Come Dine With Me South Africa 8: Episode 12 recipes

Written by TVSA Team from the blog BBC Lifestyle on 29 Dec 2022
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Four feisty food lovers gathered in Joziburg this week for the finale of Come Dine With Me SA Season 8.

The menu consisted of go-with-the-vibe voiceover artist Rampepe, Chief Innovation Officer Tramayne, people person Noreen and Madam Fifi, also known as Leigh.

The cash platter was won by Tramayne who managed to outdo Leigh when it came to velvet cake.

These are everyone's recipes: 

Please note: The majority of recipes don't have the quanities this week so they're more useful for ideas and improvising around them than making them exactly as they were on the show. 

Rampepe Mohohlo

NAME OF DISH 4 Seasons of Oysters
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)  4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
10g  Ginger
 1 tsp  White sugar
 tsp/4  Sesame oil
2  Spring onions
Pinch  White pepper
Bunch of leaves  Coriander
4  Oysters
   Gin citrus
A splash  Sherry
     Tabasco sauce
METHOD 1. Boil water in a steamer pot.
2. Place shell side down oysters in steamer pot. Pour sherry over the oysters and ginger.
3. Allow to boil for 2 minutes until warm.
4. Remove and place on serving plate. Drizzle any juices from the pot over the oysters. Sprinkle sugar.
5. Heat some oil and soy sauce on saucepan until warm,
to sprinkle over oysters as well.
6. Sprinkle coriander as a finishing touch. Best served immediately.

NAME OF DISH Mama’s Treat
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)  4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
200g Beef medallions
50/50 water and milk Polenta, milk/cream, water
To taste Parmesan cheese
5 to 10 Cooking chocolate discs
2 cups Red wine
A handful, chopped Roasted cherry tomatoes
Enough to juice Beetroot
METHOD 1. Bring polenta to a boil of 50% water and 50% milk. Salt to taste. Keep stirring to avoid any lumps.

Add Parmesan and keep stirring until nice and sticky. Separate into 3 different polentas. Add coriander chili to all 3.
First will be mixed with roasted tomatoes. Second with chopped olives. Third with beetroot juice.
2. Beets boiled until soft (40 minutes) on high heat. All beets run through juicer. Juice is added to 3rd polenta and all 3 are kept on heat until needed to be served.
3. Fillet medallions are cooked for 3/4 minutes on each side, in a medium heat pan of thick stick of butter and tbsp on oil, throwing butter over the fillets.

Remove and put into foil to sit.

Let rest for 10 minutes.
4. Sauce: In same pan, add tsp of blueberry jam, chocolate discs and red wine.

Reduce to half. Throw the steaks one last time into the sauce, for 30s each each side.
5. Serve dollops of each polenta, and the steak, and drizzle sauce over.

NAME OF DISH Duo of desserts
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
RECIPE SERVES (no of people) 4
INGREDIENTS Quantity & unit Ingredient
   Cocoa Powder
Puff Pastry, Store bought  Condensed Milk
   Chocolate Sticks
   White sugar
   Cinnamon Stick
     Vanilla extract
     Egg Yolk
METHOD 1. Syrup: On a medium heat, bring to a boil my sugar, water, cinnamon and lemon zest to add to custard mix later.
2. Custard: dry ingredients plus milk, and whisk on medium heat, to not burn.

When custard is textured, cool down for 10 minutes and pour in egg yolks, whisk, and then add syrup mixture.

Leigh Mkhondo

NAME OF DISH   Sticky Meatball
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5/6
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   x3 teaspoons  Honey
 Quarter cup
 To taste
 To taste
 Ground beef
 Soy sauce
 Oyster Sauce
   For aesthetic Appeal  Sesame seeds
   2tblspoons  Tomato sauce
   2tblspoons  Worcestershire
 To taste  Seasoning
   3slices  Bread
   To taste  Garlic Flacks
METHOD   1. Mix bread and milk to soften
  2. Add eggs
  3. Seasoning
  4. Add Ground beef
  5. Add Garlic
  6. Shape
  7. Put in oven to bake 15 to 20
  8. Cook down Garlic and honey and tomato sauce Worcestershire
Side salad
Cherry tomatoes
Red onion
Bell peppers

NAME OF DISH   Spinach stuffed chicken in portobello mushroom sauce
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5/6
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
     Chicken breast
     Cream cheese
     Camembert cheese
     Seasoning, Six Gun grill
     Corn Starch
     Milk and butter flour
METHOD   1. Butterfly chicken and season
  2. Brown in butter and stuff
  3. With spinach cream cheese and motzarella
  4. Sautee mushrooms season with onions
  5. Add butter and flour and milk
  6. Bake the chicken and into sauce
  7. Cook basmati
NAME OF DISH   Bacon wrapped asparagus
 skewered prawns
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5/6
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   2strips pp  Bacon
   2pp  Asparagus
     Garlic/chilli flakes and coriander
METHOD   1. Cook bacon
  2. Use same pan to cook asparagus
  3. Wrap bacon around asparagus
  4. Sprinkle feta
  5. Season
  6. Add butter garlic and seasoning and sugar
  7. Add marinaded prawns in fish sauce
  8. Squeeze lemon and skewer
 Fresh rolls
 Baked Flour
 Butter Milk
 X1 egg

Leigh's Red Velvet cake recipe isn't available unfortunately.

Tramayne Monaghan

NAME OF DISH   Smoked Ricotta Ravioli
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   200 grams  Flour
   4  Eggs
   1 teaspoon  Sunflower oil
   1 cup  Ricotta
   1 teaspoon  Liquid smoke
     Sour Cream
 200 grams  Butter
   Handful  Sage
   Cup of  Parmesan
METHOD   1.  Put flour in a bowl, make a well in the middle and crack in two eggs.

Scramble the eggs with your fingers or a fork, add a teaspoon of oil and start adding flour into the eggs.

Continue mixing the eggs and flour until well combined, then knead the dough and shape into a ball.

Cover the dough with a napkin or foil and let rest for half an hour.

  2.  Prepare the ricotta filling: in a bowl, crumble ricotta (with liquid smoke) and smash with a fork.

In a separate bowl, crack open an egg, whisk well and then add about half of it to the ricotta with half a cup of parmesan grated finely.

  3. Divide pasta dough into 6 pieces and roll out thinly, to about 2 mm thick.

You can do that by hand or use a pasta maker.

  4. Take the ricotta filling and assemble your ravioli.

Place a small-ish lump of the filling in the middle of a dough circle.

Moisten the edge of the ravioli by sticking your finger in a glass of water and then rubbing it all around the edge of the ravioli.

Then, take another dough circle and place on top of the circle with the filling.

Press the ravioli edge well with your fingers and then with a fork to form the pattern.

  5. Place a large pan on the stove and add butter.

Heat it up on medium until it melts and then cook some more until it browns.

Then, add in sage leaves and fry them up until they change colour and stiffen, about a minute or two.

  6. Place a large pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil.

Season with salt, then carefully add the ravioli, reduce heat and cook on low for about 4 minutes, until the raviolis increase in size and are cooked al dente.

When the raviolis are cooked, use a skimmer to carefully remove them from the pot and drain, and then immediately add them to the butter sauce.


NAME OF DISH   Crispy pork belly with roasted apples and cabbage
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   4
PREPERATION TIME   30 min prep, 3.5hours cook
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   1.2kg  Deboned pork belly
   6  Thyme strands
   whole  Red cabbage
     Apple Cider Vinegar
   3 cups  Red wine (pinot noir)
 ¼ cup  Castor sugar
   1/3 cup  Red wine vinegar
   3  Green apples
     Red Wine Vinegar
     Barbeque Asian spices
METHOD   1. Reheat oven to 150°C (130°C fan-forced).

Using a sharp knife or clean box cutter, deepen any scoring in rind and fat of pork (do not cut through meat).

Rub 2 tsp sea salt flakes into scored rind and fat.

Season the meat with more salt. Fold a 30cm x 60cm piece of foil in half to make a 30cm square.

Place thyme sprigs in the centre of the foil and top with the pork.

Crimp the edges of the foil so foil goes up the sides of pork and below pork skin (this allows pork to cook in its own juices).

Place on a large, rimmed baking tray.

  2. Roast pork for 3 hours or until fork tender.

Remove pork from oven and increase temperature to 250°C (230°C fan-forced).

Use tongs to carefully lift pork from foil. Pour off fat and discard foil and thyme.

Return pork to the tray and roast for 25-30 mins or until the rind crackles. 

  3. Melt 20g butter. Add one-third of the cabbage.

Season with salt and cook, stirring, for 3 mins or until wilted.

Add remaining cabbage, in 2 batches, and cook for 3 mins or until wilted.

  4. Add wine or stock, sugar, star anise and ¼ cup (60ml) vinegar to cabbage.

Bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the sugar.

Cook, stirring occasionally, for 35-40 mins or until cabbage is tender and most of the liquid evaporates. 

  5. To make the caramelized apples, in a medium bowl, toss the apples and sugar until combined.

Melt the butter in a large frying pan over medium heat.

Add the apples and cook, without turning, for 3 mins or until golden underneath.

Turn and cook for 3 mins or until apples are caramelized.


NAME OF DISH   Flaming Cupcake
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   20 cupcakes
PREPERATION TIME   25 min prep, 20 min cook
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   ¾ cup Pre-Mixed Flour
   1 ½ cup Liquid Apple Smoke
   1 ½ tspoon Baking soda
   ¾ tspoon Baking powder
   ¾ tspoon Salt
   2 eggs
   ¾ cup Hot water
   ¾ cup Heavy cream
   3 tbspon Vegetable oil
   2 tspoon Vanilla extract
    Fresh Cream
    Cocoa powder sifted
   20 Ginger Biscuits
     Salted Butter
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line muffin tin with cupcake papers and set aside.
  2. Sift together cocoa, flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt into a large bowl.

Add eggs, water, heavy cream, oil and vanilla. Mix with a handheld mixer until smooth.

  3. Divide batter among muffin cups, filling each half full. Bake for 20 minutes.
Let cool before frosting.

  4. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, cream together sugar, cocoa and butter; beginning on low speed then increase to high.

Beat until fluffy and lightened in color. Transfer mixture to a piping bag fitted with a decorative tip. Frost cupcakes.

  5. Hollow the strawberries carefully. If you pierce the side of the strawberry accidentally, start with a new one.

Since you’ll be setting the liquor aflame, it is important that the strawberry is leak-proof.

  6. Set one strawberry atop each frosted cupcake. Fill strawberries with liquor just before lighting. 

Noreen Moloi

NAME OF DISH   Spicey prawn soup and chapati
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   1  Onion
   2 / 3  Tomatoes
   Half ach  Robot peppers
     Fresh coriander
   2 full tablespoons  Fresh garlic and ginger
   Salt and pepper, mixed herbs, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, seafood spice
   1 pack  Cream of mushroom soup
     Cleaned Prawns
   2  Chillies
METHOD   1. Blend tomatoes, onion, peppers, coriander, ginger and garlic together. Put aside.
  2. Fry prawns with butter add sea salt, ass half teaspoon garlic. Put aside.
  3. Add spices to blended mix while simmering for 20 minutes.
  4. Add cream of mushroom soup.
  5. Add cooked prawns.
  6. Add fresh cream and let it simmer.
NOTES  The Chapati will be made with flour, warm water and pinch of salt and tablespoon of olive oil. Put on a pan for 5 minutes each side.

NAME OF DISH   Nigerian goat stew, rice and seasonal vegetables
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5
PREPERATION TIME   About 4 hours
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   1.5kg  Goat Stew
   1  Onion
   2 /1  Pepper (Habanero, Bell)
   2/3  Tomato
   4 tablespoons  Olive oil
 Teaspoon each  Cumin, Thyme, Bouillon powder, salt and pepper
     Green chillis
     Cyan Pepper
   2 cubes  Beef stock
     Mixed seasonal vegetables
METHOD   1. Wash and cut the goat meat, marinate the meat, with spice overnight (options meat tenderiser).
  2. Fry the meat till brown and add water to cover the meat and bring to a boil (put aside).
  3. Blend tomatoes, and peppers with little water.
  4. Chop onion, sauté onion with palm oil.
  5. Add tomato puree, add curry spice, thyme and simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Add goat meat, and the broth (from the water), add salt.
  7. Cover and let simmer for 20 mins, on medium.
NOTES  Depending on the age of the goat, might to add meat tenderiser to soften the goat meat. This will help with the cooking time.

NAME OF DISH   My mama’s pineapple and cream dessert
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) 
RECIPE SERVES (no of people)   5
INGREDIENTS   Quantity & unit  Ingredient  
   2 packs  Pineapple Jelly
   500 g  Canned Pineapple crashed
   500 ml  Fresh Cream
   1 pack  Ginger biscuits
   1  Granadilla puree (topping)
 1  Fresh Pineapple
METHOD   1. Make the jelly. Dissolve the jelly with hot water then add cold water. Place in the fridge and leave it to set.
  2. Whip the cream. Drain the water from the canned pineapple. Add the pineapple to the set jelly.
  3. Bash the ginger biscuits into crumbs. Add the butter to the biscuit crumbs.
  4. add crumbed biscuits to desert dish, to create a base. Leave in the fridge for 4 hours.
  5. Add granadilla mix when serving.

Shows in this post: Come Dine With Me South Africa

Channels in this post: BBC Lifestyle


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