ever experienced this?

Written by cnhlanhla from the blog chat box on 17 Sep 2008
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hello bloggers

Long time no write………here is the reason I find me writing this article. I live in a house, which am sharing with two other mates. Well when we started staying together all was well, we’d chat about this and that like normal people w’d do catching up after a long day at work. For some reason things started changing, firstly the daily chats ceased.

Well me being a talkative person carried on bringing small talks with the gals, up to a point where I realized that I was always the one who initiated talks in the house even when we happen to meet maybe from town or on our way home. I’d be the one carrying on n on with those small talks. I mean, I found it strange that people could live in the same house, walk together home but just don’t say a word to each other and for no apparent reason! It then came to a point where I decided to stop myself, at the end of the day I owed no one anything.

the only thing we do is say hi when we meet in the kitchen. As if this was not enough, as a person who believes that house’s windows should be open every morning for fresh air to circulate in. I then noticed that when ever I happened to have came late or went to my room early, the windows w’d remain open the whole night just because I was the one who’d opened them that morning.

The same thing happens with the door, no one ever bother to check if it’s locked as long as their door rooms are. Here is the one that irritates me the most, when ever there is someone knocking at the door they just never bother to go n check who it is. Reason being they expecting no visitors since their bf’s aren’t in our town. Mind u not that I am mostly visited person myself nor have a bf, but what irritates me the most is that even if one of them orders pizza for instance. They just go n lock themselves in their rooms n being the one who cares n answer when home, I hate it to find out it someone looking for them.

Well it got to a point where I couldn’t take it any more, I then asked why all of this was happening: the answer was that they don’t think that they should do the things I’ve mentioned since we are not family…..ngivele ngoma…worse part the person answering is a church going, 27 yrs old, nine months pregnant woman.

I know, I know this article is long….so tell me is this normal of women sharing a house, since I’ve never shared I refused to even while I was still in tertiary.
Hello Bloggers


16 Sep 2008 23:00

my apology if u find this none of ur bussiness, i guess i  just need some other peeps point of view......but ke bona ngibayekile as they r.

dn't get discouraged by my no participation during the day, wiil be in class

16 Sep 2008 23:06

the windows w’d remain open the whole night just........luckily its houses that are in a  complex where there is securities by the gate n visitors sign before coming in.

16 Sep 2008 23:32

Mtanasekheya, sounds like these people bahlangene ngawe. As long as you know that your room is locked everytime ungekho, y're safe. Moving out is not the solution, it might be worse phambili!

17 Sep 2008 00:10

Just live your life and forget about them,to me it seems like maybe u have done or said(since u admited bieng loud mouthed self) something without realising that thing irritates them,i dont know! im also sharing and mina i stopped making frends with flatmates looong time ago ,i always tel myself that i have enaf freinds they have theirs.IT WORKS FOR ME!

17 Sep 2008 00:12

Hu! Sharing nje is another thing all together. I don't think you'll ever be 100% happy when you are sharing. Mina being the neatness freak that I am I always end up being imaid yomntu endishera naye but ke buy God's grace this is the last time I'm ever gonna share indawo yokuhlala with a friend. Mina the worse thing is I always share with my friends. The previous friend I stayed with we decided to move separate houses in the complex if we still want to keep the friendship and the way bendonele ngakhona I stayed alone for some time but yaphinda yangshaya, you know irand ilow these days now I am a maid again.

17 Sep 2008 00:31

@ cnhlanhla, thank u for sharing mfethu. Mina I would never live with the kind of people u live with. Perhaps, u should live on ur own??? I know u would have to pay more, but atleast u then don't have to bekezelela amakholwa angasile with double standards. I don't think it's right for people to live 2geda, yet they igore each other. That's why it's important to chose roomates that compliment ur personality. U deserve to be with people that share the same views as u on living 2geda. It's wrong for things like checking the door and windows to be ur sole responsibility. Shiya labosathane ohlala nabo sisi, u deserve better.

Goodluck with solving lenkinga yakho. It's such a pity that u're in ur classes 2day and u can't provide feeback on what decision u plan on taking. But nonetheless mtanasekhaya, do keep us posted!

17 Sep 2008 00:34

you know irand ilow these days now I am a maid again
LOL @ Lela, the maid, yazi this line reminded me abt the blogger who said on the IWTSG blog that Hlengiwe Mhlaba looks like ubeya kocleaner istoep sa Mrs.........hehehhe eish amabloggers ayeyisa maan!!!!!

17 Sep 2008 00:47

Its not easy sharing, especially with people who are NOT your blood...I suggest you find your own place

17 Sep 2008 00:55

Cnhlanhla --- usentweni wethu but i would suggest that you sit with them again and tell that as much as you are not family but you all need to be kind and nderstanding towards each other, or even make house rules. Well my first experience of sharing with friends was awesome, i would do anything to have that time again but ke my second experience was unbelievable, dear some people have it in their system to use other people for their own beefits, i tried several times to tell a person how i feel, it didnt change but God heard my prayers and the person got job from another side of town and they moved out. Try to talk to them once more, tell them how you feel and see where it goes, if it doesnt bring any change, ecuse yourself and move out.  But note that, when you are sharing dont expect people to behave the way yu do or the way you want them to, try to find common ground with them

17 Sep 2008 00:57

I agree with Cande, phuma uphele kulomuzi and find ur own place.

17 Sep 2008 01:04

Well me being a talkative person carried on bringing small talks with the gals
*scratching my head*........mmmhhh *clearing my throat*.......yazi on the flip side, I was thinking about this line u said, maybe the problem is u and ur big mouth irritates them. Eish, asazi, but ke I still think u should just move out!

17 Sep 2008 01:12

Even if she's that talkative Nons, they should have told her & stop to be pretenders

17 Sep 2008 01:15

I know Firstdvd, that's why I think she should just move out!

17 Sep 2008 01:28

Heeeii.... there's always drama in communes... 
Take it from me, nhlanhla....its time to look for your own space.... 
A friend of mine is having flatmate issues at the moment... the other girl is even saying she eats her bread.

17 Sep 2008 01:32

Clearly these two are ganging up on you and shutting you out. So ke, when in Rome do like the Romans do, give urself a hug and do likewise, they'll crack eventually, especially the pregnant one, she'll be asking you for help very soon, you'll see (with bf outta town and all). Don't stress, just watch your own territory, be safe, lock the doors, close the windows and go to your room. 
You have friends mos neh, renovate your social life, uzoba grand. Obviously, i'm suggesting all this with the assumption that you can't afford to move out neh (cos 2 housemates means your pocket ain't blessed). Sho..........

17 Sep 2008 01:44

the other girl is even saying she eats her bread.
@ Carino - And obviously with bread being R10, I understand where the gals' bread that's being eaten is coming from........LOL

Obviously, i'm suggesting all this with the assumption that you can't afford to move out neh (cos 2 housemates means your pocket ain't blessed). Sho..........
ahahhaahha felfel, do u have to call a spade a spade noma kungadingekile?......hahaha u killed me lana!!!

17 Sep 2008 01:51

Yho!!! sana u r in trouble moss,i think they r jelous of something maybe ur progress ,u'll never know 
the best thing is to cut them off in ur life,they r not ur family  and they don't contribute anything in ur life too 
and wait for that pregnant one the day will come where by she will need ur help 
don't help her tell her to lock herself in her room asusual SHE IS FOOLISH AND USELESS AT THE SAME TIME 

Ms. Jay
17 Sep 2008 02:00

House sharing is tricky, you need your own space and fast!

 "Well it got to a point where I couldn’t take it any more, I then asked why all of this was happening: the answer was that they don’t think that they should do the things I’ve mentioned since we are not family…..ngivele ngoma…worse part the person answering is a church going, 27 yrs old, nine months pregnant woman."

When a woman is pregnant we are a hand ful to say the least and worse still new born babies. Good luck if you intend staying there much longer, that baby will be looked after by you at some point, 'n the crying will keep you awake dear:)

17 Sep 2008 02:03

that baby will be looked after by you at some point, 'n the crying will keep you awake dear:)
hahahah Jael, how encouraging of u?

17 Sep 2008 02:12

LOL @Nonny, ndithini cos ke seriously if there's three of you in a house that means ya'll have one thing in common, the capacity of your pockets, and clearly its a hindrance now to her living in

17 Sep 2008 02:20

Sorry to be off-topic you guys, neh But uDavid Kau is hosting a "so you think you funny" comedy show around the SA, I want to take part in this, please anyone with more info let me know.

17 Sep 2008 02:21

Do you think you are funny Andie01 ???

17 Sep 2008 02:22

it i easy for u guys to say she must find her own place,ukuthola iflat it's a mission,

17 Sep 2008 02:23

LOL @ Felfel...

17 Sep 2008 02:28

Mara Andie sukusisokolisa man please tu, the information is right here on TVSA on the home page, check it out or you trying to be funny  (already)..........

17 Sep 2008 02:31

LOL @Nonny, ndithini cos ke seriously if there's three of you in a house that means ya'll have one thing in common, the capacity of your pockets, and clearly its a hindrance now to her living in
LMAO @ Felfel, eish wena, yazi I give up on u!!!!!

Goodluck Andi01 for getting more details on this David Kau thingie, u really are made for comedy!

17 Sep 2008 02:38

Mara Andie sukusisokolisa man please tu, the information is right here on TVSA on the home page, check it out or you trying to be funny (already)..........
hahhahah Felfel, perhaps u should enter that thing as aswell, uthini, Miss Funny???

17 Sep 2008 02:48

eish Nonny i wouldn't fit there chap, my, is rather random......

17 Sep 2008 03:03

@ Felefele- you dont have to bite my head off, yhini, bendingekayiboni, now I'll be gone till November

@cnhlanhla- Life's 2 short (as if there is anything longer than life), u shudnt spend it trying to please eribadi, eventually uzokhathala. Live ur life tsotsi and let them be. They arent willing to meeting u half way, and yet wena u here bending urself backwards trying to please them. Dont move that, that isnt their house, you have as equal right to be there as they are

17 Sep 2008 03:03

@ Felefele- you dont have to bite my head off, yhini, bendingekayiboni, now I'll be gone till November

@cnhlanhla- Life's 2 short (as if there is anything longer than life), u shudnt spend it trying to please eribadi, eventually uzokhathala. Live ur life tsotsi and let them be. They arent willing to meeting u half way, and yet wena u here bending urself backwards trying to please them. Dont move that, that isnt their house, you have as equal right to be there as they are

17 Sep 2008 03:08

Mtanasekheya, sounds like these people bahlangene ngawe...Yazi mhlampe uqinisile. I think maybe they were jealous that you have too much visitor and they doesn't know anyone  in town, phela kunezintokazi eziphuma kwayinkomo zinya upholishi then if they found out that you from the better palce like thina bantu baselokshini then babenenkinga nje.

But the only solution you've should taken... is to move out and look for another sharing room as Cande mentioned that, ekugcineni bazokudlisa ushevu ngaiyakutshela mina. . And my family taught me that once you live with anyone from anywhere that person is your brother/sister but if ti's an old man or woman then you can Ma or Father in a sake of respect.

You can come and live with me in my flat but If you don't mind

17 Sep 2008 03:15

Olayti Andiswa ndiyakuva ke Llala..........khawusibethe ngeyi one ijoke kaloku........

17 Sep 2008 03:20

Olayti Andiswa ndiyakuva ke Llala..........khawusibethe ngeyi one ijoke kaloku........
hahahah Felfel, why are on Andi01's case, don't u think the nigga can make it?

17 Sep 2008 03:24

hahahahahaah LOL @ Nonny
And obviously with bread being R10, I understand where the gals' bread that's being eaten is coming from........LOL

17 Sep 2008 04:42

TVSA :Website to go live soon! (win15) i tried to log in some minutes ago and i got this, please some tell me is it  an error (sp)
i'm curious he he he

Jada Smith
17 Sep 2008 05:12

@cnhlanhla let live let go. Obviously they decided to live their lives outside your boundaries, do the same. A go thuse go lwana.

Moving out might be or not an ideal option for you depending on your finances and finding a place might be a hassle.

For a talkative person you might end up talking to yourself.Laugh out loud and act crazy that will sent them away and you'll get new roomza's who will stress you more.

17 Sep 2008 05:18

@ nhlanhla my best advice to you, "quoting Tokollo from Izinja by Tkzee family"

Ek se gcwala twebetsa kuyafana
Ungakhohlu kuthi sonke siyaphanda
Siyabenza bathi thina siyadelela
Siyabenza bathi thina siyaphela

Singa madelu kufa sonke or kanjani
Or kanjani
Ongakhohlwa mfethu abantu ba-blind
Bayakwazi ma iznto zi right
Yithi zinto zbhede mfethu abasakwazi
Ye abantu (x2)

Sizwile sizwile its enough
Isikhathi sokuthi simamele le staff
Ende sonibona second half (X2)

Olayti Andiswa ndiyakuva ke Llala..........khawusibethe ngeyi one ijoke kaloku @ felefele- Nigga pleazeeeeeeee stop trippin, i dont have to prove to u how funny I am, if you were a loyal tvsa blocker, u would know by now. LOL

17 Sep 2008 05:42

Nonny i'm not on her case nje, ndiyazidlalela qha, kaloku i'm happy today.............

Skawara Andie ndiyakwazi mpintshi, bendirhalela ukuhleka, ibingaske undinyumbaze kayi one........LOL

17 Sep 2008 05:49

@Felefele- hay ndiyakwazi kaloku wena, soze ndikhathazwe nguwe noba kuthiwa kumnyama entle ke nowena

17 Sep 2008 05:59

Eish TVSA mfiiimmmmmmmmm going 2009 now mfiimmmmmm

17 Sep 2008 06:08

Hello myhouse, yhooo your friend mykwaito is missing you die kant.

17 Sep 2008 06:20

ANDI...Love that song:::maybe cnhlanhla you should play it HARD indirect, play that Andis' soung loud...They might get the msg how you feel about whats happening!

17 Sep 2008 06:22

ANDI...Love that song:::maybe cnhlanhla you should play it HARD indirect, play that Andis' soung loud...They might get the msg how you feel about whats happening!

17 Sep 2008 06:31

Sho Cnhlanhla, I can relate to your trauma even though mine happened more than a year ago and when I was at Tech ka di-early 2000s. I had both male and female flat mates and verdict is that sharing with men is way much better than doing this with women. 

Tech: 3 of us(2 females +1working male)
Male: he was perfect; he cooked, cleaned, even bought groceries above our stipulated contributions. 
Me: was a normal student, I cooked cleaned, contributed towards groceries and occasionally bought takeaway(KFC or Chicken Licken) for all of us.
Her: Cooked only when she felt like it, always late with food money so she ended up buying few things on her own or just ignoring the fact that she didn't contribute but had money for shoes and CDs..mncim! She would buy snacks and put them in her drawer in our bedroom but she was quick to open things in the kitchen. I remember one time she even opened, cut and ate my birthday cake before me (she was the first one to cut it n I was not even there)...I mean 
really, the nerve of that woman...dear some people have it in their system to use other people for their own benefits: I know what you are talking about B.A.

I hit a rough patch and had to get two roommates to help with levy and bond repayment on my flat. The male one was very considerate and cleaned occasionally. We didn't share amapapa. To cut a long story short, let me just say the female roomie was a disaster. from the first day she moved in, she brought the ZCC members around 11pm to come and chase demons/evil spirit in her bedroom. I mean this was my 'house' and not just a flat I rented so this woman had the nerve to come n streghthen(thea/tiisa) or weaken  my house without discussing it with me first. Well we talked and all was forgiven. Then she started cooking in her bedroom...haaai..I was lost for words.

2005 for 3months

This woman would cook this stinky fish (kgaraope?) atleast 3times a week at night...she liked cooking around 8pm to 9pm and also around 4 am...mehlolo ha e fele ruri!

I will never ever stay with anyone, Gaad help me! We come from different families with diff set of values,morals and upbringing. It is diff enough to stay with family so this whole sharing thing can be disastrous with strangers!

17 Sep 2008 07:10

yhoooooooooo hahahahahahah LM ur story is so funny yho hay i worse le ye ZCC members hahahahahaah I know how loud those ppl can be

17 Sep 2008 08:50

Huu shame,nna I'll never share.I saw how my friends ko res who were sharing a room struggled.Fortunately I was always given a single room.When I was staying on my own and I hit a rough financial patch,I went back home.I was staying in a 3bedroom house and had people wanting to share with me,but I always refused.Come to think of it,that's how some of the friendships get ruined. So cnhlanhla,make a plan to get rid of those people,otherwise u gonna go out of your mind.

17 Sep 2008 09:31

Cnhlanhla get outta there fast! times may be hard but taking crap from another person is just not on...when I first moved to Jozi I made that mistake of sharing a townhouse with my "best friend" then...things got so tense, we are not even on speaking save yourself from the demons and find your own place you'll get peace of mind...hope u listen

19 Sep 2008 11:55

oh poor, bloggers it's only now that i am able to respond on your replies.........thanks a lot for the advises much appreciated....eish phela this week has been hactic for me, juggling school and work aint no walk in the park.

19 Sep 2008 13:40

Nhlanhla lemme tell you, sharing  your space with umntu wesibini is no child's play. Be it your mother, sister, husband, friend or even your own child. Relationships (in any shape or form)are difficult to navigate, because of one factor, the other person. When you're sharing your space with umntu wesibini you have to compromise and tolerate that person.
 There are things that will irritate you about that person, but you will have to live with them. I cringe when i go to the bathroom ndithole isoap inoboya, or when my boyfriend puts a glass on my coffee table without using a coaster. He also gets irritated whenever i buy groceries because i will bring home all these fat free products and he says they taste like cupboard. So between the two of us, compromise all the way.
The question now is...Is this person really worth your compromise? Family, you have no choice but to compromise. But now umntu wangaphandle you tend pull back a bit and really ask if you wanna put up with their crap.
Most marriages end in divorce because he takes drugs, and i dont, therefore i dont have to put up with his crap and i'm leaving him. Whereas if it were your brother, you'd do all you can to help that person.
To make a long story short...ask yourself, is this person really worth my compromise? because i promise you, even umtshato, after ten years uthando luyaphela, kusale ukunyamezelana (tolerance).

19 Sep 2008 13:55

Yho guys until a month ago I lived with my brother (umdala nge 2yrs). Anyway me being isfebe that I am was uncomfortable coz I felt like I never had time to spend with my boyfriend coz my brother made him uncomfortable. There I am going out of my way to find myself a new place to make my man as comfy as possible. As I am writing this I am aaallll alone and I see my "man" once a week and I wish I knew this was gonna happen b4 I moved out of my bro's place. ... 

19 Sep 2008 13:56

The gist of my story is I wish I lived with people ----any1

19 Sep 2008 17:28

lol @sexyzimasa

20 Sep 2008 03:46

Eish Nhlanhla joe,jus find yourself some1 u are already comfortable with who matches your personality coz at the end of the day, no man is an island

20 Sep 2008 04:12

@Sexyzimasa,,,"me being isifebe..." Shuuuu! What a line!!! You don't have a clue how much i have abo-Zimasa those are my two Ex-GFs...

20 Sep 2008 07:02

Firstdvd, that proves that I'm the kind o girl who goes aaaaallllll oooouuut for my now absent man  

20 Sep 2008 07:41

...have...meant "HATE"

20 Sep 2008 08:04

Well, I can't relate Firstdvd coz I don't have friends with names like yours. Maybe these strong feelings that you have come from these names you give yourself.Maybe the Zimasas just didn't like your type

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