Fruit of the spirit: Peace 4 of 10

Written by Cody from the blog Jehova-Nisi: TVSA Home Cell/Bible Study Group on 17 Mar 2010
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Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid’ ” (John 14:27, NKJV).

As a champion of peace, Paul wrote, “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3, NKJV). The Greek word translated “endeavoring” is an imperative, exclud¬ing any passivity, any “wait and see” attitude. We must be proactive. If we fight and bicker in our homes, if we fall into factions at church, if we refuse to love and honour others, then we are denying the peace of God in Jesus Christ, which He established on the cross.

How ironic that you have to fight for peace. Eleanor Roosevelt, in a Voice of America radio broadcast, said, “It isn’t enough to talk about peace; one must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it; one must work at it.” The peace that Christ won for us also requires effort, hard work, and constant self-examination. 

We must learn to maintain peace in three important relationships: with God, with our fellow man, and with ourselves. We maintain peace with God by believing and trusting Him. We maintain peace with our fellow man by not allowing strife to be a part of our relationships with other people. We maintain peace with ourselves by refusing to live in guilt or condemnation thus recognizing that God is greater than all of our sins.
Strange as it may seem, the most difficult place to be a Christian is at home. How tragic, when home should be the one place in all the world where we all should have peace. 

Two young men were in a battle during the days of the Vietnam War. The bullets were flying, and the bombs were exploding. All of this didn’t seem to faze one of the soldiers. When his friend asked how he could be so calm, he replied that it reminded him of home!

This kind of peace doesn't come through drugs, alcohol, sex, wealth, or entertainment. It is a supernatural (not worldly) peace that is a gift of God (John 14:27). The spiritual fruit of peace results from being justified by faith (Romans 5:1). and loving God's law.
(Psalm 119:165)

This is a peace that surpasses all human understanding, and it keeps your heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7)
Peace is the result of resting in a relationship with God (Naked Fruit' by Elisa Morgan). Peace is a tranquility, a state of rest, that comes from seeking after God, or, the opposite of chaos. 

The word "peace" comes from the Greek word eirene, the Greek equivalent for the Hebrew word shalom, which expresses the idea of wholeness, completeness, or tranquility in the soul that is unaffected by the outward circumstances or pressures. The word eirene strongly suggests the rule of order in place of chaos. When a person is dominated by peace, he has a calm, inner stability that results in the ability to conduct himself peacefully, even in the midst of circumstances that would normally be very nerve-wracking, traumatic, or upsetting...Rather than allowing the difficulties and pressures of life to break him, a person who is possessed by peace is whole, complete, orderly, stable, and poised for blessing. (Sparkling Gems from the Greek, Rick Renner) 

Jesus is described as the Prince of Peace, who brings peace to the hearts of those who desire it. He says in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." NKJV
"Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of God no matter what the conflict." -Anonymous 

Peace can be maintained for a time out of ignorance or denial, but when the realities of life come upon us, peace can be impossible unless we let His peace rein in us! When we do not let go we will blame God and lose our unity and serenity in Him. Peace is learning to let go of our will, desires and plans. Peace is not the peace of the hippie movement or even between nations, although those things can be applied from it. Peace is serenity from the realization that God is in charge and we can relax because He is in control. Peace is the recognition that our biggest problem has been solved! It is the stillness we have when our trust is upon Christ as Lord (Psalm 46:10). Peace will also enable us to yield our will over to Him. Peace enables us to be moved from the stronghold of fear and trembling into a life of harmony (Isa. 26:3; II Tim. 1:7). When we are on the verge of giving up, or losing our hope, peace can be the anchor to keep us on His path, to see His hope, to let it give you the confidence to keep moving on His path. 

John tells us that He must increase and we must decrease (John 3:29-30). If we refuse this vital call, God just may allow those hardships to come our way, breaking us down so we will yield and grow as His child.
Remember the Fruit of the Spirit are co-dependent entities, neither one can stand or work by itself as they are designed to work all together synergistically to build us up for His service. 

Reference: Discipleship Tools, Wikipedia, Adult Bible Study Lesson 2010 1st Quarter – Fruits of the Spirit


17 Mar 2010 10:12

Morning Bazalwane

Hope you have been well and may the good Lord continue to bless you and cover you with His grace

17 Mar 2010 11:09

Morning FK.....once again, thanks for the encouraging words. 

Thanks for pointing out that "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of God no matter what the conflict." -

17 Mar 2010 13:07

Thank you FK

We maintain peace with ourselves by refusing to live in guilt or condemnation thus recognizing that God is greater than all of our sins. 

This is very true.

17 Mar 2010 14:46

Hi guys, i am sorry i am so scarce, im wish i could be here,but the work load is just unbearable, i promise to be here this weekend.

17 Mar 2010 15:15

We understand Cody. In the fullness of time, you will be able to join us. I know your thoughts are already here.

17 Mar 2010 15:38


Kunini ndilindile! let me read

17 Mar 2010 21:17

Thank you FK,. Peace nothing missing,nothing broken!

18 Mar 2010 08:16

thank you guys for the piece about peace.

I am yet to read but i feel that I must share with you this....

After the messy break up that happened late last year, I was hurting, and very disappointed. But after a while I started to feel something like a rush of air, cool air. I realised later that, it ws Shalom, God's peace. the peace that surpasses all human understanding.

Until one exp this peace, it will remain but an impossible theory. and I believe through a lot of prayer and trusting God, one can exp this peace.
Your soul will start singing "it is well" like I did, not because you are sweeping your problems under the capret but because you opted to tell GODabout them, and not make it  your mission to solve them.

that is my story:)

18 Mar 2010 08:30

We maintain peace with God by believing and trusting Him. We maintain peace with our fellow man by not allowing strife to be a part of our relationships with other people. We maintain peace with ourselves by refusing to live in guilt or condemnation thus recognizing that God is greater than all of our sins.

Peace is a tranquility, a state of rest, that comes from seeking after God

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of God no matter what the conflict." -

Peace is serenity from the realization that God is in charge and we can relax because He is in control

peace can be impossible unless we let His peace rein in us! 

Peace enables us to be moved from the stronghold of fear and trembling into a life of harmony 

After reading this passage  I really understand better what was happening with me at that time. because, yes I was hurting, confused, and all but after prayer session and medidating on the word of God esp Romans 4v5, i did exp Shalom

Praise be to God for this cell group and everyone who takes times not only to contribute but to read, because even in silence, they are learning and by the power of God will be converted one day.

Guys I really think God is working mightly in our everyday life....
and its high time we take a few minutes in the 24hrs He gave us in day a day and say "ABBA FATHER, we are grateful for the love, peace, joy, happiness. But most of all we are grateful for the grace that is still sufficient in our lifes, and that even now we are alive and all of this is to give you the glory and the honour. In the name of Jesus Christ."

now imma read replies

18 Mar 2010 09:09

Morning church

@blueroze - this is a practical example on how we can attain peace and what peace can do to our lives.  Yes, we have to experience this peace for ourselves and we will understand it better.

The most important thing about these lessons, is to take them and applying them into our daily lives and then, we will see the power of the blood working in our lives.

Thank you all for taking time off your schedules to read this.  God is watching and He will bless you according to His riches in heaven.

18 Mar 2010 10:45

Bazalwane, i have been on a spiritual high for the past month or so and God has been so good to me revealing things to me and i was learning about payer but on Sunday something happened that led me to temptation and the evil one took hold of my emotions and stole my peace and rest in the promises of the Lord.  I am going through a tough time and seriosly need your prayers.  The thief stole my peace and as i read this, i realise that i am so weak and only God's strength and love can pull me out of this mess. 

18 Mar 2010 10:56

@Mathaz - the devil is a liar.  He was long defeated.  He failed to keep Christ in the grave.  He will never win over you, you were never created by him nor for him.  I will be praying for you.  Let us HOLD ON, we are almost there and our crowns are waiting for us.  All we need is to claim them.

Cast all your burdens unto the Lord.

18 Mar 2010 11:31

Tjerr, I havent heard peace since I came back from my holiday. I had a fallout with a friend on Saturday, and it got worse on Monday and have a feeling that our friendship is over.

Wednesday, another friend ruined three relationships by failing to keep quiet, and the gossip just got out of hand and the trust has been broken. 

Went on to loose a netball game last night, and the team just turned on each other. You should see the e-mails circulating and all correspondence today, and even though I am reading the article it is not going through to my heart, by the time I get to next line, I have forgotten what the previous paragraph was about.

Will try again later, and maybe I will get the meaning of it. Right I am just mad, and I pray that I dont inflict what I am feeling to innocent bystanders here at work.

18 Mar 2010 12:02

Thanks FK, I was waiting in anticipation for this fruit.
Once again I am inspired by your thoroughness. Experiencing this kind of peace is so supernatural. Resting on Gods feet and not relying on your might and intelligence is a challenge, however it can be done. You can be amazed at what Jehovah Shalom can do if you simply let him take control and not strain yourself in trying to make things work. “Be still and know that I am the Lord, I am the Lord that leadeth thee”

18 Mar 2010 12:13

@nice - I feel you.  There are times where we want to take over and not allow God to fight our battles.  I find doing that most of the time.  Just keep on praying and ask the Holy Spirit not to leave you.  The Holy Spirit is that little voice, it is your conscience that.   Right now, the Holy Spirit is talking to you about the friends, the netball game - so there, right there you have an answer.
Listen to it.  You will never regret it.

@Honeypot - to God be the glory.  I usually publish every Wednesday, say about 9:30 am.  Everything is a challenge - But I can do all through Christ who strengthens me.

18 Mar 2010 12:41

You guys are such a blessing to my life and whole lotta people.

I've been through a roller coaster period where I didnt know which decision was right for me. I was very confused until I remembered that He said hushhh be still and know that I am God. Since then I have surrendered everything to Him as He's the One that knows my future.

I came across these profound words and I thought I should share them with Abazalwane.

"When we realize that we are truly incapable of controlling life, we can surrender our will to God’s will. It may be a matter of finally saying we trust Him. This will open the door so that we may experience the fullness of all God wants and has for us. After all, He is our Creator and has a perfect plan for us when we let Him orchestrate it. "

Stay blessed

19 Mar 2010 13:12

For the fisrt time this week,  i could not bring myself to comprehensively read the cell blog. It was very hard. I instead chose to escape even from myslef the best way i know how. But yestrday a friend of mine (God bless him for trully seeing the state of my life beyond the facet) continued to talk to me and in closing he said..take up your damn (he was a lil angry) cross, no one is gonna do it for you. Thats all i have bee thinking about. I have expereineced LIFE in Christ before, and whats been happening lately has been something else....something that even the word pain cant describe and its been affecting everything else that matters in my life. Way too uncomfortable. As i was busy praying for a word, for a song,for a whisper, for something last night and today.,...this song came to is well with my soul. I wikipeiad the inspiration behind it...and i came here...and today i could read the it twice even. What i appreciate is that the contents have habits that one must practice in order to exeprience this peace that was inspired in my heart today in the midst of all that is that its not just about believing tha it is well now with my soul, but i also work at it...

It Is Well With My Soul

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life,
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul.

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

-- Horatio Spafford 

Bearing in mind indeed FK that:
...the Fruit of the Spirit are co-dependent entities, neither one can stand or work by itself as they are designed to work all together synergistically to build us up for His service.
I have a lot of worth while work to do in all this regards. But i have tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord before, I know what its like to be in Him as He is in me. And nothing beats that ,certainly not what  and weher i have been lately...All that i desire right now is Him.........i feel like im going through a rebirth process, exept this one is not like the first one, its not all about the euphoria of being a new being which is okay,Its like im being operated on while im awake... too many reality checks...but righ now, im gratefull thst IT IS WELL WITh MY SOUL...its all okay...
And i trully am gratefull for homecell...

19 Mar 2010 17:51

thank you FK now i hav something to look forward to on wednsdays and the best part is that im learning and growing.

19 Mar 2010 19:14

GREEN.ARROW-Kuhle ke emoyeni wam,it is well forevermore(that song ressurects me!) This is my first time on this cell,but I came truly when I needed it.With god there is no thing called chance because this particular piece is relevant 2this partt in my life. I'm continously expiriencing gods presence in my life,I know find comfort in the most difficult situations armed with the knowledge that all is necessary,if its gods will-i will yield myself to it.The god who is my redeemer is remarkable&surely faithful. I find solace in the lord&this new found cell,thank u guys for this fresh spirit! I shall dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life! Shalom is a metaphysical,out of body expirience only encountered through faith.Serenity amongs the clamour of the world! Let us all seek Peace

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