Listen when He speaks

Written by Toxic from the blog Anything Goes on 23 Mar 2009
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Yazi, I’ve always read books like Conversations with God with a lot of sceptism. I just couldn’t get my head around the fact that a modern day man could hear God’s voice, and even have conversations on which he could write 3 books! Anyway, that’s not the point of this article.

A lot of us quite easily say we’re Christians….without hesitation. We believe in the existence of God, His Son and in the Holy Ghost. We believe in being born again and we believe that when Jesus returns, we’ll all receive our salvation or come-uppance. We can all quote favourite parts of the Bible and verses we don’t agree with, we’re quiet willing to say there are better versions in the New Testament. We all try as much as possible to live by the commandments and when we knowingly sin (sleeping with married men) we pray for forgiveness or we don’t. This as well is not the point of this article. 

Some of us were born into homes where going to church was the norm. Our grandfathers may have been pastors in the churches we go to or we are pastors wives or elders’ partners or mistresses or whatever your role in church is. Some may be church shopping, in the process of finding a home for their souls; some are in church so that in the event of a death, batswelle kerekeng. Some are husband or wife shopping, go there to spot the latest fashion trend or the latest gossip.Yeah, there are lots of reasons people go to church. I go to church for one of the reasons mentioned above but still, this is not the point of this article.

I can’t think of one specific moment when I accepted that God exists. I’ve just accepted that He is there just like I accepted that I’m breathing. Therefore it became easy to take His presence in my life for granted. Unfortunately, when life deals you a bad hand, it’s so much easier to remember Him than when life throws you tequilas. I’m one of those people that reach out to him when I’m in a bad shape. I’m getting to the point. When one prays and speaks to the Lord, we can see the lips move, the clasped hands, the kneeling position, sometimes the tears rolling down one’s face. When God speaks to a person, none of us can see it.

God spoke to me two nights ago. I won’t go into details about what our conversation was about. It wasn’t really a conversation more than an answer to my problem. You know how you pray and you ask him to show you the way or you ask him why certain things happen to you and a VOICE inside your head tells you what you need to do. That voice is yours but when the voice speaks you know it’s the Lord speaking to you. At this point I can only assume that God and Neale Walsh spoke on a daily basis and that’s why he was able to write that book or he must have really had a lengthy discussion with Him. So, the point? Speak to Him, He listens and He will respond. Listen to the voice inside your mind……


23 Mar 2009 15:36

Therefore it became easy to take His presence in my life for granted<<< I'm also guilty of this at times

When God speaks to a person, none of us can see it.<<< We don't listen. Sometimes we're even unsure of whether it's truly Him

Speak to Him, He listens and He will respond.<<< Ain't that the truth and His voice is not very loud. It just needs one to listen attentively to actually determine if it's Him. After that you realise ukuthi He's really there

We as humans have the tendency to only speak to Him when we're facing challenges in our lives. That's when we're desperate for Him to respond through human time (at that very moment) kanti He doesn't work the same way as humans do. But when he does responds, you can't miss it!! One thing i've learnt is that He does respond, it might take months or probably years, but the gives an answer. I mean it took the Israelites years until their prayers were answered

Nice article Tox

23 Mar 2009 16:45

23 Mar 2009 17:04

Eish, nice artcile Tox, he does respond, and often buy the time he responds, we too busy clouding our eyes in tears, or dont really believe that he is responding. But he never looses patience, he always comes back, until you hear what he has to say, and when you listen to him, the timing is most often perfect. he is just great, thats all i can say.

Its amazing how he reveals things, and yet helps you to overcome those things. The things he revealead for me, when I started listening, are amazing.

23 Mar 2009 17:53

gr8 article sisi.....i was talking to a friend last week telling her that I've been guilty of wanting the Lord to work in my own clock..........not taking into consideration that the LORD has his own clock........back to the are correct he does listen and he might not answer you immediately or when YOU want HIM to response to your prayers....BUT he does respond.........This article has just reminded me of the reason i love the GOSPEL(not music)........

23 Mar 2009 23:55

Thanks for the article Ms Toxic, it mirrors exactly what I'm going through at the moment and what I've always gone through actually. I'm a very impatient person and I always want God to answer me when I think he should and with a predetermined (by me) answer. 

Well, uTat'u Thixo never operates on my timetable but he always answers my prayers and when he does I end up understanding why I had previously faced what I (in my shortsightedness) thought were challenges but were in fact God's way of preparing me for the greater/better blessings on the way. Talk about a lightbulb moment! Wow, I suddenly feel so much better about what I'm going through. Thanks again Tox...

23 Mar 2009 23:58

Joyous Celebration's "Phind'ukhulume Moya OyiNgcwele" has just popped into my head. Thetha nam ndimamele... Pity I can't insert the music notes icons.

Brown Shuga
24 Mar 2009 00:16

Eish Toxic, after reading your last line, I now have this image of Jimmy Tau stopping to listen to a whistle that's not there.....

24 Mar 2009 07:49

can’t think of one specific moment when I accepted that God exists. I’ve just accepted that He is there just like I accepted that I’m breathing>>> LOL!!! Nkosi ziveze emntaneni wakho.

Nice article Tox, im also guilty of wanting God to respond when i want him to. But i have learnt that he does not work like that. Thank you again, this article is exactly what i need today. But there are so many voices in my head, just how do i know that its him speaking?

24 Mar 2009 08:00

LOL.....Tswekere mara ke eng he?

Ain't that the truth and His voice is not very loud.

Yes Zah, it's actually more a certainty that it's Him that's spoken to you than the pitch. You just know you've been spoken to.

and when you listen to him, the timing is most often perfect. 

Andi, you have no idea how perfect His timing was. I got the message at the right time!

he might not answer you immediately or when YOU want HIM to response to your prayers....BUT he does respond.........


Wow, I suddenly feel so much better about what I'm going through. Thanks again Tox...

it's a pleasure Sdudla!

24 Mar 2009 08:05

Hmmm, really nice. 

You know, this article is making me think about a lot of things. 
Like you, I know God exists, although there wasn't a moment that I remember coming to the realisation, I just know he does. 

Mina I sometimes feel that God has too much on his plate. At one single moment, how many people are praying to him? And we all want to be heard? So when things go wrong, I accept that God is making thing right somewhere else, and my turn will come...

24 Mar 2009 08:11

God is making thing right somewhere else, and my turn will come...>>> true!!!!!!!

24 Mar 2009 08:12

Belz, when it happens you just know.....

24 Mar 2009 08:14

i expected that answer, i guess i will know then.

24 Mar 2009 08:15

Rene, of course i'm no expert in matters relating to God and religion but i think there's a lot to be said about HOW we pray and whether or not what we ask for is what God wants for us.......

24 Mar 2009 08:19

I am in a state through which I am not certain if I am taking the right/wrong path. I do get voices that tells me different stories as a solution, and yes it is my voice, surely it’s not God coz those “my voices” are so confusing.. I am not getting a clear fact here….

I soooooo wish God could talk to me… I so wish we could reach equilibrium…. We’ve got to solve this issue, just this one..

24 Mar 2009 08:28

Nice one Tox and vert true he does listen and respond.

Sometimes God respond throgh other people or circumstances. I have had my own share where i feel this  restless need to tell someone something and often times when i get the courage to do so, people say they were jst waiting for something like that but it's pity that i cant do it other times and it real pains me when i discover that i should have said whatever as in my heart to those people.

And i have had my fair share of people coming to me or sending me certain things where the answer to my prayer lies. Few days back i posted an article about MY Councillor (i was always writting bits of it but lazy to post) 2 of bloggers volunteered to help and last week Friday i got a PM from someone in high power who will help me with all of this.

so ya God does listen and respond.

24 Mar 2009 08:31

I have had my own share where i feel this restless need to tell someone something and often times when i get the courage to do so, people say they were jst waiting for something like that 

True, sometimes the message comes to you from another person.

24 Mar 2009 08:38

True, sometimes the message comes to you from another person.
 Yes Tox, that's what i was saying here

And i have had my fair share of people coming to me or sending me certain things where the answer to my prayer lies

Ms. Jay
24 Mar 2009 08:45

Nice topic Toxic -

My 2 cents worth:

One thing i've learnt is that He does respond, it might take months or probably years, but the gives an answer. I mean it took the Israelites years until their prayers were answered
I dont mean to offend you sisi but your statement is very incorrect, God answers us before we ask - His word is clear indication of this and it contains all the solutions you need -  that is Him speaking to you directly there and then - its just unfortunate that "religion" has moulded us otherwise - read Heb 11:3, Jn1:1 (sometimes we just read the bible like a history book but if we really took time prayerfully you will hear Him speak to you and give you the right answer for your question) we ought to just believe His word coz those are His thoughts - and the only reason it took the Israelites years to enter the promised land (I assume that this is wat you were referring too) is coz of their disobedience and unbelief time after time. Read thru the book of Exodus, God did not delay answering anything - they caused it themselves

Mina I sometimes feel that God has too much on his plate. At one single moment, how many people are praying to him? And we all want to be heard? So when things go wrong, I accept that God is making thing right somewhere else, and my turn will come. Again I dont want to offend but sisi that statement is a lie from the devil himself, God is never to busy for you so much so that David asked Him who is man that He is mindful of man? He does not sleep coz He watches over you - He knows you by name and He fashioned you and knew you before you were conceived - He took time in making you in His image and likeness, He was so concerened over you that He came down in flesh and died just to restore the relationship between you and Him. That does not sound like He is too busy for you now does it? Your turn is now and not later, maybe you need to comprehend this that GOD is a GREAT GOD so much so that HE has time for HIS OWN.....ALL OF US AT THE SAME TIME, never LATER but NOW - HE is a God who is HERE AND NOW never TOMORROW

I soooooo wish God could talk to me… I so wish we could reach equilibrium…. We’ve got to solve this issue, just this one.. Girl God is already talking you just need to get a satellite to hear HIM and thats where FAITH + OBEDIENCE come in, HIS WORD is HIS THOUGHTS, sometimes like I said we read HIS word like a history book or like Toxic said when we in trouble we reach out but I believe that if we are obedient in studying HIS WORD we will always HEAR Him speak to us

24 Mar 2009 08:51

Girl God is already talking you just need to get a satellite to hear HIM and thats where FAITH + OBEDIENCE come in, HIS WORD is HIS THOUGHTS, sometimes like I said we read HIS word like a history book or like Toxic said when we in trouble we reach out but I believe that if we are obedient in studying HIS WORD we will always HEAR Him speak to us

Thanks jael  ...

Ms. Jay
24 Mar 2009 08:54

Yes I do dont dispute that HE can speak to us thru other people - He does and the bible has proof of this as well - often times we get so disconnected with Him that He uses physical means (not sickness, diesease) to jolt us back into such example is using people; personally I believe that His word is the best means to hear from GOd for it is His mind

24 Mar 2009 09:00

let me go read

24 Mar 2009 09:03

Amen bazalwane

24 Mar 2009 09:25

I dont mean to offend you sisi but your statement is very incorrect, God answers us before we ask 

Jael, i didn't want to turn this into a "homecell" article but i gotta ask. Most times when people fall sick and they pray for a miracle to cure them (when western and traditional medicine) has failed them and they then die, would you then say death is God's answer?

I'm trying to understand the "immediate answer" you refer to or the existing knowledge he has. If he already knows my problems and i ask him to heal or save or help or solve or whatever and i don't get what i want, how should i interpret this?

Cande, what are you AMENing to?

Ms. Jay
24 Mar 2009 10:20

Most times when people fall sick and they pray for a miracle to cure them (when western and traditional medicine) has failed them and they then die, would you then say death is God's answer? - no I wouldnt say that coz @ times even though we pray for miracles, to receive divine healing it takes faith on the part of the person asking for healing and the one praying, most times if you look faith would be absent from that equation, heart faith not mouth faith.....heart faith is what reaches God not mouth faith and its difficult to gauge heart faith from mouth faith looking at it from man's perspective. This is also what is called a casuality covenant that would have been made by the person who was sick - within themselves they believe that they will die and God grants them according to their belief or they belive within their hearts they wil recover and again God grants them.

Man is not intended to die prematurely but again who defines premature death? God or man? Who defines how and under which circumstances one will die under, God or man?

I'm trying to understand the "immediate answer" you refer to or the existing knowledge he has. If he already knows my problems and i ask him to heal or save or help or solve or whatever and i don't get what i want, how should i interpret this?
Firstly do you believe that you are His creation? When you make something dont you think you would know how to fix it? You would isnt it? If it were a piece of machinery - that machine would not need to ask to be fixed you would just do it coz that machine has no way of communicating verbally with you, that machine has no power of choice. You would know what and why and how it should work and you make it work within that area coz it has no power of choice, no verbal ability. Now with God you were created by Him and He knows what you need before you ask coz He is ultimately the one who destined such and such concerning your life but God is also a God who respects boundary - He gave us a will,, an ability to choose, He cant impose on you like you would the machine coz you have the power of choice. He created you that way - to make decisions without His imposition, He guides but cant force you to do anything, thats why we are held accountable - you can only be held accountable if you have control over something.....thats why He wont just do stuff concerning us without us first asking.....then when we ask - check:

1. Is it in line with HIS will and word coz He will not bend His rules to suit our present wants
2. Our selves - what are our motives? Love, selfishness, pride, vain glory, attention seeking
3. Our faith - are we heart believing or mouth believing? Often times if our motives are right and its in line with His word and we are believing from our heart then it will come to pass in the fullness of His time - not our time, I dont know how best to put this. thats where faith is often tested and perservance pays off

Ms. Jay
24 Mar 2009 10:23

Sorry to leave early but I have a meeting to attend to right now, Toxic you can pm me.

24 Mar 2009 11:23

This is a beautiful article Tox.

God  answers prayers.  I have learnt the following:

God’s response to prayer is not always what we expect. Sometimes the answer is hard to discover. Sometimes it is hard to accept. But if we listen with care, we will discern the answer. It may take any of these forms:
1. God may say YES.
When our prayer for others or for ourselves coincides with the good that God wills for our lives, we may find that what we sought actually comes to pass. We rejoice in God’s goodness and give thanks for gifts received.
2. But God may answer our prayer with NO.
What we request may run at cross purposes to the divine will for human life. Or, even though good in itself, there may be a still greater good that God is preparing for our lives. God’s no is hard to accept. We may be confused, even angry. Our trust in God may waver. Yet, if we continue to listen, we will surely find the meaning in God’s denial and find the yes beyond the no.
3. Or God may say wait.
God is not in a big hurry as we are. We may not yet be ready for what we think we need.
We may need to do some more growing first, to prepare the way for God’s gift. We may need to change some circumstance in our lives before we could even begin to use what God has to offer. And in waiting, we may learn to pray a different prayer, to seek and find what is more in keeping with God’s will for our lives.
4. Or God may respond, not with what we sought, but with something better.
It may be something we might never have thought of on our own. This is often the case.
With our limited view of human needs, we pray for one thing, only to discover the “answer” is quite another. We may not even see this answer at first, or if we see it, we may be disappointed. But as we live into this new answer, we often find it is far richer, deeper, more lasting than anything we had in mind. 

Above all, we need to remember Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to make you prosper and not to harm you.  Plans for hope and a future."

Whatever God's response to our prayers, it is definitely to make us prosper.  Afterall, He is our creator and He knows our needs.  He is never early in responding, He is never late in responding, He is always on TIME.

Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,"  declares the LORD. 

Also remember Jeremiah's prayer in Jeremiah 10:23 "I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. "

24 Mar 2009 11:34

I know I have said a lot, but please aloow me to close by saying, asking God for things we need is only a very small aspect of prayer. Let us not forget that prayer should be so much more. It should be a time of reflection, praise, worship, repentance, and thanksgiving. We should be wary of only praying whenever we need something. Our relationship with God is very much like a relationship with a friend or spouse. If the only time we talk to them is when we need something, it will be a very strained relationship!

24 Mar 2009 11:43

Thanx Toxic nice article am still reading responses will come back not long.

24 Mar 2009 11:53

great article toxic

24 Mar 2009 12:10

Jael and FK, thanks for opening my eyes to what should be obvious but isn't. I'm so you won't believe.

24 Mar 2009 12:14

thanks AKa and green.

24 Mar 2009 12:24

Im Amening to the topic @ hand, that we shouldn't expect God to deliver @ our times, and all the bible quotes

24 Mar 2009 12:28

FK you've said it better than anyone else!

God is now telling me i need to go eat!

24 Mar 2009 12:30

when god is watching over us , answering our prayers , we forget to say thank you or acknowledge his greatness, but when bad things happens ,we start blaiming him . so many things happened in my life, but i always say thats was mend to be.lf he wanted it to be like that let it be., and i know that there are people out there who look at me and wish they were me, so that is why i dont say why me instead i say why not me? 

great article-  its uplifting 

24 Mar 2009 14:33

God said "i will never leave you nor forsake you". He is not a son of man that he can lie, his promises are Yes and Amen. We are the one who leave him and our sins separate us from his face and voice. What a gracious God we serve he loves us unconditionally hence he said " i am not pleased by the death of an evil-doer. 

If we allow The Lord to be our sheperd, we shall not want, he will lead us to the way of greener pastures, though i walk through the valley of shadow of death, i will fear no evil because he is with me. SURELY( Guarantee) goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, BECAUSE The Lord is my sheperd.

01 Apr 2009 12:16

Yet, if we continue to listen, we will surely find the meaning in God’s denial and find the yes beyond the no. 

We may not yet be ready for what we think we need.
We may need to do some more growing first, to prepare the way for God’s gift.

We may need to change some circumstance in our lives before we could even begin to use what God has to offer. And in waiting, we may learn to pray a different prayer

But as we live into this new answer, we often find it is far richer, deeper, more lasting than anything we had in mind.

Oh God, i am so filled with tears, my heart is so heavy, not from pain but from the joy that i fill within me, the realisation of his goodness, the realisation that he indeed that lives within us is greater than the one living on earth! Glory to God and his righteousness!! oh God is good indeed! 

i came here looking for this other article and came across this one, i was not here when the article was uploaded, but it is amazing how it came right in time, ya it's true we may feel that he is not answering us in time as humans, but it is amazing how perfect the timing is when he answers. i read each and every reply.Toxic is the best article ever! Indeed, he talks to us all the time, we just have to listen to the little voice of reason within us because he lives within us. 

Amen to all of you!

01 Apr 2009 12:19

Bathong. God has blessed me so much that i just dont believe it is me, the funny thing is, there is nothing that great that is happening in my life right now, but i just feel so blessed beyond words!

Bathong, kanti is it so good to live in the Lord's presence? I didn't know latseba. homanate indeed!

01 Apr 2009 13:48

Cody, it's a good feeling indeed. The realisation is so happy for you!

02 Jun 2009 22:17

I have no idea how I ended up here but it was exactly what I needed 2 hear. My spirituality has been tested lately & I've been re-examining my relationship with God. I've always known & still know that I serve a gracious & lovin God. Reading this article & responses has really brought me closer 2 the truth that He is & always shall b. He lives & always lives in me. He is love, a love like no other & he's callin on ol of us 2 live in Him & He in us. Thanx Ms T. I needed this lyk u'll neva understand. I can't quote scipture cos I'm not well versed in it but I know that His word lives in me, He lives in me & wants the very best 4 me, 4 ol of us.

02 Jun 2009 22:58

This is great Toxic....

03 Jun 2009 09:55

Great topic 
Great replies
i feel encoouraged to keep on praying for I know He is listerning and answering me so i will never say that the Lord ha fetole merapelo yaka coz i know if i dont receive what i prayed for God knows better and He has gr8 plans for my life.


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