Who's Who In Binneland Sub Judice

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 31 Mar 2010
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The long-awaited premiere of Binneland Sub Judice -  the new, re-invented Binnelanders - arrives on M-Net this Monday (5 April) at 18h00.  It takes over Egoli's timeslot and runs until 19h00, daily.

As spilt on TVSA earlier this month, the show has moved to new hi-tech studios, complete with new sets, a swimming pool and new cast members who include Jana Cilliers, Antony Coleman, Maggie Benedict, Michelle Pienaar and Terence Bridgett.

They'll be bringing a new world to life: the legal offices of Rossouw, Paulse and Knight Incorporated. As a team of legal eagles, their goal is going to be to take down At Koster (Hans Strydom) and the Binneland Clinic.

Lawyer Ingrid Louw-Koster (Michelle Botes) is the go-between who ties up the world of Binneland and RPK. On Monday she'll be the first to get involved with RPK - she steps into their premises, the two worlds will meet and so the battle erupts.

Here's a print-out-keep of the full cast of newcomer characters so that you know who's who when it begins:

Joeke Rossouw
RPK Director

Played By: Jana Cilliers
Joeke Rossouw is one of the three partners of Rossouw, Paulse and Knight Incorporated. She is a dynamic, emotionally distant and feisty woman who recently lost her husband. But instead of playing the role of the grieving widow, she is ruling his company with an iron fist - and also the lives of its personnel, especially that of her daughter Hannah.

Warrick Paulse
RPK Director

Played By: Terence Bridgett
Warrick is a natural leader and very dynamic. He is an ardent, somewhat aggressive, and commanding personality - all good qualities for a defense attorney/litigator. The modern metro sexual male thinks that the firm should diversify and break away from its stigma as a family business - something that Joeke strongly opposes.

Oliver Knight
RPK Director

Played By: Nick Borraine
Oliver Knight completes the trio of partners of RPK Incorporated. He is the lawyer that gets his kicks by living on the edge. He is sometimes perceived as being arrogant, but that is probably because he knows he is mostly right. Oliver doesn't like playing games, and his risks are usually calculated. Usually.

Hannah Rossouw

Played By: Lika Berning
Hannah Rossouw is the daughter of Joeke and Hannes Rossouw, and the apparent heiress to the throne of the Rossouw Empire. Hannah got married to Oliver Knight shortly after her father's death. But is this blossoming beauty truly happy? Or did she follow in her father's footsteps because her brother didn't?

Michael Lennox

Played By: Antony Coleman
Despite not being a director at RPK Michael Lennox is the glue that holds the company together. He plays a good nerdy bachelor both in and out of the court room. Women fall for his helpless act all the time. Mostly his opponents do too. Big mistake! He is not the highest earner at RPK for nothing. Michael is a divorced, but very devoted, father of one.

Yvette Stuurman
Office Manager

Played By: Michelle Pienaar
Yvette Stuurman has a chip on her shoulder as she is not a lawyer herself, and is a bit of a mother hen to the senior partners. She's a complete tyrant when it comes to the article clerks - especially since she knows more about the law than they do. Yvette is very protective about the firm - she worked very closely with Hannes Rossouw before his untimely death. But what does the future hold for Yvette? Or is the answer in her past?

Zoey Matsekwa
Article Clerk

Played By: Maggie Benedict
Zoey Matsekwa is part of the trio of article clerks at the firm. She is the brightest and most talented of them, and the one with the most potential. She is energetic and full of fun, but can also be quite volatile. She is a networker, outspoken and she enjoys challenging other people's beliefs and forces them to look at their ideas in a new way.

Billy (Belinda) Cooper
Article Clerk

Played By: Robyn Olivia
Belinda Cooper is the most ambitious of the trio. She knows how to use here sexuality to get her way, and she can be tomboyish and kittenish at the same time. She is the type of girl who never really dresses up but always looks sexy. What else can you expect from a girl who comes from a male dominated household, where she and her older brothers were ruled by their strict father?

Nadia Da Costa
Article Clerk

Played By: Christl Weinbeck
Nadia Da Costa is the youngest and the least experienced of the trio - therefore she probably works the hardest. She struggles to express herself, and when she is put on the spot she usually makes mistakes because she gets really nervous. To make things worse, the poor girl has a crush on a boy - and she doesn't really know what to do about it.

Emilio Castignani
Owner of the Bistro

Played By: Jason Kennett
Emilio Castignani is the street smart owner of the Bistro next to RPK. He is energetic by nature, proud and self-assertive. He is always on the look out for greater and better deals, which gets him involved with dodgy types. He is man of many contradictions. Emilio also has a very wandering eye, but this gets reciprocated - he is a real lady's man.

Ulrich Moolman
Student and Barman

Played By: Albert Pretorius
Ulrich Moolman is a law student who would desperately like to work for the firm, but in the mean time works as a barman at the bistro. He is a fun-loving guy who works hard for his money, and is not shy to get his hands dirty to get the job done. And when he starts helping the trio of article clerks, it won't be long before people ask: exactly who is playing who here?

Hott Links

The new hi-tech studios: on-set pics!

A gallery of the Binneland Sub Judice launch, featuring new and original cast:

(Click banner to visit)

Updated: a preview of the April action: Binneland Sub Judice Teasers

For more about the show, (including the series history) see: TVSA's Binneland Sub Judice Mini-Site.


01 Apr 2010 07:30

TJOOOOOOO...another show populated with whites

01 Apr 2010 12:44

where are the teasers for April 2010?

01 Apr 2010 12:47

Can somone please send  HARAMBE24 a brick to build a bridge to get over herself? Why do you not watch all the other soapies like Generations, Muvango, Rythem City if it bothers you so much dear?

01 Apr 2010 12:51

Can somone please send  HARAMBE24 a brick to build a bridge to get over herself?

lol, annamario

02 Apr 2010 17:25

SOMEONE : please bring NOMZAMO back , i just looooove Ayanda Ngubane she is soooo beautiful and talented kids love  to watch nomzamo : from Maboni Maka Thato 

thank you

22 Feb 2011 13:57

HARAMBE24 ..... As far as the whole South Africa knows, MNET and DSTV KYKNET is a all South Africa Channel and does not focus on racial base...if you want to complain about the channel switch over to SABC 1 that has been focused it self to black nation of South Africa for an hour.

If you don't like something shut the hell up and switch over to another channel for an hour..........

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