BBAfrica 3 Interview: Morris Mugisha

Written by TVSA Team from the blog BB Africa 3 Interviews on 05 Nov 2008
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On Sunday night 29-year Ugandan photographer and schmodel Morris Mugisha was the seventh housemate to have the BB doors close behind him.

Up against Thami and invisible Hazel, Thami's ridiculous laugh couldn't save him and he was evicted by 8 country's to Thami's 5. Here's what he had to say when I demanded our answers:

Tashi: Why do you think you were evicted?
Morris: I dunno, I think I saw it coming - first of all, I must tell you that I wasn't nominated for the last 10 weeks and I think that's amazing. Every other housemate's been nominated so everyone was waiting to nominate me so Africa could deal with me and indeed Africa dealt with me.

Tashi: You told KB you think Ricco's most deserving of the win - who do you think's the least deserving?
Morris: I would say maybe Tawana, yeah Tawana. According to me - the only thing that's keeping her there is being Head of House - I don't think people have kind words for her. Once Africa doesn't have you - who has you man?

She's trying so hard to play the game, I think she's sweating from every pore in her body and basically that's not natural. I believe that anyone who's authentic and original - that seems to be Ricco and Hazel - they'll take the big prize.

Tashi: What's up with wearing sunglasses at night?
Morris: At night? Me?
Tashi: Yes.
Morris: I don't remember.*laughs*
Tashi: During the eviction shows and on Sunday night when you left.
Morris: I didn't even realise it was dark 'cos the house is lit all the time so I thought it was maybe still day time basically.

Tashi: When Johan was visiting - why were you so inhospitable to him?
Morris: I don't remember being inhospitable. I was just being myself.

Tashi: You kept disappearing - like not having a meal with them and just disappearing.
Morris: I remember I cooked his breakfast two days in a row and we chatted - why didn't you see that?

Tashi: Were you jealous of Munya going to Finland?
Morris: No way I wasn't, trust me I wasn't.

Tashi: You obviously would have liked to go though?
Morris: Yeah I would have loved to.

Tashi: Was reading the bible day and night your strategy?
Morris: It wasn't my strategy, it's my thing - it keeps me going through the day, it does, one of those things.


Dressing up and applying make-up - was that your favourite aspect of BBA?
Morris: It wasn't really my favourite but it was one of those - I do like to look good you know.
Tashi: Yes we noticed how you sprang to life at the mere mention of such a task.
Morris: Yes.

Tashi: And the whole skirt wearing thing - do you like wearing skirts?
Morris: That was a wrap, Africans wear wraps - are you from Africa if I may ask?
Tashi: Yes I am.
Morris: In my culture we wear them - you know they're free, you breathe, every part of you breathes. While everyone else was colonially wearing pants and colonial regalia I decided to stick to my skirts.

Tashi: Now tell us more about your relationship with Uti - we strongly suspect that there was a lot more going on between you aka was your relationship platonic?
Morris: We were just friends, like honourable friends. He was a great guy I must admit. He was one of the best guys in the house, who confided in me - he was bright, intelligent, funny - he had all the qualities, it was one of the reasons I found him so easy to speak to, it's why people like you might think there was something more than friendship going on.

Tashi: Was it a man crush?
Morris: No it wasn't.

Tashi: Apart from Latoya making moves on you, you never made moves on any of the gals - why?
Morris: I just decided to be like that - I didn't see anyone to make a move on.

Tashi: Why did you enter the show?
Morris: You're asking me all these questions - if I hadn't entered you wouldn't be asking such questions.

Tashi: Exactly. What was the hardest part of it all?
Morris: The feelings of whether you're satisfying Africa or not.

Tashi: Why didn't you switch someone again the next time you were head of house? The switch you did between TK and Ricco was a highlight of the show. If you kept doing it I reckon you'd still be there.
Morris: *laughs* The next time I danced to the tune of my own mind and decided not to - I'm glad it was one of the highlights of the week.

Tashi: It was, especially when you suddenly changed your mind to do it - it would have been great if you'd kept doing it to mess with their minds.
Morris: I didn't think about it that way - if you were in my shoes you'd understand.

Tashi: When you went into the diary room and did it - had you considered it before?
Morris: It was an impromptu thing, like I told you I didn't have any plans, I didn't calculate any moves, I just went and danced to my tune, whatever came - it was determined how I felt in the moment and looked into my minds eye.

Tashi: Which task do you think showed your true talent?
Morris: The fitness task - that funny thing where we had to raise our hands and stand for an hour.


Tashi: What one word would you use to describe Munya?
Morris: He's a sly character. Sly.

Tashi: And Thami?
Morris: Witty.

Tashi: Tawana?
Morris: A fox.

Tashi: Hazel.
Morris: A mule - she's as obstinate as a mule.

Tashi: Ricco.
Morris: A savanna grassland - wherever the wind blows that's where he goes.

Tashi: What's the first thing you'll tell your daughter when you see her? What lessons did you learn in the house that you'll want to share with her?
Morris: She's still young I must tell you so there's almost nothing to tell her but I'll say that I've been away trying to find a life for us - me and you.

Tashi: And as she gets older?
Morris: There's so much with her, learning to have the gift of self control and being prayerful and standing up to your morals and having pride, principles, being a woman, fighting hard, striving, no matter what.

Tashi: Who will you stay in touch with after the show?
Morris: I'll stay in touch with Uti, Shiela and Munya because we're in a similar profession.

Tashi: Is there anyone who's left the house that you think should still be there?
Morris: I think Uti - the house would be a much better place.

Tashi: Who looks the best in the shower up close?
Morris: I don't know, I really can't tell you that - maybe me.

Tashi: Hehe - fair enough, fair enough (realised he could have a point.  If you're brave enough: click here to relive TK - bottom pic)

Tashi: Will you be watching the show?
Morris: Yes if I'm not busy I'll be watching.

Tashi: What are your plans for the future?
Morris: I don't know but whatever comes - if you have any jobs for me give me a buzz.

Tashi:  Are there any questions we haven't asked that you think we should?
Morris: Well you haven't asked me where my talents lie?

Tashi: I suppose in a way with the task that showed your strengths but if that didn't cover it - where do they lie?
Morris: I won't hestitate telling you that I'm a photographer, I shoot documentaries as well, I'm a model, a ramp model and do TV commercials - I also do social work.

Tashi: You'll be going back to Uganda now?
Morris: Yes, I will I will - unless there's a reason for me to hang around in Johannesburg.

Tashi: When you came to do Big Brother - did you consider moving to South Africa or is Uganda the place you want to be?
Morris: I'd like to traverse the whole of Africa. I don't mind moving, personally I like being a nomadic - if you can move around for new pastures - why not?



05 Nov 2008 08:32

Borrine......boring as usual. 

Tashi, for me the interview sounded like he was so defensive...........or is it just me?

VERY ACCURATE on his assessment on the remaining h/mates!!!

05 Nov 2008 08:44

Great interview Tashi..
Its true what he said about Tawana being kept in the game because she is HOH..
Well done Morris for staying that long in the house, you will be dearly missed

05 Nov 2008 09:25

I liked Morris but Tashi, this interview must have been crazy for you... he doesn't give a straight answer for anything. I think he annoyed KB a bit at the eviction as well!

Oh and I love how you asked him about his man-love with Uti... PRICELESS!

05 Nov 2008 08:32

Borrine......boring as usual. 

Tashi, for me the interview sounded like he was so defensive...........or is it just me?

VERY ACCURATE on his assessment on the remaining h/mates!!!

05 Nov 2008 08:32

Borrine......boring as usual. 

Tashi, for me the interview sounded like he was so defensive...........or is it just me?

VERY ACCURATE on his assessment on the remaining h/mates!!!

05 Nov 2008 09:35

Morrine and poetry! heeh! let me go read...

05 Nov 2008 09:43

Morrine, Morrine, Morrine! *sigh* *shaking head*

Tashi, what a waste of time and blog space... He didn't say Nada! 

Anyway, Good luck, Morrine... Come live in South Africa, we don't harm anyone for their choice of lifestyle... and you can break the Mr Muscle shiny clean glass abinet with no-one batting an eyelid...

05 Nov 2008 08:44

Great interview Tashi..
Its true what he said about Tawana being kept in the game because she is HOH..
Well done Morris for staying that long in the house, you will be dearly missed

05 Nov 2008 08:44

Great interview Tashi..
Its true what he said about Tawana being kept in the game because she is HOH..
Well done Morris for staying that long in the house, you will be dearly missed

05 Nov 2008 09:25

I liked Morris but Tashi, this interview must have been crazy for you... he doesn't give a straight answer for anything. I think he annoyed KB a bit at the eviction as well!

Oh and I love how you asked him about his man-love with Uti... PRICELESS!

05 Nov 2008 09:35

Morrine and poetry! heeh! let me go read...

05 Nov 2008 09:43

Morrine, Morrine, Morrine! *sigh* *shaking head*

Tashi, what a waste of time and blog space... He didn't say Nada! 

Anyway, Good luck, Morrine... Come live in South Africa, we don't harm anyone for their choice of lifestyle... and you can break the Mr Muscle shiny clean glass abinet with no-one batting an eyelid...

05 Nov 2008 09:25

I liked Morris but Tashi, this interview must have been crazy for you... he doesn't give a straight answer for anything. I think he annoyed KB a bit at the eviction as well!

Oh and I love how you asked him about his man-love with Uti... PRICELESS!

05 Nov 2008 09:35

Morrine and poetry! heeh! let me go read...

05 Nov 2008 09:43

Morrine, Morrine, Morrine! *sigh* *shaking head*

Tashi, what a waste of time and blog space... He didn't say Nada! 

Anyway, Good luck, Morrine... Come live in South Africa, we don't harm anyone for their choice of lifestyle... and you can break the Mr Muscle shiny clean glass abinet with no-one batting an eyelid...

Fluffy Head
05 Nov 2008 11:47

Morrine - mnxim,.....argh he can't dissapoint all these big words. He reminds me of this other guy from varsity he was into politics and used a lot of these dictionary commanding words. Eish Borrisa!!! 
This guy is something else - he's not even slightly angry that Tashi might be implying that he quirre - he just answers the question like he's a girl - no we are just friends, nothing more nothing less....eeee Move to SA and break free from the glass closet man

05 Nov 2008 13:35

I should think he's the one who's SLY as he runs away from answering the questions....Something just doesn't add up to it...He's the guy whom never showered like any other guys "what was he hiding"

Fluffy Head
05 Nov 2008 11:47

Morrine - mnxim,.....argh he can't dissapoint all these big words. He reminds me of this other guy from varsity he was into politics and used a lot of these dictionary commanding words. Eish Borrisa!!! 
This guy is something else - he's not even slightly angry that Tashi might be implying that he quirre - he just answers the question like he's a girl - no we are just friends, nothing more nothing less....eeee Move to SA and break free from the glass closet man

05 Nov 2008 15:07

@ SEGO - why are we not having the BBA live blog today?

Sorry Tashi for being "off-topic"

sweetie my baby
05 Nov 2008 15:17

my best part of this interview...

Tashi: Why did you enter the show?
Morris: You're asking me all these questions - if I hadn't entered you wouldn't be asking such questions.

Tashi: Exactly. What was the hardest part of it all?

it's an INTERVIEW, fool!!! the journo asks questions, the celeb-wannabe answers!!!

i mean, REALLY!!!

well handled, Tash... put him RIGHT in his place!

05 Nov 2008 13:35

I should think he's the one who's SLY as he runs away from answering the questions....Something just doesn't add up to it...He's the guy whom never showered like any other guys "what was he hiding"

05 Nov 2008 15:07

@ SEGO - why are we not having the BBA live blog today?

Sorry Tashi for being "off-topic"

sweetie my baby
05 Nov 2008 15:17

my best part of this interview...

Tashi: Why did you enter the show?
Morris: You're asking me all these questions - if I hadn't entered you wouldn't be asking such questions.

Tashi: Exactly. What was the hardest part of it all?

it's an INTERVIEW, fool!!! the journo asks questions, the celeb-wannabe answers!!!

i mean, REALLY!!!

well handled, Tash... put him RIGHT in his place!

Brown Shuga
05 Nov 2008 22:56

<<<<Tashi: And the whole skirt wearing thing - do you like wearing skirts?
Morris: That was a wrap, Africans wear wraps - are you from Africa if I may ask?
Tashi: Yes I am.>>>>

Kwa kwa kwa kwa Morris....

<<<Tashi: What are your plans for the future?
Morris: I don't know but whatever comes - if you have any jobs for me give me a buzz.>>>

Big up for being a super hustler Mo!!!!

<<<Tashi: Are there any questions we haven't asked that you think we should?
Morris: Well you haven't asked me where my talents lie? >>>

Big up once more! LOL 

<<<<Tashi: I suppose in a way with the task that showed your strengths but if that didn't cover it - where do they lie?
Morris: I won't hestitate telling you that I'm a photographer, I shoot documentaries as well, I'm a model, a ramp model and do TV commercials - I also do social work. >>>>
I don't thikn Morris is 100% okay...iets is nie reg about selling yourself...heheheh

<<<Tashi: You'll be going back to Uganda now?
Morris: Yes, I will I will - unless there's a reason for me to hang around in Johannesburg.>>>

Nee maan, someone give Morris something to do in Jozi!!!!!!!!!

Brown Shuga
05 Nov 2008 23:00

I really hope that he will be succesful in his attempts man coz he really sounds keen and passionate about making it. So much hunger should not go to waste. All the best Morris. Keep dancing!!

06 Nov 2008 10:36

Tashi: And the whole skirt wearing thing - do you like wearing skirts?
Morris: That was a wrap, Africans wear wraps - are you from Africa if I may ask?

LOL..hahahhahaa...hey uya phapha lomfana

Tashi: Why did you enter the show?
Morris: You're asking me all these questions - if I hadn't entered you wouldn't be asking such questions.
haibo haibo haibo

Tashi: What are your plans for the future?
Morris: I don't know but whatever comes - if you have any jobs for me give me a buzz.

i enjoyed reading his answers...he's got some serious come backs....

06 Nov 2008 10:36

Tashi: And the whole skirt wearing thing - do you like wearing skirts?
Morris: That was a wrap, Africans wear wraps - are you from Africa if I may ask?

LOL..hahahhahaa...hey uya phapha lomfana

Tashi: Why did you enter the show?
Morris: You're asking me all these questions - if I hadn't entered you wouldn't be asking such questions.
haibo haibo haibo

Tashi: What are your plans for the future?
Morris: I don't know but whatever comes - if you have any jobs for me give me a buzz.

i enjoyed reading his answers...he's got some serious come backs....

07 Nov 2008 10:00

Great interview Tashi. 

I don't know how you arrived at the conclusion that Morris and Uti had something for each other. The fact that Uti did not have a relationship with a lady in the house does not mean he is "odd"   His  interest is in Nigeria and you can't expect him  to jeopadize that for $100, 000 he probably knows he might not win. 

Morris himself says he was not interested in any lady in the  house. Period!!!!

07 Nov 2008 11:13

Big ups to Morrise, a true DIFFERENT GUY altogether....he surely lives in his own planet where everything he does or says makes sense to him and him alone.

But I still like the dude shame......and yeah good luck to you Morris and i have to agree with BS....that much passion for success should really not  go into waste.

08 Nov 2008 14:26

Yoh borissa!enigma @ da wrap's fresh air.

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