Pregnancy survival guide

Written by Segololo from the blog Little Miracles on 29 Aug 2007
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When I discovered I was pregnant; King K and I vowed to do the darkie thing and not tell a soul. Puhlease! I told the first person I saw! How do you keep such wonderful news to yourself when people will know in a bit anyway? Why the secrecy? Anyways, he was not impressed but I was now able to chat to my gals about the whole experience; every little thing – the feeling, the loo visits – you pee a lot, the tiredness, the nausea, the remedies, the metallic taste that food has, ALLES!

What you need to know is “it is different for everyone. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently”. Since we are all different we will have different experiences. Some vomit, some don’t, some feel tired, and some don’t. If you are in doubt; get a professional to advise you. They do it for a living and we pay them for the service so get the advice. Listen to your doctor; the may not be showing off their kids to you and retelling their own experiences but they have the qualifications to make a decision or give valid advice. Some of us well meaning souls don’t have the qualifications!

Get yourself a subscription to fit pregnancy; my baby is 20 months but I still get it; It has great eating tips, great exercise tips and relevant articles on everything related to pregnancy and what to expect those first few days. I just love everything about the mag; I tried a couple of mags but they would often conflict each other or confuse me so I stuck to one that has my figure in mind. I did not want to balloon to a size 44 during pregnancy and after the baby it wouldn’t go away – so I gained 6 kg’s during my pregnancy. There is nothing wrong with gaining weight but be careful not to over-indulge, not move and blame it on the pregnancy

Eat for one – Eating for two is the crappiest advice I got! Just eat when you are hungry; not 7 helpings of ice cream – be reasonable about what you eat and how you eat. Don’t listen to old wives tales that if you eat atchar your baby will be crying all the time… I ate a lot of it and my baby was fine! I ate atchar with ginger or marie biscuits! What other old wives tales are there? Some even go as far as “do not have sex” or something like that… anyways, go with your gut feel but eat for one!

Take an exercise class that is designed for pregnant women- gyms are even offering classes. Just find out and forget the tiredness; go meet other women who are also preggies and want to stay fit. Being fit is essential for the birth anyways. So do it knowing when you pop, you will be fit or almost fit enough to go thru labour.

Forget about labour – everyone has a different story and experience; just wait your turn. I wanted a natural birth; everyone told me how straining and painful it was; I wanted all of that! When my gynae told me my baby was breech – baby hasn’t turned into the birth position, the legs are at the bottom; I was devastated. I wanted to blame someone for this. BUT nature has it’s way of doing things. I had to accept that I would not give birth naturally because of my baby’s position – it is too risky to give birth naturally when the baby is in that position Head first is the way to come into the world. I had to pray that my baby would turn but as it grew bigger I had to accept that this baby would not turn. It would be too difficult and painful for me. So C-section was the only option; I went thru a C-section with no problem. My baby’s umbilical was around his neck so had I forced the doctor to attempt a natural birth; my baby could have been choked by the cord while I pursued my dream of a natural birth.

Enjoy your breasts – as large as they get – they give you some sense of va-va-voom! They are glorious… Just remember that they soon need to feed a hungry baby – Babies are so hungry after the first day that it seems like they wanna feed for the full nine months you carried them. Massage your nipples when you are 7 months into your pregnancy; it helps a little bit when you need to breastfeed the first time.

Some on the by tips are
Have one great friend that you trust; that has a baby, and is not secretive close to you via sms, fax, email or a simple call.
Whenever you leave a place and when you get to the next place; visit the loo. Then you don't need to feel like you need to go while on the freeway and there is no public toilet in sight! 

Don’t believe everything you read or hear. Don’t internalize and freak yourself out. I wanted to get tested for everything under the sun – but I had a lovely gynae who has 4 healthy boys and reassured me that all is well – so I got only the tests that were necessary. So read/listen, understand, know about the changes that will happen to your body and your baby but don’t scare yourself about everyone’s experience. Remember tip number 1…

Most of all, Enjoy every stage and try to keep a journal of all the things that happened when you discovered you were pregnant and the symptoms/cures to morning sickness, because once the baby is here you long for those feelings of pregnancy... and you struggle to remember how you coped with the entire experience. 


29 Aug 2007 01:23

Segololo, thanks for starting this blog.....I can never get enough of talking about babies, pregnancy and birth LOL.

What I read:

The What to expect WHEN YOU'RE PREGNANT, THE FIRST YEAR books and although my baby's almost 2yrs I still read the 1ST YEAR BOOK.

to be continued.........

29 Aug 2007 01:40

>>Don’t believe everything you read or hear<<< he he he Sgo, I'm not sure if i should believe what you just told us on your blog, if you yourself say we must not believe..... LoL

Great topic non the less, I will come back in two years and tell you guys about my pregnancy experience... for now all I know I learnt from School....

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 01:44

Thanks Sego. When I was preg, I read everything I could get my hands on. AND learnt everything I know from my mom. Id go on the net and read week by week, whats happening inside, what the developments are each week, etc. AND Id tell everyone about it. It was so eye-opening. I mean, I did Biology at high school, but never knew what I now know til I was preg!
The 3D scan, bathong! Amazing! I still watch my son's 3D scan videos, and show it to him...

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 01:51

Well, I dont have "labour" experience, coz I had a C section a month before the due date, due to complications.
Breasts: Ooooh, Sego, bathong, they shrink after breastfeeding! Why, I wonder?

29 Aug 2007 01:56

@XC.. you have 3D scan videos? You must have been a very rich patient hey... the one I wouldn't mind having. When are you getting pregnant again:)?? Please holla as soon as you know... ok

29 Aug 2007 02:04

Good morning all missed u all so so much,great blog Sego.

Yho when i was pregnant yo i weight 81 kg cas i was eating e'thing n now when i think about it  i just think its so  funny,but now  im a size 34 i weight about 58kg im not sure.

But i've done well,breast feeding helped me lose all the weight

XC I do have labour experience hi hi yo thats one day i dont wish to get again cas of paiiiiin,but giving birth to ma daughter i would nt mind doing that over n over again.

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 02:12

Bee: They gave me the printed out scans, whatever they are called, in the normal grey where u cant even see where the head is on almost every check-up. Then  on one visit, the colour scans, and a 3D scan cd-rom, and video. 

And to see him in colour 3D like that as a real person was like, wow, this is happening! You can see him clearly, fingernails and all. Aaaah, the days!

Not getting a sibling for him in MANY years to come

29 Aug 2007 02:15

Don’t listen to old wives tales that if you eat atchar your baby will be crying all the time… I ate a lot of it and my baby was fine! I ate atchar with ginger or marie biscuits! Ha! Ha! LOL! I also agree that being pregnant doesn't mean you have baloon twice the size you were before you got preg.

Oh! I also want to know how to take of your skin, while pregnant? I heard that your skin goes through certain changes while preg. How do you keep away from things like weight problems and skin problem? Does anyone know?

29 Aug 2007 02:17

Yazi nam wena XC im still so atouched to my daughter i dont think im going to replace her anytime soon,n im stillkeeping those 3d scan they still on the side of my bed cas thats when i started falling inlove with ma daughter b4 i even new how she'll look like.

29 Aug 2007 02:19


My first pregnancy wasn't that much of a success (heck, it wasn't a success @ all) and i had the 'eats' problem...u know where it feels like there's a very BIG EMPTY hole in your stomach and you're hungry the minute you finish eating? Needless to say I ballooned and then discovered my baby was deformed..long story, if u wanna know details holla! and I had to have an emergency C-section which didn't help much cause he died shortly after birth (prune belly syndrome).I also couldn't blv the disappointment in myself for not having a normal birth.
Anyway, 2nd pregnancy was way different--didn't have the eats, the tiredness, the nausea--in fact, the only thing different  was that my belly was growing but it was inevitable that i would have a c-section again but I had gotten used to the idea and i had another premature birth (which thankfully meant no labour pains) and a healthy baby, although she did her stint in the NICU too.

So it's true that no two pregnancies are the same, even for the same person.

The 3D scan, bathong! Amazing!

So true XC---I just wish mine was much clearer but i could make out her hand and an outline of her face which is an exhilirating feeling when it happens.

Does anyone scrapbook?

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 02:22

Cocktail: I may not have labour experience, but I do have PAIN experience. Long ago, I'd hear people say the Ceasar is the "easy way out ". 

When my Doc told me I had to have an emergency Caesar coz we were gonna lose my baby etc, I felt like a cheater, like I was gonna cheat my way through childbirth. But 30 minutes after the op, and for two weeks after, i was like, I haven't cheated ANYTHING, bru! Yho, ibuhlungu, qha ke!

29 Aug 2007 02:24

u r right segololo. one shouldn't listen to advice people give and must just go with their instinct/doctor's advice. when i was preggies i just ate when i was hungry and i ate whatever i craved. didn't have any strange cravings thou. except for mcdonald's. i didn't mind having a macd burger and chips with their milkshake/ice cream any day! i neva experienced any funny pregnancy related symptoms like dry skin/big nose and lips/vomitting. ok, with the vomitting i thiink that musta happened twice only. i had a bit of nausea  and heartburn but nothing i couldn't handle. no swelling up of any parts! in fact people said i glowed and because i was carrying a boy i threw that old wives' tale about if u looking good when preggies then ur carrying a girl! even my mom wouldn't believe it was a boy until she actually saw the little penis on the scan! i had a natural birth, just the way i wanted it. but the pain...i felt like death woulda been better! i actually gave birth a day before my EDD.

i also wanted to breasfeed only and actually experienced what some new moms go thru - not having enough milk! i was devastated about the fact that i couldn't provide enough milk for my baby and had to go the formula route (only bought formula when he was like 3 days old...after i accepted gore i wasn't producing enough). so all those manuals that tell u gore ur breasts will provide what ur baby needs isn't always true. i was a true believer in breast feeding (still am) but also have accepted sometimes it's just not enough!

XC..u have a child? and u so skinnY!

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 02:26

Tox: So sad to hear about your first pregnancy. Dont wanna open old wounds though. It mustve been very painful. Am happy you have a healthy baby now. 

Oh, I have an album with all his scans, photos, and have recorded month by month, his weight, and other milestones like first words, etc

29 Aug 2007 02:27

Wiess: Oh! I also want to know how to take of your skin, while pregnant?

Drink lots and lots of water and moisturise. your skin will naturally change during the pregnancy cause of the melanin or smthing like that content and u'll get dark spots around certain parts of your body as well as your neck but don't stop moisturising and don't stop drinking water..when the pregnancy is over, u don't want to remain with spots or acne due to the reckless eating habits...

29 Aug 2007 02:27

HI HI HI HI HI @XC ja i guess theres no pain that beats giving birth in any kind of way

29 Aug 2007 02:29

Kelef nawe ungumama,yho sibaninzi mos so many ppl can relate to me here at tvsa,great !!!!!Thats why i call it HOME

29 Aug 2007 02:34

Hey everyone, Toxic, so sorry to hear about your first pregancy experience.
Anyway, just found out that I'm pregnant with my second baby and I'm so excited. I know everything there is to know about parenting but I will still be reading those magazines. Done it before and will do it again.

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 02:36

Kele: Well, he IS just over 2 now, and was on the breast for the longest time. So lots of time to lose the 8kgs I gained.
I kinda let him have his way nami, I guess I felt guilty coz he was a premature baby.

Anyway, during preg, I never vomited once! I was just eating all the time. I stopped being vegetarian, and went FULL FORCE in the meat direction! I craved oily, salty foods. Pies, KFC, anything with cheese...

As for swelling, 4 days after giving birth, I got an allergy to the medication I was on, and got a rash. My hands, ankles and feet swelled up big time! My pressure was so high as well. Yho!

29 Aug 2007 02:39

The heartburn urgh!! There's no cure for that...i did everything from rennies to ginger to 8 small meals but NADA!

-DID any of you ever feel like your baby was moving upwards towards your throat when u were sleeping?
-Did anyone else have trouble walking during the last trimester? Around the 7th month, I just couldn't left foot just wouldn't hold my weight and i went to those mothers that rub your belly to change the baby's position..what are they called?-and ended up walking on crutches?

Oh, I have an album with all his scans, photos, and have recorded month by month, his weight, and other milestones like first words, etc.

I have a collection of pictures but have not found time to place them in an album or the scrapbook! I am now keeping a journal and recording these details cause it's much easier for me to write my thoughts and the stuff that happens in her life than capture them in film.

Bless TVSA GOLD...this topic would never have seen the light of day, otherwise lol!

29 Aug 2007 02:40

Hmm... thanks very much Toxic You know I wouldn't want to remain clueless the whole time. Have one great friend that you trust; that has a baby Great! I think I have a clue who that would be! Hope you don't mind.

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 02:41

Congrats Lungza! Am haaaaaapyyyyy for youuuuuu!

29 Aug 2007 02:41

that was the best exp eva would'nt mind again pity i dnt even have a gr8 man !!!!!!!!

29 Aug 2007 02:42

@Toxy ja i've had all those mentioned above,hee mna ke i was very lazy,yo yo i just seating down i had to make sure the remote was next to me food e'thing so i dont have to stand ,besides going to the loo,n i will get worried when ma child did nt kick for a while,i was very paranoid

29 Aug 2007 02:45

29 Aug 2007 02:46

i am 12 weeks preggies....... and damn i only eat pap ka beacon....yhooo modimo waka.

29 Aug 2007 02:47

Congratualtions it true that conceiving for the second time is difficult?

As for swelling, 4 days after giving birth, I got an allergy to the medication I was on, and got a rash. My hands, ankles and feet swelled up big time! My pressure was so high as well. Yho!

Hahahaaah XC...was it penicillin? reminds me of my one visit to the hospital before the actual birth..and i was given penicillin injections and tablets to take home. The rash was unbelievable ITCHY and it wasn't anywhere else but down there...gosh, that's when I found out I was allergic to it and all that time i had been thinking i don't have allergies

All the C-sectioners:

What is this stuff they give us that makes one want to cough after the operation when they know it's damn PAINFUL to do so?

29 Aug 2007 02:48

Great Article Sego...
..I admirer your bravery to talk abt your loss...
When I was in my first trimester and didnt know that I was pregnant I thought I had ulcers and the only thing I could take in was milk and then I found out and my mom still thought I had ulcers and I was now craving tomatoes....we would argue abt eating tomatoes while I had ulcers..I could not control the cravings if I wanred something then I had to get it then...

29 Aug 2007 02:50

LMAO Cocktail *mental image of u*!!
n i will get worried when ma child did nt kick for a while,i was very paranoid

Oh I so can relate to this!!!!

congratulations Smatsatsa....suggestion to all moms-dads-to be: start a pregnancy blog and tell us abt your experience, i'd love to read abt it:)

29 Aug 2007 02:51

Congra to Smatsatsa n Lungy!!!!!

29 Aug 2007 02:52

hi there mabloggers! 

wonderful topic about child birth and pregancy, it really took me back. however i REALLY don't like this labour pain thing, i could have sworn i went mad in the last couple of hours. i was in labour for more that 10 hours and i was not dilatting, you can imagien the 'drama' . i came close to having the C-section and had already signed the forms when Mr. man decided he's ready and he was born naturally.

funny thing about this child birth, its so natural and (shoot me if you see me) but i could've sworn that as soon as he was 'out' i thought hey, i can do thsi again. but not for a very long time. being a mother has shown me how strong women are, its actually scary.

anyway big up to the cool mothers out there!

29 Aug 2007 02:54

FULL FORCE in the meat direction! I craved oily, salty foods. Pies, KFC, anything with cheese...  I never heard any pregnant woman who never craved these watzup guys ?........ and my mom used to joke about how my son will be born with cheese all over cause I ate ev'thing that had cheese and meat and still do

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 02:55

" Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come THROUGH you but not FROM you,
And though they are WITH you, yet they belong not TO you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you..."

- Kahlil Gibran.

(People like pissing me off by quoting lines from this poem, and never credit Kahlil, who wrote this in 1920. Eeeer, you too Sis Ribs. I heard you on Sunday.)

29 Aug 2007 02:56

ppl I hear and think I know that when you are really get the urge to have sex often??? Is that so normal??? \
maybe you can answer this one
Pity the father was not around....during my pregnancy my baby kept me's like everything I was doing I had to first think of this life inside's just amazing....even I dont dream of being pregnant again because of the C-section
C-section---some other ppl told me I wont hv a bond with my child becoz of not giving birth mad coz I do

29 Aug 2007 02:59

Tox, i feel ur next pregnancy is on its way soon

congratulations to all the moms to be!

cravings i had: tomato sauce! i couldn't get enogh! and i also couldn't stand the smell and tase of boerewors! i was neva tired, only in the end, when i stopped working which was only 2 weeks before my due date. i think during the last 8 weeks or so my ribs would hurt sometimes from all the kicking! i enjoyed the baby movements in my stomach, used to sit in the bathtub and watch him make waves in the water with all those movements! y is it that u don't see the stretch marks, until after the birht? i was using bio-oil since i found out i was preggies and was so happy that none had materialised (until after i saw them post birth!). ooh the trips to the loo bathong!

i must say since i went back to work i neglected the scrap book i had created and all the recordings of milestones. i feel so starting again as of now!

29 Aug 2007 02:59

@Zicho,Hayi ke yinyani leyo i was very sexually craving if i may put it.hi hi hi

29 Aug 2007 03:00

me had Csection and I hate it, I had to see the whole damn procedure and still traumised by the after pains .the pain killers  almost turned me into a drug addict

29 Aug 2007 03:05

@ Toxic, all i can say to u is that I am sorry for ue loss, but u know what everything happens for a reason. i am only glad that you have healed and accepted Gaads will. By the way u r going on i can say that you dont see ur 2nd child as a replacement to the first, which is very very Good and strong of you. i know that you will neva forget what happened to you but may Gaad give u more strenght to carry on and may u trust in his faith and keep ur head up. I am sorry if I am opening up old wounds but I feel ur pain sister and I am amazed by ur openess and courage. I really was touched by ur response, just keep ur head up sister ur know what they say "the struggle continues".

29 Aug 2007 03:06

"is it true that conceiving for the second time is difficult? " I,m not sure cause the baby wasn't planned .

29 Aug 2007 03:07

And Sego ang all the moms can you give me some advise on how to loose some weight espcly the belly after u hv given birth son is now 13 months and I only breastfed for two weeks(I stopped bcoz it was too painful and they had to take away my baby...I was crying all the time)...I felt it was all for the best

29 Aug 2007 03:08

Eish... I feel so left out!!!

You guyz are sounding like housewives hi hi hi( in a good way thou)

29 Aug 2007 03:09

i feel u masesi. i started getting those labour signs the day before i actually went into labour. when i did go just after 3 in the morning i felt i was really close, only to be told i was only 2cm dilated! imagine my horror as the pains intensified! iyho! i felt like wringing someone's neck! and they refused to give me...what's that injection for the pain?...they said something about it would complicate things! and immediately after u give birht it's gone! as if it was never there???!!!

i'm glad am not the only one who went thru this alone. my baby daddy was over the moon when he found out about my pregnancy. he was even happier than i was about the whole thing. not long after that thou things changed. let's just say i asked him to stay away when it became clear he wanted to keep my baby a secret (with the whole issue of go begwa...he was dragging his feet and kept coming up with stories). i think then i was 4 and a half months preggies. a few weeks later i was in an accident and was so scared i sms'd him. he neva bothered to call and find out! thank God nothing bad happened as we were both fine! it makes me sad to think gore my baby's growing up without even knowing his own father....

29 Aug 2007 03:09

Morning y'all manje mina i dont have a bambino yet..! with all this stories im hearing eish manje sengiyasaba ..yho all this cravings of weird combination pap with beacon yho..! just thought i should share that my sisters cutie is turning 9 months today yepee for skeepy..! her pic is in my galleries!

29 Aug 2007 03:15

Hi all,
Thanks for da great article Segololo.

My pregnancy wasn't great @ all cause the man left me after I told him I was preggies, but I tried to enjoy it all by myself. and didn't experience any of those crazy symptoms , but only High Blood Pressure which was suppose to happen anyway. 

I never had any complications, and delivered my baby naturally and the labour pains were unbearable in those wee hours of the night.

29 Aug 2007 03:16


Thanx Andi01!!

29 Aug 2007 03:18

?>> I hear and think I know that when you are really get the urge to have sex often??? Is that so normal??? \
Bee maybe you can answer this one <<<
@ Zicho, it all has to do with the hormonal changes gurl, the surge shoots up in those first few weeks--- thats why you get these other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, mood swings, irritability etc... your body is trying to make you AWARE of the pregnancy(so that you dont eat all these wrong things he he he that can harm your baby)... until you test! These symptoms are enough to send anyone straight to their doctor's office and if 'she/he's good he will suggest a preg test(whether you missed your periods or not)

29 Aug 2007 03:22

@ smatsatsa...Papa ka Beacon, about a weired combination!
Congrats to all who are preggies!

Great blog Sego!

29 Aug 2007 03:22

Gr8 Topic Sego, even though I dont have a baby, I have learnt a thing here. CONGRATS to Lungza@ and Smatsatsa.  

You guys are making me wonna fall peggiez as in like NOW!!! Jokes guys. Wena Cocky where have u been?

XC - u have a mail on Yahoo.

29 Aug 2007 03:23

morning ya'll. thats all i can say

29 Aug 2007 03:27

hi hi hi I feel you Monchooza!

Batho ba kwala diessay today! k’ shubile k’ bomvu!!!!!

29 Aug 2007 03:27

Hi Guys ...this topic is really exciting ,it took me back 4.5 months ago when I had my baby boy...Its the expirience that keeps me going even today ,I always look back ago 'well done gal,I'm so proud of  u" I enjoyed every bit of that time even though the papa was not there (thats another topic for another day) anyway I always visited week after week and was so amazed how common pregnancy is as much as it different for everyone....I vomited nine full months about 5 to 6 times a day I don't know why the call it Morning sickness really...

I had no apetite at all I only ate grapes and spinach and my cravings were sour sweets and ICE Cubes and had to call my doc coz they said my baby will have pneumonia but my doc said its just that I needed iron on my body and I wuld sleep all the time,at work I would go to the ladies room and sleep about an hour everyday 

I also had a c-section coz my boy was 4.5kg at birth,On my last day at work as I was going on maternity leave ,they arranged a Party and my boy dicided to come that day...u can imagine going on labour at work but the pains did'nt last long I had an epidural .....Guys i can go on and on ....Umntu ongazelanga uyaphoswa

29 Aug 2007 03:32

Yho I didn't know so many bloggers are mommies.

Well  my pregrancy was  a breeze.  I never really had many complications only normal stuff.  I was teased a lot about my nose cause it just balloned, I had swollen legs and fingers.
I was also a cronic "worrier".  I was worried if my baby did not move for a long period of time.  I used to force myself to go to the toilet because my gynae told me that a pregnant person should have at least 1 bowel movement a day.  I was so careful not to bump into anything with my stomach blah blah blah.
My family was disgusted with what I ate.  My favorite "concortion" was mixing i Oros and Milk instead of water. Mixing avocado with atchaar.Amakipkip with bread.  Yahhhhhhhhh ne.

THEN CAME THE LABOUR PAINS.  Thats one pain you can never explain to anybody.  I was in labour for 19 hours. I was so determinded to have a natural birth and thats exactly what I got. I was with my boyfriend and my mother in the delivery room.  I hated my boyfriend so much at that time and I told him I dont ever want to see him again but ag shame he was so understanding he just stood there not knowing what to do.  But all was well when we where  staring into our little baby boys face.

29 Aug 2007 03:42

Guys I'm so tired now and eating non-stop but only healthy foods. I have to eat something like every hour or my stomach goes nuts. My cravings at the monent is Atchaar with tomatoe and vinegar. I could it it all day. My baby dady is still getting used to the idea but he is warming  up to the idea

29 Aug 2007 03:50

@Tox - sorry about the loss of your first child but I'm sure u have found peace with it.
@Kele - a few weeks later i was in an accident and was so scared i sms'd him. he neva bothered to call and find out! thank God nothing bad happened as we were both fine! it makes me sad to think gore my baby's growing up without even knowing his own father....He just has no feelings. Damn Him for doing that to u.

At home we were two and I lost My brother when I was 16 yrs old.  I was so devastated but I remained strong for My Mom and Dad. A year later My Mom told me that she ws preggiez - I couldnt believe it coz I was like so old...16yrs but I was sooo happy. The following yr I ws in Matric and was about to go to Tertiary and move out of home......when I ws 2 months in Tertiary and and got a fone call that I shuld go and visit home that particular weekend...and found out that My Mom lost her baby....was soo sad bt we got over it. My Mom decided to kinda adopt(bt not realy)  her friend's son who went to work in some stage My parents knew that he was also gonna grow and want to move out he did and now he's in England....we're still close and that was a Brother  I got to be close to when I was a Teen. My parents also made peace with it and are soo waiting for a Grandkid but only when the time is right offcourse.

29 Aug 2007 03:52

@MamaO Oros with milk ewethu i tasta njani keloyo mix masala? u not what i dont understand i when someone is preggies then they suddenly have a person that they hate is that also ama hormones or ukusa nje?

29 Aug 2007 03:57

Congrats to Lungza & Smatsatsa!! You know guys,I just love to spoil pregnant women - give them a back massage, wash their feet, get to cook for them and give them whatever they would like to to drink, etc.

This topic is shaking me up so much, that I have the urge make someone pregnant! Ha! Ha! Anyway I also know that I love to take care of babies too. As soon as I'm maried, the baby should be on the way too. All this living alone is not good.

29 Aug 2007 03:59

my due date is feb the 29th damn imagine my baby celebrating his/her bifday after 4 years, maybe induce e tla thusa, i mean a week before (friday the 22nd)which is ma man's bifday. advice pls......

29 Aug 2007 04:03

Lungza@ (y the @?)..are you taking any vitamins?

Did anyone enjoy the braxton hicks contractions? I enjoyed that tight feeeling yong!!

Lady D
29 Aug 2007 04:04

Papa ka beacon...thats weird mosadi!!! Its soo interesting reading all ya stories,being a mother of two,i totally agree that no two prEgnancies are the same.But all in all pregnancey is a beautifull thing,all women should really embrace it cause there's nothing compared to it.The next moment you are screaming cause of labour pains and SOON thereafter you crying tears of joy cause you have this beautifull bundle of joy in your hands.That is just soo beautifull...

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 04:06

Unik: 4,5kg at birth????? YHOOOOO. Mine was 2kgs. Whats the weight now? Where are u, Unik?

29 Aug 2007 04:07

@ Gucci  that is so sad  man. so many losses  and you still managed to  move on be happy, you are strong really I admire you

29 Aug 2007 04:10

My parents also made peace with it and are soo waiting for a Grandkid but only when the time is right offcourse.

Yes, Gucci don't wait too long though hahaha!

Smatsatsa.....are you going to have a natural birth or C-section? I also chose the date of birth for my daughter but only because I was gonna have a C-section and my gynae did not want me to go thru the labour process so we chose a date that suited me.


Sometimes, it;s best to let your child come into the world when (she)he is ready to make the entrance. I am not so supportive of people that want to induce cause I believe that when a child is fully developed, then they wanna come out (unless there are medical reasons that make the world a safer place than the womb) and you don't want to cause unnecessary distress for a baby that still needs to be in your womb for whatever emotional reasons.

It's true that a baby can survive life outside the womb from 6 months or whatever but the womb is basically the safest place for your child to be so let them decide when they wanna come out....

29 Aug 2007 04:15

Which one of you mamas gave birth at a public hospital? Just wanna know if u'd go there again and if not, why?

29 Aug 2007 04:21

point taken there @ Tox.. thanks/.

29 Aug 2007 04:26

NOOOOOOOOOOOO Smatsatsa Induction is a no no no ,I was induced  for two days and will neva eva forget the pain , and would neva eva advice someone to go that route  neva the pains  according to me a worse that natural labour, after the procedure nothing happened I was still in major pain and now our lives( me and the baby)  were at risk and they had to perform a c section immediately I magine the trauma, I still have nightmares and that's part of the reason why my son is four and still have no sibling. 

29 Aug 2007 04:26

Say that to a baby who was carried by a mother who shot herself straight in the tummmy while she was 8 mnths pregnant...coz of Deprssion

29 Aug 2007 04:29

hi y'all.... nice1 Sego I like it!!!! as u all know am a granny and I have lot of exeprience with kids I will come back later for comments!!!.... sorry to be out of topic its Immaculate's birthday will you guys please holler @ her guestbook.... she will read your messages on Friday!!! thnx mabloggers!!!

29 Aug 2007 04:29

Am not ready for pregnancy maara am 2 scared to fall pregnant nna.
congrats to all the mother's to be.
To everyone who lost their children, am really sorry and everything works out well for you at the end.
My mom had a miscarraige once and the following year she gave birth to a premature whom we lost after 11 months.It was really sad and i had lost hope.
She then later gave birth to a healthy baby boy who is 19 years younger than me, hi hi hi i larv him to bits like my own and i will die if anything had to happen to him.
Thanx Segololo for this...i will remember it 1 day.

29 Aug 2007 04:32

Cande where have you been you were sooooooooooo......... missed

29 Aug 2007 04:34

Unik: 4,5kg at birth????? YHOOOOO. Mine was 2kgs. Whats the weight now? Where are u, Unik? - I'm in Cape Town gal
My baby boy is only 4 months oldand is wearing 12/18 mnths clothes the last time I checked he was 10.5kg Yes he is a Giant  ,hes tall more than anything else I love him 2 bits...

29 Aug 2007 04:36

Say that to a baby who was carried by a mother who shot herself straight in the tummmy while she was 8 mnths pregnant...coz of Deprssion?

Yeah Zhico, that happens just like people committing suicide should not stop us from living...

29 Aug 2007 04:37

sho!! My daughter's almost 2 and weighs just over 11kg!

29 Aug 2007 04:38

"Lungza@ (y the @?)..are you taking any vitamins?" I had a user name Lungza and when I tried to login again it kicked me out and couldn't recognise it. So I recreated it with @ because the originl is still exisitng even though I can't find it. As for the vitamins, only confirmed  my pregnancy on monday with a home test becaue I was feeling all weird. Will only be going to the doctor this weekend. I just hope everything is well with my baby

29 Aug 2007 04:39

Cande where have you been you were sooooooooooo......... missed

Am back larv, i will never leave you again.

29 Aug 2007 04:41 can change your display name by going to Admin-user Settings-change alias. Good luck with the doctors visit..make sure they prescribe FOLIC ACID!!!

29 Aug 2007 04:44

I was a Virgin when i got married last year, I tried everything until i got pregnant this year and unfortunatly, three weeks later i miscarried, am trying all my best to get pregnant again but its just not happening, is there anything wrong that am doing, please advise Mabloggers, am starting to stress a lot about this. 

29 Aug 2007 04:47

Hi ya'll!!
 Im a mother of a 3yr old..My pregnency was fine thanx 2 the magz. I had C section coz he was a breech. I breast feeded 4 a month after that i stoped coz i was loosing weight like no body's business. Now the problem is my breasts .....they look so ugly like a used tea bag. Im not comfortable 2 undress in front of my boyfriend though he is the father. I cant change in front of my friends bcos of them. Is there anything i can use??? Anything!!!! 

29 Aug 2007 04:52

iyhoo so many stories u guys! so sorry for all the losses.

my boy is 1 yr and some days. only about 9.7 kilos (he's been losing alot and not gaining much due to teething) but he's a healthy happy child. he wears clothes his own size.

yes, Toxi, the epidural. damned doctor refused to give it to me! they gave me something to speed up the labour, but it wasn't inducing cos i was already in labour. i don't know what they call that thing. i don't know if it woulda been better to gradually get used to the pain of if it was better that they hit me like bam and i felt like hell! hi hi hi 

when i was preggies i wasn't on medical aid and was sooo afraid of giving birth in a public hospital, i had heard and still am hearing, too many horror stories about our govt hospitals it's shocking and scary! i gave birth in a pvt hospital and my sister(bless her soul!) paid for the hospital costs. but even if she hadn't i woulda given birth there and paid the fees on my own somehow. i just think if a person can they shud as much as possible avoid govt hospitals.

what can u guys tell about the bleeding after birth? iyhoo i was traumatised by all that blood. it seemed as if my whole body was being drained nje. it's just too much blood that comes out after man!

29 Aug 2007 04:56

>>they look so ugly like a used tea bag. Im not comfortable 2 undress in front of my boyfriend though he is the father. I cant change in front of my friends bcos of them. Is there anything i can use??? Anything!!!! << Nicely... at least its your baby's father, a friend of mine has this boyfriend(not her baby-father) and he hates her saggy, wrinkled breasts and makes no secret of it... it really stresses her out!

My advice: Breast Augmentation Surgery( thats extreme I know), you can always exercise I hear it works too

29 Aug 2007 04:57

Oh my, I just think babies are so cute and a blessing from God. But the morning sickness and the thought of natural birth IYO, YO, YO!!!!

I will like to have a natural birth...

29 Aug 2007 04:58

@ Suzzi
I was a Virgin when i got married last year, I tried everything until i got pregnant this year and unfortunatly, three weeks later i miscarried, am trying all my best to get pregnant again but its just not happening, is there anything wrong that am doing, please advise Mabloggers, am starting to stress a lot about this. 

Like i said earlier my mom went through all this stages of giving birth to a premature and miscarriaging but she neva gave up. She went to every gynaecologist in town and eventually after hard work and a lot of medical bills she concieved. 
don't give up gal, get different opinions and most importantly neva loose hope.

29 Aug 2007 05:02

Thanks Toxic

29 Aug 2007 05:05

Hey peeps can anyone tell me how to upload pictures on my gallery or sungthing

29 Aug 2007 05:05

Hey peeps can anyone tell me how to upload pictures on my gallery or sungthing

29 Aug 2007 05:07

Andi01 pls reply to your guest book a.s.a.p

29 Aug 2007 05:14

what can u guys tell about the bleeding after birth? iyhoo i was traumatised by all that blood. it seemed as if my whole body was being drained nje. it's just too much blood that comes out after man!

Sorry can't help...the extra blood is drained during a C-section so I only had what looks like a period for two weeks after the op, mara my sis would sit on a bucket of hot water for some reason and she said it helped to heal the stitches and mimimise the flow of blood..eish i don't know!

don't give up gal, get different opinions and most importantly neva loose hope

Yes Suzi, like uCande asho, don't lose hope and don't give up. At least you are able to conceive so you're not infertile. I worked with this woman who couldn't have kids and she and her husband tried everything they could to conceive, they even went the in-vitro route. i don't know how many miscarriages she had but after a while, she gave up cause the treatments are expensive and she said the miscarriages wre bringing her spirit down so they decided to adopt. This woman has now become a mother to two healthy twins.

I think the secret's in the learning to control your thoughts.....try not to stress about it and don't pout yourself under pressure to conceive cause that seems to be the reason most people don't succeed in conceiving. It's more difficult to do it than it is to tell someone to do it i know but you really have to lift that burden off your shoulders.

29 Aug 2007 05:25

*This woman has now become a mother to two healthy babies (twins).

29 Aug 2007 05:34


29 Aug 2007 05:52

Yeah neh! It is funny how all this time andi01 said he was a man & then this! sho and whats worse is th@ in his/her profile he/she says he/she dislikes dishonesty, mara he's bein lyin all this tym or is he/she just being controversial?

29 Aug 2007 05:53

Thanks you guys, i will keep on hanging in there.

29 Aug 2007 06:20

@ Toxic<<<<<<<<<Which one of you mamas gave birth at a public hospital? Just wanna know if u'd go there again and if not, why? >>>>>>>>>> Yes ko Bara and I did not have a nice welcome there but the midwife was so helpful.

But ke I don't think in future I would like to give birth in any public hospitals

29 Aug 2007 06:34

Suzzi : relax - u have experinced a lot and that may impact at you inability to fall pregnant at this point in time.  try not to stress about it - enjoy making love to your  man and do it to enjoy and not to fall preggies, yes u wanna fall pregnant but f it occupies your mind too much it might hinder you - remember the mind is a powerful tool.  appreciate the fact tht u have fallen preggies once meaning u are not barren.  relax, relax - enjoy your marraige and the positive things about it. and your body may still be recovering from the miscarraige- u know hormones and all. it will happen eventually. big up to you  4 remaining a virgin till marraige.

29 Aug 2007 06:37

@suzi i feel for you my sister... hang in there,,

good topic sego... eish mine happened a long time ago, my boy turned 4 last month anyway... he was so big that at night in the hospital the nurses took him to feed him as he was draining me.. he weighed 4.3kg,had a ceasar and whats worse i asked for it coz i could not take the pain anymore... 

as the doctors were changing shifts i asked the one that came in that the previous doc said there were complications and i needed a c-section, funny he believed me and my did i regret saying that a few hours later... 

my breast!!! i think they are fine wethu, i love them coz i breastfed for about a month and went back to work...

29 Aug 2007 07:32

Thanks Sego for this topic, I'm just feeling a lot better now ... I feel I'm not alone.

I just found out that I'm preg and now I have no clue what to do,  I told the father and dont wana talk about it as I did plan. BUt I know it happened then I had to move on and accept it.

I dont have cravings yet but I get hungry so quickly and this worries me as I dont want to pick weight.

Any helpful &referal website or magz so that I can read more about pregnancy?
I have 8 months know more about it.

Thanks again Sego and bloggers for sharing your stories .... it made a diference to mwa.

29 Aug 2007 07:40

<<<Which one of you mamas gave birth at a public hospital? Just wanna know if u'd go there again and if not, why?>>>
mna I gave birth eKarlbremer CpT...iyho sana there is good servise there umntu uyahoywa phaya

Foxy gal
29 Aug 2007 07:43

I did'nt have any complications when i was pregnant with my foxy princess (she's 5yrs now)I only took leave from work 2 wks b4 delivery( I was sooo energetic) and i craved meat (braai) & uphuthu, salads & junk food ohhh ultra mel was my everyday dessert !!! 

& i was preggies again not so long ago & had a miscarriage 2weeks ago. still tryna deal with it but sometimes i just loose it we were soooo looking forward to having another bambino in the house & now i can't imagine myself being preggies again( i'm scared) !!!

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 07:47

"Which one of you mamas gave birth at a public hospital?" Not me. Just stuck to the hospital I go  to anyway. N1 City Hospital in Goodwood. Then transferred to Panorama in Plattekloof.

Oooh, the blood issue. Dont wanna even begin!

29 Aug 2007 07:50

can someone please compile all your responses and make a guide that we tvsa bloggers are going to sell and make money. 

29 Aug 2007 08:03

Foxygal..sorry about the miscarriage. 

I know abt being scared. Nami, it took me a long time to try again cause I was just paralysed with fear--on the one hand you want a baby on the other u're wondering what if it happens again?

A miscarriage can be seen as your body rejecting what's not good for it-basically, it doesn't mean you should not fall pregnant, just that your body wasn't ready for it. Don't let fear hold u back cause you don't wanna be in a place where you're always wondering "What if?"....

When you've dealt with it and your body is ready to conceive, it will happen.

29 Aug 2007 08:12

Were you all using the DEFECTIVE condoms?? he he he, dont shoot me I'm just joking ya'll

Foxy gal
29 Aug 2007 08:14

Thank u Tox!!!!!! My eyes are filled with tears & my heart with joy - u are indeed a good friend!

Foxy gal
29 Aug 2007 08:15

hi hi hi hi @ Bey

Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 08:15

Oooh, Bee, usile, evah? But that was terrible, yazi. I wonder what damage has been caused...

29 Aug 2007 08:20


Xhosa Chick
29 Aug 2007 08:28

Whoooo, Tox!

29 Aug 2007 08:31

shoo Foxy that's rough. askies

Foxy gal
29 Aug 2007 08:49


<<@Toxi, my grandpa has a truck but they stole his tyres...........>> and this will help how ??? hi hi hi

29 Aug 2007 08:57

gr8 topic Sego.

Well when I found out i was preggies the man & I were sooooo excited & freaked out all at once. At the time I would never have guessed that he'd decide to ditch me during my 7th month of pregnancy. Stil cant blv it really. From perfect to WTF. 

In anycase I decided I wasn't goin to let that stand in my way of enjoying the wonderful experience of carrying this life inside of me. Besides I'm not the kind of person that dwells on sadness. I had gr8 support from my family, friends and colleagues. What more could I have asked for.

Never had any funny symptoms during my pregnancy except that I loved having amasi and nenyama yebraai (not all at once though).

My daughter is the best thing that's happened in my life in a long time couldn't have had it any other way. She's 3 months now and has the biggest attitude I've ever seen (wonder where she got that from). She's got a killer smile that makes up for the times she keeps me up at night for never ending chats that I dont even understand.

Gals thank you for embracing your pregnancies and allowing yourselves to be mediums through which miracles are made.

29 Aug 2007 08:59

@XC sana i gave birth to a public hospital,,, got preggies after graduating anyway i was treated fine but scared of the ghost ese Somerset hosp apparently some mothers heard footsteps and when they called out to unurse she just vanished in the corridor... 

but i guess it was bcoz my baby was the biggest in the ward and that is why they adored "" us""

29 Aug 2007 09:05

GQ u r not alone. re bangata fela!

must say Segololo i enjoyed this one. well done!

29 Aug 2007 09:35

Hey all, guys I feel soooooo mad that I was so caught up in my work that I missed a perfect topic, so thank u Sego 4 dat.  GQ ur strenght is just so overwhelming, I am so glad to see that there are strong woman in here (TVSA) like u, Tox & even Gucci it's good to see that u have incredible inner strenght to tackle all the challenges that life decides to throw at u.  U are trully remarkable women.

On the lighter side; Congrats to Smatsatsa & Lungi enjoy ur pregnancy and don't let people make it a scary ride 4 u, just trust in Gaad & tell urself that there is a good reason why He chose to make women the child bearers.  To all the other mommies that we have (which are seemingly plenty) plz install good values in ur children in their early ages, coz that will take the child a long way when they have to make really testing desicions in life!!!

29 Aug 2007 09:51

I'm not a mother yet but I enjoyed this blog so so much. Women rock big time!!

Ta Segololo

29 Aug 2007 11:49

Shuu I neva realised there were so many moms here. Interesting topic indeed Segololo...big ups to that.

Am a mom myself , had morning sickness till an hour before I gave birth, urgh. Anything recommended wasn't working....from dry toast to provitas. I just got used to the idea n stopped fussing bout it. It was horrible though...
Except for the morning sickness, twas uneventful. I craved food....anything homecooked. I hated going out to restaurants with a passion...I cud smell frying oil miles away n hated it. So I stayed away from such places. Gained 14kgs coz I was eating every minute of the whole term.....

3D scan...i was afraid to do it coz my gynae wasnt keen on it, apparently u can only have 1 during a term as the radiation might coz damage to the baby...Dr Bey can enlighten us on this 1.

I got an epidural n was numb during delivery...neva felt a thing!! To a point every1 was counting upto 3 so that I can push.   

29 Aug 2007 14:35

ladies! clearly my day without the net was a beeg mistake. the next articles will address ur concerns. will chat 2 some pros (beyonce) 2 make sure i'm accurate. gents! pls take note of what women go thru with/out u. respect ur baby mamas 4 ur babies!

31 Aug 2007 01:53

To all those mothers out there i need ur help please!!!!

my baby started standing when he was 8 months old. i was about to buy him a walking ring then but my mom stopped me, saying if he's started standing already he won't be needing one. now he's a yr and one week old and can walk but with support like holding on to furniture etc. my sister says i shud buy him this walking ring as he needs it. so are alot of people....was i wrong to not buy it and is it too late or must i just buy it for his development regardless of the possibility of him not using it for long...?????

Xhosa Chick
31 Aug 2007 01:56

Dont buy the walking ring, sisi. He will learn to walk on his own

Xhosa Chick
31 Aug 2007 01:59

Flo-Jo, ur right about the 3D scan radiation thing. My doc told me that too. Thats why I had it only once. I dont think they'll make a person take it more than once

31 Aug 2007 02:01

Kele, don’t buy a walking ring. Don’t laugh but apparently I started walking ka 15 months. He must be taking after me!!!

31 Aug 2007 02:32

Yes, Jordan, that's what i get from some people as well...some think there's nothing wrong as long as he is on his feet...which he is

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