Judging from the latest BBA discussions, this blog will probably get some people HEATED, but let’s try to discuss this in as calm a manner as possible, shall we?
People, me, I am concerned about the sexual shenanigans in the Big Brother Africa house, specifically their loose definition of commitment to the relationships they have outside the house – I am particularly stressed about the way African manhood has been represented by 3 of the male participants in the Big Brother Africa House. (Richie, Code & Max) I can understand hectic attraction, (we’ve all been there, God knows,) but it’s kinda crazy when half the men walked in there proclaiming that they are in airtight, committed relationships and then merrily proceed to have raging affairs in the house!
Before you remind me, I KNOW that it’s about entertainment, and they’re all consenting adults, and everybody makes ‘mistakes’ – HOWEVER, I think it’s a bit of a worry when 3 out of 6 men who entered the house are flagrantly carrying on affairs in front of God, Family and the entire African continent…. What’s that about? When you say you’re in a committed relationship/marriage, what exactly do you mean? And let’s be real – who can return to a partner who they (and the whole of Africa) have witnessed cavorting with someone else for weeks on end… ? bloggers, I need answers- help a girl out, please!
As your partner, while they're busy kerfuffling in the house, what do THEY think that YOU are thinking as you watch this lunacy? When you see your husband/fiancé get busy with a sexy little number, (on TV, no less) how do you face your colleagues at work, knowing they’ve seen this, how do you address it with your parents, your friends? This persons nonsense becomes YOUR shame outside the house, coz they’re not there to account for it, and you have to 'deal'...
I mean, in the history of the Big Brother Houses internationally, I don’t think any of the them have seen such a systematic and total breaking of commitments - not to mention the passionate encounters on the kitchen floor (Richianna), in the hammock (Code & Mau-Mau), undercovers (Lerato & Max), and don’t even get me started on the penthouse…. IYO IYO IYO!
No, I’m sorry- I know I’m gonna get slammed, but I really think these guys have behaved soooo badly, and have fulfilled some horrid stereotypes about Africans – we’re oversexed, unable to remain faithful, cannot control our sex drives….it just goes on…
The irritating thing is that they were SO SMUG about their relationships when they came in – Code and Max talking in American about their ‘shorties’ back home, and how the women in the BBA house were THROWING themselves at them, but they’re o so focussed on their women outside. As for Richard – no one will ever forget that moment when he was introduced to Africa, and the first words out of his mouth were ‘Where’s my wife??’ and the blushing Ricki was called out for us to see– so much for THAT, eh?
If it had been just one of the guys maybe– but for a full 50% of them to be carrying on like this – NOT COOL. And I don’t care how you slice it, IT'S JUST NOT OKAY. (if i had space, i'd deal with Kwaku and his polygamous ways, but space only allows so much...and at least he was semi-single, or was he... heysh, so much to think about...)
Anyway, let’s discuss, because there’s nothing I love like a TVSA debate. But NO INSULTS, beautiful people…. Just intelligent and vigorous debate. (when I gather my strength, I’ll see if I can write about the ‘other women’ of the BBA house. Hopefully Segololo won’t strangle me for putting Lerato on blast…