Episode 2: TC Transcript

Written by morticia from the blog Survivor SA: Tribal Council on 11 Sep 2006
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Sam stepped out of line with almost everybody in his tribe. He had a confrontation with Mzi that got out of hand. He made an alliance with Brigitte, that the rest of his tribe did not take kindly too and they felt isolated from Sam and Brigitte.

Aguila faced their first Tribal Council of Survivor South Africa, after losing the immunity challenge.

Mark: You need to take a torch, light it from the flame and return it to it's slot. Then come up and take a seat.

All tribe members light their torches and take a seat.

Mark: In this game fire represnts life, the torches you've just lit symbolises your time here on the islands. Once you're torches have been extinguished, your life on the islands will be over.

Aguilla welcome to Tribal Council.

Mark: Mzi, you take seven strangers, you put them together in tough circumstances. How has the team bonded?

Mzi: The true characters of the seven strangers started coming to the fore, I'd say two, three days at Black Pearl and losing the Immunity Challenge sort of clearly showed what these different characters are really capable of in terms it became a desperate environment and it all spun around in six days.

Mark: Sam, you guys were very united, it certainly appeared that way. Is losing one challenge enought to have created these rifts.

Sam:  I think that there are huge rifts, were created in the last days, it's been terrible. Whatever happens tonight they have to be fired again and be prepared for physical and mental challenges together, because at the moment there is a strong divide straight through the camp.

Mark: You just said they will need to pull together. You feeling vulnerable tonight?

Sam: Of course, I put my head on the chopping block when I lost my cool with Mzi. I've stated my claim categorically by being open to who I share allegiances with, who I Iiked from the word go. Not from a strategic point but from a frienship point more then anything else.

Mark: Mzi, was this the desperate situation that you were talking about early?

Mzi: The altercation was really in my opinion minor but it was an opportunity to stamp it out very quickly when it, you know escalated and if one has to be strategic there was a line when it was over with me ,it sort of stepped up to Vanessa and ended up with Jude. So what it did was damage 3 people. You can imagine, say with one relationship, do able, say with three relationsips, touch and go.

Mark: Sanele, what will you basing your vote on tonight?

Sanele: The team. We have to go forward with a strong, positive and united team that we once had. So whatever it take to make that happen again, that is what I'll be basing my vote on.

Mark: Jude, do you think that in the tribes thinking there needs to be a separation between the social aspect in the camp and the peformance at the challenges.

Jude: The one thing that people has to remember and the tribe has to remember, this has to do with a gourp thing. So if you are a group player with a challenge, but at the camp you're on you're own, it's not working. You have to stay with the group the whole time because what happens when you run off, the rest of the us are together. We talk about things, the others don't know, they never ask about it. We know stuff about each other that I don't know where Sam works because we haven't sat down.

Sam: Probably because I was getting fish or something like that. My hands are probably the most scarred of the the tribe. I'm not saying I'm doing the most work, bcause Mzi is the master fisherman. Everyones pulled their weight, but while you were at base camp, I was out doing something. It's not like I was jaywalking or strolling down the beach. 

Jude:  Oh Sam, you're no the only one. You make as if if you're the only with hands like this. Everybodys hands look like this.

Sam:  You're trying to say that Brigitte and I isolated ourselves and had it kushy.

Jude: I'm not saing you went and did nothing. I said you were off somewhere, while we were together. We were fishing on this side, you and Brigitte went scuba diving on that side.

Sam: I didn't go scuba diving once. This is besides the point. The point is we've all pulled our weight and I don't know where this great divide is. It's because of a shared genuine friendship and connection with Brigitt maybe. We are team players in and out of challenges. We have not isolated ourselves from people, we still have friends.

Mark:  Mzi, you shaking your head.

Mzi: He said two key things. First of all he refers to, they want to cut the friendhsip or whatever it is that he says, they it's always been like that. There's two against five and he sees it and very subconciously that comes through in his argument alright, but the key thing. I'm not the kind of person who will and necessarily socilalising but does that really reflect how much of a team player you are, gonna go beyond that and blatantly and honestly they haven't really been doing that.

Mark: Brigitte, how does this situation that's evolving, effect you?

Brigitte: I was actually quite surprised to find out what I/we have caused. I was really naive. I was under the impression, under the complete wrong impression.So I'm taken aback really.

Sam: Well it seems like the tribe has made up their mind, so it's the case, let's do it.

Mark: Okay group let's get to the voting. You'll climb to the altar. You'll write down the name of the person that you'r voting out of the tribe. Then place your vote in the urn.

Sanele you are up.

Sanele votes.
Sam votes for Vanessa.
Sam: I don't think you actually wanted to be here.
Mzi votes.
Nico votes.
Vanessa votes.
Jude votes for Sam.
Jude: No one makes decisions for us, it's time you go my friend..

Mark: I'll collect the votes.

Once the votes have been counted, the person with the most votes will need to bring me their torch. You will then leave the Tribal Council area immediately.
First vote Sam.
Second vote Sam.
Two votes Sam.
Third vote Vanessa.
That's two votes Sam, one vote Vanessa. 
Three votes Sam, one vote Vannessa.
That's three votes Sam, two votes Vanessa.
The second person voted out of Survivor South Africa is Sam. 
You need to bring me your torch please. The tribe has spoken. 

Mark extinguishes Sam's torch and Sam leaves the Tribal Council.

You guys have made an interesting choice, but I do hope it brings you healing that you are looking for.
You need to take your torches and head back to camp.

After Tribal Council:
Sam: I knew it was coming in the cards, to be voted off. I put myself in the line categorically quie a few times. So I'm not surprised. But I feel sorry for Brigitte going with that tribe, they pretty cut throat. So my advice to her is to lay low, make as many alliances as you possibly can or alternatively get off as soon as you can, because otherwise it will be pretty nasty.


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