Tshidi's exit: Unfair, Unexpected & Unbelievable

Written by Tazteeq from the blog Opinion Ramp on 19 Sep 2012
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Tshidi Exit 1

… and then Tshidi was the next to bite the dust! Surprise Surprise! Another diva shown the door in the ever so unpredictably controversial Idols 8. The sassy 28-year-old from Thokoza in Gauteng’s East Rand received the least votes and was sent packing in another shocking elimination episode. Shuddering you’d say, considering how Tenyane has been one of the best contestants from the onset.

Her continuously electrical performances week after week won her the hearts of many and a possible placement in the Top 2 in our unknowing minds. Could Tshidi’s elimination been a plan to clear way for Khaya to be the obvious winner? It’s all in the votes, they reason … and we nod and vent! I choose the latter … 

Top 4 Group 1

Top 4 Group 2

First it was Shekinah Donell. A very-much distinctly talented 17-year-old from Durban who got the bullet at Top 6 and wasn’t “Saved”, then Simphiwe Gwegwe who’s undoubtedly so talented you don’t need an extra pair of ears to believe it and still not “saved”. Why are the judges given “the save” if they don’t use it on obviously loved and evidently talented contestants? one may ask. Did that “Save” have a label attached to it? Perhaps Khaya Mthethwa? 

Top 4 Tshidi

Tshidi’s level of performance in the Top 18 was as good as Melissa’s and Monde’s at the present moment. Top 4 nogal. The two latter contestants were in a growing phase while Tshidi claimed and consistently shone her star from the day she stepped onto that Live Idols stage.

Her fan base has always been huge because of that, hence she has only tasted the bottom 3 once. Could the public’s hostility been her downfall post her diva-ish “Please don’t jump onto me,” comment to school kids who wanted to mob her? I doubt. Truth is those kids were going to jump on her and tear her apart!

In essence, Tshidi was appreciated and her loyal fan base, which I believe is as thick as a dark December cloud bearing some heavy rainfalls, couldn’t have let her down due to that silly one-line bumper. If that’s the case then replace ‘loyal’ with ‘fake’ in my previous sentence! The girl even cleared those comments on social networks for crying out in a bucket! 

Idols Melissa Top 4

Honestly, as is on Idols 8, the competition is no more. Yes, dusted! They can now proudly inaugurate the Idols Crown on Khaya already-famous head. Monde and Melissa’s fans combined don’t even sum up to ¾ of Khaya’s screaming fans! 

Khaya Top 4

IN BRIEF from Sunday, Tshidi’s Homebrew choices of songs were not so bad and her delivery for both songs were just as flawless, she took on Zamajobe’s ‘Ndawo yami’ and Freshly Ground’s ‘Doo bee doo’. .

Monde’s version of ‘Indigo girl’ was great and I believe it scored him a lot of votes. Khaya covered Zahara’s “Lengoma” and he caused such a sweet bearable havoc, everyone loved it and were dancing like possessed bodies in an alien planet.

Melissa’s cover of Mafikizolo’s “Ndihamba nawe” took number one for me, singing it even in Afrikaans, it was just right-button press. 

Idols Monde Top 4

Did you vote? Do you see the winner already? Duh …  Are you happy with the eliminated? Who do you think is gonna win? Duh again … 

The Top 3 shows their sharpest claws again this week in another vocal battle at the Mosaeik Theatro. Let’s recharge our phones to vote for our favourites.




Nondu Hadz
19 Sep 2012 08:56

Come on now it was about time Tshidi left she's not that good

19 Sep 2012 09:06

I just wanted to say that if Blacks are not careful, the white girl is going to win and y'all will be crying coz you aren't voting. Some of us are busy voting Khaya

19 Sep 2012 09:07

only votes dats counts

19 Sep 2012 09:14

@Nomhla, indeed its the votes that count...
@Nondu, I'm sure theres a few who will disagree with that statement
@makisto, Melissa is coloured skeem,lol

19 Sep 2012 09:15

Tshidi did this 2 herself. She told her fans "not to jump on her". Did she really think they will vote 4 her after saying that??

19 Sep 2012 09:26

@makisto, Melissa is coloured skeem,lol

19 Sep 2012 09:32

Sad to see Tshidi go I like and prefer her more than the pre-determined winner. For me she is an excellent singer far better than the entire top what what. I actually thought and believed she could and deserved to win this thing more than u know who. With that said I did not vote for her. Her fans let her down. Shes out of Idols its not the end of the road she can still make a success of this thing. Sad thing is she will always been known as that dont jump on me girl thats lead people to label her a diva. It is going to be a mammoth task to turn that around she needs to be smart about it I dont know how but with the help of PR experts try use this ve publicity and turn it around. With that said I voted Melissa all the way 20 smss I like the underdog :-)

19 Sep 2012 09:42

what the hell is that Monde still doing on idols, 

Anyway, I stopped watching when these judges decided not to save Sheki, and when Simphiwe left that was the last straw!

19 Sep 2012 09:47

 #team Monde# all the way, but why do peopel hate Khaya this this because he has done a good job and most peeps are hating...stop it already if he wins it will be because he deserves it, not because judges favour him

but i wouldnt mind Mr *MONDIE*as Randall calls him, just to prove a point! enough bwt this hatred on Khaya, How!

19 Sep 2012 09:57

Eish Thsidi is good but her diva tendencies failed her but i believe she will have a great career even after idols

19 Sep 2012 10:02

I'm glad Monde made it 2 top 3, my vote did count.Team Tshidi failed her by not voting moes. We kept our own & hopefully he clinches the title (MONDE). Khaya is great though.

19 Sep 2012 10:08

I totally agree with you @Friend, I am slowly liking Monde and I will vote only for him from now onwards, Khaya is good but i love Monde's maturity and he is such a charmer, go #teamMonde

19 Sep 2012 10:10

Im glad Tshidi is gone and u know why,  i believe its not the last time we see her on our sceen. Truth is the girl is good. And guys lets not blame anyone here. Whats done is done.  I know its hard to believe this but she is gonna be alright. They actually did her a favour. Just wait and see, some music mogul is gonna sign her soon. 

I just hope fame wont go to her head though and she must watch her attitude.

Lastly i cant feel my boys. Dont get me wrong Khaya can sing bt i cant see an idol plus naloMonde. Maybe they can try Mthunzi and join Joyous Celebration. 

I think Melissa is gonna take the crown.

19 Sep 2012 10:12

@Lindzselai, Tyma & the whole of  team Monde, less talk & more voting ne. Most people under-estimated him, Bosso ke Monde.

19 Sep 2012 10:18

Nondu Hands, who are you comparing thsidi to, when you say she is not good, thsidi was consistent, she did not deserve to go qha ke.

i believe its not the last time we see her on our sceen. totally agree, she has a bright future ahead.

i would not mind melissa taking the crown compared to the other two.

19 Sep 2012 10:22

@tyma you think that people hate Khaya? I disagree, It's Monde who is hated regardless of how well he performs. Many people keep asking why he's still there....and call him grandpa, and he's still young 

19 Sep 2012 10:23

Black people must just vote - stop saving those SMS bundles, use them or else you will keep complaining. In American Idol same thing happened, the guy, I think he's name was Josh, was out - but who's to blame, his fans - Vote don't just be a lip-service fan

19 Sep 2012 10:40

Hi guys,

Tshidi is good, and i agree..we will see more of her..

Please guys let us prepare ourselves for a 'Munya like" finale. i see Mellisa taking will be sad, but let us prepare for the inevitable.

#teamMonde baby..strong team!

19 Sep 2012 10:47

Team Khaya till the end. I also don't know and will never understand why grandpa Monde is still there. Guy didn't even deserve top 10 #teamkhaya

19 Sep 2012 10:55

I hope Monde wins, he deserves it and he has worked damn hard and he is humble
I love Khaya and he will be just fine without the idol title, and it's only a handful of people that hate him. Khaya has got major support

I was #teamTshidi as well but I was also shocked when she asked those children not to jump on her and was so sure that was going to win she even promised her mom a spin in the Ford Fiesta.

19 Sep 2012 11:10

@Sslave, are you sure that Monde is a Grandpa? You hate the guy big time ne? I wonder why? He deserves to be where he is, like it or not. Khaya's Team is still  doing well and may the best Idol win.

Mrs Chix
19 Sep 2012 11:18

If Melissa win I will never watch idols again... Team Khaya

Mrs Chix
19 Sep 2012 11:19

Are those judges saving anyone this season?

19 Sep 2012 11:21

Tshidi is 28/ 29 and no one calls her grandma. I guess if you don't like a person, you just don't.

19 Sep 2012 11:23

@Mrs Chix, they won't use it. Only allowed to use it upto top 5....that's why there was no mention of it last nite

19 Sep 2012 11:25

I hope Monde wins, he deserves it and he has worked damn hard and he is humble
I love Khaya and he will be just fine without the idol title, and it's only a handful of people that hate him. Khaya has got major support

@Boni1, I hope so too, now that Tshidi is gone i think Monde and Melissa deserves it more. Khaya is GREAT, undoubtedly, and he already had his foot in the door.he is on Joyous 16 and has big contacts in the music biz, not only that, he doesnt really need the car/money, a source has revealed to me that he drives a Gold 6 and we all know his family is well-off. Did i already mention that he was already singing with Joyous? 

those judges saving anyone this season?
@Mrs Chix, thats a thing of the past heah? the "Save" has expired

19 Sep 2012 11:28

@Mrs Chix Are those judges saving anyone this season?

They were supposed to but decided otherwise, i guess  it's because their  favourite was safe, maybe it was meant for Monde, Khaya, Mellisa or Tshidi who knows..

19 Sep 2012 11:33

The Khaya stans are soo annoying on twitter, and KZN people are making this about KZN vs other provinces! It's kinda boring the way they do it 

19 Sep 2012 11:42

Boring indeed Vesa, Khaya has fans nationwide not KZN only, what happens if  he looses votes from other provinces?This might lead to his downfall.

19 Sep 2012 11:50

Khaya is loved by most ppl and they are voting for him. so if you want melissa and monde to win vote for them. Teamkhaya is voting whayawhaya.

Evidence - Facebook Fan Page Likes

Idols SA - 61,798

Khaya's - 65,552  - do the Maths, no comparison EVEN IDOLS CAN'T BEAT HIM

Tshidi - 15,460

Melissa - 7,443

Monde - 4, 936

19 Sep 2012 12:07

@lolo25....the question is are all those 65 552 people voting repeatedly for him? We all know most facebook and twitter people are all talk and no voting! So this facebook "likes" doesn't automatically translate to votes

19 Sep 2012 12:10

Such a shame, Melissa and Monde's numbers combined dont even make a quarter of Khaya's "Likes", even if you multiply them by 4 they still dont! lol

Khaya is indeed great and another boost was the media uproar that followed after his Superbass rendition before the real competition even began....

19 Sep 2012 12:22

monde monde

19 Sep 2012 12:26

@Taz, responding to last week's blog, twas awesum meeting you buddy. @ Wonderworld, superhero with beards ;D! LOL @makisto *hiding in shame*.. abuti wena nkare you don't watch tv at all this days, o busy ka dilo tsa kereke, not a bad thing at all :).

19 Sep 2012 12:34

All the best to those who are left. Where. Is Obakeng bathong? Taz? Anyone? I wanna stalk him hle, I want him to sing for me alone ge coz yall booted him early. That deep voice....I want more of him!

19 Sep 2012 12:43

I just remembered Tshidi's sunday perfomance, I did not like Tshidi. What she does to raw songs gets to me!!. Ndawo yami sounded as bad to me as her 'imagin" rendition was. but to be fair, I don't remember any other performance, but I watched all.

Nondu Hadz
19 Sep 2012 12:46

i am team Khaya nje shame and I do vote for him and I have liked his page. That shows that an average person like me who never used to watch idols or vote is doing so this year for Khaya, I am not the only one doing that so work it out for yourselves. Khaya has already won this

19 Sep 2012 13:24

"Don't jump on me" statement sometimes I don't understand why people make it such a big issue because I don't think she was being diva and all but she simply Tshidi asking coz really those kids where going to jump on her.  It is just so unbelievable that little things can take you down.

All the best to the remaining contestants, and also wish Khaya could bow to give other kids a chance.

19 Sep 2012 13:33

* but she was simply asking ...........

19 Sep 2012 13:41

Khaya needs our Vote as we could see that Tshidi was a favourite but she went home this week so we need to vote to make sure that Melissa chick goes home ASAP that she doesn't even make it to Top 2.

Team khaya all the way even if i have to use up all my airtime i'll do it.

19 Sep 2012 13:44

Melissa is now like Dom she was the one who was suppose to go home and not Tshidi but anyway no use to cry over spilled milk ne.

19 Sep 2012 13:45

@Sslave, are you sure that Monde is a Grandpa? You hate the guy big time ne? I wonder why? He deserves to be where he is, like it or not. Khaya's Team is still doing well and may the best Idol win. - @Friend atleast we agree on one thing >>>>>>>>>> Khaya's - 65,552 - do the Maths, no comparison EVEN IDOLS CAN'T BEAT HIM  - BOOM!!

19 Sep 2012 14:13

I love Khaya but I just feel that he won't win.

19 Sep 2012 14:16

she even promised her mom a spin in the Ford Fiesta.

talk about counting ur chickens b4 they're hatched. Tshidi had diva tendencies from the start i watched every minute of idols was on maternity leave, when they told her and Nozipho the farm girl gore there'll b a top 18 so they're safe, the things she said afterwards i shook my head in disbelief gore la mtana o na le di diva tendencies.

I don't understand y ppl say Khaya 's already an established musician just cos he performed with JC b4, i'v seen ex idols contestants on JC inkinga la is that Khaya went there first b4 idols

19 Sep 2012 14:21

bathong, obviously tshidi ddn get booted out for saying"please wara wara wat wat ......."simply because her perfomances this week ddn do her justice. her duet was even worse. evn Randall knew she was living

Team Monde 4 sheeezyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... and Khaya second choice.

19 Sep 2012 14:24

From Sowetan
PollTotal votes: 1997
Just 3 contestants left in SA Idols. Who would you put your money on? 

Monde  - 20%
Khaya - 69%
Melissa - 11%


19 Sep 2012 14:25

Lastly i cant feel my boys. Dont get me wrong Khaya can sing bt i cant see an idol plus naloMonde. Maybe they can try Mthunzi and join Joyous Celebration.

i agree with the above statement and more with what Tazteeg said about Khaya he doesnt need it at ll

i wish Monde takes it #voting wayawaya#

19 Sep 2012 14:27

Well am sad as Tshidi was my favourite. Right now I don't really care who wins - don't know if I will carry on watching.

19 Sep 2012 14:32

Monde is 30, Markk from last year was 29, but i never heard people call him old.
black people are failing to see Monde's talent because of his looks or his age, what a shame.
on Tshidi:
i honestly understood where she was coming from. people are actually misquoting her to feed their own hatred. Tshidi opened the cr door, the kids were pushing one another, ready to jump at her the moment she steps out of that car, she then said and i quote " i'm gonna come out the car now ok, please dont jump on me" and she had a smile on her face.
Melissa had bodyguards around her when she walked into her school, so did Khaya, Tshidi did not have anyone to protect her from those excited kids.

19 Sep 2012 14:42

But what type of music other that gospel or Afropop can Tshidi go into? Sindi Nene decided to do Afropop and she is failing dismally.

19 Sep 2012 14:46

Tshidi opened the car door, the kids were pushing one another, ready to jump at her the moment she steps out of that car, she then said and i quote " i'm gonna come out the car now ok, please dont jump on me" and she had a smile on her face.
Melissa had bodyguards around her when she walked into her school, so did Khaya, Tshidi did not have anyone to protect her from those excited kids.

@Plastic, i agree with you completely! Tshidi and Monde were sent without bodyguards. In Monde's situation it was different cause he only had the crowd at the school and he got to the pupils through the backdoor of a school hall. Tshidi ddint have a bodyguard and she tried to open the car first and the kids even shook the car, instead an unnecessary frail and old school security guard was trying to block those kids to make way for her...

I have personally met and talked to Tshidi in many instances after the shows and there is no sign of a arrogance in that girl. she is real and nice and doesnt push it, she was just misunderstood and the media took the whole thing out of propotion

19 Sep 2012 14:52

Sindi Nene decided to do Afropop and she is failing dismally.

@Boni1, Sindi Nene is doing Jazz, i got her album and its jazz all over, only 2 songs are Afro Pop. They failed her completely! Tshidi can pull a Lira/Zonke/Zamajobe/Zahara kinda style and she will sell albums like vetkoeks in Winter.

@Green.arrow, hello *waves* Are you coming again this week?

19 Sep 2012 14:56

Plastic, i could kiss you right now about tshidi, i just did,nt know how to say it myself in proper english. well said.

19 Sep 2012 15:02

when is the repeat ya idols so a person can c the car episode again, i hate judging ppl unfairly whether i like 'em or not

19 Sep 2012 15:31

team khaya all the way ..but i like Monde too he sang that indigo gal song well ,i dont know why mellisa is still here ..

i cant believe that tshidi was voted out  ..

19 Sep 2012 15:34

i cant believe that tshidi was voted out ..

two words in my mind, Sabotage and Conspiracy

Mrs Chix
19 Sep 2012 15:50

Tshidi was miss understood, that statement was far from being a diva. I just hope Khaya will take this

19 Sep 2012 15:52

Maddie Saturday at 11:30 am. Taz thank you very much, that's what I've been saying all along. This was a clear sabotage. Why didn't they show her performing anyway? And about the radio interview? Why didn't we hear anything from her clip? Because they were too busy showing us half truths taken out of context which they only wanted us to believe.

Name here
19 Sep 2012 15:53

We all know that Idols contestants don't need to win in order to make it.

19 Sep 2012 15:55

i cant believe that tshidi was voted out ..

Ja dats wat happens wen u get too comfortable, with all the nice commects she's been getting from the judges she saw herself winning this and forgot that the fight is not over until it's over...and not everybody loves you.....I for one did not like her perfomance on sunday.... !!! she didnt do it for me..

anie nxu
19 Sep 2012 16:03


19 Sep 2012 16:05

lol Khaya is facing the same issue Zama had on Top Billing that they already had a break and must give others a chance.... I think they are ambitious and want to make use of every opportunity...nothing wrong with that. The type that is not satisfied with meeting the acceptable standard but want to go beyond, create even more opportunities for themselves, make it even bigger...I like that.... Khaya is winning this! Mellisa better be in the Top 2.....I wish Monde all the best, he is really looking like a hard working guy. Can someone give him a recording deal please? Tshidi can sing but never my favorite...

19 Sep 2012 16:05

lol Khaya is facing the same issue Zama had on Top Billing that they already had a break and must give others a chance.... I think they are ambitious and want to make use of every opportunity...nothing wrong with that. The type that is not satisfied with meeting the acceptable standard but want to go beyond, create even more opportunities for themselves, make it even bigger...I like that.... Khaya is winning this! Mellisa better be in the Top 2.....I wish Monde all the best, he is really looking like a hard working guy. Can someone give him a recording deal please? Tshidi can sing but never my favorite...

19 Sep 2012 16:05

lol Khaya is facing the same issue Zama had on Top Billing that they already had a break and must give others a chance.... I think they are ambitious and want to make use of every opportunity...nothing wrong with that. The type that is not satisfied with meeting the acceptable standard but want to go beyond, create even more opportunities for themselves, make it even bigger...I like that.... Khaya is winning this! Mellisa better be in the Top 2.....I wish Monde all the best, he is really looking like a hard working guy. Can someone give him a recording deal please? Tshidi can sing but never my favorite...

19 Sep 2012 16:12

Shem this elimination was very unexpected!

19 Sep 2012 16:12

Shem this elimination was very unexpected!

19 Sep 2012 16:12

Shem this elimination was very unexpected!

19 Sep 2012 16:12

Shem this elimination was very unexpected!

19 Sep 2012 16:12

Shem this elimination was very unexpected!

19 Sep 2012 16:14

On why the comment was not edited, I think the producers didn't see anything wrong with the statement just like others feel it was not a diva comment, she seriously was scared or it was a joke! I don't think it was sabotage, the producers might as shocked as everybody that such comment can cost someone votes.... But like others said, her Sunday perfomances were lukewarm, nothing special... Luckily for Khaya, the judges have been telling him every week not to get comfortable because of his popularity...Tshidi shem no one warned her...she got all the praises every week,,

19 Sep 2012 16:14

On why the comment was not edited, I think the producers didn't see anything wrong with the statement just like others feel it was not a diva comment, she seriously was scared or it was a joke! I don't think it was sabotage, the producers might as shocked as everybody that such comment can cost someone votes.... But like others said, her Sunday perfomances were lukewarm, nothing special... Luckily for Khaya, the judges have been telling him every week not to get comfortable because of his popularity...Tshidi shem no one warned her...she got all the praises every week,,

19 Sep 2012 16:14

On why the comment was not edited, I think the producers didn't see anything wrong with the statement just like others feel it was not a diva comment, she seriously was scared or it was a joke! I don't think it was sabotage, the producers might as shocked as everybody that such comment can cost someone votes.... But like others said, her Sunday perfomances were lukewarm, nothing special... Luckily for Khaya, the judges have been telling him every week not to get comfortable because of his popularity...Tshidi shem no one warned her...she got all the praises every week,,

19 Sep 2012 16:16

lol Mrs Cheesa I've passed on my bug to you.....multiple posts!!!

19 Sep 2012 16:22

Shem this elimination was very unexpected! I was shocked to discover on twitter that Tsidi was the one who went to homeville. I had already expected her in the top two with Khaya and with Khaya winning (not that I want him to him coz of blah blah blah....dont wanna get on it). 

I really couldn't believe it I had to search tweets as I didnt watch the show coz I am back to being a  proper welfarian :( and I dozed off at that time so I didnt catch it on twitter as it happened.

Its really sad to learn that Tsidi has already left the competition when she had a good chance of winning. I dont know whether to blame this "dont jump on me" statement which I missed too :( eish or it was just planned that she should be eliminated this week as she seemed to be Khaya's strong competition. Coz it seems like Idols people plus the judges want him to win no matter what since he got all the hype since the initial stages of the top 10. 

As a result of this I actually want Monde to win now even though he was never my favourite I want him to win just hope I remember to vote for him.   

19 Sep 2012 16:25

Amen to dat --true dat @poshspice 

19 Sep 2012 16:25

LOL Posh I was about to say that ukuthi manje you have passed the bug on me eish yazi dunno what happened there, Taz khawu delete wethu.

19 Sep 2012 16:25

hayi dont compare Monde to Melissa please. People already had an idea that Monde doesnt belong in this show from top 10, even though he offers his best it will still not be good enough. Melissa was the weakest link in the top 4

19 Sep 2012 16:30

yes Vesa Tshidi is 28, and nje she looks older and Monde is 30 but he is constantly under attack. Truth is, he sings well and he will continue getting my votes. Tshidi o talented but her arrogance, even after she got eliminated. TF?? Melissa will win this, just watch!

19 Sep 2012 16:37

Tshidi must be grateful that she got this far, I'm sure Lindelani Mkhize is hunting her down so that she can be the next Ntokozo Mbambo for JC.

19 Sep 2012 16:39

yho Boni, i hope she does something on her own yaz! i wonder what genre of music will suit her.

19 Sep 2012 17:01

Naah, don't think so Taz, but maybe, ill shout if I am.

19 Sep 2012 17:12


19 Sep 2012 17:36

@Cande yena she can do her own thing and the future is bright because South African music is moving into another direction, we need more peope like Latoya Delazy and Zahara. Hope Tshidi can just bless us with something refreshing as well

20 Sep 2012 09:25

@Plastic well said my dear. I also think if it was her diva tendencies,she sld hav said those words with a straight face. She was only afraid at falling once the kids jump on her,thats all. But one thing is winning Idols doesnt make u a star,the only thing that will make u a star is TALENT! I see Tshidi being famous and doing well more than whoeva is going to win this season!

20 Sep 2012 09:58

Miway Insurance can use her for their next ad "They(kids) just jump in front of me"

21 Sep 2012 12:12

The elimination of Tshidi is a bunch of *bleep!* man! If they voted her out because she said "Don't jump on me". I mean who the hell would allow a bunch of kids to jump on them, a lot of kids coming at you are like monsters. And for people to say that she wasn't that talented what a bloody load of narcissistic dog *bleep!* cause that's not true at all! Tshidi is a better singer then Mellissa,Khaya and Monde combined! Monde can't sing to save his life hence his kept on the show and don't get me started on that A-Grade slut called Melissa. Fact is, Tshidi should be in the final and idols not worth the watch with such *bleep!* for performers. It seriously puts the country to shame. And I stopped watching when Shekhina was voted out and whether you wanna believe it or not. Shekhina, nor Shimpiwe, nor Tshidi deserved to leave. Me I don't believe in votes!

21 Sep 2012 14:44

Shanydoodle please calm down is a warm hug just 4 u ((((((:-)))))))))

I hope u'll feel much better now. And lastly u can't call Melissa a slut unless u know something we dont.

The only thing that happened in this situation yaTshidi is that She was only responsible  for what she says NOT for what PEOPLE understood.

21 Sep 2012 16:31


21 Sep 2012 17:17

Did anyone listen o the interview that Tshidi had on SAFM yesterday? A friend told me she said she was sabotaged because the judges want Khaya to win, if anyone was listening please tell me it's not true cos that would really be bad for her.

23 Sep 2012 21:01

Khaya is talented so pls stop making it seem mnet wants him to win bcos d show is based on votes nothing else , so less yada yada and more voting ! I was 1 of d people who voted 4 both Tshidi n Khaya until Tshidi became a Diva

26 Sep 2012 12:03

Oh Zam u should stop believing these so called REALITY SHOWS. Its all a scam babygirl. Its a setup.

Miway Insurance can use her for their next ad "They(kids) just jump in front of me" LOL MADDIE hahahahaha

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