Home Cell: I will follow him

Written by Cody from the blog Jehova-Nisi: TVSA Home Cell/Bible Study Group on 18 Mar 2009
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…. And passing along by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen and Jesus said to them “follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” Matthew:4:18-20 

Follow me

When I was trying to understand the reason why this blog started, I came across the story of Jesus and his disciples. Looking back at how all this started, I started to realise that we are like the disciple Jesus looked for. I thought about nice being the first disciple who heard when Jesus said “follow me” by suggesting this idea of a home cell.

Then I became the other disciple when I agreed with nice’s suggestion, to upload spiritually fulfilling and soul enriching blogs, all the people that said, “add me to your list” heard when Jesus said “follow me”.

As I was reading the story trying to find out what type of people Jesus chose as his disciples, and what their duties were, now that they chose to follow him. I was astonished to find that apostles were just simple ordinary men whom God used in an extraordinary manner, to spread the word. Among the 12 were fishermen, a tax collector, and a revolutionary. He did not say, because you can quote verses from the bible; follow me, because you go to church every single Sunday, follow me. Why? because the word “disciple” refers to a “learner”. So they learned from Jesus and were trained by him to spread the word.

The bible even states the constant failings, struggles, and doubts of these twelve men who followed Jesus Christ. After witnessing Jesus' resurrection and ascension into Heaven, the Holy Spirit transformed the disciples into powerful men of God who "turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6). Therefore meaning that they were not perfect, they made their own mistakes. 

So, now that we are not living in the era where Jesus is available to train us physically, what can we do to ensure that we are learning from him, and being trained by him constantly? Well I think by learning his word. There are many other ways which I believe my fellow home cell members will enlighten us with.

Sometimes people don’t participate on these kinds of blogs. Those disciples that said “add me” don’t participate as well. Sometimes it is because of work commitments, but most of the time, it is because they think because they cannot quote verses, they don’t go to church, they cannot participate, or maybe it is because they are afraid of being judged if they make a mistake or it will show how much of a m’hedene they are, but gosh I wish they knew that is not the aim at all.

What I have learned from all of this is that, you don’t need to be perfect to in order “follow Him” and that there is a solution in the bible for each and every storm that we face in our lives. My suggestion is that, if one doesn’t know what to say, you can just state your case and try to find the scripture yourself in the bible, or those who know the scripture on that particular comment will inform you, in that way, you also learn to quote the bible and learning to spread the word at the same time. (Well that is what I do as I am not a bible wizard as well). So in that way, we are being transformed fully by the Holy Spirit just like his disciples.

My fellow home cell members when you said you “add me” why did you want to belong to the home cell?
And now that you chose to follow him, what do you think your duties are?
Why is it easy to blog about sex, relationships, gossip etc but not about the word?
What can we do daily in order to learn the ways of God?
As disciples what can we do in order to combat the fear of talking about him?


18 Mar 2009 13:54

shuu at last been struggling to upload pics with this article!!! but still need Moderators to move it then i can change the blurb and location as well.

18 Mar 2009 13:58

Thanks Codzz let me read

18 Mar 2009 14:02

seeing the name remined me of this song " 

♫I will follow him, follow him wherever he may gooooo, there isnt an ocean too deep, a mountain so high it can keep, keep me away, away from looooove!!!!♫, I love him x3 and where he goes I'll follow.........

18 Mar 2009 14:05

is it Thursday already?

18 Mar 2009 14:14

Thank you for the re-assurance Codeza.... needed it!  Will comment later

18 Mar 2009 14:15

He did not say, because you can quote verses from the bible; follow me, because you go to church every single Sunday, follow me. Why? because the word “disciple” refers to a “learner”. So they learned from Jesus and were trained by him to spread the word. ....................WOW!!! let me continue reading..

18 Mar 2009 14:17

Jesus is coming..........To TVSA !

18 Mar 2009 14:17

Sometimes people don’t participate on these kinds of blogs. Those disciples that said “add me” don’t participate as well. Sometimes it is because of work commitments, but most of the time, it is because they think because they cannot quote verses, they don’t go to church, they cannot participate, or maybe it is because they are afraid of being judged if they make a mistake or it will show how much of a m’hedene they are, but gosh I wish they knew that is not the aim at all. 

True that Cody ... some people fear being labelled as "holier-than-thou" or whatever name that is given to people who are not afraid to say they are Christians, i have been labelled many times . I have received a number of PM's from other bloggers telling me they are also Christians but they dont have the courage to say that here because of the way people are judged when they say that.

18 Mar 2009 14:20

thanks Cody
i will now read

18 Mar 2009 14:21

we are heading for the pasika kanene... yhooo cnt wait for amazwi asixhenxe...kanye eli lithi "NDINXANIWE"....

18 Mar 2009 14:23

why did you want to belong to the home cell? 
i believed it will be good for my spiritual growth, that it will be a chance for me to get knowldge and understanding of the Word from other bloggers and their experiences and so far, i dont regret!

And now that you chose to follow him, what do you think your duties are? 
To get others to come to Him

18 Mar 2009 14:27

i wanted to be part of this cause like u said, i want to learn. So i may not comment but i'm definitely reading.

18 Mar 2009 14:30

Even in church i sit quietly taking notes, sing when the church sings and at the end of the service, i feel enriched.

18 Mar 2009 14:36

When people made resolutions for the new season, I had none. Really I felt like I have what I dream of and am going to enjoy it. The one thing I decided though was to be the best in all I do and improve all my relations, starting with the one I have with my Creator. I dont belong to any cell group because I am just too lazy to find one in the South, and my I am very shy person. Would not know where to begin addressing people that I do not know and TVSA is my escape world. I saw it as the perfect opportunity to grow myself which is why I love my new found cell group so much.

My duty is to do my best to remain an obedient and loving child that he wants me to be, and be a good example to those that look up to Christians. As much as I can say that I look up to God, it breaks my spirit when someone I look up to, like my priest, does something that is against God's teaching and I make sure that I do not do things that I know are against his will.

What can we do daily in order to learn the ways of God? Ms T said it the other day, constantly check upon myself and read the Word. Those weren't her exact words but something in those lines.

18 Mar 2009 14:36

These home cell blogs are always well written man, just shows uba into ezinThixo phakathi zigrand. Amen Cody, nami im reading even if i ddnt join. i must announce that im going to church for the 1st time in 5 years on Sunday, i dont know how to behave myself, but will definitely come here and tell how it was.

18 Mar 2009 14:38

I didn't know people said "add me", now Cody add me please! I've been present since this cell started. I joined this cell because I want to grow spiritually and I like it because it is done by crazy people just like me but who know that Jesus is the only way,truth and life. I will never be ashamed of being a christian as far from perfect as I am and I believe that when I share my struggles (even in the other blogs) then maybe even one soul can come to Christ by realisng that you don't have to be perfect to come to Him but you come so He can perfect you.

18 Mar 2009 14:43

Even in church i sit quietly taking notes, sing when the church sings and at the end of the service, i feel enriched. 

LOL Toxie!!!!!! ROTF!!! you have made your point my skat! didnt mean to make anyone feel guilty, just wanted people to redefine or revisit rather, their purpose as members.

with participating my love i dont mean the responses in particular, but i mean contributing articles to be uploaded (if u dont know the angle you can ask one of the members to work with you), suggesting topics , trying to contribute if someone asks you to by going to the bible and finding something, there is always a topic but it is sometimes the angle that we struggle with,(if you cant just say so). I know i had with contributing myself, but i am slowly but surely trying to do something.Looking at all possible ways.

18 Mar 2009 14:44

I have received a number of PM's from other bloggers telling me they are also Christians but they dont have the courage to say that here because of the way people are judged when they say that>>>  BA, i ahve never seen on the blogs that i've read anyone being lashed for being a Christian, please tell those bloggers who PM you to stop that nonsense and comment or write christian blogs, the only people who get "attacked" ,lol, not judged are those that put forward emails or stories from the net as blogs, and for Pete's sake, people must stop worrying about what anyone would say, you dont even know these people, and what they say, as a christian should not matter to you.

18 Mar 2009 14:44

Guys,, um also one of those who sed "Please add me", I do read the articles, i just dont know what to say....maybe by just keeping on reading them, one day i will get the courage to contribute something 2wards the article....

18 Mar 2009 14:52

Cody, didn't u say we're contributing by order of joining? i remember reading that somewhere.........

i'm waiting for my turn (and i know i'm somewhere in the end but before Lela, our new recruit).

18 Mar 2009 14:53

Reading Home Cell blogs enriches my spirituality and i get to learn a lot. Not replying doesn't necessarily mean ukuthi i feel ashamed but feel as Awelani put it: i just dont know what to say....maybe by just keeping on reading them, one day i will get the courage to contribute something 2wards the article....

I actually want to contribute an article to these blogs but i'm currenlty experiencing challenges uploading

18 Mar 2009 14:55

Guys on that note, I am looking for a church in the North-west of Jozi. It must not be any one of these big chuches in the North, I've been to all of them. I am looking for something small.
The church my believe in Jesus who died and rose again and is coming back.
Must belive in the Holy Trinity.
Must belive in water baptism.
Must belive in Holy Spirit Baptism.
Must be bible based.
Must believe in tithes.
Must belive in reaching out to the needy.
Must have Fire!

18 Mar 2009 14:55

I asked to be added because I'm hungry for the word of God, and as other people have said, I really want to grow spiritually. One thing I like about these tvsa homecells is that, I get to be in the same space with people of my age, who know how it is to be young and be a Christian.
My duty is to come here, learn something, make a contribution and let God change me. Hopefully my contribution will help bless someone.

18 Mar 2009 15:02

Thanks, Cody...for sharing a Powerful message!

So, now that we are not living in the era where Jesus is available to train us physically, what can we do to ensure that we are learning from him, and being trained by him constantly?
Learn the importance of reading the Bible, praying, walking in obedience, making every effort to grow. God will honor that decision and participate in the discipleship process.

My fellow home cell members when you said you “add me” why did you want to belong to the home cell?
I used to attend cell group where I was staying last year so now I moved and there’s none to attend where I am and I also find it hard sometimes to attend even church cos its far. So I’ve been dry since then and hungry for the word of God, so this for me opened doors to being close to God and freshness.
And now that you chose to follow him, what do you think your duties are?
Preach the Gospel <which I still find hard to do especially when around non-believing fellas>, I’m only free to preach to those who are in the same page as me.

Why is it easy to blog about sex, relationships, gossip etc but not about the word?
Well, I guess its because we…scratch that…I am afraid of being judged. 

18 Mar 2009 15:02

people must stop worrying about what anyone would say, you dont even know these people, and what they say, as a christian should not matter to you.

Well belz, i did and do tell them that No matter what you do in this world there will always be someone to criticize you, you just have to stand your ground and do what makes you happy and not contradict with your beliefs, at least i do that.

Ms. Jay
18 Mar 2009 15:04

Nice contribution Cody - well done.

Why is it easy to blog about sex, relationships, gossip etc but not about the word?

Pple are just scared of not being popular here on TVSA hence they tend not to want to be seen contributing to cell blogs but rather ones to do with sex or politics. Its a mentality that exists and this is a very common thing that exists in society even within societies were the people may not actually meet with each other.

I am a christain and proud of it - yes I also comment on sex and other blogs because I am a happily married woman. SOmetimes I loose my temper and sometimes not- I am 100% human and thats why I always go back to God

What can we do daily in order to learn the ways of God? - talk to Him in prayer and meditate on His word Joshua1:8

As disciples what can we do in order to combat the fear of talking about him? Face the truth, that we fill our time and lives with trival matters to avoid the void in our lives that only He can fill

18 Mar 2009 15:07

Lela, the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST is the church u're looking for!

18 Mar 2009 15:11

thank you Codes.....nami i'm a frequent reader although i dont comment, but the articles do help me learn something new each time and it boosts me spiritually...thank you guys and thanks to Him

18 Mar 2009 15:13

some people fear being labelled as "holier-than-thou"

Pple are just scared of not being popular here on TVSA hence they tend not to want to be seen contributing to cell blogs but rather ones to do with sex or politics

I'd advise that we caution against making these assumptions. Christianity on this site has NEVER been looked down on. The most popular of bloggers on this site have said on more than one occassion that they are christians. If what you guys say is true then all popular bloggers aren't Christian.

Religion is not a topic for everyone, otherwise churches would have no business witnessing and encouraging people to join as they would be filled to capacity. The reasons people are on TVSA are vast and some dont want to discuss religion and it's their prerogative. 

I suggest we concentrate on US and the issue at hand and stop navel grazing.

18 Mar 2009 15:15

you don't have to be perfect to come to Him but you come so He can perfect you................@ Lela...Amen!

18 Mar 2009 15:16

will never be ashamed of being a christian as far from perfect as I am and I believe that when I share my struggles (even in the other blogs) then maybe even one soul can come to Christ by realisng that you don't have to be perfect to come to Him but you come so He can perfect you.

Me Too Lela

As disciples what can we do in order to combat the fear of talking about him?
We need to understand that salvation is a gift that must be shared. Jesus didn’t die for you and I alone, but for every person in this world, that’s why the Bible says in 2 Peter 3:9 that “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.“ And because it’s the desire of Christ for all to be saved, it only makes sense that his desire for every Christian is to share their faith.

It is just that it is hard sometimes.

18 Mar 2009 15:16

we are heading for the pasika kanene... yhooo cnt wait for amazwi asixhenxe...kanye eli lithi "NDINXANIWE"....

@ sjura! yes that is what im talking about, so my love can you grace us with an article yepasika as we will need a lot of them, as that is is reason we are acknowledging his goodness! that is the whole reason we are here. i have received one already i just need to rework it with the contributor!

These home cell blogs are always well written man, just shows uba into ezinThixo phakathi zigrand.

@Belzzzzzzz, Amen to that! r you sure you didnt join cause i always thought you were on my list! you fall amongst those that always ask and participate, I am very proud of you because you are not ashamed to ask if you dont know something!! We need people like you!

BA, i ahve never seen on the blogs that i've read anyone being lashed for being a Christian, please tell those bloggers who PM you to stop that nonsense and comment or write christian blogs......etc

Very true Belzie! Hence I want to combat this thing of people being afraid of being judged, as much as bloggers like to critisize and ROLF,LOL,LMAO, i believe they know better than to make a mockery of God's word, ho kobisa ka mantswe amang (english please) so they dont have anything to be afraid of.Those that do, will do it ka dikhoneng (in their conners) but they will not come here, so what you dont know wont kill you, even if you know and it hurts you, it will always make you stonger! besides THEY WILL RECEIVE THEIR PUNISHMENT IN FULL.

@nice! wow girl!!! Now i know for sure that you are that first disciple, kemang konje, is it Simon (called Peter) or John the baptist?

I didn't know people said "add me", now Cody add me please! I've been present since this cell started

@Lela, consider it done! in any case i am aware that you are one of those people who always have something to say. I know if you had seen that blog (ADD ME BLOG) before you will be one person who will want to join, it is never too late to join,even if it is in two years time! We need people like you. 

Guys,, um also one of those who sed "Please add me", I do read the articles, i just dont know what to say....maybe by just keeping on reading them, one day i will get the courage to contribute something 2wards the article....

@ Awe, exactly my friend, why cant you say anything? I just want to find what the problem is, it is so easy to comment of other things but not our beloved Jesus who took his own life to save us? What can we do so that people will know what to say? 

Nevertheless, i am very proud of you, even if you dont know what to say, you say something so ♫ Aya bizwa magama, nelakho likhona♫ basically , even if it's an "amen" that is something, the aim is to come with the strength that you have, even when the angel of God told Gideon that he was a great warrior, and he is sent by God to fight the midianites, he didnt have any warrior qualities or he thought he was not strong enough, but God said "go with the strength that you have" (Judges 6) He did not say, because you will be quoting verses or you will be contributing an essay to the blog, then you have done a great job. It is always the little things that says a lot! Well if you do that at least if the names are called yours will be there! (this reminds me of church mama's, ha ke na ditaba ke ne ke tlo ngodisa libitso laka fela lol!)

18 Mar 2009 15:16

Oh, another thing.....the success of an article should never be judged on the number of replies it garners but on the impact it makes.

18 Mar 2009 15:20

Well Tox ...what i said there "Labelled as hollier-than-thou" is not an assumption, it wassaid to me on more that one occassion/article by more than one blogger, and have got others telling me they are afraid to respond becase of such.

18 Mar 2009 15:20

Oh, another thing.....the success of an article should never be judged on the number of replies it garners but on the impact it makes.
Too true Tox...ok, lemme go read

18 Mar 2009 15:21

where have I been, lemme read, been waiting for the home cell meeting for as long as i can remember..

18 Mar 2009 15:21

sho bathong! sorry didnt mean to preach! bathong!

Cody, didn't u say we're contributing by order of joining? i remember reading that somewhere......... 

Yes Toxy, but i saw that it doesn't work because some people dont know what to say yet when I ask them to contribute, i ask 2 people at a time, but normally dont get the appropriate response from either, so those who want to contribute PM me bafethu! even if we can have 2 articles a week it is still fine. Besides, that, some people will want to contribute because they have something they feel they need to share. so i will not deprive them, of the opportunity, Like what MissTebby did she was not asked by anyone but o ne a na le tjheseho (english please). Plus, even if you have contributed feel free to contribute.

18 Mar 2009 15:24

what can we do to ensure that we are learning from him, and being trained by him constantly?  fellowship, meet with other fellows in a ship (hi hi ) study the word together, pray together; and for each other; listen to each others' hardships and be there for each other.

or maybe it is because they are afraid of being judged the word of God states clearly that we must not judge.

My fellow home cell members when you said you “add me” why did you want to belong to the home cell? after i slacked on my christianity the past few years i made a promise to God that i want to be in a  RIGHTH STANDING with Him this year. so it was easy to join a cell group e tsenang ge ke le mo merokong rather than chat about things that do not add to my life. this for me is an investment to my life as you guys are helping me in a way i never thought bloggers can, which is spiritual.

And now that you chose to follow him, what do you think your duties are? in Mark 16 or so beibele e bua ka thomo e kgolo. the great commision (if it is the right word) which is to go an make disciples. in simple language this means to go and make other people aware of God and if they agree with you according to Rom 10:9 then they must be baptised as an indication of dying and being reborn

Why is it easy to blog about sex, relationships, gossip etc but not about the word?because we do not invest enough time to studt the word the way God wants us to

What can we do daily in order to learn the ways of God?pray this simple prayer in the morning before you start your day-----May all I do and say today honour God in everyway. Amen

As disciples what can we do in order to combat the fear of talking about him? do not try too hard to think of a "turning people to God" conversation. include Him in all your conversation....and yes He fits perfectly. Nna ga ke shomaele formally mara i make people realise that God is there for them to solve their problems to set them free to be the king of their lifes to be a never disapppointing father and most importantly to listen when no one else is there to.

18 Mar 2009 15:25

Best, i dont want to turn this article into a debate so i'll leave it at you knowing what i mean. if not, you can PM me.

For me this home cell is not meant to bring the entire of tvsa into this article. it's for those that are in it to enjoy it. i dont want to be here if we're going to whine about why other people aren't here, or why they are afraid, or why they want to discuss politics and sex and not God. That there are those who want to discuss God is enough for me.

18 Mar 2009 15:28

an article Cods?...yhooo i cant even write 2 lines ye comment how much more i i will be reading the pasika articles m sho they will be great to read......m not good at writting so il leave that to the expects.

18 Mar 2009 15:38

As disciples what can we do in order to combat the fear of talking about him? 
We need to know that no one will judge anyone, just share what you know there is no right or wrong,just be strong in the Lord and  in the power of his might.

What can we do daily in order to learn the ways of God? 
Spend time in prayer and the word and witness about Him whenever an opportunity arrises.

Guys please don't forget to PM me suggestions of churches I can visit here in the North while I'm church hunting. Tox where is the church? I will visit as long as it's not too far from where I stay.

18 Mar 2009 15:38

waitse Cody i have been lazy to write my article.i think i aws expecting to see your Pm saying i need to send in my contribution so that we do it for the week we are doin mine...

wena belz....o sa wara ka your church behaviour...fact is you are goin to meet with your father who loves you and knows what you want even before you confess it with your mouth.rock your favourite clothesand  go kick butt at church

18 Mar 2009 15:41

talk to Him in prayer and meditate on His word.. i dont want to sound stupid but, how does one meditate on the word, i have heard this term so many times but dont know what it means in bible terms

For me this home cell is not meant to bring the entire of tvsa into this article. it's for those that are in it to enjoy it. i dont want to be here if we're going to whine about why other people aren't here, or why they are afraid, or why they want to discuss politics and sex and not God. 

Very true Tox! with what I said, about people not contributing, my aim was not to ask the whole TVSA to reply on this article, it was simply to encourage "members" to be free to post anything they want to and for them to revisit the reasons why they wanted to be here like i said in my first reply to you. To those who dont know what to say, just wanted to encourage them to go and read the word so that they will have something to say, because I have had that same problem as well, well maybe I didnt use the correct context. Even if i can change the mindset of 1 member who always had something to say but was afraid, then it will be worth it! even it is just one person. atleast my wish would have come true.

Now beautiful children of God, dont fight! LOL

18 Mar 2009 15:41

...because the word “disciple” refers to a “learner”. So they learned from Jesus and were trained by him to spread the word...>>>good point

Thanx Cody for the word, nice contribution

18 Mar 2009 15:42

Lela, i am not sure where the north west of jozi is LOL. There are churches in every region though. Which area are u in?

18 Mar 2009 15:44

North Lela??? im going to Grace this Sunday lets go pliz, its in Sunninghill, i dont wanna look lost there, we can be lost together.

Sure blueroze, im planning my outfit as i speak,LOL, thats another thing, after 2 weeks i wont know what to wear to church, i will end up going nge jean ne tshirt.

18 Mar 2009 15:47

Guys another thing neh, can we try and keep the replies short on this blog, i have a problem readig long replies and i love this blog.

18 Mar 2009 15:47

To those who dont know what to say, just wanted to encourage them to go and read the word so that they will have something to say, because I have had that same problem as well, well maybe I didnt use the correct context

i think that's where my problem is. I must start reading the bible because i can never say what the bible says if i dont read it. Maybe we should all undertake to read more so we have something to contribute. the problem is if i'm reading about fertility/sterility and the topic is about submission to God, then i can't go and quote the verse i was reading about.

Maybe whoever is posting the next article must communicate his TOPIC to us so we all prepare for it. Don't know how this would be done though...

18 Mar 2009 15:49

Yes Toxy, but i saw that it doesn't work because some people dont know what to say yet when I ask them to contribute, i ask 2 people at a time, but normally dont get the appropriate response from either.....................
maybe what you should have done from the beggining was to PM everyone who said 
'add me" and see what responses you would have had...but ke thanks for letting us (me)....<eish ha ke rate ho bowela batho ba bang>... know, we (I) will PM you when we (I) want to contrubute

18 Mar 2009 15:52

i aws expecting to see your Pm saying i need to send in my contribution so that we do it for the week we are doin mine...

@blueroze, Thank you sweetie! My duty here is done! anyone more people offering to contribute articles will just be an added blessing!

I dont want this home cell to die guys, that is why im doing this.

Reply from: sjura 3/18/2009 9:28:51 PM

Reply from: sjura 3/18/2009 9:28:51 PM

an article Cods?...yhooo i cant even write 2 lines ye comment how much more i i will be reading the pasika articles m sho they will be great to read......m not good at writting so il leave that to the expects.

@ sju, i am sure you can sju, when you give yourself a little bit of time research the topic. others will help you. even me (tl tl tl) i will "try" to help. but if you not feeling like it it's fine my lovie!, will ask someone else. (wanted to throw a guilt trip on you but im retracting my words lol) or just write, "Ndixaniwe!" I am sure we can expand on that lol.

18 Mar 2009 15:54

Guys another thing neh, can we try and keep the replies short on this blog, i have a problem readig long replies and i love this blog.

LOL Belz!

18 Mar 2009 15:58

do not try too hard to think of a "turning people to God" conversation. include Him in all your conversation....and yes He fits perfectly. Nna ga ke shomaele formally mara i make people realise that God is there for them......... 
@bluerose...............this might help me since I somrtimes find it hard to preach the Gospel @times

18 Mar 2009 15:58

Gone for just an hour, and have so much catching up to do allready!!

I was not done on my previous response, so ithi ngiqedelele (let me wrap up)

It is easier to talk about other things because they are not sensitive like religion, and also I guess some try so hard not to step on each other's toes that sometimes it is better to keep quiet than to comment, but it is a wrong approach as we can have a health debate about religious matters to understand them better.

As disciples what can we do in order to combat the fear of talking about him? 
make reference to the life of disciples and to how it applies in your life, and invoke his name in all your conversations and it wont be a tabboo subject anymore.

18 Mar 2009 16:00

Im also one of the people that said 'pls add me', ukuthi I havent commented does not mean I havent read bathong... and also I come to work ekuseni to "WORK" so I dont think I should be crucified for not replying to a certain article. I will reply ma sengithole ithuba. AMEN

18 Mar 2009 16:01

Belz kaloku I said I've been to the big ones in the North and Grace Sunninghill is the last one Iwas attending but it's a bit far now cz I've just moved to the Roodepoort side,that's why I said something in the North-West,plus now I am looking for something small with not much status. One thing I can bet you is that you will love that church, I loved it myself, you must go early though cz kuyagcwala,atleast be there around 9:30 for the 10:30 service.

18 Mar 2009 16:03

i think that's where my problem is. I must start reading the bible because i can never say what the bible says if i dont read it. Maybe we should all undertake to read more so we have something to contribute. the problem is if i'm reading about fertility/sterility and the topic is about submission to God, then i can't go and quote the verse i was reading about. 

well Toxi good point , if you read my explantion of what i was "trying" to do, the key words there is "encourage"  and "trying" . so with doing the two, there is no gaurantee that I will succeed in reaching my aim, but can only try to. I am not forcing anyone to read it, but encouraging my dear.So i am aware that not everyone will take my "suggestion ." to maybe try that, because what worked for me wont necessarily work for you.  I hope you catch my drift, didnt meant to force you to do anything, or offend you or anyone. If i did, a thousand apologies.

Maybe whoever is posting the next article must communicate his TOPIC to us so we all prepare for it. Don't know how this would be done though...

This is a wonderful suggestion TOX!the thing with PMing is that i have to do it 1 by 1, so maybe if the "members" can kindly PM me their private emails, then i can do the admin work. how is that?

18 Mar 2009 16:04

Okay Lela, i cant be there at 9:30am for a 10:30 service i hate waiting and my Sunday morning are busy, i can only get there ngo 10:15, does this mean i will stand outside, if so i will go to Methodist, kuyafana mos.

18 Mar 2009 16:06

Cody you have got my email, i cant write articles, so mina i will post what i think we should talk about and then whoever feels can write can just write.

18 Mar 2009 16:08

P.S : Becase this will be a group email, i kindly ask you guys to not email me those chain emails just because you have my address, those emails turn me into a demon, kindly email anything to do with this cell group, thanks y'all.

18 Mar 2009 16:08

Amen bazalwane, plz bantu benkosi donts close the door ndingaphandle. Nam im also joining although im on my way home but tomorrow morning i will definately read ilizwi lenkosi.

Happy Easters bafethu & cha chau

18 Mar 2009 16:08

Amen mantombi ango Lwesithathu....

18 Mar 2009 16:09


 i am not crucifying anyone my skat! just trying to encourage. in anycase I have explained myself any further because it is clear that i am being misunderstood, so i might as well give up. Maybe i didnt use the right angle or context.

18 Mar 2009 16:12

Well that is fine with me Belzie! atleast we have gotten somewhere.  Belzi dont worry, i will use the blind script, just to combat that, i thought ukuthi vele there will be that kind of a problem.

18 Mar 2009 16:13

Guys another thing neh, can we try and keep the replies short on this blog, i have a problem readig long replies and i love this blog.

Bela, that will be a difficult one for me. serious!! (lol)

I am shy, but once I start talking I cant stop myself. I just go on and on and on and on, let me stop this reply is also becoming long

18 Mar 2009 16:16

Becase this will be a group email, i kindly ask you guys to not email me those chain emails just because you have my address, those emails turn me into a demon, kindly email anything to do with this cell group, thanks y'all. LMBAO!!, kwakwakwakwakwa

18 Mar 2009 16:18

LOL!!!! nice.

18 Mar 2009 16:21

the thing with PMing is that i have to do it 1 by 1, so maybe if the "members" can kindly PM me their private emails, then i can do the admin work. how is that?

yeah, i hate this too!!!!!! Yes, please add me to the mailing list (use the BCC function if people dont want to be spammed i.e Belz)

I hope you catch my drift, didnt meant to force you to do anything, or offend you or anyone. If i did, a thousand apologies. 

No man, i wasn't offended. i think i was talking more to myself and the last part was a stumbling block to overcome. I completely get your drift. And it's true, if we dont read then our knowledge base can't be broadened. the more we read the more we know, the better for us! Cody, dont get distressed about all this, i for one am happy there's something specifically religious on this site so even if i may be complaining, it doesn't mean it's directed at you personally wabona?

so mina i will post what i think we should talk about and then whoever feels can write can just write.

this could help those that want to write but don't know what to write. I like.

18 Mar 2009 16:21

lol @ nice

18 Mar 2009 16:23

Even in church i sit quietly taking notes, sing when the church sings and at the end of the service, i feel enriched.

Toxic that is so true, but if you dont mind me asking do you use your notes when you get home?

18 Mar 2009 16:25

Belz if you go at 10:15 there is chance of you standing outside but I would like you to go cz I think you'll enjoy the church plus there's eye candy for you,the guys there are @ me using devil schemes to get you to come to this church, ok ke let's go together,pm me and we'll arrange.

18 Mar 2009 16:27

Toxi, i am not distressed dear, i know you are the most understanding person, i know if things are explained correctly, i could have made the same assumption if i was in your shoes. 

ya i will use the the blind script function Tox, i am aware of such a problem. I promise i wont give out anyone's email. you can trust me. :-) now keep the pm's coming! 

By the way, are the PM really private or can moderators/admin can see them as well?

LOL nice! i am sure it will be a problem for you. LOL!

18 Mar 2009 16:32

Belz if you go at 10:15 there is chance of you standing outside but I would like you to go cz I think you'll enjoy the church plus there's eye candy for you,the guys there are @ me using devil schemes to get you to come to this church, ok ke let's go together,pm me and we'll arrange.

Maybe i can join you guys as well (if you dont mind), i want to experience different churches, even go to ZCC or ST.Johns. when the arrangement is done PM me then i will see if im available.

18 Mar 2009 16:33

Sure Lela, but it really has to be 10:15, so wena maybe get there at 9:30 ungibambele indawo neh.

18 Mar 2009 16:34

Toxic that is so true, but if you dont mind me asking do you use your notes when you get home?

I don't *shamefaced* but even though i may not quote the exact verse i can remember a lesson if it's brought up later.

18 Mar 2009 16:37

BA let them label you in whatever way they want, but dont let it affect the person you are. Now encourage those blockers that PM you to participate, and they will realise how much fun it is to blog.

Cody thank you my dear for the contribution.

18 Mar 2009 16:44

lol@Cody,you are welcome to join us but I will wait to hear from Belz as I am not the mobile one cz if she doesn't go then I also won't go cz of transport that is why I want a church around where I stay.

18 Mar 2009 16:50

Usile Belz why do you think I want a church around here? I don't have transport, I used to go with a friend but she moved to midrand and there is no way I can take a taxi to Sunninghill,let's arrange a more central place where we can meet uCody is joing us. I used to stay in Malibongwe drive and I still have friend there and ke if useNorth indlela eya eGrace idlula pha so I can wait for you there.

18 Mar 2009 16:54

Lela, check your PM gal, then sizothetha privately.

18 Mar 2009 16:59

Thank you God for bringing us together today
Thank you for uniting us in spirit
Thank you for ironing out understanding amongst us.
for you are Jehova Nissi the Lord our banner,
We thank you for giving us your word oh God
We uplift you for showing us that you loved us.
Now as we go our separate ways, let your word dwell in our hearts so that we can learn to please you, even in our secret place.
With this being said, o nkekeletse moo ke sa fihlang teng morenaka
In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit.

18 Mar 2009 18:28

I have not read the replies but Cody I joined the group to be spiritually empowered, I always read the blogs, I remember at one stage friends where debating about the bible and I quoted some of the bloggers responses. I felt great u know. It really helps us, pls be patient with us we are getting there. U will be suprised one day u receive 10 contributions in one week. For now we are learning and as you know learning is a process.
Thank you once again for the beautiful cell.
I have even decided to join the youth cells in my church when I go back home I beleive I will grow spiritually when I engage in spiritual debates unlike when I seat at the back seat.

19 Mar 2009 09:20

BA let them label you in whatever way they want, but dont let it affect the person you are.
worry not Nice... im not the person i am for anyone but for myself, as much as it hurts at times but i always draw my strength from Matthew 5:10-11,
1 Peter3:15-16 and John 15:18-20

Now encourage those blockers that PM you to participate, and they will realise how much fun it is to blog.
i always do this but at the end it is their decision i cant force them.

Now guys i think there has been a whole lot of misnderstanding, lets move on, lets not give the devil satisfaction, lets concentrate on sharinng the word and building each other... Devil love chaos. and we must remember 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 (For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ) We need not to fight with each other but with the devil who raise the disorder amongst us by continuing doing the good work God has started in us

I second what Belz and Toxic said .... it will be easier for us to engage in those discussions if we all prepared before the article i uploaded, and having topics to discuss will also make it easier for all those who will help with writting. At the end of the day, the main aim for this is to grow spiritual and in our Faith in God ....

"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. " Phillipians 1:6

19 Mar 2009 09:41

We need not to fight with each other but with the devil who raise the disorder amongst us by continuing doing the good work God has started in us 


01 Apr 2009 10:25

morning Bazalwane i wud gladly like to join Homecell 

Can somebody tell me all the procedures

"you don’t need to be perfect to in order “follow Him” even Matthew 11:28 emphises that coz what i ve realised is that on your own you cannot make it you just need the power of Holy Spirit in your life to be achristian .

Being a christian is like a journey you cant just be arrive

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