Primetime TV Viewing Figures
TVSA TAMS coverage - airing since 2006

Top Shows on TV: July 2017

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Primetime TV Viewing Figures on 08 Aug 2017
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These are the primetime adult television viewing figures for July 2017.

If you can't see the listing below, then click this link to access them in a document instead: Top shows on TV: July 2017

Please note: The DStv document includes Please Step In and Isithembiso twice which means two shows have been left off the list.

If you're unable to see either of the above documents, this is an overview of the Top 5 shows for each channel/broadcaster:

Show Viewers
Uzalo 8,896,223
Generations: The Legacy 8,562,001
Skeem Saam 7,295,359
Xhosa News 4,495,937
Zulu News 4,420,714

Show Viewers
Muvhango 5,487,455
Vodacom Siyakha 3,528,914
Live Lotto Draw 3,366,641
7de Laan 2,636,028
Speak Out 2,070,881

Show Viewers
Isidingo:the Need 1,606,708
Music 901,680
The Front 661,315
The Final Cut 653,490
Will 643,071
Show Viewers
Scandal 4,655,570
The Amazing Spider-Man Web of Mystery 3,151,164
Rhythm City 3,134,048
Cars 2,962,313
E News Direct Headlines 2,773,591

Show Viewers
Our Perfect Wedding 1,467,000
Idols 13 1,280,450
iNumber Number 1,141,604
Igazi 1,110,748
The Queen 956,119

Special notes

The Bold and the Busted

Bold is truly busted on SABC3, plunging so far that it doesn't even appear on the Top 20 list! This has never happened before.

Exactly a year ago, in July 2016, it was SABC3's No.1 show when it still aired at 18h00, with its highest episode reaching 1,555,214 viewers.

Being Bonang doesn't make the A-list

We've been curious to see if Bonang's reality show Being Bonang could put Vuzu Amp on the Top 30 map for the first time but it's a no-show.

Could it be the Top 29 or Top 30 show on DStv? The DStv list makes it impossible to know.

For an explanation of the TAMS, please see: The TAMS ratings explained.

Channels in this post: SABC1, SABC2, SABC3,, Mzansi Magic, SuperSport HD


08 Aug 2017 17:37

Wow isidingo on 1.6 million .thats great for them ..i hope they reach two million mark .Uzalo almost hit 9million. Skeem saam doing well ,consistent on 7million .The Queen doing amazing shows why they were given 5days a week .congrats to MaFerguson.Being Bonang is on the wrong channel ...they should hv put it on Mzansi Magic its on a friday .disaster nje.

08 Aug 2017 22:00

I wonder how uZalo manage these numbers

08 Aug 2017 23:50

what about sports shows like soccerzone or sports at 10 or any other

09 Aug 2017 01:37

@Goku I am asking myself the same question. Like how? Rigging of ratings perhaps? Also, I can't help but notice how Uzalo, Isidingo, and The Queen ' ratings hit the roof... Not complaining, they are great shows, but its very suspicious.

I notice that Vetkoek Paleis, sabc 2 show is highlighted on Sabc 3 making number 19. Is this an error or what? How accurate are these ratings? Anyway...

Funny how people complain about  Inumber number being shown on Sundays, yet interesting to see that it manage do better in ratings and surpass my favourite igazi. 
What happen to Ring Of Lies?  It premiered on the 31 of July.

Excited that my 7delaan, for the past 2 months it has surpass Keeping Score, irrespective of the timeslot.

09 Aug 2017 07:56

Uzalo is in zulu .we all know Nguni shows get a lot of support .i am not surprised by this numbers .i dont get why etv is not producing a telenovella for that would make a killing

09 Aug 2017 08:05

@fratpack9 i saw on twitter Bongi Ndaba saying bye isidingo ,hello Ring of Lies .has she left Isidingo as headwriter for good .i saw her on writing credits of ROL2 .i wonder what happed

09 Aug 2017 08:15

i lovr bonang n her achievement but i knew it that bonang's show wont do it I mean she is fake after all. there is queen b +Beyonce) but she name her self that (whats that?) the other day on 1 of the interview they took her back with video of her from the days of live amp and she sad she look bad but she didn't realize that that is her self n now its all about make up n stuff only her self know

10 Aug 2017 05:41

@fratpack yah i trust Duduzile .she seems like a passionate writer .i liked the work she did as headwriter of Mamello the series .she has also written for Its Complicated on mzansi magic .lovely girl .endemol seems to adore .@BongiNdaba is her handle i think .i ran into her handle while checking out Duduzilemabaso's twitter one thing about Ndaba is that she likes conflict .i am sure she has differences with her bosses at endemol shine .

11 Aug 2017 10:05

Well a storm is brewing with the figures of Being Bonang reality show .the ecexutive producer Legend Manqele says the figures are false .he has the reall ones .he says the show has huge numbers for VuzuAmp .the highest ever .it seems also Harvest producer is not happy with the number .cz she is liking everything questioning thr validity of this ratings .TVsa whats the truth ....are we getting different figures as compared to those channels get ?

11 Aug 2017 13:57

Why you people and TVSA are ignoring the fact that the highest episode of Gen for july was the one with the so-called sex scenes? As I LOL, I'm waiting for Bra Mfundi to laugh at these hypocritical, social media cupcakes! I knew it was just a minority that was making a fuss out of this sh*t. It was just a gimmick!

11 Aug 2017 21:07

No but really, Generations should chill with the sex scenes, it's really not cool. They would've gotten these numbers without them to be honest.

Speaking of Generations, I find it so funny how hard miserable dummies want the show to fail but it's never going to happen! They never cheer for the show when it does well or becomes #1 but they always trashing it and deeming Uzalo as the savior and the biggest show in the land. I think they are equally as popular anyways and let's be honest, Uzalo gained a lot from that time slot. We all know that whatever show plays after Gen on SABC1 doesn't get less than 4 million viewers, adding to the fact that the show arrived when Gen had plenty of negative views and people were looking for an alternative before warming up to the show again and Uzalo wasn't bad when it started, people thought they had found an alternative. Lol nevermind the fact that Etv was desperate in fighting the show, bringing in irrelevent flops like Ashes To Ashes and that Gold Diggers show and now that Broken Vows thing lol! I would never have cared for Skeem Saam as well had it not played during Generations time slot when Gen was off air, that show owes some of it's huge success partly to Gen!

Sorry, I didn't mean to rant, just pust some RESPECT on Generations The Legacy! thanks haha

11 Aug 2017 21:35

@zondwa mfundi&phat joe said the same thing about uzalo that if it wasn't for generations they would have flopped long tym ago.well someone said on twitter altho he hates generations bt he find it better than uzalo/skeem/isidingo/muvhango ..well at least kgomotso Christopher is a fan on generations she said on ECR

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