what makes you LOL

Written by MADENZA from the blog what????????? on 01 Feb 2008
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Everyone has a good laugh now and then, it is just normal. There are moments when you just laugh out loud no matter who is near you, some will think that you are crazy and some wish you share the joke.

1. The crazy replies here at TVSA are top of my list these days, I mean everyday I look forward to visiting this site. Sometimes I laugh out loud and the people close to me will think that I am mad or I am day dreaming, some will even ask me whether I am laughing at them. Remember the Taxi drama article by Jordy, It still cracks me even today.
2. Few comedies on TV, and on top of my list is “Everybody hates Chris”, I always have a good laugh when I am watching these TV shows
3. This other cousin of mine back home always manages to crack me, especially when it comes relationship stuff, I mean he doesn’t have a girlfriend but I think he holds the record for proposing many girls, I mean he once told a girl who gave him cold shoulder that “ I was just trying to help you because my Doctor said I am very sick and for me to be okay I must date an ugly person, otherwise I was not going to waste my breath on you” and you could have heard what the girl said to him.
4. this other guy here at work, he always on everybody’s case, this other time he was busy telling this lady how ugly her shoes were, “that the way they were it seems as if they could talk” that she stole them from her grandmother. One day when we were busy her sister came to see him rocking the same shoes and we never stoped being on his case.
5. My girlfriend’s jokes, even if they are not funny I just have to oblige and laugh out loud.
6. All the advisors that we get when we are at home ko jwaleng, I mean you have doctors who left school ka std2 but they will give all the advice you need provided you buy them alcohol.

- there are many scenarios you guys can think of, so let us share the fun, moments were people thought you were losing it.


01 Feb 2008 05:40


01 Feb 2008 05:52

Your cousin has just made me LOL, on TVSA everybody just cracks me up, even if they dont say funny things abanye bavele bangicracke nje, Sponono makes me laugh everyday, sometimes when i feel blue i come here go to some old blogs and look up for his comments, Nonny shem njengawe these days ngathi urecharged!!!

01 Feb 2008 05:53

Ndalamo's stiffness on SCD yesterday cracked me up, shem maan uThixo doesn't give you everthing.

01 Feb 2008 05:54

what makes me lol is definately the replies zalapha,i mean u get people whom u hope & pray that they log-in nakanjani.

01 Feb 2008 05:55

100% agree tizoz, Fats kills me. 

Anyway, "My name is earl", and "Scrubs" totally crack me up.

People abahlebayo at work, i think its so high school, so it cracks me up. 

01 Feb 2008 05:56

Lemme think about this...its a long list - on an average day I'll laugh more than I talk.

1. Myself, I think I can be quite funny (not in a joke kinda way)
2. An idiot who does not realise s(he)'s being an idiot...cracks me up big time.
3. Ok this on is a bit shallow, but , anyone I see who is sooo sure and confident that they are dressed to kill and all made up - and when I look at it I'm like 'what were you thinking? Are ur mirrors broken or were ur 5 yr old twins playing dress up on u?
4. Any good show on TV a book...
5. I probable laugh at flies sometimes....but that's me

01 Feb 2008 05:57

@belz, do u know when the SCD repeat is, i missed it.

01 Feb 2008 06:03

1. people that smoke weed crack me up every single time, they figure out how the world works and the logic of everything and they always have these f*cked up explanations of everything, and they find everything funny.
they crack me up seriously....
why do people smoke that stuff mara?
2. nigerians crack me up as well, they have a way of constructing sentences that makes sense to them, esp. in the movies, in real life they are not as fun, they are infact ...scary...
3. a person who is being chowed by shoes in a hot weather in town where they cant take them off...ladies ladie ladies, why torture your poor feet like this? those shoes arent made for walking but for showing off, thats why i'll only wear them to a club or a party so that when i'm tired i'll get in the car and leave
4. Fikile Mbalula, he reminds me of GW Bush a great deal

01 Feb 2008 06:07

this other guy here at work, he always on everybody’s case, this other time he was busy telling this lady how ugly her shoes were, “that the way they were it seems as if they could talk” that she stole them from her grandmother. Denza, just that line really cracked me. OMG

01 Feb 2008 06:11

Some things that pwoplw say happen in prsison cracks me up, i was told gore they made this other guy to contest and they were singing him a Keith Sweat song.

01 Feb 2008 06:11

OKey its when im looking 2 myself on the mirror seeing my spejeje, cellulite & still feel sexy & proceeding eating junk food

01 Feb 2008 06:13

Glad to see I make u LOL Belz.
Mina I am begining to be worried about me coz even my family doesn't know when to realsie that I am being serious, yesterday this is what happened to me: "I arrived at home at 20:00, when I had finished work at 17:00." So I came home and called an iurgent family meeting. So I told them this: "Kusukela manje ngicela kuncipiswe ama braai packs and lets eat healthy sighabhe ama futha (since cooking oil is more expensive than rice nowaday) as well as encourage ubhontishi neklabishi ukuthi lidliwe more often since it's economical ngoba ngifuna ukubonana negaurage ngithenge imoto coz this public transport nonsence is getting on my nerves and a car is no longer a want in my life, but it's a NEED"...........yazi they just LOL not realsiing that it's high time they realise that I am serious, ngikhathele ukuthwalana nabo emhlanini wami omncane.........LOL

01 Feb 2008 06:18

isnt this funny enuf to make you laugh....someone thinks im THE PROSPER MKAIWA?

01 Feb 2008 06:22

"what makes me lol is definately the replies zalapha,i mean u get people whom u hope & pray that they log-in nakanjani." - really boogy babe........LOL

"people that smoke weed crack me up every single time, they figure out how the world works and the logic of everything and they always have these f*cked up explanations of everything, and they find everything funny.
they crack me up seriously.." -
J-Girl u are so right, yazi I used to think imina ngedwa that noticed this.

"a person who is being chowed by shoes in a hot weather in town where they cant take them off...ladies ladie ladies, why torture your poor feet like this?" - Yoh J-Girl I know what u are talking about and then they walk like amadolo are about to kneel down in prayer, kanti it's actually a mechanism to ease the pain and minake............this is when I show my ghettoness and I say to lady (uziqoke uzazi lezozicathulo) shame uMiss thang uvele ancimfe!!!

But guys my ultimate LOL moment is when a person is about to say into ebhedayo, that's when they speak the loadest. I just don't unedrstand why ungakhulumeli phansi so that u have a fewer people laughing at u, than to embarrass urself kuwowonke umuntu!!!

01 Feb 2008 06:25

"isnt this funny enuf to make you laugh....someone thinks im THE PROSPER MKAIWA?"............Yah Faraigmagic nami I couldn't help but laugh when TDC suggested that u are Prosper, as a matter of fact, so what if u are????

01 Feb 2008 06:27

Motekwane makes me LOL Dan... Look what it does to Nonny hi hi i hi hi hi I ve been wondering why she smokes special, actually homemade Dunhil Lights.

01 Feb 2008 06:28

there is no way in hell i can be him...and he is rich do you know wat that means...and im not going to blow my cover!

01 Feb 2008 06:31

who is Prosper again?

01 Feb 2008 06:32

Dididnt see your last reply Nonns until now.. I still think Prosper is Faraimagic or somehow related. And wena what u doing checking on each activity on the site? ehehehe...!

Cutie Pie
01 Feb 2008 06:32

Mina all those folks that always says they'll be millionaires by 2010 and yet they don't take any action towards that...And 2010 is in 1 years time hey..

01 Feb 2008 06:35

1.  TVSA peeps
2.  The ladies I work with,u shud hear us now.
3.  Myself

01 Feb 2008 06:35

Mina all those folks that always says they'll be millionaires by 2010 and yet they don't take any action towards that...And 2010 is in 1 years time hey>> eish.

01 Feb 2008 06:35

Bathong J-Girl....?? 
Ke the guy who is the DJ in Kelly Khumalo's Groove Shack.

01 Feb 2008 06:37

Prosper Kelly KHUMALO'S Hubby or the jazz guy who commited suicide?????

01 Feb 2008 06:38

ok then i wont say anything then.........!lol@TDC

01 Feb 2008 06:38


01 Feb 2008 06:38

LOL...he he  he ..hi hi uwee-ee
2many things..willl comment soes nou nou !!

01 Feb 2008 06:40

@TDC yho i wud luv to be Prosper!for some reasons,only known to me!he he he eh

01 Feb 2008 06:42

- during festive this other guy from my village all of sudden had a lot of money, he bought two cars in one week, plasma Tv's, build a new house at his home and he was all over the place we all wondered were the money came from, we thought lotto, maybe its the money from his father's insurance bcos he just passed on.
- this week i got a call from home saying he atttempted suicide and he is now in hospital, i couldnt help but LOL bcos he tried to phazamisa me with my GF. 

01 Feb 2008 06:45

"And wena what u doing checking on each activity on the site? ehehehe...!" - I'm not checking up on each activity all I did was remind Fara about the DH he promised me that's all then I saw ur msg..........hihihi............akere I can't help it that TVSA has created a typist out of me from all this multitasking now I can be here, there & everwhere at the same time..........LOL

Mabhebheza talk I mean write sungting, coz kwa wena u make me LOL

01 Feb 2008 06:46

oh oh oh...blond moment...hi hi hi hi

01 Feb 2008 06:47

he's the one who is Tina Jaxa's former shag hey?

01 Feb 2008 06:51

- imagining people shagging just cacks me!!

01 Feb 2008 06:54

@Madenza LOL....yho guys you should see my emails now...TDC wat have you done bro?..with the way you guys write about Kelly..yho if i was Prosper i wud have jumped out of a building!........
i wudn't be planning to marry her!

01 Feb 2008 06:55

"he's the one who is Tina Jaxa's former shag hey?"  Yes J-Girl, u know Prosper, now say something to make me LOL............

01 Feb 2008 06:57

imagining people shagging just cacks me!!>>>>>>>>> ahahahahahaha tl tl tl tl O setlaela my outhi.
Farai.... paje etlo go khawata.

01 Feb 2008 07:00

That girl who was wearing a gold catsuit on strictly come dancing. She really looked like a cat in a suit!

01 Feb 2008 07:03

imagining people shagging just cacks me!!> hahahahahahah!!!!!!!oh hell!!! i love this site!!!

01 Feb 2008 07:04

yho i got an sms from one of the bloggers whoz got my says so how is Kelly in bed?he he he he lol,LOL

01 Feb 2008 07:08

"So how is kelly in bed" - Fara I hope u responded and said: "She's wilder than she is on stage".........LOL

01 Feb 2008 07:09 do know that this is a WWW right and Television SA? So some things are better off it especially if they happen out of it. Just saying.. anyhow you have a good lawyer I guess.LOL

Got this email from Cande right now.. its a salary preview email contains YES and No for question " Are you happy with your salary?" But I cant click NO cause it rotates and fast. eheheheheh.

01 Feb 2008 07:09

Those two Robertson spice chicken ads -the boer farmer creating a little bit of romance for the chickens to produce more eggs... 

This one prayer from Sponza *Nkosi sikelela leli pipi lilale...* or something like that...cant really remember...maar all i know is that it really,really cracked me up.What was the article again??? and that article from Nastra... some of the replies shim got there especially the part where the sangoma was called...cracked me up big time...

01 Feb 2008 07:13

Talking about Kelly and LOL, I was LMAO when I saw an article on her on Monday this week stating that she will longer be seen on stage performing in close to nothing and she will now cover herself up and be a lady since she is targeting the corporate market and I was like WTF, siyayazi imikhubha yakho Kelly so it don't matter if u get converted now ngoba first impressions count!!!!

01 Feb 2008 07:15

@TDC im luving and enjoying being prosper! but ....i do have a very good lawyer!he he he he!
@nonny yho how can i answer that?i dont know who kelly is...

in court i will wasnt me!learned from ZUMA

01 Feb 2008 07:16

Hi Nonny...know its a bit late in the afternoon maar you know what they say mos...better late then....??

01 Feb 2008 07:18

All the Buzum replies crack me up..especially when kuqala i havoc nyana ,,LMAO!!
i second u Pooky those Robertson Spice ads...where the farmer wifeis shaking that black kuzoba ngathi kuya duduma..( ye poppie ) LOL

Those guys abazama ukushela nge English.with stupid pick up lines..IS me is lov u baby sweet girl u make wanna sing the Boys 2men just like Celion Dion

01 Feb 2008 07:20

fats wa mpolaya,he remind me of my high school days

01 Feb 2008 07:21

in court i will wasnt me!learned from ZUMA>>>> Holy Sh*t not that name again.

01 Feb 2008 07:22

Ngubani uKelly?

01 Feb 2008 07:23

My BF with his dull- witted jokes. Eg. A man used to shag his pregnant woman. After birth the son used to hit his dad's forehead bitterly askin how does it feel.... (Point being: thats what u used to do to me while in my mom's womb)

01 Feb 2008 07:26

-the writers tsa Generations, how could they put Khaps and Kheti so long together, without any game, they are stingy really. 

01 Feb 2008 07:26

Ngubani uKelly? >>> Thats not funny.

01 Feb 2008 07:31

"Hi Nonny...know its a bit late in the afternoon maar you know what they say mos...better late then....??" - better late than never sana thatha mi 
i(((((((((((BUZUM HUG)))))))))))))

01 Feb 2008 07:32

bjonong le tsobile patje!

01 Feb 2008 07:32

"Ngubani uKelly? >>> Thats not funny"..............LOL at TDC!!!!

01 Feb 2008 07:34

1. The Savanna ads on Radio...that Guy is realy GOOD!!
2. "Regina" from Metro's Breakfast with doesnt get better than that.
3. L'vovo makes me laugh...he's so....(eish..) gwinya like! especialy with his New dance with that Guy who's always featured on his performances...yena inagthi yimpukane!!

01 Feb 2008 07:35

DS thats what am seeing too...! Paje le keyboard....*shaking my head*

01 Feb 2008 07:38

Ok...I alwyas crack myself when I think of what schlebs will feel like when they get to heaven...especially irritating ones.

01 Feb 2008 07:38

You know kids were not allowed to use toilets be4 especially in rural areas so we used to go on the veld. So this other time I was busy & feeling something is coming. Guess what? Wombs. So mna I thought its a snake bcoz it was the first time I saw that thing so I cried loud yhooo ndiphuma inyoka ezimpundu fortunately my neighbor boy (same age) was around I think he was doing his thing, he came pull & rescue mi from my womb so every time we see each other we just burst & go like Ntangam Inyoka

01 Feb 2008 07:39

the conversation in taxis on my way to work - shoo they really crack me up
my little niece-she has too much to say for a four year old.
my crazy brother-u cant tell when he is serious
comedy show on the telly-too many to mention
tvsa replies
did you know blog by TDC - what happened to it ?did you know that i miss it?

01 Feb 2008 07:40

L'vovo makes me laugh...he's so....(eish..) gwinya like!>> lol haibo Gucci legwinya.

01 Feb 2008 07:41

((((((((((Buzum Hug))))))))))))my Buddy and to all the BBB's

What if uKelly is actually a blogger lana kwa TVSA??? and  is actually Laughing her a** off at what yall are saying about her......just saying.... coz you'll neva know...phela iTVSA has got alot of fans and its a small world out there.

01 Feb 2008 07:43

Cracking up @ what Gucci is saying hihihihihihihi.........impukane???

01 Feb 2008 07:44

haibo Nonny andiyo comedia mna, plz dont demand jokes from me...LOL!!
seriously I'm not very funny but I love laughing qha i always laugh at the foreigners(in lack of a better word) when they try to convince you to buy something seriously substandard by trying to convince you they are giving you a discount

JG: holding a seriously cheap looking pair of shades how much?
F: 40rand, but i give you for 35
JG: ohhh? looking at him...
F: yes now, a wuman az butiful as u are deserves discount nooow
JG: i have 30
F: ok 30 is fine
JG: LOL...i come back now to get money giving my serious develish smile
F: ok,kawuleza sisi, i wait heee

01 Feb 2008 07:45

@ Gucci "Regina" from Metro's Breakfast with doesnt get better than that. 

Nothing beats that, uthini when she sings.....yoooo! she cracks me up....her voice is out of  this world.

01 Feb 2008 07:46

I meant to say i'm not a comedian!

01 Feb 2008 07:47

Pookey  ...I remember that article but cant say what was the title
i LOL at
1.TVSA ...but since marara left and some of my fav bloggers are less frequent ..(looking at you Jordan and others) .....i only get to read SERIAS replies and articles
2.I also LOL at my own thoughts...I think my strength is laughing at myself....cause if you cant do that will always caryy a lot of strain for your heart
3. Adverts  crack me up..espesh the ones I get thru emails.....and YouTube...
(I just got this one about a guy who assumes the girl is going for a nose job (and she's got a gazungalous he goes on telling her how they'll reduce it...when he's finished she tells him the op is for her tonsils....the look on the guys face.Priceless)
I also LOL at replies from othr sites by black americans ..they have a way of twisting the queens lingo to express sumthing and its hiilalrious

01 Feb 2008 07:51

yhoo uRegina bantu uyandibulala jong!!!

01 Feb 2008 07:56

My old photos they are so hilarious man. Another one we were swimming on the river. I think someone was watching us He/she stole our clothes & we came back home covering our front by buckets. U can imagine abantu besihleka. My mother punched me hard telling me that she warned me not 2 swim bcoz its dangerous & I couldnt run or protect myself I was naked. Even 2day we dont know who stole our clothes.

01 Feb 2008 07:58

@Denza - I didnt say that...LOL!!

@Pooky....Strue God!!

@Tweet  - I got u!!!

@J-girl - I have so much LOL stories I can tell about Weed Smokers...the sense of humor is just Top Norch!!!

01 Feb 2008 07:59

Ngubani uKelly? >>> Thats not funny.

That cracked me up....

01 Feb 2008 08:01

did you know blog by TDC - what happened to it ?did you know that i miss it?>>> Brown Shuga was telling me this morning that I should bring it back Reloaded.

01 Feb 2008 08:03

I LOL Today these two comments from M.T.O  site where they had a pic of this woman with a really wide backside and they said thats a really big but...and the replies

Comment 1.
You can show two movies on that butt! One on each cheek

Comment 2.
.It has a lot of personality and looks like it can ace a final exam.


01 Feb 2008 08:04

LOL @ myname.

01 Feb 2008 08:10

"JG: holding a seriously cheap looking pair of shades how much?
F: 40rand, but i give you for 35
JG: ohhh? looking at him...
F: yes now, a wuman az butiful as u are deserves discount nooow
JG: i have 30
F: ok 30 is fine
JG: LOL...i come back now to get money giving my serious develish smile
F: ok,kawuleza sisi, i wait heee"

LOL at J-Girl, everywhere sisi they are the sam, nami I have this kinda conversation with foreigners from time to time............hihihi

@ Gucci nami Lvovo makes me laugh, by insiting on wearing a size 42, when he should bw wearing a 46, yini vele athandi ukuzimpinsta so why can't he learn a lesson or two from HHP who wears comfortably fitting clothes???.............LOL

01 Feb 2008 08:12

"Comment 1.
You can show two movies on that butt! One on each cheek

Comment 2.
.It has a lot of personality and looks like it can ace a final exam.

now this is hilarious.................ROTFLMAO!!!

01 Feb 2008 08:15

LOL at myname, u stories are a ripper!!!!

01 Feb 2008 08:21

all yall are just too funny even when you dont mean to sometimes... like someone i know who's name starts with an N and ends with a Y....even when she's serious, people still think ukuthi uyadlala...

01 Feb 2008 08:22

if i wanna laugh i always read this email & guys have a nice weekend nhe Bye "An angry woman said in Zuma's trial "Siyahlanya lesifebe, sifuna uZuma ayobhadle ejele nalomshini wakhe ngoba wona sesiwuzwile! Nathi siyawufuna nje" !!! "

01 Feb 2008 08:26

myname myname myname....LMAO... bye bye maan...hamba nes'gezo sakho...

01 Feb 2008 08:28

"like someone i know who's name starts with an N and ends with a Y....even when she's serious, people still think ukuthi uyadlala..." - True that hey, u guys never knwo when Nonny is serious............LOL

"Siyahlanya lesifebe, sifuna uZuma ayobhadle ejele nalomshini wakhe ngoba wona sesiwuzwile! Nathi siyawufuna nje" !!! " - I know this email mynam, nami it amkes me laugh to see the extent of the love that people have for umsholozi, dayum.............LOL

01 Feb 2008 08:29

have a great weekend guys and those who are in pretoria catch me and les-ego neutron on TUT TOP STEREO 93.6 from 6 to 10

01 Feb 2008 08:31

it is a supersonic breakfast its hot ,it is sick ,crazy and it is entertaining

01 Feb 2008 08:34

Mara ditsala, waitse kelegopotse jwang.....phela these days my boss has doubled my work load....uthi uyang treina ...i miss you guys

01 Feb 2008 08:36

Miss u too Monchy!!!

01 Feb 2008 09:48

Some of the bloggers names makes me wanna LOL!

Jada Smith
01 Feb 2008 10:51

Hi I am new

1. I can be funny when I want  to
2. My 7 yr old niece, being better as she ages
3. A person watching tv a robale(sleep) then you ask them to go and sleep then ba re tsamaya o robale cause ke wena o robetseng.Matlho nako eo a chinese

Most bloggers are funny le bona

02 Feb 2008 08:01

My 30 year old brother, he sleeps while he's watching tv and when you wake him up he takes the remote instead of his phone and one of the coushins every single time. i understand the remote but the coushin!!! i'm not sure if he thinks it's a teady bear or something...

04 Feb 2008 01:53

life in general(good or bad) makes me laugh. I always laugh at myself! i have this friend called J, he's so smart  and has the worlds greatest sense of humor=talking to him restores my hope in life and he makes me laugh!!!

TVSA=ma blogger, you rock my world evryday! :-)

04 Feb 2008 02:20

Welcome Jada Smith and enjoy your stay!!!

04 Feb 2008 02:28

Lvovo makes me laugh, by insiting on wearing a size 42, when he should bw wearing a 46, yini vele athandi ukuzimpinsta LOL!!! mara nina maaan eish...

04 Feb 2008 02:47

What happened on Saturday... spotted Kelly Khumalo @ The Zone Rosebank and when I realised who she was in her jeans , I had all those nude pics tsa gagwe in my head and I just cracked.. still LMAO around the corner there comes Prosper ka botelele and same time I froze a lill bit... Well anyway I expected him to say TDC...?? becoz I had assumed he is Faraimagic...!

04 Feb 2008 02:56

ha ha ha sometimes people dont wana blow their covers.....keep that in mind///tell you wat i was in Rosebank as well!@TDC!
do you know that label called GOTCHA!

04 Feb 2008 03:03

Faraimagic what phone are you using?

04 Feb 2008 03:10

Isilungu sikaMandoza makes me laugh out loud, especially when he goes "u know what i am saying" ngala accent yakhe.

hi bahlali bendisezilalini for 2 weeks, i missed you though but i logged in everyday just to laugh at yr responses via cell-phone and i could not reply, thanks for keeping me entertained.

04 Feb 2008 03:12

@ TDC...yah those pics neh

04 Feb 2008 03:13

it depends coz i own 2 phones...both of them very nice i wud say? are clever right?you can keep a i can keep a secret too!i aint telling you!!!!!!

advice....if it look's like a duck,walk's like a duck then it is a duck!...not in so many words!

04 Feb 2008 03:19

Yah Monchooza those pics mfethu yoh...
Faraimagic I am aware he uses two phones and am not sure about the other one but one in a Nokia N90. He had both, car keys and something that i dont know what it was...! Its kul eniweys..

Gud advice hey....!!

04 Feb 2008 03:29

i really crack wen a tv presenter makes mistakes in front of millions of people and still wont admit that they made a mistake then tries to cover it up....yho!

i also crack wen a celeb tries to attract attention....wen we all know who they are!...a celeb playing a celeb YHO!

04 Feb 2008 03:48

wana be musos just crack me to bits!...hey you shud listern to their demo track's and cd's...and the seriousness on their faces wen you know kuti they cant even sing,,,,and you have to be the one to tell them they cant make it in the music.....i wish someone kud hel me listerning to one demo here.....some people he he he he he!!!!

04 Feb 2008 03:51

Morning people, I've been off line and it feels like heaven to be here!!!

04 Feb 2008 03:58

Linda Sibiya's pic on Segologolo's blog makes me LOL ALWAYS, I still can't get over his bravery when he wore that pink speedo last year.

Oh and this weekend I saw an advert from Joshua Dore that also made me LOL, the new term that they are now using for having a sale thanks to "Eiskom" is now "Price Shedding".............LOL.............advertisers are such opportunits how dare they make fun of such a "touching, irritating & serious" matter called "Load Shedding"

04 Feb 2008 04:03

Welcome Juda Smith I know u gonna enjoy ur stay!!!

04 Feb 2008 04:17

Ok Ladies, help me out, what exactly do u guys use to shave your pubic hair.

Because every time i read on the labeling of these shaving creams, they always say "do not use on genital area"

04 Feb 2008 04:29

i use shaving creams, but u have to be careful and close the babymaker with your finger so that i cream ingangeni kuntombazana. Its very itchy and sore xa ingene kuNtombazana. Gudluck Bushy Engelbrecht!.

04 Feb 2008 04:35

Dear maddie

Thank u 4 bringing this up. I've been wondering too. maybe some1 will know. Especially the hair down-under.

However, i doubt that this was actually the right platform to ask such a thing. On Madenza's article, nog. No!

Like I always say, I'm a firm-believer in girl-pride, and this doesnt sound so proud, does it? Please move along to one (or all) of the following GB's: 
Nonny: i have confidence she'll be able to help you, and chances are everyone's gonna see it.  
Renegade, Lilmama, Best-Achiever - I trust them.

Thank you.

04 Feb 2008 04:35

Dear maddie

Thank u 4 bringing this up. I've been wondering too. maybe some1 will know. Especially the hair right down-under.

However, i doubt that this was actually the right platform to ask such a thing. On Madenza's article, nog. No!

Like I always say, I'm a firm-believer in girl-pride, and this doesnt sound so proud, does it? Please move along to one (or all) of the following GB's: 
Nonny: i have confidence she'll be able to help you, and chances are everyone's gonna see it.  
Renegade, Lilmama, Best-Achiever - I trust them.

Thank you.

04 Feb 2008 04:38

Because every time i read on the labeling of these shaving creams, they always say "do not use on genital area" - i bought maself those electric hairclippers and it works like magic; provided you get good guidance or a good assistance...hi hi hi but true tho coz all my mirrors are stuck on the walls so without someone to guide me ndiyagundeka blind

04 Feb 2008 04:42

Nonny and Spo crack me up.Mabhebheza and Monchooza and TDC and the reest of the Crazy plebs you find in here,must say Im not sure if they all know or they simply stumble on humour....

04 Feb 2008 04:44

Madomado u are making me LOL right now with ur response to Maddie's wuestion, yazi  whenever I see ur responses u make me think of what my mother always says: "Straight talk breaks no friendship"..........this is in regards to the ffg. line: "However, i doubt that this was actually the right platform to ask such a thing"

"Nonny: i have confidence she'll be able to help you, and chances are everyone's gonna see it." -
as for this.........let me be ignorant and also LOL about it!!!

04 Feb 2008 04:46

@ Lepogo I tend to struggle wit being SERIOUS, it's just not me!!!

04 Feb 2008 04:51

@Nonny,I am in a good mood today,so I believe you.NOT!!!In the voice of the worlds funniest cartoon character,Pinky.....

04 Feb 2008 04:59

LOL at Lepogo and his cartoon character!!!

04 Feb 2008 05:19

LOL @ Maddie yhuu usexaki shame ..leave it !! let it grow otherwise u will damage the valuable part of ur body ....pity it doesnt do like Eskom and shedd the load of but as Mado said this aint the platform

Lepogo..*waving like a lunatic* i always try and find a bit of humour in anything sometimes its irritating i jut cant pull a traight face!

04 Feb 2008 05:23

oh Gosh ..meant 2say  i just cant pull a straight face...( eish le keyboard ene babalazz Stru bob!)

04 Feb 2008 05:32

And Im sure you typed it with a straight face........I only manage to find absurdities,noemally tragic and desperate...

04 Feb 2008 05:38

Dont know why maar i alway use to LMAO whenever someone would yell/scold at me...whether it was my mom(especially when she would say, hintoni ihlekisa kengoku, utheni uqhunyiwe?),buti wam,teacher or even my boyfriend...and it would make them even more angry...wasnt doing this on purpose to annoy just happend and i couldnt stop it. Sometimes i would even close my eyes just to avoid seeing the expression on their faces to avoid laughing.

04 Feb 2008 05:47

LOL pooky and mabebeza, let it grow!!! lol

04 Feb 2008 06:01

sorry guys,

I tried to write a blog about this, but i ran out of ideas. what was I going to say exactly, that I don't know what to use to shave my pubic hair. 

Anyway since this article ya denza was not too serious i decided to throw in the question.

Anyone with researched info on shaving your pubic hair, please write something then all the girls can share and give advices. I don't want to mess with private parts people.

04 Feb 2008 06:07

"Anyone with researched info on shaving your pubic hair, please write something then all the girls can share and give advices. I don't want to mess with private parts people."...........Maddie sisi, if it worries u this much, how about trying google??? Yini vele, kanti has ur pubic hair gone out of hand and ayisatholakali kalula iwewe???

Kim Possible
04 Feb 2008 06:09

I don't want to mess with private parts people. ROTFLMAO

Kim Possible
04 Feb 2008 06:13

Yini vele, kanti has ur pubic hair gone out of hand and ayisatholakali kalula iwewe??? Hawu Nonny try to sympathize nomtwana bantu , kuyacaca ukuthi kukhona inkinga enkulu emvele ngeeyNdzeft ......

04 Feb 2008 06:18

I am sympathizing Kimmy, phela remember this blog is about LOL so I was just making sure that the theme is not forgotten, kodwa ke I guess ngempela ngempela inkulu indaba neNdzefti zika Maddie.............LOL

04 Feb 2008 06:24

A pair of scissors always does the trick its not gonna be clean shaven bt its gona be shaven,im talking about the pubic hair problem.

04 Feb 2008 06:30


04 Feb 2008 07:56

try googling this topic girls and see what you come up with, cos I've tried that and couldn't get an answer.

Ok here is my dilemna (sorry for the spelling) my boyfriend always wants to go down there (by the way what is called cunnilingus or fellatio) and he's forever complaining about some hair stuck in his mouth, so u can imagine the embarrassment i feel.

one of my girlfriend had that same problem with his man and she used no hair , yhooo people it burned her, not seriously but the cream managed to sneak through. so i'm scared OK! Maybe I should ask Queen(Iyaya) she flashed her clean shaven punani on the front page of the some newspaper. 


04 Feb 2008 08:08

Ok here is my dilemna (sorry for the spelling) my boyfriend always wants to go down there (by the way what is called cunnilingus or fellatio) and he's forever complaining about some hair stuck in his mouth, so u can imagine the embarrassment i feel>> LOL

04 Feb 2008 08:11

04 Feb 2008 08:15

Go to a waxing salon....or but the wax strips....Its gonna hurt but its safe...

Am I the only one who thinks this question belongs to a lifeskills class or your friends and not here?

04 Feb 2008 10:11

ROTFLMO>>yhoo maddie iyhuu ha aha ha haai shame u have definetly  made me go LOL...*wiping the tears*..hi hi hi i

that must be embarrasing nyani gal but i second the one ye skero 2u now coz ezi cream might have side effects then the is nomore mdavazo 4u 4quite sum time Goodluck maddie...

05 Feb 2008 02:50

@ Gucci nami Lvovo makes me laugh, by insiting on wearing a size 42, when he should bw wearing a 46, yini vele athandi ukuzimpinsta so why can't he learn a lesson or two from HHP who wears comfortably fitting clothes???.............LOL 

Ok here is my dilemna (sorry for the spelling) my boyfriend always wants to go down there (by the way what is called cunnilingus or fellatio) and he's forever complaining about some hair stuck in his mouth, so u can imagine the embarrassment i feel>> LOL..NOT!!!!!!!

28 Jan 2009 14:17


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