
"He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool - Avoid him. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep - Waken him. He who knows not and knows that he knows not wants beating - Beat him. He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man - Know him."

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28 Mar 2008

Ndi Matsheloni Toxy, ndi khou humbela u thusiwa please, I want to attach a photo on a PM, it it possible to dat? please help ASAP. thanx i advance.

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27 Mar 2008

The biatch has landed girl, sharp-sharp- okay vuyo does that better. i know

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27 Mar 2008

Hello Tx, hu rini, just came to leave my foot prints lyk i promised,and futhi I think the 1s i left some time ago have disappeared by now. ni vhe na duvha lavhudi. tata.

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27 Mar 2008

Hello Tox, waving like a luni...anywho took da liberty of adding u to my pals...hope dats cool with ya. hope yo Thursday is a fantabulous one...ciao

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25 Mar 2008

Hello!!! Hope you are fantastic and had a great weekend. Mine was rested, which is what I hate about long weekends, you never want to come back to work...eish. But life goes on. So anyway, I didn't get lost. I was refering to your reply below on the "Feel free to go off topic" article,it was Nonny's article. Reply from: Toxic 3/12/2008 2:28:24 PM can someone please post a "muthi" typa blog-i think i have been bewitched and need advice!! Remember now?

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20 Mar 2008

Hello Girl. I know i promised I'd have the article ready this week, but I've been on serious overtime this week(actually been away for a work thing), so i haven't had a chance to finish it. Will work on it over the long sorry. Should be up on tuesday.

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14 Mar 2008

that was so sweet of you, thank you so much. my cooking abilities are getting better everyday and i gues i'll gain a little pinch of weight

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11 Mar 2008

well i wish i cud tell you mara i know this relationship stuff.....we had a promise who knows where it takes us...send a P.M i will reply mara you must promise me it stays there neh?

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11 Mar 2008

Thanx! i will.....dont be afraid you are safe!LOL there is no harm in making frends isnt it? she wont do anything to you she admirers you dearly!..

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10 Mar 2008

Tox girl, I'm good but I've been really busy. Logging in during the day is completely out of the question. I seriously need a laptop cos I'm so missing out. Thank you for missing me while I was gone.

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05 Mar 2008

morning!!! well what'd i tell you? all this ranting and raving would get us nowher. this is mzansi, somethings will just never're o.k?

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04 Mar 2008

hey Tox ...just load shedding sum luv on a rainy nite ...whispering nami iwant 2c the Mapuna puna Pic plssss hle anyway..nite nite

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04 Mar 2008

OMG...........the EVER talkative Nonny is SPEECHLESS.............damn thanks for the email love, and WTF was Ntsiki thinking???? Damn bodies like that should be banned............ok ok nobody is perfect, kodwa ke this is the kinda body that should only being viewed by the one who makes love to u ONLY and after putting his eyes subject to so much unattractiveness u better be an animal and a half in bed, just to make up for it...........yeses I am sure the phographer had to go for therapy after her photoshoot. Those breats and the vijayjay............oh Nkosi yami talk about confidence (are u sure they don't pay them undercover and then bluff us by saying it's for charity..........LOL), I salute her, for the brave and literally fearless woman. Mina if I looked like her I would'nt do that for the lotto...........ok ok........maybe I would do it for the lotta and immediately RELOCATE..........but u know what I mean right???

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04 Mar 2008 know i learnt a long time ago-back in high school that "equality" does not have a definition. mobilising the masses reaches a certain point but not enough. i am an affiliate ya sasco, the youth league and have recently joined the mother body of my chosen political party because i like to be in the forefront of these things and i believe we all have a role to play in the fight against victimisation as blacks. but do you know what? it get worse, not better. the acts are more brutal than before and now our generation is so much more aware of it BUT, WHAT CAN WE DO? i'm seething and i hate the effect they have on me all these kilometers away.

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03 Mar 2008

I love seeing your name all over my screen. Unjani ntombi.

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28 Feb 2008

Plz come and read my message in my GB!!!

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27 Feb 2008

Ndi masiari, I'm just sharing mu love sisi, hav a gr8 day. I'll b bek (in arnie the terminator's voice).

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27 Feb 2008

Hey Tox, I am just love shedding and reminding u of the great person that u are!!!

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27 Feb 2008

Morning. Ok, I think I'll do it, all in the spirit on K'ekhaya...hehe.

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26 Feb 2008

Tsho Tox I was kidding about recapping, i dont think i have it in me. I dont know, i'll watch tomorrow and see if what i put together is worth posting. U good though?

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26 Feb 2008

Mw is trying to be a nice guy this year,mailing,keeping in touch and learning how to be a friend.Tired of being relegated to the almost bin...Will you help me try?(Does it show Ive been reading mens mags?)Kidding

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24 Feb 2008

Hey there, just checking if there's anybody there and did u receive my PM?? Neway plz holla once u have received it and Tox, plz bting back that yummy lips profile pic u had love ok???

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22 Feb 2008

Hi.Thought I should come by and say Hello Hi!About to leave what Im doing cos time is creeping towards my holy Sabbath.Sorry couldnt keep tabs on our almost budding friendship. One love?

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22 Feb 2008

I'm so glad I gave u an idea for a blog coz I know that u are gifted and it's gonna be a rockas blog. Toxic have a fabulous Saturday and a blessed Sunday (whether u are Christian or not) and thank u for everything.

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20 Feb 2008

Hey there, just here to shed some love call it "loveshedding".................I miss u namhlanje yazi. Neway I hope that u are ok and have a wack wednesday love!!!

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20 Feb 2008

Dance is really broad, and i wanna cover all aspects of it. So from a young age i did Freestyle, Latin american and ballroom. I added Modern dance, hip hop, contemporary and funk. And only recently i tried my feet at Jazz (and i liked it). Last week I added ballet to my dance list, I'm also going today, i love it. But di dance tse tsabo bana ba ga Arthur le bo Chomi di a a sense that when i dance those kind of moves are not the first thing that come into my mind...thats why kere kasi styles are not my strong points, I can do them, but they are not me.

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20 Feb 2008

hey girl!!! just popped in to say have a fab Wednesday and remember to live and let live!!!

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19 Feb 2008

hey Toxy......miss you but working like crazy to cover some deadlines but i'll pop in to see if you're behaving from time to time..K? thanx for the visit

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19 Feb 2008

Hey there, just checkin on u on how is ur day so far? Neway enjoy it love!!!

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18 Feb 2008

Yah my friend GB hopping is really tiring that's why only do it for people I REALLY care about, especially if I posting 4 replies in one day..........*hint hint*.........I leave at five, so cheers, I guess I'll see u tomorrow!!!

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18 Feb 2008

Toxy, I just wanna say it's so good to be blogging with u as per usual, and by the way I miss ur Khumbulekhaya recaps..........*not that I'm suggesting something*!!!

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18 Feb 2008

THANK YOU!!!.....hello toxic my dearest sugar plum ..i dragged my feet pushed my 2cm tummy 2share the luv ....take care a fab evening 2u!

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18 Feb 2008

Glad to see my essay is still here.........neway how can u challenge me to speak Sotho, coz u know it's a damn difficult language, so I don't wanna risk making a fool of myself. But I must say ur Zulu is VERY impressive how did u learn it???, u make me embarrassed that I struggle to even write ONE Sotho word, kodwa ke u still love me for me akere? I hope I even spelt "akere" right, but ke u know what I mean..........LOL

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Zee Babes!
18 Feb 2008

Oh my GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDD! Toxic I am sorry, I know Nonny could not have let it pass, without rubbing it on. Askies honey, I was wondering ukuthi since when do dudes care cos its only dudettes who cares like you (um sucking for being a sucker). And as for being walking chemenys, its true what Nonnz said...smoking or not, we are all going 6 feet under nomakanjani - read my *caption on my GB* not sure what its called, but just go thru it...dats

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18 Feb 2008

I am still in shock that how can Zee Babes call such a beautiful lady Mr Mod, and besides no one refers to u by a Moderator title because u don't use a title to get ur point across........(OK I know that was uneccessary so kindly ignore that) neway u are so right, even if I may fool myself by saying that whether u smoke or not, at the end we will all die, the truth of the matter is that one cigarette less a day, makes a big difference in ur lungs, and I hope that one day (obviously not too soon though) I will have the courage to quit this bad habit. Neway back to me writing another article, well I am a bit more on the controversial side of life (and I'm sure u've noticed) so I don't wanna cos more noise, than I sometimes cause, so I leave it to responding to other articles (but do watch this space). Neway I am really sorry to write an essay here, but ke what can I say I feel at home in ur GB coz of the wonderful person u are, but do delete this long reply if it bothers u..........(but ke plz be warned I LOVE holding grudges........LOL) Cheers

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Zee Babes!
18 Feb 2008

Mr Mod - How are you and oh by the way my problem is still not solved! I see you dropped by Nonnz house and you said something about moa....I agree Mr Mod - one less ciggies a day = one day added. Takecare

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18 Feb 2008

Hey Tox, if they do a show for professional dancers then maybe i'll take part ko Jika ma Jika...I dont think highly of myself, i just think if i have to dance with those kasi kids they'll whip my behind. I cant do kasi dances even my dance teacher complains sometimes when we have to do african or traditional styles, she calls me Miss Modern. she says my moves are too modern -- so i battle to get into kasi styles a lot. so, i'm sorry to disappoint, no Me on Jika ma jika anytime soon

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Zee Babes!
15 Feb 2008

I mean I get messages dat xxx left a PM but when i get there, I cant view them not unless its the same thing as GB - plz clarify....this thing is foreign to me - ndinguNolitha kwezizinto.

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15 Feb 2008

Toxic, its AzHot (hot ass)...LOL!!!

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15 Feb 2008

I know yazi, ngavele ngabadom nje, we ddnt have anything to eat, we jsut had drinks. Im planning on reviving the RC recaps, i actually wanted to this Monday but im too busy at work. im watching Scandal these days and its so sad that there is no more recaps.

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14 Feb 2008

Hello Tox, waving like an absolute lunatic, yho ngikukhumbe njani Tox, awazi wena. Thanks man, he said no cameras meaning those big things that tv crews take with them and mina ngokubastupid i thot he meant everything including digital cams, so no pics. unjani Tox, how's work hows everything nje.

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14 Feb 2008

you've been've been missed

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13 Feb 2008

well thanx...i dont see much of you these days...wats up?and pliz read Seduction! its only the begining!((((((waving))))))

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13 Feb 2008

well thanx...i dont see much of you these days...wats up?and pliz read Seduction! its only the begining!((((((waving))))))

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13 Feb 2008

So u say I need umthandazo, how about u pray for me and then we will do an evaluation on how successful ur prayer is..........LOL...........Have a nice day Tox!!!

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06 Feb 2008

(((((((((CYBER HUG)))))))))))))...........U are missed by Nonny too much Toxic!!!

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05 Feb 2008

Hey Tox, i thot i understood that you were busy at work but i dont anymore, miss yah!!

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31 Jan 2008

Hehe, its just really hectic when the heart and the head are so conflicted. But like i said, i aint ready to die, and i know i'll do whats right for me, and i'll be happy with it.

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30 Jan 2008

And I'm just as proud of your achievement...haha. Nah thanks for dropping in. Nna I'm trying to cope, cud be better, but you know mos life's curve balls make us stronger if they dont kill us. And i aint ready to die, so i come. How you doing though?

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25 Jan 2008

I have and its working for me. I no longer watch tv as much as i used to. If u were to ask me about soccer, i would definitely tell you whats up cos it is the only interesting thing for me to watch on tv this month. I haven't watched SCD but Sowetan online has been giving updates. maybe u should check it out if u have a second to spare......

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25 Jan 2008

I am still around, i was wondering where u are and how come you haven't started updating us on SCD!!!! its good to have u back.....

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24 Jan 2008

(((((((((( HELLO MNGANE WAM)))))))))))).

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Foxy gal
23 Jan 2008

Hey Toxic! how r u in this load shedding year of 2008? (2000&great my foot!!) hoping u doing well have a great Wacky Wednesday!!!!!!

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Zee Babes!
22 Jan 2008

Hi....Plz help, ngifunukwazi - is the gold status "earned" and if so, how?

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21 Jan 2008

ToxiChik, o kae mara? please come back...we miss you!

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16 Jan 2008

If u are still on leave............please organize me a position in ur company..........if u are not on leave please return,,,,,,,,,,this place needs ur wisdom.............Nons also needs u!!!!

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16 Jan 2008

hey ke a tseba gore leave e fedile so kanti o i tlhagisa neng???

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16 Jan 2008

Are you still on leave? unqabile maan.

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02 Jan 2008

Have a great 2008 Toxic, wishing you the best of everything!!

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18 Dec 2007

Hello Toxic...i've been good thanks. Eish i'm not really a Harry potter fan but i guess it would hurt givin it a try... i hope all is good with you, have a GR8 festives season...much love!

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13 Dec 2007

who's lips are those? No i'll be in jozi!

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13 Dec 2007

Ke sorry,very.Unfortunately I been busy with other ppls bonuses.They would hate me like a bad wig if they dont get them salaries either today or tomorrow. I have never ever avoided a lady purposely....Sorry?

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13 Dec 2007

30 Dec, my b'day, holler @ your girl!

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10 Dec 2007

Jordy o sile buka ya hao ko koloing....

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10 Dec 2007

Hey Toxy, how u doing this very boring monday? Hope u have a great week. when do u guys close at work?

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07 Dec 2007

Have a great weekend Tox, uziphathe kahle.

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06 Dec 2007

Hey Tox, How's't girl? It's been long since I popped by your GB, so I thought lemme just holla while u still online. HOLLA!

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05 Dec 2007

Happy December Toxy loo, Toxy pooh. Aah well trying to be endearing but they both sound so wrong but u get me don't u Miss T. Will "chat" after the festive, hope you & your little precious have a fab time and I know I definitely will. Mchwaah

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26 Nov 2007

he he so sad you cld nt make it to XC's wedding,lol

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26 Nov 2007

Hi, thanks for the help. I was finally able to post my article. Have a great week.

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25 Nov 2007

hie there poison!**jokes**TOXIE,my my my was i glad to see you visited my G.B...well dont really call myself a magician even tho i know to do the trix and being magician is based more on the business side i just create magic trix for commercial reasons!but i will be glad to show you magic someday! and NO i dont know any spels..if i knew them a lot of people wud be in a lot of trouble as we speak hi hi hi!

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20 Nov 2007

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HELLO))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I just wanna say HI stalky! But this name does not qualify anymore!

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19 Nov 2007

Hey there Toxy, Nonny's here to give u sum more love. Have a fabulous day!!!!

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19 Nov 2007

hey Tox...wad up ma fav gal! Have a super stunning day.

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19 Nov 2007

Hey there Toxy, I hope u didn't try to visit my home & then some bullies scared u off, coz wena u have 24/7 VIP entrance to my GB. Hope u had a fabulous weekend, and I wish u a fanbulous day!!!!! Nonny misses ur visits, even the ones u do to make my GB ful purosely.......*wink wink*

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Foxy gal
15 Nov 2007

Sawubona we Modareytha mngani wam!!!!!!! Unjani kodwa?? Ngaze mgafa inkumbulo bo!!! Anyhoo, Enjoy yo day!!!!

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14 Nov 2007

***weeping***weeping****weeping***weeping***weeping***weeping*** ain't gonna stop until you come back....I miss you....***weeping***weeping***weeping***weeping****weeping**** PLS COME BACK!!!

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14 Nov 2007

Hey Toxy, just wanted to let u know that yesterday was not as great as it shud've been without u here at TVSA. I honestly missed u. Yesterday made me realise that u really contribute alot to this place & I enjoy blogging even more when u are around. I hope u will be back nge full force today and u better make it up to Nonny!!!

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13 Nov 2007

Hi there stalky, I see gore you are not around today! check the time. This is the only time I am allowed to! I know! Boring hey! Please send me a response on the g-mail address. Talk to you later sweet cakes! ((((((((((((((MWARH))))))))))))))))))))))

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13 Nov 2007

I do have the book incase you want to borrow it...

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12 Nov 2007

Tox, I don't plan on quitting anytime SOON, u know even my "Nail technician" tried to make me quit, by coating my nails with this top coat called "Glaze & Glow" which is highly sensative to smoke, it actually turns yellow if u smoke, and guess what I did. Instead of quitting, I bought meself a maintenance kit & I maintain my nails at home and I keep my fabulous habit....hihhihi.u must be thinking, damn this child needs Jesus, & guess what............I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

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Foxy gal
12 Nov 2007

That a bummer hey!!!!!! But anyhoo I wish u all the best @ da nyunivesi mngan'wam, dayum am gonna miss u!!!!

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12 Nov 2007

I really enjoyed it...i was really funny, was sitting by myself and had a great laugh. They really put up a great show...

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12 Nov 2007

Updated Toxic...:-)

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Foxy gal
12 Nov 2007

Heita Toxic chomi yaka!!!!!! how is u? & how was your weekend??? Hope u were not too much intoxicated cos today i feel like reading an article from u & u know a babalaz will not help hey!!!!

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12 Nov 2007

Hey there Toxy, goodmorning & I hope u had a fabulous weekend. I just wanna let u know that had I known that u can be so manipulative I wudn't have allowed u to be close to my heart, but now it's too late, I already have a soft spot for u & u know it............damn it. So plz stop contributing to making my GB full coz u know that u are the last option for me to delete & make space with................*wink wink*

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09 Nov 2007

sis'Tox wuddup gal!!!! about the Khumbul'ekhaya thing hi hi hi... i'm glad i could make you laugh sani, yazi when i'm here i cant control my goofyness, this is the best place i bumped in to if i may say so myself... anyway happy vrydag... and are we going to church ke this sunday???*wink* tl tl tl..

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09 Nov 2007

Hey Tox...the article is now live so you can now comment...its called "BEE's". There's a message for u as well there. See u there...

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09 Nov 2007

Hey you, with that laugh u left in my GB, u I can tell know exactly who's Denzi & which interests I am talkning about, don't try to be clever with me vha???

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Foxy gal
09 Nov 2007

Hey Toxy my slavithi!! Have a fab. weekend!!

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09 Nov 2007

Cousy, i see your article made front page :) Well done!

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09 Nov 2007

It's good to see that u & Denzi share the same "HEALTHY" interests hey?? Neway have a fabulous Friday follwed by a spectacular weekend & don't u ever forget that u are always a VIP to Nonny................*wink wink*

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08 Nov 2007

Ke bona re sa chakelane....

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08 Nov 2007

Toxic dumela, about my interest i cant help it.

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08 Nov 2007

Are we beyond GB?

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07 Nov 2007

hihihi Toxy, stop playing games, u know exactly which headache I am suffering from...........and luckily for me I am always covered..............hhihi.............I am talking about ama Panado's hey, I never leave home without them!!!!

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Xhosa Chick
07 Nov 2007

I wonder why uve deleted my reply....:(

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07 Nov 2007

Hey Tox, great minds really do think alike, I just noticed that u posted in my GB when I was at ur GB posting the above reply..WOW..........hey???

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07 Nov 2007

Hey Toxy, guess what it took a blog that I was having fun with being closed, for me to miss you, just joking. All I wanted to say that I am grateful for us bloggers to have someone who is a logical thinker like you. Whether u get what that is in reference to okwakho ke lokho....*wink wink* enjoy what's left of ur day!!!

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07 Nov 2007

Toxic how are you doing my friend?

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Bra Bizza
07 Nov 2007

well i just happen to know how to speak,read and write 5 different has a lot to do with the place where i grew up...

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Foxy gal
07 Nov 2007

Hey Toxy! Just thot i shud spread some foxy love over here!!!!! Enjoy yo day & stop doing practical researches!!!! LOL

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06 Nov 2007

hey Tox...howz yo day...yes plenty of web visitors occassionally check how the "other half" lives hi hi hi they wont admit it and thats being a hypocrit becoz its not like you'are tryin to find out how YOUR business is know what I mean you dont take part or anything besides ..its really for research hi hi hi

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Xhosa Chick
06 Nov 2007

Bra Bizza is Xhosa? Thats news to me!!!!!!They sure make them differently these days ne?!

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Bra Bizza
05 Nov 2007

hey it all make sense...yep ke mo Xhosa empa he ke a bua ha ke rata.....have a fab week!!!

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05 Nov 2007

hey Tox, Hope you had a fab weekend ke especially esontweni with umfundisi.. hi hi hi ...

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05 Nov 2007

wud rather not say who it is!maybe its becoz i went on and on about me being a big fan of TDC eish blacks thot....u know. think i must upload my photo here neh..but then again good things are scarce,rather not i want to keep this sentence true>>>>

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Foxy gal
05 Nov 2007

Hellooow my darling sista frend!!!!!!!!!! ..........Happy Monday!

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05 Nov 2007

ha ha ha come to think of it someone thinks im gay!!!!well im not!luvbug is very much straight! and to answer yo Q,its something about your name that made me think a r a dude...toxic means dangerous or poison neh? between females and males who's toxic? if it doesn't make sense dont u worry a lot i know im stupid!hi hi hi

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05 Nov 2007

Hey there Toxy, just thought I'd send u some love vroeg in die more. Hope u had a fabulous day and I wish u an awesome week.........*hugs & kisses*

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Bra Bizza
04 Nov 2007

well twin...i'm not a geek so a ke thlaloganye,o bua kang vele??

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03 Nov 2007

there i was all this time thinking that u are a dude!so ucheri?then again knowing the meaning of your name im not surprised...well i was in your G.B thot i wud say hie...will make a turn wen sumthing comes up!

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02 Nov 2007

yeah about that zulu thing I sumtimes have to reach way too deep to find the words coz we dont speak like dat in real life, but its fun when one gets to do when you have to speak your sesotho in a very deep manner you feel that indiscribable feeling of being real and authetic...i donno i promise to tone it down a bit...LOL..about the R.kelly I saw the clip on the net while googling for some other sex-tape for research hi hi ok thats a lie-yes occassionally I venture into that zone xxx for fun not that I'm a perv but few admit it...) anyway I saw the things he did to her, like peeing on her and stuff I wouldnt wanna mention but the guy is just a bitt too adventurours if not twisted...hi hi hi have a nice weekend

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02 Nov 2007

sawubona nkosazana Toxy, ngiyajabula uma ngibe nosizo kuwe namuhla yize ngingeke ngaziqhenya ngobuchule obedlulele ngoba nami ngicaphuna kulabo abanolwazi olunzulu bangicobelele ulwazi ukuze kusizakale iningi....uluthokozele ulwesihlanu lwakhu ungavumeli izinsizwa zisine zizibethele kuwe, uziqoqe kuze kube ngosuku lomshado uyintombi enonophele LOL

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02 Nov 2007

hey girl, ngilokhu ngikhona ngibhekile......... otherwise unjani wena?

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02 Nov 2007

yesterday worked out fine actually cos now i can take my half day today and htat ohter issue has been sorted out!

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02 Nov 2007

Hallo Sweets...Happy Friday! Believe it or not...I only JUST figured out how to post a message on your guestbook...U wee...Sloweee...I know....:-)

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02 Nov 2007

thought i'd come pop in and say Howzzzit gal, have a fab weekend. Stay blessed. Byeeee*waving both hands and blowing kisses*

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Foxy gal
02 Nov 2007

Umdallo esikhuluma ngawo iBay of Plenty umdlalo owuchungechunge ogayelwe yavutshelwa khona la kwelikabhanana njengoba eseshilo nje uSponono, uqale kumabonakude ngoLwesithathu ligamenxe ihora lesishiyagalombili ku Mzansi fosho!!!....... Ngiyabonga kakhulu phela wemngani wami isixazululekile neyami inkinga hhayi impela uSpo uyisigelekeqe esifokhasd (hi hi hi ).....umahluko phakathi kokuthanda nokukhonza anginaso isiqiniseko kodwa ngibanga ukuthi it's Love & adore ngesingisi..... Yho isiZulu sithatha kude YHO!!!!

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02 Nov 2007

Hey Tox, thanx for visitn my GB. Happy Vrydag 2 U 2!!!

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02 Nov 2007

try this: first go to "tools" while you've got your-internet on internet options click "delete files, cookies", and click:"clear hsitory" next close every program opened and go to "start, -programs, accessories, system tools, disk clean-up, then you'll get a window saying cleaning disk c and click ok and wait until it opens to another window showing you the options titled disk cleanup for temporary internet files which should have lotts files..once you opened it you'll get to the Content which has yellow folders which you should open and then you'll see all the sites you've visited and then you can delete them by either blocking all of them or one by one you'll even see pics good luck..the account statement will be in your mail shortly thanks TVSA IT guru LOL

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Foxy gal
02 Nov 2007

Thanx Tox it nice to be back, I feel much better now but it still feels as if i missed out a lot!!! Oh & Tox, I saw yo query on sponono's GB, I also have the same problem could u please tell me the solution when/if u get it please!! Happy Fridayo Frendo!!!!!!!

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Bra Bizza
01 Nov 2007

seeing that we're twins i thought maybe we should have one of me and you and post it here....

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01 Nov 2007

Hi Toxic, this is my 1st tym visitn ur Gb.. So Hey! Im jst delivering a msge frm Foxy, yes Foxy! She needz help!! Her system is down she miss'z you guys alot! Shez officially suffering frm withdrawal syndrome!

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31 Oct 2007

ausi moderator o nne le bosigo bo bo monate

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30 Oct 2007

Before I log out, just thought I'd come and give u a (((((((((((CYBER HUG))))))))))) just for u being u nothing more, nothing less!!!

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30 Oct 2007

Hey Tox, bn a while thot i shud holla. Hope your okay.

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30 Oct 2007

Thanks for mentioning moa on the i wish blog cause I know nobody woould have wena stalky! Thanks babes kiss kiss!

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30 Oct 2007

just came here to give you a kiss ((((((((((((((((((Mcwaaaaaaaaaa)))))))))))))))))

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30 Oct 2007

Sista Cuz...i'm mpa fela ke i tukisetsa di teko tse tlang. Wena, o phetse?

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30 Oct 2007

An angel came to visit me at night and i was advised by her to visit ur GB first thing in the morning to put a smile on ur face and make ur day bright. So here I am showing u some luv. Have a splendid Tuesday!!!

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29 Oct 2007

Hey there Toxy *wink wink*

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26 Oct 2007

zama ukuthola a pic like the one you have up there as a profile pic, mara ese windhoek (istaf sam) tu

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26 Oct 2007

Mngani, have urself a fabuolous weekend!!

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25 Oct 2007

Bhabhayi Toxi (u know I love them traditional way of saying things). Have a relaxing evening & come back well refreshed tomorrow as always....

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