Marilyn Ramos: from beauty to Queen

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Interviews on 14 Dec 2012
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Marilyn Ramos Interview 2

Marilyn Ramos Interview 14

Marilyn Ramos Interview 14

It happens in the movies and on TV shows, I've always suspected that it definitely happens in real life and now it's been proven without a doubt: when someone succeeds there are people who suddenly creep out of the woodwork to take advantage of their success.

From the sounds of it this is exactly what happened to new Miss South Africa Marilyn Ramos after she won the crown on Sunday night.

I was scheduled to hook-up with her for an interview on Wednesday afternoon but it was impossible to get hold of her. I phoned and phoned and there was no answer. A little while later I discovered that she couldn't make the interview because of how upset she was.

Arrangements changed, I caught up with her on Thursday instead and asked what had happened. Why was she too upset to talk?

Turns out she went to do an interview at SAFM and when she arrived there were people involved in the world of pageants - pageant organisers - who were there to be interviewed too.

I don't know who they were but from what I understood they were there to talk about a beef they have with Marilyn's aunt Zee Dyson who has her own modelling agency and who's also involved in pageants. I don't know what their issue was exactly - it had something to do with pageant titles.

Word from Marilyn is that the situation had nothing to do with her so she left. Very upset.

Marilyn: They're people who have a vendetta with my family members - it's got nothing to do with me or the title so it put me in a difficult situation to go on air so I just avoided everything.

Tashi: The world of pageants always seems so ruthless - is it?
Marilyn: Sometimes, sometimes not - it's difficult to say. It's good to help girls overcome life and get the get the confidence they need but at the same time you need to be very careful where you go .

Tashi: So you need to be careful of which pageants you enter and which pageant people you deal with?
Marilyn: That's why I've been very selective over the past couple of years.

Marilyn Ramos Interview 1

Tashi: Your aunt's modelling school - is that how you got into things?
Marilyn: No, not really hey. I basically started off one day because a competition didn't have enough entries so everyone was like: "Please just enter, just enter," and coincidentally I won.

Tashi: How old were you?
Marilyn: I was about 12, 13.

Tashi: What question have you been asked the most since your win? - from the press and generally since you won?
Marilyn: If I'm family to Maria Ramos *laughs*. No, I'm not. I've never even met her before, maybe one day.

Tashi: You've entered Miss South Africa before?
Marilyn: Yes, I entered when I was 18. I'm not sure if you're aware that the Miss SA Teen went from 14 to 18 and then Miss SA starts at 18 so at that age I could choose which one I wanted to do.

I felt that I wasn't taking the competition so seriously so I thought, "Okay, I may as well enter the big thing. Why enter Miss SA Teen if you can enter Miss SA?"

So I entered and made it through to the Top 32 semi-finalists but at that stage I was still in school and it was at the end of the year, so it was in the middle of my matric finals and things were hectic.

I was competing against girls who were already qualified teachers or who already had their degrees - it was very intimidating. I learnt so much then too - my maturity level in those two to three weeks increased unbelievably.

Marilyn Ramos Interview 11

Tashi: Once it gets down to the Top 12 everyone's on such an even playing field when it comes to beauty and personality - why do you think you won? What was it about you that won you the crown?
Marilyn: To be frank with you I'm not 100% sure, I just know that I'm very blessed, number one and number two, I think I remained myself - not that I'm saying the other girls didn't but I make sure that whatever I do I've got a reason, that Marilyn's behind every reason.

I didn't change myself, although I must admit there was so much growth throughout the whole process. If you're not growing there's no progress so I'm very happy for that.

I think that's also what the judges saw - I didn't just go into the workshops to just sit there - I actually applied them to everything I did afterwards.

Tashi: What was the most difficult thing about it all?
Marilyn: I think the fact that you're competing with 11 other girls and all of them had their strong points. There were times where their strong point might have been your negative point and that's when you start doubting yourself. I think it was just to keep level-headedness and never losing faith in yourself.

Tashi: Mentioning the other girls ... I've often asked if things were like America's Next Top Model but everyone always goes: "No, we all loved each other," but I never believe that. The competition must manifest itself in some way. How did it come through?
Marilyn: I'm going to be honest now, this year the girls were absolutely stunning. Even our chaperone's and the production crew said that it's been a very long time since all of the girls have created such a good bond.

We really became like a sisterhood and there was an amazing friendship among all of us but I must admit, as the competition got closer to crunch time, the girls obviously got a bit on their nerves and tension started.

At the end of the day we were a bunch of women all together so *laughs* - but otherwise we were all understanding of each other. I think the friendships and the bonds and the fun that we had took centre stage of everything.

Marilyn Ramos Interview 15

Tashi: Can you tell us something about yourself that we didn't see on TV? - something that wasn't in The Road To Miss SA or the ceremony.
Marilyn: Mmm ... I think it could be ...I don't like pushing myself forward. I push myself in terms of I like challenging myself but if there are 12 other girls in the room and everybody's hogging the camera, I'd rather stand back and wait for my turn and I think that didn't really come across which I appreciate.

I found a lot of people gave me that advice: "Step forward, rather be a little bit louder so that you can get more attention." Before I left with the Top 16 to go to Sun City I decided, "You know what, I'm not going to change who I am." I felt that it would be my personality that shined, not my loud words so I decided to remain who I am.

Marilyn Ramos Interview 20

Tashi: Do you find it difficult to push yourself forwards?
Not at all, I just feel that I'm not an attention seeker - I'm not saying that the other girls were attention seekers but at the end of the day we were 12 girls with maybe a maximum of two to three cameras.

I'm quite a people pleaser so I let the other girls go ahead and do what they wanted to do but at the same time make sure I got some of my own time.

Tashi: Will you be going to both Miss World and Miss Universe next year or will you be snubbing Miss World too? #MelindaBam
Marilyn: It's difficult to say at the moment. I haven't spoken to Sun International as such. I'm a very proud South African so it would be great for me to represent the country at as many events as possible.

Tashi: Which would you prefer to win?
Marilyn: I think Miss Universe, I think *laughs* I just see it as more glamorous in a way. Not to take anything away from Miss World, it's amazing, it's just that the whole image of Miss Universe is the more powerful woman whereas Miss World is more of a subtle beauty.

Tashi: Besides the title, what's your favourite prize that you've won?
Marilyn: *laughs* Well, there are lots of things obviously - one of the main prizes was the Volvo C30, thanks to Volvo South Africa, it's absolutely amazing. I'm driving around in it now and I'm so chuffed.

I'm moving into an amazing flat in Sandton which I'm looking forward to and there are prizes from Europa art and Nashua Mobile so it's quite hard for me to pick one.

Tashi: Do you get to keep the flat or is it just for the year?
Marilyn: The flat's for Miss South Africa so next year, when the next Miss South Africa wins, she'll probably move in.

Tashi: And the car? You get to keep it?
Marilyn: Yes.
Tashi: That's good. (Flashback to the Top Billing horror!)

Tashi: When people look back at your reign at the end of next year, what would you like them to remember you for most?
Marilyn: I think it's that I'm a humble person and I'd like to portray that throughout the year. It's already been portrayed over the past couple of days, having such a big title and remaining humble and people noticing, seeing "She's not changing who she is."

Also to be a true lady with everything I do, with every situation I get into, to always handle things with grace.



14 Dec 2012 08:21

She's beautiful, congrats 2 her.

14 Dec 2012 08:56

congrats to her..

14 Dec 2012 09:13

Magical Baby
14 Dec 2012 09:16

She uses the words "I think" too much and she's so defensive about her responses. 

Magical Baby
14 Dec 2012 09:18

She's so defensive as if she's scared of stepping on people's toes with her responses. Whatever she says people will interpret it in their own way.

"not that I'm saying the other girls didn't"

"I'm not saying that the other girls were attention seekers but"

I push myself in terms of I like challenging myself but if there are 12 other girls in the room and everybody's hogging the camera, I'd rather stand back and wait for my turn and I think that didn't really come across which I appreciate.

14 Dec 2012 10:03

She uses the words "I think" too much

It suggests almost complete thought ... it is a way of verifying to herself that she is not about to make an idiot of herself in whatever she is about to say.

It is much better than Ummmm-ing & "You know"-ing one's way through uncertainty.

It also suggests a defensiveness ...

Most important ... It suggests that she is not just a pretty giggly  idiot!

14 Dec 2012 10:20

She's beautiful

I find it fascinating how many use this phrase for beauty contest winners ... What else would a winning entrant be?

For an IQ contest ... Most definitely ... Use the phrase generously, lol.

14 Dec 2012 12:09

Iyoooo...thata VusiK thataaaa

15 Dec 2012 03:40


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