Season 3
Judge John Deed is a British legal drama television series created by G.F. Newman and produced by the BBC in association with One-Eyed Dog, which stars Martin Shaw as Sir John Deed, a maverick High Court judge who tries to seek real justice in the cases before him.
The series originally aired in the UK from 9 January, 2001 to 18 January, 2007. There are 29 episodes in six seasons.
Judge John Deed airs in South Africa on DStv's BBC Prime channel.
Season 3 Synopsis
Judge John Deed has more than enough on his plate dealing with a change in his working environment as his rebellious daughter, Charlie has followed in her father's footsteps and is embarking on a legal career of her own.
She is working as a junior to Deed's ex-lover, Jo, doing vital research and interviews. However, Charlie finds difficulty in differentiating between her home and work life, and John Deed, her father, and John Deed the Judge.
Deed also has his ongoing battles with the Establishment; refusing to compromise on sensitive and controversial issues to ensure that justice prevails.
But Rita 'Coop' Cooper is on hand as the voice of reason and Deed's eyes and ears whilst Sir Monty Everard and Laurence James are determined to rein in the unconventional Judge.