach us things but it is our choices to do or not to do them, like being clean it is your choice, i don't think a parent can instill in your brain that you need to bath yourself every day and not instill cleanliness. Leave parents out of this they did their job raising you now it is up to you!!

04 Nov 2008 10:41

My mom and sister are neat freaks, am the lazy one at home. I am the last to wake up, and the first thing I do is get cereal and sit in front of the tv. I sleep with half the wardrobe. And you just don't popin to my place, you le me know early so that i can make my bed and remove bags from chairs.

Am happy with my life.

04 Nov 2008 10:47

I don't think I am a lazy person,but I just don't like cleaning!Don't know if that makes sense,I always have the energy to do other things,but house chores,eish!!

04 Nov 2008 14:25

I am not lazy nor am I untidy.

I clean once and i make sure that when I'm done with everything I put it away. In that way when I do clean I dont have a lot to do.

Eat and wash my plate.
change clothes put them in the washing busket.
Make tea and put the sugar back.
Wake up and make my bed. Rather do it now than later to avoid being humiliated later.

My man reads newspapers like he's mad. and he wont put them away, he gets mad if I throw them out. So I leave them there for 2 days, if he doesnt touch them in 2 days they go straight to the bin.

Can you imagine 2 newspapers a day. That's 10 a week

04 Nov 2008 15:35

I'm not lazy but I'm not untidy.....when its my turn (@ home we have a roster)...
I cook super & dish up for everyone afterwards i make damn sure that the dishes are clean, the floor is clean, then i go straight to my bed.........first thing in the morning i make my bed (everyday).....and go to work/varsity when i'm back...i tidy up there & there....

I have this friend of mine from varsity....damn she is what you call a lady....she is so neat....she always tidy up her room, her wardrobe is so neat ....laundry & everything just clean.....I think its her talent...even if there are dirty dishes in her room u wont even notice that....& u wont even smell a stinking

I have this friend i grew up with .... .....her mother  taught them everything (including my friends couzin, who her mother died long time ago, they are both my friends) friends mother got married last year.....since then they have changed....they are so untidy.....they do not make  their beds for the whole day....and at nite they just go & sleep in those blankets and the dishes just lie in the sink for about 2 or 3 days...everyday....its their choice...coz they were taught everything

04 Nov 2008 15:35

I'm not lazy but I'm not untidy.....when its my turn (@ home we have a roster)...
I cook super & dish up for everyone afterwards i make damn sure that the dishes are clean, the floor is clean, then i go straight to my bed.........first thing in the morning i make my bed (everyday).....and go to work/varsity when i'm back...i tidy up there & there....

I have this friend of mine from varsity....damn she is what you call a lady....she is so neat....she always tidy up her room, her wardrobe is so neat ....laundry & everything just clean.....I think its her talent...even if there are dirty dishes in her room u wont even notice that....& u wont even smell a stinking

I have this friend i grew up with .... .....her mother  taught them everything (including my friends couzin, who her mother died long time ago, they are both my friends) friends mother got married last year.....since then they have changed....they are so untidy.....they do not make  their beds for the whole day....and at nite they just go & sleep in those blankets and the dishes just lie in the sink for about 2 or 3 days...everyday....its their choice...coz they were taught everything

07 Nov 2008 15:24

i dnt mind not making ma bed evryday ..staying in a dirty room when im nt going 2 do anything anyway(like if im just gonna watch TV).dirt just helps u 2 be more lazy and enjoy ur movies more

bt when im gonna study or work i need it clean coz  ma mind does not wrk properly in wen da rum is dirty 

07 Nov 2008 15:41

OMG! Guys i just love to be clean. I dont like chaos & my freinds know that. If u took something plz put it back ngelahlobo ubuyithathe ngayo. I also dont like dirty dishes zindenzela ikhanda & lastly i love doing my laundry. I dont trust ooaunty i prefer doing for myself................GML I feel you dear

13 Feb 2009 13:15

<<<....i mean work isn't fun to do and i can't find it in me to do it so yeah, i'll sit in the dirt until i absolutely have to do something about it>>>>LOL
my best friend would never touch a thing in the house, the other day when her mother asked her to help her cook & she plainly said..." you know I dont like doing anything, thats why I have my house, there I pay people to do things for me!"

13 Feb 2009 13:17

@ ms.t..................Where did you get this? I have forgotten about it!! 
Some people are so lazy it is not funny at all!

13 Feb 2009 13:33

a clean house and an untidy one are two different things. a house can be clean and untidy at the same time. mna i like a clean house. it has to be clean always. i'm the kind of person that likes to walk around the house barefoot and if my foot get dirty from just walking around the house then to me it's dirty and must be cleaned. at the same time i am not really a neat freak. you'll find i don't stack up newspapers and magazines in order/any order at all. my cd's and dvd's will lie just about anywhere around the house, my wardrobe looks like those clothes you see people selling on the streets - you literally have to tumble thru to find what you're looking for. having said that, my house is ALWAYS clean.

ps i feel if you live alone then you are entitled to be whichever way you want to be - neat not

13 Feb 2009 13:44

my cousin used to like making up, go to school & leave without making up the bed, when he comes back in the evening he gets between the blankes just like time he did that when we were at the lands almost a week now, my grandfather was looking for his pair of socks when found a snake resting peacfully on my cousin's unmade blankets! only God knows how long it had been there & why it did not bite him!

LOL centrrr..pis(indian accent)

13 Feb 2009 17:35

Nna I had sisters who used to clean, wash mabota and windows, cook, iron for me. I learnt to cook at a very late stage. Basically all i did was to clean da loo and do morning dishes. Hmmm, I believe it was for the best as my energy was saved for my house. My sisters told me to get a rich husband or get educated because of my lazyness. Now that I have my own house, i do my cooking and they simply dont believe hore Ivila is maintaining her house. 

Moral of my story:Save the best for last

DJ Why why
13 Feb 2009 17:49

Basically all i did was to clean da loo and do morning dishes. Hmmm, I believe it was for the best as my energy was saved for my house. My sisters told me to get a rich husband or get educated because of my lazyness.

Tl tl tl tlt tl tI @ Mafresh......... think they picked the better jobs @ Mafresh...morning dishes, loo????

13 Feb 2009 17:56

@ DJ Why why .........Yep, I was supposed to be a doctor nogal

16 Feb 2009 10:49

me and cleaning we dont mix..i only clean when i feel like cleaning and i do wonders..but i always look good.....if im home my mom wld say i wonder linjani iflat lakho,everytime im home i tell them im here to relax so they mustn't tell me to cook and clean...

16 Feb 2009 10:58

That's called Lazyness right there Stroh!! I can't help myself, i am not the person to sit around while there are papers in the yard, while there are dishis in the sink. I am just a cleanliness freak!!

16 Feb 2009 11:40

You should visit me once a week CP. Do you do laundry too?

16 Feb 2009 11:58

lol TheLady @  <You should visit me once a week CP. Do you do laundry too?>

16 Feb 2009 12:08

@ TL.....<<<<Do you do laundry too?>>>>Yes i do laundry................ i used to do laundry everyday but my hands got irritated now i do it twice a week!! So there is no way i am going to visit you my dear!! LOL

16 Feb 2009 12:34

I used to be like Bree on desperate housewives when I was young, a neat freak, and I was stressed all the time becos the people around me were not. I would watch how you sit on the couch and be scared that you'd spill things on the carpet, couch, floor etc and if you did my heart will be sore the whole day.

Then I decided to take it easy, and I'm more happier now, hai manje I'm staying alone and how liberating that is, i don't make my bed, I dont wash the dishes i put in the fridge to avoid cockroaches, and every weekend a lady will come and clean the whole house, but I must say she doesn't clean it the way I would, and I get irritated by that

16 Feb 2009 13:46

Hey Congratulations My frnd to ur first article...............Well done

17 Feb 2009 08:32

The only thing that I do not do now is laundry, hmmm I just love my top loader/automatic 13kg washing maching. This machine o monyolla mafura, o monyolla ditshila. Be it blankets, duvets or comforters. I'm looking forward for a dishwashwer and i wouldnt mind a personal washer (the machine which baths people and put lotion/vaseline etc.!!!!!!!!! hi!hi!hi!hi)

17 Feb 2009 08:34

I hate top loaders...don't know why though. I hate doing laundry worse. I need to pay someone.

17 Feb 2009 08:42

I m yet to meet someone lazier dn me but i hate indlu engcolile so most of the time i delegate ngyathumana so much my younger siblings go 2 the extreme 2 avoid me ...but neva the less the job gets done

17 Feb 2009 08:59

I also need to pay someone for my laundry i havent done it for the past 3 weeks. i even started wearing clothes i havent worn in ages.  

17 Feb 2009 11:11

A friend once told mentioned to me how her mother said some chores are really a waste of time - precious time - that could be spent doing something better, imagine, washing dishes takes approx 20min tops,  cleaning - 1-2 hours....laundry...hai ke, angsakhulumi lapho WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! when you can actually be doing something better like reading a book, ahaving a nice relaxing nap after a long day at work....i mean, for me it hit the issue right in the heart....that is why we must go to school and be able to afford house helps, they are not a bad deal when you can afford them hey - they actually ENHANCE the quality of life - adding 2-3 hours of time that you can do absolutely whatever you want. so my advice for all my young cousins (lazy all of them), i don't ever shout at them for their lazines, i always tell them very nicely that guys, please do yourselves a favour and study so that you can get a good job to be able to afford house help because niyavilapha (i am actually one of those neat freaks, i used to get so frustrated coz i want a clean and neat place but sometimes i really do not want to do the work....but since i discovered that lil secret - rather someone else but me do life is so much better)

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