Season 9
The Drew Carey Show is an American sitcom created by Drew Carey which revolves around Carey, an office worker who has had a long-life working experience, and the highs and the lows of both his romances and his relationships to his friends Lewis, Oswald and Kate.
It aired on ABC from 1995-2004 and is known for its "everyman" characters and themes. There are 233 episodes over nine seasons.
The Drew Carey Show aired in South Africa on and later on M-Net Series.
Season 9 - the final season - premieres on M-Net Series on Thursday 29 November 2007, at 20h00.
The ninth season has a new look: the show is now shot using single-camera feature film techniques, giving each episode the feel of a 22-minute movie while providing a glimpse into the unpredictable world of an amiable every guy who makes the best of what he's got.
Drew Carey is your average, 9-to-5 kinda guy, working in a dead end job, living in the same house he grew up in, and hanging out with his life-long friends, Lewis, Oswald, and Kate.
He hates his co-worker, Mimi, who is to him the embodiment of all things evil. Lewis works as a janitor at a drug company, and Oswald works hard at being unemployed. Drew, Lewis, and Oswald, own Buzz Beer, a homegrown cross-pollination of Beer and Coffee.
Drew has lots of luck, and at the same time, no luck, in love. To illustrate: Drew has been married six times on the show, at one stage to three different people, one of whom was a man.
Some interesting facts about the characters' names: Lewis' middle name is Michaelangelo, Drew's is Allison, and Oswald's full name is Oswald Harvey Lee.