So sick of crappy service...

Written by sweetie my baby from the blog Mzansi Living... on 22 Oct 2007
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 So there I was at the local Woolies, trying to do my long overdue grocery shopping, and as I joined the queue with my quarter-full trolley when a sweet floor manager invited me to join the ‘baskets only’ line, coz my trolley was so empty, plus there was only one person in the ‘baskets only’ line, as opposed to the 7 or so in the trolley lane.

I was quite grateful for his intervention, because I wasn’t feeling well at all, and I quickly shifted to the other queue.The customer before me finished, so I rolled up my trolley, and begin unloading my stuff.

Halfway thru, the woman behind the till asks me whether I realise that this is a ‘baskets only’ line. I explained that actually, I was originally in the other queue, but was shifted by her colleague. She asks me who exactly. So I look around, don’t see him, and explained again how I landed in her queue. Then she proceeds to lecture me about how customers always complain if a trolley joins the basket queue – blah blah blah - and this is when my head starts pounding FOR REAL, and I start wondering what exactly is going on with this woman, coz she is HOSTILE and actually lecturing me about a non-issue (seeing as I’m alone in this line, who exactly is going to complain…?)

Hanging onto my temper for all I’m worth, I repeat ‘Aus’ – I already explained all this to you. I’m not sure why I’m getting this lecture and attitude. Plus I don’t feel too well, so if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to just drop it.IYO! That was fuel to the burning flame! She goes on and on and on about it, until I snap at her I explained the situation to her twice already, and that unless she drops the topic, I’m calling the manager – and her response it – ‘CALL HIM!’ (and don’t you know this B!TCH continues to lecture me as she rings up my groceries…o, my pounding head!)

So once I’ve paid for my groceries and am leaving, I bump into the guy who shifted me to that wretched woman’s queue – and in response to his bright smile, I say ‘Listen, thanks for the favour, but next time just leave me to chill in the long queue, I’m better off there than receiving this woman’s horrific service’.
With great concern on his face (phela, the brother was trying to help me out, and here I am, biting his head off), he asks me what happened. I relate the story – and he calls the manager in a resigned and fed-up tone – ‘Abut’ Max - uSindi futhi’ (fake names to protect the innocent and the wretchedly guilty) and I repeat my tale of woe. They were both super-sweet, and SCANDALISED when I told them the story, (especially the part when she challenged me to call the manager).

They call her over to explain, and predictably, she upped her attitude even more and the horrified manager explained patiently to her that it was just WRONG to talk to a customer that way – needless to say, she would not apologise – so I ended up filling in a complaint form, and both managers assured me that disciplinary action would be taken. It’s interesting to me that the entire time of the confrontation, the staff looked on sympathetically nodding their heads, and from the way they behaved, it was clear to me that this woman is a problem child. …

Now this is one of those times (and I said it to both managers and this horrific woman) that I just KNOW she would NEVER behave like this to a white person. But because I’m a black woman, about the same age group she is, she thinks she can carry on like this.

So. What are your tales of terrible and disrespectful treatment at the hands of bad service, people?

Do you think it’s a race thing (ie, black on black haterism) or am I being paranoid – is bad service just South African thing? 

let's talk....



22 Oct 2007 14:32

eNewscafe they’ve got this tendency of charging u twice for iTip, they’ll charge a 10% tip & 10% service fee (both these would be included in the bill & zibe same amount), ive picked up on this several times now, ndingazi noba whats the difference, ive noticed bayenza this thing particularly on Fridays & Saturdays, & only & only if u & ur friends have been drinking & becinga ukuba ninxilile….Damn ive had these guys go back to re-print the bill & make a choice whether to tip or not… sometimes u get bad service & that’s when I want the choice of not tipping… I know im not a difficult customer, I know amantombazane can be, mara the waiters have to do things rite, I know these guys work with difficult ppl at times… don’t mind waitin now & then bt sumtyms u lose it….

23 Oct 2007 02:34

i finally grow the balls to comment after a year of being behind closed doors... its just that having lived a lot of my life abroad i was very disappointed to see that a lot of things hadnt changed in southafrica. i arrived from the UK and whilst waiting to process our passports and all those things there was an old white couple i had met on the terminal bus and they were pretty excited to be holidaying in southafrica and all that... they had put me on the spot light about everything i recommended they should see and everything... now what saddened me was when we arrived at the counter and they were in a counter next to me still smiling away... the lady who was serving them was all tired looking, loudly chewing gum and so disinterested at their attempts to cheer her up and ask her how she was doing... it looked like she had just been woken up or somthing and was being forced to work against her will.. i felt sad because here was the first person they were meeting "in" africa and tota ene she looked dead... it made me realise service delivery hadnt changed at all in the 5 years i had been away.. shame hey...

23 Oct 2007 02:42

hey freakyteah, sweetie my baby, i've had so many bad experiences its not even funny and if you look at it it's women who do this most of the time. it sickens me!!!

23 Oct 2007 02:49

23 Oct 2007 02:53

Bad service is realy becoming a PROBLEM COZ these cashiers only know us when they need help during their  strikes,bt when the strikes are over they become horrible monsters who dont even bother to greet u,sies man.

23 Oct 2007 02:56

guys guys guys i dnt get such service at all ngoba im too harsh,yu cnt go all out and look for a service ungakwazi uphata abantu yhooooo @ sweety next tym yu call me i refuse to be treated that way ndibhatala thats rubbish + nam i dnt do that kwi clients kowam umsebenzi and dnt need that att frm her !!

23 Oct 2007 02:56

SMB, I almost wrote an article on how we need to complain to get decent service so I'm going to post a snippet of it as my response (sowwie):

I subscribe to the Sunday Times and since August this uyear (when we moved house), the paper hasn't been delivered. I'd keep calling to find out if they don't deliver in our area cause I just couldn't get why i wasn't getting the paper and they kept taking their money from my account each month-end! Nothing's as irritating as finding the paper is sold out at the local shops and you have to go out of your way to buy it when they should be "delivering" on their promise.
Last week, I finally LOST MY MARBLES (not a rare sight!) and SCREAMED down the phone at whoever picked up cause i was EFFEN TIRED of paying for something i wasn't getting! I DEMANDED a refund on all monies they had taken from my account and informed them that i would be cancelling my subscription (this wasn't true cause i'm hooked on THE TIMES)....anyway, this sunday i got my paper plus The Sunday World (don't know if this is a new thing cause i haven't been receiving it for so long or if it was compensation) and they promised to refund the 3 months subscription when they didn't deliver.

I also realise that there is a big service problemo in SA generally and that those that complain either get PROMPT service or get what they've been struggling to get for weeks! It happens everywhere, call centres, banks, public institutions (don't get me started on govt depts) and unfortunately, the truth is that black people give black customers the crappiest service even the damn cleaners give black people attitude!

23 Oct 2007 03:06

LOL Tox, i understand you completeley, the only way to get what you want is to lose it, totally scream and shout at the top of your voice, tell them how effing incompetent they are, i did this to one indian guy last week, they process our company's petrol cards, and he's never treated me with the respect  and honesty i deserve as a client, i lost it completely, told him to get his manager to call me otherwise we'll get someone who can get the job done, 5min later, his manager called me, this indian guy emailed me telling me that he wont deal with me anymore, i have to deal with his manager coz i was harsh  to him, what a pleasure to deal with the manager coz he's very efficient and white (sorrini bantu abamnyama, kodwa when it comes to serving your fellow black  men you suck!!!!

23 Oct 2007 07:03

Yho, you must "name and shame" Belz.....which company is this? ha ha ha!

sweetie my baby
23 Oct 2007 07:10

no problem Toxic, the more the merrier! and yeah, belz - i always seem to get so much more attitude from women,  and i always approach people with respect and openness, and it's sooo irritating when you get negativity as a response. Nx! i'm still annoyed, actually...she practically ruined my afternoon...

24 Oct 2007 01:54

black people who work in the service industry almost always treat their own bad nje. i' ve had a problem esp with truworths. u take something back, still brand new, with the price tags attached/in its box with the slip and they give you hassles. i've thrown more than my share of tantrums at those idiots as drawing attention to yourself is the only way to get thru to them.

Tox, the sunday times happens everywhere! and ke even my colleagues have the same problem and thank Gaad it has nothing to do with your race or where you live. alot of people actually suspect these delivery people are selling the papers (to whoever!) and we're left with no newspaper. i don't think awhole month goes by where we don't have one undelivered paper on the sunday. do you also get their daily paper?

24 Oct 2007 02:28

guys its not only in Msanzi, it happened to me yesterday hei in Gaborone. i went to pick a friend @ Cresta Lodge so i found him waiting outside the gate, which means stopping nd my friend gets in the car. 4 me to go bak i have to go thru the gate of Cresta so i can make a U-turn coz their gate is just by the busy road that passes by, as i pick my friend the security guy is watching me, WHY? i dnt knw & i drive in nd he refuses to open the gate saying i wasnt suppozd to park in front of the gate.....WAT? but i mean i ddnt park i just stoppd to pick someone who was waiting fro me, hehehe... then the guy refuses to open for me until some car was behind me thats wen he opened & i'm like WTF is going on, & i was already late for a prezntation. 

then i got in the hotel nd made a U-turn there by the gate  tjooo... the guy was boiling, throwing tantrums that i aint suppozd to do tht i have to go thru the circle by the centre of the hotel, i'm now inside & he refuses to open for me again, i tried apologising but it ddnt wrk he just wldnt open the gate, u knw i had to reverse go around their LAWN Circle nd cum bak to the gate... but i mean watz the diference coz he stil opened for me except he wasted my time, watz wrong with blacks & the way we treat our own blacks!!! 

eish.. tht guy pissed me off so early in the morning i even told him he's gonna open tht gate until until.... he wont get a promotion to becum a police or anything!

24 Oct 2007 03:25

hahahahha, "security" people are the worst when it comes to being PETTY pullie!!

Yeah, Kele I get the daily paper and love playing Sudoku so my trauma's been dealt with! Mara it's true that these delivery guys might be stealing them papers...eish blacks!!

24 Oct 2007 03:37

Cummon people, I just tell myself that the service people are giving such crappy service coz of the money they get paid, the poor thigs live off an amount that we blow away in a day so please lets be a little bit considerate!!!!

24 Oct 2007 03:42

It's just that the one time I was given crappy service, instead of throwing tantrums I decided to pull a Dr Phil on the waitress & she confided in me, she told me that they get paid on commission only & we darkies tend to give a small tip so  I researched the matter and i found out that it was really true.  And since that day I relised that even though a tip is a token of appreciation, not a salary to others it's really important coz it puts the bread on their table & pay their child's school fees at the end of the day!!!!

24 Oct 2007 04:26

Well the service we get from our cleaner, she says she is employed by our MD not us, strangely she makes tea for 4 other white collegues not that I do not like to make my tea - infact I prefer to make my own tea but if you left a teaspoon or did not put your lunch in the fridge '' Angizanga ukuzosebenza nina lana" she won't remove it until you do it yourself - If you see her passing with the refuse bag you have to call her so you can throw yours in otherwise you have to wait for the next day mind you she does not do this to white people. At first I thought it was because I was new then I realized that she does this with all blacks.

24 Oct 2007 04:33

Well the service we get from our cleaner, she says she is employed by our MD not us, strangely she makes tea for 4 other white collegues not that I do not like to make my tea - infact I prefer to make my own tea but if you left a teaspoon or did not put your lunch in the fridge '' Angizanga ukuzosebenza nina lana" she won't remove it until you do it yourself - If you see her passing with the refuse bag you have to call her so you can throw yours in otherwise you have to wait for the next day mind you she does not do this to white people. At first I thought it was because I was new then I realized that she does this with all blacks.

24 Oct 2007 04:49

Cleaners...hmpf, don't get me started!

24 Oct 2007 04:57

Nonny it's not that we don't cut them some slack. i for one know all about customer service and how the job itself is soooo not nice so i always go out of my way to be nice. and we can't tip every tom dick and harry that serves us so the best we can do is common courtesy which i for one am more than happy to give. but when even that doesn't softem them up...

24 Oct 2007 05:00

i don't know whether mine was bad service or pure hubby and i were on a weekend outing at a local hotel-the hotel has a casino and a smalanyana on saturday evening we decided to go to the casino right.we got there and the mantshingilane demanded that i show him an ID.i couldn't believe it.i looked and him and i went "you have got to be kidding me!"He seriously husband showed him my wedding ring and asked the guy"so are saying i am married to a minor,what do you take me for".The guard went"this does not mean anything.the whole thing turned out to be such a useless fuss.His manager was called and they checked on their hotel guest list and realised we were booked in at the hotel AND they were soo embarrassed because the manager also defended the guard saying "it is procedure to ask for IDs,if someone is suspected to be underage" That is pure BULL S**T. A lot of people don't look their age.The whole weekend was then spoiled becuase of the matshingelane.

candy luv
24 Oct 2007 05:11

cleaners and cashiers are the scum off  the world i hate their totally bitchy attitude coz ive been there and i dont remember being such a bitch....

24 Oct 2007 05:22

I don't think is because of race, she might have been exhausted. it happened to everybody who overworked. and most of us take it out to wrong people. OR she might be sturbon by birth. like one of my subbodinates at work, he is very cheeky. I got cross most of the time with him and end up like this to him. "you read and understands the advert whilst you apply for this job. since you know the job contents , please do you work"
which I egret later.

24 Oct 2007 05:38

it definitely is because of matter how tired or exhausted they get, all of that disappears when a white person comes along because they are scared of white people.BASABA ABELUNGU.They know that white people don't take sh*t.I guess we also have to be like white people and always not take the sh*t they throw at us.People shouldn't bring their problems to work.PERIOD.

24 Oct 2007 06:24

I have been into a till where I am not greeted and my grocery is not packed, but comes a white person they greet them with a big smile and call a person to come and pack their groceries then you get these security who is following you if you have opened a chocolate for your child just to see if you are going to pay for it "how can you fill your trolley & not pay for a R7.99" another Security asked me uzoyibhadala na? I ask him do you want me to swipe for it in your mouth while we do our shopping? I know it's our black brothers & sisters but crap is crap...Whites treat me better

24 Oct 2007 06:42

"you read and understands the advert whilst you apply for this job. since you know the job contents , please do you work"
which I egret later.

If I had said THAT, I'd also regret saying it immediately!

24 Oct 2007 09:02

Mina I went to Shoprite in Pretoria, Church and Van der walt.

I asked how much is the small and big plastic bags.
The lady just mumbled and I couldn't hear a word she said. I said "I beg your pardon but ka SeSotho" and she responded loudly this time "DIDN'T  YOU HEAR ME!! 

I responded calmly " Sisi if you have personal problems please don't vent out your frustrations on customers." Yhoo!!!

She responded" *bleep!* YOU *bleep!* YOU!!

I fumed and left everything on the counter and demanded to speak to her manager. there was a guy behind me and I dragged him along to be witness.

Manager's office:

We started explaing the situation to the manager, and the manager asked her "did you swear at the customer" and she said "YES".

The manager was like "what?". The manager took my numbers and said that they'll follow it up and let me know. Even today, I'm still waiting for her response AND GUESS WHAT, THE LADY STILL WORKS AT SHOPRITE (i went there some other time just to check and she's still there) probably giving more CRAPPY SERVICE TO OTHERS.

I don't buy at Shoprite anymore. I buy at Spar mostly in the suburbs.

And guys have you noticed kuthi if you go to a spar in a CBD and the one in the suburbs, they are different. 

sweetie my baby
24 Oct 2007 09:09

iyooo, that's hectic maddie - she should've been fired on the spot! and that's WHY crappy people continue with this behaviour, coz they get away with the nonsense!best believe that nna, i am following up at woolies to make sure that wench has been disciplined, i want ANSWERS

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