Written by sisan from the blog on 19 Feb 2009
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Im very curiouse blockers about these so called born agains, im sorry if i sound like a hipocrete but realy do they last.  Coz i donts buy this born again thing, people tend to go around preaching that they are 'born again" and yet they still, go clubing, have sex out of merital status, date really please help me understand what kind of a person is a born again, coz me i know that im not, and im not even nearly thinking about it, coz these days people are getting saved like it fashion, really please stop hiding behind the lords image.

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19 Feb 2009 15:56

im not saved and im proud of it, rather be a sinner and be sean then hide behind the lords image and still be a sinner

19 Feb 2009 16:03


One and Only
19 Feb 2009 16:13

I will attend to your blog tomorrow but I would also suggest that you put your screen name on the article as there's no need to be ashamed of what you believe in.

There's a reason why you believe in what you believe in, if you have substantial evidence and can base your questions/ argument on facts then why not debate about it?

19 Feb 2009 16:15

people define born again in ways that suit them.

Ms. Jay
19 Feb 2009 16:18

Sisan you rather die believing in God by being born again and find out He does not exist then die not believing Him or being born again and finding out that He does exist.

all I am saying here is don look at others and base your faith on them and what they do but rather what the bible says to be true.  Being born again is an honor and unfortuantely not everyone appreciates the price Jesus paid to set them free.Bening born again is personal conviction - you believe it - you live it and by what the bible says. Remember that not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven for some will go out in HIs name and claim to be of Him but are only wolves in sheep clothing.

The true sons of God are known by their name and they themselves know if they truelly believe or just hide behind His name. you cant die and go to hell coz of what you see OTHERS doing who knows - in the 11th hr they can get truelly saved and you will never know and will rot in hell alone coz you followed after their doings.

God is real, Jesus is real and the ONLY way to get to God is thru confessing you are a sinner, believing in what Jesus did for you, (his life, death and resurrection) confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart and you are saved. Then you find a faith -filled Church that preaches the whole truth of God and Jesus (very important as some dont preach or believe Jesus but the BIBLE acknowledges Him).

The rest doesn just fall away naturally - u have to renew your mind (rom12:1-2) everyday by reading teh word of God so you know His will for your life and pray unstopping (1 thes5). This is where most of us get stuck - we walk around thinking and doing those things yu mentioned and blame God when in fact we are meant to be reading the word of God which has the power to change us.

Ms. Jay
19 Feb 2009 16:24

people define born again in ways that suit them. - hmm tur statement

19 Feb 2009 16:27


19 Feb 2009 16:29

Being born again and being christ like i am born again and the most thing that ppl don't understand is psalm 51v5 states that when ur born from ur mother's womb u were/are a sinner and to my understandin is when u reach an age of accountability you then decide weather u wanna be christ like or just and when u get born again u accept Jesus to come into ur heart and declare with ur mouth thats ur born again and thats when the real work start cause now u have to live according to the word of God u need to program ur mind that u wont let the flesh deceive u then ppl who are not born again miss it here when ur born again u try to over power ur nature which is sinful cause vele ur born a sinner and try to live just just like christ and then again when u fall u have sex go to the clubs do all that ur not suppose to do it doesn't mean ur less christ like it all means u have fallen and u need to get back up again

19 Feb 2009 16:30

Thank you, Jael... great reply!

19 Feb 2009 16:32

I will comeback tomorrow with my reply later. No need to apologise for your hypocrisy sisan. It's my duty to make you understand what being born again means.

19 Feb 2009 16:32

Ditto miss Jael...will rply tmr, gotta rush!

19 Feb 2009 16:33

And i must BEING BORN AGAIN IS A LIFESTYLE u live it not just preach it

19 Feb 2009 16:33

Amen sisters and brother's


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