From my point of view

Written by Blac African from the blog The Diary of a Blac woman on 18 Sep 2009
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They claim silence is golden; they also alledge that one should be slow to speak but quick to listen 

I say : thats a load of bull....

A special thank you goes to my buddy who without realising helped me in more ways than they imagine, to another special lady who reached out to lend her ear. God bless you guys

The diva is recovering and back; I am a changed person pyhsically but trust me when I say this; not much has changed when it comes to attitude...

I am a DIVA.....

Ever wonder why:

A good church turns bad?  I mean I attend this one church that has suddenly evolved into a commercial gimick, I mean they speak of selling their "brand" WTF?> Since when did a church become a brand? Every 3 months since i have been attending (part of my counselling) they have asked for money during the service point blank...we need so much - obviously its cherry coated but any stupid fool can see thru the chocolate coating..Is that allowed? What happened to God in that equation?

Coming out the closet: Suddenly SABC one is all for gays and lezzi's; Jason kissing Senzo; relate showing us 2 mub bangers; then on TAR they had 2 gay priestess' WTFF...I mean since when did God allow gay pple to become church leaders? Oh yes I also "heard" never saw it THANK HEAVENESS that Lucilla and Wandi kissed on RC - what are we telling the future leaders of tmrw? nooky rubbing and mub banging is OK? come on pple! lets get honest with ourselves - that is against creation.

People just complain: We are so full of complaints; for e.g. there is an uproar against cellular tarriffs; why buy the phone when you know in the long run it will cost you money? Stop complaining and blow a ram horn to communicate or beat drums...those pple r in business just like you are - deal with it or beat drums

What do you ever wonder about?


18 Sep 2009 09:27

If you go to church to pray and worship that is between you nad your God when you start going to church to point out all the wrong it defeats the purpose of why you went to church in the 1st place.

What you do at church is between you and your God. If the pastor steals the church money that is between him and his God. And both shall be rewarded accordingly.

I wonder why you're bringing up the Jason Senzo thing again. We did that already..

There is voiving your opinion and there is complaining. Just because I bought a cell phone doesnt mean I have to go payign for things I dont know about. I will ask questions and voice my dissatisfaction should i not understand the point behind the tarrifs

Blac African
18 Sep 2009 09:33

and if pple turn away from the church as a result of commerce in the church? whose to blame the pple or the leadership?

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 09:35

Are you not complaining now? - eish I will silent blog on this one, I can see where this can end up

18 Sep 2009 09:35

Like I said what you do is between you and your God.

18 Sep 2009 09:41

Blacky -- im wondering if you did remember what you wrote as your first point when you got to ppoint number 3, At number one you are complaining about the Church and at number 3 you are complaining about people who complains? are you referring to your ownself

18 Sep 2009 09:44

About the church Blacky ... im almost certain that Not eve one pastor has ever went through your purse and demanded money from you or wanted it at gunpoint, Like you said, they ASK for it, and you have a choice of SAYING NO to them. When it comes to Church and money, it will always be difficult for everybody to understand especial if people view giving as GIVING TO A PASTOR

18 Sep 2009 09:48

eish today i have a feeling i am going to be playing a peace maker , all the article have heavy words that might affect sensitive readers, be alert arive alive, i can smell the fight coming, i dont know wether to run or be a silent blogger today,

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 09:52

maud - am I silent blogging about too much spice, but one question is it coz Blac wrote the article that we think it will end in a fight & if were someone else it would be taken lightly? Just wondering coz I sense some tension here and there and wondering what this blogger did to almost everyone

18 Sep 2009 09:58

Ms.Jay- same here, i dont remember ,but i wish we can just put whatever she /he did behind and enjoy the articles.

18 Sep 2009 10:01


Yini enifuna ukuthi abantu baxabane. Thina we are just discussing the topic at hand and trying to understand to some extend understand the reasoning behind it.

Religion has never been without controversy


there wont be a need to play peacemaker because there is no fighting. Just helathy debate- if I can call it that

18 Sep 2009 10:02

"They claim silence is golden; they also alledge that one should be slow to speak but quick to listen

I say : thats a load of bull.... 

another special lady who reached out to lend her ear."

What do you ever wonder about?

I wonder if you are worth my energy right now..

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 10:02

where is GML, maybe she can tell more...anyway I am out for the weekend, I am going shopping for the little one, I have managed to save 10000R just for essentials (sorry to be off topic), maybe when the question is answered I will know why, but I like Blac African she is just different.......

baby e
18 Sep 2009 10:07

i wonder whats happening to BROWN SUGAR 
I wonder why my collegue prefer to use a language which i dont understand
i wonder what GML really does for a leaving. Girl you can blog
i wonder if BA, Pooky, Nonny, TDC, Harambe, Sponono will respond 
i wonder if i would make a great mother 
i wonder if i am getting a good increment

18 Sep 2009 10:09


Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 10:10

there wont be a need to play peacemaker because there is no fighting. Just helathy debate- if I can call it that - @ least......peace in the home

18 Sep 2009 10:10

@GML- if you say so my friend, if you say so

Savanah Dry
18 Sep 2009 10:14

You sound so much like one and only i quote!!The diva is recovering and back; I am a changed person pyhsically but trust me when I say this; not much has changed when it comes to attitude... 

My bad if u r nt the same shim

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 10:17

LOL babye - someone seems to have gotten the gist of this article.....

I wonder if Lex will go back to woolies - lol
I wonder y I am still here an not silent blogging
I wonder if I will afford a good life after a baby
I wonder if the whole money vs church controversy will ever be resolved
I wonder if the book I am reading will ever make sense....I am still baffled with the introduction

18 Sep 2009 10:19

which book are you reading Ms Jay?

I wonder

18 Sep 2009 10:22

@ Ms.Jay - I wonder if Lex will go back to woolies - lol ,I'm definitely going back ntwana,what happened the other day was a minor incident,I love their products.

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 10:22

LOL @ Savs, I don think they are trust me, just concidence I guess...

I wonder y this person that called me know was so rude....eish if he didn wanna talk on the phone he shouldn have called my number mxciiii - no bad vibes no bad vibes -

18 Sep 2009 10:25


18 Sep 2009 10:26

ytypical people we share the world with Ms.Jay - ignore him , he is just having a bad day.

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 10:26

GML - can I be honest and tell you I don remember the title....I wonder y I forgot, maybe coz its so confusing..something to do with a revolution?

I wonder....

Lex I wonder if you will buy my baby a present from woolies on your account...
Cheesa I wonder why you are so silent
I wonder why my GB had a virus?
I wonder where Dimago, Dali, Sjura and ms tebby are
I wonder y I am now starting to enjoy this - my cellphone is already so high

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 10:28

i wonder y monchooza is sighing?
I still wonder y pple have a vibe with Blac African

18 Sep 2009 10:41

I wonder why Blac African didnt write about her journey to recovery.

what she had to do, what she is doing, who she went to etc. I wonder.

No beef, just wondering. I would love to know how the struggle was.

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 10:46

LOL cheesa - if i wrote an article it would be about sex, I just wanna ride rite now & I am tryna not think about it thats why I am all over the show and tryna go shopping - my hubby is away until next week and I have a need like rite now
GML - I wonder perhaps she hasn recovered fully? or she thought she was gonna be killed by us....I wonder

Tash 1
18 Sep 2009 10:49

Morning Peeps,

I wonder why i like u bloggers.

One and Only
18 Sep 2009 10:51

Blac African it's a pity that your article has allowed some of the lower forms of life to articulate their sordid thought processes.

It also saddens me to see how some of the so-called born again christians hold grudges and never let go of past mistakes but in a week or so they'll be posting an article under TVSA home cell acting holy, quoting bible verses and claiming to have been visited by God. 

Me I would never I mean never attend the church where the pastor is either gay or a woman as the God and word on the bible clearly state this, only men are allowed to be on the pulpit. Even Christ himself had only male disciples, why? 

I just wonder when are we all gonna realise that in this world everyone of us is fighting a battle so we should make the world more conducive for each other.

18 Sep 2009 10:51

LOL @ baby e & ms Jay.. changing the topic  **sigh**  again

lady gaga
18 Sep 2009 10:52

LOL cheesa - if i wrote an article it would be about sex, I just wanna ride rite now & I am tryna not think about it thats why I am all over the show and tryna go shopping - my hubby is away until next week and I have a need like rite now 

Ms.Jay - are u sure we are not the same person somehow(excluding the preggies)?????? im so feeling u on this

lady gaga
18 Sep 2009 10:54

One and Only do u alway have to think with ur stick between ur legs, hai maan. i know u can do better than that

Tash 1
18 Sep 2009 10:55

@one and only, yah neh!!!

18 Sep 2009 10:56

I really dont feel this article i'm sorry

Tash 1
18 Sep 2009 10:57

do u alway have to think with ur stick between ur legs?

Tjo Lady G, that was 2 hard, LOL.

Savanah Dry
18 Sep 2009 10:58

Ms Jay  I so feel you too thats why i was crying out for sex article Lol!! where is Miss2 maybe we should resuscitate one of her articles

lady gaga
18 Sep 2009 11:00

Tash 1 u think so gal, well i didn't mean to and im sorry!

18 Sep 2009 11:02

 the lower forms of life ----- I wonder who you're referring to. Me? lmfao
 the so-called born again christians- I wonder who you are referring to again
 claiming to have been visited by God. - I wonder who is responsible for this

Even Christ himself had only male disciples, why? I wonder if he really had male disciples only. Have you u seen the movie Da vinci Code?

I'm playing the devils advocate here... lol

One and Only
18 Sep 2009 11:05

Empress Lady gaga can you please elaborate more on your comments, the stick between my legs doesn't seem to grasp what you're saying.

Don't play the man play the ball sister, I'm open to a healthy debate and will admit defeat and wrongfulness if proven otherwise.

18 Sep 2009 11:09


18 Sep 2009 11:13

i don;t know what this article is about, i just came to read 1 and only's comment - and he is so right about this part -

t also saddens me to see how some of the so-called born again christians hold grudges and never let go of past mistakes but in a week or so they'll be posting an article under TVSA home cell acting holy, quoting bible verses and claiming to have been visited by God.

18 Sep 2009 11:15

Lady G....dont even attepmt to pick a fight le 1& only.......he will live u tired....take my advise girlfrnd his one the the only One & tl tl...i like him though

Blac African
18 Sep 2009 11:15

Reply from: mstick 9/18/2009 4:56:55 PM

I really dont feel this article i'm sorry

move on then...

Blac African it's a pity that your article has allowed some of the lower forms of life to articulate their sordid thought processes.  LOL

It also saddens me to see how some of the so-called born again christians hold grudges and never let go of past mistakes but in a week or so they'll be posting an article under TVSA home cell acting holy, quoting bible verses and claiming to have been visited by God. - you know, i was thinking the same thing

Even Christ himself had only male disciples, why? I wonder if he really had male disciples only. Have you u seen the movie Da vinci Code? GML, that was a movie my dear; I honestly don believe it to be true, too much fanaticism

you guys and sex....Ms Jay; thats what got you into your state...don you learn?

GML - I will write on my recovery @ a time that suits me; its long and hard

One and Only? I wouldn allow myself either to sit under the authority of a person who was a gay; call it wat you may I just don agree with that lifestyle

lady gaga
18 Sep 2009 11:15

no no no One and Only, dnt take it there. u said what u wanted to say and i did the same full stop. thank you!

Tash 1
18 Sep 2009 11:16

@Lady G, hey chill dear, no offence neh. I'm feeling guilty now!!

Blac African
18 Sep 2009 11:17

Mjj came to visit, wow 

18 Sep 2009 11:20

Like I said Blac African. I'm playing the devils advocate here.... If you know what I mean by that...

18 Sep 2009 11:22

eply from: mstick 9/18/2009 4:56:55 PM

I really dont feel this article i'm sorry

move on then...

Moving right along

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 11:24


One and only? raised some valid points but like you I wanna know which christians he is refering to (mind my spelling)

and who are the lower forms of life?

BUT Wat I don agree with is the lady preacher bits....what rong with receiveing teh word from a woman One and only? please elaborate dude

18 Sep 2009 11:27

Mjj came to visit, wow - i don;t do personal blogs, but i was sent an email saying my friend 1 and only is i had to come and read what he had to

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 11:31

i don;t do personal blogs, anymore and why vele?i wonder

18 Sep 2009 11:31

"claiming to have been visited by God." hehehe

I'm sitting here crossing my fingers and praying that none of the born-again Christians come here to defend themselves or not worth it. 

Didn't Blac African say shim was a born-again Christian once?

18 Sep 2009 11:37

"Reply from: Blac African 5/28/2009 2:35:55 PM

i hate who i have became....a diva
Well you of all people should know, this entertainment industry calls for you to change who you are and what you are just to get paid....thats why I developed an eating sell an "image"! Now that I got born again recently I am caught between a rock and hard place..........I hate being a diva and hate the image I potrayed coz thats not who I was...if you r disappointed??? so am I "


hi mjj *waving and smilling*

18 Sep 2009 11:42


18 Sep 2009 11:46

Yoh, The Lady.

I was waiting for this. tltltltltltl...... Maybe she too was visited by God. Is she included in the so called born again?

Blac African
Are you going to disable the replies on this article as well?

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 11:50

TL wat are you getting @?

is that you somehow don like this person coz they called themselves a diva? if she thinks she is a diva let her be; we all have our own opinions about ourselves, if she is in the entertainment industry and is good @ wat she does let her that the reason y there is a vibe?

18 Sep 2009 11:52

Well you of all people should know, this entertainment industry calls for you to change who you are and what you are just to get paid....

OK, why is my name there?? TL??

OK never mind, i get it

18 Sep 2009 11:52

Hi Mjj and your friend one and only!!!!!!!!!!

18 Sep 2009 11:57

Hi TL and Lela....................

18 Sep 2009 12:05

It also saddens me to see how some of the so-called born again christians hold grudges and never let go of past mistakes but in a week or so they'll be posting an article under TVSA home cell acting holy, quoting bible verses and claiming to have been visited by God.

Me I would never I mean never attend the church where the pastor is either gay or a woman as the God and word on the bible clearly state this, only men are allowed to be on the pulpit. Even Christ himself had only male disciples, why?

1.  One and Only you try so hard to be so different wonder what point you are trying to prove.  You are right God does not visist us born again christians but he lives in us.

2.  Jesus had only male disciples because of the tradition and customs of the Jewish people, that does not mean that women are less important in spreading the word.  God does not see a man when he sees you but a spiritual being in a form of a male person.

One and Only
18 Sep 2009 12:06

Empress mstick & lady gaga we are not here to pick up fights with another but to learn and grow at the same time, so there's no need to run away or fear to validate your points or argument.

Being born again shouldn't be seasonal ie be on Thursday & Sunday only. You should be striving to be like Christ but the quality of born agains in this site is questionable. If you had lived during the time when Christians were killed I doubt if any of you would confirm that they are born again.

Ms Jay I didn't exclude myself from lower forms of life and all the christians know what the bible said about leadership, women submit to men and men to God. If Christ had female disciples please quote a name of one. In the Bible the leaders are Abram, Moses, Samson, David, Joshua etc. Don't let me quote verses supporting my statement as well.

TheLady let it go sisi.

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 12:16

Don't let me quote verses supporting my statement as well. please go ahead and quote, I would love you counter you on this one but need to know where you are coming from

TheLady let it go sisi. - I agree.

1. One and Only you try so hard to be so different wonder what point you are trying to prove. You are right God does not visist us born again christians but he lives in us.

Mathaz, I think you missed his point, I am not defending him but I will assume he was refering to unforgiveness / holding grudges by us bloggers against Blac African& not picking a fight with anyone

18 Sep 2009 12:19

Mina I'm lost here.

Who has a grudge against whom exactly?

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 12:25

Reply from: One and Only? 9/18/2009 4:51:05 PM

It also saddens me to see how some of the so-called born again christians hold grudges and never let go of past mistakes but in a week or so they'll be posting an article under TVSA home cell acting holy, quoting bible verses and claiming to have been visited by God.

18 Sep 2009 12:33

Ms Jay - i think the statement can be applicable to the rest of society......................then again i don't know what this article is about - lemme actually read it

Ruby Red
18 Sep 2009 12:55

best ignored...................shallow and contradictory.

so ignore article ruby.

18 Sep 2009 12:58

Ms.Jay..I'll be extra nice and entertain you :-)


I don't dislike Blac African, I just pointed out that she-one one article hated that she was a diva-on another she is 'proud' of her attitude. One article she is born-again on another she is attending church as 'part of her councelling' . Opening lines she is against 'listening' and next up she is thankful for a certain lady that lent he an ear...*ok maybe she doesn't understand that listening and lending an ear is the same thing ...uhhh shrugging my shoulders*

Now I know that you see yourself as the Messiah yamabloggers ase tvsa whom you believe someone has something against (maybe amahormones lawa enza ukuthi uhanjelwe ingqondo)...there really isn't  a need to blow a gasket here, you just have to be able to see a difference between a fight and a debate.

I'm letting it go now...

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 13:05

Now I know that you see yourself as the Messiah yamabloggers ase tvsa whom you believe someone has something against

excuse me?????

if I am the messiah by trying to understand something and advising peace then that must make you satan.

listen here wena, you have a bad attitude yourself and you were picking a fight....mxciiiii uyahlanya sisi! really you are mad!

lady gaga
18 Sep 2009 13:07

just like i taught u

18 Sep 2009 13:10

hehehe..sit down, breathe in, breathe out...feel better now?Unganyus'iswekile, akukho right for my attitude nicer now?

Ms. Jay
18 Sep 2009 13:16

get away sisi, I am not in the mood to entertain you..

18 Sep 2009 13:17


18 Sep 2009 13:28

...silently blogging too zaza..and extremely confused....!!!

18 Sep 2009 13:30

hai you people...
its friday, take it easy jong

18 Sep 2009 13:35

I'm sitting here crossing my fingers and praying that none of the born-again Christians come here to defend themselves or not worth it. .........................yah neh TL....was really hoping this wont happen too coz its just not worth the trouble!!

One and Only
18 Sep 2009 14:05

This article was meant to be a good and entertaining article but some old farts decided to turn it otherwise because of the way they feel about the author, should it have been another author it would have been fine.

I'm not trying to be different but I have found that all the so-called born agains are living a lie and often cannot defend their beliefs, is it because they are gentiles? Mathaz stated that Christ had only male disciples because of the tradition and custom of Jewish people.

Why then if you become born again you leave everything behind including your own tradition and culture whereas Christ was born a Jew, lived a Jewish life and died The King of Jews? The so-called born again nonsense does not accomodate your culture. They are silent blogging because of cowardness.

Ms Jay I really do not want to quote more on the Bible as it can verify any person's view. God has ordained that only men are to serve in positions of spiritual teaching authority in the church. This is not because men are necessarily better teachers, or because women are inferior or less intelligent. This is simply a chain of command by God as mentioned before. Timothy 2:11–14 .

18 Sep 2009 14:06

U guys r so funny, I laugh in such a way that people started to wonder y am I laughing like dis

Love, Peace nd Happiness to ya ol

Sana Lwam
18 Sep 2009 14:09

Before I read lemme "halla" @ the One &Only?......
coming back just now

18 Sep 2009 14:58

Kanene what was the point to this article?? I missed it

18 Sep 2009 15:03


I think it was and I quote
"What do you ever wonder about?"

18 Sep 2009 15:10

what have gays done into this world?

18 Sep 2009 20:22

Tjo I missed out on  this....... what I have noticed about bloggers is ukhuthi people always brown nose................ hhayi man stick up for what you believe in and don't let anybody intimidate you.....................

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