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DOAQ: uncle Maloro the benevolent King?

Written by tha - bang from the blog Movies and Things with Thabang on 27 Aug 2008
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Puno finaly bites the dust? Maloro goes midevil on the people of Mallowmetsing and Grace shows a human side ( I did’nt know it existed?). You all know I’ve been loving DOAQ ,it even got me to buy Drum magazine bathong. Eish miracles do happen and according to the featured article, yes the ladies of Mallowmetsing are on the cover, DOAQ is running only 2nd to generation as the most viewed show in the country. So congrats to all involved in making it .Enough praise now lets get back to last nights episode. 

The episode was intriguing as always aside from one or two minor mis-steps but entertaining none the less for me. At long last the true colours of Maloro are out, and hence the change of costume. He is no longer the benevolent uncle, in the brightly yellow jacket and tie but the classical African dictator complete with his camouflage and hat. He kinda reminded me of Jonas Savimbi from Angola. The intriguing part is that the more “evil” old Maloro gets the more human poor Grace gets. Kudos too Shoki, She’s been able to handle the transition and systematic breakdown of her character very well. It seems all those heartless and conniving ladies in the world only need to get pregnant to chase away their “evilness”. So if you are mom and you are as evil as Grace was,your are beyond hope lol.

I’m actually starting to feel sorry for Grace, cause we all know that lady McBeth kinda breaks down towards the end and the way I see it. In DOAQ it’s going to be due to the pregnancy,probably a miscarage in this case. Looking at how fragile she has become,I doubt if she would be able to handle loosing the child upon handling a murderous husband whose quest for ultimate power holds no bound.

Maloro has now taken centre stage that was reserved for Grace as badass #1 of the show. I really enjoy watching him. People who does not like a bad guy who is determined to do anything to get his way. Who’s charming ; check how he handled the press. Playing the sympathetic uncle and blaming all the evil on the Foreigners. A bad guy who’s ruthlessness is only out matched by his determination to succeed. I loved the whole King Herod – Baby Jesus reference when he was collecting all the girl childs to the royal house in search of Puno. Or how he handles the whole confratations with the ancestors,with no fear and a lot of bravado.

But the talking baby was handled very badly.I’m a fan but a superimposed mouth in 2008,that’s like Simon Sabela Udeliwe effects of the 80’s.It was pure and utter dodgy -ness.The guys could have done better but I loved the symbolism of the scene though. Maloro gets to speak to his “ancestors” who are represented by his own unborn child who is feasting on blood. Now if ancestors are supposed to be dead and Maloro is busy talking to his ancestors through an unborn child does that not mean the child won’t live to see the day. The three prophets/spirits/ ancestors seem to be more devious than poor Maloro gives them credit for,cause if anyone was listening carefully they were referring to an eclipse. When the eclipse happen poor Maloro’s Kingship will come to an end but the man is so blinded with power that he only rationalises what he wants to hear, that day and night can never be mix. His being set up and he can’t see it.

So where does this leave us, I won’t be surprised if the show has two or three more episodes left? Puno has like Luke Skywalker joined the foreigners who may work like the obligatory “rebel force”,which she may use to topple Maloro. I don’t buy that she was killed by the soldier, which I think it was a nice touch by the script writers but we will see if my intuition is right or not. Grace is tinkering at the verge of a breakdown and Maloro, although he claims to be the Rain King still hasn’t made it to rain. In his new found security of thinking that Puno is dead, will he prosper or will all the blood he has spilled give his character more sleepless nights and we start to see Maloro crumble just like poor Grace? Cause the dreams of blood are a sure sign that the blood and murder is slowly getting to poor uncle Maloro’s soul the unfortunate part is that he has not yet realised it.I am still intrigued ,can’t wait for next week.


tha - bang
27 Aug 2008 02:49

what did you guys think of last nights episode?

27 Aug 2008 02:53

<<But the talking baby was handled very badly.I’m a fan but a superimposed mouth in 2008,that’s like Simon Sabela Udeliwe effects of the 80’s.It was pure and utter dodgy -ness.The guys could have done better but I loved the symbolism of the scene though>> yah, I agree... it just was so weird and plain odd!

27 Aug 2008 02:55

<<Now if ancestors are supposed to be dead and Maloro is busy talking to his ancestors through an unborn child does that not mean the child won’t live to see the day.>> TRUE!!

27 Aug 2008 02:56

tha-bang, thanks for the recap.... It's just that since last week, you spell Mollowametseng as Mallowmetseng....

//////lemme finish reading//////

27 Aug 2008 02:58

<<I don’t buy that she was killed by the soldier, which I think it was a nice touch by the script writers>> Me too! BUT I loved the scene... Puno has spunk! Even when facing possible death she was brave and completely in control. She has the belief and the knowledge of her ancestry and her powers...

27 Aug 2008 03:00

Thanx for the recap T-bang, i really enjoyd last niyt's episode, but the baby talking with phat lips, scared me, i had 2 close my eyes whenever the baby was talking..
I don’t buy that she(Puno) was killed by the soldier...Me neither, but the panga that the solja had, had blood stains, so who'se blood was that?? and where did he take Punie(i just LOL when Maloro cols her dat cos @ tvsa, Punie is something else). Cant wait 4 next week...

27 Aug 2008 03:02

@ Carino:It's just that since last week, you spell Mollowametseng as Mallowmetseng.... It's in ur blood child, its in ur blood, LOL

27 Aug 2008 03:02

It was excellent and very gripping. The talking phat Joe lips baby was a downer for me, the creative could have handled that better.

Puno was just amazing, good actress for a child her age and she makes you want to protect her.
Maloro – the way he speaks is just arrogant and yet sexy. His need for power and supremacy has raised the demon in him.
Grace – she is fantastic, pity she can longer handle her own creation.

The proofreaders/subtitles people – just look at the spelling of certain words, like baby written babe

27 Aug 2008 03:11

<<but the panga that the solja had, had blood stains, so who'se blood was that?? >> maybe he stabbed himself or a bird or something but I seriously doubt he killed Puni

tha - bang
27 Aug 2008 03:13

but the baby talking with phat lips, scared me, i had 2 close my eyes whenever the baby was talking..
awelani please dont make laugh so hard so early in the morning,lol.
and where did he take Punie(i just LOL when Maloro cols her dat cos @ tvsa, Punie is something else). 
thats news to me lol, what could punie be? mmmh i really wonder lol
Even when facing possible death she was brave and completely in control. She has the belief and the knowledge of her ancestry and her powers...if shes alive do you think shes going to be the one to do in maloro or they will get one of the adults to do it?

27 Aug 2008 03:15

<<The proofreaders/subtitles people – just look at the spelling of certain words, like baby written babe >> I think that was intentional... Like that figure of speech "from the mouths of babes"...

27 Aug 2008 03:23

<<but the panga that the solja had, had blood stains, so who'se blood was that?? >>
Yah nami i think he stabbed himself...he was walking funny when he came back to report to the king

27 Aug 2008 03:25

Lastnyt's episode really took the story to just another level.... Kinje how many episodes do we have left now??

Maloro is a classic... nami the talking baby scared me.. and i kept wondering if it was just a way of making it look like an ancestor or was it really a downer..

the whole King Herod – Baby Jesus reference when he was collecting all the girl childs to the royal house in search of Puno. 

Wasnt he referring to 400 years ago, when the Kings used to rule and basadi killed all the boys then Queens started ruling??? I might be wrong.. but i think that's the story Mamodumedi told Punie as well...

i just LOL when Maloro cols her dat cos @ tvsa, Punie is something else).
Yhuuu I LOL too, i thought the same thing...

Golden Star
27 Aug 2008 03:27

Enjoyed last night's episode as well but the acting went down a notch, thankfully not from the main cast but the "extras" if that's what they're called. I think the are 2 more episodes left cause last night's was 4th.

27 Aug 2008 03:29

@Sego, I think it was when Grace was explaining what caused her sudden change of heart I saw the babes’ thing. or i may be mistaken.

27 Aug 2008 03:41

Thanks for the recap Thabang....It's great! I fell asleep while watching due to exhaustion, so I don't have anything to add lehono!

tha - bang
27 Aug 2008 03:43

Wasnt he referring to 400 years ago, when the Kings used to rule and basadi killed all the boys then Queens started ruling??? I might be wrong.. but i think that's the story Mamodumedi told Punie as well...yes Carino he was collecting the kids like the ladies had done 400 years seeing the Jesus-herod reference in the sense that Puno like Jesus in the story play roles of saviours who the powers that be are willing to kill everyone in the age group to get rid of them.
it actuallyhappened with moses too,were all the kids of moses age were killed cause the king felt threatened.
so Puno is lie a messianic figure who will probably save the kingdom from his evil uncle.
but the acting went down a notch, thankfully not from the main cast but the "extras" if that's what they're called
i thought the journalist was kinda pap andsome of the kids crying but overall thestory is moving at a nice pace,its a shame that it is surely butslowly coming to an end.

27 Aug 2008 03:47

Superb as always.  I read someone's reply on some other blog that said "When a child is born, so is a mother".  That could explain Grace's change of heart.  It's sad that the SABC will show us such an interesting story for a mere six episodes and other boring shows for 20 episodes plus repeats.

27 Aug 2008 03:47

The Baby with phat joe's lips....did'nt like the part....
Monchooza.... I agree with u
I also don't think that Puno's Dead bcoz she's the next Rain Queen....
I hate King Maloro although he's a goodlooking & sexy guy.....

27 Aug 2008 03:51

thats news to me lol, what could punie be? mmmh i really wonder lol , What?? u dont know? Punie is short 4 punani @tvsa. lol.
maybe he stabbed himself or a bird or something,...i hope so 2 hey..

awelani please dont make laugh so hard so early in the morning,lol.... I think if they have left the baby's lips as they are (natural), it wud have been much better, but 2 have them looking dat big on baby, no no no..those lips are okay on Phat joe himself, not a baby, not even Punie, no man.

27 Aug 2008 03:56

Nice recap Thabs  you never dissapoint! *leme carry on reading*

tha - bang
27 Aug 2008 04:08

I read someone's reply on some other blog that said "When a child is born, so is a mother". That could explain Grace's change of heart
but u have to love the writing on this show,cause i was not expecting that they willtake this route mathaz. poor shoki is pulling it off so nicely too.
but the scripwriters need to be appluaded.

27 Aug 2008 04:08

<<<<<The Baby with phat joe's lips....did'nt like the part....>>>>>
PY you are killing me tl ltl tl tl tl

27 Aug 2008 04:18

<<poor shoki is pulling it off so nicely too >> tha-bang, she gets even MORE wow as the show goes to the end... SHE really deserves some recognition for this... Her coming scenes are just great!!

27 Aug 2008 04:22

The episode was wow!!! you guys have said everything i wanted to say, the Phat Joe was not on, was a bit dissapointed though, Eish Puno, I found myself sitting on the edge of my chair wishing that they could not find him, even that boyish disguise did not help, I wonder what happend to Mamodumedi, did they kill her as well.

Awe......what is Puni in TVSA's terms? I am lost.........

27 Aug 2008 04:26

i meant her not him

tha - bang
27 Aug 2008 04:35

tha-bang, she gets even MORE wow as the show goes to the end... SHE really deserves some recognition for this... Her coming scenes are just great!!
no i'll be watching,shes been a revelation to me so is the guy who plays maloro.SA has talent it just needs the right material. 
i hope they wont take long to release the dvd of this series.
Awe......what is Puni in TVSA's terms? I am lost.........
cody justthink dirty and it will come to u.there are alot of dirty dirty people on tvsa lol

27 Aug 2008 04:38

Cody, i understand gal, when u preggies, u sumtyms loose ur memory, coz if um not mistaken u also lyk referring 2 ur 'sacred place aka punani'  as punie, lol, but lyk i sed, i understand,lol.

27 Aug 2008 04:39

.there are alot of dirty dirty people on tvsa tl tl

27 Aug 2008 04:53

in sepedi they say 'tsa yeta ke tshadi pele di wela leope" which means women cn be decieving sometimes just look at Grace she now regrets what she created so women are dangerous

27 Aug 2008 05:01

mcd3... no. some women.

27 Aug 2008 05:04

Everything has been said it was indeed a gr8 show.

Golden Star
27 Aug 2008 05:07

If you're like me and have never read Macbeth then here's a brief summary
This drama is one of the great tragedy themed plays by William Shakespeare. The themes illustrated in the play include ambition, fate, deception and treachery. Three witches decide to confront the great Scottish general Macbeth on his victorious return from a war between Scotland and Norway. The Scottish king, Duncan, decides that he will confer the title of the traitorous Cawdor on the heroic Macbeth. Macbeth, and another General called Banquo, happen upon the three witches. The witches predict that he will one day become king. He decides that he will murder Duncan. Macbeth's wife agrees to his plan. He then murders Duncan assisted by his wife who smears the blood of Duncan on the daggers of the sleeping guards. A nobleman called Macduff discovers the body. Macbeth kills the guards insisting that their daggers smeared with Duncan's blood are proof that they committed the murder. The crown passes to Macbeth. More murders ensue and the bloodied ghost of Banquo appears to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth's conscience now begins to torture her and she imagines that she can see her hands covered with blood. She commits suicide. Macduff kills Macbeth and becomes king.

And there's a more detailed slightly longer one on:

27 Aug 2008 05:16

I agree with Sego on this one, mcd3 not all women are as deceiving there are women who are noble

27 Aug 2008 05:21

The soldier did not kill Puno, he stabbed himself or something. Wherever she is she will come back as a grown woman and take the honours of the rain queen, when King Maloro and Grace are dead. But the episode was great.

tha - bang
27 Aug 2008 05:39

The soldier did not kill Puno, he stabbed himself or something. Wherever she is she will come back as a grown woman and take the honours of the rain queen, when King Maloro and Grace are dead. But the episode was great.
we will have to wait and c

27 Aug 2008 07:53

I agree with you BigMama. Puno will come back to honour her position. 
@ PY_you make me laugh dawg_The Lips.

27 Aug 2008 09:21

I liked how things happened at the same time and how it was done so effortlessly:

Maluru telling the press Puno had been kidnapped and how they'll leave no stone un-turned to find her
Maloro's cronies snatching all kids Puno's age

I got the feeling Grace is aware something bad's going to happen to her child and that her beggin Maloro to leave the baby Puno alone was more a plea to Maloro to save his own son. 

I didn't like Puno's care-giver resting for so long....i mean she had her snuff with her meaning she had enough breath in her to continue to walk. How suddenly those foreigners appeared, changed Puno into boys' clothing and how suddenly Maloro's men captured Puno didn't go down well with me. It all seemed so ......sudden.

The journalist going, "Sho, let's leave this place!" and driving off in her car was such a bleh moment but was quickly made up for by us seeing Maloro watching them drive away. I was almost hoping those 2 got involved in some car accident.

What's even more odd is how i should be hating the man Maloro is becoming but i am increasingly wishing he could succeed and become the rain king he so desires he could be. Allow the man to make at least a few droplets of rain, damnit!!!!

Gr8 recap tha-bang, as always!

La Dolce Vita
27 Aug 2008 16:35

I cried my eyes out wen they captured her n Mamodumedi went "Tjho nawe!!" an that sad tone th@ oomama use wen their reali distraught

28 Aug 2008 02:20

Puno is stiil alive, I saw it yesterday when they were showing the next Episode, They (the foreigners, Punie & Mamodumedi) were TOY-TOYING...($h!t will happen in this episode)   Puno what a brave child....

tha - bang
28 Aug 2008 02:33

Puno is stiil alive, I saw it yesterday when they were showing the next Episode, They (the foreigners, Punie & Mamodumedi) were TOY-TOYING...($h!t will happen in this episode)
i thought as much, i hope they explain how "she escaped". i cant wait to see where the chips will settle

28 Aug 2008 03:11

the soldier didn't have guts to kill her..she is not dead....cant wait 4 next week"""""

28 Aug 2008 07:32

Guyz my cousin sister passed away last week Tuesday,19August)past 7pm,  so  we dont watch tv, im so sorry i can't  comment abt the series,, so if u excuss me , will chat with u next week ,, bye all, miss u all, &  i LOVE U ALL, 


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