Season 1
Housewives is a television drama series which revolves around three housewives who are left indebted to a drug lord after their husbands first stole from her, then were killed.
Their lives are changed forever when their husbands are killed in a police shootout after stealing drugs from a cartel leader called Dragon.
Akhona, Summer and Lawrancia are left with the heavy debt incurred by their spouses' criminal activities and are forced to join forces to pay off the debt to Dragon.
However, they end up deciding to outsmart the cartel boss and open a syndicate of their own.
In the series premiere, "A Master Plan": We meet Akhona Marais, a typical trophy wife who is always hosting parties, consuming large amounts of champagne and being in an unhappy marriage.
However, she keeps up appearances to prove she still has it all together.
Housewives is an eVOD Original Production, created by Siphosethu Tshapu and produced by The Milton Empire.
Tshapu is also the head writer.
Music is by Chimurenga Mamphaga, FAH Media House, Slam Productions and Lalela Library.