My phone, Your Phone

Written by tzhavile from the blog 50/50 wedding on 10 Feb 2010
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Recently i visited my grandmother and as usual, there is never a dull moment as she always has the gossip of the whole neighbouhood that she will tell you whether you like it or not.

In one of her stories was a story about a guy whom i shall call Sipho, a guy who grew up in the very same neighbourhood and done very well for himself and recently got married.

Granny was all praises about this guy until she took a shot-left to give us a low-down about his wife. The only mistake the girl did was to answer Sipho's phone in the presence of my very observent granmother. HER EXACT WORDS WERE: BATHO BA JESITSWE KA MO NTLE'.

The statement really took me by surprise and got me thinking all at the same time. whenever my girlfriend comes to visit, ui always tell her that we should switch off our cellphones as i want to spend all the quality time with her whereas in the rear of my head i just want to avoid all the questions that will follow after getting a call from a female colleegue. On my side, i also fear or rather try to avoid situation wherein i'll have to ask who called my girlfriend (though i never ask). 

My question to you bloggers is: do you feel jelous when your respective partners get a call from  a friend of opposite sex when you are together? furthermore, do you feel the urge to scroll down the inbox of your partners phone? do you ever resist the attempt to answer or to know who called your partner? Are there any fine lines between my phone and yours that concerns our parivacy?  


10 Feb 2010 11:49

when my phone privacy matters!, lets talk

10 Feb 2010 12:07

i try and mind my own business...mara when she is on the phone and cant talk freely with me around, answers by saying:
then i get irritated, and end up asking who were you talking too that you cant even talk freely with.

10 Feb 2010 12:24


It depends on how he/ she react when talking to that person, mara nna I want to know who's calling.

10 Feb 2010 12:25

Me 2 Monch, i ask when i notice u were not free otherwise i mind my own damn business coz nam i also have my "not-so innocent-calls". Otherwise my cellular is mine.

I used 2 get tempted esp when he is in the shower bt i stopped when i got what i was luking for.....EISH being paranoid sometimes!!!!!!! So NO, i dont pick up my bf' fone & nam he can leave mine alone.

10 Feb 2010 12:35

sometimes i wonder why people act like they are on generations. its very much possible to have those strange calls mara still act normal, and not have those roaving eyes, and that uneasy feeling....niyazijampisela maan

10 Feb 2010 12:41

Now i have a new style, i call everybody "standwa sam" "Hi standwa sam, unjani sana?" Whether its mum, friend, ex, nyatsi LOL, colleague u name it! Zizithandwa qha.

10 Feb 2010 12:44

lol myname sthandwa sam! unjani sana?

10 Feb 2010 12:48

i only answer if the number is not saved in his phone

10 Feb 2010 12:51

For me it matters not. He can answer and i answer his.

I have nothing to hide. He even goes through my messages but knows not to question me about every single message he doesnt understand. lol

10 Feb 2010 12:58

eish, a phone causes unnecessary fights..So i asked not to be questions about my private phone calls and i also dont ask him about his...My phone gets locked, and so is his... So i dont believe people should be opening each other's phones & asking questions if they are not married...In Sipho's case i think his wife has a right to, they became one when they married so what is his is hers..

10 Feb 2010 13:00

myname...thats great for girls, bu for guys saying sthandwa sami to every caller it would be a bit tricky...LOL ..but I think the nearest one that guys use is mfethu....even to girls collegues except yo girls watchout if he's on teh phone..saying "kunjan' mfet"

baby e
10 Feb 2010 13:03

my rule is you go through my phone i will also do the same. why should you have the liberty to do as you please on phone and not want me to do that.

10 Feb 2010 13:05

@GML- lol, do you also not question the ones you find in his phone??? something like.....'"thanks for last nyt tiger/tigress'"  from a certain minki???/

10 Feb 2010 13:12

There are no smses like that Tzhavile.

Just as there arent smses like that on my phone.

My dad calls me sweetheart, my brother calls me my love, my other brother calls me love.

I call most of my friends SISI and most of male friends Baba or Ntate what what (surname).  And most people call me by my in laws name.

SO I really dont see any reason for him to wuestion anything. Unless it's an sms from my parents then he can ask me, coz he has a right to know

10 Feb 2010 13:14

"thanks for last nyt tiger/tigress'" from a certain minki???/ LOL then HELL broke!!!!! hahahahaha

Spopo, i said EVERYBODY, the last time i had a date with this guy, he said after i got 2 calls, "iyooo uthetha kamnandi neechomi zakho, everybody is standwa sam". Although i felt guilty bt i said my friends know they all my lovers not in that way bt i just love them. And i told him nawe u r also my luv now (bendi charma ke apha)

He just smiled umntana womnye umama & nam i return the favour

10 Feb 2010 13:16

Lol @ sthandwa sami. The thing is that when you're on the phone I can tell you who you were talking to. My man likes to say "hello mama", "yes mama" and I can tell when he's talking to the real mama or nyatsi. He wont say sharp mama at the end of the call if it's his real mama and the real mama would always want to know how is my "makoti". I dont ask him when I notice this though, I just give him the silent treatment and when he asks "baby are you ok?" I go "ja why wouldn't I be?" before he can finish his question. And I'd put on a sexy number and give him a look that says "you can look but not touch"

The tone of your voice always tells it all. The way I speak to my dad, my brothers, my nyatsis and my male colleagues or friends differ.

10 Feb 2010 13:22

The tone of your voice always tells it all. The way I speak to my dad, my brothers, my nyatsis and my male colleagues or friends differ

So true Sslave....

10 Feb 2010 13:25

minai use Joe or mfwethu instead of sthandwa both males and females.

and yes until i am married nobody has a right to go through my phone...kodwa when she leaves hers with my alone i get tempted to snoop..mara i any case mina i always delete my sms (sent and received) and call register (all missed/received/dialled) so my phone never has sms's or calls

10 Feb 2010 13:29

@monchooza- i wonder why people act like they are on generations, 

like you ask someone who was on the phone and they answer ; 'no one,  baby'- like wtf?? you fone jus cant ring and no one is talking to you 

10 Feb 2010 13:31

in any case mina i always delete my sms (sent and received & dont 4get delivery report) and call register (all missed/received/dialled) so my phone never has sms's or calls

You r my twin.

10 Feb 2010 13:36

my ex onece answered his phone saying "yeah wussup my nigger" yoh and i flipped coz my pet name ke babe , mfazwam, my love, hayi uNigga...............he'd never called me nigger before and i knew ukuthi he's probably with someone....i insisted he tells me he loves me at the end, which he didnt ofcourse ...all he said was hey come on now nc nc nc...and put the phone down

10 Feb 2010 13:37

Nna I call everyone on my phone book "darling" 

10 Feb 2010 13:38

He just smiled umntana womnye umama & nam i return the favour any case mina i always delete my sms (sent and received) and call register (all missed/received/dialled) so my phone never has sms's or calls

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl 
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

10 Feb 2010 13:40

mna i used to check his phone every time  i went to vist him and ask question after that & this was me trying to avoid being cheated on and it didnt work even though im married to him  gues what im HIV positive  cause i believed him when he said thoz are just smsz from church friend . So i see no point of checking the phone if some1 wants to lie he/she just does .

10 Feb 2010 13:41

kwakwakwaaa! Pooky u were pushing your luck, LOL...

10 Feb 2010 13:49

i know hey Teddy lol.....but i never bother myself with going through another's phone

10 Feb 2010 13:52

yes DVD, there is no point really of checking people's phone....But i guess for married people they have rights over each other's phones!!

Sana Lwam
10 Feb 2010 13:53

Mna dont want anyone near my phone and dont answer his phone but once in a while I take his phone and scroll down from received, missed, dialled no's. If I dont see anything I go to messages, inbox, outbox, sent items, drafts...konke nje. Then again if I dont see anything I get mad and will scratch in his pockets or wallet for something. LOL.........

10 Feb 2010 13:56

@Dvdr, I'm sorry about you HIV Status, but men r very good in these things.
most of them u can't tell when they cheating, they very good.

i don't even bother checking his sms's cos i know men r very cklever he won't keep ladies sms's in his phone. so i don't wanna tell myself lies, thinking he's not cheating cos he doesn't have gals sms's or calls.

Usual Suspect
10 Feb 2010 13:58

LMAO!!! in any case mina i always delete my sms (sent and received & dont 4get delivery report) and call register (all missed/received/dialled) so my phone never has sms's or calls

I do agree though....the tone says it all....and if you try and control yourself on those "not-so-innocent" calls....u jampisela yourself on the other one on the other side. so mina I would just decrease the speaker volume while I "try" and talk to the other one on that side and just pretend I don't hear trick on the book works most of the time though....cos I'd say...let me call you back....then yah....

But I wouldn't answer any1s phone cos I just don't wanna put myself thru unnecessary things man.....

10 Feb 2010 14:07

I dont have anyone to go through their phone but should they come, i will make sure i do so without failure, LOL

10 Feb 2010 14:21

We always used to leave our fones with each other.I dunno was it because we trust/ed each other or what.Well,from my side I could leave the fone with him coz I was using a Nokia and him a BB and I knew he didnt know how it worked.Even when his phone was out of sight and he wanted to use mine,I'd have to dial the number,he'd just tell me that he didn't know how my fone worked.

I bought myself a BB so that I could be conversant with how it works so that when he's not around I can be able to check his call register and sms's.Guess what after buying the fone I didnt have the guts to snoop,coz if you go looking for something YOU WILL FIND IT.

I never browse thru his fone and I don't think he does mine.Even when it rings and I can see that it's his sister or one of his friends who is also my friend,I dont answer it.I go give it to him if his in the next room,or I just ignore it or shout out if  he's upstairs.

But if I were to get married,I WILL read the sms's and answer the calls.

10 Feb 2010 14:38

Wasuuup Niggress!!!!!!!! ROTFLOL @Pokzit. Oh sorry babes bt ke umntana wabantu wayepitsekile.

LOL @ i love u this one i have lots of stories coz i just luv this. 

Eish DVD, hardy mfethu! hardy skhokho! 

10 Feb 2010 14:45

Mine has become too too clever...he deletes his inbox, sent items, drafts and call register.  I check his phone always, there should be no secrets between us.

10 Feb 2010 14:46

LOL mstebby we are on same boat. I won't let a phone ring without answering it. I will answer the damn thing. As for checking messages I would start with pictures first and go to messages that's the first thing I check when I have someone's phone on my hand, pictures first then sms's LOL.

10 Feb 2010 14:50

Ms T & Cheesa, u will die young kindertjies, then what do u do guys after u find some nnot-so-nice-sms? Do u confront him for checking his fone? hehehehe

10 Feb 2010 15:01

I once dated this guy who used 2 ask me who i was talking 2 everytime i got a call. At 1st i thought it was just a joke bt nhaa waba sisicefe. Hai kaloku mna i told him baby why dont u put telkom so u will ask, whose calling OUR house? 

Some1 invented a cellphone 4 a reason & i believe its private.

Blaq princes
10 Feb 2010 15:15

pictures are also a  great way of finding out thngs. esp if sum1 [ a chik] is going  is going tru ur 4ne & maybe comments on ur man's pic......

10 Feb 2010 15:17

myname is right,le tlo bolaiwa ke dipelo,LOL!

10 Feb 2010 15:21

Sorry Tshavile maar ladies & gents i need a link for 4 PLAY. Ive been waiting the whole day for a recap bt nada. It was my 1st time watching that show so can some1 plz help me, PLZ? 

I promise i will buy a nice pink vibrator for Vale

10 Feb 2010 15:27

Eish mina I am a bad snooper. Ngithanda izindaba nje. SO if I meet you Girl/guy please put your fone far away from me ngoba I WILL go through it ............... 

So hubby always got irritated mara it wasn't personal, I did it to everyone. I am trying to cure my habit....... please guys give me a break.

And I can't lie when a guy calls me or someone who's not supposed to call me. So I NEVER give out my numbers to shady people. I answer hubby's phone and he answers mine that's only if the other one is not available.

10 Feb 2010 15:31

guys can anyone please direct me to Emmmarentia Dam, from Northgate, Assemblief torgo

10 Feb 2010 15:37

Join malibongwe, take the N1 south, Beyers naude offramp and turn left at the robots. Drive for about 4km and when you see a cemetery on your right turn left at that robot that road will take you straight there...vague i know but i have to rush off...hope i've been helpful though :-)

10 Feb 2010 16:17

My question to you bloggers is: do you feel jelous when your respective partners get a call from a friend of opposite sex when you are together? 
Eish, u just reminded me of an akward moment I had yesterday with my boo. He made this call and the girl said something that I didn't hear and he responded: "So since when is Zamo this important to u". Eish guys what am I supposed to think?

10 Feb 2010 16:46

Eish di-phone........who ever came with that technology didnt consider the implacations it will cause:(

10 Feb 2010 16:49

Implacations - Implications

10 Feb 2010 16:57

if you find anything, it's your problem... you looked, you found it, now don't ask me...

10 Feb 2010 16:57

Because I don't look... I don't wanna know... Ignorance is bliss!

10 Feb 2010 17:55

Amen sego,i dont look i have too many skeletons of my own.besides im not a good liar to my ex nyatsi used to go tru everything on my fone.

10 Feb 2010 18:25

well .......I read everything .while he 's there and behind his back
i never find shiit which makes me mad coz  he might be deleting
because tha's what I've done in the past..Delete whatever calls and sms's 

Sometimes we fight over it sometimes not...then i know if he gets mad ..he has something to hide....but funny thing is my fone has a password..

10 Feb 2010 18:54

Im so glad Im not the only one with that habit.

I once had a bf that used to receive calls and sms at nite.  And everytime, he had this uncomfortable look on his face.  I then started to suspect that he has a gf.  So 1 nite while he was sleeping (tjo the dude can snore man, haaai) I took his phone and went into the bathroom.  I went through every sms, inbox, outbox, draft, sent and deleted items and Call register.  Yes, he was seeing someone else.  And got her name

I went back to bed and waited for the backlight on the phone to go off.  I woke him up ka masepa and asked him about this woman.  You should have seen the look on his face and I told him that he was busy calling out her name while sleeping.  He came up with a funny stupid story and I made him pack and leave my place the very same nite.

If given a chance, I will do it over and over again.  I don't want to be in a relationship and be in the dark.

10 Feb 2010 21:27

ma lady and I are open about the almost everything even email passwords we know,I think my mailbox is the one with stuff bt am jus honest....Never fight abt stuff we talk and if the is anything the other doesnt like we talk,ressolve aod get rid of it quit.Cant let anything spoil our love and happiness.Lord has blessed me :-)

10 Feb 2010 21:56

thats sweet man TDC....guys like you are rare. 
I have recentely come to know i circle of people (vant call them friends) who do and accept the weirdets things. Its schocking. Im a roockey so most of the horrors have been by observation and reading here mo tvsa and i just dnt undertsand why people cheat....i just cant comprehend the phenomena...
My only best guy always says he loves himself too much, he dont like drama and he dont want sickenesses....its a bit of a comfort to me.

But whyyyy....the human factor......where is it in humans......???

11 Feb 2010 02:05

Ncooo, that's why I love you TDC my boo, we don't hide anything from each other thiina. Hayi shame mina my man knows I check his phone so naye he deletes and sometimes forgets. If I find anything suspicious akulalwa kuyanyiwa. 

Soze san ndithi ndikunika into especial kangaka that God said I shouldn't give you until you marry me uphinde ube nendawo endingangeni kuzo. If utya ikhekhe lam we are married already therefoe no secrets kungenjalo singase sohlukane cz the only reason you woudn't want me checking your phone is if you have skeletons. I'm one of those that want to know evrything ndingabisisbhanxa, if you cheat I must know so that I can plan kakuhle uba ndizokulahla nini njani.

11 Feb 2010 07:34

I don't want to be in a relationship and be in the dark.

True that, I'd rather deal with the truth than deal with living a lie.

11 Feb 2010 08:03

@Lela I'm one of those that want to know evrything ndingabisisbhanxa, if you cheat I must know so that I can plan kakuhle uba ndizokulahla nini njani.


11 Feb 2010 08:15

I love openness, shem.. and yes, my man and I are totally... putting phone on speaker n'all. And I like that.. :-)

But jus like GreenArrow is saying, guys that can be honestly open are rare... too rare...

So it happens sometimes that, you can be cheated on, right under your nose, in all 'openness'....with the same person that you always listen to on speakerphone... Kanti umntu wakhona has been properly briefed... they both know what they doing wena usisbhanxa thinking oh, he's so open!.. FTS!

So even this openness is not innocent, and maybe not even safe.

11 Feb 2010 08:30

Toodecent you are such a gentleman and that how relatioship should be handled,am sure your woman is happy.

well with me my phone is mine and yours is yours,i never touch it and if it rings i alert him and after the call its his choice to tell me who it was,its not a rule.

i always tell who was calling and i do not know if he checks my phone and there is nothing to hide and if he suspects he should speak to me about it

i dont want to stress myself if he wants to cheat i wont be able to stop him as long as he is making me happy i really cant complain.

Lobby the girl
11 Feb 2010 08:54

Okay there is my story..

i dont normally check my boyfriend 's phone because he is so honest and all, or mayb he is just sharp,receiving the calls when I'ma not around or told the girl to call when I'm at work I dont know,  but after a while he started to receive those kind of calls like ull c he is uncomfortable or he will just hang up the phone and come with excuses ..or he will put a phone on silent mode..then i suspected something was up..

I am not that kind of a lady who picks up a fight over nothing..I want proof first and when i get it, I'm so out of thre..I dont want to be made a fool of ..Okay to the story..i took a phone when he was asleep and it was off and i switched it on, it wanted a password, and he never had a password b4..- I was like o a jola ka nnete..then i entered the wrong password until it was blocked and then called vodacare with my phone to unblock it, and wala..I didn't put another password..i disabled it..and searched the phone until I was tired...

My point being sometimes we get paranoid over nothing..I dont c any reason why u should go through his or her phone if he or she is faithful to u, a go hlompha I mean hello, we both know gore there r few of men that dont cheat or women so it's lucky to find that..otherwise we just have to live with the fact ya gore CHE ATERS is on's just unfair cause these days go na le malwetsi and HIV..eish, I just wish My President should have kept his words, when he said ABSTAIN..

11 Feb 2010 08:56

mina i dont think i owe umuntu anything so if i want to cheat , i will cheat, naye if she wants to cheat then so be long as we do it like pro's and not rub it in each others faces

11 Feb 2010 09:18


Mina I've learned to stay away from other people's phones because for some of us even if you do find suspicios msg you really don't have the courage to end the relationship.

11 Feb 2010 10:07

haiye nna i leant the hard way to stop this snooping business, i dont do that anymore..

11 Feb 2010 10:11

mina i dont think i owe umuntu anything so if i want to cheat , i will cheat, naye if she wants to cheat then so be long as we do it like pro's and not rub it in each others faces

Yes man u right, u won't rub in each other's faces but u'll rub it in eac others private parties with HIV!

11 Feb 2010 10:18

true Tholi

11 Feb 2010 10:20

Soze san ndithi ndikunika into especial kangaka that God said I shouldn't give you until you marry me uphinde ube nendawo endingangeni kuzo.......kwa kwa kwa! I love this one 

11 Feb 2010 10:21

Hi Ladies and Gents 

Well when it comes to me i Learnt my lesson with my ex, i was not going through his messages or his call register no. I just answered a call and guess what it went like (''Nhlanhla's phone hello'' being a receptionist helps Answer: "Ke kopa ho boa le moanga phone" Me: "oh im sorry o saphumile ungakhona ukushiya i message" Answer: I legore u sifebe sakokae se arabang phone ya motho waka sithlompolela gore u tswile ke kopa ufe Nhlanhla(not his real name) Me; Put the call down cos i coudnot hadle it
and till today I make sure that i don't answer his cell cos i dont the same incedent if his cheating I mean my resent BF. we both respect each other's cell phones cause its the most private gudget on can have

11 Feb 2010 10:26

Tholi you must remember ukuthi having mutliple partners does not guarantee HIV, having unprotected sex does

11 Feb 2010 10:29

one nite my bf was going to drop me home and while we were chatting a lady called and he had this uncomfortable look in his face before answering the call, then i heard the lady saying " hi Tshepo sowu lele?" and i just said bye and went off the car

11 Feb 2010 10:40

@zozoe......ka njalo nje?

11 Feb 2010 10:40

LMAO@ zozoe, same thing happened to me with my ex BF, i had the lady saying "sengibuyile thanks for the money"  my ex:" listen here next time do not call me with private number", the lady: why? r u ok? ukuthi ngisemafonini estradini. my ex: don't *bleep!* me here ungaphinde ungifonele finish end klaar. i pretended as if i didn't hear anything woke up the next day and ask him for money. he said she doesn't have homey. i sent him to hell right away.

11 Feb 2010 10:47

11 Feb 2010 10:49

kwa kwa kwa Tholi le Zozoe ... nna i operate iphone yomunye umntwana ... from phone book, inbox(which i love the most btw), sent messages, dialed numbers ... everything, play games, check pictures, and everything there is to check ... same as his emails check gmiail, use his work url to check his work emails, internet banking, di bank statements, alless..LOL  akere he gave me the passwords, what was that for? ....LOL

11 Feb 2010 11:00 are putting the passwords and alles to good use. lol

11 Feb 2010 11:01

TJO BA............ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Feb 2010 11:02

lol, Vesa i only use it when i have the permission to use it ... otherwise i just look and look for new positions...LOL

11 Feb 2010 11:10

hahahahahahaha @BA

11 Feb 2010 11:11

Lol BA,putting the passwords into good use

lady gaga
11 Feb 2010 11:13

I cnt even begin to count the number of fights nd temporary breakups i have wit my man,over this issue ya phone.hai!..

11 Feb 2010 11:45

kwakwakwakwakakwa!! @ temporary breakups!

Da Diva
11 Feb 2010 11:55

I answered his calls when he waz nt around (he gave mi permission) b4 everything waz fine until He starts 2 answer mine even if ngikhona and read my sms's page my phonebook and ask who iz dis blah blah blah... Then i told Him My phone iz my Phone.

11 Feb 2010 11:58

u guys mara...dont know whether to laugh or cry at these stories.....

11 Feb 2010 12:01

hi bloggers just joined today,mna i think i phone yam yeyam so makungabuzwana who is calling who cause it causes unnecessary problems in the long run,when there are fights that particular call you had and couldnt talk properly will always be a referral.....

11 Feb 2010 12:03

Nna...we exchanged password tsa alles and knew everything bout each other's phones,what goes in a nd out of his emails and fb account but that all changed when distance took place....ei,i somehow ended up changing my passwords(which he probably knows bout it but havent asked me bout it yet) but his are still the same

11 Feb 2010 12:03

lady gaga you kill me am in the same boat as we speak TEMPORARY BREAK UP ke mna not because of i phone because of my hunter's dry tltltltlt

lady gaga
11 Feb 2010 12:11

@nwaira,shoo ntombi ulinxila?. or u mean something else...

11 Feb 2010 12:18

@ lady gaga - I cnt even begin to count the number of fights nd temporary breakups i have wit my man,over this issue ya phone.hai That's why I stopped snooping.i broke up with a guy I honestly thought was meant to be mine for life over the stupid phone.And honestly,I wasn't intentionally snooping.I came across the sms's 'by mistake' Let me explain the 'by mistake' part.I've always had a contract phone while he didn't,so whenever I upgraded I'd give him my old phone,and he'd give back the very old one I gave him (I've always used two fones).

After putting in the sim card,the fone would automatically copy numbers and sms's from the sim card onto the phone,but then the numbers are already there mos,so I go to the phone book and delete the duplicate numbers and then delete the sms.

Itjoo,ka kopana le di sms tse di tswang ko go T-boz.When I asked him who T-boz was he tells me it's Thato,some crazy guy he works with,who by the way,had never mentioned before.So I aks but why T-boz a go romella soppy sms's and he says 'but I told u mos that T-boz is crazy'.I took my fone and called T-boz,only to find that t-boz is fikile,and phela that was the second time fikile had been a factor.

The first time I found out about fikile,I moered him so hard,his cousin came to confront me,and I didn't even go visit him after the moering.So the second time round,I took my fone,and told him to get out of my car.(Tjo and phela we were at church,attending a wedding,waiting for the bride,eish,you see these people who say the wedding starts at nine but only rock up three hours later ba tena,I'd be married to my cheating bugger no,KPFKSKD)

11 Feb 2010 12:20

hayi he thinks he can change me kanti shame he cant he met me holding my ciggie and hunter's dry so ke i wont change as for the phone i want his to be off shame cause i dont want to know who will be calling or hear him doing yes and no and okay's cause ndiyabetha mna qha qwaba...

11 Feb 2010 12:24

lex yup when they dont listen we must moer them nxa putten gats hahahahaahahahahahah wow what a story!

11 Feb 2010 12:24

Tjo Lex...

11 Feb 2010 12:24

The first time I found out about fikile,I moered him so hard,his cousin came to confront me,and I didn't even go visit him after the moering.So the second time round,I took my fone,and told him to get out of my car.(Tjo and phela we were at church,attending a wedding,waiting for the bride,eish,you see these people who say the wedding starts at nine but only rock up three hours later ba tena,I'd be married to my cheating bugger no,KPFKSKD)

tjo tjo tjo tjot tjo tjo tjo tjo tjjo tjo tjo

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa to infinite

11 Feb 2010 12:26

Eish Lady G me tooo.    @Tholi,u make me lol when u send him to hell right away

Sana Lwam
11 Feb 2010 12:29

iyo Lex.....

miss dikobe
11 Feb 2010 12:30

@Lex- i want to be like you when i grow up........lmao!!!!

Sana Lwam
11 Feb 2010 12:36

My ex once borrowed me one of his phone's because mine got into water anyway, when I inserted my sim card I "inherited" his messages. One of the sms was from his  apparent galfriend wanting money to do the abortion because "she can see that he does not want to break up with her galfriend ( that was me she even wrote my name)"
I just froze and when he got back I gave him his phone and when I asked him if he wasabout to be a daddy he denied but point is why would the gal say he is the father if they had sex with a condom.

lady gaga
11 Feb 2010 12:38

Aowa lex...moering him.lmaol!

11 Feb 2010 12:42

kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa,Lex...o sebete sa ho betha monna

11 Feb 2010 12:47

Guys,it's funny now,but when I happened I was really hurting.Phela I had wasted 3 years of my life with him,and dumped my celebrity boyfriend (whom I shall not name,and who loved me very much by the way).Shame but we are friends now and he says he wants to marry me,and this time he wont give me access to the lobola account,akere after the break-up,I went on a shopping spree ka chelete ya teng LOL!

baby e
11 Feb 2010 12:47

@ Monchooza 
true that -  having muiltiple partners does not gurantee HIV aids but having unprotected sex does. 
advise - if planning to have a kid, take that man or woman for blood test. screening and agree to do that bi - yearly. we leaving in a very sick world and trust ga e yo.

Savanah Dry
11 Feb 2010 12:49

@ Monchooza  Tholi you must remember ukuthi having mutliple partners does not guarantee HIV, having unprotected sex does

What happens when the condom breaks ???? there is always posibility of an accident so better stick to one partner dear!!!!

Okay on the issue at hand i used to check my Bf's phone for any new number every week and he had this habit of saving girl's numbers using their surnames so u wld think its a guy friend until one day one of the girls phones and all hell broke loose imagine Mhlanga calling only to hear a sweet voice on the other side asking to speak to yr man!!! 
So its useless to check phones now i dont bother if you look for it u will find it and two weeks later forgive him so........

miss dikobe
11 Feb 2010 12:53

11 Feb 2010 12:57

The only weird smses he gets are those porn marketing smses.

A very perverted friend of his sent him an sms with a link to follow. He followed the link only to find it sent him to a porn site. Ever since then after sending countless STOP messages and calling them asking to be removed from their sms list, he gets those smses. that say

Hot, sexy Horny blond waiting for you.......... ACCEPT?

Nancy made a very steamy sexy home video just for you........... CHECK IT OUT?

Big breasted chocolate skinned girl all ready for you.......... DO you want her?

He just deletes. WE have fun with those smses sometimes and I tease him about him beign a PIMP.

Otherwise nothing at all.

11 Feb 2010 13:15

it's not easy at all not to want to know. I always try to be repectful of others( including friends) privacy becuase i want the same in return but it's just too HARD to do it. Don't me wrong I don't go searching in their bags but not that that never crossed my mind. I get jelous when they are on the phone ESPECAILLY when it's the opposite sex on the line not becuase I don't trust them. but becuase I don't trust the CALLER. My policy of treat others the way I want to be treated has been the reason I've been THE GOOD GUY and fought every temptation right to the bitter end.

11 Feb 2010 13:38

Ur stories r damn funny. We definately have amahlanya la.

Lex uyamora i cheater sana LOL tl tl tl tl tl tlt lt 

11 Feb 2010 13:38

kwakwakwakwaaaa! Lex hayi, e-e! o tsere kae matla a go shapa monna?

nna i'm just not a fighter as such, even if i found out  that i'm being cheated on,I would just  silently cry in my corner, i wouldnt ask until you bring it up...but still I like to know....its just me, i like to know things, i cant help. but I have never gone through anybody's phone coz they have never left me alone with it.

11 Feb 2010 13:39

Tjo Lex...

your story just took me back to my similar one....
Nxa.. waitse I just laugh so hard when I think back and I picture myself back in that situation... Waitse le rona re rata go tsamaya re inyatsisa ka dilo hela nje... banna ba rona ba le teng somewhere, ba re emetse, who would love us unconditionally.... nxa!

So yha, this ex...

We never had the culture of checking each other's messages of answering phone calls. It was just an unwritten rule.... so the bugger went overseas and when he came back he had an iphone wabona... so he was busy xhomaring-xhomaring and he sort of left his Nokia lying around...Believe me I wasnt looking for anything suspicious.. I was just pressing and pressing... next thing i come across a series of smses.. mina shem, im not interested in inbox material - they can always try and defend it - i go straight to sent items..... Tjo! did I find a complete conversation about the couple's future plans... Im like WTF??
And the most infuriating thing is that they busy talking about me, too... how he's gon tell me and stuff... busy there pretending to love me so much that its gon be difficult for him.... heheheheh...

and its this thing that its someone I know vvery well... that always comes to visit us, that we hang around with....And I just thought, heee.. mare re rata go inyatsisa ka dilo di sele waitse mare... Nagana, fela!

Nxa, anyway.... so dude walks back into the room and i moer him like nobody's business....and i'm like "get out of my house... and at that time Im thinking... heee... ka re ke dira motho, motho.... ?do to him what Martin did for the people... upgrade him!? and yena o dira manyala... "

Funny thing is at that moment, crying was the last thing that came to my mind.. I was as cool as a dove... im like.. Out! You know! I didnt even want to know the explanations - not even talk about it.... just get out, qha! there was nothing to explain...

Kim Possible
11 Feb 2010 13:46

hahahahaha @ LEx & Cariri.... "cheesa mpama women"

11 Feb 2010 13:49

LOL hahahahahaha Carino..i like the way u mixed languages.

Uthi wamtrapa sana?????????? You guys r BAD. I should warn my brother coz nna i will neva hurt a fly.

11 Feb 2010 13:52

LOL, Carino... tjo i can just picture you guys traping someone ... tjo

nna i'd never be able to do so... When the going gets tough, i get going 

i just pack my bag and leave shame ... then i'll make sure you sweat blood after that ...ngikutrapa emotional ...LOL

Lobby the girl
11 Feb 2010 13:55

Iyoo, Basadi..U've got some stories to tell ne..

11 Feb 2010 14:01

Nna ga ke na nako ya go tshameka,but that was the first and last time moering a partner.Tjo,that festive was a really bad one for me.

11 Feb 2010 14:02

Nna the moering came in when my head was trying to make sense of the situation... I'm like, hayi, maan... ndiyaqhelwa, mos apha??? And there was just this urge to moer the heaven out of him.... I felt like uVuyo wa ko Home Affairs there for a moment.....
Thats why its funny when I look back.. coz even I dont have a picture of me that furious. And believe me I wasnt angry at the girl... I had never entered into any form of agreement with her.. so in actual fact, nna le ene we got nothing to do with each other.. and it was the stupid bugger that gave her the platform to disrespect me - meaning he disrespected me even more - thats why the trapping.....

11 Feb 2010 14:20

carino,o tshwana le nna,I used to go to the sent items first,I wanna see what you said to get that particular response.

11 Feb 2010 14:34

Wena carino,to tell the truth I also cant picture myself as furious as I was that day.And ne ke boriwa ke gore fikile was in std 9 at the time,I was already working and driving my Uno.I used to lend him my car,go pick him up,his brat,his mother, his whole bloody family and this is the thanx I got.Phela I used to go to that high school coz my cousin used to go there.Can you imagine the bloody teenagers skinnering when I went to the school,nx!

At first when I asked him who fikile was,he lied and said its a colleague,I didnt cause a scene coz we were at church ko Madibogo (by the way,re kopane ko kerekeng).When we got home,I asked him to tell me the truth about fikile coz I didnt buy his first story.Shame,ene never had a chance,I could always tell when he was lying,I'd give him a few hours and ask again,then he'd tell the truth.Tjo,imagine my horror when I heard that ke crossiwa ka ngwana wa skolo... I flipped,no crying,just moering!

11 Feb 2010 14:57

guys..I love the fact that you moered your cheating bF...mara please explain to me what Moering is...did you slap them with a few hot klaps..or kickboxing kind of moering, where there's a bit of everything(klaps,sbhakela.dolo and flying kicks. or was it the few weak sbhakelas on the chest(the kind i always see in the movies.

andiniqheli into ndifuna nindiphe le picture ye moering

11 Feb 2010 15:08

mna ngimfaka impama athi ese shocked ndimphinde athi xa endibamba hayi ke ndimthi bite then ndimwise phantsi gibele phezu kwakhe ndimbethe we are both tall so it always works so now when he gets up and tries to hit back that when i scream so loud that even neighbours can hear and he will let me be and just holds me tight nxa bloody sidenge kodwa ndibe ndine satisfaction of beating the hell out of him.....hope i answered and gave you a picture Monchooza

11 Feb 2010 15:10

Monchoo,I bit him,head butted him,kicked him (I wanted to kick his balls eintlik,but he made sure he protected those) andscratched his charma boy face.I think the fact that the face was also 'injured' is why the cousin came to confront me,coz he's their 'good looking trophy' child.

11 Feb 2010 15:16

Lex, Carino, Nwaira ... you guys are ABUSSIVE ... LOL 

mara oShwashwi babhala ngoZola yedwa....LOL

11 Feb 2010 15:16

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

11 Feb 2010 15:22

andifuni kugezeleka mina kuna angigezeli muntu and ever since then to avoid a fight he is too quick to run to the spare bedroom and lock himself tltltltlt cause jy weet ek sal moer se arse

11 Feb 2010 15:28

he is too quick to run to the spare bedroom and lock himself tltltltlt cause jy weet ek sal moer se arse

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa 
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa 
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa 
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa 
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa 
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

11 Feb 2010 15:32

he is too quick to run to the spare bedroom and lock himself tltltltlt cause jy weet ek sal moer se arse>>> I am finished....kwakwakwakwakwa!!!!!! hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!

baby e
11 Feb 2010 15:33

@ Lex and Cariri u guys are funny 

Ms. Tebby you just like me.

11 Feb 2010 15:35

he is too quick to run to the spare bedroom and lock himself tltltltlt cause jy weet ek sal moer se arse

Oh shame poor boy SHINIFIED! You bite, kick the potatoes, use fried pan or hit with your stilletos.....hai niwrongo maaan

11 Feb 2010 15:36

snooping is wrong, period. No relationship can thrive if you keep on wondering who sms or calls yr partner. It goes back to the TRUST issue. if you dont trust the person you with then maybe you shouldnt be with that person.

In an ideal world people wouldnt cheat. BUT if you have faith in the love that you and your partner have you would trust that they would not do it. I once told my now ex

"Im not saying you should cheat but heaven forbid you do, just respect me enough not to put my life in any danger or cheat with some random classless airhead who is gonna rub it in my face."

I was happy that when it did happen that someone else got into our relationship, my partner was honest enough to tell me about it. In doing so, unbeknowst to both of them, I was given the choice to either stay in that relationship or not  and after weighing the pros and cons I chose to end the relationship. My thought on this was, for someone to feel like they have to be with someone else while dating you it means the love you share has withered and why should I bother ignoring the inevitable. Truth is, if it happens once, no matter how honest the culprit is about it, chances are it will happen again.

we are now good friends!!

11 Feb 2010 15:36

B-A dont laugh am serious that swati dude uyeyisa and at the same time uyesaba this other day we had a fight i started it well balme it kwi hennessey then i started pushing him around and his freinds were like dont beat her honeydew police station is not far tjoo i guess he wanted to prove a point and show them he is not a sissy he pushed me and i fell i stood up jumped on him and we both fell(funny i know) he pushed me again and i would jump on him and we would fall together and then he said yerrrrrrrrr where is my gun thats when he managed to drive off cause the minute i heard GUN i ran for my life next morning i sent an sms saying"my doctor os not willing to release me till i press charges" tjoo he was calling all my friends asking them to beg me not to press charges and he would call me and i would just say "cant talk am with my doctor even though i was here at the office laughing trying to make him suffer like i did bloody swine,i was wearin a shirt from MR PRICE 60rands and it was torn and i told him its from vertigo and its 450 and want it back and i GOT IT you must make this morons suffer too and hence we are in a temporary breakup right now and he is running after me worse when he sees me emjayiveni ndithi bra angizanga nawe nawe awuzanga nam so ngicela ungiboleke i space and he ends up leaving men are cruel so why cant we also be cruel for once cause talking doesnt help he just looks the other side off bed and pretend to be snoring so make them suffer...

11 Feb 2010 15:42

hence we are in a temporary breakup right now 
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa 

hhayi you are funny my dear

11 Feb 2010 15:45


11 Feb 2010 15:48

Yho nwaira i need a friend & i think i got one.............You such a bad woman!!!!!!!!!!not in a bad way though bt im laughing 2 ur reply hahahahahaha I didnt know they r women like u

11 Feb 2010 16:02

i was here at the office laughing trying to make him suffer like i did bloody swine>> kwakwakwakwakaawawakwakwa!!!!!!!!!

@nwaira, ungubhastede gal, hahahahah!!! making you man suffer like that, ayi hats off gal.

11 Feb 2010 16:12

he is too quick to run to the spare bedroom and lock himself tltltltlt cause jy weet ek sal moer se arse>>> 

LMAO hleka ndide ndi trwetrweze

11 Feb 2010 16:18

he is too quick to run to the spare bedroom and lock himself tltltltlt cause jy weet ek sal moer se arse

haaai no, I give up on you nwaira - uworse. lol

11 Feb 2010 16:27

people xa umntu esile you must beat him at his own game naye kaloku,ngifike la egoli ngizofuna igolide manje makukho imindlwane ezongigezela let me prove ubuMdantsane(east london township) bam nam angacingi ndi sleg tjooo he saw me kwaThemba cosmo city wearing iskindy white shorts very short he said oh now you're wearing shorts,baby i miss you lets go somewhere and talk and i said why must you target me when drunk cause he knows i have a very soft spot for him and he couldnt beleive it tltltltlt tjooo he was grabbing me wanting to talk ndithi hey i didnt come here to talk please if nikhe niyibone impukane flying on top of your food thats what he was doing and it gave me so much pleasure lonto leyo but phinde u swine asizeleke...

11 Feb 2010 16:37

@ blaque -just respect me enough not to put my life in any danger or cheat with some random classless airhead who is gonna rub it in my face." 
This line I tell to all my boyfriends,I have made peace with the fact that people cheat,so if you do get the urge,do it far away from me,make sure that I dont find out,coz when I do,sh!t is gonna hit the fan.

11 Feb 2010 16:39

nwaira u bad girl,LOL!But I'm glad you are standing up for the sistaz.

11 Feb 2010 16:40

LOL at the "moering" ladies, but do you realise that you are abusive?

11 Feb 2010 16:41

helele Lex helele 
people have joined blog today and am enjoying every moment it was nice chatting to you all have a great one I LOVE YOU JU-JU.......

11 Feb 2010 16:47


11 Feb 2010 16:52

kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwawkakwakwakwakwakwakwakakwwak....nwaira uyandihlekisa mani ....yintoni efunisa ba makuphakanyiswe izandla kodwa......

11 Feb 2010 18:14

Nwaira: hay you are a bad gal kwa kwa kwa kwa

12 Feb 2010 08:31

kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwawkakwakwakwakwakwakwakakwwak....nwaira uyandihlekisa mani ....yintoni efunisa ba makuphakanyiswe izandla kodwa......
Sips kukweyisa mchana makangagezi then akazobethwa uyaqonda ke mchana...

24 Apr 2010 13:23

You know this thing of checking ama fone wabanye abantu is no so AYOBA o ti kutlwisa bohloko haholo. I once went thru my my xs fone and got what I was looking for till this day I won't forget what I got from the fone or seen. For and example this is what I got "sigh"


Thankx 4 de message I love u 2 I missed everything kuwe ngisho negwayi ngiyifuna nyalo angitsi awungiphanga mawuhamba so mawubuya utangipha 4 rounds. 

Can u imagine how I felt??????????????????????

07 Feb 2012 11:27

this was a gr8 blog!!!! going down memory lane!!!

07 Feb 2012 12:50

ya neh! lol!

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