Come Dine With Me South Africa 8: Episode 4 recipes

Written by TVSA Team from the blog BBC Lifestyle on 03 Nov 2022
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It’s week four of Come Dine With Me SA and we were in Joburg’s East Rand on Wednesday, with four frisky food lovers who brought exótique flavours from Mozambique, Portugal and the past.

The hosts for the evening were Mozambican businessman and single father of four Arsenio, Portuguese patriot and marketing manager Jacky, flashy and flirtatious real estate agent Ivete - also from Mozambique - and businessman Devon, ambassador for all things old.

His fancy pants, detailed, Titanic themed evening won him the silver plate of cash.

These are everyone's recipes:

Arsenio Macamo

NAME OF DISH   Prawns and Calamari Salad
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   4/ 2  Prawns/calamari
   1  Red Onion
   4  Small Prawns
   1  Cucumber
   1  Egg
 2  Soup spoons of baking flour
   1  Chopped coriander
   3  Chopped garlic
METHOD   1. Chop the 4 small prawns
  2. Trim the cucumber and remove the water
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl
  4. Cut the red unios into rings
  5. Place the mix inside each red union and fry it
  6. Season the big prawns and bake them in the oven
  7. Fry the Calamari after season it and mix with salad

NAME OF DISH   Mucapata with Zambezi Chicken
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   4  Full chicken legs
   2  Fresh coconuts
   5  Garlic
   1  Tea mug Mucapata Beans
   50g  Rice
METHOD   1. Mix the coconut milk with the Mucapata and boil
  2. When boiled mix the rice and season
  3. Season the chicken legs with coconut milk and let it boil
  4. When the chicken is cooked, take to oven to toast

NAME OF DISH   Cassava sweet desert
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   2  Cassava
   2  Fresh coconut
   3  Teaspoon Cinnamon
   3 spoon sugar  Spoon sugar
METHOD   1. Cook the Cassava 25 min approximately
  2. Boil the coconut milk with sugar and cinnamon
  3. Add the Cooked cassava and let it boil
  4. When done, let it cool, and store in the fridge

Ivete de Wet

NAME OF DISH   Clams (Amêijoas)
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   2kg  Fresh Clams
   5 cloves  Garlic
   1 large  Onion
   2  Tomatoes
 2  Lemon
   500ml  Dry white wine
   To taste  Salt and Pepper
   1 bunch  Coriander
  1. Sweat the onions and garlic and add tomatoes and wine
  1. Add the clams and let it simmer, add salt and pepper to taste
  1. Garnish with coriander and serve with a lemon wedge

NAME OF DISH  Portuguese steak with fries and carrot rice (bife a português)
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   1.5 kg (300gm per person)  Fillet steak
   6  Eggs
   500ml  Red wine
   To taste  Salt & Pepper
   3  Carrots
 5 cloves  Garlic
   6  Potatoes
   2 cups  Basmati rice
     Olive oil
  1. Rice – fry the grated carrots and garlic, add the dry rice and water and leave to simmer
  1. Peel potatoes and cut into strips for the fries. Heat the oil and fry the chips
  1. Fry the steaks to order
  1. Fry 1 egg per steak
  1. Plate-the steak, egg on top of the steak. Add fries and portion of carrot rice with side salad

NAME OF DISH   Chocolate mousse (mousse de chocolate)
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   3  Eggs
   1 slab  Dark chocolate
   1 tablespoon  Butter
   1 cup  Sugar
   250 ml  Cream
 Mixed  Berries for garnish
  1. Separate the eggs and whisk the egg whites and sugar
  1. Melt the dark chocolate and butter
  1. Whisk the cream
  1. Fold all together
  1. Pour into serving cups and refrigerate
  1. Garnish with berries

Jacky Merola

NAME OF DISH   Fígados de galinha com chouriço
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   1  Onion
   500g  Chicken Livers
   Enough to cover the livers  Milk
   Enough to coat the livers (about 200grams)  Flour
 50 grams  Tomato paste
   125 mls  Nando’s Peri-Peri sauce
   1 can  Tomato and onion mix
METHOD   1. Clean the chicken livers (5 min)
  2. Place chicken livers in a bowl and cover with milk (leave for 20 min)
  3. Remove from the milk and roll the livers in flour (5 min)
  4. Flame grill the chouriço on clay “assador de barro”: put some aguardiente into the clay pot, pop the chouriço on top and light the alcohol. Let the flames cook the chouriço until it is slightly blackened and crispy (10)
  5. On a low heat, fry one chopped onion in butter and olive oil until soft, (15 mins).
  6. Turn the heat up and add sliced chorizo and fry for a further 2-3 mins. Remove from the pan and set aside
  7. On a high heat, fry the livers in some olive oil until browned. Lower the heat and add the onions and chorizo back to the pan.
  8. Add half a bottle of your favourite peri peri sauce in your heat preference. Stir. Add to the pan: 1-2 tablespoons tomato paste and 1 tin chopped tomatoes.
9. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer on low heat until the sauce starts to thicken - about 10 - 15 mins.
10. When ready to serve, add half a cup of cream to the simmering sauce a
11. Serve with toasted bread and you are done :)

NAME OF DISH  Bacalhau à Brás (Salt Cod, Eggs and Potatoes) and Milho Frito
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
(* NOTE: PREP TIME IS LENGTHY as the cod needs to be soaked for a few days and the milho frito needs to be prepared and put in the fridge the day before serving, to make it easier to fry up)
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
     Cod Fish
     Olive oil
  1  Chopped up onion
   4  Eggs
    Mielie pap
    Cooking oil
Milho Frito
  1. Boil a chopped up Chouriço in a pot for about 15 minutes (to add flavour to the dish)
  1. Make your mielie pap (make sure there are no lumps and bumps. You can use a sieve, or you can use a whisk to make it as smooth as possible)
  1. Once the pap starts to cook and when it is about 10 minutes from being done, add finely chopped up pieces of spinach
  1. Once done, spoon the mixture into a dish and lay it evenly across the dish (aim for about 5 -10 cm of pap)
  1. Place in your fridge over-night
  1. Cut your pap into even square pieces (or use a cookie cutter with pattern of your choice)
  1. Fry the pieces in hot oil until brown (you can deep fry or shallow fry). Depending on how many pieces you have made this can take up to an hour to fry
  1. Serve with your dish
NOTES  Rinse the salt cod under freezing water to remove all surface salt. Place the cod face down (with the skin facing up) and allow to soak - the intention here is to remove all the salt. You want the fish to not have a salty taste at allDepending on how thick your pieces are you may need to leave to soak (in the fridge, covered in water) for about 3 days.
Change the water once every day.
Once done drain the fish and rinse again under freezing water, then pat dry with paper towels. Shred the fish into bite-sized strips (try to remove all the bones for a better dining experience and remove as much of the skin as possible

 Bacalhau à Brás (Salt Cod, Eggs and Potatoes)
  1. Chop up your potatoes into thin strips (you can have bigger or smaller pieces depending on what you prefer but smaller pieces make them easier to fry)
  1. Deep fry the potatoes until golden (but not too crispy)
  1. Add olive oil and chopped up onions to a deep skillet, fry until golden brown
  1. Pan-fry your cod fish until cooked (the intention is not to have it turn golden brown; it is to cook it through)
  1. Add your potatoes
  1. When your dish is ready (after about 20 -30 minutes) you can switch off the heat and allow to simmer
  1. Beat 3 eggs and add into your mixture
  1. Use an egg lifter to lift the mixture and gently turn it to allow the egg mixture to be evenly spread, NB to note here is that you do not want the eggs to be scrambled, they help to bind the contents
  1. Add salt and pepper to taste (White pepper works best)
  1. Plate with a cut up boiled egg, Portuguese black olives, and a sprig of parsley

NAME OF DISH   Baba de Camelo (Camel Drool)
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   4  Egg yolks
   4  Egg whites
   1  Can of condense milk
     Grated almonds
     Marie biscuits
     Port wine
METHOD   1. Cook the can of condense milk in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes (or you can boil in a pot on a stove for 3 hours); remove the label, scrub off as much of the glue as you can and make sure the can is always submerged in water (make sure it is on its side so that it rolls back and forward and does not jump up and down)
  2. Wait for contents to cool down (if you are in a rush and must open the can, be prepared for it to spray out the can because of the built-up pressure, you can take the can outside or cover with a cloth)
  3. Pour your cooked condense milk into a bowl
  4. Separate the eggs
  5. Add the egg yolks to the condense milk and whisk on high for a few minutes (you can add some finely chopped up almonds for some extra almond flavour and a pinch of salt to reduce the sweetness)
  6. Whisk the whites of the egg on high until the mixture forms stiff peaks
  7. Gently add the egg whites into the condense milk mixture (folding the egg whites gently into the mixture)
  8. When plating: crush up Marie biscuits and lay on the bottom of your dessert bowl, drizzle some port wine over the biscuits(optional)
  1. Spoon in your mixture
  1. Sprinkle with grated almonds
  1. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours or until consistent

Devon Llywellyn

NAME OF DISH  Steamed mussel pot in white wine broth
served with home-made bread
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4 People
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
  1 teaspoon Butter
  1814 g Mussels
  2 teaspoons Olive Oil
  1.25 ml Crushed red pepper flakes
  1-2 teaspoons Crushed Garlic
2 teaspoons Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
   1-1/2 cup Dry white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc
   500g White bread flour, plus extra for dusting
  7g Yeast
  1 tsp Caster sugar
  2 tsp Salt
  1 tsp Sunflower oil, plus extra for the work surface and bowl
METHOD   1. Rinse the mussels well under freezing water. Pick them over, pulling off any beards and discarding any mussels that are broken or gaping open.
  2. In a large pot with a lid, heat the oil and butter over medium heat. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook until fragrant and soft but not coloured, 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. Add the mussels, wine, and half of the parsley. Increase the heat to high and cover the pan. After 2 minutes, remove the lid and toss the mussels well with a large spoon. Cover the pot again and cook until the mussels have opened wide, another 3 to 4 minutes. Add the remaining parsley, give the mussels a final toss, and divide the mussels and the broth among bowls.
  4. For the Bread Dough: Tip the flour, yeast, sugar, salt and oil into a bowl. Pour over 325ml warm water, then mix (with a spatula or your hand), until it comes together as a shaggy dough. Make sure all the flour has been incorporated. Cover and leave for 10 mins.
Lightly oil the work surface and tip the dough onto it. Knead the dough for at least 10 mins until it becomes tighter and springyPull the dough into a ball and put in a clean, oiled bowl. Leave for 1 hr, or until doubled in size.
Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll into a long sausage shape. Halve the dough, then divide each half into four pieces, so you have eight equal-sized portions. Roll each into a tight ball and put on a dusted baking tray, leaving some room between each ball for rising. Cover with a damp tea towel and leave in a warm place to prove for 40 mins-1 hr or until almost doubled in size.
Heat the oven to 230C/210C. When the dough is ready, dust each ball with a bit more flour. Glaze the rolls with milk or beaten egg. Bake for 25-30mins, until light brown and hollow sounding when tapped on the base. Leave to cool on a wire rack.


NAME OF DISH  Spiced filet mignons on a bed of crispy potatoes flambéed in Cognac and red wine served with seasoned vegetables.
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   4x Fillets spiced in black pepper and rock salt
   500g Baby potatoes
   1 teaspoon Olive Oil
   1 teaspoon Garlic
   1 teaspoon Italian Herbs
    Parmesan cheese
    Fresh parsley
 1 teaspoon Cajun
    Freshly Ground Black Pepper
   1x Lemon Wedge
  450 g Woollies Seasoned Vegetables
  1 Tablespoon Lemon pepper
  1 teaspoon Salt
  5 Tablespoons Butter
  ½ Cup Pinot Noir Red Wine
  3 Tablespoons Brandy or Cognac
  ¼ Cup Chopped Green onions
  ½ cup Heavy Cream
  1x Shallot chopped
  1 teaspoon Sugar
METHOD   1.  Press crushed peppercorns into both sides of each steak. Sprinkle it with lemon pepper and salt.
  2. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Stir in garlic and wine and cook for 1 minute. Arrange steaks in a pan, and cook until desired doneness, about 5 minutes per side. Reduce heat to low.
  3. Pour brandy into steaks, and carefully light with a match. Let the flames burn off. Sprinkle green onion and shallot around the steaks and circle the steaks with cream. Cook, stirring sauce, until hot. Transfer steaks to plates. Stir the sugar into the sauce, and then spoon over the meat.
  4. In a large bowl, toss potatoes with oil, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and Cajun seasoning, if using. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Place potatoes in a basket of air fryer and cook at 400° for 10 minutes. Shake basket, stir potatoes and cook until potatoes are golden and tender, 8 to 10 minutes more.
  6. Squeeze lemon juice over cooked potatoes and garnish with parsley before serving.
  7. Preheat the air fryer to 360 degrees F (180 degrees C) for the veggies
  8. Coat Veggies in a large bowl with olive oil, parsley, and veggie spice. Place in Air fryer and cook, stirring halfway, in the preheated air fryer until tender crisp, about 10 minutes.

NAME OF DISH  Bittersweet chocolate soufflé served with crème anglaise, and a Scoop of old-fashioned home-made vanilla bean ice cream
(1st, 2nd, 3rd
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   142 g Dark Chocolate powder
  2 teaspoons Unsalted butter
  3x Large eggs separated
  2x tablespoons Sugar
  1x teaspoon Vanilla essence
1x pinch of Salt
    Icing Sugar for dusting
  1 cup full cream milk
  ½ vanilla pod
  3x Egg Yolks
  80g castor sugar
  1x Pinch of Salt
  1 ¼ cups Heavy Cream
  2 ¼ cups Milk
  2 teaspoons / 2x Vanilla Essence
  ¾ Cup Sugar
    Coco Powder
  3x Egg Yolks
  1 cup whole milk
  ¾ cup
granulated sugar
  2 cups heavy Cream
  ¼ teaspoon salt
  1x vanilla bean
  1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  6x large egg yolks
  1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Liberally butter 4 ramekins and coat all inside surfaces with granulated sugar.
Gently melt the chopped chocolate and butter in a medium-large bowl over barely simmering water, being careful not to have the bowl touching the water or allow any water to splash into the bowl.
When the chocolate is completely melted, remove from heat and whisk in the egg yolks, extract, and salt, until smooth.
Meanwhile, beat the egg whites in a separate bowl until foamy, then add the sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form.
Carefully fold the egg whites into the chocolate until no white streaks remain. Try not to deflate all that air you just whipped into them. Note: you may want to do this in stages, starting with 1/3 of the whites first to loosen the chocolate, then add the rest. Chill for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
Divide the batter equally between your prepared ramekins, and gently smooth out the top surface, if necessary. Run an offset spatula (or your finger) around the top rim of each cup, to separate the top of the mousse from the sides of the ramekin. This helps the soufflé to rise straight up.
Bake for 10 -12 minutes until risen. The soufflés will still be a little wobbly. Note: depending on how full you filled your ramekins, the soufflés may or may not rise above the rims, but they will be puffed up.
Serve asap with a dusting of powdered sugar.
Bring the milk and vanilla pod to a boil in a small saucepan.
In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and salt.
When the milk has reached boiling point, slowly whisk it into the egg yolk mixture to temper the eggs.
Pour the custard back into the saucepan and over low heat, allow to cook whilst continuously stirring until thickened.
When the custard is cooked, pour through a sieve and refrigerate until cool.
When the Souffle is baked, pour over the sauce and serve immediately with the creme anglaise.

In a deep saucepan, warm up milk, sugar, salt and 1 cup heavy cream.
Split vanilla bean in half lengthwise.
Scrape seeds from the vanilla bean and add them to the saucepan.
Add vanilla bean and cover. Warm it up and remove from heat just before it starts boiling.
Remove from heat and steep for 20 minutes. Remove the vanilla bean after that.
In a medium bowl, whisk egg yolks. Very slowly pour warm milk, whisking constantly.
Transfer mixture back to the sauce pan and set heat to medium. Cook, stirring constantly with a spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan. Cook, until the custard thickens and coats the spatula.
Pour the remaining 1 cup heavy cream into a large bowl. Strain custard over the bowl and whisk to combine. Add vanilla extract.
Cool over an ice bath. Once it is cool to room temperature, cover and chill overnight.


Shows in this post: Come Dine With Me South Africa

Channels in this post: BBC Lifestyle


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