SCD 5: The Girls Take To The Floor

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Strictly Come Dancing 5 on 10 Oct 2008
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The 2nd non-elimination episode of Strictly Come Dancing 5 aired last night and it was the turn of the five female celebs to strut their stuff on the dancefloor.

The girls were focussed, dressed to kill and delivered renditions of the Cha Cha Cha with varying degrees of success.

This non-elimination episode follows last week’s first episode of the fifth season, which saw the male celeb couples performing solo waltzes (for judges’ scoring) and the ladies a group Salsa.

Last night the ladies were out to impress with the cheeky, fun style of the Cha Cha Cha, characterised by plenty of slinky hip and leg action.

Voting lines for viewers opened as the show concluded. The first elimination, however, will only happen next week – based on judges’ scores and public voting since the series started.

The couple with “a combined waistline measuring 13cm”, according to host Ian von Memerty, Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou, got the party started with an impressive routine choreographed to Jennifer Lopez’s “Let’s Get Loud”.

Judges agreed that she would benefit from paying special attention to her legs and feet in rehearsals. Dave Campbell thought it was “awesome”, but missed the finer details experienced dancers would have included.

Tessa van Duuren was up next and delivered the evening’s star performance, scoring the high 30 out of a possible 40. The leggy brunette was dressed in a spangled red number.

Lillian Phororo commended her wonderful posture. Salome Sechele thought she made this dance look easy and Tyrone Watkins went as far as saying that this is the couple to beat in the competition.

Tessa likened the dance discipline to her showjumping training, where posture and timing form the basis of the sport.

Seasoned performer and internationally acclaimed vocalist, Judith Sephuma, got the night’s lowest score, based on her lack of attention to technical detail.

Lilian noted that “her weight is almost always too far back” and suggested serious work on the feet. A redeeming factor was Sephuma’s star quality that, according to Campbell, “lights up the dance floor”.

Radio jock Anele Mdoda didn’t disappoint with a well-rehearsed, often humorous number, which left the audience begging for more.

Anele jokingly described herself as a “goldfish” when it comes to the sequences - she forgets them as soon as she’s done them.

When the applause had died down and the judges finally got the chance to have their say, it was a choir of “Hot! Hot! Hot!”, “Well done” and “Great look!”

Anele’s focus for the week to come should be on her feet, according to Dave "The Human Skeleton" Watkins.

Schmodel Cindy Nell entered the dancefloor on a mission to “shatter the myth that beauty queens can’t dance” in a feathery black and gold get-up.

Dave thought that she was good but should stop acting like a dancer and start performing like one. Lilian thought her performance was technically poor, and her bad timing (and not following the music) is ominous for episodes to come.

All agreed that she does indeed have potential and Tyrone Watkins commented on her “awesome feet” which were “spot on”.

The judges’ scores for the female celebrity couples were as follows:

Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen: 30
Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche: 26
Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou: 23
Cindy Nell and Jonathan Broadway: 21
Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut: 20

After the break it was time for the male celebs in a group Mambo – a routine that saw (a much improved) Shugasmakx dancing himself out from right under his glasses.

The adjudicators agreed that Rob van Vuuren was the most promising dancer, and Adil More unfortunately still the one that is not in the competition with his heart and soul.

A special guest appearance was made by the winner of season four of Strictly Come Dancing, Emmanuel Castis, performing the first single from his soon-to-be-released solo album, “South of Nowhere”.

By the sounds of things, he should have stuck to his day job.

Next week, in the first episode with a couple elimination, couples will be performing either a Rumba or a Quickstep - or possibly even a "Very Quick Step", according to Anele.

If you haven't yet, check out what the celebs had to say after the first episode in their TVSA blogs (or use the banner at the top of the page to access all the celeb blogs at once):


Other SCD 5 links:

Strictly Come Dancing 5 Mini-Site
inTOXICated (a blog by TVSA blogger Toxic, featuring SCD articles)
Late SCD Live Blog (a live blog of Episode 2, by Brown Shuga)
Official Site


Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou

Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou

Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen

Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen

Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut

Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut

Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche

Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche

Cindy Nell and Jonathan Broadway

Cindy Nell and Jonathan Broadway


10 Oct 2008 01:37

Emmanuel Castis, performing the first single from his soon-to-be-released solo album, “South of Nowhere”.  - It should be "Going Nowhere" because he ain't going nowhere with that horrible voice.

By the sounds of things, he should have stuck to his day job. 

People like taking chances yazi,

10 Oct 2008 01:51

LOL @ Sobza..
I dont understand the whats the Hype about Anele, the crowd goes wild when she is on stage & i dont understand why..

10 Oct 2008 01:51

By the sounds of things, he should have stuck to his day job

Lol, I was embarrassed listening to him! He really is not a singer. 

Loved the show since I missed it last week. The judges all said Mary and Tokkie were the best, but in a group dance like that, I really can't tell who's being good. 

I love Anele, especially her quickstep comment. And those dresses really make her look big, she doesn't look half as big in rehearsals

10 Oct 2008 01:52

I hope the bloggers are happy Sandy mentioned TVSA yesterday, we should be in our best behaviour from now on..
No dissing, No nasty comments..LOL

10 Oct 2008 01:57

@Cande:I'm not sold on her dancing really, but I love her personality. Oh, and apparently she has rythm, i've never understood what that means.

10 Oct 2008 02:07

Tessa is my fave...Anele has got my vote for spunk and attitude... Adil bought Judith another week on SCD, he can seriously get off my screen because he doesn't seem to be taking this serious enuff... shame! hopefully dj fresh will be on next season and show him how to take this serious

10 Oct 2008 02:10

TVSA was mentioned too late in the show... it should be mentioned in the first hour. most ppl don't stay up that late... as soon as the dances are done, they don't really care much who leaves therefore don't watch the second show.

10 Oct 2008 02:13

Ka nnete Segololo, Adil doesnt look committed enough..

10 Oct 2008 02:15

I dont understand the whats the Hype about Anele, the crowd goes wild when she is on stage & i dont understand why.
I also don't get the whole Anele hype, to me she has a great personality, but on the dance floor something is missing. 

My winner is Tessa, she can dance and she has already learnt so much, I wishe her luck.

I hope the bloggers are happy Sandy mentioned TVSA yesterday, we should be in our best behaviour from now on..
Cande, u know bloggers like to whine and complain, I won't be suprised if one says: "Tashi, why did Sandy menmion TVSA while she was dancing and swaying her hips, coz it seemed like she wasn't serious".........LOL

10 Oct 2008 02:17

Emmanuel bathong? why? LOL!

10 Oct 2008 02:19

Emmanuel was pathetic, I was embarrassed on his behalf. Why can't shim just go back to doing his day job ngempela????

10 Oct 2008 02:20

my money is also on Tessa, Cindy Nell was such a dissapointment yesterday..

10 Oct 2008 02:25

my money is on Gugs bantwana!

10 Oct 2008 02:25

Nonny, i already complained, doll! lol

10 Oct 2008 02:26

Shame bandla this is such a challenge for Mme Judith. She was really struggling izolo.

10 Oct 2008 02:28


Cma, what were you looking at?

10 Oct 2008 02:29

I'll give Hlubi two more chances  .... she disappointed me yesterday. That Tessa girl is a fast learner, she rocks.

10 Oct 2008 02:29

Cant believe I forgot to watch this show last night mxnm.

10 Oct 2008 02:30

Nonny, i already complained, doll! lol
Sego, I LMAO when I saw ur complain after I posted my comment, coz angithi last week there was no mention and bloggers complained, now yesterday there was a mention at the end of the second part of the show, and to me that is an umprovement. So let us be patient guys, in due time TVSA will get the exposure it deserves!!

10 Oct 2008 02:30

I keep missing this show, i would love to see Hlubi on the floor with that compact body......

10 Oct 2008 02:31

ja you know us too well Nonny!!!

Shuga babe
10 Oct 2008 02:32

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad I missed it  Izolo!!!.

10 Oct 2008 02:35


The word is " Improvement"  you can improve or someone improved.

Assistant Resident Spell checker.

10 Oct 2008 02:36

Hayi cha, Judith I am not feeling you on the dance floor. When she was swinging her hips I thought Carino must be ROFLHAO by now.

My exit list:

Adil voted off next week
Shuggasmacks the following week, his attitude and motto mouth bothers me
Judith the following week, should the above two suck but I still think she will go first.

My winner- Rob “Twaakie”. Mary deserves to win after she had to put up with Baby Jake and Mark Williams. She must have thought umama wase next door hated her.

10 Oct 2008 02:39

Dear TVSA Staff

Kindly put up a live blog for each thursday, it improves the viewing pleasure of the  show if bloggers are online too and comment immediately to something happening.. 

please consider my request.

your beloved addict blogger

10 Oct 2008 02:43

sego thanks we keep messing the BBA blog in the evening.

10 Oct 2008 02:49

shame bantu u mama u Judith sisono yazi Hlubi im still your biggest fan 
ntombazana as fo u Emmanuel hayi brither stick to your  acting coz le yokucula 

10 Oct 2008 02:55

My winner- Rob “Twaakie”. Mary deserves to win after she had to put up with Baby Jake and Mark Williams. She must have thought umama wase next door hated her.
Yeah man, Mary is a real hard worker and I would be delighted if she made it to the finals.

10 Oct 2008 02:55

Yhooo hai eh eh. i am pissed at myself for missing most of the 1st part (thanks to Scandal & Gen). The only thing jaw-dropping was EMMANUEL's horrible TALKING. Gosh, even the band couldn't save him! Poor Nonhlanhla tried to give the song some ooomph but that guy's voice just refused to sound like he was singing. can u imagine him at a live gig??? Yho!

Judith looked TERRIBLE in whatever it is she was wearing. Loved Anele!!

10 Oct 2008 02:56

I'll try 2 behave 2day as long i don't c the name Adil.

10 Oct 2008 02:57

Judith looked TERRIBLE in whatever it is she was wearing. Loved Anele!!
ahahahah Tox, did u have to use the word terrible.......hehehe eish

10 Oct 2008 02:58

Did Sis Sandy have to mention that Sis Judy has 5 kids bathong? what 4? suka maan! She could have just said you have kids to care of

10 Oct 2008 03:00

Is Sandy pregnant???

10 Oct 2008 03:01

Nonny, go thru the pics up there and tell me if the dress she wore wasn't SUB-STANDARD.

10 Oct 2008 03:03

I think she's fat

10 Oct 2008 03:04

No Toxy she aint preggaz and what's wrong with her voice? twanging? hong-hong! heh!

10 Oct 2008 03:05

Damn, I missd it coz of Heroes, i'll try 2 catch it next week.. TVSA was mentioned last nyt?, yiipeeee, the spot lyt is shining on us, lol..

10 Oct 2008 03:10

Is Sandy pregnant???
@ Tox - No she is isn't, it's just that unonile. The irony is that she advertised "SureSlim" and how wonderful it works blah blah blah how much weight she was lost and now just looks ate her?????

No Toxy she aint preggaz and what's wrong with her voice? twanging? hong-hong! heh!
I think she swolled helium gas just like uElle........LOL

10 Oct 2008 03:10

Awe, Heroes was over 2 minutes into the second slot of SCD. I also watched it.

10 Oct 2008 03:13

Nonza, uthini na?

much weight she was lost and now just looks ate her????? 

that last part inyangiconfuser......

10 Oct 2008 03:13

I thought Emmanuel was singing Karaoke. I wonder if his album will beat Speedy's sales record of 400!

Tessa is in her element, Big Ups to her & Anele!

10 Oct 2008 03:15

damn Anele's gap was so out there last nite!

10 Oct 2008 03:19

much weight she was lost and now just looks ate her????? 
Tox, eish mngani, uMandoza unami shaqa this morning, I can't belive uGeorge ungiphika kanje. Neway I meant: "........and now just look at her?????

10 Oct 2008 03:25

Eish, i ddnt catch the TVSA mention, simply becoz i switched off after the final dance and i thought the show was over, they need to mention it on the first half, y roomate was bragging ngaleya 3 second advert yeVirgin Active (he works for VA) i kept on saying nathi (tvsa) we are partners but i had nothing to show for it.

Emmanuel, i wanted that SCD floor to open and swallow him.

also don't get the whole Anele hype, to me she has a great personality, but on the dance floor something is missing. > I echo your sentiments Nonny. at some stage she made a move which i've seen before eclub, some kwaito move, and i thought they were doing chacha,hayikhona. Most of the dancers lacked energy, Hlubi, hayi i dont know. Mme Sephuma, tje kannete, Modimo needs to intervene.

Tessa: You rocked the floor my gal!!!!!

10 Oct 2008 03:27

Oh, and i really think that I hour break is ridiculous!!!!! But between Heroes and dozing off i managed to catch it, hayi maan!!!

10 Oct 2008 03:30

damn Anele's gap was was so out there last nite!
@ Cngle - I know what u mean gal, eish it kinda made me understand why ekugcineni Ringo decided to fill his gap.

10 Oct 2008 03:35

Eish, i ddnt catch the TVSA mention, simply becoz i switched off after the final dance and i thought the show was over, they need to mention it on the first half
hehehehe Belz, there was a mention gal, maybe u missed it coz u know Sandy can really talk like ugwinye izambane elishisayo at times.

10 Oct 2008 03:43

@Cngle&Nonny, what are u 2 tryin 2 say about ppl with gaps, hey, um offended. Y shud MADONNA & I , oh and Anele have ours filled, i dont get it, it makes us unique, so please leave us (Madonna & I and anele) and our gaps alone, please....we aint gonna have them filled, so used to it,,,

Sandy can really talk like ugwinye izambane elishisayo at times.>>LOL

10 Oct 2008 03:45

Anele roced that floor, she killed it. The way she was moving hhayi guys you must give it to her. I don't understand what Tess did that was so special.

10 Oct 2008 03:46

<<The irony is that she advertised "SureSlim" >> I think it was MyWeigh not SureSlim... but yah! very ironic.

<<I thought Emmanuel was singing Karaoke. I wonder if his album will beat Speedy's sales record of 400! >> lmfbbbao!! die ou tannies gaan dorp too!! 

<<Eish, i ddnt catch the TVSA mention, simply becoz i switched off after the final dance and i thought the show was over, they need to mention it on the first half, y roomate was bragging ngaleya 3 second advert yeVirgin Active (he works for VA) i kept on saying nathi (tvsa) we are partners but i had nothing to show for it.>> I completely agree!! you see what I meant when I said the second show is optional!!

<<Most of the dancers lacked energy, Hlubi, hayi i dont know. Mme Sephuma, tje kannete, Modimo needs to intervene. Tessa: You rocked the floor my gal!!!!!>> you and I were watching the same show... the anele kwaito move was intended. the dances have been "improvised" to get a touch of the celeb in, they are not pure classic dances

10 Oct 2008 03:47

tl tl tl

10 Oct 2008 03:49

<<@Cngle&Nonny, what are u 2 tryin 2 say about ppl with gaps, hey, um offended. Y shud MADONNA & I , oh and Anele have ours filled, i dont get it, it makes us unique, so please leave us (Madonna & I and anele) and our gaps alone, please....we aint gonna have them filled, so used to it,,, >> add me to that list of gapped peeps, Nons... lol! but I agree, Anele needs to do something...

10 Oct 2008 03:49

@Cngle&Nonny, what are u 2 tryin 2 say about ppl with gaps, hey, um offended. Y shud MADONNA & I , oh and Anele have ours filled, i dont get it, it makes us unique, so please leave us (Madonna & I and anele) and our gaps alone, please....we aint gonna have them filled, so used to it,,,
Awelani my friend, we've had this gap talk b4 and we are not going to go down that road again, I mean bengidlala mfethu, I was just joking, but ke relax, I promise never to comment aout ama "gaps" enu, so come here and take a cyber hug *sondela sthandwa sondela* my best Ringo voice, no pun intended...........LOL.

10 Oct 2008 03:52

I think it was MyWeigh not SureSlim... but yah! very ironic.
Thank u Sego.

10 Oct 2008 03:54

Reply from: Nonny 10/10/2008 9:30:38 AM
damn Anele's gap was was so out there last nite!
@ Cngle - I know what u mean gal, eish it kinda made me understand why ekugcineni Ringo decided to fill his gap.


10 Oct 2008 03:56

Auuw, awesto, i love you wena my gapped friend and you dont have to fill it in evha?

10 Oct 2008 03:59

i'm looking for a place to off topic. Did any of you watch 3TALK yesterday??????????

10 Oct 2008 04:05

Auuw, awesto, i love you wena my gapped friend and you dont have to fill it in evha?
hahahahahha Belz, I'm sure Awe is gald to have a friend like u.

Did any of you watch 3TALK yesterday??????????
Bezikhiphani Tox????

10 Oct 2008 04:06

Reply from: Sobza 10/10/2008 7:37:21 AM
Emmanuel Castis, performing the first single from his soon-to-be-released solo album, “South of Nowhere”. - It should be "Going Nowhere" because he ain't going nowhere with that horrible voice.
By the sounds of things, he should have stuck to his day job.
People like taking chances yazi,

I was emabarrased on Emmanuel's behalf... 

And when he said the whole CD is coming out, I was like... Laaawd have mercy!!!

10 Oct 2008 04:12

Nonny: A book called FOR WHITES ONLY was under discussion. Covered aspects like BEE/WEE/APARTHEID/MISCONCEPTIONS/STEREOTYPES....eish for once in a long time i enjoyed Noeleen. U had to have seen it to understand.

10 Oct 2008 04:22

Interesting Tox, just a quote from the back cover text:

"back into the country’s history, you’ll see that it always was that way. Ours is a country defined by race, but there is one race that had the choice to make it that way. Heading for fifteen years into democracy, South Africa seems to be even more about race than ever. The rainbow nation sometimes seems more like a technicolour dreamcoat - after Joseph’s brothers dipped it in blood."

I find it sometimes sad that our country is defined by race. AA  & BEE seemed like a good concept, but the way it's being abused now is sad. I have a white friend and she is struggling to the job she wants coz everywhere she applies she does not fit in2 the AA/BEE criteria of employment.

10 Oct 2008 04:24

LOL @ u guys..

Nonny: Ngi zo sondela sthandwa sam, i do need a hug...
Belzito: Thanx 4 luvin me unconditionaly..
Sego: Nyc 2 know dat um not alone..

10 Oct 2008 04:31

Was extremely disappointed at Hlubi  last nyt, thot she'll rock the dance floor but she was a bit stiff for cha cha moves last nyt.  BTW, what's up with her opening her mouth lyk that? I know you can't dance with ur mouth shut but that's too extreme man, Haikhona!

The move that  Anele gooi everytime she goes on stage is just so BC. I mean even pre-scholars are no longer doing that. 

Hate Adil's attitude, don't know if it's ignorance or plain arrogance.

Cindy looked tired on the dance floor, there was no energy whatsoever. Cindy darling, drink Red Bull before the show it will give you wings. 

Lurved Tessa...

10 Oct 2008 04:37

Cindy looked tired on the dance floor, there was no energy whatsoever. Cindy darling, drink Red Bull before the show it will give you wings. 

10 Oct 2008 04:39

Cindy darling, drink Red Bull before the show it will give you wings. 

If anyone needs wings, its Mam'Judy

10 Oct 2008 04:40

Sorry ntombi zegap! awesto didnt mean to offend you dear sorry if you took offence on that.

10 Oct 2008 04:41

Cindy darling, drink Red Bull before the show it will give you wings.

If anyone needs wings, its Mam'Judy. So she can fly off-stage....

10 Oct 2008 04:42

I watched the first two dances and changed the channel.
The standard of SCD has just gone down.

10 Oct 2008 04:47

Sorry ntombi zegap! awesto didnt mean to offend you dear sorry if you took offence on that.
Cngle - Haiybo, ungaze uxxolise ka 100, Awelani is my friend beyond TVSA and she is cool abt i*** zakhe *phela I promised not to memtion it and I plan to stick to my promise*

BTW, Awelani pls log in on the other quicker world, coz u know ama PM's ase TVSA athathela kude mngani.

10 Oct 2008 04:49

I meant - i*** yakhe, not zakhe *I don't want to imply there is more that one*

10 Oct 2008 04:57

LOL @ Nonny, cnglema, um just kidding mommy, um cool about my gap and my man lurves it, coz he gets 2 play on/in it with his tongue, LOL..

If anyone needs wings, its Mam'Judy. So she can fly off-stage....LMAO

10 Oct 2008 05:02

nc nc nc i just feel sorry for Eksteen, will he be able to lift Mam Judy? I wonder? And the poor guy is his 1st time on SCD.

I hate it when the judges compares Brandon's partners to Tamara. Yes, Tamara what shaking her booty but do they have to bring it up everytime? Oho...

10 Oct 2008 05:10

LOL @ Nonny, cnglema, um just kidding mommy, um cool about my gap and my man lurves it, coz he gets 2 play on/in it with his tongue, LOL..
LOL @ Awelani, mngani u are so cool yazi.

10 Oct 2008 06:14

I say Tessa & Grant all the way...((whoop whoop))!!!!!!

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