2011 Metro FM Awards - More Pictures

Written by Tazteeq from the blog Opinion Ramp on 29 Nov 2011
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As promised, here are some more pics from The Metro's, held at Mpumalanga's Mbombela. Top class Celebs, Socialites and Commoners went all out, dressed to kill and graced this annual one-of-a-kind event. Enjoy....

Mrs Mbuli looking nosh!

Trevor Madondo (DJ Sbu's side-kick) with DJ Sbu who was on an odd high, he was greeting people like its his last day on earth...

Kelebogile Mabotja looking stunning, she should consider being a contestant  in the next season of Dance yout butt off

Dineo Ranaka who was dancing all night, was she on something?

Arthur and his handbag!

The hot chick from Zone 14 in a haaaat Kaizer Chiefs inspired dress (only in their rival team's colours), too much stripe, hope she didnt hypnotize people....

DJ Tira, I hustled my way through that Black carpet Durbs-entourage riot and pulled him for a snap, hope he conversed with them in zulu because his English has wrong about "Spinglish".......

KB and Tiiwe (from 999), dunno what inspired the yellow tent she had on....Hope Arthur doesn't pull a Lira on Tiiwe *LooksAway*

Oh,look what the Hurricane dragged in,Trompies perfoming "Madibuseng" with the SEXY Bucie doing 'Lebo',#BlastFromThePast

Zahara Goes-Bra-less...Thank God she got over her colour-blocking stage!

Our very own Pruluv....beautiful dress, but you know what people say about the Colour Purple, #NoReferenceToTheMovie

Spikiri receiving his lifetime achievement award...clearly he hasn't gotten over the shady 1980's tsotsi look...

Somgaga - I really dont know what he is covering himself with...Hecticness!

The plump-crew, oh wait, I meant the Durban Crew receving an award, they polluted the stage and each one of them wanted to talk, #YUCK!

Chriselda Kananda and South-Africa's biggest Motivator, *COUGHS*

DJ Lulo Cafe with the Naked Dj

....and thats all we had for you folks....if my cam batteries got jealous towards after the event and died, i'm sure i'd have more pics for you bloggers!


30 Nov 2011 00:25

Mrs vdK
30 Nov 2011 00:39

Zahara hun, forgot the bra? or u don't know yo size? Halla at Mrs vdK I'll hook you up!

30 Nov 2011 08:11

Kwaaaaa @ Aurther's purse

30 Nov 2011 09:01

Uyanda looks wow in that strapless trailing blue number.

Trevor Madondo (DJ Sbu's side-kick) with DJ Sbu who was on an odd high, he was greeting people like its his last day on earth...
Talk about trying very hard to be nice. He must ask kindness tips from Rosie Motesne. Me thinks Trevor Madondo and DJ Sbu are dating *hides*

she should consider being a contestant in the next season of Dance yout butt off 

I like DJ Tira's suit mina yazi

Tazteeq Wednesday, November 30, 2011 00:25 AM 
Reply from: Mrs vdK Wednesday, November 30, 2011 00:39 AM 
So you guys don't sleep neh. Taz, I can't believe you were up at this time busy TVSA'ing skeem saam.

30 Nov 2011 10:03

Dead by Naked and Lulo couldn't recognise them lol . Okay Zahara I know you are not use to wearing a bra sis but boobs are a turn off when they're saggy !

30 Nov 2011 10:06

Tazz I can't believe you totaly disregarded the chick with Blackpearl from zone 14 !

30 Nov 2011 10:34

so Aurther's purse still hast got a nanny?shame, bt he is such a devoted father. 
why does it seem like u knw that zahara never wears a bra? is it true?

as for somgaga he looks lyk father christmas with no sense of style. the shining pieces of cloth or wateva, sho ... i cant help but feel sorry for glen lewis 's eyes.

deathby kb's tent, looks like a curtain, for sure it ddnt even take the dressmaker even ten min to come with the final product.
sbu looks hungry and tired. dineo no comment. 
@taz is that khanya the former yotv kid? they both look great .


30 Nov 2011 10:42

Tazz I can't believe you totaly disregarded the chick with Blackpearl from zone 14 

uhmm, did i disregard her? lol...but i forgot her name hey, she is very pretty i must say and quite friendly

30 Nov 2011 10:46

Morning all 

Zahara sana where is your  braa?????? hayi mann, or is it fashion??????

30 Nov 2011 10:54

Zahara sana where is your braa?????? hayi mann, or is it fashion??????

everyone is blaming Nhlanhla Nciza for Zahara's wardrobe malfunction,

So you guys don't sleep neh. Taz, I can't believe you were up at this time busy TVSA'ing skeem saam.
@makisto, *BBM Talk to the hand* lol

30 Nov 2011 10:58


30 Nov 2011 11:04

@makisto, *BBM Talk to the hand* lol
@Tazteeq *BBM, Eyes rolling, Not interested* lol

30 Nov 2011 11:05

he conversed with them in zulu because his English has wrong about "Spinglish"....... 

i know u'r tryin 2 b humorous kodwa mina ngikhathele with black ppl criticising other blacks for not speaking George properly

Pruluv dear ur outfit looks wrong - e busy

somehow our black sisters with make-up on don't look good on pics

abafana basedebeni should lose weight mapintsa looks lyk he's abt 2 pop

30 Nov 2011 11:07

Tazteeq  sana  , really  mann, she is new klk  to the indusrty so we expect her to look hot, this part with no braa its just a turn off, maybe yi fashion baby wam lets hope so, 
Lulo Cafe , hayi wena your outfit not  AYOBA, why?????? you are bored tht everyone is telling u  same thng over and over again tht u are cute????????  LOL.
BIG NUZ,, proud of u guiyz u did wash this time, ican smell shield for sportman frm here, 
Somgaga pls turn around, i want to see tht nappie of yours, 
Arthur dont u have a date nxxx???????? uzakumenza ougaat umntwana, 
Mandla Spikiri, WELL DONE MY MAN,

30 Nov 2011 11:17

that time Arthur wants to pull a willow smith on us with this kid of his.

30 Nov 2011 11:27

Sweety Thiwe left 999 donkey years ago!

30 Nov 2011 11:27

tzhavile,,your statment make make sense lol.

30 Nov 2011 11:37

Sweety Thiwe left 999 donkey years ago!

wow, really? thats news! Thanks Lela, who is she with now? i dont blame her for leaving though...Only Chomee gets the spotlight at 999, i mean who else from 999 do you know?

i know u'r tryin 2 b humorous kodwa mina ngikhathele with black ppl criticising other blacks for not speaking George properly

that statement wasnt intended for humour, thumbs up if anyone finds it humourous but there is nothing sexy about bad english and if someone doesnt do justice to the Queen's language, we shouldnt hide hide under carpets and ululate...irts called calling a spade a spade...i wouldnt drink poison if someone critised my Afrikaans/Zulu/Tswana, it will only make me want to become better at speaking the lingo..btw, i said this with a smile :)

30 Nov 2011 11:39

Pruluv dear ur outfit looks wrong - e busy

abafana basedebeni should lose weight mapintsa looks lyk he's abt 2 pop
*dead and burried*

#Deathby all the Qaqamba comments

that time Arthur wants to pull a willow smith on us with this kid of his.
Plus not so long ago they were in magazines

30 Nov 2011 12:24

Me like Zahara's dress BUT will a bit of firming there and there she would have definetly pulled it all nice

Nthlahla why ????????????

30 Nov 2011 12:49

Zahara's dress looks like something Judith Sephuma would wear

30 Nov 2011 13:25

Sanibonani nonke zithandwa zam,

Shame Taz u really dig Ms Mbuli and i don't really dig her dress. 

Kelebogile is looking gorgeous in that dress. BTW i like her big. She is cute!

Taz why u coughing after pointing out Criselda's partner, Is he the husband-to-be? By the way i can't stand Criselda attitude that is why i stopped listening to her show. She is too BULLY.

The Zone 14 lady...I need a dress like that for this coming weekend with the girls......HUUUUUUUUUU (jumping) i feel like a kid!

Dinny oka Dineo...should have pushed that chest........ and i think i love her dress.

Dankie Tazz

30 Nov 2011 14:28

I enjoyed both your reviews Taz, i did not know you are quite a writer, keep it up.  Relebogile will be featured in the next dance your butt off as a contestant.

30 Nov 2011 15:55

with those hips of hers, i would forgive Zahara for those saggy tips.
If she is allergic to bras,she should try duct tapes next time.

01 Dec 2011 01:55

Hehehe... Yall are haters nje, hating on my refreshing outfit. Lol

Softer colours and golds and silvers where the order of the day. Obviously black too.

@tazteeq you are out of order!

01 Dec 2011 08:48

Hehehe... Yall are haters nje, hating on my refreshing outfit. Lol 
Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @MaPruzana *dead*

@tazteeq you are out of order!

01 Dec 2011 09:00

but there is nothing sexy about bad english 

do u feel the same when a french speaking person butchers the Queen's language - b honest

Hehehe... Yall are haters nje, hating on my refreshing outfit. Lol 

refreshing pruluv refreshing ka nnete lol

01 Dec 2011 09:26

Pruluv bewuzimisele strong vele ukuvele ku Selimathunzi..i up and down bewuyenza, the waving, blowing atleast sewuyiselebrity.kwaaaaaaaa

01 Dec 2011 09:31


01 Dec 2011 09:40

DJ Tira, I hustled my way through that Black carpet Durbs-entourage riot and pulled him for a snap, hope he conversed with them in zulu because his English has wrong about "Spinglish"....... 

He might be speaking poor, rotten, kasi, bantu education English but the fact is de guy is loaded in the bank. U don’t need to know how to speak proper English in order for u to be rich or consider ur self educated. PLS repeat with me ENGLISH doesn’t pay my bills only hard work, skills and my intelligent

Everyone can become rich and famous without knowing how to speak so called English. Ask the Current Miss World 2012!!!! Pls no offense

01 Dec 2011 09:40

@tazteeq you are out of order!

uhhhmmm., but what have i done? i am innocent! lol

but there is nothing sexy about bad english

do u feel the same when a french speaking person butchers the Queen's language - b honest

Lol, to be honest i find it funny when that happens hey, but given a platform to critisize them, i'd slit their throats to pieces! no-one is above my scruinity!

01 Dec 2011 10:00

Hehehe... Yall are haters nje, hating on my refreshing outfit. Lol

refreshing pruluv refreshing ka nnete lol 


01 Dec 2011 10:05

Everyone can become rich and famous without knowing how to speak so called English. Ask the Current Miss World 2012!!!! Pls no offense 

very true henryb very very true!

01 Dec 2011 11:01

but given a platform to critisize them, i'd slit their throats to pieces! no-one is above my scruinity!
@ tazteeq

that wld be so unnecessary what r u goin 2 get frm doing that

01 Dec 2011 11:35

Hehehehe i also saw Pru walking up & down and shouted on top of my lungs....NDIYAYAZI LA NTOMBAZANA!!!!!!!!! .....Pity i was with my friend who doesn't like entertainment so she couldn't understand my hyper  mffffimmmm.

PRU,ndikuthandela lento uhleka sana omnye ebezoyithatha personal. Thanks nana. Now since you have joined the SA Celebrity i think u gonna handle us very well.

01 Dec 2011 11:41

that wld be so unnecessary what r u goin 2 get frm doing that

 but maddie, you do know that this is a blog though...we critisize and applaud where necessary - at the end of the day this is just "TALK", its not about getting any award or certificate or recongition, btw, i dont critisize people for a living, this is all fun!

05 Dec 2011 12:58

zahara luked stuning oh dj sbu was fabulous RELEBOGILE yena she must be the contest on the next season of dance ur butt off OH SHAME U SOMIZI I WANDER BEKAKHUPHI?

05 Dec 2011 13:24

Hehehehe i also saw Pru walking up & down and shouted on top of my lungs....NDIYAYAZI LA NTOMBAZANA!!!!!!!!! .....Pity i was with my friend who doesn't like entertainment so she couldn't understand my hyper mffffimmmm.

Heheh @myname....nami I did the same thing! I even tweeted her about it 

05 Dec 2011 13:45

Uyanda's dress though....

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