
Make love, not war!

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28 Mar 2008

HI girl, I've been neglecting a lot of things in my life including this site in order to sort out the mess I call a life. Sana the calling came and I have no choice but to respond otherwise I'l just be going no where slowly for the rest of my life. I hope you've been keeping well uyeva? I love you.

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28 Feb 2008

Morning sunshine how are my dearest........miss so so so much, so whatz up?

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27 Feb 2008

hi my u doing?

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22 Feb 2008

Thanks for contributing to The adventures of Carlita (and the story goes on..), unfortunately due to loss of direction; weve decided to create a spin-off instead with only Mandla from the The adventures of Carlita. Check it out on the story goes on and on and on. Lets try to limit many shady characters and keep it simple. Once again your input will be highly appreciated. C u daar

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19 Feb 2008

Dimago how are you doing? phele i havent being here in a while.

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18 Feb 2008

Hi Dmag. It's been a while, a long while. My life has gone upside down over the past couple of weeks. I have to answer my grans calling to become inyanga and so forth. So I've been trying to figure out how the rest of my year is going to go. I have to juggle my studies and my job and my boyfriend (whom I haven't told ye). Otherwise how has life been in your side of town?

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14 Feb 2008

Hello my friend, yazi on Saturday i was so confused, when i called you i was trying to dial Beyonce co she knew the place that i was looking for, but my brother is here and staying with my aunt, i dont know whats going to happen, yazi family you cant really choose hey.unjani otherwise gal?

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14 Feb 2008

Dima o jwang ousi missed you very much, hope Valentine e go tswhere sharp.

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11 Feb 2008

hella D!!!! Been meaning to ask---ke mang character e mo profile pic yahao? How're u anyway? Just felt like popping in to say hi!!

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04 Feb 2008

Uqalile indaba zakho zokudissapear, holla!

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29 Jan 2008

Hello Dimags, im fine my friend thanks for popping by.

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24 Jan 2008

go jwang Dimags wa tseba gore ke a go rata, it is just that i was not around, i had a huge problem but i am back for good now.

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21 Jan 2008

hey there dims! Hopes that you ain't mad at me no more... Love you lots! All the time.. 2008 is gonna be afab year, my friend! I can feeeeel it!

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21 Jan 2008

Good Morning Pepper!

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16 Jan 2008

Hello there to you too. Sorry for the late response I've been so trying to impress the big boss. He's back from leave and he offered me a permanent position. Twice what I'm earning and a free educatin is coming my way if I accept. I'm so damn happy.

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08 Jan 2008

Hi Dmag, great article Pepper. Happy new year ne? Did I remember to wish you a happy bday? if not happy blated .

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07 Jan 2008

Complements of the new year, happy belated b'day how are you my friend on this 2008? hehh you know I was missing you so much. here a kiss with all the wishing you of the best of the 2008 MCWAH!

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07 Jan 2008

Complemetns of the new year, happy belated b'day how are you my friend on this 2008? hehh you know I was missing you so much. here a kiss with all the wishing you of the best of the 2008 MCWAH!

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02 Jan 2008

Happy New Year Dimags, best wishes for the year ahead, hope you going to have an even better year!!

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28 Dec 2007

Hello my chomie, hope you had a great christmas, i tried smsing you on christmas day but couldn't , the msg kept on coming back. hojwang fela?

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13 Dec 2007

Ho lokile tla romela Speed Services ya post office ntlong ya hao le Di Palesa *wink*

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13 Dec 2007

Will you still be at work on the 30th? if not please send me yo digits on my PM, so i can send you a birthday msg.

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13 Dec 2007

hawu cousy...such ADVANCED warning!! I'll make sure i diarise the 30th so i don't forget.....i'll send the gift ko kapa akere?

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12 Dec 2007

Hi Dmag. My Bday was actually on the 7th of DEC. Thanx for the belated birthday wishes anyway. Sorry I didn't tell you about it. I guess it never came up. I must have thought I told because I posted it to quite a few GB's. I assumed I posted it to yours too. Am I forgiven.

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12 Dec 2007

hela choma r u mad at moa?

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12 Dec 2007

Heelllo ojwang ngwana? my missdcal clearly send a mesage dat i ws trying to get hold of you! y didnt you return my call huh? watseba hore I am on holidays mara?

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12 Dec 2007

Mngane m still around i'l update you later nge details of y m still around sana.Have a fab afternun.

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12 Dec 2007

watsiba batho babang mara!! Ke mo boditse hore lebitso la buka ke eng are ha a hopole..kanti buka ya kae e mo koloying!!

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10 Dec 2007

Hey Dimags, angivali mhlobo i'll be working my a** off, i'll only rest ngamapublic holidays qha, otherwise ngiyasebenza waya waya.

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10 Dec 2007

Work is keeping me out of trouble, and you?

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10 Dec 2007

Pepper Ann Pepper Ann much to cool for Seventh grade. Eish I miss DCC too much. Otherwise where have you been hiding yourself Dmag?

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06 Dec 2007

OK he nna in whitney's voice, count on my thru thick and thin a friendship that will never end! you and me together forever friend no mlungu or work can tear us apart, sori 4 not calling u chomi kene ke le hectic lately oh and please not that tomorow I am closing at work and reopening kadi 7 Jan so ntshware moyeng neh!

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06 Dec 2007


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06 Dec 2007

hey wena dnt phaphela me whr have u heard of ilali ezi ne internet o if zikhona then mine isemva ke uyazi apho sidibana khona.have a lekker dag nhe.

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06 Dec 2007

Morning my friend!!!

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05 Dec 2007

Eish Dmag for the past couple of weeks bengi jayva ngathi ngimenyiwe. Kanti wena zizo qala nini uku khipha la u khona.

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05 Dec 2007

Hi gal jo my friend welcome back how are you mara? he bathong jo my day is just as bright now that you are back.

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03 Dec 2007

Hi DMAg. Yes, I'm already in Jozi. Sorry I took so lon gto reply. I've been catching u on some social activities if you catch my drift. Otherwise I hope u sharp.

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28 Nov 2007

Hello Dimags, uright? jsut come out of the hole you hiding ing, miss you.

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24 Nov 2007

Hi choma I just popped in here to dumedisa you, are you fine though?

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22 Nov 2007

Dumela ausi okae? shez just dropping Some super duba loving for you and only you my love, and then whats with the silent treatment you are so quite lately whats up!

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22 Nov 2007

hey Matandane wam, hows u eish its been long nhe?neway ngiyitholile i Pm yakho and I hope awudlali ngam.infact i'l test it this evening if unyanisile.Have great afternoon ma dear.BTW m dne with ama examz.

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22 Nov 2007

Holla Dimags...thusa ngwana ko gae, ke batla go deleta that ish before I can say the third i in Preshiii...LOL.

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19 Nov 2007

Hey mogotsi wareng hle? U must have a fantastic day and tseba gore ke sa go rata neh!

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Foxy gal
19 Nov 2007

Heita Dimagz!!! Nice to hear from u & thank u my skatebolikie........ m sure m gona have a foxylicious week ahead & u have a great-fabulous week too sana vha!!!!!

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18 Nov 2007

jho Choma i dnt blive u woke up so early jst so u cud be one of the first one's to blog.Neway have White Monday.

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17 Nov 2007

jha nhe!kaloku 4 vodacom its *141* not 140 and besides if u wntd to give me ur digits u wd have sent them to ma PM nt here.Eish wena u Stout nhe?

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17 Nov 2007

he he my dear whu are you trying to fool mina noma wena?i think u sent that to one of amablogaz and ithetha i Veronica.Ndikfumene sana.hp u having a great Sat nhe.

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15 Nov 2007

Hi Dmag, tommorow I'm catchin gthe lunchtime flight to Jozi. So I'll start celebrating when I get there.

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15 Nov 2007

Ha chomi motho akabe a shwa i was off sick and yes I saw your sms but like I said kene ke shwa, so mara wena o jwang fela, and why have a cell phone if you are not going to answer it Uh friend? but still you know hore Shez wao rate akere?

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15 Nov 2007

Peparan peparan na na na na hey Dims gal morning!!!!!!!!!

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14 Nov 2007

dimags, i was here. Miss and love sssssssssssssoooooooooooooo much! Tip top hip hop, my friend!

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14 Nov 2007

dumela Dimago

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13 Nov 2007

Hi Dmag. Sorry for taking so long to respond. i was just busy studying. I'm not finished writing just yet.I'll be writing my last exam tommorow. It's just a communication paper ( I can already smell the distinction) so the worst is over.

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13 Nov 2007

Dimago luv ke sharp, i hope o spana sharp ka diXams.

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13 Nov 2007

yho my F dnt bliv u v blacklisted me.Akonto kuyawulunga ngenye imini.Kodwa uphila jwang mo ratoa(sp)?mina ke sharp la wey di eksamens hou my besig n ek het min tyd om te blog .Ek hoop jy is goed in al spherez van lewe.moenie aan my gebreek afrikaans lag nie ek probeer net.

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Foxy gal
13 Nov 2007

hey Dimagz!! The Foxy Family I fiiiine my dear! Ion the other side on & off blogging - i blame it on deadlines Gaaad who ever created those hated me with passion!!! Larv you!!!!!

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13 Nov 2007

hallo to you Dimz I'm missing all y'all but will be back next week love yah

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13 Nov 2007

HI choma how are you and how was your weekend?

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12 Nov 2007

hehehe love the popaye. can't wait for next month

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12 Nov 2007

hey DMag long time no chat ne? I hope u sharp ne?

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Foxy gal
12 Nov 2007

Heita Holla Dimagz!!!!!!!! How was your weekend??? & how is you vandag????well mina I am good, I'm cool but i don't feel like being here *sigh*!!!

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10 Nov 2007

Dimags what are you doing here on a saturday?

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09 Nov 2007

Dimags, chomi yami yegazi, unjani? mina hayi abelungu they are harassing me ngomsebenzi, angisakwazi nokuya eTavern for tsepedinyana.

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09 Nov 2007

Excuse me sis! I think I'm lost, I'm looking for sungone

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Foxy gal
09 Nov 2007

*sobbing* D I neva meant to hurt u, u are 1 of the valueable blogger/friends I have, pls blive when i say from now on I'll visit as often as possible!!! Hope u'll feel betta now! Happy Friday

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09 Nov 2007

Enkosi kakhulu Dmag. Ndikuthandela ezizinto ke wena. I used to love Pepper Ann so much that I missed french lessons because the times clashed.

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09 Nov 2007

Hey Pepper, I know I've been missing in action , blame it on the books. I'm trying one distinction at the very least. Otherwise unjani wena?

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08 Nov 2007

helo my friend its been long nhe.m stil busy ngoku ndisa thathe i break hv a lekker dag.

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08 Nov 2007

Dimago whos numbers are this 0824600512, dman girl i thought they are yours and i called the number,"white lady" answerd and i am thinking WTF is this, i was hoping to hear your voice, so please explain and this is a lesson next time i wont call a number that was not givin to me by the owner herself, eish you had me there gal

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08 Nov 2007

I thought gore ke di number tsa di-undertakers kganthe wena a o stalker alert.

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08 Nov 2007

I am pleased to be added on your friends list, friend*wink*

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08 Nov 2007

Dimago luv o jwang vandag?

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08 Nov 2007

beyond GB? Uqadile ka ho termana...what's that cousy? Ke rata that pic up there...

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08 Nov 2007

I now darling ukunyamalala with no warning is not good to friends at all but here incase you dont hear from me on tvsa use this adress to halla just drop a line here so that I can have yours.

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08 Nov 2007

Hey dimags guess who is back at the sapce? How are you mara did you miss me??

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07 Nov 2007

make some noise Dmag, you're too quiet

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Xhosa Chick
07 Nov 2007

Hi PepperAnn! Thanks for ur message on my Guestbook.

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07 Nov 2007

I also call people sweets, did you steal that from me?

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07 Nov 2007

Dimago ke ya mang Call-me?

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07 Nov 2007

Dmag now you can't say I don't visit your guestbook anymore.

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07 Nov 2007

Hi D- mag. I just heard that Robyn "Rihanna" Fenty is dating Josh Hartnett. i just thought I'd keep you in the know. Have a nice day now.

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05 Nov 2007

haibo ndiya kuthanda, andi funi ku zwa lutho yebo ndiyakuthanda bo! eish sizulu

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03 Nov 2007

Which holler are you talking about, by thwe way o jwang ousi

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02 Nov 2007

Dnt biliv u changed ur pic and u didnt bother 2 tell me ukuthi ngizoybona ndikukwatele ke sana.have a lekker weeknd ke sana.

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01 Nov 2007

Dimags o jwang mokgotse. just showing some love.

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01 Nov 2007

Dimago Sthandwa sam, izolo I was so busy I didn't have time to visit your guestbook. Thanx for the invitation. The reason why I'm visitin gfor the first time is : Andifuni kubengathi ndiyazifakisa. Kodwa ngoku uzibizele ke sisi omncinci, ndi za poster i messages on a regular basis.

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31 Oct 2007

I can't believe I've never been to ur GB, but don't worry things are about to change. U know I was meaning to tell u that u are a replica of a commedian friend of mine's. Have a nice day and feel free to visit my GB more often coz u really seem to brighten it up very well!!!

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30 Oct 2007

Hey cousy....howzit?

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27 Oct 2007

gal ek is jammer fo disapearing like that otherwise m a very busy bee at the moment so i wnt b rwnd bt il pop in whn i find tym 2 nhe.otherwise u can always hola at me on ma PM if u miss me nhe?

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26 Oct 2007

Hey Dimags! How're you doing girl? I think it would be really nice if us ladies could have lunch sometime. what do you say?

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24 Oct 2007

heita dimags So you noticed I was not around. Nice to know some1 missed me. Ompha had chicken pox so I had to take a few days off work. But I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Foxy gal
23 Oct 2007

Heita Holla Dimags!!!!!!!! Howzit????!!!!

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18 Oct 2007

iyo mara ke to i ketsang he ha o sa liyo, phela cousy re tlameile ho kopana!

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18 Oct 2007


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18 Oct 2007

((((((((((((molo mhlobo wam))))))))))))))

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18 Oct 2007

Yeah i spk abt Sunday.......if richie's leaving! i smaak his brother!

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18 Oct 2007

Sharp, wena how are you doing today.

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18 Oct 2007

hey,hw u doun,thts my favourite pic of me onmy matric dance

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17 Oct 2007

hola mphintshaka. kanti zkiphani kwelo side?

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15 Oct 2007

there's no reason for the YET in kids Dimags, haven't you heard of the egg supply diminishing as the months go by??? u betta start working on's fun, u'll enjoy it ha ha ah ah

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15 Oct 2007

Hello my gal, how was your weekend, mine was relaxed.

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Foxy gal
12 Oct 2007

Wow gud 4 u!!! I wud love it if somebody wud teach me Setswana/ Sotho eish I don't really know the difference, is there a difference between those 2???!!!!!!!

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12 Oct 2007

Hi Dimags Skeem GP is my phola Place, loved it when they had those Jack Daniels party..which kasi are u from?

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Foxy gal
11 Oct 2007

It is very much understandable I'm impressed!!! you sounded much like a Zulu are u sure there's nothing connecting u to (us) Zulu's???? hi hi hi Nice hearing from you again!!!! Goodnite my friend!!!!!!

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09 Oct 2007

Dimags my favourite halfway thru and jyslik di bothata yho yho yho!

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09 Oct 2007

Dimags chomza, i ddnt go to Macufe due to a little crisis i had, kodwa all is well now, i'll go next year, oreng fela?

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08 Oct 2007

My friend...wareng mogotsi wa ka? eish di exams bathong di exams!!! Mara ke sa go rata neh!

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05 Oct 2007

minus 2 hrs frm ur salary 4 leaving b4 tym on Fridays.......Hope ul have a great one ke sana.

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05 Oct 2007

Hello Dimago howzit suga plum Dankie Mabhebeza *smiles* Thanks 4sharing the Love>>! Hav a Fab weekend

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05 Oct 2007

Thanks gal, have a fantastic weekend yourself.

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05 Oct 2007

thanks Dimago hope you enjoy your weekend

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05 Oct 2007

ella Dimags how you doing girl? my friend is great he is just sweet self nje.

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04 Oct 2007

how r u Dimago, le wena TGIT. what does it mean anyway?

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04 Oct 2007

ous GB was full so i had to delete old msgs......howzit? ke ho rometse invite ho ba mmata waka ko FB and horeng o sa arabe? O ska batla ke ho bitse ka lebitso la hao la nnete...

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04 Oct 2007

My birthday was on the 25th of September, i was turning 23, gaad am getting old, kodwa i cant wait till im 25, 25 sounds nice nje.

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04 Oct 2007

heheheheh Dimags, if i had to write a birthday article about myself it would be disabled simply coz my life is not that fab, it would have been jsut a paragraph, and you know that aint allowed, hihihi.

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04 Oct 2007

Hey Dimags, okae and how's things?

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Foxy gal
03 Oct 2007

Hey Dims!!! I dunno when i'll do it but hopefully soon hey.

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03 Oct 2007

luv u scarce wtsuuuuuuuuuuup

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03 Oct 2007

Dimags o skaras these days,anyway o jwang my babe. -eish your turn-on, yeses.

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02 Oct 2007

I was here... I tried to upload a better pic but the system keeps crashing... a sign that my shy self pic is not welcome at TVSA. :-)

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28 Sep 2007

m sho gona hv a fab evening ma dear dankie.nawe hav a fantastic fabulous Partilicious weeknd nhe bt dnt party too much phela u knw what happens when u party three much,LEKKER NA WEEK

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28 Sep 2007

Dimags, okae babes, mina ziyangibuyela lana.

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Foxy gal
28 Sep 2007

I'm feeling much better Thank u suster!! I drugged maself with everything i came across gister & 2day I'm seeing everything double he he he!!!!! Have a FANTABULOUS WEEKEND!!!!!

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28 Sep 2007

i hope to see David Kau this evening cousy and if i do, my wknd would be settled--i just love that boy:)

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26 Sep 2007

how i look.Ndimhle ndinje

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26 Sep 2007

v posted ma pic ma u knw h

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26 Sep 2007

iyhoo ma pikinini is growin n jo i thnk ndililahle lomama she daznt luk lyk m nakancane sana n dt wariz me kakulu.other than that shz stl beautiful as eva n thnx fo askng.Gudnyt ke luv.

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Foxy gal
26 Sep 2007

oh yeah between sneezing & coughing lyk it going outta fashion I'm cool actually I'm cold let me stick with I'm OK atleast!!! hi hi hi - hope yo's brightens up!!

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Foxy gal
26 Sep 2007

Can u blive it (in cell c's woman energy) Durbs is cold & rainy on top of it all I have i flu ayi ntombi it doesn't get badder than that!! ha ha (bad-badder-baddest) It wud be gooder if i was in bed u know!!!!! (good-gooder-goodest) LOL

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26 Sep 2007

hey gal!hwz u?mna ki sharp.i waz outta province kaloku bendigodukile 2 c ma pikinini.otherwiz m hopin gore u hvin a fabulous WACKY wednesday.

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Foxy gal
26 Sep 2007


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25 Sep 2007

sent u PM, pls check!!!!

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25 Sep 2007

Dimags, we gotta talk......urgent!

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21 Sep 2007

haai no babes nkase go fete! se ke crammile sefathlego sago!

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21 Sep 2007

haai le naa ha ke tsebe Tox! hi hi hi..wena jwanong ore oya kae??? Dimags...nna ke mo blue le nna...mara ele ya tsele tse tsamayang tseleng...

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21 Sep 2007

Going to BFN too!!!!

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20 Sep 2007

what bank is yellow Kele?

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20 Sep 2007

no, ke mo constantia kloof. that where u r? green/yellow/blue? lol u can c i'm helpless with colours...

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20 Sep 2007

Hey Gal Happy thursday!!!

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20 Sep 2007

no plans at all for this long wknd----was planning on gaaning to BFN but plans messed up so i'll be Braaing ka Monday...wena, ziwaphi?

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Foxy gal
20 Sep 2007

Thanx sis!! ngiyaphila, unjani wena? anyhoo Happy Lwesine!!!!

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20 Sep 2007

removed moChina just for you CAN YOU BLV IT?!

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20 Sep 2007

hey Dimags, its hanging really low mara dont worry kelvin kline never dissapoints

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19 Sep 2007

Hi Diiiiiii, for now this is the only ipc I have on my pc but I will change it just wait nad see!

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19 Sep 2007

ask tox gore which colour...

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18 Sep 2007

Dimago y the silence?

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18 Sep 2007

i like ur obsession with the word chikita. he he he. so segololo is in prague? gaad how i wish i had her job!!! i wonder which one of your frineds on your gallery is her?

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18 Sep 2007

Dimags, u're xposing me...i have no idea what blood sisters are mara i'll share the keyring though:)

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18 Sep 2007

Hey Dimags chomam...heheeeheee i'm rocking it hard hey, and shakin it! Thanx for the holler and i promise to never be quiet ever again...

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17 Sep 2007

"eMCee Darkie BOER the Funky Farmer, with hit single Poppin My Meilies. Holler at you BOER...LOL" Don't u just love that ad?

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17 Sep 2007

you can say that again, Dmag. i can't wait to go home, i am tired.....

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17 Sep 2007

Hawu dimago so basically you are telling me gore o a timana? Akere u'll share whatever she brings for you!

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17 Sep 2007

Morning Dimago. Thanks for the Shout out love. Happy monday

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17 Sep 2007

Happy Monday....and whatever Segololo is bringing back from Prague, ke a batla lenna!!

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14 Sep 2007

sorry, my friend!! will mos defs bring you something! Tape the Oprah shows for me!! Miss you already gal! But I am available on SMS!!

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14 Sep 2007

Dimago, u must stop being so day umoTVSA, the next month u disappear....! Have a great weekend lovie:)

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14 Sep 2007

Ke Ando from Heroes--i just love him!! Hidden Force ke de veilpop tsa ko kae?

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13 Sep 2007

Hi Sexy gal from the Eastrand!!! I bet you are into Hidden Force!!! Why o re bona ka timetable?

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Foxy gal
13 Sep 2007

I'm gr8 thanx !! Have a wonderful Thursday!

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12 Sep 2007

HAHAHAHA Belz, uyahlekisa man!! Dimags, howzit?

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12 Sep 2007

Hey Dimags, gal that mbuzi reminds me that we need to take care of animals, singazidli or use the hair, we mus ttake care of them, hihii.

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Foxy gal
11 Sep 2007

Hey Dimago!!!!!!*wave* I'm honored that u have put me down as your friend!!!!! Have a gr8 afternoon!!!

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07 Sep 2007

i wish you a wonderful weekend

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14 Aug 2007

Hallo Moonchoo, how are you today?

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14 Aug 2007

sawubona D

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13 Aug 2007

Thanks mamaneo & Amazingly!

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13 Aug 2007

Welkom Dimags and we hope you enjoy you stay guys keep sending your replies some of us are bored to death mo mmerekong.

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13 Aug 2007

A bit delayed i know but WELCOME Dimago!!!! I like the friends and lovrs title under your Gallery - So now all you have to do is show me the lover :)

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13 Aug 2007

I'm trying to update my gallery, dont know how to upload picture, can anyone help? @ Sego - pa ba pa pa pa...I'm loving it!

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13 Aug 2007

Hey, my friend! You are really Macdonald's!! "You are loving it!!" Ha ha ha! I saw your comment on Toxic's guestbook... "tesing my gold status"! Ha ha ha!

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13 Aug 2007

Dimago...thats a very kewl pic there...cant wait for ur Gallery to be updated..hint hint...And u didnt know gore u are a Gold Star...very modest girl! Anyways i hope u are enjoying your i am! Have a super awesome day

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13 Aug 2007

you look very happy on the pic there is it because of the figure next to your face there? hi hi hi hi hi

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13 Aug 2007

..and y're working it lol!! Welcumm Dimags!

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13 Aug 2007

Thank you people! I feel so welcome...i only realised today that i have turned gold! What an honour! Thanks to TVSA....

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13 Aug 2007

welcome to the other side, my friend!!! Ha ha ah! We won! We won! We won! It feels soooo good!

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10 Aug 2007

welkom welkom to the citi of gold. mara ke make sure that you put up pics A.S.A.P sfunukukubona

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10 Aug 2007

kanti oko kae???

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08 Aug 2007

welcome welcome dimags!!!

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The Olympics Opening Ceremony airs on SuperSport and SABC2 and a new season of Law & Order starts on M-Net.

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There’s a light at the end of the tunnel for the Gumedes. They live the High Life.

Sibongile & The Dlaminis 2 Teasers - August 2024

Sibongile finds herself stranded at the beach and Kwenzo comes to her rescue.

My Brother's Keeper 2 Teasers - August 2024

Donga confesses his feelings, Mshengu changes his will and Nqubeko breaks his promise.

Gqeberha: The Empire 2 Teasers - August 2024

Things are awks between Ntando and Nontle who have to accept that they're siblings.


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