My issues

Written by Segololo from the blog Oh Moments on 21 Apr 2008
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I have a lot of things that niggle me and I wonder if I am the only one.

I am obsessed with death. I am not suicidal and am not scared to die or death. I, however, have been preoccupied with this since standard 2 (what is now known as Grade 4) when I did a full 15 minutes prepared speech on what physically happens to a human body when you die. I emotionally hurt when people die, even on TV. My issue with death is I don't know why we die? Why is it absolutely necessary for us to die? I believe in God and paradise but I still don't know the REAL REASON we die?

Damn! Those things are all over! I just can't stand them. I know the Bible says we can learn a lot from them but do they have to be everywhere like that? What exactly is their purpose in our lives? I know they are minding their own business collecting food for winter but does it have to be in MY house? I always thought sweet things attract them but my entire home cannot be that sweet? And how much food do you need to eat in winter when you are that tiny? Is there an incentive for them to collect all that food? Does it mean if you get more than what is necessary for the winter you get a night with the queen, or something? I seriously doubt surviving starvation is such a motivation to work like that!

My ma has a hatred for flies that I seem to have inherited. Whenever a fly came into the house, my ma would simply lose it and tell me how she hates flies like I invited the damn thing into our home! Someone said they are important for fermentation of beer but seriously what exactly are flies truly required for?

Some parents just “tug at my nipples” – there’s a long list that some people do that I just can’t get! I’ll just give you two things they do that I really struggle with -
- When you are invited to a wedding that has an evening reception at a hotel, why bring your brats there and abandon them? Who the hell do you think will look after them? I have a single rule as a parent – If I don’t have help to ensure my brat is well taken care of at home, I decline the invite or explain that I can’t make it because I have au pair-issues! It is only one night that I will miss out on and most people understand when you tell them. BUT for some parents it seems like a complete nightmare to turn down an invite, they bring their brats and simply abandon them.
- When a child is being naughty, why scream, shout and pull the child’s ears? I just can’t get why parents have to resort to screaming or shouting at the child, when the child doesn’t have a hearing problem and is only 15cm away from your face. Why do you have to do that? Isn’t that teaching your child to have anger issues?

Traffic cops
Oh gaad, that bush brigade works on my nerves! Is there somewhere on their job spec that “bonuses will be awarded to those who hide very well”. Do they get increases on how good they can hide? I think that kids that play great hide and seek will be great traffic officers! And why do they have to be so fat? Do they get even bigger bonuses or incentives if they are obese? Where can I find a white traffic officer lady? Are they a delicacy or something? Why are the women so rude, though, unless your male partner is driving?

There are a couple of more things that really make me mad! But I will not overburden you. Please tell me what niggles you and also provide some answers to my issues, if you can.


21 Apr 2008 08:38

And why do they have to be so fat? Do they get even bigger bonuses or incentives if they are obese? -Phat Joe was talking about them(fat SAPS and Metro's) and he is going to organise a race cop v/s civillians.  Maybe you should take part and IF uyabashiya then you'll let go of this anger?  Just make sure that  next time you get a ticket or arrested none of them remembers you cause hey, you remember the recent Durban incident? Amaphoyisa ayayishaya impama.

21 Apr 2008 09:18

I believe in God and paradise but I still don't know the REAL REASON we die? 

So life continues. Death is necessary for life to simple as that.

What makes me mad?

1.Black men in tight white pants that don't reach their black pointed shoes.....a terrible thing to witness.
2. People that still say the SAMA awards.
3. People that use the word of which, whereby and body (for bra).
4. Drivers that follow closely behind a taxi driver and then hoot incessantly when the taxi stops to WTF? Where do they come from?
5. People with a victim mentality-get over it already-(whatever it is)!
6. Haters, fronters, that order!
7. victimisation...injustice.....unfairness.....whatever you wanna call it!
8. incompetence PERIOD....don't wanna know why/whynot.
9. People that still ask what LOL is....okay i'm being silly but damn, people must learn to use google!
10. Formal/Official communication with spelling errors!!!

*won't give examples cause that would be a blog within a blog*

22 Apr 2008 01:28

Oh and i hate people that say NOTHREN AND SOUTHREN!

22 Apr 2008 01:35

LMAO @ Tox's replies!!!!

22 Apr 2008 01:37

I have an issue with gold teeth *whether it's L, U, full whatever iyangidinda mxim!!* and gold chains *the thicker they are the more it gets to me*..........yerrrrrr man!!!!

22 Apr 2008 01:41

 and gold chains *the thicker they are the more it gets to me*..........yerrrrrr man!!!!

YHO YHO YHO Nonny, the Zola-7 chain types irk me to no end nami!!!!! On gold teeth, eish my little brother is determined to get one and i have tried everything to discourage him-including telling him that girls don't find it attractive but HA-AH, he wants one *sigh*

22 Apr 2008 01:45

I feel you on death Sego, i even practice mourning people while they are alive, i sit there and cry and picture life without my mother or getting home and being told my brother's gone and then i play out how life would be like and just cry on my couch. It doesn't last long, i blame it on PMS cos thats when i'm emotionally vulnerable, anything can make me cry at that time. And then i stop myself in worry that God might think i'm inviting death....SAD.

22 Apr 2008 01:49

Toxic, my little brother has the best set of teeth, yet he insited on gold, so now he has this L, which makes me have difficulties facing him when I talk - I hate it passionately, till today I try to discourage him that this gold tooth will make his teeth rot, so he must take it out. But the little rascal refuses, he is inlove with his bling and to top it off u know that Durbanites are so into bling!!!

22 Apr 2008 02:04

LOL @ Toxic
You are not alone Nonny on gold teeth ...i just dont digg it.

and i have a big problem with cockroaches ... i just cant stand it, if i see it while im eating, i vomite ... anyone who can help me?

22 Apr 2008 02:13

Sego im absolutely loving you irritation on parents with their brats!!! 

@ Tox - and body for bra>

ROFL @felfel, hayi bo!!!!  i used to do that once in my life but it was a time when i felt i wasn't loved not because of PMS.

LOL Nonny! hayi abantwana uzobathini wethu, the blingier the better.

I've got issuees with huge earings, why do you have to burden your ears so? why, i know it looks good on other people but this other chick i know actually looks like she's being pulled down when she wears those!!!

22 Apr 2008 02:31

People talking of gold teeth did u watch Selimathunzi?
Kuli was complementing Msawawa on his gold teeth and he said no it is not gold it is platinum I so LOL..................

22 Apr 2008 02:37

Belz we really don't burden our ears. We just don't feel it actually. I love the big silver round ones, those i'll wear on weekends when I go out. I can't not wear big earings I just love them. Not too big though but people must see that I have earings on. But at work I'll rock the smaal ones.

22 Apr 2008 02:43

I have serious issues with banks, the incompetence, bureaucracy and especially hearing "there's nothing we can do." Idiots looking after our money. And I feel they are all the same so it doesn't help to leave one for another.

I hate it when I'm called a "khastama" instead of customer even khastoma will do but khastama hay' khona.

And  I swear one of these days I will slap one of the guys who touch you when "sheling" (proposing love) you. Eeeewwwwwww!!!

22 Apr 2008 02:52

I had issues with a sales person at Truworths,
I fitted shoes and one was too small one too big I told her that and she must bring me another pair. 
She looked at me and said no the fault lies with me, not the shoes I just looked at her and left. I never experience that ish in my life y now...........................

Went to another Truworths coz I was so inlove with the shoe i requested my size ............walla they both fitted can u believe the nerve of that woman.....If i had the energy on that day that woman will be unemployed as I type but i decided to leave it like that.

22 Apr 2008 02:52

Yes yes Molilo, I saw that, Eish, but Msawawa's outfit was just wrong, never mind his "platinum" tooth. 

Anyway, eish Sego, I have issues with a lot of things: 
Gotta agree with Tox first though on the Northeren and Southeren thing! I always ask why they dotn then say Westeren and Easteren, coz then they'd realise how wrong that sounds. 

Ok, death, eish Sego, I have an obsession with it in the sense that the  moment I have a stomach ache or a heart pulpatation or something, I think I'm about to die. But then I console myself that no one probably propheses their moment of death, and when i die, it wont be when i'm expecting it. 

Also, I have issues with people who talk about their kids too much. Surely there's a limit to how much a person can go on about their child. We know you love them, but come on now. 

I have issues with people who lie to me. Eish, I hate it with a passion, it undermines my intelligence...period.

And lastly, no offence, i have issues with female bank tellers/consultants...nuff said.

22 Apr 2008 02:54


22 Apr 2008 02:55

Oh, and I hate size 32's and below who are forever complaining about how fat they are...geez man, shut up already!

22 Apr 2008 02:59

rene: <<Oh, and I hate size 32's and below who are forever complaining about how fat they are...geez man, shut up already>.You don't understand... This is a moment of "reassure me I am not"!

22 Apr 2008 02:59

I have issues with people who dont care to ask /know people's names yet they see/talk to them everyday!! they keep on calling you sweetie, honey or tht typa ish!!! when you col them and say hi this is Belz calling they have no idea who you are yet they see you everyday, it pisses me off!!

22 Apr 2008 03:01

"Oh, and I hate size 32's and below who are forever complaining about how fat they are...geez man, shut up already!"
@ Renegade, as I full figured p[erson, I know exactly what u are talking about. When a thin person says they are fat, all I say: "Well if u are fat, then I need to see a doctor ASAP coz that makes me obese"...........LOL

22 Apr 2008 03:03

"You don't understand... This is a moment of "reassure me I am not"!"
@ Sego, well then ask u fellow thin sista to reassure u...........LOL, don't say that to me who is really PHAT (Pretty Hott & Thick!!!).

Fluffy Head
22 Apr 2008 03:04

Toxic: U really hate black man in white pants and pointed shoes neh?

There is only a couple of things that really get to me.

1. People who complain about trafiic: u r not the only 1 u know, get up at 5am if u can't stand driving at 20k/h

2. People who still complain about Eskom; again u r not the only 1 with power outages. So by now u should have learnt to deal with it. 

3. I've got serious issues with death and funerals in general...Sego, nna I'm obsessed with dying...i'm scared of it_I think of it everyday actually. And I always pray everyday (I promise) "God please when I die, let me die in my sleep_I don wanna die a painfull death"

4. I've got issues with hospitals and seeing a whole bunch of sickly people.

5.  I've got issues with people I work with when they just assume_just because we sit next to each other and you get teh change to evesdrop on all my private phone calls_you have the right to ask me 'what happened to that friend of urs who was coming for the w/e' for instance....I'll ask you, what happened to minding ur own business and not listening in on other ppl's conversations...Then u  say I'm mean

22 Apr 2008 03:04

body (for bra).  ROTFLMAO!!!

I feel you on death Sego, i even practice mourning people while they are alive, i sit there and cry and picture life without my mother or getting home and being told my brother's gone and then i play out how life would be like and just cry on my couch. It doesn't last long, i blame it on PMS cos thats when i'm emotionally vulnerable, anything can make me cry at that time. And then i stop myself in worry that God might think i'm inviting death....SAD.

Yho I thought I was sick, at least now I know I've got mates...Sego & Felfel...Siyagula yazi!

22 Apr 2008 03:06

Lol Sego still reading though

22 Apr 2008 03:07

Eish Belz there is this person who keeps on calling me............... I do not know him I thought I will pick from our conversation who he is but I am still clueless I once suggested we meet but he was busy then ..........................

I am so ashamed to ask coz he will be shocked that I have been talking to him not recognizing his voice

22 Apr 2008 03:17

I have issues with cashiers who act as if they are giving you the groceries free of charge!!!! They dont even smile to show that they appreciate you buying as that assures them that they still have a job.

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 03:29

I always thot I was the only one obsessed with death - Not a single day goes by without thinking abt it and like Sego - um not scared of it or anything nor suicidal....Its just dat by some undivine powers the thot always crosses my mind...Oh and i also rehearse speeches of what I will say in some ppls funerals and how ppl will be frustrated if I were to die (Which of cos I will one day) - not soon just too cute for ukudlala inhlabathi

@Sego -Where can I find a white traffic officer lady? - V` been around 2 and have not seen any of them!

22 Apr 2008 03:34

" just too cute for ukudlala inhlabathi"
hehehe @ Zee Babes, ngabe ubaba wakho uJesu...........LOL

22 Apr 2008 03:36

"um just too cute for ukudlala inhlabathi"
@ Zee Babes.........ehehehehe, ngabe ubaba wakho okuzalayo uJesu.........LOL

22 Apr 2008 03:37

OK, sorry for the double response, I'm just not myself today!!!

22 Apr 2008 03:41

22 Apr 2008 03:41

22 Apr 2008 03:41

22 Apr 2008 03:41

22 Apr 2008 03:41

22 Apr 2008 03:43

Ok Preshii, have a glass of water of with me, there we go, feeling better now.

22 Apr 2008 03:43

Yho Sorry Peeps....My PC has issues!

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 03:44

@Nonny - ehehehehe, ngabe ubaba wakho okuzalayo uJesu - What if the man is my daddy mngani and whe he comes to fetch me - i can simply say = cum back later daddy um not ready go and fetch Nonny - kudala ekulindile ha ha ha ha ha ha

22 Apr 2008 03:44

When all else fails, blame it on the PC, we understand Preshiii................LOL

22 Apr 2008 03:47

Not that i wear any white socks,shoes or trouser, God forbid.....but my understanding of it mostly with zulu men is that if you wear white socks or shoes it shows that you are very clean.....

22 Apr 2008 03:47

"What if the man is my daddy mngani and whe he comes to fetch me - i can simply say = cum back later daddy um not ready go and fetch Nonny - kudala ekulindile ha ha ha ha ha ha"
@ Zee Babes - LMAO, well I'm glad that udaddy wakho tends to aim for the good ones, so I know mina I've got years and years to live ngoba ngibolile shem.............LOL

22 Apr 2008 03:49

"but my understanding of it mostly with zulu men is that if you wear white socks or shoes it shows that you are very clean....."
Oh really Monchy???, I'm Zulu and I had no idea..........LOL

22 Apr 2008 03:52

Zee babes - Oh and i also rehearse speeches of what I will say in some ppls funerals and the song I'll sing when I go to the podium.

22 Apr 2008 03:54

interesting..good morning my name is sponono..and I'm a MAD BLACK MAN  and I have issues

my issues
i also hate gold tooth, red socks showing, people who say "prosponed, or continuously misuse the most common english term especially when they coulda used a venecular term.....model c's who actually cant speak proper english instead they always add things like...."as well", "oh my word" "oh really" " like"
black people who do some gruesome criminal acts givin all black people a bad rap -You can deny it all you want but its a fact 99.9 criminals espesh the most gruesome ones invlove black guys(i've just recieved three different crime stories affecting people very close to me, two of them killed -indians- raped and roobed, by painters who had been working for them earlier, another close friend had her car stole and she saw the two guys but couldnt do a thing, and this morning we found some stuff left afta some criminals had ramaged a friends car took speakers an everyother valuable except the car...all this in two days

my other isue is people who think things have changed in terms of distribution of wealth.....this morning i was passing a construction site and the image that striked me was so 80's with two white guys stnading one side, while one indian guy was calling these very tough looking black guys to keep diggin, and there was no worried look on their faces, in fact they are havin a good "dejavu" its way black....while this is happening next to them from a stream of traffic, you can actually count the number of black drivers , so where's the black foreman, black manager....except for the politicaly connected black folks the rest of us are below the comfort yeah I'm angry but I'll get over it...

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 03:55

@Nonny  - LMAO, well I'm glad that udaddy wakho tends to aim for the good ones, so I know mina I've got years and years to live ngoba ngibolile shem.............LOL Cha upapa ufuna laba ababolile ngaba yibo laba abacauser i-global warming (Sordom ne Gomora)....Entlik to cut the long story short ufuna wena....Plz review your last will and testament - usendleleni...Shu um scared! LOL

22 Apr 2008 03:57

Oh and i also rehearse speeches of what I will say in some ppls funerals > Zeebabes you are too weird mhlobo, ngizokubeka emthandazweni.

22 Apr 2008 03:57

i hate "seneifi" people!! yaaakkkkkk and to see a person in my age group with snuff makes me puke!! and the tissues my yaakkkk!! makes me sick, sick, sick!

People who call John- Jono and Precious- Preshase!!

22 Apr 2008 04:00

Hey Spo, unjani wethu, i wanted to say something but uyandoyikisa, you sound very angry.

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 04:01

Hello people - i am usually a silent blogger but i just couldnt hold myself back!

I have a couple of issues with death myself. Not sure what would i do without my mother.  It scares the living daylights out of me! But I think about it often!  So we are all in the same boat when it comes to death!

Absolutely despise Dentist! I think they are evil!  They are all mad because they couldnt make it as GP's in Grad school so they are all taking it on our teeth & gums! Monsters!

I have major issues with Clowns! Not sure what the are f*cking smiling at all the time! Also Evil!!!!!!!!

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 04:02

@Lex - your are worse - um glad to knw dat um not the only one...I guess its normal then.

Guys dats not the only sickness I have - I also suffer big tym from compulsive obsessive disorder - like I will check if the door is looked 20 tyms before I go to bed...and its the same story in the mornings - um sick mina ngiyazazi shame.

22 Apr 2008 04:02

LOL @ Belz & Nons!

22 Apr 2008 04:05

LOL!! Zee, 20 times na?

22 Apr 2008 04:06

I am so ashamed to ask coz he will be shocked that I have been talking to him not recognizing his voice

Next time he calls pretend you are not you and take a message....i am sure he will say who he is......try it, it worked for me

22 Apr 2008 04:07

Oh Charlie! <<I have major issues with Clowns! Not sure what the are f*cking smiling at all the time! Also Evil!!!!!!!! >>I have a serious phobia with the entire circus!!! 

If you are in Joburg, I can give you details of a great denstist - I always walk away smiling with no pain! I am certain he uses cocaine or some strong ish like that to kil the pain but HE is EXCELLENT!!! trust me! oh! and expensive!

22 Apr 2008 04:09

phew...Belz...I'm alright ngoku..i had to vent   given a chance......otherwise...howz evrione

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 04:10

@Belz - Zeebabes you are too weird mhlobo, ngizokubeka emthandazweni...Enkosi mhlobo wami ndiyidinga nyani`ke u-add(e) noLex kuloyomthandazo.

blk sunshine
22 Apr 2008 04:12

lol at all ur responses. I h8 gold teeth, dnt even undastand it, Y!!! hate ppl that assume an inferior position to some1 hu has been educated kwiModel C skulz. For all they knw, u cud be getting 30% at ur modelC skul and here they are thinking ur the nxt Einstien. Speaking english is not directly linked to how smart you are.

I hate random family members that always want to kiss you, I WILL GET A RETRAINING ORDER on ur asses!! 

Hate ants way 2much, just toooirritating way to many of them. I totally get you sego on the ants think, they dnt need all that food.

Also despise ignorance and ppl tht think that bng fair and just showing general courtesy is a gift that they impart to the world.GOSH!!!

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 04:15

Sego! You are my knight in shining armour!  Unfortunately I am in Dbn.  Plz ask your Dentist if he can recommend someone this side!  
By the way I also dont do the Circus!  BLOODY FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 04:15

I hate random family members that always want to kiss you, I WILL GET A RETRAINING ORDER on ur asses!! > ROFL!!! yhu blk sunshine!!!

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 04:20

I have serious issues with ppl who...eeerrrrr and aaaaahhhh.... X3 before they speak = very serious issues I can murder some1. 

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 04:20

I hate random family members that always want to kiss you, I WILL GET A RETRAINING ORDER on ur asses!!  - Blk Sunshine - you kill me - LMAO!!!!!!!!
Oh but wait - this just in - white people also like kissing on the mouth! I am talking old wrinkly femal colleagues!  WTF?! Damn I'm running from relatives straight to the arms of a stranger i work with!  Out of the frying pan into the fire!

Can someone please tell black folks that there is NO SUCH THING AS A  COUSIN BROTHER OR SISTA!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 04:21

Some of the things you guys hate are just hilarious, lmao.

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 04:22

1.I have issues with govt departments and their incompetence. and the fact that most of the employees there are black ppl is an embarassing shame
2. BMW and other luxury cars drivers who think they have exclusive rights to the  fast lane even if  ure driving at  120k/h
3. Black ppl in govt who are chowing money that they r supposed to used for service delivery. this really pisses me off!
4. People answering their phones at the movies. Damn ppl! 
5. I cannot stand looking at a horrid wig or weave on a sista's head! I get so tempted to say something but this is Joburg iyashaywa impama!

blk sunshine
22 Apr 2008 04:25

Herd that dentists have the highest number of suicides then any other profession, maybe u can take comfort in that Charlie. 
Hate clowns as well was at the Gtwn Fest and a clown on stilts decided it wud be cool 2chase me, got so angry, i pushed him over. anger management i knw but gosh, cud he not see the utter FEAR in my face!!!
I also have a major issue with ppl that litter, just dnt get it. Irks me so much, my frends say im a tree hugger, but really the bin was created for a reason

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 04:27

Miss K - People answering their phones at the movies. Damn ppl!  
  do you one better!  If you live in Dbn than you will know the Cinema i am refering to.  People who stand up and clap in an action movie. Shouting at the top of thier lungs - "Mushaye! Dubula bo!"  "Emva kwakho - Ayibo!"  
I mean DAMN!  This is not theatre!  Black people Eish!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 04:28

BMW and other luxury cars drivers who think they have exclusive rights to the fast lane even if ure driving at 120k/h > This happened to me jsut a week ago, this friggin' a**hole was driving a BMW, i know i was travelling at 122km and he flashed his lights like mad, at some stagei thot i was driving at 20km, hayi maan!!!

I cannot stand looking at a horrid wig or weave on a sista's head! I get so tempted to say something but this is Joburg iyashaywa impama> LMAO!!!

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 04:29

LOL @ Cousin brother!! tl tl tl!!!

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 04:32

@ Blk Sunshine - Speaking english is not directly linked to how smart you are..Plz tell dat to those morons who do in taxis and trains...such a pain.  Amen Blk Sun...I mean my not speaking so going Singisi doesnt mean um empty ryt??

blk sunshine
22 Apr 2008 04:33

Wen ever sum luxury car duz sumthing like that, i always shout out without fail-"Hope that car is fully paid up and wnt be repossesd 2moro,u lunatic!!!" Dnt knw y just makes me feel better, embarasses my mother so much tho!!

22 Apr 2008 04:34

I will check if the door is looked 20 tyms before I go to bed. thought i was the only one. And if i leave home i'll wonder on my way whereever if i had locked - scary. But it was worse when i stayed alone - am not so scared now that there's a man in the house ( he he).

I also hate abantu abafixizayo (someone help ngoGoerge), irritates me.

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 04:35

Oh one other thing that makes my blood boil! ure walking on the pavement in town and the guy in front of u just decides to spit on the ground! Its disgusting, even worse unhealthy with XDR-TB and other air borne disease!!!

Same with men who urinate in public! I don't get it!

blk sunshine
22 Apr 2008 04:37

lol. well funny enuf i also hv an issue with ppl that think that if u do speak english ur bng a snob, yes i acknowledge the fact that there are tyms when u cnt just burst into shakespeares language, but for sum kids its all they knw, then they get sum1 in a taxi calling them a coconut!makes my blood boil, umtana utheta the way they knw how.Wena mama osetaxini dnt let the english make u feel inferior. Its just a language ppl!!!

22 Apr 2008 04:37

Rene I have issues with people who lie to me. Eish, I hate it with a passion, it undermines my intelligence...period. 

especially friends Rene, who vulonteer lies, not even asked about it... ohh I feel like disowning them sometimes.

And lastly, no offence, i have issues with female bank tellers/consultants...nuff said. 

Females in general have issues towards other the workplace, customer service environment etc...why vele?

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 04:40

Yho how can i forget ladies who shave off their eye brows and then draw them back on nge eye liner?? Ladies plz plz plz i geg u if ure on tvsa and u do that shyt its scary! Stop it and if u have a frend who does it plz advise them to stop!

And it traumatises your man in the morning!

22 Apr 2008 04:42

Miss K

I cannot stand looking at a horrid wig or weave on a sista's head! I get so tempted to say something but this is Joburg iyashaywa impama> 
u killing me there.
1.I have issues with govt departments and their incompetence. and the fact that most of the employees there are black ppl is an embarassing shame. It's not that we are incompetent,its just that there is a lot of red tape made by complete nincompoops who want a minute-by-minute report of what u r up to.(at least where I work,sumtimes u even have to call ur supervisor and tell her that u r going to the ladies,otherwise u in trouble)
2. BMW and other luxury cars drivers who think they have exclusive rights to the fast lane even if ure driving at 120k/h. I know hey,they irritate me as well coz I never do that and ppl assume I'm like that coz I also drive that brand.this one time I got pulled ova and was asked why I was driving slow,was I feeling ok,and I said yes,and the traffic officer was shocked telling me that BMW drivers are always in a rush.Please stop generalising.

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 04:42

ooops....meant i 'beg' u

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 04:45

@Blk Sun Wena mama osetaxini dnt let the english make u feel inferior. Its just a language ppl!!! Its just a language we knw dat until the person speaking it thinks dats its superior than other languages - serious sign of brainwashing! I think....

22 Apr 2008 04:47

Miss K - Yho how can i forget ladies who shave off their eye brows and then draw them back on nge eye liner?? Why to ppl do that mara vele,cant they just tweeze them like others.U shud see some of the ladies here at work,some scary isht I tell u.

22 Apr 2008 04:49

ha ha ha...............Mushaye! Dubula bo!" "Emva kwakho - Ayibo!"
I mean DAMN! This is not theatre! Black people Eish!!!!!!!!
...................hi ppl i cldnt help it...but lol.....@ Charliie Brown is it THE WHEEL OR WORKSHOP .plz let me knw if ngise Durbs i wont go near dat Cinema.

22 Apr 2008 04:52

blk sunshine lol. well funny enuf i also hv an issue with ppl that think that if u do speak english ur bng a snob, yes i acknowledge the fact that there are tyms when u cnt just burst into shakespeares language, but for sum kids its all they knw, then they get sum1 in a taxi calling them a coconut!makes my blood boil, umtana utheta the way they knw how.Wena mama osetaxini dnt let the english make u feel inferior. Its just a language ppl!!!

I also have an issue with people who make an issue out of people who can't speak proper english..

yes, you have a point, but why is it that it's black people who cannot tolerate other blacks when the owners of the language can understand and would even go as far as correcting someone struggling in a subtle manner, like repeating what was said in proper english..

I noticed that some bloggers profiles even have 'bad english' as a turn off.. were (still are) just a small percentage in the black community who were lucky to be priviledged then, prior 1994, the majority of black people are still poor and were poor when the few of you got lucky to get good education, so tolerate those who were unfortunate.....

22 Apr 2008 04:55

what da hell was Linda thinkin going to da beach ngalo wankinki wakhe,am i da only person obona dis 4to kaLinda

22 Apr 2008 05:03

"People who stand up and clap in an action movie. Shouting at the top of thier lungs - "Mushaye! Dubula bo!" "Emva kwakho - Ayibo!"
I mean DAMN! This is not theatre! Black people Eish!!!!!!!!"
LMAO @ Charlie Brown, this also pisses me off and people do it all the time.

And what about black people who say: "My name is Kharabu, instead of Karabo"...........I mean WTF, u will never hear a white person saying thir name is Johane, instead of John..........LOL

22 Apr 2008 05:07

"I noticed that some bloggers profiles even have 'bad english' as a turn off.."
@ Poshspice - Oh well, that's not my profile coz mines is blank...............LOL

"what da hell was Linda thinkin going to da beach ngalo wankinki wakhe,am i da only person obona dis 4to kaLinda"
@ Stroh, gal we understand, u're new to TVSA, thina amadlozi endawo we've been seen that pic from 2007 so I guess most bloggers are over the trauma of that Linda S'biya pic!!!!

22 Apr 2008 05:10

I have issues with guys who can't make up their minds. they dont commit yet don't want to be dumped & insist on staying in your life after being told it's over....

22 Apr 2008 05:10

Nonny<And what about black people who say: "My name is Kharabu, instead of Karabo"...........I mean WTF, u will never hear a white person saying thir name is Johane, instead of John..........LOL>> I so understand, my dear!! I can't for the life of me get it! Espech on radio... !!!! Oh great gaad! my name is mphu... (Mpho) and the white folk go "ok, Umpho" where the hell do they hear the "um" part from! If they can sa important, you can damn say Mpho!

22 Apr 2008 05:12

1. people who keep on saying "load-shading'" Come on people..............
2. It's actually reverse parking and not packing.You park a car and you pack shelves.

22 Apr 2008 05:16

@ MISS K  Oh one other thing that makes my blood boil! ure walking on the pavement in town and the guy in front of u just decides to spit on the ground! Its disgusting, even worse unhealthy with XDR-TB and other air borne disease!

I so agree with that its yucky and gross

My issues .... 
1. I dont shake hands with men everytime they visit the gents they touch it and 1% wash their hands
2. I never visit public toilets even if i am at breaking point would rather do it in a bucket  have phobia 
3. Guys that wear stinky shoes in cinemas and you get to sit next to them.
4. People who talk with their mouths full
5. I cant stand frogs if i see one i almost die

22 Apr 2008 05:17

People who stand up and clap in an action movie. Shouting at the top of thier lungs - "Mushaye! Dubula bo!" "Emva kwakho - Ayibo!"
I mean DAMN! This is not theatre! Black people Eish!!!!!!!!"
LMAO @ Charlie Brown, this also pisses me off and people do it all the time

heh heh heh.....kade nanibona Nonny & Charlie naze nangibulala ngensini....does this happen in public cinemas...or e Workshop nase the Wheel or Mega City

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 05:20

Stroh - Its THE WHEEL!  That Cinema gets cheesier by the blockbuster! The last time i went there i watched Bad Boys 2 - so you can imagine how long ago that was!  It was fully capacitated.  i was there with my girls all excited about Will Smith.  Seems like we were not the only ones excited!  You know mos how long those action scenes are - People were on their feet shouting and clapping!  Commenting and we couldnt here a damn thing!  I said NEVER AGAIN SHALL ONE BE OPRESSED BY ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 05:24

"If they can sa important, you can damn say Mpho!"
That's a good one Sego and yazi it makes sense!!!!

"does this happen in public cinemas...or e Workshop nase the Wheel or Mega City"
@ Pospspice - ubezelani ngoba uyazi nje..........LOL

blk sunshine
22 Apr 2008 05:26

I think in more cases then most, ppl or rather blk ppl have adopted an attitude towards ppl that speak english in public places. I dnt think speaking the language is a crime. But ya get where you are coming from, my dad says that 2sum extent our kids are bng "white washed" which is where the whole pronouncing ur name with an english accent thing cums in.U also see it alot with nicknames now days. kudala if u where Spokazi ur nickname wud be sumthing like Spori, now its Psyfo. Abongile was Abosh now its Abbey. Hate those stupid nicknames!! 

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 05:29

Wait guys how could I possibly leave this out! I have major issues with women who dont shave thier armpits!  Isnt it common hygenic knowledge by now???

22 Apr 2008 05:31

If they can sa important, you can damn say Mpho!> LOL Sego, yazi abantu bangakumangaza, nabo Mbali they change to Imbali.

22 Apr 2008 05:37

"does this happen in public cinemas...or e Workshop nase the Wheel or Mega City"
@ Pospspice - ubezelani ngoba uyazi nje..........LOL

heh heh heh, whuuu  guys you are killing me......well you've just given me an idea for my next visit home, am going to the wheel shopping centre to watch an ction movie ukubona ngo C .....

22 Apr 2008 05:41

I've got issues with man who fall asleep soon after making love!!!! I dont understand it.

22 Apr 2008 05:45

"I have major issues with women who dont shave thier armpits! Isnt it common hygenic knowledge by now???"
@ Charlie Brown, and the irony is that those are the same woman that like wearing sleeveless tops, exposing their nasty armpits.........LOL

"I've got issues with man who fall asleep soon after making love!!!! I dont understand it."
@ Belz, what must the man do if u he feels exhausted after ur steamy nite of passion?..........LOL

22 Apr 2008 05:47

If you live in Dbn than you will know the Cinema i am refering to. People who stand up and clap in an action movie. Shouting at the top of thier lungs - "Mushaye! Dubula bo!" "Emva kwakho - Ayibo!"
I mean DAMN! This is not theatre! Black people Eish!!!!
!!!!.....LOL, and i alwayz go there if i really want to have a light day, i dont know but they alwayz lift my spirit. especially for those anticipated movies, they'll be there in full force and rest assured uzowuzwa umoya.

22 Apr 2008 05:47

Belz dont say i feel you,i decided if he asleep i go to the pocket,im joking

22 Apr 2008 05:48

@Belz-I've got issues with man who fall asleep soon after making love!!!! I dont understand it.

That irritates the isht out of me...........Nxxxxx!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 05:48

@Lex, Belz adn MissK: I'm actually the opposite, I hate ppl who hog the fast lane. If someone behind you is driving faster, just let them pass, even if u r at 120km/h. At the end of the day, if they want to kill themselves, its their problem, and by not moving, all you are doing is agitating them, and that could get you into trouble as well.
And either way, you dont really know why a person is in a hurry, maybe its a life death situation.

@Poshspice - Mina my beef is not necessarily bad english, but some people ba fosta to speak english, and it doenst sound right. If your english is bad, its usually not your fault, but use english only when you need to. U know like those ppl who are interviewed in Zulu or w/e, but insist on answering in english.

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 05:48

Belz - apparently men after ejaculation their hormones do something to their bodies that make them sleep.  Usually it has nothing to do with the women they just boned but they cant help it - its nature. It sucks I know but they cant help it. 

22 Apr 2008 05:50

decided if he asleep i go to the pocket,im joking> khawume wethu, ezipoketi zisuka zingenayo  ne R50, hayi suka bo!!

22 Apr 2008 05:54

Charlie Brown - thanks but if its the hormones then some men dont have them coz its not all of them that sleep, some really cuddle and all. hormones my a**!!!

22 Apr 2008 05:54

@ Belz: I've got issues with man who fall asleep soon after making love!!!! I dont understand it

Hay shem Belz ufuna thini umntanabantu umngqibile wena? Ajike enze i jika majika???

blk sunshine
22 Apr 2008 05:56

@Belz, wena ufuna ipillow tok, cuddling???lol.

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 05:58

@ Nonny - ungasashongo!  They go around in strappy tops and mind you the roll-on leaves white marks.  They keep on waving and all you see is hair namagaqa amhlophe i-roll on! SICK!!!!!!!!!! HONESTLY SHOOT ME!!!!!!!!!!

@ Heavenly - Dude!  Please dont go there! They kill the whole movie experience! Another thing they do which is surely illegal in most country except this one - during a horror movie THEY LAUGH!!!!! Pisses the hell out of me! Its a HORROR MOVIE FOR F*CK SAKE!!!!!!!!  When you go "Shh.." they say  "Ayi suka amanga nje lawa!"  I'm like damn! Can you stop and appreciate someone else art work!  Why are you here anyways!  We all know it aint true Mr. I -dont -know -what -imagination -means!  Nx! They dont even know who Stephen King is!  Bloody ignorance!!!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 05:59

Bels.. dump that man!

Fluffy Head
22 Apr 2008 06:01


Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 06:02

@ Belz - Eish I feel you some men dont go to sleep immediately - some really make an effort and hold you, stroke your hair, kiss your forehead.  Make you feel special....okey I'll stop - I am rambling! But you catch my drift!  

I had a man like that once....good times...good times.....

22 Apr 2008 06:03

"Belz - apparently men after ejaculation their hormones do something to their bodies that make them sleep."
Thank God I have not had this experience, mina after making love I want the whole cuddling and reflecting on the strengths & weaknesses of our performance scenario *coz to me good sex is a need, so I invest in making it good*, so indaba yomuntu othi sleep angiyingeni shem.........LOL

22 Apr 2008 06:06

People who stand up and clap in an action movie. Shouting at the top of thier lungs - "Mushaye! Dubula bo!" "Emva kwakho - Ayibo!"
I mean DAMN! This is not theatre! Black people Eish!!!!!!!!"
LMAO @ Charlie Brown, this also pisses me off and people do it all the time

ROTFLMSAOL...........yoh....i havent laughed this much in weeks.....

<<I've got issues with man who fall asleep soon after making love!!!! I dont understand it." >>

hi hi hi nithanda ukukhuluma nani !!!! go to sleep woman i've got work to go to in the morning....

22 Apr 2008 06:10

"They go around in strappy tops and mind you the roll-on leaves white marks. They keep on waving and all you see is hair namagaqa amhlophe i-roll on! SICK!!!!!!!!!! HONESTLY SHOOT ME!!!!!!!!!!"
LMAO @ Charlie Brown, gal uyabheda shem, so I demand a stop to this silent blogger habbit of urs manje nge three uyangizwa????...........LOL

22 Apr 2008 06:10

i have issues with peeps who bring their two-to-five year olds (sometimes infants) who'll be running around in the cinema juming over you or worse wailing on top of their oice because they want another box of smarites....while you're watching a rely enganging movie....and you cant shout at them becauese they are just "kids"  dang!!!

22 Apr 2008 06:11

reflecting on the strengths & weaknesses 

22 Apr 2008 06:12

Ha A Kandii!

Belz: dont take this personal mhlobo wam, its really biological for 95% of men to sleep after sex, my man does it too shem, yeah I was pissed @ first, but I've learnt his lovemaking habits. He just "dies" after sex. He sometimes sleep inside me, just after ejaculation. 

Really man, dont take it personal - its REALLY not you ma friend. Why dont you sleep with him 2? Aren't you exhausted after sex?  

22 Apr 2008 06:14

SWOT ANALYSIS.....LOL.......haayi nonny you must qrght a sexology 101 and include the swot analysis ....

22 Apr 2008 06:21

Presshii->>He sometimes sleep inside me, just after ejaculation.>> ....LOL  eish nithwala kanzima mantombazane....I hope he's as skinny as Brickz..LOL

while on the "kids" issues...i have an issue with these mamas who feed their kids a piece of KFC in the taxi and they are now holding this huge drumstick with oily crumbs flyin and when you ask mama to perhaps wait til they get home...."ulambil'umntanami"  or worse some other mama(ussually a fat mama) is  busy chowing a fat oily piece of FISH and this other mama's child wants some and starts wailing on top of their voice.....but the child's mother snaps at the child because she doent want somebody feeding her child ...yoh......umntomnyama

kahle kahle iz'ngane zinesdina sometimes....LOL  just kiddin y'all just kiddin

22 Apr 2008 06:24

lol @ Nony's SWOT Analysis!

I have issues with going to the movies period! Its always too cold, even with my homechoice comforter, ndigodola ndinye ingathi ndise North Pole!

22 Apr 2008 06:28

@ hlati
1. people who keep on saying "load-shading'" Come on people..............
2. It's actually reverse parking and not packing.You park a car and you pack shelves.

Tjo you really finished me there and guys people are looking at me in the office because I've been giggling the whole time. Please don't stop. : )

22 Apr 2008 06:28

I have serious issues with people who open ur fridge when they visit and then ask you 'AWUNANTO EMNANDI NA SANA?'

22 Apr 2008 06:28

1. Grown up men licking an ice cream cone in public
2. Conniving baby mamas
3. Female on female sabotage/Black female haters
4. 'Big' sister wearing white pants
5. Underwear (more esp G-string) showing when a person is 'appropriately'    dressed.
6. Mbeki's ignorance
7. Racism/Tribalism
8. Being broke
9. A weak hand shake - it feels like you're greeting a wet fish 
10. Terrible service

22 Apr 2008 06:30

He sometimes sleep inside me, just after ejaculation. > LMAO!!!!!! Yho Preshi, mina ngingamvusa ngesagila shem!!  I am exhausted as well Preshii, but im also all for cuddling and kissing and talking about the perfomance, so when someone jsut doses off, really it ticks me off!

22 Apr 2008 06:33

spopo:<<while on the "kids" issues...i have an issue with these mamas who feed their kids a piece of KFC in the taxi and they are now holding this huge drumstick with oily crumbs flyin and when you ask mama to perhaps wait til they get home...."ulambil'umntanami" or worse some other mama(ussually a fat mama) is busy chowing a fat oily piece of FISH and this other mama's child wants some and starts wailing on top of their voice.....but the child's mother snaps at the child because she doent want somebody feeding her child ...yoh......umntomnyama >> I agree, my agree! Whil LMBAO!!! Shu! You killed me but it is so true... the imagery just kills me espech the drumstick

22 Apr 2008 06:33

ROTFLMAO at the KFC and fat mama story ka Spopo, tell me about it hey!!!

"a SWOT ANALYSIS Nonny??? LOL!!!"
Hayi phela Tox & Sponza, Not in a formal manner, but nje just a minor evaluation, phela ngiyaluthanda ucansi olumnandi and I ain't proud to say it.............LOL!!!

"haayi nonny you must write a sexology 101 and include the swot analysis ...."
I might just take u up on that Sponono...........LOL

"kahle kahle iz'ngane zinesdina sometimes"....LOL............yeah zinesindina vele, and is it just me or is that normally the not-so-cute and dirty kids are normally the irritating touchy feely ones...........LOL

"He sometimes sleep inside me, just after ejaculation."
@ Preshiii - LMAO, atleast this way u have a perfect way to make him "rise" again!!! (both literally & figuratively)

22 Apr 2008 06:35

9. A weak hand shake - it feels like you're greeting a wet fish 

22 Apr 2008 06:37

Y2K -I have serious issues with people who open ur fridge when they visit and then ask you 'AWUNANTO EMNANDI NA SANA?

so what do you.say ..."ubuyshiye lapho yini, ungang'dakelwa mina".....LOL

my other issue...why most women like to say "ngaze ngakhathala wema!!"  even early in the fact its like a catch phrase...not that they are realy exhausted..but is it another form of whining..neh!!

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 06:38

@ Preshii - dont let the cold get to you - iya u-prepared! Kanti yini!  Mina angidlali kanjalo!  I make sure I look cute but also warm.  Sneakers are for every season - so musa ukuzenza i-ntombi eyi-virgin and were sandles!  Your toes will fall off coz of the cold! Wear i-vest or "spencer" [i have neva known if this is right word or igama lo-darkie!] under your golf t-shirt.  Get one of those cute cropped jerseys and wear ova your tshirt - high school prepy look! And carry a jacket - denim or corduroy. are good to go!

22 Apr 2008 06:38

Ngqesta: <<Grown up men licking an ice cream cone in public >> I had that on my original long list... Oh! I can't stand it! I insist if King K has to have ice cream to get a cup and a spoon! Damn lickers look yuck, man!

<<'Big' sister wearing white pants>> another one! and some wear those pants with the huge "SEXY" written on it! and it takes you a while to spell the words to realise that it is actually sexy - the damn words are too far apart to read and realise it's that!

22 Apr 2008 06:43

"4. 'Big' sister wearing white pants"
@ Y4K, gal if u saw this big gal called Nonny in her white linen pants or umadolo u will be singing another tune altogether...........LOL.........just kidding, I know what u mean abt white pants, u know abanye omapakisha bayasiphoxa thina iesizithandayo yazi............LOL

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 06:44

@ Sponono: my other issue...why most women like to say "ngaze ngakhathala wema!!" even early in the fact its like a catch phrase...not that they are realy exhausted..but is it another form of whining..neh!!

Eish Sponono nami I find myself saying the same thing in the morning. I guess we are just whining.  I will stop! 

22 Apr 2008 06:46

Yho Preshi, mina ngingamvusa ngesagila shem!

The 1st time it happened I was like WTF? Ulele mos lomntu! I only wake him up if ulele kwi missionary position, otherwise shem ndiyamyeka!

22 Apr 2008 06:48

"another one! and some wear those pants with the huge "SEXY" written on it! and it takes you a while to spell the words to realise that it is actually sexy - the damn words are too far apart to read and realise it's that!"
ROTFLMAO..........the imagery is killing me, and BTW nice blog Sego, u have so made my day!!!!

22 Apr 2008 06:48

I've got issues with females who don't shave their armpits...eish...

Issues with people who go straight to my inbox msgs the second they touch my phone.....

That is why I have a security code...and then they ask what is there to hide....dyamn....can't I do what I like with my phone anymore??

Issues with ladies who use too much make-up. So much that you can scrap it off with a spoon......come now sistas puleeeeeease...

Issues with people who always ask why I don't wear make-up already....dyam ppl, I don't like it!! If I did, I would be wearing it by now........

Issues with people who call with a private number and get surprised when I ask who I am speaking to.....stupid...

Issues with sweaty people...

Too too too many issues......and will be coming back for more....

22 Apr 2008 06:48

Nonny is it just me or is that normally the not-so-cute and dirty kids are normally the irritating touchy feely ones...........LOL

tru see this child with dry/licking "snort"  (i forgot what you call amafinyila) and they are the ones always crying and you look at them once and go "ngizo'thatha k'sasa uzwile" (meaning I'll pick you up tommorrow..not today...LOL)...but the cutest child you always beg their mother to give them whateva they want..BEFORE they even cry.....(awu'mike bandl'umuntuza  and you even pick that child....)
....( i must confess with vanity & pride ..i was that child ..according to my cousins...hi hi hi hi hi )

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 06:51

@Y4K & Nonny: I feel you guys!  Honestly Fat chicks give us Phat chicks a bad name! Everytime I see them in white pants booty all out, stomach not covered, streach marcks everywhere and ofcourse our CELLULITE - I just cringe!  I am not saying I am against being big - but I am definately I against BIG GHETTO MESS!!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 06:51

another one! and some wear those pants with the huge "SEXY" written on it> ROFL, really Sego. eish people mara.

22 Apr 2008 06:52

@ Charlie Brown: Awungizwanga ngithi ne comforter yam ka homechoice ayingenzi niks in that fridge-ne-ma???

22 Apr 2008 06:52

"Issues with ladies who use too much make-up. So much that you can scrap it off with a spoon......come now sistas puleeeeeease..." 
Reminds me of a certain scenario that Sponono might still remember.........*hint hint*..........LOL.........just kidding!!!

22 Apr 2008 06:54

<<Issues with people who always ask why I don't wear make-up already....dyam ppl, I don't like it!! If I did, I would be wearing it by now........>> me too! damn things are too expensive and I have seen gogos who used to put that stuff on their faces in their times.... I don't like it1 I don't want it! I don't wanna! I have nnever and never will! Even for my tv apperances I haven't had to so puhlease, don't ask me why don't wear make up! 

22 Apr 2008 06:55

<<'Big' sister wearing white pants>> another one! and some wear those pants with the huge "SEXY" written on it! and it takes you a while to spell the words to realise that it is actually sexy - the damn words are too far apart to read and realise it's that!

Or they wear the short or white pants and I'm supposed to see all those holes embedded on the skin. Please sexy does not always mean short or tight. or skinny jeans with a short top.  Please some of us are just not meant for such There's a classy sexy please.

22 Apr 2008 06:58

"tru see this child with dry/licking "snort" (i forgot what you call amafinyila) and they are the ones always crying and you look at them once and go "ngizo'thatha k'sasa uzwile" (meaning I'll pick you up tommorrow..not today...LOL)...but the cutest child you always beg their mother to give them whateva they want..BEFORE they even cry.....(awu'mike bandl'umuntuza and you even pick that child....)
....( i must confess with vanity & pride ..i was that child ..according to my cousins...hi hi hi hi hi )"

@ Sponono u are killing me, and plz don't fool urself couzins lie all the time........LOL

"Everytime I see them in white pants booty all out, stomach not covered, streach marcks everywhere and ofcourse our CELLULITE - I just cringe! I am not saying I am against being big - but I am definately I against BIG GHETTO MESS!!!!!!!!!"
LMAO..........huw wee, I can just imagine all this nasty booty in the air......LOL

22 Apr 2008 07:09

people who open ur fridge when they visit  - i can relate
A good friend of mine also does that...worse, she'll take my handbag and unpack everything that's there and pack it again - just so she can see what i have- even my wallet and page my phone - it irritates me to bits and no telling her that i dont like that doesnt help -  cos she still does it even today.... why mara he!

22 Apr 2008 07:09

plz don't fool urself couzins lie all the time........LOL

I know Nonny....sometimes oma-antiza would say ."wawungevu'hlakanphile  waungev'umuhle, "  yeah right  anything for me to give them somethin somethin now that I'm older and working

Zee Babes!
22 Apr 2008 07:12

Everytime I see them in white pants booty all out, stomach not covered, streach marcks everywhere and ofcourse our CELLULITE - I just cringe! I am not saying I am against being big - but I am definately I against BIG GHETTO MESS!!!!!!!!!" 

Nami I appeal to all the Fabulous PHAT gals like moa to stop flashing your tummies and stretch marks all over the show...its so wrong.... Dress appropriately and ubradas will still droool - I make them drool though um a plus plus size...

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 07:20

PEOPLE ARE WE HAVING FUN OR WHAT!  Great blog Segololo:-)

22 Apr 2008 07:25

zolx<<people who open ur fridge when they visit - i can relate
A good friend of mine also does that...worse, she'll take my handbag and unpack everything that's there and pack it again - just so she can see what i have- even my wallet and page my phone - it irritates me to bits and no telling her that i dont like that doesnt help - cos she still does it even today.... why mara he! >>
i do that! Except the phone and wallet thing. I can't go thru people's phones and wallets. But I don't know why the fridge and the handbag are so fascinating, and I absolutely do not mind if someone does it to me... AND i do not say "Oh! there's nothing in there". I just look.  

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 07:25

Speaking of sisters not dressing appropriately.  Can someone tell me why do sisters wear bras with halter neck tops?  The top is usually bright in colour...maybe sweet pink and the bra is WHITE!  Guys its not a strap less or changeable bra - but a normal full on bra!  And then ofcourse some poeple think just because the bra is black its INVISIBLE!  I am moving to another country!!!!!!!!!! Nx!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 07:28

Nami let me vent a bit to the sisters abafaka i-bonding umuntu ebe ene-afro mase eshaya ibaca ngaphambili nge-styling jel sies!!

22 Apr 2008 07:30

I cannot stand looking at a horrid wig or weave on a sista's head! I get so tempted to say something but this is Joburg iyashaywa impama

Have u seen that thing on that Idols Africa judge....Angela?? Yho

22 Apr 2008 07:33

1. the picture on my right with the man in pink bikini
2. people who litter and say they are creating employment, whereas ama rubbish bins are all over the place. what do you know about job creation stupid!
3. 2 sotho/zulu/xhosa speaking people - ba khuluma/bua/thetha English when they all can speak the same language and people who twang,

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 07:34

I thought i was the only 1 who can't stand licking ice cream in public! People close to me don't understand this issue ingathi ndiphakamile or something. I mean its ok when its a kid but a gown ass man/woman sticking his tongue out like that! Hayi man.

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 07:35

LMAO @ Mambox!!!!!!!!

22 Apr 2008 07:35

LOL no ROTFLMAOL ntl ntl ntl .......................... PRESHI

22 Apr 2008 07:37

@Hlathi "people who keep on saying "load-shading'" Come on people"  i so feel you on that one, i have a friend who says it all the time... i'm always tempted to point her in the right direction but uzovele athi ngiyadelela...

22 Apr 2008 07:37

oh gawd how could I forget this. I HATE those men who grow nails only on their little fingers usually on the left hand, and still paint it disgusting...why why why

22 Apr 2008 07:38

My issue is with people who always pay you a compliment but mention “shame” or “but”.

It’s like. “Oh shame, your hair looks nice” or “Your phone looks nice but would be beautiful if it was black”

My second issue is with the phrase “You know what I am saying”. I would not ask the freaking question if I hell knew.

22 Apr 2008 07:39

"And then ofcourse some poeple think just because the bra is black its INVISIBLE! I am moving to another country!!!!!!!!!! Nx!!!!!!!!"
LMAO @ Charlie Brown, to me a bra is underware for a reason, therefore it must not show!!!!

22 Apr 2008 07:40

I thought i was the only 1 who can't stand licking ice cream in public! People close to me don't understand this issue ingathi ndiphakamile or something. I mean its ok when its a kid but a gown ass man/woman sticking his tongue out like that! Hayi man.

Is it because u think of other 'things'  the grown ass man/ woman does with the tongue when u c us doing that?

22 Apr 2008 07:41

I can't stand people who speak english as if bamungunya ilaphu le silk.                    I can't stand amaxoki.                                                                                           
I can't stand people who speak nonsense(amaqam). (still thinking for more)                                                 

22 Apr 2008 07:41

<<I am moving to another country!!!!!!!!!! Nx!!!!!!!!>> Ha ha ha a! Oooooh Charlie! get mathata to help you! Ha ha ha a!

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 07:45

To the contrary; I have an issue with people who have issues with my love for make up!!!! I love it and I believe I apply it nicely and not OTT. Yes even when I go to the garage for bread on a Sunday morning I still apply it if I feel like it. And NO I’m not hiding anything so stop asking me 'why uyithanda so imake up'?

22 Apr 2008 07:48


22 Apr 2008 07:49

people who keep on saying "load-shading'" Come on people.....hahaahah and what about those who say Sky when they mean scar???

22 Apr 2008 07:50

@Zolx- Are you kidding, ade avule i wallet, sies man abantu bakuthi.

@Segololo-I'd clap you sana.

Fluffy Head
22 Apr 2008 07:50

Maddie: I feel you on the pink speedo man. I don't know what's segololo's obsettion with it.

You guys have me in stiches....ROFLMAO....(and still rolling) mara e, a gal is gonna loose a job with so much giggling

22 Apr 2008 07:51

LOL @ Charlie Brown moving to another country ngenxa yo-bra......uyobalekela o-bra kuze kube nini....LOL

22 Apr 2008 07:51

LOL Miss K!!

22 Apr 2008 07:54

I have issues with people who cant clean up after their mess especially people who dont flush the toilet........Argh pls nobody wants to see what you were doing in there SIES MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have issues with women who wear stilletos or pencil heels even when its clear that they need to replace the heel (setlhako se tjekile- isa ko shoe maker).....

I have issues with people who wear rain coat in the taxi when its raining coz they stay dry and you get wet from their rain coat.....

And lastly i have issues with parents who dont take good care of their kids (o thole ngwana a le maponapona ko gating ka mamina) NX!!!!!!! it makes me mad......

22 Apr 2008 07:55

Oh ya,looks I share many pet hates with sooo many around here.Have an idea,lets open a weirdo's or the eccentric club.

Also hate the Proud to be black club,as though its a prize won ko school raffle or some natures first prize for mediocrity....

And ja,the motorcades that have swept me off the highway once or twice and the munching of pies in public 

And the crowd that ALWAYS,no matter what and without fail
say Im sure
when in doubt...

On English,each to his own people,I love setswana sa ka.........And the Botswana chaps who are in hip hop clothes all the tim-gonna get me a gun and I'll come back

22 Apr 2008 07:56

Sego...pliz finda another OH Moment pic.....nje!!  the Linda pic is now a Woh Heh savelelwa moment to some of us.......LOL  so please I can suggest another oh moment pic...(like Menzi with the chicken wing and stiff-papa-plate-on-his-wedding-day photo...LOL).....jus kiddin girl its you blog and i love it....(not the pics...)

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 07:58

I have issues with women who wear stilletos or pencil heels even when its clear that they need to replace the heel (setlhako se tjekile- isa ko shoe maker)..... i'm guilty of this!! But I always remember that the heel is finished when i really need to wear that shoe! I make a note to take it to the shoe maker but i just throw it back in wardrobe at the end of the day!

22 Apr 2008 08:00

Hi All

Death - Im so glad Im not the only one, I religiously read the orbituaries section every Friday on the Sowetan and I also listen to Imiphanga on Mhlobo wenene ( thats the show where they announce all the dead people in the eastern cape).

Fat Traffic Cop Ladies - Whenever I go through a road block, all the guys will let me pass through, and then the ladies will definately stop me...ask for my drivers licence, check the car and find nothing faulty but they wont let me go just like that,they will want to make an issue out of something its like they are angry that you're a young black, great body, hot woman....I have a serious problem with them, the next time one of them stops me Im going to give them a slimming mixture or something.

White pointy shoes...brothers come on...

and a guy with a beard eating ice cream from Mcdonalds or KFC.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

22 Apr 2008 08:00

Maddie: <<people who litter and say they are creating employment>>Check the below link 

Charlie:<<People who stand up and clap in an action movie. Shouting at the top of thier lungs - "Mushaye! Dubula bo!" "Emva kwakho - Ayibo!"
I mean DAMN! This is not theatre! Black people Eish!!!!!!!!"
Check here

looks like I am very normal, after alll!!! :-)

22 Apr 2008 08:01

im reading the replies and you guys are just plain crazy!!!! 

hei!!! stop hating!!!  i've got a gold tooth and "L" to be specific, ever since i was in standard 5, and no the tooth is not rotten is so white because i visit the dentist every 6months. i have got a killer smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! would upload my foto for some of you who hate gold on teeth, but ke ya tshaba!!

I am a big sister and i do wear white pants. i must say i loooook soooo gooood!!!!!! Damn!

mabloggers. i just want to know your secret, how come some of you have so much time on your hands?

this is so much fun! my boss just commended me on being so dedicated to my work. i stay in my office the whole day.

@nonny: r you sure you are okay sis! your replies just make me LMBAO!!!!!!! you are so crazy!!

22 Apr 2008 08:03

Lepogo >>the munching of pies in public ...dont forget the crumbs all over and the pie being fact why eat in public in a taxi nje!!! why not get home/office/somewhere you can sit privately.....

<<And the Botswana chaps who are in hip hop clothes all the tim...>>and so do some Xhosa guys -wearing these extra-large-basket-ball t-shirts and a bandana and baggy pants and of course the braids ......why why why why..maybe some zulu guys as well  but why why why

22 Apr 2008 08:03

Sego...pliz finda another OH Moment pic.....nje!! the Linda pic is now a Woh Heh savelelwa moment to some of us.......LOL so please I can suggest another oh moment pic...(like Menzi with the chicken wing and stiff-papa-plate-on-his-wedding-day photo...LOL).....


22 Apr 2008 08:08

Guys I love snooping around people's phones, please help me I'm really addicted. Even if I don't know you and you give me your phone, I go straight to the inbox. Ive tried not to look at my husbands phone and at least it's been a month since Ive gone through his phone. *clap* *clap* standing ovation. Thanks guys but it's a bit hard for me. Please don't give me your phone and don't put it next to me. It's tempting. I need medication but I'm getting there.

22 Apr 2008 08:09

eish, i meant sisi not "sisi"

22 Apr 2008 08:14

"can suggest another oh moment pic...(like Menzi with the chicken wing and stiff-papa-plate-on-his-wedding-day photo...LOL).....jus"
LMAO, Sponono u are bad, mina I like that plate lika Menzi, I'm sure eating it will make me full for a month........LOL 

@nonny: r you sure you are okay sis! your replies just make me LMBAO!!!!!!! you are so crazy!!
@ Madamzee - Thanks gal, my craziness keeps me sane!!!

22 Apr 2008 08:16

Please dont bite me. Im trying to intend something. There is someone who was talking about broken English & yes im one of them. My English is not so perfect & someday ago I went to visit one of the bloggers & I cant remember who she was. But she said she got pissed off yi-broken English. Eish I wish you had seen me leaving by 180 as if she already saw me. And I never bothered to visit her because im scared of the truth.. No offense guys And you have to forgive me if my English is not well written. Thanks for brightening my day. Ndim Myname & Bye

22 Apr 2008 08:18

@Madamzee....I am a big sister and i do wear white pants. i must say i loooook soooo gooood!!!!!! Damn!
As long as they are not tight fitting, cause if they are, I can almost assure you that you are most probably the only one who thinks you look good on those :-(

22 Apr 2008 08:21

Mambox - Nami let me vent a bit to the sisters abafaka i-bonding umuntu ebe ene-afro mase eshaya ibaca ngaphambili nge-styling jel sies
R u sure you dont work where I work,there is this lady who has the above mentioned and she is so tall.When I saw her today I laughed so much and shame she is so friendly.

22 Apr 2008 08:21

Hahaha Myname!

Miss K
22 Apr 2008 08:25

Dabs usengxakini sisi. u see some scary stuff in ppls phone and u can't ask them coz u shudn't have been there in the first place. I dont mean yo men coz that is just another argument for another day. Mna i went thru a frend's phone and i saw a couple of sms btwn her and this guy and it sounded like she was giving this guy blow jobs lunch time in xchange for money. I do not know the guy, probably a colleague or something but i don't know how to ask her and its eating at me everytime i see her! So stay away from ppl's phones mense!

22 Apr 2008 08:26

people who open ur fridge when they visit  - i can relate
A good friend of mine also does that...worse, she'll take my handbag and unpack everything that's there and pack it again - just so she can see what i have- even my wallet and page my phone - it irritates me to bits and no telling her that i dont like that doesnt help -  cos she still does it even today.... why mara he!

eish nami i have a friend that does all the above and yes my telling him is like theling i fish oil nge olive mehluko till today

Charlie Brown
22 Apr 2008 08:32

People - its been a great laugh! I'm out!  Enjoy the rest of you evening.  You have made my day and kept my spirits!  Charlie Brown has left the building!

Fluffy Head
22 Apr 2008 08:34

Myname: you know girl just the term 'broken English" is sooo gramatically incorrect...Any person pretending to have a good grasp of the English language should not even use it...So whoever said that to you_they have the classic tiger not seeing its own spots case.

Fluffy Head
22 Apr 2008 08:34

Myname: you know girl just the term 'broken English" is sooo gramatically incorrect...Any person pretending to have a good grasp of the English language should not even use it...So whoever said that to you_they have the classic tiger not seeing its own spots case.

22 Apr 2008 08:35

"As long as they are not tight fitting, cause if they are, I can almost assure you that you are most probably the only one who thinks you look good on those :-("
@ ngqesta - Eish that stung...........but not to worry, becoz of the fat I have it didn't have a nasty sting..........LOL

"My English is not so perfect & someday ago I went to visit one of the bloggers & I cant remember who she was. But she said she got pissed off yi-broken English. Eish I wish you had seen me leaving by 180 as if she already saw me. And I never bothered to visit her because im scared of the truth..".

I am speechless, Myname firstly I wanna say that u are so sweet for not exposing this blogger who said this to u. But ke the good thing is that she knows who she is and atleast now she knows that what she said was un called for and didn't go well. Mina I truly don't understand why some people have this mentality that we have to speak English fluently, when it's not even our home language. I'd rather excel in my own language and be proud than to be proud of a white man's language. So sisi, ungamunaki lomuntu,vele vele abantu abanjalo are here to build us, so don't take it to the heart!!!!

22 Apr 2008 08:36

@ ngesta. i must say everyone does say i know how to dress well for my body!! im not blowing my own horn here. i even won an award at work.((our SRC made a some competition just for fun and asked students to nominate and vote for best dressed staff member, most friendly etc and i won that category) 

I know there are some big ladies who do wear white pants but they dont know what to wear with those white pants. knowing how to dress for your body makes you look sexy whatever your size, even with me in my size 36 pants. 

i can say i that again i look damn good!

22 Apr 2008 08:37

Dabs, you're not alone....i do that tooo.......some students leave their cellphones to be charged and no need to guess what the 1st thing i do is!

22 Apr 2008 08:39

Hahaha I have a neighbour, she thinks that we 're friends. If I'm on the phone she will switch off my radio
When I'm done she 'll ask who was calling & what were we discussing.
 Oh my goodness that woman. She can knock at 5 am and say 'Kuyabanda kaloku khoboleke umakazi la jersey yakho inde'. (she calls herself Makazi when she wants something from you)
I guess une cockroach apha entloko, akava noba ungamphoxa uthini.

22 Apr 2008 08:40

Have issues with:

1. People that spit on pavements...
2. People that alwayz wonna shake ur hand every time u meet. If ur paths cross 10 times in a day, they'll offer their hand 10 times. Eish...sum are not even worth the handshake..
3. The oversized hats and jackets worn by Xhosa boys (Esp..on Campus)...Cant you wear somethin' tht fits.
4. Guys in the club/pub tht are all touch, thinks all girls are h$%^...Do i have a sign ' I wonna get laid on my back'..Dayum..I just came to dance.
5. Receiving the same 'forward' from various people on my inbox

More later................

22 Apr 2008 08:46

@ Shadow- The oversized hats and jackets worn by Xhosa boys (Esp..on Campus)...Cant you wear somethin' tht fits. 
Shadow, r n't u talking about amakrwala?

22 Apr 2008 08:48

Here is my issue.... a few minutes ago I received a message from "dude" shim is supposed to be a "friend" (not that close).

Dude decides to drop a bomb about my other half (of course he doesnt know we are an item but he's always suspected there was something there) Dude tells me oh by the way your friend is out of the closet finally and he is busy with Dude ABC.... Hawu I didnt even ask a person just volunteers such info on me.... Just to make it clear I know that my dude is not innocent as we have been having problems but I didnt bargain for this.

So in turn I call my dude and he didnt give me much so I decided anyway I know it's not smooth sailing so the info doesnt mean anything to me.

My issue is why do people need to feel they need to discuss such things knowing there is a possibility me and my dude mite be 2getha? funny thing is I know that he also likes my dude... cause he hinted an interest I imaginign things or what... that's my issue

22 Apr 2008 08:49

@Nonny.......Eish that stung...........but not to worry, becoz of the fat I have it didn't have a nasty sting..........LOL 

ha ha ha I take it back girl :-(

22 Apr 2008 08:50

@ Fluffy head "broken English"

kume sithini kanti, phela thina we went to kasi schools and our teachers used that term tell me the right one

22 Apr 2008 08:50

Thatha Madamzee, u make me big, bold & beautiful *not the bladdy soapy man* and very proud...........LOL

22 Apr 2008 08:51

@Y4K "Hahaha I have a neighbour, she thinks that we 're friends. If I'm on the phone she will switch off my radio.
When I'm done she 'll ask who was calling & what were we discussing."

Wangiqeda finish and klaar ngiphelile (all in one)!!!

Another term i don't get is "Awema, waze wamuhle, "Awema, ngiyasaba, "Awema, waze wangethusa" U-Awema yin' vele kahle kahle?

22 Apr 2008 08:53

tizoz: did you watch after 9? Those peeps know each other... Ask harambe24!!!!

22 Apr 2008 08:57

I know Segolo I am not disputing anything my issue why just volunteer unnecessary info when we chat once after months?

22 Apr 2008 08:57

@Y4K - Yep, i guess. Excuse my ignorance (tradition). Is the attire supposed to be loose fitting?

22 Apr 2008 09:01

LMAO!!! @ Mambox, im out of this crazy house!! much love.

22 Apr 2008 12:09

I missed these gud tyms ..dammn neva laughed so much ..Charlie Brown u finished me klaar !! Welcum dear..!!
 I have issues.,
1.white ppl fake smile..afta 2secinds it disappears...(glimlag.)..WTF!!
2. Door handle..eish its such an issue when i knock then they shout cum in..i just stand wait 4u 2cum open haai yuky!
3.Courtesy call,sms and email.( Hi..How u doing?So watup..just checkin up ) save ur aritym save ur tym typing ask me substantial things  nx
4.pplwho play the ringtones in a taxi or in public...sibanxa earphones ( handsfree) were made 4a reason ,,,tjeer
5.ppl who assume dat just becoz u dating a rich guy who r neva broke..uvuza imali..& those u think since u dnt mess wit broke nigga ur a gold digger.newsflash .well Love does not pay the Bills!!
6.Pretending or pretenders..y pretend 2b happy or 2lyk sumthing or 2enjoy sum 1 food or company ...becoz u dnt wat 2hurt their feeling...duh wat about urs!! me a brat nomagiyadelela NO Pretending 4me khohlwa a spade is spade! foto finish!!

Lady D
22 Apr 2008 14:41

I have lots of issues:Nna i have issues le society at large(i am talking about the public,the community)Society expect us to behave a certain way,look at certain,walk a certain way,wear a certain way,that pisses me off.I just wanna be me,wear what i wanna i wear when i want to wear it,long as i am comfortable and happy.

I have issues with people who calls themselves your friends but always expect you to call them all the time,the only time they call you is when they need your help

I have issues with meeting people for the very first time cause i always worry about how they are going to receive  me and what they expect of me

I have issues with people who expect me to always have money at all times

I have issue with the gold tooth that my bfriend has

I have issue with the fact that i have lots of issueS like i can only blog at night and on weekends and i always miss out on all the fun


Lady D
22 Apr 2008 14:41

I have lots of issues:Nna i have issues le society at large(i am talking about the public,the community)Society expect us to behave a certain way,look at certain,walk a certain way,wear a certain way,that pisses me off.I just wanna be me,wear what i wanna i wear when i want to wear it,long as i am comfortable and happy.

I have issues with people who calls themselves your friends but always expect you to call them all the time,the only time they call you is when they need your help

I have issues with meeting people for the very first time cause i always worry about how they are going to receive  me and what they expect of me

I have issues with people who expect me to always have money at all times

I have issue with the gold tooth that my bfriend has

I have issue with the fact that i have lots of issueS like i can only blog at night and on weekends and i always miss out on all the fun


23 Apr 2008 07:07

I have issues with people who - even after being asked nicely over and over again - still can't get it through their heads that not all of us on tvsa are Zulu/Xhosa... Can't people post replies in a language that we can all understand? This/they piss me

23 Apr 2008 07:28

my issues are some newspapers tolerating racist BLACK columnists/writers while David Bullard, who APOLOGISED has been fired (maybe rightfuly )by the same paper that let him write all sorts of "opinions" for quite some time...(some of it quite interseting though)...but my main issue is why the double standards  some of the black journos are the most racist and they get away with it....

23 Apr 2008 07:43

@ TSHD21   have issues with people who - even after being asked nicely over and over again - still can't get it through their heads that not all of us on tvsa are Zulu/Xhosa... Can't people post replies in a language that we can all understand? This/they piss me YOU THANK YOU (((((((((((( CLAP CLAP ))))))))

23 Apr 2008 07:43

So whoever said that to you_they have the classic tiger not seeing its own spots case - Fluffyhead, a tiger doesn't have spots, a leopard does.....

23 Apr 2008 08:04

tl tl tl tl tl tl tl .....anyway

23 Apr 2008 08:26

I see we have a TVSA spell checker now....*and feel free to correct me coz I know I haven't phrased that right*......LOL

23 Apr 2008 08:26

@ TSHD21 & Pinkpoodle niyasjwayela THANK YOU THANK YOU (((((((((((( CLAP CLAP ))))))))

23 Apr 2008 08:35

@ Mambox ..... sorry luv    niyasjwayela no idea what that means  as pointed out earlier not all of us are South African, but we do love and watch SA programmes

23 Apr 2008 08:36

i'm sick and tired of so called friends that feel too damn intimidated by me that they have to resort to PHD(pull her down) syndrom and also try and make you feel or seem like you stupid to others just so she can feel better about her dull self, just becasue yena uli qabakazi with yellow teeth, bad breath and no dress sense, oh and who's boyfriend has bad body odor..............It aint my problem i'm such a fabulous bit** with it maaan yeeeeses

23 Apr 2008 08:41

Eish, on that note, I'd like to say cheers all, blog more tomorrow.........I'm out!!!!!

23 Apr 2008 08:42

Pooky: Ok, work with me now. Take a deep breath... slowly let it out... Let's count to 10... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Ok, start again... breath! breath out slow... 

feel better now?

Someone said to me 'Noone can make you feel inferior without your permission" so, remind yourself not to let that person pull you down...

23 Apr 2008 08:46

I've got issues with my sister who thinks she can wear my clothes whenever she feels like it, this week she went to spend a week at her man's place and half of my clothes are gone, when i call she says, ok you can shout at me i know you wnat toshout, WTF????// how many times must i tell umntu uba i dont want with my stuff, i've got issues with this seriously, and i have addressed it several times, IM TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 Apr 2008 08:47

'Noone can make you feel inferior without your permission"
I've also heard this b4 Sego, but u have no idea how other people are good at making u feel inferior just so that they can feel better about themselves!!!!

23 Apr 2008 08:51

Nonny: practice makes perfect, doll! Don't make yourself powerless to their abuse! Just tell them, "sorry, dear... are you trying to find fault about me when  you need to acknowledge you are the one with the actual issue?"

23 Apr 2008 08:53

@ Belz, I know ur trauma with sisters and clothes, my younger sister can't wear my clothes coz I'm PHAT (atleast that's one reason I'm grateful for my weight.......LOL) Neway she will buy identical stuff to me, I tell her all the time to develop her own identity coz I don't want her to be my clone and besides ngimudala kunaye and I have no time potraying a buy one, get one free look with my younger sister. Mximmmm it irritates me to bits, but I love her to bits nonetheless.........*blushing*

23 Apr 2008 08:55

Thank u for the advice Sego!!!!

23 Apr 2008 08:58

@Pinkpoodle On a serious note now...i personally have benefited from reading responces from other bloggers written in a language either then english i'm sure more bloggers would agree with me on this...

i'll use an example Gugs, Nonny and KimPossible (where is she anyway?) i immediately picked up that they are my home girls from the way they write. Which was kinda exciting for me, not only that, we (okay i) also learn a lot when i read stuff written in another language...i'm sure you'll learn too if you just give it a chance (what happened to asking if you don't understand you know?)

Let's just say english can be fustrating sometimes

Cool them, i'm also outta here

23 Apr 2008 08:58

''None can make me feel inferior without my  permission 

Noone can make me  feel inferior without my  permission

Noone can make me feel inferior without my  permission.........breathing in...& out ...& in....& out....and...............pheeeeeuuuuwww its working, thanks Sego.......umsindo wam uthobile .........enkosi 

aaaahhhhhhuuuummmmm.............''None can make me feel inferior without my permission ........

23 Apr 2008 09:01

Nonny: eish yazi uyangihlanyisa nami, but she called me this afternoon athi uyangikhumbula blind, i know she's trying to soften me up, uze wahamba nezitsha zam' ngoba lendoda yakhe ayina yona ifork!!!!

23 Apr 2008 09:03

LMAO @Pooky, hihihihi, i see Sego's therapy is working on you, LOL!!!

23 Apr 2008 09:05

goodbye all of you......will be blogging the whole day tomorrow...yipppyyyy

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