Collin Blings Cleveland Out

Written by sweetie my baby from the blog Super Sweet 16 Torture on 02 Oct 2007
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So I’m feeling the heat, as two weeks have passed since I declared that I’d write at least one TV blog a month – and thank God and the flu virus – I found myself at home at 17h00 yesterday, sipping hot lemony tea and watching MTV Base, when along came the programme I love to hate…. My Super Sweet 16.(SS16)

The best way to describe my feelings about My Super Sweet 16 is ‘horrified fascination’. A rich American brat is allowed to throw the mother of all 16 year old bashes, and we, the viewer, have an insight into the sheer materialism, brattishness, bad parenting and utter vulgarity that is capitalism – all through ‘mummy and daddy’s little angel’.

So, this episode was a young boy called Collin Jackson (or something, i got distracted), a cute, clean-cut young man, who has given himself the title ‘the Crown Prince of Cleveland’ (the city he lives in- I’ve been there, and I’m not sure why he’s so excited about being it’s royalty, but that’s for another blog…)

Okay – on to the show. Collin starts describing how ‘fly’ and ‘fresh’ his party is going to be – some of his classic lines include this humdinger… ‘I’m taking Cleveland to the promised land. I’m feeling like Moses right now!!!’ 

Bear in mind that we’re talking about a 15 year old boy who’s claim to fame is that his parents are super-rich and can afford to throw him a huge party. And now he’s a self-proclaimed Moses…. The MTV generation, bathong!

Moving swiftly along – any good party has got to have the most beautiful ladies… and Collin’s is no exception, but he’s leaving NOTHING to chance. He plans to be escorted in by Cleveland’s finest fillies – and him and his friends plan to personally select them. So they meet up in Collin’s parents living room, while about 40 teenage girls gather outside the house, and come in and perform for these boys – one by one.

I couldn’t believe it – what the hell??? It looked like they were being selected for a strip club! Call me old-fashioned, feminist, a prude – I am just NOT OKAY with a 15 year old girl bumping and grinding for the approval of a group of hormonal 16 year old boys…. Where was Collin’s mum at this point, I gotta ask… heysh.

Anyway, the cutest of the bunch, who’re also the most impressive rump-shakers, get chosen – the remaining 35 are invited to the party, much to their squealing delight.

The next big issue on ANY SS16 episode is taba ya Koloi, iMoto – the Car. Every SS16 Brat gets into the most predictable argument with their parents over the vehicle. First, they expect to get a brand new car, ALWAYS a top of the range brand – Porsche, Ferrari, BMW, Land Rover…you get the idea. And these kids have a SCANDALOUS sense of entitlement to these cars. The tantrums they throw over the issue!! I just know my mother would’ve slapped me sideaways at some of the stunts these kids pull…

Typically, the parents on SS16 put up a pathetic resistance in a token effort to show the viewers that actually, they do exert some discipline over this brat. And equally typically, whatever it is they say, they end up buying the vehicle of the brats choice.

Collin was no exception. First he’s horrified coz his mum is NOT feeling his choice – a brand new BMW, that costs $90,000.00 (this is about R630,000.00 people !!) and was rather thinking to get him a second hand car for about $20,000 – 30,0000. ( bo ma R140,000 –R210,000) To which Collin has a FIT and sulkily tells her, that if it’s not a new car, he wants no car at all.

Predictably, his mum makes a mild effort to show that she’s in charge, flatly repeating ‘Collin, you need to watch your tone…. Collin, Collin…. Watch your tone with me, Colin’. Yeah, I can see the parental control all over this one, Mrs. Jackson. Whatever.

Then there’s another stressful part that seems to be a staple in any episode of SS16 – giving out the invitations. The brats invite their friends, then keep some invites spare for ‘randoms’ that are somehow deserving… So, what seems like the entire school population (easily about 300 kids) gather in what looks like the school hall (I sincerely hope it isn’t. That the school participated in this lunacy would be so depressing)

To cut a long story short, Collin (sitting on some ‘throne’ onstage) gives out tickets to the kids who can make him laugh by doing lame imitations of various situations. The ecstatic winners clutch their tickets and enthuse into the camera about how cool Collin is. WHY? He’s just got rich parents who allow him to flaunt their cash.

So after a few more tantrums over various issues – stage too small, etc and picking out a hideously beaded jacket, which allegedly is the freshest of the fresh – Collin’s party comes.

And Mr. Party is feeling very, very fly. His dancers represent, the stage act goes fine, and some rapper I’ve never heard of graces the occasion, much to the raptures of the partygoers. Plus, he gets not only the BMW of his choice, they give him a second ride – a Land Rover! These people are unbelievable.

 I’m still horrified (and fascinated) about how a kid with so little personality can achieve such hero status, but CLEARLY when the almighty dollar rules, all other issues fly out the window…

And with that, the Crown Prince of Cleveland’s coronation is complete.

My questions -  I know that the instinct for parents is to give their kids more than they had. The things you were deprived of, you will shower them with – but isn’t this just waaay over the top??

I mean, the founder of the Body Shop – Anita Roddick, who passed away last month – told her daughters that she wasn’t leaving any of her fortune with them – and they were fine with it. Zillionnaires Bill Gates & Melinda have also publicly stated that he won’t be leaving their cash to his kids – and by all accounts, they bring up their kids very moderately… 

How do we expect kids to learn how to strive and achieve for themselves if they've learnt that a 10 minute tantrum will yield incredible benefits....?

Another worry I have is that this culture is truly international – we see it here at matric dance time, when newspapers report the crazy amounts of money parents spend on the whole ‘matric dance experience’ – the outfit, limo’s, afterparty entry fee… it’s out of control.

So guys – you tell me… What’re your fave/worst Super Sweet 16 episode? (if any) Do you think parents are just being loving, or is it too much pampering?

Should we really be celebrating these kids and making them feel like they're superstars because their parents have deep pockets? what are we saying about society?

I ask, coz I grew up fairly comfortably, my parents were doing ok - but at no stage was there ANY illusion that this was MY money. it was always understood that I would have to make my own way in life - they were fully prepared to arm me with a good, solid education - and the rest was up to me.

Let’s discuss….


02 Oct 2007 12:22

This is a whole lot of info to read, digest, think of a reply in Setswana, translate it to English and then write. Tomorrow Sweety my baby, tomorrow!

02 Oct 2007 12:56

ooh this is way to looong SMB m nt a moderator o sumthng bt cud u plz edit this Thesis.

03 Oct 2007 03:00

How long was the show Sweety my baby to deserve that much info.

Even in my history  studies i never wrote an essay of this much.
Joking never did history.

Hola Sweety.

03 Oct 2007 03:55

sweety my baby i think this makes for some fabulous reading!!! don't care how long...if it's good, it's good and yours sure kept me going! ene kere sies, oi ketsa modest kanti u have all this under ur sleeve? hi hi hi

saw some episodes of this a few times and when u said: The best way to describe my feelings about My Super Sweet 16 is ‘horrified fascination’. A rich American brat is allowed to throw the mother of all 16 year old bashes, and we, the viewer, have an insight into the sheer materialism, brattishness, bad parenting and utter vulgarity that is capitalism – all through ‘mummy and daddy’s little angel’. my thots exactly!

those kids are way too pampered (even this is putting it lightly!). some parents just don't realise gore u can give ur child the world but u still have to equip them with the skills to survive on their own out there in the big bad world!

i don't think us south africans are so bad thou...i c nothing wrong with going all out for your child's matric dance..the dress/hair/makeup etc...incl the limo. i think a limo is way better than buying them a nu car!!! i'm all for giving your kids the best of everything, if u can afford it. but one also has to remember the best does not necessarily have to equal money. love and care and discipline and all of that don't cost a cent! if God willing, and i'm financially able, by the time my child finishes matric (with good grades ofcos!) i will buy him a smallanyana car like maybe a golf or a corsa. he can upgrade later with his own money naye! to me, that's what parenting is about, giving your children a start and showing them they have to find the rest of their way! and to me a car is becoming a about 20 yrs it'll be more difficult to not have one!

ooh nkosi yami, article within an article! i blame u smb...good one!

sweetie my baby
03 Oct 2007 04:39

ha ha - thanks Kele, i was beginning to think i should crawl back into my hole after all the complaints re: the length (and all this after i WARNED people, heysh!) TVSA readers are a TOUGH crowd to please.... 

anyway, will defs shorten it next time, once i gather the courage to write again....

03 Oct 2007 04:43

Gosh..... Sweety, we know its your 1st blog but you should've tried to deduct come of the unnecessary stuff. i was hooked in the beginning but lost interest after a minute. SUMMARIZE! i believe they still teach that in skul.

03 Oct 2007 04:50

<I promise I'm going to read---have printed it out cause my boss is loving me today so i can't have tvsa open--will comment either later today or tomorrow>

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