Idols Top 18 Performs

Written by Tazteeq from the blog Opinion Ramp on 24 Jul 2012
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The showiness battleground for the next South African Idol took off this past weekend with the guys starting the show on Saturday and the girls on Sunday, at the Soweto Theatre. I was lucky to be part of the audience and if you thought watching the show on TV is spectacularly dope then think again …


Just to tap on some of the highlights from the Boys’ show on Saturday, I found myself sitting at the edge of my seat during some of the performances. I would like to believe that the competition is for the girls to lose this year, the guys in the Top 18 are good but the girls are better. 

The overtly praised Khaya delivered his version of Alicia Keys’ ‘If I aint got you’ which seems to have been spiced up with some gospel elements in it. He did a great job getting women all worked up and begging for more of him But it was Simphiwe who stole the night with Sara McLashlan’s ‘Angel’. 

Simphiwe delivered an honest, flawless and delicate performance. If I could sing like that I’d show my boss my middle finger, quit my job and head for Hollywood. 

Soccer player Dumi's version of Neyo’s "Sexy Love" was rather blunt but his looks might score him a few votes. 

Treasure did a great job reminding me of Zakes Bantwini on stage, but will that get him a spot in the Top 10? 

On Sunday the girls delivered some heavy bombs too. Most stand out was Tshidi who took on Jeniffer Hudson’s ‘And I am telling you’. I can’t remember how many times I had to vote for her, she’s been my favourite since her 1st audition. 

The Randall favourite Sihle did a lukewarm Katy Perry interpretation and it would be a surprise if she makes the top 10, however Shekhinah Donell did wonders in another Katy Perry slow-jam…girl got soul! 

Farm-girl Nosipho’s Aretha Franklin’s ‘RESPECT’ was another standout, but did the girl have to touch herself all over like that though? Her voice saved that performance; else it would have looked like a complete circus. 

Did you watch? 
Who stood out for you? 
Did you vote? 
What did you think?
Results show is this coming Sunday at the Soweto Casino and it will be LIVE. So catch Idos SA on Mnet, Mnet HD and Mzansi Magic.

Follow me on Twitter @narekekana


24 Jul 2012 09:27

tshidi all the way

24 Jul 2012 09:33

i didn't watch the boys unfortunately.. the power cut blew my decoder on saturday. khaya remains my favorite though.. i have loved him since audition

i watched the girls after having the decoder fixed on sunday.... i would love to see the following girls, and believe they will make it to the top 10:

the first spot will be fought for by thabisa (i wish she goes through, i have a soft spot for her), candy and Jean

24 Jul 2012 09:39

Sihle *sigh* I think Randall  wanted to make a point to Unathi and Gareth about the previous perfomances they thought were good, while Randal thought they were too jazzy or lacked showcasing contastants singing abilities....

Randall used her that day to make his point not because she is the great singer, Shakinah on the other hand I think he was sincere

Simphiwe is now one of my favourites..

My top 10: Khaya, Shekhinah, Melissa, Simphiwe, Nosipho, Tshidi (she needds a make over), Maryke, Chloe, Dumi and one of the white dudes.

24 Jul 2012 09:40

Dumi all the freaken way!

24 Jul 2012 09:44

My top 10 Khaya, Monde, Simphiwe, Dumu & Dominic from the boys. Girls Tshidi, Shekinah, Candy, Melissa & Thabs(tltltl)

24 Jul 2012 09:55

My top Ten : Khaya ( people likes him ) Monde, Simphiwe, Nosipho, Shekinah, Sihle, Tshidi, Melissa, Thabisa and Treasure

24 Jul 2012 10:00

My top 10 Khaya, Monde, Simphiwe, Dumu & Dominic from the boys. Girls Tshidi, Shekinah, Candy, Melissa & Thabs(tltltl)

I must say these guys have been really constant, except for one! Monde! how the hell is this guy still on idols! The dude cant sing, it's crazy that his personality is pushing him more than his singing capability (wanted to say talent but he dont have one)

24 Jul 2012 10:03

I've got to say i love Simphiwe, he is good and he is starting to take this competition seriously!

Khaya, the guy is sooo good but I have to agree with Gareth he needs to tone it down a notch, He had me at hello but lost me at goodbye on his last perfomance.

But he stands a good chance as long as he dont get this popularity get in his head which it is....

scooby doo
24 Jul 2012 10:16

my top 10 - Khaya,Tshidi, Simphiwe, Shekhinah,Thabisa, Dominic,Maryke, i don't like

scooby doo
24 Jul 2012 10:16

I mean i don't like Dumi

24 Jul 2012 10:17

Sihle should'nt have made it to the top 18 hleng!

Khaya failed to live upto the hype he created with Nicki Minaj's Super Bass.

Simphiwe stole the show man!!! I loved his performance....and I'm voting for him

24 Jul 2012 10:21

Oh....I also love Obakeng!

24 Jul 2012 10:28

Randall loves sihle, young boys love Sihle they must vote for her. Tshidi needs to do something with her hair asap

24 Jul 2012 10:47

Nna I enjoyed Monde bathong When a woman loves

24 Jul 2012 11:00

I enjoyed Simphiwe's performance, my 100 Mxit votes went to him & Shekinah. 

Lmao @ the Farm-girl touching herself, kodwa she has a nive voice.

I do not understand what Thabz & Sihle are doing in top 18 strue.

24 Jul 2012 11:08

For me, maybe 2 or 3 boys stood out but THE GIRLS.....ohhhh they rocked. I can bet that one of them is taking it this season. And I think so far I can safely say that Tshidi is the one to watch, yes Khaya has a nice voice but he should've auditioned for "I want to sing gospel" cz he's got a nice gospel voice.

24 Jul 2012 11:09

Simphiwe for the guys Maryke for the girls. Tshidi was great but needs to young it up a bit to stay in the race.

24 Jul 2012 11:19

Wow sure you had lots of fun skeem. Great article all round. If we all vote honestly, Khaya will be a 2012 Idol. When I say all, I include white people

24 Jul 2012 12:04

Maryke was great. Thabs doesn't deserve to be on the top 18 & She must bath and put lotion on coz she looks so scruffy.

24 Jul 2012 12:21

Well, I hear you people...If i was to compile my top 10, it would be as follows:



I still dont understand what Jean and Sihle are doing in the Top 18. Thabs i can forgive, but the above mentioned 2 beats me how they ended up there...

24 Jul 2012 13:39

with the guys i go with Simphiwe and girls i go with Tsidi and Shekhinah

24 Jul 2012 19:22

My top ten : Chloe, Nosipho, Maryke, Melissa, Tshidi, Dominic, Dumi, Khaya, Matthew, Siphiwe

25 Jul 2012 09:03

Me I liked Simphiwe performance. The boys did it better for me than th girls. 

Shem I dont feel uNosipho at all. The girl over exxagerates her performances. Her facial expressions and dance moves put me off. She is overly hyper Ingathi utheni nje, udwebe too much. 

I dont even hear  the words that come out her mouth when she is singing. She is just not the one for me. She must not end up in that Top 10. 

I believe that Sihle can sing but on Sunday she delivered a bad, bad perfomance. She dissappointed me infact. I think Randall didnt want to point it out to her to give her another shot and see what she will do next time if she makes it to the top 10. 

To see if she will be better and realize that she has to bring it. I think she was nervous about the top 18 perfomance. So I think Randall didnt wanna crash her since he knows she can sing but was just nervous on that day or something. She choice a bad song too. I want to see her next perfomance I think she will be better.

Khaya is good but the dude is getting so much pressure from people as a result it is gonna make him stumble instead of upping his game. He is gonna tend to want to exaggerate his singing not knowing he will be badly affecting his voice and performances at the same time. I think he should take it easy. 

Top 10, I hope, Simphiwe, Shekinah, Chloe, Khaya, Obakeng, Melissa, Tshidi, Myreke, Sihle and Monde make it. 

I wouldn't mind if Thabz makes it too but I think the girl is gonna struggle with English songs like she did with Adele's song coz it seems her type of music is vernec music.

25 Jul 2012 10:12

I wouldn't mind if Thabz makes it too but I think the girl is gonna struggle with English songs like she did with Adele's song coz it seems her type of music is vernec music.

hey, i think so! i wish she goes through though. 5 whites out of 18 contestants! a black person should win this please... excuse me for seeing color.. i am from and in Botswana and always wonder why we never get a black idol

25 Jul 2012 10:13

please i am not racist... in the previous idols i loved mr. blue

25 Jul 2012 10:14

Cheesa, only 5 girls will go through. you have 6 in there

25 Jul 2012 11:33

Tshidi you are the best girl and you are going far.

26 Jul 2012 04:20

Hayi madoda why are you ignoring Matthew? He sings those rock songs well and he's hot. I smell record deals for him even if he doesn't go through. * my mind *

Nondu Hadz
26 Jul 2012 13:22

Guys I really think Khaya is going to be the first black idol. Watch the space. Who agrees with me?

26 Jul 2012 15:22

i am game @Nondu....

26 Jul 2012 15:58

@nondu...mi to I think so

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